
5 Reasons Why I Wear A Niqab! 

Ninja Mommy
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15 июл 2020




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@maggiebillman8771 4 года назад
I found your TikTok page and was so interested in learning more about your faith. I am a Christian, but all of the reasons you listed for wearing Niqab remind me of the earthly barriers I have in my own relationship with God. Thank you for educating me and reminding me of all of the work I have yet to do in my own faith journey! May Allah bless you and your family!
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Aww thank you! ♥️ Ameen
@sayyestoislam8240 3 года назад
If you want to learn more about this religion I recommend watching merciful servernt or the prophets path also :) also search ayat shifa by omar hisham and his ayatul kursi is also beautiful :)
@ederdstark1128 3 года назад
Nikah in arabic means "intercourse". She wears a niqab. The niqab is designed for sexual reasons since islam is a very sexual religion. Deceptive to say only "modesty". Modesty for women because the men cant deal with seeing the face of a woman. Albeit, lust or something else we dont know. No one knows why the quran says women are the majority in hell. No one knows why the quran says that the minds of two women make up the mind of one man. Is this the religion that will lead anyone to salvation? By no means. Why does this youtuber find so much persecution from those of this religion? Because its missing the real words of Jesus. It's missing Him completely. Jesus said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". muhammad hated those who persecuted him. Fact is, sadly, more muslims are killed by muslims than non muslims because of how they dont perfectly execute their religion in practice as the false prophet said. Jesus offers salvation. muhammad was too conserned for how he needs to gratify his sexual desires. Jesus is concerned for our souls. He is the Way to eternal Life. Regarding the resurrection Jesus says "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!" Jesus says " I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand " John 10:28 The only way to be saved is through Jesus Christ. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 **So seek Jesus while He is able to be found. Please save yourselves from this wicked and CORRUPT GENERATION!!! Acts 2:38-39 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call." Listen! Jesus is knocking. Seek Him while He is able to be found! John 6:37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. Jesus says in this parable: Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:1‭-‬7 And another parable: Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate. “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’ “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’ “ ‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ ” Luke 15:11‭-‬32 If you made it to this then your time is now. The day of Salvation is NOW! Come to Jesus and find forgiveness and grace! Fear God and live! (Fearing God is wise. Why? When motivation and devotion wanes or fades, the knowledge of the Just Judge who will judge each person according to their deeds will help keep them from sinning by the fear of God. Also, with that in mind, perfect love casts out fear. Obeying God is the same as loving Him. If you made it this far, today is the day of SALVATION! Repent and be baptized, seek Jesus Christ, the Way the Truth abd The Life while He is able to be found. Jesus the Messiah. The Messiah for the Whole World. A Messiah is a Savior. We need saving from ourselves, since our judgement is badly badly flawed and our hearts are imperfect. We need the Holy One. Jesus Christ, our one only True Messiah. The one sent down from Heaven to be born from the virgin womb of Mary. Jesus who is completely without sin, to be the sin sacrifice for our souls. He came to us in the flesh, so the just punishment we deserved would be satisfied in the flesh. Jesus died and after 3 days, since He is the Holy Son of God He wouldnot be victim to the grave! He arose after 3 days and death has no grip on Him! Listen! Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” John 11:23‭-‬27 NIV bible.com/bible/111/jhn.11.23-27.NIV Jesus has eternal life. It is HIS to give. Wont you come to the one who paid to defeat your sin and shame to cleanse you and call you a child of God? Or stay in the grip of the false religion? And perish...? While salvation os being offered to you while you yet live? Jesus loves you more than I can. He gave more than I even could for you, even if that future would have you reject Him, that's how amazing God loves. Seek Jesus, repent, leave this false and dead religion to seek Jesus, who is the Way the Truth and the Life. May the Grace of our GLORIOUS One and Only crucified and RISEN LORD, JESUS CHRIST be with you and your family. For you and your children's children. In Jesus beautiful name. Amen. ✝ 🙏
@zenitiv7 3 года назад
@@ederdstark1128 how on earth does niqab and nikah relate?? And also, nikah is the ritual where people get married. Have a good day
@misbahailia3345 3 года назад
It's so sweet that even though you're a Christian, you're open minded enough to say "May ALLAH bless you and your family".
@katem4994 4 года назад
Even though I am an atheist I am very excited to learn about your faith. Thank you for educating me.
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Yayy! ☺️
@sayyestoislam8240 3 года назад
If you want to learn more about this religion I recommend watching merciful servernt or the prophets path also :) also search ayat shifa by omar hisham and his ayatul kursi is also beautiful :)
@wasumoto457 3 года назад
You are an awesome open minded atheist and I just wanted to say your an amazing person for that 😊
@sarahb6758 3 года назад
Please learn about Islam ❤️ i became a Muslim 9 years ago now .it was the best decision for my life. Khalid Yaseen, mufti menk, Omar Suleiman are good people to start learning from.❤️
@sarahb6758 3 года назад
I want to start but I'm so nervous about how people wil perceive me
@abigailmew 3 года назад
I am a Christian women and I love learning about your religion and beliefs. I have been very curious about Islamic beliefs and you have been teaching me a lot. It helps me understand Islam.
@anuragbeohar9591 3 года назад
Every women should wear Naqab ⬛
@ayah4852 3 года назад
@@anuragbeohar9591 Um why? It's a personal choice and it's not up to you what a woman should or should not wear.
@swicel 3 года назад
Niqab has nothing to do with religion. It makes me mad that people believe that. Nowhere in the koran it's mentioned.
@swicel 3 года назад
@@anuragbeohar9591 let's start with you. Wear that shit and see how you feel.
@minxxz1287 3 года назад
@@anuragbeohar9591 nope
@gemmabuss9124 4 года назад
I’m Christian and I really wanted to learn more about Islam and Niqabs. At school I’m not taught a whole lot about Islam but I want to. So your videos are teaching me a lot thank you so much!
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Gemma Buss yayy ☺️
@sayyestoislam8240 3 года назад
If you want to learn more about this religion I recommend watching merciful servernt or the prophets path also :) also search ayat shifa by omar hisham and his ayatul kursi is also beautiful :)
@shamimdasoo6839 3 года назад
It really touch my heart when you said that wearing niqab stop you from taking about other people I really like the way you explain about islam I really admire
@hadeermahmoud7247 3 года назад
if you want to learn more about Islam and women sign in.. If the fog hides the contours of a road connected to an important end you have!! Do you wait until the fog clears up as the sun rises and you walk in it? Or you hurry up, you see a confused vision, and a faltering footsteps, you get lost and you lose your purpose. There's no doubt it's best not to rush! There is something that might confuse your thinking like fog that obscures you from seeing the truth;you will see the right thing to be like the sun in the great day. Then come to us in the company of the Academy of Female Asawir in collaboration with the Swari Platform - Directory Center in the course "Reading the Book of the Fog Girl (from the publications of the Directory Center) Which contains thirteen articles written in female pens in which specialized researchers answered - in a fun and intellectual way - 13 prophetic conversations misunderstood and thought that there is an unjust ness to women, and some fancy that there is a disparagement of them!! Sign up for the link docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekNE-6PMvSGG5sS0rykdsC9B98ASP33wpnwV7Fu-7Oypsohg/viewform Asawir Channel on Telegram t.me/Asawir1441 The course begins on October 3, 2020 and lasts for two weeks. 💥 surprise of the course The possibility of issuing a certificate from a Dalail center via the Swari platform We ask God to hold on to our faith, satisfaction and certainty with his fullness and beauty.
