
5E Homebrew: Telegraphed Legendary Attacks 

Zee Bashew
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31 авг 2022




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@zeebashew Год назад
Big thanks to Pete, Elliot and Forrest for workshopping some of these ideas with me after our last session! Additional ideas: Maybe they can charge the action more times for more damage? Maybe they are vulnerable to certain damage types while they are charging? Maybe they have multi stage attacks, where each stage has a specific AOE? Maybe they move as part of the big attack? Also almost definitely: They shouldn't move once they start charging unless they cancel it, and they should be able to use their action in place of a legendary action to launch a charged attack.
@rollergalaxy9997 Год назад
Alright, You’ve inspired me. Magical Glide Flings a player 20 feet, launches them 30 feet into the air, and gives them the feather fall effect. The player has full control of their movement while feather falling (their movement speed), and if they land on something they deal 2d4 bludgeoning damage. This can be taken advantage of by using it as a guaranteed hit against a boss/enemy that has this spell. Great stuff Zee!
@srgarathnor Год назад
this is cool, but fyi, there is no facing in 5e, you can see in every direction at once per the rules this type of things still works regardless and i have used it in the past and its great fun
@Keric22 Год назад
Final Fantasy 14 AOEs. That's it.
@MrSilvUr Год назад
Maybe an archer arcs a single arrow into the ground to find its range and stuff, and then they'll rain arrows down in a 15ft radius cylinder around that arrow.
@xenoexe4954 Год назад
I love this concept of homebrew stuff. It could make combat more interesting on both ends. Please more of this.
@tuckerlambert-clark6284 Год назад
I really like this honestly it allows players to actually move around and protect each other also most legendary actions are boring but this is a fun spin to them
@MyWaifuNow Год назад
@@utes5532 He said only one player gets to have a turn before the attack lands and its not the player who just went. If you just hit the enemy with a weapon you're stuck there and only a party member can get you out. Your movement does nothing when you literally cant move on your own. Plus If its a ranged AOE it doesn't even matter if your close with a melee or far with magic/ranged it will hit you unless a party member is close enough to save you
@goncalocarneiro3043 Год назад
@@utes5532 You can move after attacking, but nobody else can move since it's not their turn. That's the point.
@Some_Really_Random_Dude. Год назад
@@MyWaifuNow Remember that this wind up attack has facing, it is possible to move while engaged, as long as you don't move out of the engaged range.I have actually used this to pull some situation in our favour by utilising large summons. Most people, including DMs don't expect this, because usually there is no reason to move after you engage the enemy.
@dynamicworlds1 Год назад
How badass would it be for someone to run up and put their shield in front of an impending breath attack to protect their party, probably taking some damage themselves, but preventing the rest of their party from taking damage? Iconic, and for all the things, D&D let's you do, it never let you do that.
@thtb Год назад
You say all, while the example given is 1. 1 is not all.
@Ziegrif Год назад
One of my proudest moment was having a boss that used 8th and 7-9th lvl magic but had it on a wind up. It started casting at round start, then at round end it would cast whatever it was doing. The players could break its concentration, but when concentration was broken it would on the next turn use focus to protect its concentration for a turn. There were also suicide clowns approaching the group that would then fireball themselves if they got close enough. The finale was the boss focusing on a meteor swarm and with enough damage the boss was taken down and the swarm launched into random directions. Good times, was stressful to the players.
@rabbidninja79 Год назад
What level were they? Good idea also!
@jalencooper5156 Год назад
You really just gonna drop the phrase "suicide clowns" and not elaborate?
@noah9942. Год назад
@@jalencooper5156 i mean they explained it pretty well. Suicide clowns that fireball themselves when they close to the party.
@ManoredRed Год назад
@@jalencooper5156 Clowns don't need a reason to be suicide bombers
@Hazel-xl8in Год назад
@@jalencooper5156 blacephalon basically did it first lmao
@skrumbleton3745 Год назад
Dude, I was just literally thinking about telegraphed boss attacks for a campaign I’m going to run and just using legendary actions is such a great way to simplify it without making it less grand, can’t believe I didn’t think of it.
