
8 Signs You’re a Heyoka High Priestess 

Connor Makenzie
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21 окт 2024




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@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
No mercy 💯🧐😃
@riverrush1 7 месяцев назад
Listening in Ramadan 2 years on. Thank you. Beautiful message 😊
@australiantruckspotting8883 2 года назад
I love this sort of stuff
@quantummajesty 2 года назад
So beautiful and so precise! thank you!!! You are full of Grace, Wisdom and Power, Your Majesty!
@thierrymunseugandachildren802 3 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing watching from Africa Uganda
@Boho_Star Год назад
Omg wow THANK YOU!!!! I’m A high priestess HEYOKA!!!! 😯😃💖🥰🙏😊I’ve wondered past few days how to transmute energies thinkin I was so bad at it and didn’t know how😵‍💫lol- you are describing me to a T!!! Wow
@Metaphysical111 2 месяца назад
"It doesn't take much for us to cut it off no mercy!" Heyoka High Priestess
@babybuddah1858 3 года назад
I read tarot and Cards since I was a child , I had past lives in the egypt and atlantis,
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
We are one of the same sister! Take care of yourself sweet girl..sending you 💕
@theresa.y5221 3 года назад
Wow; so glad other people feel and experience the same thing as I do 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
We certainly do! Thank you for being here with us, sister. 🌈✨🦋
@PRMama24 3 года назад
Can you imagine if we all got in a room together lol love y’all! 💜🔥
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
One day that just might happen, sister! What an amazing day that would be. Thank you for being here with us. 🌟✨🌟
@HollyBeverly-eo2wl 6 месяцев назад
Oh mountains would crumble oceans would drain!!! But in a totally positive way 😅
@HollyBeverly-eo2wl 6 месяцев назад
I love to tell others ....underestimate me please ....that'll be fun ....🎉❤🎉 I am so glad you mentioned that sleep issue!! Thank you 😊
@HollyBeverly-eo2wl 6 месяцев назад
My energy precedes me ....some are way intimidated ....
@HollyBeverly-eo2wl 6 месяцев назад
@sitalalta1117 Год назад
Thank you for this info. I am more aware!
@thesingingprint 3 года назад
Priests too dear, priests too. Same qualities. Nicely done!
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Yes brother!!! Thank you for being here with us. 🧡
@pandola3317 3 года назад
I liiiike your Video a lot is second time a watching it in the last 24 hrs. Well done !!!! The Thumbnail make good impact 🤠
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Thank you so much for your feedback!! I’m happy to have you here with me. 💕💚💙
@pandola3317 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 Thank you for to be here helping us 👏
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
It’s an honor. ⚔️
@ChristineExpressions Год назад
Love how you went above and beyond. All of them fit me. I have a subconscious/higher self with a fun sense of humor and also a Native American guide with a stoic personality but very loving. Thank you for sharing your insights!
@josmart8291 3 года назад
Oh so true 😍 🤩😇 🌟🙋‍♀️sometimes when people try the whole say one thing but their energy says another I’ve had a tendency to take it personally and get quite irritated that they don’t know I see straight thru their crap but the way you explain it makes me see it from a more elevated higher almost “Fun” perspective. It really is a gift not a curse 🦸‍♀️💜 Love watching your clips great job Connor 🙋‍♀️
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Aw, you’re so sweet Jo! I am so glad I could explain it so you could see it from a different perspective. 🙂 Thank you for being here with me sister. 💚✨💚
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Just paused. Sitting here thinking, ,👀hm yep to the first bit 😍😍 but I'm such a damn clown 🤡 too 😴 so yeah 😵___ then you immediately say , you like to be silly and goofy and show your personality 🤣🤣 ok unpause now 😂💯
@mariealexa9670 Год назад
Wow, I love getting up at 3 A.M.or 3:30. . .and now I stay up for private time feeding birds, listening to wooden flute with forest/birdsong. I don't fight it, never think about being "tired". And yes I have always looked 15 years younger. IT HAS TAKEN ME 66 YEARS TO FEEL COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE and continuously grateful WITH THIS life alone/but never alone/at One with the All of Us. Connor, thank you for explaining!
