
A Church Where LGBTQ People Are ACCEPTED AS THEY ARE! 

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28 сен 2024




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@victorbergman9169 3 года назад
That's not a church, stop worshipping idols God is not a celestial butler he is holy
@VIP_Tortoise 3 года назад
I know right, how can he sit there and call himself a Christian while telling lies and sinful statements to people actually trying to hear the word. He even mentions in the video that he doesn't agree with the Bible.
@victorbergman9169 3 года назад
@@VIP_Tortoise exactly
@robertvalli2238 3 года назад
It’s being kind to others
@VIP_Tortoise 3 года назад
@@robertvalli2238 This isn't a birthday party ok, its not all about being nice. The Church's mission is to share the word of God and this man is going against God and preaching it to people. Being holy is more important than being kind.
@robertvalli2238 3 года назад
@@VIP_Tortoise that’s very sad then.
@danielkeulder6852 3 года назад
This is wrong. You can't disagree with the Bible when you're a Christian. The Bible is God's word. As Christians you trust what God says through the Bible even if you don't understand it.
@denysvision 2 года назад
The bibble dosn't say anything about lgtb, so what is the point are you trying to make?
@slappedwiththetruth6797 2 года назад
GOD'S WORD?? *•COLOSSIANS 3:22•* *SLAVES* in reverent fear of GOD, *•SUBMIT•* yourselves to your *MASTERS,* not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are *•HARSH•* *•EPHESIANS 6:5•* .... *SLAVES* obey your *•EARTHLY•* masters with respect and FEAR, and with sincerity of heart just as you would obey CHRIST
@Humble_0321 2 года назад
@@denysvision their are actually many scriptures about it...it may not say homosexuality or lgbt but their are definitely many scriptures that speak on these issues and it being an abomination to Christ..this is blasphemy...
@denysvision 2 года назад
@@Humble_0321 i ment the bible, not the scriptures, many people have interpretate as such, but what i ment is the actuall bible, and there is nothing saying that god is againts LGTB
@-sussusamogus-7013 2 года назад
@@slappedwiththetruth6797 uh yeah that is the *additude* a slave should have. Show me where it says to get slaves?
@Eternalmercy4evr1 6 лет назад
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
@kingscourt18 3 года назад
@trudiejensen7682 3 года назад
Could you translate that into English?
@chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад
Indolent twerp, Jeremy Williams. We WILL HAVE things added to it, because there are already alarming and inadequate GAPS in it, already, thanks.
@DJS11811 3 года назад
@@chrissonofpear1384 Sounds like the Koran. Hdy, remember theNazis sent gay people to the camps. You down with that?
@chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад
@@DJS11811 Of course not, but post Matthew 5:18, I've seen no proof they didn't face the same kind of harsh treatment in Christendom (in it's many varied forms, no less) either. And the Old Testament is there for all to read, usually, not edited, too - there is quite disturbing stuff in there. Also, presumably Hitler and co were not being guided or overseen by a god, or set up, way ahead of time - but prior such movements, allegedly were, at least sometimes.
@Mimi-xw3xt 2 года назад
3:54 "If we need to consult an ancient book to know what to do when a human being is in front of us, I think we're screwed already" alright, be honest with me. Who made this atheist a pastor
@johnkttraining 2 года назад
Loool dude is just playing pastor until he gets a new hobby
@-sussusamogus-7013 2 года назад
Dunno Satan?
@giulianacr2638 2 года назад
I think he means we should not rely on the book solely as if it was a manual with instructions or recipe, but rather trust your faith, your humanity and your heart to interact with others.
@-sussusamogus-7013 2 года назад
@@giulianacr2638 that's where you're wrong. This book is the instruction manual and we trust in God who made them write it. And because their words are the words of God we must follow it.
@giulianacr2638 2 года назад
@@-sussusamogus-7013 all I'm saying is the book is the rules but how we interpret them might hinder the ability to serve others, this is what the pastor was trying to say... The bible states God the father wanted the commandments written in our hearts not on stone. Do we really do that? Aside from going to church, what else are we doing to be disciples of Jesus? This man is trying to include the excluded, and minister to those who are marginalized. What are we as Christians doing to minister to those who need it?