@johndthackray Год назад
I've been using Dale Kingsmill's variant dragons for a while for that reason
@Saltier Год назад
I'd think if anything a long and powerful-looking windup would only make an attack more grand.
@williamwilcoxson151 Год назад
Been running a homebrew Zelda campaigns and this would be great for them dungeon bosses
@giblesdestruct Год назад
I did this with a whole round of lead up. The boss hunkered down with magic shields increasing his defense while he charged an aoe centered on himself. Next turn he unleashed it. It gives the players a whole turn to lock him down or get clear but the extra defense doesn't make it feel like the boss lost a turn. The players thought it was super cool.
@lumberluc Год назад
Making the BBEGs or minis a little more unique.
@bennettbottero3352 Год назад
I ran a one on one Zelda RPG using 5e for my fiancé and this is how I ran boss monsters. Each attack had a telegraphed wind up followed by an attack. Each attack had a way you could avoid it or straight up interrupt it to negate it altogether. It worked really well! And I’ve started using it for other actually dnd monsters as well!
@nnickplays9713 Год назад
Oh! Tell us more about this system!
@eragon190 Год назад
Yes, please tell us more!
@SrTNick1 Год назад
The unique ways to interrupt or avoid it sound like a really cool way to emulate specific items being used to beat specific bosses.
@linkofdoom24 Год назад
I’ve been in a couple zelda games. One started more based of one of the games then spun off. The other was more just using the world. Both were really fun.
@TonytheCapeGuy Год назад
I'm actually planning to incorporate certain pieces of Zelda into my campaign. Did you homebrew stuff or reskin existing stuff or what?
@TomiNight Год назад
A DM of mine has been running telegraphed attacks as 'paragon actions', telegraph happens at start of round, and event resolves at the end. This could be anything from an attack to an environmental change. I loved it and will be using it in future games.
@pztgst Год назад
I've been doing this for years. My favorite flavor is combining a boss telegraph with a lair telegraph. The lair telegraphs at initiative 20 and executes at initiative 1 and has bigger AOEs like hitting half the room or a starburst from a point. The boss then does a line or cone which limits the safe space and maybe leaves behind a puddle for them to stand in and take damage later.
@Zedrinbot Год назад
I've run telegraphs in a game before. The problem I see with this one is that, whoever has their turn after the wind up is suddenly relegated to rescue duty, and it kinda feels bad for them unless they explicitly were planning to do that, or if they have a means to rescue someone without cutting into their own actions. From my experience, you want to make sure telegraphs don't stifle the boss's action economy, and the players can deal with the mechanics and actually have a chance to react if they'll be the ones affected. When I did it, it was in PF2 (so opportunity attacks weren't a concern), and I created two types of telegraphs: One, at the end of the boss's turn, it would switch weapons with a declaration. At the start of its next turn, it would get a free area of effect attack off, based on the weapon it equipped. E.g., a sword might be a spin attack to cleave everything adjacent, a scythe might cleave everything greater than 10-15 ft away (forcing you to get close), or a spear might just do a wide line AOE targeting the last person to successfully hit it. These go off immediately, before it can move, so it can't cheese things. It took players a minute to realize the AOEs were related to the weapon the boss had, but once they did, they were dancing around a lot more readily. The other thing it would do sometimes is summon some pylons. Before the boss's next turn, they'd fire off attacks in a cross-line pattern for automatic damage. Players would know to move to the sides / out of the way. You can do something similar with say, environmental elements like cannons or geysers that the boss can activate to erupt or fire. This worked out really well and kept players moving a lot. You just gotta be careful about throwing too many effects in at once, otherwise you can sometimes make a scenario where there are no safe areas, or they're impossible to feasibly reach.
