
5 POWERFUL Facts About Solomon's Temple That Many People Don't Know 

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@anthonydsouza9219 2 года назад
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
@IsaiahEli 2 года назад
Jesus is coming, the season is now!! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
Amen is from Jupiter Amen the ram headed god and Aries.
@t.g.9782 2 года назад
not until the evil 1 comes in that age wen he is known only then JESUS will come
@tyreakseymour1725 2 года назад
Truly believe He is coming
@cpcolgate6903 2 года назад
@sammygomes7381 2 года назад
For those that turn away He is also a God of wrath.
@kevinclint7588 2 года назад
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
He's not lord of anything. He's a fairytale. Crazy people have been chanting that bronze age crap for 2,000 years.
@octonionsoul3235 2 года назад
The Door of the Prince, 2029
@ECLECTRIC_EDITS 8 месяцев назад
​@@bartbannister394Sin is Literally impossible to get rid of without the help of Jesus.
@hrider56 2 года назад
Thank You Lord for Your Mercy and Grace. In Jesus Name Amen.
@christinathomas6283 Год назад
I absolutely loved this thank you ❤
@christina1826 2 года назад
JESUS SAVES!! He saved me from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. I almost died in 2012 and in 2019 until I finally called on Him to save me and HE DID! Not only did He save me, but He healed me, too. Go to him and ask for forgiveness. Ask Him to be in your heart and He will come to you. Ask Him to pour His Holy Spirit onto you and guide you through this life and walk with Him. Jesus Christ died on cross just so that our sins can be forgiven. No sin is too great. Just believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for us and resurrected from the dead. Confess with your mouth JESUS IS LORD. Call upon Him. The great I AM is coming soon! The creator of all things is soon to come! Time is running out! With love, I ask you to have faith. We all, believers and nonbelievers, will have to face His judgment someday. HE IS REAL AND HE IS COMING SOON! God bless you! 🥰
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
Good Luck! Sounds like you'll need it.
@DoyuLoveMe Год назад
@@bartbannister394 "Luck" is for Leprechans & pagans with rabbit's feet. Blessings are of the living eternal Creator Who is calling you to be free in Him. He designed you & is testing & growing your faith. But you choose where you put your faith. Every day is a test. Your test. God allows the struggles so you may learn to trust Him & then to help uplift another to get through the challenges in this sin-filled world. We are being shown the way Satan rules vs the character of God & how to overcome Satan the destroyer. Only God creates life & provides us the tools -- read His personal love letter to you & try again to see & understand. I choose the kingdom of God which is not of this world nor will it be as Christ will return but not walk this earth nor be foud in a temple/building. He is found between the temples of your brain & in your heart when you are willing to receive Him. God is love, the way, the Truth, the life. Satan will counterfeit Jesus and appear as Him walking on this earth working supposed miracles as he puts sickness upon people then removes his evil so as to make it appear he has healed= the false miracle healings. God gave us the Holy Bible that we may apply His principles of healing & know Him. Choose life eternal. Get to know your Maker. Be blessed, not lucky =)
@nedumofor9723 Год назад
It just simply Awesome.🙏
@tamayaciccone 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing this video ❤️
@eddcrouch7921 2 года назад
@strongbelieveroftheholybible 2 года назад
Revelation 21:22 But I saw no temple in it, for the LORD GOD almighty and the Lamb are its temple.🙏🏼❤️🕊 Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
The House of God, is your body.
@Markus_Abrach 2 года назад
I am not born again just begotten
@DoyuLoveMe Год назад
@@Markus_Abrach To be born again means to die to sinful, self-focused, prideful, lust-filled desires of your own heart acted upon rather than God's desires for you to learn & to be transformed into the lovely image of Jesus the Christ through His Holy Spirit gift for gaining discernment. Jesus says "if you've seen Me, you've seen the Father." Also He said, "I am the way, the truth, the life.." The Father in heaven loves you, but sin is in the way of our seeing. Choose not to be naked, blind & poor. Prayers for heaven sent wisdom in your & each man's (human) personal body temple -- all that you think & all that you do - as we pray study more reading His Holy Word. Get wisdom & get ready to meet our Maker face to face. Image of God desired or image of an animal/ beast? Back to Cain & Abel for that & onward through Revelation of Jesus Christ. Keep studying ..
