
A Channelling 

Pam Gregory
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I was asked to share a channelling which I feel is important to share with you. As this is not my work, I won't reply to comments, but let this channelling stand as it is. Blessings.



15 сен 2024




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@amanitamuscaria7500 2 года назад
Just read through some comments and feel urged to offer this. If you feel strong negative thoughts, especially old issues, you can ask your guides to simply cut the cord that binds you to that person/event. It will be cut. If you go back to it, cut again. Visualise a sword/scissors/whatever, cutting through the binding and it floating away. It works. You can replace the negative thought by thinking of someone you love and letting that flood you, out into the universe. Love to all.
@harlynjm 2 года назад
Thank you for this reminder! I have been stuck in a sad depressed state then learned this week Im anemic which explains alot and thank God fixable! I remember reading about this technique i believe to be very useful! Blessings for sharing!!
@amanitamuscaria7500 2 года назад
@@harlynjm you are very welcome. I hope you feel better soon.
@carolinetatham4932 2 года назад
Pam - you are a shining star and very appreciated.
@sandysmith3597 2 года назад
So glad to be here. I’m in South Africa
@karenbekker298 2 года назад
me too!😀 Cape Town 🥰
@Qodesh59 2 года назад
I've also received a beautiful message: " We are ALL working with the swirling energies towards this great time in our Expansion. There is no one greater or farther ahead. There are many light workers: Grid weavers, Frequency holders, Light bearers of compassion, channelers, and the other's who are equally valuable. There are the many who some have called asleep or slow to see the "light". These high souls have come to "take the shot", fall for the news, expose the separation thoughts and judgements within us, and the corruption in our systems. How can a system be exposed and crumble without their wonderful contribution to play the part of being "fooled?" To generously show us each where we reject and covertly wish ill to others in our addiction to being 'right" . Let's turn within and applaud their courage. We rise together and heal ourselves back to ourselves. We're in this together.
@darlenesutherland4619 2 года назад
I love this, thank you!! So powerful and filled with love. A great reminder to step outside the drama and view the great experiment we all agreed to participate in from a soul perspective. Our souls who can see through appearances, and are patiently waiting for us to own and love all parts of ourselves as we usher in a new world.
@bibiahmed7547 2 года назад
@piscesrising6533 2 года назад
WWG1WGA ….Where We Go One We Go All!
@lindastewart1794 2 года назад
I hadn't thought of it that way- thank you Jenuine!
@deeannadunchan1812 2 года назад
@@darlenesutherland4619 amen sista!
@LEARSIKCIGAM 2 года назад
what I heard is , the dark is going to react violently to the rapid growth of light, and we should keep love and forgiveness in our hearts when confronted by this
@zuzannavee9558 2 года назад
Thank you, Pam for passing on the message. And thank you to the sister who shared it.
@TheMediumChannel 2 года назад
This is literally synonymous with the messages that channel through me as well as of late. thank you for sharing. And remember dear ones, everything is happening in divine order and when you vibrate from the heart and expand those frequencies you stay in the eye of the storm and you play a part in the global transformation and expansion of the great web of light. Aloha
@dddilworth12 2 года назад
The metaphor of sunrise was perfect for creating perspective. I appreciate the message as well as the messengers.
@Colleen261 2 года назад
Thank you ❤️
@gribwitch 2 года назад
The content of the message appears to say that the WHOLE WORLD must ascend. But that won't happen. Some will not. In fact a lot will not because some won't want to ascend or will prefer to stay in 3D. So what are we still waiting for ?
@TheMediumChannel 2 года назад
@@gribwitch I don’t like the idea of waiting. We need to be the ascension that we want to see in the world rather than idly standing by and waiting, hoping that it happens. Yes individually what you say is true however we are all part of collective consciousness so even that those that do not “ascend” will still be part of the ascension of consciousness. I’m not sure if that’s what she meant or not but just taking consciousness as a whole here. And on an individual level those that resist the growth will probably have a pretty hard time moving forward.