@louisegarner8888 3 года назад
Thank you Heyoka High Priestess Connor, I resonated with all you said here and more, I even chose ancient history over modern in high school, love the skies stars planets nature Gaia, metaphysics tick, lots of NDEs and pain eating and pattern crushing gone on and it seems a harder life at times, question everything and trust myself first, misunderstood alot and need alone time to recharge but never seem to get it, opposite to norm marching to own beat yep, snapshot others at 360° depth intuitively, intuition is like guard and protector syncs with timing of inner compass, telepathic comm skills syncs and signs, open heart-minded creative solutions and growth mindset, sleep issues yup but self disciplined exercise diet and meditations help depending on dreams and symptoms like fatigue but work hard thru it just brain fog's the worst at times, humour not at others expense tho, right brain ambidextrous crossing midline helps morph both hemispheres, look younger feel timeless know it's down to imagination and self directed creatively alchemising inner cellular level energies have more copper as 0 rh neg so zappy and using holistic health fitness breath and frequency practices, not so much judge as discern others vibes emotions character sincerity intent to make quick decisions, ppl magnets absolutely loved or hated for no real reason often targeted, passionately dharma driven, shape shift unpredictable yet steady, feel assigned to ppl at times, and I loved you saying life's a canvas we get to paint our reality onto. I just went on a bit of a rant there soz but I really related to all you said alot, I remember being fascinated with the Sun and studied every detail about it when I was 10-12yrs fav colour golden yellow and Sumerians in Mesopotamia mostly as well as Mayans, Himalayas, Egyptians, Atlanteans and other ancient cultures and the cosmos also caught my attention. Chakras relate to geography and planets too. I've been told I'm not Heyoka tho, just maybe SE and sticking with pteradactyl as no one wants it so it's safe as houses and labels can be so limiting and divisive. You did an amazing job of putting all those Heyoka High Priestess qualities into words and have such a soothing voice and uplifing inspiring manner Connor you're a joy to watch and listen to! God bless, sending lots of love and light to you and yours beautiful soul xx 💕🤗👋👋
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Lovable Louise Garner!! Thank you for your love and support sister. 💜💎💜 I love all of the qualities you just described..yes discernment is very important. God bless you!! Heart of our beautiful tribe🌹
@louisegarner8888 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 It's like you've read my mind here Connor! Lots of syncs and yes lack of sleep is my biggest issue atm. Pete's thumbnail threw a few of us for a loop there! lol 😂🤣 I just thought I've never asked are you working, what hobbies ru into and how are your kids and family doing? Do you paint or do graphics yourself? We know so little about you! After watching this I saw Rev 21 pop into my mind.... Revelations 21 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. 9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. 10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; 12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. 14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. 16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. 17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. 18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. 19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; 20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. 21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. 22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. 24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." Another sync re the city I dreamed. It's just turned midnight here I'd best do right by myself. God bless and thanks so much for all your time, care and wealth of wisdom Chieftess Connor, we looove you sister xox 💓⚔️💓
@terri412 3 года назад
You're pure Heyoka and full of old soul wisdom and pure Goddess wisdom Sis 💖 Beautiful comment !!