@farhanniloy7552 3 года назад
please dont
@Isabel-sn2my 3 года назад
It’s so refreshing to see there’s such a big amount of Christians in the comments! I’m a Christian, too and YES LOVE THAT WERE ALL SUPPORTING EVERYONE! ❤️
@stephanieg3820 3 года назад
I don’t understand this. Your a Christian and you support this? How can you support someone who calls someone else God? How can you support someone heading to hell? I am not trying to be rude. I’m guessing you are a Christian by name but if it came down to it you don’t have any understanding of the gospel. This women needs to turn to Christ.
@evidence7338 3 года назад
@@stephanieg3820 what she means is she respects her and her religion. I’m a christain and I enjoy learning as well, nothing wrong with that.. we just have different beliefs.
@Isabel-sn2my 3 года назад
@@stephanieg3820 I have been a Christian my entire life and am really searching for my beliefs and reading all kinds of books on it. I do not know much, but I do know that judging and condemning people is DEFINITELY not up to us! Besides, is it bad to learn about other religions? No. As Christians, big parts of our Bibles are about Judaism, and we don't skip those, do we? Leave Gods work up to Him and let us praise Him for giving us ALL freedom of religion
@stephanieg3820 3 года назад
@@Isabel-sn2my your 10000% wrong. First of all we are called to call out FALSE prophets and wolves in sheep clothing. I don’t know you, but it is clear you really need to understand what your saying is unbiblical. If Christ came and you believe that he is the only way as the Bible says you would be wanting to point people away from eternal damnation that they face apart from him. A simple google search would show you that this religion oppressed anyone who doesn’t bow down to this satanic false God. I urge u to “care “ for people the way Christ did. Telling them to repent and that he is the ONLY way.
@stephanieg3820 3 года назад
@@Isabel-sn2my by the way as a Christian you are called to help Make disciples and spread the gospel.
@altmusicperson 4 года назад
These colors looks so pretty on you
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Ali The Alien thank you so much ☺️
@thenourway 3 года назад
Mashallah. Please make niqab tutorials because the way you wrap with the accessories in/under the scarf is nice and still modes. I want this style. Mashallah.
@stars9356 2 года назад
@TheMajesticSupernova 2 года назад
A very bombing style indeed.
@orangephanta4514 4 года назад
I don’t practice a religion but this is fascinating. Thank you for educating us
@sophiamisner1243 4 года назад
You mean fascinating?
@orangephanta4514 4 года назад
Sophia Misner yeah oops
@robloxtea6124 3 года назад
@sayyestoislam8240 3 года назад
If you want to learn more about this religion I recommend watching merciful servernt or the prophets path also :) also search ayat shifa by omar hisham and his ayatul kursi is also beautiful :)
@sayyestoislam8240 3 года назад
@Edwin Arancibia please don't say that this is where I find peace Islam does not oppress anybody do not upset the maker who gave u food and cloths and a chance to sleep and talk and learn etc in Islam if u were to try to count all u blessings u would die before u finished he list :) so don't upset the one who gave them to you do extensive reaeaech on this religion and then comment do not just follow what the mainstream media says thank u :)
@SQLVR07 3 года назад
As someone who is working up the courage to wear Niqab I find this truly inspiring Alhamdulillah ❤
@yeahgetittoit9455 3 года назад
Mashallah sister remember to never give up on building courage for Nikab I am also trying to build up to wearing nikab Ishalllah 💖❤️
@justynawojcicka5056 3 года назад
Is comletli nothing do for athers people is anly make your braine feel you are better than ather closer to God bla bla normal wash braine you do nothing good just make world more shitt my gratulation
@justynawojcicka5056 3 года назад
@Edwin Arancibia ??I dont understand
@AshriyaJaveed 3 года назад
@@justynawojcicka5056 Tu are nobody to tell this to anyone
@justynawojcicka5056 3 года назад
@@AshriyaJaveed I dont have to be anybody to say what I thinking and I truly think niqab is rong in evry level I can imagine
@mdabullais2114 3 года назад
The reason ''To get closer to Allah ' Touched my heart. May Allah grant you a huge reward.
@saraschneider6781 3 года назад
Except God cares about our heart, not our clothes.
@mdabullais2114 3 года назад
@@saraschneider6781 There is no way you follow your desires and say I am a better Muslim. God only cares and loves if you follow his guidance.
@crystalreed7624 3 года назад
@@saraschneider6781 god cares about heart so yup
@sysamanthahope9033 3 года назад
Im a Catholic and im fascinated and amazed with ur testimony
@scottgraham1803 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing this. I’m a Christian who’s curious about everyone’s different cultures and religions and this helped me understand a bit more, much appreciated!
@hadeermahmoud7247 3 года назад
If the fog hides the contours of a road connected to an important end you have!! Do you wait until the fog clears up as the sun rises and you walk in it? Or you hurry up, you see a confused vision, and a faltering footsteps, you get lost and you lose your purpose. There's no doubt it's best not to rush! There is something that might confuse your thinking like fog that obscures you from seeing the truth;you will see the right thing to be like the sun in the great day. Then come to us in the company of the Academy of Female Asawir in collaboration with the Swari Platform - Directory Center in the course "Reading the Book of the Fog Girl (from the publications of the Directory Center) Which contains thirteen articles written in female pens in which specialized researchers answered - in a fun and intellectual way - 13 prophetic conversations misunderstood and thought that there is an unjust ness to women, and some fancy that there is a disparagement of them!! Sign up for the link docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekNE-6PMvSGG5sS0rykdsC9B98ASP33wpnwV7Fu-7Oypsohg/viewform Asawir Channel on Telegram t.me/Asawir1441 The course begins on October 3, 2020 and lasts for two weeks. 💥 surprise of the course The possibility of issuing a certificate from a Dalail center via the Swari platform We ask God to hold on to our faith, satisfaction and certainty with his fullness and beauty.
@missnaomi613 3 года назад
Hi! I just found this channel (and subscribed!) I couldn't help but notice that you're also interested in different ways to do religion. I have a channel on which I share (among other things) Bible stuff from a Jewish perspective. I invite you to check it out, if you want. Either way, have a blessed day/night! 🙏❤️
@vz_aliyah 3 года назад
I love how she tells us about her religion, it's amazing to know about it she is honestly being an amazing mom teaching her daughter the ways of her religion. I know her daughter is going to be smart, beautiful, and kind. Thanks for educating us all!