@moniquetoth5875 2 года назад
Felt something similar through other words at this time. As I comment, on the 27th, however, matters are getting more urgent. Sending light in to illuminate those still not there is the key in these last few days especially.
@yaki-moon 2 года назад
Had no idea that the Web of light is expanding that rapidly, and although I see more happiness in the people around me, I don't see anyone waking up, so my judgement was "it goes too slow, in this pace we'll never get there". So, great you tell me this, both you Pam and the anonymous light worker💕 Thank you both very much 🙏 It's a couple of days later and add some more: yesterday we did our walk with our local walking group. We were at about half an hour when one in the group collapsed. He had had covid recently, only very mild symptoms, felt good again. Nevertheless he got dizzy and shaky on his legs, fell, couldn't get up. We got a car coming, brought him to the side of the road, he's now at home. One thing happened though. When he was sitting on the ground, all of a sudden he focused on me and said "so you see Jackie, I'm fully vaccinated and look at me now...". I felt his overwhelming sadness, despair and regret and didn't know what too say, was dumbstruck and on top surrounded by other vaccinated people. One other man snapped "do you want to say by that that we better not vaccinated ourself?" He didn't answer right away, looked away, and said quietly "no...everyone must decide that for himself...", which wasn't really an answer, he sideskidded it. I feel so sorry for him, he made his first step in understanding what's going on but is surrounded by people who are still firm asleep and I have no way to get through this barrier around him, he is alone in this. Well, maybe with time. So people start to see, but it's a hard waking up😪
@ehswissie 2 года назад
I couldn’t agree more. I feel as there are more awakenings there’s also more division than ever, extending into all areas of life. Hard not to be full of despair at times.
@lesliecie 2 года назад
You are still in judgement…
@kindredspirit6654 2 года назад
@@lesliecie Why is it 'Judgement'? Isn't it awareness? Awareness isn't Judgement. Noticed in my own discussions with those who present themselves as 'Conscious', that any expression of awareness of another, is somehow criticized as being 'Judgement'.
@lesliecie 2 года назад
@@kindredspirit6654 Dear Kindred spirit. Yes there is awareness and there is discernment different from judgement. Only you know in your heart what you feel towards another and a grouping of others. My perception/discernment is that you were othering, using pity and opinions as if you know the truth. Explore for yourself the emotions inherent in your statements - we are all telling stories. All sides are together. There is such a plethora of polarization in all communities. Thank you for asking me to clarify. I am also working on my heart and keeping love, kindness and respect for all choices and sides. The minute you align or dis-align with them you are no longer seeing them. Namaste.
@victoriaroe8977 2 года назад
Thank You for Being a Portal for the Light beautiful Soul Sister...Gratitude and LOVE to The ALL and to ALL of Creation the Seen and the Unseen...thank You for the Higher Force WITHIN...much Love Humanity.
@StonedustandStardust 2 года назад
Today in meditation, I asked how I could reach that higher vibration, so that I could try CE-5 contact. I was told to just work on my heart chakra, just feel love, think of love only when meditating, and that the beings of higher vibration would find me. I never thought I would be typing these words. What a gift. Thank you for rushing this video out, It really was a message of hope that resonated with many hearts.
@gribwitch 2 года назад
"...I was told to just work on my heart chakra, just feel love..." e.t.c. When you say you were "told" Stonedust, how exactly did this come to you ? I bet it wasn't in a spoken voice in English, was it ? If it was a "knowing" or impression then that leaves the message open to interpretation and bias from your own mental filter, does it not ? How do you know it wasn't your own wishful thinking that made you believe the message was what you thought it was ? This can also be called 'auto suggestion". That's why for me, it's important that guides, angels e.t.c. actually SPEAK words that we can unambiguously understand.
@educatedassassinps4746 2 года назад
@@gribwitch Keep practicing and you develop discernment between appearances in the mind, and consciousness beyond the mind.