@louisegarner8888 3 года назад
@@terri412 Thanks bestie, that's alot of Wisdom and Connor holds the torch!! ❤️🕯❤️ Only the 144 "annointed" who heads-up to lead in Truth are Chosen, as you know it's Spiritual warfare against principalities and strongholds. You've never failed to answer my questions Terri, you've a Heyoka High Priestess precog 6th sense to you but labels are a misnomer in this context I'm thinking. Indigenous held it sacred, only a few knew, kept and passed on the timeless secrets, it's sadly become so plagiarised and warped over time but I think Rev 21 spells it out pretty well, as within so without, as above so below... hermetically and holographically undeniable when the vibe is right and dna music frozen to anchor congruently, paradigms shift time space and anything's possible. Love you Sis, avagooday xox 🎶🌈⚡💎🌞🌹⚓🙏💪💕🤗✌️👋✨✨ ✨
@terri412 3 года назад
@@louisegarner8888 Thank you , You guys are spiritual gangstas much love to you both xo ✌️🌹+🕯️
@connectingallhiddentruthss2697 3 года назад
Great video! From the Heyoka Warrior Shamans, we love all you Heyoka High Priestesses and we need you!
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
We are here standing strong, brother!!! ⚔️
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
☀️☀️🐝I've been this way my entire life 👀 as far back as I can remember. When I was a kid I was introverted and shy . Now I'm out there much more so, and so I don't shrivel away lol plus the world needs more clowns , laughter and healing ❤️❤️🌈☀️🐝🐝☀️
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
The shit people tell me 😂😂😍 solutions are easy primarily, can't remember a time they weren't. Wow Connor your hitting all the nails straight in 💯☺️
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Just got my neighbours stove top working haha It's a new one and she had no idea . 🥰
@gellicbecca5191 3 года назад
Connor 🙏🏼💜, a beautiful translation bliss you 💜💜💜, we must find the right "Way" to heal others, & innerstand discerning vibrational frequency & how that regulates or deregulates us, I really appreciate you sharing your knowing,
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Gellic Becca, you pure and beautiful radiant soul sister!! And I appreciate you being here with me. I’m grateful to be a part of the most incredible tribe in the world. We came here to be GAME CHANGERS! ✨🌹✨
@kimberlywood257 3 года назад
I definitely resonate with this!!! I have been a scholar my whole life. And looking damn good for 39!!! Always been a healer as well
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
I’m so glad that you do! I’m so happy to have you here with me along this journey. I appreciate you. 🦋 Yes, we have our ways of staying young✨
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
This was my favourite clip of yours 😘💓💓💓 Thank YOU High priestess. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️🌈 love you Connor ❤️
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
@Liisa_011 3 года назад
Hi Beautiful Viking Goddess Connor. Very nicely done. I resonated with everything! Absolutely. except last few MEGA testing years,still working on discernment with characters,as I was shocked I allowed myself to get sucked in,yet I manifested it,I even saw this man's live bombing and called him on it, and said "You remind me of my Mother & Father combined". He was a Triple Fire sign,and Fire Horse! Holy Freaking Mama. Dark magician i think. For super sonic sensitive empath,many women I know went years w theirs and lost way more. Most painful potent experience since both Narc parents,tho mother was part Starseed, and addicted so..let it go.I know nothing except right NOW is where's it at. Bright Blessings to you. From a young elder who's Ancient Futuristic.
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
I can relate to your comment, it resonates with me very much. I am so happy to have you here with us, sister. 🦋💎💕
@christinecampbell6208 3 года назад
so good >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TY>>>>>
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
You’re very welcome, Earth Angel. ✨
@babybuddah1858 3 года назад
Beautiful Connor 💙
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Thank you Ana Bella! You beautiful Earth Angel. ✨🧡✨
@gittebruun9070 3 года назад
This resonate Right on point Thank you for the video ❤️🙏🌍🙏❤️
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
You’re very welcome! Thank you for being here with us, Earth Angel. ✨⚔️✨
@jlm3195 10 месяцев назад
Damn…. It all hits but it feels wrong or too ego to admit I am one. And I hate that I trigger people (especially people I like it love) just by being myself!!
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Omg yes to all the humour reasons. Sorry Connor so far everything you say is 💯💯😂😎
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
I am so glad it resonates with you, Liz! Thank you for your love and support as always. You are a bright shining star. 💚💕💚
@maryrodnogamesonlytruth2264 3 года назад
Yes they lay it all on me sometimes too much lol 😂.