@HM-lw6yl 3 года назад
I aspire to have your iman. Hijab alone is hard especially in non muslim countries but the strength it takes to wear niqab is incredible. May allah reward you.
@annajansen6945 3 года назад
Why should god bother what types of clothes people wear? Why should he reward people for that? Do you really thing god is that insecure that he has to make people wear clothes he likes, an omnipotent being caring about earthly shit like clothes?
@jgcvjsdxcbksdk2843 3 года назад
please always Allah with capital A
@bunnychan6169 2 года назад
@@annajansen6945 ???? To me it's not 100% all about the clothes. It's the intention. Us niqabis feel closer to God when we wear it, we want to feel more modest as Allah swt commands us to be. Instead of being disrespectful you should educate yourself more.
@MasteIsIllmatic 2 года назад
@@bunnychan6169 why tho? The prophet said most people in hell are women. What the point. Suffer in this world and the next?
@bunnychan6169 2 года назад
@@MasteIsIllmatic you clearly didn't do your research on that hadith. Scholars have said that women will be found in majority in BOTH hell and in paradise. The prophet (saw) has said "Men will decrease in number snd women will increase in number, so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man" . Another scholar (Mulla Ali Al-Qari) said "initially the majority of the women will be in the fire, then they will be taken out and shall enter paradise. Thus, the majority will be in paradise. Or, most of them will deserve the fire, but Allah (swt) will forgive them and thus they will be the majority in paradise." Ibn Hajar said that just because there's a majority of women in hell, doesn't mean there cannot also be a majority of women in Jannah. Also, just because a Hadith says that, does that mean that women of our ummah should stop trying to be the best muslim they can be? Wearing the niqab comes with rewards from Allah swt, and the niqab personally helps me refrain from wearing makeup which is a sin to be worn in front of non-mahrams (men who cannot see our hair.)
@Baturiya 3 года назад
Another thing about the niqab is.. It helps you lower your gaze. Yes! Women do look at men too (we are humans too) but when ever I put on the niqab I'll be like "hey! If he can't see you, why should you see him?" then I'll look down!
@NinjaMommy 3 года назад
So true!
@userunkown8576 3 года назад
@@ismaelvc3728 sad to you, but not to ppl who practice this religion, next time keep your thoughts to yourself.
@swicel 3 года назад
So it's all about watching man and man watching you? I mean seriously.you can't hold yourself? You have nothing else to do?
@userunkown8576 3 года назад
@@swicel I think u missed the whole point she was trynna come across
@swicel 3 года назад
@@userunkown8576 I don't think I misunderstood. It was very clear. You have to understand even if man look at you they don't wanna jump on you. Seriously. In the west women walk freely and man barely look at us because they are used to it. Not sure why you make a big deal out of a face. You are not more special.
@kimberlymoena3409 3 года назад
I remember I was at work and I was burning up I was so hot I had to sit down ... I saw a group of ladies with this on and I was like how aren’t you guys hot
@yasercom1780 3 года назад
Kimberly Moena’ Actually that happened to me when I didn't wear hijab yet but when I started wearing it didn’t notice anything different 😕
@MN_findss 3 года назад
Jahannam in hotter ! Sister
@ayeyahtrine6353 3 года назад
It’s made good for heat
@pola6794 3 года назад
They are usually made from light, breathable fabrics and they don't cling to the face, rather loosely draping. Like a maxi dress for a face
@tylerdavidson2400 3 года назад
@Shop with MN. What? So your God is gonna burn you in hell for showing your own face but no gonna do shit to men who walk around with no face covering? Sounds like he is a shitty dude.
@lnoorplaylist 3 года назад
I’m 21 yo and was thinking about switching to niqab for few months and practically started it 1 week ago even though it’s been only 2 times I went out during this time 😂🤭 but I’d continue wearing it💪 My reasons are similar to you I haven’t told my parents about it yet
@user-youdontknowme 3 года назад
May Allah make it easier for you and strengthen you - Ameen
@obi-wankenobi2715 3 года назад
But why do you think that allah wants you to wear a niqaab?
@lnoorplaylist 3 года назад
@@obi-wankenobi2715 I’ve almost same reasons as person in the video It’s modest and makes me a special who’s not in just anyone’s range It’s not inconvenient for me I can do it so I just shifted from hijab to niqab And not only women but men are also advised to be modest
@obi-wankenobi2715 3 года назад
@@lnoorplaylist good for you! But is it coming from allah?
@m.m9439 3 года назад
You are on a bad road my dear don't do that you are young woman
@loche3710 3 года назад
I'm a christian and I want to educate myself, as Islam is one of the world's biggest religion. I know I have a lot of prejudices about Islam, maybe because I live in Europe and never had a proper introduction to it by a believer.. Anyway, your videos are really helping me understand your faith better and I'm thankful for it :) have a great day
@ayah4852 3 года назад
I'm really glad you want to educate yourself about Islam!! I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have!
@m.m9439 3 года назад
Well don't go into a religion you never know I watched a films about this religion omg don't try if you search up on internet which is the most dangerous religion in the world you will see it will say Islam read the bible more it doesn't say about women to cover up it is not true you are on a bad road don't do not do that you will regret it Look up the film named, NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER on RU-vid you will be so scared I try to help you my dear 😔😔 it's not late
@crystalreed7624 3 года назад
@@m.m9439 girl that movie is literal bushit nothing like that happens in reality
@Jayshreeusedtomakevidoes 3 года назад
I've come to notice by covering yourself the focus instantly is on your personality. I mean no one can see you, so no one will judge P s. - shocked to see everyone getting triggered in the comments. Guys I am confident that is why putting myself out their. P.s this was a random thought I had, not a well articulated argument just a thought, like we have I could fly I wish, you know RANDOM. Try taking things lightly, we are already in a pandemic, one more internet argument will just ruin anyone's day. Relax
@Jayshreeusedtomakevidoes 3 года назад
@Shannon O'Brien I have not said anything about harassment, I just gave one perspective which I found interesting
@Jayshreeusedtomakevidoes 3 года назад
@Shannon O'Brien yes not everyone sees the good side, people have opinions they harras
@Jayshreeusedtomakevidoes 3 года назад
@Maria Smith in her case her husband focused just on her personality before marriage and even we also know her by personality, that's what I was saying
@Jayshreeusedtomakevidoes 3 года назад
@M S it's alright we all are weird for something
@santulsalwan5410 3 года назад
You have lack of self confidence
@m.m.minshad1365 3 года назад
Covering the face is not just an Arab custom, That is the teaching of the Quran, There are these wearers all over the world, They exemplified good Sahaba women ....💟
@lavidaloca744 3 года назад
Sorry but is in an arab custom, proof to this is that they were covering their faces when they werent muslims in the arabian peninsula. As stated earlier, that there is not a single authentic hadith that makes covering the face obligatory. On the other hand, we find several hadiths which prove that covering the face is not compulsory in Islam. For instance, once while the prophet was admonishing and preaching to a group of women after having admonished the men on the Id day, "...a woman having a dark spot on her cheek stood up..." seeking clarification on the subject the prophet was discussing. (Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, Hadith No. 1926 Aisha reported: Asma’ bint Abi Bakr entered the house of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, while she was wearing a thin garment and she showed it to him. The Prophet said, “O Asma, when a woman reaches the age of maturity, it is not proper for her to show anything but this and this,” and the Prophet pointed to his face and hands. Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4104 Narrated Ata bin Abi Rabah (R.A.) Ibn 'Abbas said to me, "Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?" I said, "Yes." He said, "This black lady came to the Prophet and said..." (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, Hadith No. 555 - Dar Al Arabia- Beirut- Lebanon & Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 6571-Darusslam- Arabic) The hadith quoted above proves that the 'woman of the people of the paradise' was not covering her face when she had visited the prophet nor was she covering it when Ibn 'Abbas was discussing about her later. Some may argue by saying she could be recognized owing to the dark complexion of her hand and not due to the exposure of her face. However, this argument would carry no weight since she was not the only black woman at the time of the prophet. Moreover, to identify a person, the aspect of exposure of the face is of immense significance.