@yuvalgabay1023 Год назад
I had an idea once for a "resistance wheel" ..so like the monster will roted a resistances between rounds (mybe last dmg type delt or the most in the round or just in order /random) on a wheel of dmg type (a elemental wheel , pysical wheel or a special wheel (nerco,psychic extra). Now the players need to plan there attacks and not rely on one weapon or spell
@joshuahendrickson8694 Год назад
Wow, you've gone full Dark Souls! I might have to this a try.
@joeystuart2949 Год назад
My big thing that drives me insane about this sorta thing is just negating it entirely using stunning strike, and PCs using forced movement to say it cancels the entire thing.
@Zedrinbot Год назад
@@joeystuart2949 tbf, since I was running in PF2, stun works differently. It's not as accessible to players, bosses are more likely to save against it when it is, and stunned only reduces the actions the boss can take based on the stun value, instead of completely negating their turn. Since monsters don't have opportunity attacks by default in PF2, it also made it easier to move around. For 5e, specifically Zee's way of running it with legendary actions, I'd say stuns and forced movement are fine for solving that, though I'd also say that OA's are disable when it's priming a telegraph. But stuns are kinda badly handled in 5e (and makes monks kinda gimmicky).
@themanysirs1814 Год назад
@@Zedrinbot Plus on top of that, if stunning strike fails, they're now directly in front of the attack. I'd also probably add something to stronger charge attacks that they have advantage on saving throws if I wanted to counter that, kinda like superarmor, however have them autofail dodge based saving throws and if I'm feeling generous, lower their armor class/make them get advantage to being hit... or just convert them into a different type like Strength or Constitution if you wanted to make them really imposing.
@jevanking4768 Год назад
Great idea, can help make the players move around more and find new angles to attack and stop constant flanking
@Phourc Год назад
Another 'fix' to the flanking problem is to not run the DMGs "flanking gives advantage" version - it's way too powerful and overshadows all the other ways to get advantage. Instead, run the popular homebrew "flanking gives the opposite of half cover" version. ^^
@VentrexTheXVth Год назад
@@Phourc ah yes take away the rule instead playing around it great choice
@harperna3938 Год назад
@@VentrexTheXVth it's an ill-conceived optional rule to begin with. if you actually want positionally interesting combat, use the optional facing rules instead. flanking is like giving everyone knockoff pack tactics.
@Rotten_Prince Год назад
@@Phourc there's a dm I know that plays it like You need at least 3 people triangling on melee around the target
@VentrexTheXVth Год назад
@@harperna3938 so you would rather give the enemy onidirectional sight? The whole point of flanking to to divide attention. And yes that's what a party is a human pack
@jeightee Год назад
I'd probably introduce this mechanic by having a creature without legendary actions spend its turn winding up a hit for the next round. That way, when a bigger monster *uses a legendary action* to mimic such behavior, it should cause the players to recognize that and, hopefully, put 2 and 2 together regarding the legendary actions.
@apollyonnoctis1291 Год назад
I’d suggest starting off with the first boss suddenly using a reaction, before you mark the area around them, confusing the players… Then next turn, the enemy does an attack that does a small amount of damage to the marked squares around them, but it sends everyone in the area flying. It would act as an aha moment, so that the next time those marked squares pop up, they realize that they need to stay outside of that area.
@noahblack914 10 дней назад
Giving the whole party a full round to continue laying into the monster and run away while it charges up sounds like a great way to have an anticlimactic result. It's an important note that Zee has both the charge up and the follow through as Legendary Actions. The boss didn't waste any time on its turn.
@minaly22 Год назад
Ive already planned on doing this with dragon breath weapons. Each time the dragon regains their charge of breath weapon, make it very evident that the dragon is taking a deep breath, and is facing one specific direction (either one specifically annoying character or randomly rolled with dice), giving the impression that anyone in that same direction should probably skedadle or at the very least employ the dodge action. This is also very important to allow players to utilise protective spells and resources, because what happens too often in DnD is that you cast protection from energy but either the enemy just doesn't hit you (either missing or focusing on someone else), you shielded the wrong type of energy, or spent the spell slot on a fireball that is more rewarding in general.