@educatedassassinps4746 2 года назад
@@gribwitch Truth often speaks from the place before/beyond words.
@gribwitch 2 года назад
@@educatedassassinps4746 These might seem dumb questions, but when one first starts meditation as I will be, how do you know how deep you are, or how deep you're capable of going ? How do you know you're doing it right / effectively ? And how do you come out of it ?
@educatedassassinps4746 2 года назад
@@gribwitch This is the best I can tell you: The goal of meditation is not to answer questions; it is to see through the unreality of the meditator, until liberation is attained by seeing there is no meditator. Don’t try to understand your experience with your mind. That’s like trying to be Here more by looking through a magnifying glass to do it. Any expansion of awareness is always a kind of “stepping back” to see the larger picture. Imagine standing in front of a painting at an art gallery.. You could go closer to see finer detail, but understanding the whole actually requires a relaxing, a “backing away”. I hope this helps. Keep following the light, and you will be more and more illuminated. 🙏🌤
@arielog1941 2 года назад
Dear Pam, This has been my message as well. There is resistance to the shadow. The darkness will not go away. Trying to make it disappear or deny its existence only makes it more powerful and hideous. In T'ai chi philosophy we know that the error is to apply judgement, to hold on too tight. In Art the shadows give form to objects and brighten the colors. Remember TV before the Sony trinitron technology? The colors were washed out. Trinitron technology put a black matrix line between the colored ones. Suddenly there were brilliant colors on the TV's. We must honor our own shadow first and use it to balance, to brighten our light. Yin and Yang are at play together. Namaste
@quinnrivers527 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this. I started crying. I think this allowed me to shake off the negative I had been feeling today. I woke up with these really negative older thoughts in my head but just being really loud. I was feeling mad at myself for this and stewing in the anger which was in turn affecting how I was interacting with those around me. It makes sense now that all this lower vibration stuff is boiling up. This was a message to recenter, go outside, breath deep and remember what we are doing here. Love - ALL LOVE. Thank you Pam!
@saythankyou111 2 года назад
Me too,heavy heart some mornings…..it’s getting easier to label it and get in front of it..🕊❤️
@janetdawson7711 2 года назад
Thank you for a beautiful, encouraging and timely message of unconditional love.
@smithatenzin6719 2 года назад
OMG, word for word what happened to me today!
@lion5972 2 года назад
Same with me, i think full moon effect
@quinnrivers527 2 года назад
It’s very interesting to hear so many of you had a similar experience. Thank you for sharing. ✨
@RunDoe 2 года назад
Thank you for this Pam, Anonymous & Origin of this message. I am desperately struggling personally to transmute my own vibration- as a mother of teens… these messages reset me. “Do not frown at the darkness for being so slow to light up-you know that it will-in its own good time.”
@robynevans1287 2 года назад
Hang in there Mama! You're doing fiiine!🤗💖
@RunDoe 2 года назад
@@robynevans1287 thank you so much xo
@robynevans1287 2 года назад
@@RunDoe You're very welcome!
@susancrough9484 2 года назад
Thank you for being Mom to assist our powerful children coming to us at this time😊✨
@RunDoe 2 года назад
Susan Crough thanks for the kindness💜
@annaovergoor3379 2 года назад
Today me myself went in lower vibrations because I was very much triggered by someone I love. I was so aware of my bad reaction and still could not stop myself .. more lightwork to do for me 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@nosceteipsum4552 2 года назад
This is everyone included not only you. ‘You think you’re Buddha? Go back to loved ones/family’😅 You have done a lot of work cause your consciousness brings you back to clarity that you were in an old program 👏🏼 Well done 🤗
@root2mindfulness973 2 года назад
Thank you for this Pam and for the anonymous light worker ❤ Today I arrived home from a few days away, I was in my apartment . I sat and was so grateful for the position I’m in, what an incredible lifting feeling I wasn’t wanting to be further ahead or have anything different but completely grateful for my entire life and everything and everyone. If there’s something I’ve learnt it’s never take anything personal, as we’re all trying our best, and to love unconditionally even in doubt and fear, even when triggered love with our whole heart and with that as an intention all things balanced and beautiful start to emerge. Sending love, joy and gratitude to you all ❤
@mableannelliott5392 2 года назад
Thank you Pam, and the Chaneller.