@krisselna 2 года назад
Wow... spot on.
@brianyoshi4686 3 года назад
Love you Conor!!! Thank you for everything and helping with the cause!!! We'll all make it through this mess together...144 baby!!!
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
We love you brother!! We are all in this together ✨⚔️✨
@brianyoshi4686 3 года назад
Hey Connor...do you have a PayPal I can donate to?
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
I do have a PayPal I’m new to it so this is my account: @mysticsoulsistar
@brianyoshi4686 3 года назад
Thanks Connor!!!
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
@@brianyoshi4686 you’re very welcome brother. Thank you for being you. 🌟🌈💚
@CosmicKassia 3 года назад
Thank you for this video my fellow Priestess, and for all the wisdom you share! Caught this at 33 comments, as I was waking up after another night of... Not sleeping well. 🤣❤️
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
You’re most welcome beautiful sister! Synchronicities!!! You are not alone, same problem over here most nights 🥱😪😂
@CosmicKassia 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 gotta love that extra help from the full moon! 🌝🌝🌝
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Right!!! Aside from the yawns, it’s time to create like crazy!! 📝🎉🎨🌈🦄👩🏼‍🎨
@carolinebowler1759 3 года назад
Yes!!!! All resonates!Thank you for this info!!!! Much love to all!
@misscitrus702 3 года назад
Save the Cheerleader, Save the World
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Some people are better left on the shelf 😂
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
This is very true!!!
@carrieorser5534 2 года назад
Great video! Thank you for sharing!
@connormakenzie6443 2 года назад
You’re welcome, Carrie! Thank you for joining me on this journey. 🦋🌟💙
@carrieorser5534 2 года назад
@Teresa_Ross 3 года назад
Beautiful video Connor! You have such deep knowledge of all of these qualities. Loved this, and you nailed each one.
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
You’re so sweet. I appreciate your feedback and support! Keep shining, sister. 💕☀️💕
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Making me wanna get my uni notes out 😃
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
@HollyBeverly-eo2wl 6 месяцев назад
Protected by the ancestors! Confirmation! ❤😊
@melissaparras5584 3 года назад
Omg Connor....you nailed it!!. I'm smiling with laughter. Thank you, for sharing. I have been hiding for along time. I started my awaking in 2008 oh boy has it been a journey. Finally youtube content that matches my vibes. Grateful to you, and empath uprising channel. I now have a much deeper understanding to my life experiences. Keep shining!!✨🙏🌈🔥❤🪶🦋
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Thank you for being here with us sister!! I’m so happy it matched your vibe. 😇 You keep shining bright too, Melissa. The world needs your light more than ever right now. Xx
@eddelaserenity 2 года назад
I often wondered why O am different. ☺️ Depressed about having nowhere to belong to. Thanking the heaven because I found this video.
@miriamgriffey3532 3 года назад
So grateful for your insight and Message...much Love 💙⚔💙
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
And I appreciate you being here with me, sister. 🦋
@Boho_Star Год назад
Omg… I Just stumbled on this and got huge body goosebumps just from the title…. JUST found out I’m a HEYOKA.. earlier that I could be a high priestess… now this.. wow🥰😯
@lottafaceat..facevalue8112 2 года назад
Spot on About everything
@Questfinder1 2 года назад
Wow even with volume all the way up. Can barely hear you.