@ProtestantismLeftBehind Год назад
People who are looking for a church who accepts their sin are seeking a god who accepts their evil. They are seeking wrong things.
@flyingspaghettiauditor Год назад
If you think homosexuality is evil, then you are horribly lost. Any god that would torture me forever for loving someone is a monster.
@enrique4459 Год назад
Every sin that is outside with the none believing is inside the Church also. At the end of the day love thy neighbor he/she as well as you will meet your maker.
@DianapluckyTee 2 года назад
The fact he swears so casually tells us something!
@fredricksmith2562 2 года назад
Yup something's wrong
@mason4966 Год назад
Yeah it means he's an adult who can use whatever words he wants.
@KeilyShhh Год назад
What do you think it tell us?
@mason4966 Год назад
@@KeilyShhh That he is a grown man
@KeilyShhh Год назад
@@mason4966 Oh I agree with you. I'm just wondering why someone would choose that this be the thing they care so much about lol.
@JudahsFinest. 3 года назад
This kind of person will roll out the red carpet....to hell for you. Heaven and Earth shall pass away but the Word of God will endure. God will NOT be mocked. Repent before it's too late. ❤
@chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад
Mocking which thing, precisely? And what of omissions?
@robertvalli2238 3 года назад
Be kind
@chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад
@Carlos Ortiz Gee, maybe that is, what I'm saying. So, how did He, feel, about the Inquisition, again? No paraphrasing, or extrapolating from the book - an exact quote, perhaps.
@jcjamlig 3 года назад
Indeed brother. Poor souls. And so much profanity with him too. You shall know them by their fruits
@jasonbuben7787 3 года назад
This seems more like an occult than a church
@williamwest9204 Год назад
@mht5875 Год назад
Or a social club. Definitely not a church though if it is LGBTQ being celebrated and worshipped. Christians celebrate and worship Jesus Christ, not a sexual orientation.
@williamwest9204 Год назад
@@mht5875 church can be anything literally, and anyone can worship anyone or anything they want. thats just the facts
@mihaisorinneacsu7539 Год назад
@serenaangeleri9118 Год назад
@@williamwest9204 Where do you get that from?
@rabbitfromthehat 3 года назад
@LowHandStriker 3 года назад
Exactly, if he doesn’t agree with the Bible then what exaclty is he even preaching? What is this church even about if it’s not teaching the Bible
@josebalaclava8904 3 года назад
He doesn't agree with everything in the Bible. Some of the things make sense with what Jesus taught us, but not all of them. They can be surely seen as the opinion of the writer only, claiming to be the God's word.
@truthpreacher666 3 года назад
Yes you are right,God loves same-sex love
@idkwhatsgoingon3295 3 года назад
@@truthpreacher666 no he doesn’t. These people are going against the rules GOD has made.
@ritagomes9186 2 года назад
@@idkwhatsgoingon3295 it wasnt written by GOD though, so we dont know if it was HIS words
@darrellandsondraholden9457 4 года назад
You can put all the 'love songs' you want in this video, and show all the photos you want of people smiling, etc. But you are still leading people down the road of sin. And one day you will have to face the Lord and make an account for your actions, including leading others to not believe and follow what the Bible says.
@MrHighlander1963 4 года назад
The bible says to love one another or is that too hard for you?
@SUPABOOOMB 3 года назад
Homosexuality was a never a sing in the bible until 1946. um-insight.net/perspectives/has-%E2%80%9Chomosexual%E2%80%9D-always-been-in-the-bible/
@VIP_Tortoise 3 года назад
@@adeonn Those laws were changed and are no longer sinful if not followed. Matthew 5:17 literally talks about how some laws were changed and others weren't. Please know about what you are talking about before you make a false statementand lead others down a sinful path.
@hunley1872 2 года назад
Why the heck is this guy you preacher if he goes against the whole Bible????!!!!!!! FIRE HIM!!!!!!
@SeanR.L 4 года назад
This is what happens when you have a low view of scripture and a high view of man. Proof - 3:38, 3:54
@WhenAllMenDoubtYou 4 года назад
Accept the sinner not the sin, don’t encourage things that will separate others from God.