@daphne3391 2 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing this, and thanks to the beautiful being who sent it to you! It is such a moving and beautiful reminder to greet all beings with love and compassion and trust. It reminded me immediately of something Bracha Goldsmith said in your recent fireside chat about attributing the highest possible characteristics to every person we interact with - that statement had such a huge impact on me! To move through the world in love and non-judgment, expecting in absolute faith that each being will grow and expand in love in their own way and time, and to simply hold space for all. 🙏
@gribwitch 2 года назад
By holding our space for those that are more comfortable living in 3D we are handicapping ourselves from our own progression. "Holding space" is like asking how long is a piece of string ?
@katieutterback 2 года назад
The highest frequency is LOVE. Thank you, for this beauty-full message. It's one I have received as well - to LOVE more than I ever have before. To smile at those acting out of fear, greed, scarcity - smile for they know not what they do.
@WarriorGirl_113 2 года назад
@Pam Gregory- I had the privilege of attending a livestream Tuesday evening channeling the collective of the 12 ArchAngel’s, and they assured us all that we made it! The ascension is here and in full swing so for those Lightworker’s that are worried fear no more! Keep shining your Light!!! And remember you are a Divine being!!! I simply adore you and believe that you might benefit from hearing that great news!!! Namaste 🙏 ✨💙
@annalizavos4775 2 года назад
A beautiful message. Sending all just so much love from South Africa. 💚
@mentlalehloma6164 2 года назад
Thank you. I feel this was very good, important and necessary (welcome). For me very timely. God bless. I appreciate you following your guidance. ♥️
@Adrinacolacoprakashsinha 2 года назад
Thanks to her and thank you Pam …God bless !
@bluedragon1200 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing, Pam. And thank you to your 'sister' who shares this message from her 'star family.'
@JennTrumbo 2 года назад
I had chills as soon as you started reading. I shall listen and re-listen to this message as I know it is a sign of my inner knowing and soul’s remembering. Thank you Pam and thank you to the Lightworker who channeled this and shared in love xx
@debbiegreen6929 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing Pam, holding the light, in love. ❤️❤️❤️
@lisabradley7292 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing Pam. I could feel my heart center expanding as I listened
@ZansAstrology 2 года назад
Beautiful, much gratitude to you and of course the channeller. I can only confirm this, I have been receiving the same message!
@onelittledropintheocean 2 года назад
This reminds me of another message I heard about the rain falling on all things and the sun shining on all things. Not one thing is excluded ... And I guess that is what unconditional love is like too 💖🙏🕊️
@gribwitch 2 года назад
Some will exclude themselves from their own ascension. We won't all be going into 5D.
@woolseyfamily8293 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏽Will pass on to other light workers. 💗✨
@alayagriffith6209 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing and honoring your intuition once again Pam. Definitely resonates ! We have to continue this work in whatever way we do it best. I’m so grateful and honored to be a part Of this ever rising frequency 💕🙏
@Norell88 2 года назад
It helped me to remember being more patient toward my sisters and brothers. I thank you both, for reminding me so I may better myself.
@HILARI333 2 года назад
beautifully wellput,tha nkyou Patrick! It helped me in the same way.
@Norell88 2 года назад
@@HILARI333 ☀️🙏🏼
@goodenergy11 2 года назад
Beautiful. Thank you. Touching. Love it. I hear 👂 this.
@martasoltys9091 2 года назад
Thank you. The minute you started reading, tears flowed from my eyes. I was so touched by this message. Thank you for reading it.