@kent6759 Год назад
Our DM used FFXIV style telegraphed AoEs as the layer actions for the final boss fight of one of our campaigns. It added an extra layer of movement strategy instead of just the normal run up and deal big damage. It was one of the most unique fights I have ever had in D&D and it was a lot of fun! I highly recommend.
@LocoCocoKyoko Год назад
Clerics Adjust.
@dracoslayer16 Год назад
Now I want a FFXIV tabletop game.
@PoppySquidJr Год назад
@@dracoslayer16 while not exactly what you're asking for, there is a full thorough homebrew for dnd5e for every race and job in ffxiv, that you could definitely work with
@minmusmun6767 Год назад
I've thought of using telegraphed mechanics similar to this, but it never occured to me to use legendary actions for the wind-up and resolution. This is ingenious. I will definitively be trying this mechanic in the next session. If the players respond well to it, I will be incorporating it into my boss fights from now on. Love this idea so much.
@soupurse Год назад
I love doing this! Combined with locational and limb damage impacting big monsters (severed limbs, blinding, etc), it allows for a lot more nuanced combat and evolving strategies, as well as great opportunities for storytelling and roleplay beyond "the monster is hurt." I definitely don't recommend doing this with more than 3 monsters at a tine since you still have a game to run, but certainly wherever you can manage. Also, great video as always
@2MeterLP Год назад
I recently used the Fleecemane Lion from the Theros book, a CR3 creature with legendary actions. I loved it! Legendary actions shouldnt be limited to high CR monsters, because they improve the flow of bossfights at every level. If your players are going to fight a single, strong monster, try giving it one or two legendary actions! That way it feels like a dynamic bossfight instead of the party stomping a helpless creature for 10 minutes until its the things turn again. Make sure to balance it, though. If your bossmonster has multiattack, just use one of those attacks later as a legendary action. Or give the monster legendary actions that dont deal damage, but interact with players, like an Ogre picking up the fighter and tossing them at the wizard to throw both prone.
@abouttime837 Год назад
Reminds me of spells like Moonbeam that trigger at the start of the creature’s turn. Lead to fun “GET DOWN” moments to save the party’s doppelgänger from being revealed.
@zweihawke Год назад
Been doing this in my campaign for a year-ish now. I love this mechanic so much as it makes spacing very important and prevalent especially in boss encounters. Spread the word!
@DungeonMiser Год назад
I like this. I like it more if very occasionally the telegraph refers to one or two lesser used aoe attacks with a slightly altered style to remove some of the repetitiveness.
@FatedHandJonathon Год назад
I think only if it’s a very different telegraph. If the players are left guessing which locations will be dangerous in a turn, the tactics become a lot muddier and a lot less fun.
@kingknow-nothing471 Год назад
Telegraphing has definitely been one of those things I have liked the idea of, but was always hesitant on doing, because I would be worried about people perceiving it as too 'video gamey', but seeing you explain it really made it seem a lot more dynamic than I had imagined, especially with the various examples. Its honestly pretty cool to see what small changes and do mechanically, but also cinematically to the general game.
@hobosorcerer Год назад
I absolutely love this! As an old souls player, this is a great way to run large aoe spells. Using other area control abilities, like a wall of fire, can help the BBEG make this more threatening.
@RegularBard Год назад
"This would destroy the table" Yes, I think perhaps it would! My players would totally try it anyway though 😂
@mrbluesguy2853 Год назад
Love your work, keep it up!
@TheOblivionKiller124 Год назад
I’ve been wanting to do something similar, making creatures with recharge attacks roll to regain them at the END of their turn instead of the start, and give a visual signal that they can use it again, like having an area on the dragon’s neck begin to glow. I really want to start telegraphing things more and giving players more agency in combat so that it isn’t just a slapfest to see who goes down first.