@lisaanderson5612 4 года назад
Exodus 21:7 says you can sell your Daughter as a sex slave. Do you take that verse literally or only the ones that suit your anti-gay agenda? People have committed suicide over anti-gay conversion therapy programs in the Church, BTW.
@fancyclouds8208 4 года назад
LuV no ❤️
@fancyclouds8208 4 года назад
Lisa Anderson PerIODt babe people just like to pick choose ❤️
@lisaanderson5612 4 года назад
@@fancyclouds8208 Agreed!
2 Tim 4: For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. Revelation 3:14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth! Your post-Truth nonesense might make you feel good today, but life is a blink of an eye compared to eternity, and believing this apostate’s filth will send you to an eternity apart from God. God is good, God is Truth, God is light, God is life itself, so to be apart from goodness, truth, and life is to invite its opposite: your eternity will be the opposite of good (bad), the opposite of truth (eternal chaos), the opposite of light (eternal darkness) the opposite of life (death). God sustains this universe fine tuned perfectly, and the moment he withdraws his grace from mankind you have no idea the absolute and complete anguish: worse than anything our puny minds can even conjure! Repent before it’s too late
@TaiTayful 4 года назад
@ lmao if you're not Christian, why you here?
@TaiTayful 4 года назад
Rusty Writer 🤫😏
@TaiTayful 4 года назад
Rusty Writer 😂😂 I don’t fornicate sweetie, encouraging someone to fornicate, explains why you’re “former” minister, which also strengthens my point, maybe this is the wrong place for you to have an opinion. You don’t believe in Christ, so maybe helping these people in a non religious capacity is your calling. So share your views there love, the world would love it 👌🏽
@ariheart6367 6 лет назад
Correction: just because a group of people don’t agree with another groups’ lifestyle, doesn’t mean that they hate them. Jesus called us to 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and 2. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. And that’s what true Christians are called to do. Jesus came to save sinners not to manage sin. If the Bible mentions something as a sin (in both the Old and New Testament) then it is a sin.
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 2 года назад
@naifalbaihed1230 2 года назад
It's not a "lifestyle". It's like not agreeing with people because they have different skin colour.
@left2rightanimations561 2 года назад
you need to actually go have an interaction with a gay person and lay down your pride bae
@thedawg2023 2 года назад
@@left2rightanimations561 you need to repent.
@giraffewhiskers2045 2 года назад
This isn’t a lifestyle just like you don’t pick and choose who you love or find hot it’s the same way for us, you wouldn’t understand how many times I cry at night because I can’t feel accepted
@eltaneia5314 2 года назад
This is very sad. Jesus literally said “If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” It’s great to love the lgbtq community but it’s not okay to support it as REAL Christians. It’s goes against God period. God of course wants us to come as we are but NOT to STAY as we are. Pastors will have a greater judgement bc your supposed to lead people in the right path not walk them into Hell.
@jadecolebank5000 2 года назад
I grew up in a christian conservative home. i no longer believe in god but i like to ask all people who do believe in god and also ridicule lgbtq people one thing "on judgement day, will god look back on your life, see youve lived your life in christ, see youve lived well, and then proceed to send you to hell JUST BECAUSE you were ok someone was gay or trans?"
@elizabethsolo2212 2 года назад
May God show them the truth
@KeilyShhh 2 года назад
Asking someone to repent for harming others is very different than asking them to repent for being with a person that they have so deeply fallen in love with. Please stop lumping the two together and saying that we don't have the right to be SO incredibly hurt when you tell us that we need to embrace the dehumanizing process of repenting for the most special part of ourselves: our ability to give and receive LOVE.
@shelbycox6332 Год назад
@@KeilyShhh said the non Christian telling Christians how to live 🙄
@KeilyShhh Год назад
​@@shelbycox6332 I'm asking for you to take a moment and consider ideas on the other side to try and understand why we could feel hurt... Maybe you change your actions or maybe you don't... But you do LISTEN. But in your mind, that's way too much to ask of a Christian? It's certainly not too much to ask of my Christian loved ones...