@homerdadon6363 2 года назад
that building is beautiful even by today's standards
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
The Temple of God is the human body. Construction of the "temple" begins in the fourth year/month of Solomon's reign and that is April in the sign of Taurus (Cherubim). Aquarius = January, Pisces = February, Aries = March, and Taurus = April, Gemini = May, Cancer = June, Leo = July, Virgo = August, and Libra = September. No iron tools were used in construction = the writer is saying the temple is built during the summer season. The temple is "destroyed" in it's last month of construction and this is nothing more than the end of summer and beginning of winter. This is an annual event and is not and never was a "historical" event.
@marionyarem1302 2 года назад
@cassandraralph5906 2 года назад
Very interesting and educational video! I learned a lot today about Solomon's temple! I was very surprised by how many people were involved in building this particular place, and also how many it cost obtain the materials required, and to construct. Thank you 😊
@lastprophecynews 2 года назад
PLEASE READ I prayed to God one night and asked Him to show me things in the very simplest terms. Afterwards I had this dream.. Dreamt I was in a basement with my Grandfather who had passed. He appeared and pointed to a pile of wooden boxes. He said to me, "It's yours.." Right after that the dream changed. Next, I saw Princess Diana waiting on a street curve waiting anxiously for somebody. A man stepped up, and he was revealed to be Michael Jackson. They kissed and he took her into a car and drove away, but Diana who portrayed a bride proceeded to behave with promiscuity. The dream changed again, I was now standing inside a soccer field. There were children playing around without a care in the world. The entrances or gates behind me were guarded by Protesters handing out their false doctrine. I saw that I held a blue bottle in my hand which read carpenter on it. Inside I could hear Billy Graham's voice, he was preaching a sermon with a fiery zeal. More people walked past me across the soccer field. I tried to talk to one of the children. However, they were too busy playing to care. After that a woman protester passed me, she ignored me as well. Then out of nowhere appeared many people dressed in white gowns. The sky dimmed. One of them waved an arm toward a hill above and declared, "Behold, the Third Temple." I looked and saw the Dome of the Rock behind me. It was polluted by a green poisonous cloud, then the dome collapsed, many large insects came out of it, almost overflowing. Then I heard a shout. "These are the Ishmaelites!" And soon, the dream ended. REVELATION 19:7 "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." JOHN 21:17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.” JOHN 4:13-14 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” JOHN 7:37 "Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink." REVELATION 22:17 "And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely." I also have a video on this dream and more prophetic dreams and testimonies on my channel. Thank You for your time.