@MrShaundra Год назад
LOVE YOUR CONTENT!!!! The humor, the animation, the scripting (or sometimes the ad libbing) are all on point!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue!!!
@Limrasson Год назад
What I did was using a "complex trap" for an encounter, where on initiative 20 the device would light up and mark the areas of effect and on initiative 10 the effects would fire. (radiant damage in a cone, summon a small radiant elemental that blinds and does minor damage in an AoE) But this one is good too, however it leaves little space to manouver I think.
@apeters8 Год назад
@peterbillings3276 Год назад
I learned about your channel a few days ago. I like it so much, I think I binged just about every video you've uploaded. This is my first "new video" so I'm excited. Thanks for the awesome content. It's already positively impacted my group's campaign. Cheers!
@AntiPeach Год назад
Thanks for moving and getting into a hopefully nice place to continue showing your awesome and fun animations
@Nate-lq8jc Год назад
I do this with dragons breath weapon. One round of wind up and when it goes off, it does max damage. Combine this with claw attacks that can auto grapple and you can see the fear in the party as the dragon grabs their fighter and prepares to roast them specifically.
@thedragonknight3600 Год назад
Okay Auto Grapple plus an Auto-hit breath weapon is too much, especially if you're also doing Max damage. The Grapple is already gonna be hard to do against a FREAKING DRAGON, let alone get the fighter out of before the end of the next player's Turn. Because even the lowest CR Adult Dragon, the Adult Brass, has a breath weapon that can deal 78 damage. You're gonna at best melt the fighter's health and at worst knock them unconscious. And if you are doing the wind up thing, then why is your dragon spending 4 legendary actions or it's turn, and 3 legendary actions to grab 1 person in particular and roast them alive when it could just fly around and roast the party when it swoops in close? That party member had better be really, REALLY valuable and really really stupid to NOT get grabbed by the dragon that's eyeing them up like a corndog.
@Phourc Год назад
Hmm so how does that run? Dragon winds up it's breath at initiative 20 like a lair action then fires it at the bottom of the round? Does he still take his action? Legendary actions?
@Nate-lq8jc Год назад
@@Phourc for the breath weapon, the dragon spends the action on its turn to breath in and prepare the attack. It can spend legendary actions as normal but if it moved, I would count it's grapple as immediately over. Then, on the dragon's turn on the next round, the breath goes off. Just to make sure that everyone gets a chance to help.
@Nate-lq8jc Год назад
@@thedragonknight3600 different strokes. It could very well do all that on one round and then decide that someone in particular needs to die. It's more about cinematics than tactical acuity.
@parkersmith8711 Год назад
I really like the idea and have been loving more of the animated spell book
@Lord__Gold Год назад
I love these! Love most of your homebrew ideas
@paulmartinek1716 Год назад
Spectacular as always, congrats on the new house! Can't wait to see the new season!
@briggasnax8575 Год назад
I'm very very interested in making my own almost monster hunter styled table top adventure and combat in this way has intrigued me greatly. But since every hunt in this game would include these telegraphed attacks, I fear there would be obvious, overpowered strategies that people can hold on to to move another player.
@wcookiv Год назад
That might just be realism sneaking in. Hunters with D&D capabilities would naturally be much more adept at using friendly repositioning as part of their combat style. You could discuss this with your players and see if they'll agree to removing/limiting a lot of the movement spells and abilities, maybe compensating them with magical weapons to keep with the theme, or some other boon that would encourage the playstyle you're looking for like a tracking fly analog. Or you could accept that your hunting party has actual magic and embrace what a hunt looks like when you can dimension door in an S-AED, but that's just my personal preference lol.
@fyshman152 Год назад
Then don’t make whatever a boss is doing consistent with others. To me, a big part of this idea is the initial unpredictability. Make one dude cast a spell, another use a weapon. Heck, you could make it be lair actions that the BBEG causes.