@NinjaMommy 3 года назад
@@lavidaloca744 You should read this article enterthesunnah.com/2016/12/29/niqab-an-approach-based-on-the-proofs/ Every single Hadith you have posted it is explained in much more details. Niqab is from the Quran and Hadith. Just gotta keep an open mind and read and learn ☺️
@m.m.minshad1365 3 года назад
@@lavidaloca744 ■The Companions of the Prophet were living versions of the Quran. ■They did not cover their faces before the Prophet Muhammad or before the revelation of this verse in the Quran ■But after verse 33:59 of the Quran, Muslim women began to cover their faces. ■There are a lot of Jilbab wearers in my country 🇮🇳India too ... Sorry.can not think that you have more knowledge than the Muslim ulama in Madinah and Yemen ... Assalamu alaikum ❣️
@lavidaloca744 3 года назад
@@m.m.minshad1365 have you even read the link above. It says in that also that there was a tradition amongst Arabian women that would cover their faces when mourning also. Have you head of a sand storm in which travelers have to cover their faces men, women and even the camels. This has been historically present back when the languages of the middleast east were Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian, Syriac and Nubian. Before the arabs adopted it it was used amongst the byzantine empire. Read this article and it will show you. www.dnaindia.com/india/report-islam-did-not-introduce-veiling-it-was-always-a-regional-practice-2748344
@m.m.minshad1365 3 года назад
@@lavidaloca744 I wish you peace, Allah Akbar. Not interested in unnecessary dispute ...
@cloeymarie4205 3 года назад
I might be catholic but I find theses videos so interesting I love learning about your beliefs
@bedikabora9118 3 года назад
You said that being modest and protection from shaitan are two of the reasons why you wear a niqab. Then why is there no niqab for islamic men?
@starshineb1951 3 года назад
A Muslim man is supposed to dress modestly as well for the same reasons. It includes Wearing loose clothing , cover everything and a head cover .
@Smithpolly 3 года назад
@@starshineb1951 Why not his face?
@starshineb1951 3 года назад
@@Smithpolly because they are not attractive or they are not considered precious. Also, some scholars in Islam say that covering face is optional for Muslim women as well. Allah knows best!
@Smithpolly 3 года назад
@@starshineb1951 What do you mean by "they are not attractive"? Surely some people find some Muslim men attractive?
@starshineb1951 3 года назад
@@Smithpolly ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KfLM44RKS4E.html Noman ali explains this issue well here.
@uroobakhan5271 3 года назад
I'm starting to wear the Niqab now, this really helped build my confidence :)
@Lala47362 3 года назад
Do u ever feel like you miss out on communication/facial expressions when outside talking to strangers? Obv we’re all going through this currently because of face masks and I find it really hard
@RazanB 3 года назад
I can really relate with this. With my face mask on i noticed myself over exagerrating eye smiles because my mouth and cheeks cant be seen. Im now worried I'll get premature wrinkling around the eyes if i keep doing this!
@Lala47362 3 года назад
@@RazanB yeah defo, our facial expressions right now are constructed to eye and eyebrow movement, which must be even harder wearing this type of niqab where the forehead is covered
@arielo7171 3 года назад
I'm not her but from my own experience I would say no, not really. People can tell your expressions by your actions, your tone in your voice, and the way you say things so there isn't much difference if any. I actually like that it hides some of my facial expressions if I am mad or sad , it prevents arguments or other problems. I think it's better we have privacy. Obviously the only thing that is uncomfortable is the way people look at us who do not understand why we wear it or are isalmaphobes. Just the other day we went to the zoo with our kids and we walked past a fellow Muslim woman and she actually was the one giving me rude looks because I am white and wearing it and you can tell by my accent I am not from the middle east. If she had a niqab on also that would of prevented hurt feelings for me. So I'm just trying to say it does and can prevent matters. And we that do wear it love the privacy to be free to express our emotions. By the way I do not think that the woman has to wear one i was just trying to give an example of what I am trying to say.
@ilonnalet6496 2 года назад
@@RazanB lol
@negy2570 Год назад
Wearing a face Mask Is not a problem for me, especially if It Is needed for safety reasons. It also gives me some privacy but in no way affects my communication. When I meet anti-mask people Who pretend to not undertstand me I Just walk away because I know that they would be difficult people to deal with in general. I Guess it's similar for these Muslim women. I cannot take this style in any way but I respect their feelings and choice. People shout Freedom but it's Always about their Freedom to do even harmful action. Just one-sided.
@myfievans1596 2 года назад
I am a Buddhist but I love to learn about other religions so that I am able to talk to people about their religions and what it means to them. Knowing this information helps to talk to others at a deeper level
@marquisedetassony1879 3 года назад
Even though I cannot see your face I can tell you were smiling while doing this video! You are giving me happiness, I love your good energy my dear sister ♥
@biancairani5489 3 года назад
I used to go to a Christian School and they would misinform me about Muslims that's part of the reason why I left the faith. Over the past few months I've been learning about World Religions and I've learned a lot from your channel. It's taught me to love and respect all religions I used to be a Wiccan and now I'm Agnostic. I really loved your videos and I look forward to learning more about Islam and other beliefs and I hope that you're happy and blessed Thank you!