@alancompton1958 2 года назад
God is good😊
@kermitforseth7711 8 месяцев назад
Very impressive, but I have to be a little negative here on several things. 1) 1 Chronicles completes the description of Solomon's Temple given in 1 Kings. In 1 Chronicles, we see the porch section of the temple was 120 cubits high or about 180 feet, which is three times the height of the Temple House itself. It was quite possible the tallest structure in the world at that time. Herod the Great understood this, and made his temple porch 120 cubits high and 100 cubits wide, which was twice the height of the Temple House he built behind it. This also was probably the highest building in the world at that time. What made both temple's extra impressive was the surrounding courts and the platform which supported the courts. Solomon made the platform 600 cubits long and 400 cubits wide with the East side wall going down 600 cubits to the base of the Kidron valley. 1000 years later, Josephus, who was an eye witness and who wrote for the Emperor of Rome who was also an eye witness, said that 450 cubits of the wall was showing above the valley with 150 cubits buried beneath the valley floor which had risen 150 feet due to debris since the time of David. The Temple and Temple mount was still super impressive and had its courts expanded to a square of 600 cubits by 600 cubits by King Herod. The two destructions, 70 AD and 132 AD resulted in every stone being removed to their bedrock foundations. The modern Western wall is 300 feet further to the West than the actual Western wall of the Temple mount. The modern Western wall was part of the lower plaza on the West side Temple Mount. This is why the Modern Western wall covers a mikveh. The actual Western wall would never have covered a mikveh. Plus, in order for the Eastern wall to reach all the way down to the base of the Kidron, valley with a 600 by 600 cubit plaza, the actual Western wall had to be 300 feet more to the East from todays Western wall. 2) The style of the decor followed God's revelation of what it was to look like. Therefore, it would not have been in the style of the Egyptians. Seraphim were angels, not beasts. The seraphim would have looked human. 3) The ark is not that big of a box and the two angels spreading their wings over it would have done so from a space on either side of the ark, from its base all the way up and over so that if a man were sitting on the ark, the wings would go over the man's head with some room to spare. The seraphim angels would not have been situated on top of the lid at all. In addition to this, Solomon had two huge seraphim which had wings which were 5 cubits in length each, covering 20 cubits all together. This measurement shows us that the Temple measurements size, were inside measurements, not counting the walls etc. 4) We do not know if the Temple house roof covered the roof of the Holy of Holies. However, it does not make sense for the Holy of Holies to have its floor raised higher than the Temple house floor for three reasons. a) We are not told this. Plus there is no mention of steps before the Holy of Holies, while the other steps in from of the porch are mentioned. b) The priests could accidentally view the Holy of Holies from gaps at the bottom of the curtain, and c) There would not be sufficient space for the steps to led up to the Holy of Holies. 5) The Holy of Holies probably lines up with the Tomb of Zecharia's which is probably not a tomb but a marker for this purpose. The Dome of the Rock is a mistake for the location of the Temple. Remember, not a single stone was left upon the other and this includes the entire Temple Mount which is also called the Tempe for short. Jesus was not a recognized official priest, so never stepped inside the actual Temple House or the Holy of Holies. He taught from places within the courts and other temple buildings. The Romans remodeled the Temple mount for their own purposes while hiding the original location of the Temple House and the Temple mount. Suliman the Great killed all his wall builders, probably because while the were rebuilding from the "ground" up, they came across the actual foundations of the Temple Mount. He had them killed to keep them from revealing this information. This is why they were given an honorable place of burial next to the current Temple Mount in a cemetery which can still be viewed today. This was the only logical reason to do this treacherous thing to his "beloved" builders while keeping the people from causing an uproar, as they received a prominent burial place. Maybe their secret is buried with them, if they somehow managed to sneak the info in with their deaths.??? 6) The two pillars were placed inside the porch ... not outside of it. I have a lego model of Solomon's Temple and am building the Ezekiel Temple, which dimensions are like a mystery puzzle. Two things about this temple stand out. 1) It has the dimensions of being atom bomb proof. (This is why the walls are 12 feet and 10 feet thick with possibly roofs twice that thick and a 12 foot thick foundation.) 2) The side chambers are 40 feet long and 8 feet wide for each of their interior spaces, at its base. No depiction shows this. This fits neatly into the 200 foot by 200ft Temple structure base using a normal cubit of 18 inches plus 6 inches for the hand span making an Ezekiel cubit 2 feet approximately. This makes the best sense. The temple porch would be 240 feet high if the same proportions were kept the same.
Dear Lord, we come before you ready to pour out our worries, anxieties, and fears at Your feet. We are claiming and declaring Your promises for blessings of peace and strength over our lives. Bring a peace into our souls that passes all worldly understanding and make us a light for others to see Your strength. In Jesus Name. Amen
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
What a cowardly crock of spiritual garbage.
@blaisedjeni2808 2 года назад
@francesjeanlaird9704 2 года назад
How beautiful AMEN peace TO Israel AMEN
@waitingforchrist 2 года назад
Thank you...appreciated.