@nicoletarosu4984 2 года назад
Dear Pam Thank you form sharing this timely & loving message 🧡💛🧡 Blessing to all of our brothers & sisters. We are all one Love & light 💖💖💖
@permayogini 2 года назад
I thought of Pam Gregory today and thought she would be doing a channeling . Thank you 🙏 resonates
@aussie_has_fomo 2 года назад
Thank you Pam!!!! Much appreciated for this message 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@PaulaDaunt 2 года назад
Beautiful message. Let's hold the light!
@manikorganic9169 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this Pam. As always in gratitude to you. Love and light.❤🕯🙏🏻
@Shirley-kp9hi 2 года назад
Such a wonderful message to have faith that the darkness needs to be exposed in order to transform to light. Thanks for the inspiration of hope and patience.
@gribwitch 2 года назад
The quickest and most efficient way to expose the darkness will be when we have FULL public disclosure of how the cabal have lied to us and controlled us for thousands of years, the child trafficking e.t.c. That's why we need the mainstream media taken down and / or the E.B.S. to happen. It should already HAVE HAPPENED. If it had we'd be a lot closer to ascension now because many of the sleepers would be awake.
@lisaburnage 2 года назад
That's beautiful Pam, and the analogy of the sunrise s a lovely one. Thank you 🙏
@rhythmfusion 2 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful message Pam. I have had a difficult time, because I have been dueling in the darkness a lot lately. Thanks you for helping me to open my heart to rejoice with light ❤
@natasjadorothy5425 2 года назад
Love you Pam, thank you for your light 🤍✨🙏
@Lil.black.dress84 2 года назад
Pam is so precious. 💚
@shell_belle 2 года назад
Thank You Pam! My entire body covered in goosebumps and chills! 🥰💓💓💓
@joegoe8556 2 года назад
Oh my! That message is so right, so on point. Thank you to the channeler
@susancrough9484 2 года назад
Pam, as always thank you for your gifts of awareness. I felt called to share this with Steve Beckow of "Golden Age of Gaia" to hopefully increase the ripples out to our LightWorker family if he feels the call. This sharing was an answer to a prayer of how to continue to Help, Hope and Heal. Much Love, Light, Joy, Peace and Gratitude 🤗
@kennycat215 2 года назад
Thank you 🙏 for sharing this special message…✨✨✨
@jackiewhigham1476 2 года назад
Thank you Pam for all the goodness you bring into our world...a messenger of hope 💖
@emilyr4965 2 года назад
Wow! What a great analogy for a non-judgmental perspective. With gratitude 🙏
@angelstarlighttarot 2 года назад
My language! and quite the perfection of "timing" might I add ☺ and I send her back the message that I started my channel'S this week due to... exactly this! ✌💛💡to you Pam and to the fellow Lightworker/Starseed that sent through the very message that many of us are feeling 💫 Thank you so much Pam for helping to confirm that many of us are on the right path! So Much Respect to you ✨
@angelstarlighttarot 2 года назад
1:44p.m. on my clock 😇
@saythankyou111 2 года назад
Good stuff people….we made it positive too fast….Awesome ❤️❤️❤️
@ErinFromZim 2 года назад
Tears ✨🥲✨🙏🏻✨ thank You Pam for passing on this message and thank you to the light worker for channeling and passing the message on to you. Thank you to the higher beings who guide us so graciously ✨🙏🏻✨🦋 I will share this with my close friends.
@Cyndance 2 года назад
Yikes! What a message! Thank you for sharing it all over the world.
@anjali108 2 года назад
this message gave me goosebumps…very important to hear during these times. thank you for being the vehicle to spread this truth . god bless 🙏🏼
@roxieearly9484 2 года назад
Goosebumps create stem cells🥰
@tinemortensen9 2 года назад
@@roxieearly9484 really, then I must create a lit 😍
@jillians5792 2 года назад
Enjoy the gentle unfolding and accept it all without judgement. Wow - thank you for sharing!