@Boho_Star Год назад
About telepathy… wow never realized but Once, I was SLEEPING.. and the person sleeping next to me I felt close to at the time, was craving butter tarts lol- I woke up and was the one to mention I didn’t know why I was so craving butter tarts that morning , half asleep and that we should go get some lmao 🤣 blew his mind lol
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Boring = cupcakes and rainbows 😂. I always say , there would be no light without the dark etc etc
@Sunny_Days647 3 года назад
Peace Connor! Insomnia night here 😆 Thank you for this wonderful video. The part about not wanting others to experience the pain we’ve endured really resonated! Having had an abusive childhood, military sexual trauma, then “separating” early for disobeying an unlawful order took a toll on me after returning to civilian life. I went into pain pills and alcohol addiction for 14 years before getting clean. 9 years on this clean journey - shifting from hopeless victim to grateful empowered ghaddess didn’t happen overnight. Triggers happen and I now have a big box of tools to work through them. Blissed to have found you and Chief by way of YT suggested videos. 🙏🏼 -Cheyenne
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Wow, you are so revered and loved sister. I am so proud of everything you’ve overcome. You are a warrior!!! ⭐️ I am so happy you’re here with us along this journey. ⚔️✨⚔️
@V.a.m.p.y 2 года назад
hello beautiful sister, sending you so much love and healing golden light 💛
@maryrodnogamesonlytruth2264 3 года назад
Thank you for this very great information. Especially the humor and I do get those feelings of a bad vibes. I used to just think I worried too much but now I know it was what I needed to do to survive
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Yes, our intuition is so important and is there for a very profound reason. You’re very welcome. 🦋
@Edsonmvr1 2 года назад
Hi Connor, thank you so much for this. Sending you love and light!
@libertylane3896 3 года назад
Such a great explanation here! I’m glad to see you made a full in depth video on the qualities! You really went for it! 💕💕 Inspiring! 💯
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Thank you beautiful Earth Angel. You’re so sweet & kind. ✨🦋✨
@terri412 3 года назад
Hi Conner nice video but Mystery Babylon has already been revealed 😳💗💯🙏
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Yes sister, it is definitely no longer a mystery. A lot has been uncovered..
@terri412 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 Right we are the generation the time of the end as in Daniel I don't think the 144 fits into old school Bible study . What do you think ? 🤔
@terri412 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 I mean like if old bible =underworld, then new bible = the overworld thus the 144 to the highest God 🙏
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
@@terri412 I personally believe there is an underworld, they have taken me there in my dreams. It was the craziest dream I’ve ever had. That’s one of the ways they speak to me
@terri412 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 Yup just not that God as guidance for the144 ... Hey ! 🙏
@SenseofSelf 2 года назад
I loved this! Thank you 🌠
@naloamordemiel 2 года назад
Why not be an Irish, or Viking priestess lol Always taking peoples stuff lol Over there looking like white wash native, I just can’t.
@Twinwoman 4 месяца назад
OMG ... you made me cry so hard, THANK YOU. A friend off my say'd to me that i am Heyoka... what are you babbeling about ?! She just smiled - well now i know
@zazaastergreen1263 Год назад
Namaste my soul sister🙏
@amyj.4992 7 месяцев назад
The telepathy is so so strong
@cosmicsweeper709 3 года назад
Hi Connor, love this, so reasonates like you been reading my mail Haha
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
I am so glad that it resonated with you, Earth Angel.💙
@LOVELY-dv6oq 2 года назад
Awwweee I loved going back over this video!! Thank you so much Connor, seems like I haven't seen ya in quite a while! ❤ I loved when Pete had you on the Live 🥰
@loveyoulikecrazyxoxo 6 месяцев назад
I thought all people were like us, until recently 😌 now I realize what I am.