@willielee5253 2 года назад
@The city of the King, Paslms 122:6. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they will prosper that love you. God bless!!!
@peterthomas8098 2 года назад
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
The temple is the human body and yes it does represent Heaven (higher conscious).
@peterthomas8098 2 года назад
@@harveywabbit9541 Thank you for the clarification. 'In' should come before Heaven. And was referring to the Sanctuary in heaven.
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
@@peterthomas8098 All biblical temples are symbolic (not historical) of the human body and the God within. First seek the Kingdom of God.......the Kingdom of God is within.
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
That's been said 100's of times in the last 2,000 years.
@GODBLESSYOU532 11 месяцев назад
Thanks Lord Amen🙏🙏
@derekandjo75 2 года назад
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
it was customary, as it is at this day, to erect temples, or structures descriptive of the universe, or of the year. Some were, in form, square, having a door and three windows in each side, thus typifying the year. Others were circular, with as many doors and windows as there are days in the year; whilst a third class, and by far the most numerous, were oblong in form, the length being east and west, with the door and steeple, or spire, fronting the east. To this third class belonged the Memnonium at Thebes or Diospolis (city of the Gods) in Egypt. This famous structure bore the same proportions as Solomon's Temple and the Tabernacle of Moses, being in length three times its breadth (Anthon's Class. Dict., Art. Memnonium) Within this temple stood the statue of Osymandias (dans-vocem = voice -giving = Memnon), himself bearing this inscription: I am Osymandias, king of kings (the Sun). Whoever will dispute this title with me, let him surpass my works "(Bees' Cyclo., Art. Osymandias). In this temple, besides this statue of the Sun, there was "a vast circle of gold (the Sun's ecliptic), a cubit in thickness and 365 cubits in circumference" = the number of days in the year. (Maurice's Indian Antiq., vol. 3, p. 101.) At Balbec (city of the Sun) in Syria, was found the ruins of a temple dedicated to the Sun; also, at Palmyra, or Tadmor, in the wilderness. This latter, it has been supposed by some, but without probability to have been built by Solomon (annual sun of three seasons).
@mostnamesaretaken959 Год назад
What about the demons working overnight?
@p.mongpho8270 2 года назад
Sadly, the explanation words are at the middle of the screen. Futher, the pictures are somewhat darken.
@JS3music 2 года назад
He keeps saying he did this and he did that, referring to Solomon, But he didn’t build that temple, workers or slaves did. Solomon didn’t do anything. He just talked a lot
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
Right on! Archeologists have proven there never was a King Solomon. Can't find him, nor his temples, nor anything written about him from the Greeks, Hitites, the Assyrians, nor the Egyptians. His words of wisdom are copied from the Egyptian, "Instructions of Amenemope." The bible is a proven fairytale.
@Rog5446 2 года назад
Construct a lasting house for god??? How did they know how big god was, if god needed a lasting house?
@KamiTenchi 2 года назад
According to Jewish Legends, Solomon commanded The Demons to build his temple.
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
"Religion and philosophy," says the Rev. G-. Oliver, D.D., a learned English clergyman, "were veiled under the impervious shade of hieroglyphical symbols, unintelligible to the profane, and intended to lead them into a maze of error, from which it was difficult to extract a single idea which bore any resemblance to the original truth. These symbols were publicly displayed in the temples, beaming streams of light to the initiated; while to the profane they were but an obscure mass of unintelligible darkness" (History of Initiation, p. 73). Such was then, and is now, the magnanimity of the "sensible minority." "The priesthood of all nations had acted upon the system that it was necessary to deceive the mass of the people for their own good; that it was not possible to guide them by the plain, open truth" (L. Maria Child, Prog, of Religious Ideas, vol. 3, p. 167). "Guide them!" Where? Why, into the great whirlpool of ignorance and barbarism, such as the world experienced during the one thousand years of "the dark ages." when priests and kings brooked no opposition. Where else could deceit and lying guide them?