@wcookiv Год назад
@@fyshman152 Monster hunter is like a fighting game but you fight small kaiju. In the videogame, learning their signals and attack animations and dodging in and out to do damage is the main combat mechanic, like Darksouls. So the problem isn't keeping the attack patterns varied, it's preventing the party from figuring out a cheese maneuver that works against all telegraphed attacks because every meaningful fight will be against them.
@danilooliveira6580 Год назад
what is not necessarily a bad thing, I'm sure the player will feel super clever for figuring out a way to cheese boss mechanics... just like monster hunter. you can also have the bosses use different kinds of attack to force the players to adapt and memorize mechanics, like for example the boss will use a line AOE in front of him, but then the line will explode and damage adjacent tiles the next turn, but then if the boss charges a similar attack but with a different color, it will do the same thing but the inverse.
@briggasnax8575 Год назад
@@danilooliveira6580 i somewhat like this middle ground take on it, being telegraphed attacks with a degree of randomness to each. The type of cheese that i dont want is for a creature to repeatedly run into a wall because the flow chart the DM uses is flawed. I feel that especially early game monsters who cant use crazy ass energy blasts or huge AOE attacks will be troublesome to find a way to keep players out of their comfort zone.
@evan_j_peterson Год назад
Cool Idea! I might use it for my next homebrew build...
@AnyoneCanDM Год назад
This video was super cool! You’re an inspiration and videos like these make me wanna DM again after experiencing heavy burnout.
@jamesscott3263 Год назад
Always enjoy the content, please keep it coming! Cool home brew idea!
@josefwareham135 Год назад
Best part of the week
@merlintym1928 Год назад
Fr fr
@jiffylou98 Год назад
They actually do this in Fire emblem, where when a monster lands an attack on its turn, they wind up an AOE that can hit a 4x2 area, but in any direction, so the party has to maximize for who gets hit, whom the monster aggros on, and how the party is spaced. I like it a lot!
@TheConjurersTower Год назад
This is brilliant, thank you so much!
@maximthemagnificent Год назад
Always a pleasure to see a new video from you. Congrats on the new house.
@emmadictator4062 Год назад
I've been wondering how to best do telegraphed attacks in dnd for a while cause its such a "video game boss staple" that I wanted to replicate it somehow and this seems like a great way to do it. The wind up lasting every party members turn always seemed too easily avoidable and this is a good way to fix that.
@darkmatterpancake9824 Год назад
I think you used the wrong account for this comment pal
@Catalyst375 Год назад
@@darkmatterpancake9824 It's a bot, most likely. Bots like these copy other people's comments on the page. This one copied one of mine. As for the likes, either they're also bot-generated, or there are guys who "like" any post whose profile images look a certain way.
@twelvexii9474 Год назад
You could also have something like "AC in excess of X gives you some DR" so armor isn't simply trivialized.
@youtubeuniversity3638 Год назад
@elijahbaley5556 Год назад
@@youtubeuniversity3638 Damage Resistance / Reduction, it reduces damage
@ShiftyMcGoggles Год назад
@@youtubeuniversity3638 damage reduction, I think. So X being between 8 to 15, for every point the player AC is above it, you reduce 1 point of damage.
@davidfronk9656 Год назад
This is brilliant and I love it! Thanks for sharing
@BrothaBryman Год назад
Great idea Zee! I'll definitely try this. Love your videos. I noticed the warlock song at the end on this one. I watched that short every now and then for the lolz.
@emmadictator4062 Год назад
I'm glad to see that someone has come up with a similar idea to what I had. It's a really cool idea for fights and creates an amazing sense of uniqueness for your bosses. Maybe don't use it for every boss fight, but pull it out for bosses that you want the players to remember.
@TheRealMichelozzo Год назад
This is an interesting idea. Feels like bit of a cheap shot to have the boss do the swing that's meant to be 'step out of this' when a player doesn't have the ability to get out of said aoe since action economy is a thing. Still its an interesting idea as previously stated, and one I might use in my games in the future
@Phourc Год назад
Shoves exist as an option, but yeah - it's a lot of pressure on whoever's up next!