@pamelawilliamson8176 2 года назад
A very important message which totally resonates . Thank you for sharing and to the sister who passed it on 🙏
@catherinebooker3436 2 года назад
This is exactly the stuff I have been working through, personally, at the moment. So apt. Judgement and shame, I think, fuels the chaos in our inner and outer worlds. :) Thanks Pam for reading and sharing, and thankyou for the person who sent this in. It choked me up a bit, so powerful. xx
@tatjanad.2074 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this! Most appropriate in this space and time.
@joanasencio6126 2 года назад
Speaks to my heart ❤️ so grateful to listen to this today. Thank you
@marygunning5121 2 года назад
God Bless Pam and the lightworker; the message is listened to and meditated on.
@cedarsheartseeds 2 года назад
Thank you for the explanation behind what I have been feeling in my body, which has been building during the last month but particularly within this last week.
@susannefutterer1832 2 года назад
Thank you dear Pam for bringing this mssge forth, you are such a bright Light ✨and thank you to the person channeling this. It touched me deeply and I felt the universe vibration. Such a great mssge. Gratitude 🙏🌼 and God bless.
@andrearoy4658 2 года назад
Thank you for your time Pam. Loving kindness
@The145Club 2 года назад
The recent solar flares appear to be manifesting this light for Earth… Thank You for sharing the message Pam🙏🙏💗
@marinamiller1740 2 года назад
Thank you so much Pam for choosing to share this channeling with us ❤️
@milomazli 2 года назад
Dear Pam! Very appreciated! Thank you 🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@nm1240 2 года назад
Wow, I had full body chills during the entire message. Thank you
@heathergoodman888 2 года назад
Perfect timing and so needed. Thank you! 💜
@sharonsuddaby3473 2 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏼 Pam 🌱 🌷 Divine timing as always 🐣 Much appreciated 💚
@sylviajulia6770 2 года назад
Without dark there is no light, right? Thank you Pam! 💜💙💚
@AquaGangGang 2 года назад
Thank you to the receiver and to you Pam for bringing it to us.
@trinitytwo14992 2 года назад
Wonderful message, yes unity, shared and common goal of forgiveness, recognizing the eternal never changes and LOVE is all there really is.
@globalheart 2 года назад
Indeed. .Yes, it is more than appropriate to share! Light Workers Unite!!! 🌎
@beccismith4454 2 года назад
Good day, greetings from Germany. I have literally just listened to this three times in a row. It feels very resonant indeed. Thank you so much Pam for receiving and passing this on, and thank you to the sister who received it and sent it to you. And thank you to the universal intelligence loving energy that spoke it to her. And which is taking it further/“doing the rest” through all of us and through the ethers around us. And ironically just this morning I was outside at sunrise for the first time in a very long time, enjoying the sparkling of dew on pointy blades of young grass and shining through the little leaves coming out on trees ancient and young. And marveling at the details of frost on last year’s leaves and some new growth as well on the ground still more in the shade. And the vibrant yellow of daffodils and forsythia, gentle purple of another flower of a ground cover… It’s all good 💖🌱❄️🌞✨😌🥰
@beccismith4454 2 года назад
And thank you very much to the friend who posted this on a Facebook group which I happened to see.
@TeresaGratkowski 2 года назад
Wow - thank you so much for passing on this profound message Pam 🙏 I've been doing my best to be in acceptance of where others are at, and not to judge those who sleep. Sometimes it's difficult, but after hearing this message with its analogy, it illuminated my soul, and I wholeheartedly step into love and non-judgement - and I know I'll stay there this time 💖 Big thanks to the lightworker who shared this with you 💕 Much love from Australia 💞
@robincrowflies 2 года назад
Yes, we must be bodhisattvas for those who aren't there yet.
@samanthaculver8724 2 года назад
Thank you again Pam and to our sister who shared. Love and unity. Thank you. Love and light to all xxx
@twitty1311 2 года назад
Absolutely understood ✨💝✨ Thank you 🙏🏼
@georgina3475 2 года назад
Thank You dear Heart - for your extraordinary courage and walking the talk … living the LOVE … my prayers of profound APPRECIATION for You.