@shelbycox6332 Год назад
@@KeilyShhh no don't believe I will...I keep spreading the truth about the Gospel... repent for the kingdom of heaven
@KeilyShhh Год назад
​@@shelbycox6332 So as non Christians, we have to hold ourselves to a much higher standard of morality and understand than you guys have to... Interesting. Find some compassion in your next life 🏳‍🌈❤🧡💛💚💙💜
@bbysaywah 4 года назад
Why is he swearing in the beginning
@josephzanes7334 4 года назад
Because he is Cursed
@bbysaywah 3 года назад
@@josephzanes7334 lol this is a good pun. Pray for him
@stewiegriffin1864 3 года назад
Satan in disguise of a pastor
@Mark-zd5dl 3 года назад
Because he is of his father the devil
@annikabrooks7084 3 года назад
cuz he isn’t christian
@davidhess1019 Год назад
If I really love someone, I will tell them the truth in love.
@Kathryn_Jordyn Год назад
A course in miracles is a book from God and says being gay is not a sin.
@isaacazzopardi Год назад
​@@Kathryn_Jordyn I'm sorry my man but the bible is much more important than the course in miracles book. And God says several times to gay people "Go and sin no more". JUST TO REMIND YOU. THE BIBLE IS GODS WORD. SO DONT OPPOSE GOD.
@Kathryn_Jordyn Год назад
@@isaacazzopardi Go and sin no more was said to the person caught in adultery. The Bible used to say don't be a pedophile, but they changed it. Law of One is way more interesting.
@reptile1687 Год назад
@@isaacazzopardi i dont care what god says, he didnt create me, my parents did, i owe him nothing
@jack8162 Год назад
"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelations 22:19
@sandershano5758 3 года назад
If they don’t believe in the Bible then what are they preaching about??
@janissary5169 3 года назад
They are shizoidi
@cosminbryant1243 3 года назад
@@janissary5169 Liberal gospel mans version of it it allows you to live in your sins but still make to heaven
@sandershano5758 3 года назад
@@cosminbryant1243 yea but there’s no other way to heaven except through the only true Gospel.
@sandershano5758 3 года назад
@Carlos Ortiz Exactly! Lmao. They are NON BELIEVERS no need to even call themselves Christians.
@chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад
@@sandershano5758 yet some non believers can be Popes, priests, inquisitors, spread the Word, edit the Word, or translate the Word? And what is the impact, historically, of that?
@ISCARIOTSHIELD 3 года назад
"And the Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming"
@miltonb8130 3 года назад
A true Christian knows this is unacceptable
@ghostbombl8034 3 года назад
What proof?The bible is not proof since it has been written by a cult leader ,flesh and blood with same brain ass us.I never seen a God physically come down here physically stop a bullet.Humans are the real heros everday,not this make believe friend. I hate it when people save lives and give fake God credit because God did not save the person put there life.i think that is rude of Christians telling people there sheep.that what bible put it.
@miltonb8130 3 года назад
@Vallexan makes no difference to me whether you burn a Bible or burn a flag, you have to take responsibility for your own actions, not I for you nor you for I
@miltonb8130 3 года назад
@Vallexan the Bible says not to follow your heart. Everyone that is born deserves to exist. What is it exactly that you are condemning yourself for?
@miltonb8130 3 года назад
@Vallexan You didn't trick yourself, Satan tricked you. My God is not false and he does forgive. Once you have Jesus in your heart, you will want to do what's right. If you still want to follow your heart and lust after worldly things then you do not have Jesus in your heart. There are a great many false teachers out there leading people astray and causing them to worship false gods. They pull certain scriptures to use to fit their lifestyle and twist the context of them and by doing so, they create a false god within their mind. My advice to you is read the Bible and get on your knees and pray for understanding, humble yourself, and don't stop and you will see. You will feel it and then you will know it and you won't regret it. If you need help with the Bible 119 ministries on RU-vid is a great start. May the Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father help you to find the truth and save your soul through our Saviour Jesus Christ
@neo7566 3 года назад
Every single Christian struggles with this WAR OF THE FLESH and the key word here is struggle and NOT accept. Gal 5:17 For the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, in order to keep you from doing whatever you want.