@lonestarlibrarian1853 Год назад
@@Phourc Am wondering if it’d be worth it to even try to get another player out of the way, unless you can do it in a bonus action or they’re going to die from it.
@RainaThrownAway Год назад
It encourages a riskier playstyle where characters might save some of their movement, since 5e lets you move, attack, and move again if you still have speed left. Obviously there's no way to know if a boss is going to use their special attack before they start their wind-up, but that's the risk you run - risk an AoO, which has a chance of failure, or take the chance that the boss will charge up their auto-hit. Usually it's going to be worth the AoO - and once the boss has done one AoO, they can't do any more. You might also homebrew some escape options, magic items or spells or whatever, that can be used once per battle or so (maybe recharge on a 6 or something) as a reaction. Another option is to balance the auto-hit such that it doesn't do a *ton* of damage - I'd probably say it should do half of the average damage of the boss's most powerful normal attack, as a rule of thumb. If you want to roll it instead of just doing flat damage, that would be half the number or half the size of the dice, and also divide any flat damage added in half. If you want it to be more powerful, make it easier to avoid - charges for a round rather than just a turn, or something like that.
@Phourc Год назад
@@lonestarlibrarian1853 Yeah I think a system like that would only work if the hits are scarily big and the boss only had a limited number per round, meaning most of his damage could be mitigated by smart play while at least some players get a chance to attack.
@WheyanQuix Год назад
Zee… Thank you. 1. For your comedic addition to my day, and 2. For the wonderful ways in which you teach me to further scare my players. Good luck with the move!
@Derpingmuffin Год назад
Loving these new videos, Zee!
@emmadictator4062 Год назад
I've been wondering how to implement something like this! As I like player facing combat, you could easily implement this into that kind of system since the players already roll to avoid getting hit.
@emmadictator4062 Год назад
"The boss performs a wind-up legendary action. You have until the boss' next turn to kill the boss or break their concentration before a party wipe." Definitely feels like a mechanic translated from an RPG video game into the tabletop.
@benjaminhilsdon2238 Год назад
Love your videos, good luck with the move!
@mikagami69 Год назад
Great idea! As always, love the vid. Congrats on moving, which for us kicks off years of finding buried boxes. Our house is like a dungeon crawl for months afterwards. Have fun with that!
@splat20 Год назад
My man out here reinventing D&D 4E. It had some good, modern combat design and everyone seems to disregard all the lessons learned from that edition just because the critical reception was bad.
@ANDELE3025 Год назад
And as 4e in turn just renamed to Trigger and Boss actions the assortment of the randomly bullshit named monster traits that let them take FRA or standards as immediate or ready only bits (and the channeled spell series of .5), it cant be praised for it other than for streamlining (while often misusing, like oh so much content from 1st and 2nd mm and essentially majority of pre essentials DM side content).
@Qamikace Год назад
seriously though why are youtubers always moving
@kardasdragon7933 Год назад
Congrats on the move, hope thing go smooth and can't wait to see whats coming next
@dezdarkshard2574 Год назад
I've been doing these for a while now and we love em. Gives the players a lot more to do and think about.
@anthropomorphicpotato Год назад
this idea is great, I would love to see more homebrew stuff from you
@iTzRion182 Год назад
so great i love these type of videos
@markinok.8787 Год назад
This is amazing I have been trying to figure out a way to do this for such a long time cuz I wanted to get that exact feeling thank you
@Reelyreed Год назад
Seasons are a great idea! Love you dude have a good break.
@michaelcrumlett187 Год назад
Neat idea! Congrats on the new place.
@glennderocher2862 Год назад
Congratulations. Love the vid and look forward to more great vids and ideas. 💪😎🤙
@michaelluther3884 Год назад
You're my favorite DnD RU-vidr. Thanks for all the fun.
@bundythegrim Год назад
love it! awesome idea man, exactly what the game needs, implementing this asap
@theLohan Год назад
This is so simple and clear. Super Dope!