@9999rosebud 2 года назад
Can Solomon tell Satan what to do? Satan tempted Solomon to go after those beautiful woman and lust after them. Hundreds and thousand of them, disobeyed God and his temple was attacked and ransacked by the Babylonians and his people where exile in Babylon for 80 yrs..
@KamiTenchi 2 года назад
@@9999rosebud This was all before Solomon fell into temptation and disobeyed God. During his times, God gave him a ring that granted Solomon power over all Demons, including Satan. He made Powerful Amulets, Rings and other jewerly. Just thinking about that, wonders me if Babylon did the same thing after finding out King Solomon can do.
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
@@9999rosebud Solomon, the annual sun of three seasons, was also known as Shem/Nahor (winter), Japheth/Abram (spring), and Ham/Haran (summer). He behaved quite well during spring and summer....but, come winter, he became the devil.
@9999rosebud 2 года назад
@@harveywabbit9541 can you show me that in the bible?
@simko8665 2 года назад
For my best knowledge the Solomon Temple was made of wood.
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
Solomon's Temple is your body.
@simko8665 2 года назад
@@harveywabbit9541 No, I checked.
@dennisneo1608 2 года назад
Why on earth would you put text right in the middle of the screen??????
@pamelawatts6439 2 года назад
@hobobible Год назад
Enjoyable but Some inaccuracies here... David both designed and paid for the Temple..with donations also included..(not Solomon) David instigated worship and duties of priests. 1 CHR 24 David designed the sacred objects wtc also. See 1 Chr 22:1-5, 1 CHR 28:11-19 1 Chronicles 29:2-9 David did not leave solomon a vast inheritance of wealth...David dedicated all of his money towards the building of the Temple. Solomon even sourced wood and gold from Davids friend Hiram. Solomon went over and above the plans by building himself a lavish palace and many other structures, with materials from Tyre for these also. Solomon and Hiram later fell out over the towns given in payment for the materials and labour of the king of Tyre. Blessings and peace.
@gerhardrohne2261 2 года назад
"christians should know" 0:12 salomon spent some money 0:21 - so whats new?
@johnholeman2966 2 года назад
1Ki 10:14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
The number of man.
@safeinhisarms337 2 года назад
The signs of the end are very obvious around us, so I don't think it is wise for any church/ministry to be wasting money to raise cathedrals and mega buildings at these crucial times. As Solomon's temple was demolished eventually, so also shall all these mega church edifices be demolished at the coming of the Lord in the rapture. It is the human soul and spirit that will inherit the Kingdom of God, not the church buildings. So there's no reason why the hirlings who are supposed to be building human temples for Heaven be making merchandise of God's ppl whose souls are famished for the truth. These wolves in sheep's clothing neglect the souls of God's human temples (1 Corinth's 3:16), and manipulate them to give, give and give for what they call 'God's work,' and for them to be 'blessed.' And most of the tithes and offerings are not even used to help the poor, orphans, widows and the needy generally, but to enrich themselves and their families. I pray that God will open the eyes of understanding of His true children in these cults called churches, and deliver them out of the clutches of these wicked hirlings, in Jesus' name. Amen. God is against them, as seen in the scriptures below, and His judgement awaits them unless they repent: Jeremiah 14:14 23:1-32 50:6 Ezekiel 13:1-16 22:28
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
The Southern Baptists are being led by a den of vipers.
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
1,000 years ago a monk called Peter the Hermit announced that the signs of the end are very obvious around us, and if you follow him to the holyland you can meet Jesus. 60,000 crazy people dropped what they were doing and marched from western Europe to Jerusalem. When they got there they were starving to death, so they resorted to canibalism. Then they were either killed by the Turks or enslaved by them. Look it up.