@higgingsonreggingson3913 2 года назад
it follows, therefore, that Liberalism denies the absolute jurisdiction of Jesus Christ, who is God, over individuals and over society, and, by consequence, repudiates the jurisdiction which God has delegated to the visible head of the Church over each and all of the faithful, whatever their condition or rank in life. It moreover denies the necessity of divine revelation and obligation of every one to accept that revelation under pain of eternal perdition. It denies the formal motive for faith, viz., the authority of God revealing, and admits only as much of revealed doctrine as it chooses or comprehends within its own narrow capacity. It denies the infallible magistracy of the Church and of the Pope, and consequently all the doctrines defined and taught by this divine authority. In short it sets itself up as the measure and rule of faith, and so really shuts out revelation altogether. It denies everything which it itself does not proclaim. It negates everything which it itself does not 24) affirm. But not being able to affirm any truth beyond its own reach, it denies the possibility of any truth which it does not comprehend. The revelation of truth above human reason it, therefore, debars at the outset. The divinity of Jesus Christ is beyond its horoscope. The Church is outside its comprehension. The submission of human reason to the Word of Christ or its divinely constituted exponent is to it intolerable. It is, therefore, the radical and universal denial of all divine truth and Christian dogma, the primal type of all heresy, and the supreme rebellion against the authority of God and His Church. With Lucifer its maxim is: "I will not serve."
@mahiletkurabachew6865 11 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏 brother people get wrong. Keep saying love is love. But flesh desires is destroying a soul could be many things sexual morality, money, status, ………..
@devionewilkins8903 7 месяцев назад
@@mahiletkurabachew6865what’s crazy is that I have a theory that homosexual acts lead to the person hating the opposite sex😳. Notice how so many man-hating women are feminist bisexuals and lesbians, more directly lesbians. Since it’s already unnatural, it twists the way the mind thinks. Also, it isn’t just a spirit coming into another person, but it can be multiple. Anger, greed, pride, lust, all of those spirits can go into one person.
@NightmareChronicles77 2 года назад
Glad everyone is awake in this comment section
@serenaangeleri9118 Год назад
😔not everyone. There are still those who don't know God's word and make up their own rules (aka LGBTQ+)
@MusicalRaichu Год назад
@@serenaangeleri9118 I know. Here's some common examples: God's word: it is not good for the human being to be alone their own rules: it's not good for straight people, good for gays God's word: for this reason a man marries a woman their own rules: forget the reason, a man must only ever marry a woman or else it's a sin God's word: loving your neighbour fulfills all God's commands their own rules: no it doesn't, you also can't have gay secs plenty more examples, but you make a good point.
@aranthamascarenhas6322 4 года назад
If a pastor can blatantly say that there are things about the bible that he doesn't agree with, Isn't he going against God's Word? And if a pastor can't even stick with God's word... how is he to lead God's church? #Endtimes these are, for sure!
@ilianna8303 4 года назад
@steenystuff1075 2 года назад
Amen and amen! Praise God! "Accept one another as Christ has accepted you." At no time does Jesus ever give any prerequisite condition to salvation and inclusion than that we BELIEVE! Believe that He has paid the price for ALL sin. Believe that He has saved us to the uttermost! When once someone believes on Jesus they are immediately condemned to salvation. No getting out of it. Ever. It is an everlasting promise. In John 16:9 Jesus says, "concerning sin because they do not believe on Me." Unbelief. THAT is the most wicked of all sins. Well done, young Pastor, for listening to the Holy Spirit in this and not the traditions of mere men. Glory to God!
@Sonworshipper Месяц назад
I was in a church like this. I was a lesbian and thought I was going to heaven. Slowly, I started losing my desire for all of it. I began to feel awkward at church, like I didn’t fit in. Now, I’ve left the old me behind and I’m following Christ fully. Living for him daily. I still stumble like everyone else but I approach things from a Godly place and try not to sin. I repent daily. I NEED His word every day. If I don’t, the enemy is RIGHT there waiting to consume me.