@Teroh00 Год назад
I really like this idea! It is intuitive, clear and can still pose a challenge
@bigueuofheueucounty1785 Год назад
@ceramicchicken1 Год назад
Cool idea! Thanks for the idea mid move, good luck with everything!
@GomorrahVT Год назад
This is awesome! I've been thinking here and they're about a way to implement almost exactly this for a little while but never thought to use the legendary actions for it, brilliant! Though I'll need to workshop it for my table for sure but SO doing this
@nigmaxus Год назад
Thanks for animating, see you next season, and enjoy your new space
@rockhoward224 Год назад
Congrats on the new place and this is some nice new combat spice.
@00ironskull Год назад
I mean I mean just because it was short does not mean it wasn't high quality you have no idea how much of an impact your videos have on me and the groups that I play with thank you so much for all that you post
@artemisdarkslayer Год назад
Very hooked on Talespire, love it. I am prepped for several months of sessions now with maps.
@NeonIcyWings Год назад
A neat idea, would be cool to see in some games to add a bit of flavor, even if it does gameify it a bit. Hope the move goes well Zee! Thanks for bringing out these wonderfully animated, humorous and even education animated spell books the past couple of years! Can't wait for next season, haha
@tyborg8234 Год назад
Congrats on the new place Zee! Hope all goes well.
@johnm.9597 Год назад
Yo, just wanted to say that these little shorts miiiiiiight have saved entire campaigns for me, so keep up the good work, Zee, really helpful, even the small stuff
@johnm.9597 Год назад
Ps. The cultists procession was one of the best d&d vids ever, totally hilarious
@heatflash360 Год назад
hope the move goes well, take as long as you need i am here for the content you want to produce and feel pride in.
@jamessisler5475 Год назад
Congratulations on the move. Yes, that video was short but it was still very good. I think I might have to try that legendary action out.
@MarcusNcc17 Год назад
Thanks for uploading!
@euansmith3699 Год назад
Another great episode.
@Matthis_H. Год назад
Yeeees! Thats so cool. I really wanted to do a Souls like DnD game, but i never got around the attack pattern of the souls Bosses. This Video is such a great Inspiration (and the art and animation in Top as allways). Thabk you my man. :) And a wish you a great move, hope everything goes smoothly.
@ethansexton2590 Год назад
Absolutely LOVE the idea!
@Cloudwolf785 Год назад
Actually like the idea a lot. Thank you :3
@lkriticos7619 Год назад
Congrats on the new place Zee :)
@starshiplazyboy475 Год назад
Congratulations on the new place!
@GazpachoTabletop Год назад
This sounds fantastic!
@falconiguana Год назад
I liked this one! Congrats on moving!
@Izandaia Год назад
Congrats on the move! Also as a fan of tactical, positioning-based gameplay, I love this idea!
@The93spiderfreak Год назад
Nice, man! Congrats on the move.
@fish.come.from_the_milk Год назад
love the homebrew stuff because it is so intertwined with creativity
@1420ify Год назад
this is a very cool way to make locations matter and encourage meaningful choices
@ML-xx9kc Год назад
Congrats on the new place! :)
@lunezaschannel8085 Год назад
Congratz on the move! I will totes be using this on my players soon! Thanks for the idea.
@micheljavert5923 Год назад
This has been a very neat and entertaining series of shorts since the "season" started
@sirguy6678 Год назад
Great video! Love the tactics!
@microhomebrew Год назад
Hell yeah, this sounds awesome! Gonna do it! I especially love that zig-zag one!
@herecomemacOnTT Год назад
I dig it! Makes things a bit more interesting.
@IstasPumaNevada Год назад
Congrats on the move, that's a gigantic pain in the ass. I hope everything went smoothly, and that you enjoy the new place. :)
@petterlundgren209 Год назад
Love your stuff!
@JonnnytheDM Год назад
omg its so simple, but i love it! i will definitely steal this idea! :D
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