@nadaashraf1104 3 года назад
It really makes me happy when I see honest and sincere people like you 😊 , keep learning and searching for the truth♥️
@biancairani5489 3 года назад
@@nadaashraf1104 thank you so much for the good thoughts
@misbahailia3345 3 года назад
It's quite weird how the Christian school would bash Muslims. My Mosque school, would just encourage us to act and dress like Muslims if we believe in it deeply. We'd get taught that others can dress how they like and that's their identity. But my teacher wouldn't bash Christian's.
@crdelgado18 3 года назад
My Daughter went to a Catholic school and although most the religion class was based on Catholic beliefs they did teach her about other religions. They never talked negatively about other religions and a lot of her class mates were not even Catholic. She says that brought her closer to her faith. Sorry for your experience 😔.
@onlythaking 3 года назад
I believe 2+2=4 end off... i respect every religion. But i don’t believe in it.. it only causes hate and terror and is based on basically nothing.. nothing has ever been proved the Koran and Bible is written by humans.. that alone is enough for me.....
@Isabel-sn2my 3 года назад
These translations in the corner of the video are great, thank you!
@marcusreins6679 2 года назад
This is so interesting. I've never considered why someone would want to wear Niqab, and all your reasons were good, but I really resonated with the fact that you're free from self-vanity and it's a constant reminder to watch your behavior. It just clicked.
@ranjit39979 2 года назад
Then why don't men wear burkha I wonder ??
@oky7011 2 года назад
burqa is something new created by taliban, in Qur'an they never mention abt men/women should wear the burqa 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
@angelfox4336 3 года назад
I’m so glad I found your channel! I never realized how uneducated I was on your faith, and I’m glad you’re here to set things straight!
@MiasSerenity 4 года назад
Great video sis was lovely to hear your story.. looking beautiful in niqab mashallah tabarak Allah. xoxo 🌺
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
JazakAllahkhair sister ♥️
@bethlovescake8783 3 года назад
Your personality literally shines so much in this video! It's like I can feel your smile! Thank you so much for this video and teaching me something new! Loving your channel 💖
@dunno.f_o3907 3 года назад
hello! i just wanna say that i really love learning about Islam (even tho im atheist) i find it really interesting! thank you for teaching me new things about Islam!!
@sayyestoislam8240 3 года назад
If you want to learn more about this religion I recommend watching merciful servernt or the prophets path also :) also search ayat shifa by omar hisham and his ayatul kursi is also beautiful :)
@hadeermahmoud7247 3 года назад
If the fog hides the contours of a road connected to an important end you have!! Do you wait until the fog clears up as the sun rises and you walk in it? Or you hurry up, you see a confused vision, and a faltering footsteps, you get lost and you lose your purpose. There's no doubt it's best not to rush! There is something that might confuse your thinking like fog that obscures you from seeing the truth;you will see the right thing to be like the sun in the great day. Then come to us in the company of the Academy of Female Asawir in collaboration with the Swari Platform - Directory Center in the course "Reading the Book of the Fog Girl (from the publications of the Directory Center) Which contains thirteen articles written in female pens in which specialized researchers answered - in a fun and intellectual way - 13 prophetic conversations misunderstood and thought that there is an unjust ness to women, and some fancy that there is a disparagement of them!! Sign up for the link docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekNE-6PMvSGG5sS0rykdsC9B98ASP33wpnwV7Fu-7Oypsohg/viewform Asawir Channel on Telegram t.me/Asawir1441 The course begins on October 3, 2020 and lasts for two weeks. 💥 surprise of the course The possibility of issuing a certificate from a Dalail center via the Swari platform We ask God to hold on to our faith, satisfaction and certainty with his fullness and beauty.
@dunno.f_o3907 3 года назад
@@sayyestoislam8240 thank you very much
@jenniferprice9971 3 года назад
I have found a lot of how she looks at her religion and how I look at mine as a Christian is similar. And there are several other Islamic women that I watch their videos because they have put into words some of the feelings I have towards religion and God. Also I have always enjoyed learning about culture and language and religion is a big part of that.
@beelzebrat 3 года назад
watching her videos always puts me in such a happy mood, no mater how i felt before watching! she radiates positivity.
@shfbcfb3956 3 года назад
@sweetkittyniki 4 года назад
Is the fabric used to make the garments prepared in a particular way or from a certain type of material?
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
I actually don’t know much about how it’s made or what material it’s made from. I just know it’s a breathable fabric
@itsmefarola5940 3 года назад
subhannallah this video really help me a lot sister. i've been struggling to wear a niqab the past few years eventhough i have a really strong urge to put it on, because i felt like im not qualified for it. but thanks to your videos it shows that my intetions were good pretty much the same as yours and it gave me courage to put it on. may Allah bless you and your love ones and may He reward you Jannah for helping me and other sisters out. Jazakallah khair :)
@DearAliya 3 года назад
Lovely video 😊 I wear hijab too & after discovering a few individuals on Instagram who wear the veil as well as being forced to wear the face masks now 😂 I've honestly found a huge interest & appreciation for covering the face! I'm looking further into it & would love to give it a go myself 😊
@panpani5079 2 года назад
Honestly I regret I'm not a Muslim because I love to cover my face with mask and I almost always hide my hair under some kind of hat or hoodie. I just like the feeling of not being judged by my look. But never say never. I'm currently very involved in islam studies and maybe, in the future, I will decide to choose the Allah way of living.
@jou9568 Год назад
Omg it’s been a year! Have you found your journey to Islam?
@geekgroupie42 10 месяцев назад
do you feel more confident in yourself now? I hope so!
@biebergirl3245 3 года назад
Wow I can relate so much. Because of these five reasons I want to wear niqab. And I'm on it Insh Allah
@nadiaditta4647 3 года назад
i absolutely loved this video! so pleased Allah brought you back towards islam and granted you the strength to do so well in your modesty! I have very recently started wearing the hijab alhamdolillah and i do relate to a lot of what you said! also wanted to say the little box of terms at the bottom was so thoughtful! very inclusive to everyone mashallah. so glad to have you as such a visible representative of Islam 💜💜
@AngelsWips 3 года назад
I watched another video of yours for the first time today. The one where you were speaking of looking at many different space to see what suits you best. I really encourage my students to do the same. My mom taught me to do that as well we all have to find ourselves and be at peace with ourselves so that we could be at peace with one another
@jiminworkaholic82 3 года назад
I come from an indian family. Lately I've been wanting to know more about other cultures and religions of other people to get educated and im extremely fascinated. Thank you for sharing this and I can't wait to learn more 🥺
@TheMonsterspinne 3 года назад
Does that mean man will never reach this connection and enlightment like woman that are wearing it? Shouldnt more men wear it too?
@yourbrother978 3 года назад
No,women musst cover herself because she attracts men by showing her face and body , But it hasn't anything to do with connection
@TheMonsterspinne 3 года назад
But ninja mommy says that she is wearing this to have a better connection to Allah. The main reason she says is the spiritual connection to Allah and the spiritual growth.