@michealschmidt908 2 года назад
In esoteric writings the temple was built by demons as Solomon put a seal on them and trapped them into working on building the temple
@jvo3777 2 года назад
Please repent friends, every one of us is a horrific sinner and has made great mistakes in our life deserving of hell far worse than we realize or can imagine. That's why Jesus died for us, he lived the life we couldn't to be the payment we can't ever bail our way out of. He loves you so much, nothing is worth going to hell over. Romans 10:9-10!
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
Hell is the winter season and dark night of the soul (sun). The experience of Hell is a part of living in darkness which is overcome in Genesis one where the gods announce "Let There Be Light".
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
Like being brainwashed I see. What a crock.
@bettyjones8677 2 года назад
@bornwithoutprivilege2050 2 года назад
I am always amazed when the writers of the Bible quote god. They know exactly word for word what he said in private to David and others. These books were written after the time of the events. How do they know God’s words? They are just liars that made up these words. How silly are we that we believe that God actually said these words and that somehow they were recorded.
@WowRespct Год назад
Quran says that this temple is built bye jinns for prophet Solomon
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
Solomon is the equivalent of Shem/Nahor (winter sun), Japheth/Abram (spring sun), and Ham/Haran (summer sun). In India, Solomon is Vishnu, Brahma, and Siva.
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
Archeologists have proven there never was a King Solomon. Can't find him, nor his temples, nor anything written about him from the Greeks, Hitites, the Assyrians, nor the Egyptians. His words of wisdom are copied from the Egyptian, "Instructions of Amenemope." The bible is a proven fairytale.
@Markus_Abrach 2 года назад
10:18 Mount Moriah was never the foundation of the temple. That mount was later renamed and is today known as Golgotha. The real foundation is mount Zion
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
Mount Zion is the winter solstice. Zion/Sion = ship-sun and this is from Egyptian myth of Ra (Sun) riding across the celestial seas (stars) in a barque (crescent moon). This was incorporated into the flood myth of Noah/Osiris.
@bartbannister394 2 года назад
Archeologists have proven there never was a King Solomon. Can't find him, nor his temples, nor anything written about him from the Greeks, Hitites, the Assyrians, nor the Egyptians. His words of wisdom are copied from the Egyptian, "Instructions of Amenemope." The bible is a proven fairytale.
@brodybullock1417 Год назад
@JosephBoxmeyer 5 месяцев назад
The picture which you present it the temple is certainly not the design. It is unbelievable, impractical, and dangerous. This would never have been built. You need a more thoughtful artist who has some familiarity with architecture.
@brodybullock1417 Год назад
@t.g.9782 2 года назад
I was taught Solomn had it built by deamons from hell..Fallen Angels who were summoned and Endenturd to him . ?
@crownyoun 2 года назад
Where did u hear that?
@t.g.9782 2 года назад
@@crownyoun testament of Solomon..such books were cast aside from the final cut. Enoch for Example. if you look hard JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR is all over the Old Testament & such prophesies ...
@t.g.9782 2 года назад
@@crownyoun Solomon did have a turn of the heart and cause him to stray...
@harveywabbit9541 2 года назад
@@t.g.9782 Enoch was the sun of 365 days. Calculated from the spring equinox to the spring equinox (sacred year).
@ChristisKing77777 2 года назад
hey brother could you recommend further reading on that? I am interested in the missing books from the bible. God bless
@Princessfrmalmighty Год назад
He had it all and I wonder if he made it to heaven.
@douglaidlaw740 2 года назад
Another Trump? He was always saying "Some people don't know that." You guys seem determined to live in the distant past of Genesis, or the uncertain Apocalypse. Did Jesus do any of that? No, he came to Earth to be with people. In His parable of the Last Judgment, the stuff that you preach does not get a mention. It is all about loving your neighbour, and putting that love into action. "If you don't love your neighbour whom you have seen, how can you love God, whom you have not seen?" And as John said, God IS Love. Jesus praised the Samaritan above guys like yourselves, high on theory, but low on putting it to a practical use.
@danielburger1775 2 года назад
"Solomon's Temple" is Hagia Sophia. Biblical "Jerusalem" is Constantinople/Istanbul.
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