@lesleyschultz6846 2 года назад
Gosh this is so beautiful and so needed! Thank you for sharing it with us and I hugely appreciate it coming at this time!! We need to remember we are all one and it's okay for parts of our collective to have the light break through their consciousness later than others. We will all get there!
@gribwitch 2 года назад
"We will all get there". Yes but not all in this lifetime. In this lifetime ascension is under time pressure, because Gaia is ascending and we MUST ascend WITH IT when it does. Gaia has a limit on how long it can wait. So we can't wait indefinitely for the sleepers to awaken.
@auzziePRlDE 2 года назад
You, who have high frequency share it to many others. They feel your love and light, this is why we are moving so quickly. Devine timing will prevail. Thank you for sharing Pam 😘
@leopardwoman38 2 года назад
What a beautiful message! 😀👍💕🌸🌺
@gribwitch 2 года назад
It's "beautiful" to be told that we must wait, wait and wait some more ? Get outta here !
@viewer92759 2 года назад
Speed up. Don't slow down. Don't hold back. Don't dim. Shine brighter, more, everywhere.
@yy-1133 2 года назад
Thank you Pam - star 🌟 sister of the Galaxy🌌 . It takes only one flame to light all the candles 🙏❤🕊🌈 God bless everyone
@HILARI333 2 года назад
Beautiful ! Thank you Pam,and Thank you to the anonymous lightworker. Shared with such discretion and clarity by dear Pam; and channelled so clearly, strongly, and beautifully by the light worker.
@sarahellen8836 2 года назад
Thank you Pam for being a conduit and getting this beautiful channelling to us. Many Blessings to you and the lightworker whom brought this through. 🙏🏻💜💫
@michellemitchell9204 2 года назад
Thank you for your reminder about patience and judgement.
@peacelove7706 2 года назад
Thank You Pam for sharing….. I FELT that … 🙏💫✨🌎🧬❤️
@lindaminetti2723 2 года назад
Tears of joy and gratitude for this message of love and guidance in how to be loving and patient and compassionate to our shadow selves. ♥️
@dozerblade 2 года назад
A good message Pam, thanks for sharing.
@bijin3000 2 года назад
Thank you for the message. I have chills at the start of this video. ❤️🌺
@celestegrayxo 2 года назад
Thank you dear Pam for being a messenger. I received a similar message recently from All That Is.
@katiem7688 2 года назад
Such an excellent message, thank you for sharing this!! 🌈⭐️🌈
@DANIGAL101 2 года назад
Oh my. I felt myself tearing up at the end of this. Thank you for sharing this powerful message!!🙏🏼
@jabaruboyd2518 2 года назад
similar messages for me from our Pleiadians Arcturians and Mary Magdalene 💗🌹 blessings thank you Pam thank you to the sister lightworker many of us Lightworkers Wayshowers Mediums Galactic Grid Workers are literally holding these higher light code frequencies much loVe Jabaru xo ☀🌈☀🌈🌻🌹🌈☀🌈 feeling this today especially
@lisalovesafreebie5169 2 года назад
I really needed to hear this. I have felt recently that my awakening has temporarily been blocked. This will now allow me to release some ego related aspects of my shadow.
@jane1044 2 года назад
Thanks Pam for reading this. The analogy was perfect.
@kyliep3479 2 года назад
Beautiful ♥️ thank-you for sharing Pam. Yes it is important and Exciting too! Hold the space
@astrochakrasynergysystem1480 2 года назад
Thank you Pam. Greatly appreciated. Love light and blessings from Australia 🇦🇺💐💝🦄🇦🇺✨😇
@irmarovira348 2 года назад
Omg.. i got very emotional with this message.. I do feel very off , I am very direct and have no time for nonsense. Am trying to control my feelings but my emotions are just coming up .. Thank you for this message..
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