@looking4blueberry521 3 года назад
@@yourbrother978 If a man sexually aroused simply because a women’s face or body, I doubt his self-control ability. Can’t imagine how bad is his family education. Weak af. Why don’t your religion teach man to purified their mind instead of calling women to cover themselves?
@edward1412 2 года назад
@@yourbrother978 A woman must wear it because of pervert men? Until we stop seeing women as sexual objects, they will continue to feel inferior.
@taylorhorne1046 3 года назад
the gold detail is so pretty with this color combo!!
@Jayshreeusedtomakevidoes 3 года назад
As you are passionate about Islam , I am passionate about tech, so I really relate to that, like I also love people to come join the coding world. I know this sounds different but I just wanted to share about passion
@elfinsim 2 года назад
Hi! I’ve always been interested to learn coding but never had the opportunity or finances. Are you self-taught? If so, could you give me some guidance of how to start? Sorry if this is intrusive!
@ingridferreirafusco 3 года назад
I am not religious and I’m far from that but yesterday I tryied to use a Hijab and I felt so secure and powerful when I looked in the mirror.
@Smithpolly 2 года назад
But you don't think a perfect God will punish you if you don't wear it or that you deserve to be punished if you don't wear one or it's your fault if men harass you if you don't wear one?
@ingridferreirafusco 2 года назад
@@Smithpolly I don't think nothing about it, as I told I'm not religious.
@Smithpolly 2 года назад
@@ingridferreirafusco You either think a perfect God will punish you if you don't wear it or you don't think a perfect God will punish you if you don't wear it?
@evandicesare 3 года назад
Your faith is so beautiful💛 You should be so proud to be setting such an amazing example for your daughter !
@brandiecrisp8385 2 года назад
I recently found your channel and i love it! The joy in your eyes in infectious! Thank you for educating us and for being a wonderful role model for your little one!!!
@AlyenasKitchen 4 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing with us why you wear a niqab. It is so interesting to learn other religions and cultures and you always share in such an honest and kind way. I also love that you are going to give your daughter the option of wearing one or not. I remember you saying your parents did the same with you. By doing so, you found the love of wearing the niqab on your own. 🌷😊🌼
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Alyena’s Kitchen Exactly! Forcing never works. Only pushes us further away. ♥️
@sophiewood6476 4 года назад
Ninja Mommy Is it the same with a hijab or is that forced?
@NinjaMommy 3 года назад
@@sophiewood6476 Same thing! Should never be forced
@Kata40i4 3 года назад
im not even part of islam, but your videos are very educating! I really enjoy learning about diffrent perspective of religious live :))) (i know my english isn't great :p)
@desiree7236 3 года назад
Hi, very interesting, I get your reasons. Personally, I can feel modest in my normal cloths, its an attitude of the heart. My question is, why don't men cover up as well? I am genuinely interested, not trying to provoke or anything. Thanks for answers.
@AbdelRahmanSeyamEg 3 года назад
Men also cover up and have a code of conduct in Islam, if you look up Muslim customs you will find Muslim men covering their heads also even though it's not compulsory to cover your head but it's a sign of modesty and a tradition of our prophet.
@AbdelRahmanSeyamEg 3 года назад
@@zoeanaam.6996 Indeed
@katielarsen2630 3 года назад
Men have to cover at a minimum from navel to knee, but it's always better for them to dress modestly too.
@Smithpolly 3 года назад
@@katielarsen2630 So they just have to wear long shorts ?
@starshineb1951 3 года назад
Ideally they should wear loose clothing and cover heads as well.
@clinlab0505 3 года назад
Oh my goodness!! Tears!! Your explanation involving your daughter, was amazing!! Amazing woman and mother!!!
@amysolley4268 3 года назад
Hi! I have a silly question. So with a niqab, have you noticed any difference in like, your peripheral vision? I've been struggling with tripping over my own feet with just the regular ol' Rona mask, so I was hoping that if you had noticed a difference at some point, how did you figure it out? Thanks in advance!
@ulfberht4431 3 года назад
I think niqabs are beautiful and it really brings out the ethereal eyes in any woman!
@fe.ixx_ 3 года назад
I am so happy that I found your channel, not only because I wanna learn more about other religions but also cause your confidence on telling about your religion is just so amazing :) I myself am Christian but I most of the time don’t feel close to god sooo-
@MsEntertainment69 4 года назад
walaikumussalam. definitely love your point of view regarding this topic 💞
@Ash-on7zw 3 года назад
Gorgeous sister! So beautiful to see another niqabi, and I love your reasons. ❤️❤️❤️
@aishahlavigne7022 3 года назад
Yeahhhh dats exactly what i feel. Recently i start wearing it during last ramadan 15. Please pray for me to stay istiqamah.way to go sister!!
@alittleatinyatiny1821 3 года назад
I really want to wear niqab to school especially. I have so much anxiety when I'm at school, there's no closure. No one I can talk to, to make me feel covered enough to be comfortable. I feel like wearing niqab will help, and it makes me hopeful watching other niqabis thrive while wearing it.
@user-youdontknowme 3 года назад
InshaAllah it'll be one of the best decisions of your life. May Allah strengthen and help you - Ameen
@Bella-uc5om 3 года назад
In my opinion, in order to overcome anxiety and generally all kinds of fear the solution is not hiding. The solution is fighting against your fears. Alone or with the help of family, friends, doctors. It will be harder surely, but you'll become a stronger version of yourself
@vitamind_forme3850 3 года назад
Thank you for making these videos. You are not only entertaining, you are also very informative in educating us in understanding the real culture of Islam and the why's that we normally struggle to ask.
@freyabartholomewbacklund6037 3 года назад
I love this niqab style! The colour, the gold headband, so pretty! 🥰😍
@sxaranara 3 года назад
I myself am not Muslim (I'm an atheist, that basically means I don't belive in anything) but I live in a Christian family. But ever since I found you on TikTok I've gotten more interest in religions such as Islam, and I just wanna say your videos are so educational. Much love from Sweden 🇸🇪❤️ (sorry if this isn't formulated in the best way, English isn't my first language)
@Najmah456 3 года назад
You should watch merciful servant channel
@faheemsaleem8379 2 года назад
Allah bless you with Islam sister Ameen
@TheMajesticSupernova 2 года назад
@@faheemsaleem8379 islam is cancer.
@hannahtatro7519 3 года назад
How do I start wearing niqab? 🥺 I’m a convert and I really want to wear it but I’m afraid 😔 help
@fatimanaveed5269 3 года назад
Go for it! I also wanted to wear it but I was scared what people might say.. But then I prayed to Allah to guide me and make it easier for me and Alhamdulillah Ive been wearing the niqab and Allah is making it very easy for me... InshaAllah, Allah will make it easy for you too...
@whiterose6186 3 года назад
Dear sister, I'm also a revert muslimah alhamdulillah and I have been wearing niqab for more than 4 years now. I can't imagine myself without it! I was also afraid in the beginning but when I put in on the first time I loved it so so much! Gp for it if you want ❤ Where do u live sister? In an Arab country?