@loveyoulikecrazyxoxo 6 месяцев назад
Ps I'm always up until 5am ugh
@veronicadimon6461 3 года назад
💓👍🦋 Beautiful 🌹💜💝💃
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Just like you! 🦋
@GodFirst44 Год назад
I think I may be possibility but I would call the title something different
@butterflybecksrebecha1069 3 года назад
Hi Connor, thank you so much for your awesome videos and guidence💜💜💜 These are our amazing superpowers and I can truely say that our struggles have most definately made us stronger💪 Love you💝
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
You’re most welcome, Rebecha. I’m thankful to have you here with me. 🌹 They absolutely do make us stronger and pave the way for our greatness. 💜
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Ahahha I remember a funny time. I was hanging out (17th bday from memory ) with a gang of local Italian boys , the Eastsiders and two girlfriends of mine at our local high school after hours ... Now the gov had recently bought in the law that no one could hang at schools anymore after hours . Anyway there was about 20 + of us . Next thing cop cars, sirens, flashing lights and we ALL start legging it. Everybody ran in a group to the right hand side road, I quickly thought " HELL NO, I ain't following those d@ckheads, the cops will chase the large group " 🤣🤣 plus I don't wanna be like them 😂 so I ran by myself and legged it left 🤣🤣 cops forgot about me and chased the 20 or so running in a pack 🏃🏃🏃😃 I was Thinking, why don't the stupids split up 🧐🏃🏃You see I didn't have time to get caught, my dad would have humiliated and bashed me lol 😂 seriously lol
@ghoticostanza8849 2 года назад
We are Beautiful and powerful Independent Beings that have been made to be a pain Eaters with Many Abilities that I have been going through an Awakening that know one Really knows what I've been through
@connormakenzie6443 2 года назад
Yes! We are remembering who we are!!! I am so proud of you for all you’ve overcome. 🦋
@tdub2290 3 года назад
Just realized u have 144 subscribers!! Love it 💚🙏💫
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Thank you for being here with us! Synchronicities!! 🌈🌟🦋
@thesobrietyplaybook 3 года назад
Hi Connor 🤩 great video ❤️ luv u 🥰
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Hi sister! Thank you, let’s collab soon. Much love to you always. 💚
@velouria2671 3 года назад
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
@velouria2671 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 💐
@bri9281 2 года назад
Thank you Connor!
@connormakenzie6443 2 года назад
Of course sweet sister! 🕊💎
@littlelucki777 Год назад
Shocking to hear you say "random", sweetheart, luck, chance, coincidence and random are all illusions because everything happens for a reason, death is also an illusion because energy cannot be destroyed it can only transmute.
@JoseRodriguez-ur5dr 2 года назад
Dude, so DUCK'IN Tru a few times I told the person (s) about what is gonna be... I remind the person(s) he/she stay quiet when the moment I describe DUCK'IN come to be.... I'm just look at,. Do I make cents
@connormakenzie6443 2 года назад
@JoseRodriguez-ur5dr 2 года назад
Thank you BUD
@elizabethsunchaserk8446 3 года назад
Connor on your wall ☺️ Did you make them ? 😃
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Yes ma’am I did 😊🧡
@patricelondon3 3 года назад
Sometimes, you and Pete are plain ole freaky. I *wanted* to listen to the list and say, "Aha, that is so not me!" Since I'm not a fan of lying, I'm gonna just be quiet and accept what is. 🥰
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
Thank you for being here with us, sister. And for your participation. Hopefully it’s the good kind of freaky 🤪🤓
@patricelondon3 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 it's the absolutely best kind of freaky. The kind where one feels fully seen and understood for a change. 🥰
@connormakenzie6443 3 года назад
I love knowing that you’re comfortable and can relate! I’m so happy to have you here, Patrice. Much love to you, sister.🦋✨🦋
@patricelondon3 3 года назад
@@connormakenzie6443 Thank you! Sending so much love right back to you, Sis!
@amyj.4992 7 месяцев назад
Confirmation, I don't want people to go through the painful things I went through too. I am a human lie detector
@amyj.4992 7 месяцев назад
I was doing all this before I fully realized I'm a priestess by blood, I had no idea about this walk until I was called to study it. And I do have huge sleeping gaps, confirmation
@amyj.4992 7 месяцев назад
Confirmation, when I step into a room people sense that and the energy shifts and people do open up to me and I am a lot older than I present
@amyj.4992 7 месяцев назад
I hate the idea of fitting in. I would get bullied exactly for not fitting in and I love who I am as an individual
@craigoverholt7168 Год назад
@gemini.love.0613 8 месяцев назад
I Am.
@naloamordemiel 2 года назад
@VriEvolutionTarot888 8 месяцев назад
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