@theresag5u311 3 года назад
Just wanted to add that you don't need to wear makeup. Doesn't matter if you cover yourself or not. You can be stronger than the urge to follow what society seems to want from you. It can be a relief. Just do whatever YOU want.
@geekgroupie42 10 месяцев назад
@CorrinesCauldron 3 года назад
I really enjoy your videos. They are so informative and organic. I feel you're being truly transparent and honest about you, your spiritual journey and your truth. But if I'm being honest, I originally clicked on your videos because I was stricken by your eyes. They're so beautiful and unique
@abdeenaryee9842 3 года назад
True I'm a hijabi now but I wore the niqab once and I felt more covered than hijab ,I mean the confidence is more in niqab
@saharelmubarak2027 3 года назад
I have a question sister, I wanna wear niqab but my mom thinks that there is no need when i tell her that i feel like i really wanna wear it but she tells me that niqab isn't that important, and she says im too young, yes even though im in school i love niqab so much and i feel it will help me get closer to ALLAH so how can you deal with people even your family members trying to not let wear it or judge you for trying to
@NinjaMommy 3 года назад
Try wearing them anyways. My family was in shock as well when I decided to do it. You just gotta learn to ignore those who tell you not to do it. If it feels right for you, I say go for it.
@saharelmubarak2027 3 года назад
@@NinjaMommy thank you soooo much sis💖MAY ALLAH GRANT YOU AL FIRDAUS AMEEN!!🌌🌌🌌☝☝☝💖
@missnaomi613 3 года назад
I just found this channel and had to subscribe! The more we learn about "other ways to people," the more understanding, the more peace. Blessings from another religious mama RU-vid person! 🙏❤️
@ladymallowyt 3 года назад
Found your channel through RU-vid shorts and now I've fallen in love with you and your videos. New subscriber 😊
@BougASue 3 года назад
I'm a person questioning religion and I am slightly addicted to your videos! You've answered a lot of the questions I've searched for answers for but couldn't find. Thank you for your candor and emotional labor. 💜
@MasteIsIllmatic 2 года назад
Question it. If you are a man join Islam. If you are a women. Run away.
@Jack-rs3ok 2 года назад
@@MasteIsIllmatic in that case if you are a man you will join islam but without a wife for ever becos as you yourself said that they should run away,she would be gone the moment you even try to look towards her.
@MasteIsIllmatic 2 года назад
@@Jack-rs3ok haha where will the run to? They have e very little freedom in many Islamic families. Muhammad(PBUH) said: I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women” Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3241
@drrekha5170 2 года назад
1.Make up and doing your brows....or caring about your skin is not to impress others its just doing for yourself 2. i dont see anything behind niqab ..not even modesty 3. do only women need to do it ..not men?? Its just my point of view if anyone not fine with it ..its fine
@whydontyoustfu 2 года назад
This hypocrite wears contact lense. The reason she gives for not wearing makeup is to not catch male gaze blah blah primitive crap but she beautifies her only visible body part.🥲
@kostantinazara7005 3 года назад
do you always match your Niqab with your Hijab?
@colonelroymustang3529 Год назад
But a niqab draws A LOT of attention compared to normal clothes. WAY more. Usually people stare at people with niqabs cause it‘s „exotic“ and so much fabric lol
@czargraham8790 3 года назад
You are such a beautiful person. You don’t need to take off your niqab to see. Thank you for your message!
@Kevin-yj4mi 3 года назад
what she says about her daughter is basically forcing her to wear a hijab/niqab later in an indirect way by indoctrinating her. Although she is right about not being hypocrite. So if a woman wears a niqab or hijab "voluntary" you can ask yourself how voluntary that is if you keep telling her when she's growing up that you should wear a hijab or a niqab. I don't even see the point of forcing your religion on your kids, however she does it with the best intentions (before someone starts about islamophobia it would be the same to me as forcing your kids into christianity)
@paulinapoznan8401 3 года назад
@Lala47362 3 года назад
I guess so but when they’re older they’ll think for themselves and are free to stop wearing it. I wouldn’t call it indoctrination. I mean most religious people force their kids to go to church/temple/mosque (let’s be real most kids don’t want to go because it’s boring lol)
@meliyahhuerta8175 3 года назад
I love learning about other religions although I'm Cristian
@ali_dolll2829 3 года назад
Me 2
@hadeermahmoud7247 3 года назад
if you want to learn more about islam try watching dr.zakir naik
@hadeermahmoud7247 3 года назад
@@ali_dolll2829 If the fog hides the contours of a road connected to an important end you have!! Do you wait until the fog clears up as the sun rises and you walk in it? Or you hurry up, you see a confused vision, and a faltering footsteps, you get lost and you lose your purpose. There's no doubt it's best not to rush! There is something that might confuse your thinking like fog that obscures you from seeing the truth;you will see the right thing to be like the sun in the great day. Then come to us in the company of the Academy of Female Asawir in collaboration with the Swari Platform - Directory Center in the course "Reading the Book of the Fog Girl (from the publications of the Directory Center) Which contains thirteen articles written in female pens in which specialized researchers answered - in a fun and intellectual way - 13 prophetic conversations misunderstood and thought that there is an unjust ness to women, and some fancy that there is a disparagement of them!! Sign up for the link docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekNE-6PMvSGG5sS0rykdsC9B98ASP33wpnwV7Fu-7Oypsohg/viewform Asawir Channel on Telegram t.me/Asawir1441 The course begins on October 3, 2020 and lasts for two weeks. 💥 surprise of the course The possibility of issuing a certificate from a Dalail center via the Swari platform We ask God to hold on to our faith, satisfaction and certainty with his fullness and beauty.
@peacefulbrother 3 года назад
It's really amazing knowing your creator and having a close relationship with the one and only Allah
@m.m9439 3 года назад
Well lookup on RU-vid film NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER it is besad on a true story
@kamillatoth3433 3 года назад
I have a question, I hope it is not inappropriate in some way. How do you do dinner parties / eating or drinking when outside your house? Do you make an exception to take off the face covering part then? Or do you simply never eat / drink when you are not home and only have dinners with close family?
@jillspears6331 3 года назад
What a positive, beautiful soul. Thank you for educating us.
@big_tiddie1727 4 года назад
You have such beautiful eyes, (i’m here from tiktok)
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Thank you ☺️
@omairbinenam6337 3 года назад
don't mind me but Quran Interpretation; chapter 24, verse 31 [excerpt] "Do not show their zinatahunna (their features)" Aren't eyes too a feature of a woman?
@Ash-on7zw 3 года назад
Omair Enam don’t say don’t mind me and then try to harampolice her 😒 so many harampolice men out here telling women how to wear hijab when they wouldn’t last a day with a headscarf on. Take that negativity somewhere else.
@tasmiyashaikh8157 3 года назад
@@omairbinenam6337 stfu dude it's too much now... keep your fucking gaze down Instead of looking at a womens eyes. Advise people when ur perfect got it.?
@tasmiyashaikh8157 3 года назад
@@Ash-on7zw they are just too much , for some reasons they piss me off like hell! Dude it's already so difficult to wear niqab and this dumbo is saying to hide eyes as well.. they need to keep their lust in control and they need to stop being an asshole.
@user-pe5zp8xv6z 4 года назад
Second Everybody is free to do what he or she want
@truthbringspeace9798 3 года назад
Right but Islam does not think like that for others. What should others do then?
@truthbringspeace9798 3 года назад
@@zoeanaam.6996 What I meant was Islam does not think that everyone is free to do whatever they want. Islam wants to convert everyone to Islam and not let people be free to profess their religion. Islam wants everyone to worship God it's way isn't it? If someone wants to worship God through idols, isn't that an insult to it? I hope you understand my point now. I am in no mood to be preached by a Muslim on how good Islam is. So please don't preach me. Go your own way and let me follow my path. Thank you!!
@afshantarannum341 3 года назад
@@truthbringspeace9798 who said ?
@ayah4852 3 года назад
@@truthbringspeace9798 So you don't want anyone to educate you and you want to follow your own path (which is totally okay) but you're upset people follow Islam?
@ifrahnoor7018 3 года назад
I love you and your channel. you seem like such a kind and pure hearted person masha’Allah. Whoever is friends with you and knows you personally is so blessed. I watched your other videos talking about hate you get on your tiktoks and how other people are saying there are too many rules; all I can say is that there are people who appreciate those videos because it allows them to learn more about islam very quickly. never stop posting those videos to educate others. thank you sister. Allahumma Barik ❤️
@MartianInDisguise 2 года назад
How do you sneeze and use a tissue? Does it ever get annoying not to be able to clean your ears if they are itchy? Also, does wearing a niqab or hijab impact your hearing if you wear hearing aids?
@rosinaalmaviva6731 2 года назад
I think your channel is so neat! I like learning about how people from different religions interpret the concept of modesty. My family are liberal Mennonites. For us, modesty means not showing off wealth through extravagant clothing or possessions. No fancy outfits/cars/houses etc. Personally, I like practicing this kind of modesty. The power games people play with each other through material one-upmanship can be so pointless and exhausting! Although I don't think the Muslim interpretation of modesty is the one I want to practice, I'm glad I can learn about it from you!❤
@girlintheory 3 года назад
why wouldnt men do it?
@edward1412 2 года назад
Because it’s used to control women. It wasn’t even an Islamic thing during the beginning of Islam. It was later adopted. The problem is how Christian girls ( I believe they are kids) in the comment section find it appealing.
@elanuralper 3 года назад
So inspiring thank you so much for sharing this with us may Allah grant u jannah
@__sooya__263 5 месяцев назад
I really want to wear niqab. But it's a bit hard for me because of my university restrictions . Insha allah i will wear niqab no matter what . Please pray for me that i can wear niqab as soon as possible. May allah make it easy for me Ameen
@tabasumbashir4434 3 года назад
Salaam! I also want to wear a niqab, please pray for me... Jazakallah u khairan💖💖💖
@anthonygomez4348 3 года назад
My mom wears the burka/burqa and my sister wears the niqab, marshallah✨
@jgcvjsdxcbksdk2843 3 года назад
please always say Allah* with capital
@alexlynne7807 3 года назад
So interesting! Thank you for educating me on Islam. Learning so much from your channel :)
@easye6287 3 года назад
Hi! I just wanted to ask why there's two hijab ayat in the Quran which one is hijab or niqab
@giuliaconti277 3 года назад
I was raised Christian and for a long time I was a firm believer, then I distanced myself from the faith because I felt like many people behaved like hypocrites and I have a hard time with hypocrisy. A dear friend of mine was a priest and he used to tell us that faith should be alive, open and joyful; I love this concept and it was honestly so refreshing to find it in someone from another religion. I've always loved to learn about religions in general (traditions, rules, books) but, especially when I was a child, Islam was presented to me as an oppressive religion; it's so good to see that idea I had of your religion was wrong, I was actually surprised when you said you feel safe in your niquab and it is refreshing to hear your opinion, especially because you are so passionate about your beliefs. Even if I'm having a troubled time with my faith I honestly love your videos and I think you're beautiful, your niquab is beautiful and it's part of who you are (also I love the little decorated headbands you add). Keep up the good work and keep spreading love💖.
@ashleypollock1 4 года назад
Just found your channel, sister- love it, mashallah! Inshallah I hope to see me from you. Allah bless you. Salam!
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
JazakAllahkhair sister! ♥️♥️♥️
@MacMandy1 3 года назад
Thanks! I was wondering and I admire you so much🤲♥️ pure heart and a pure soul🌹 stay always who you are because you are the best Mashallah. The world needs more people like you♥️
@drag.ul.a 3 года назад
Your hijabs and niqabs are always very beautiful, they match your eyes quite well! I think one day I might try to see how I feel wearing both when I'm out of the toxic islamophobic space of my household
@viktor681 3 года назад
I pray for u, may Allah bless you and make ur way easier😊
@samgarrett4935 4 года назад
Hi I’m very curious about wether or not you choose to wear a face mask under your niqab or is the fabric thick enough to protect you.
@NinjaMommy 4 года назад
Sam Garrett I don’t need to. My Niqab protects me
@youbitchescantevenspellpra6343 4 года назад
@@NinjaMommy sister i think u still need to wear it. Its just clothing and most times its even see through and thin matirial
@idk-dv1wo 4 года назад
if you wear glasses would it be uncomfortable? (sorry if you have answered this before❤️)
@ashleypollock1 4 года назад
Hey Eliza, I don't wear niqab full-time, but I have experience wearing them with glasses. To answer your question: yes and no. Some cuts are slightly too narrow to accommodate glasses, so yes, w8th certain niqabs it is difficult and can be uncomfortable. Fortunately though, there are brands now that have wider cut niqabs that allow for glasses to fit super comfortably. Also certain niqab styles like the widow's peak and string niqab are commonly naturally wider, so glasses can be worn easily with them. Hope that helped!
@idk-dv1wo 4 года назад
@@ashleypollock1 ok thank you!
@anonymous-cw8ke 3 года назад
hey eliza I wear glasses and also do naqaab... it's really very easy and I felt very very comfortable in it
@idk-dv1wo 3 года назад
@@anonymous-cw8ke ok thank you!❤️
@katff7502 3 года назад
I was curious about what you looked like but now I just see you through your personality and good vibes and that feels enough☺️
@mizzobjectiveone3819 3 года назад
Where did you buy the niqab? Do you have a link for a store?
Kettim gul opkegani😋
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