@Mimi-xw3xt 2 года назад
1:06 "The God who loves them is going to send most of human history to hell. Like, that's the good news? Sounds pretty sh****" It's not "sh****" that we have a just, holy, and righteous God. Just as rape and murder angers us, sexual immorality, lies, hate, etc. angers our Holy God. But His mercy is shown to us, that even though we sin constantly, He still loved us enough to send His most precious Son to die for us. He put aside his righteous wrath against us, so that we may live, and that's "sh*tty?"
@rishavmasih9450 2 года назад
End times my friend in Christ. Stay strong and meditate the word of GOD.
@burnsport1 6 лет назад
"If we need to consult an ancient book...we're screwed already"......good Lord, doesn't that insinuate that the Bible is meaningless? Why is he a pastor?
@brianna_903 4 года назад
burnsport1 You left out the part where he said “If we need to consult an ancient book to know what to do when a human being is in front of us,” and I think that’s kind of a fair point you shouldn’t have ignored. There comes a time when you should activate a sense of civic duty or human kindness/compassion without having to be told to do so.
@sr.nobody8585 4 года назад
The bible should be a book to establish a personal connection with god, not a book to follow rules with. Religion is a very, very personal experience as someone can't show to me the connection they have with god, I cannot touch it nor see it nor taste it. Therefore saying that a link with an all mighty being is objectively stablished so and only so for everyone, isn't for you to decide.
@blaqgirlssss 3 года назад
@@brianna_903 I'm sorry I disagree. the bible does tell us to listen to others, but this pastor preaches contradictory to the bible, and for people who haven't or don't read the bible his teachings will lead people more away from the scripture than to it which is very dangerous.
@brianna_903 3 года назад
@@blaqgirlssss I never talked about whether I thought the pastor himself is doing the right or wrong thing here. All I said was that his point about human kindness should’ve been addressed, which both you and the original commenter have ignored.
@BrunaNeptune 6 лет назад
50% of these comments are from WestBoro baptist church! 🤣
@SamBoyd-yy9wh 6 лет назад
I have no doubt. I can't believe how few Christians support their gay brothers and sisters in Christ.
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 6 лет назад
Hey can I sail the both of you on a boat to a better comment section? Im a Christian who is not, nor will I ever be, against gays. How could God hate gays if its possible to be born that way in the first place? Think about it, if your BORN gay, are they fucked from birth? That sounds EVIL for our God to do, and our God is NOT evil.
@joshuamoses1631 5 лет назад
Wrong, not true. I dont go there. But i am Christian.
@voltfields3900 3 года назад
No its not. To tell the truth about Jesus's teaching from the Bible doesn't mean hate. Hate is when you allow an error to distroy someone's chance of salvation. What gain will one get if he acquires all in the world, but looses his soul?
@ifeomaagbasi9644 3 года назад
@Alexander Diaz Yes they are dumbass. Nobody chooses to be oppressed or unaccepted. People are born gay. It's science.
@Mimi-xw3xt 2 года назад
0:44 "only about half of Christians in the U.S. believe homosexuality should be accepted." That's half too much. The world is seeping into the church and no one is condemning it. Notice how the world praises "Christians" who support homosexuality. They belong to the world, because the world loves them. But the world hates the rest of us, but don't worry, we are instead citizens of the great city of God. "If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 15:19
@NicholasTheChristian 2 года назад
You are so smart! I finally found someone who's right!
@chrissonofpear1384 2 года назад
Hates the rest? Why, which of you, @Mimi , and which Christology, which denomination, and which soteriology, too? And didn't many of those FIGHT each other, fear, and hate each other, too? Usually the poor, illiterate, powerless people who were sent to fight each other, on behalf of literate, powerful clerics, translators, priests, bishops and theologians, plus princes? And what of John 14:12, too - surely that would have resolved who was in or of the world, or not. Even for Torquemada, and Gregory XIII, and Calvin - and also, before they made some of the more infamous errors of judgement and policy, that they did? Including towards many Jews, as well. And what did, by default, if you could answer - happen to many homosexuals after Matthew 5:18 was stated, in Christendom? And was it at all like what became of many accused 'witches' often in Christendom, often with barely any trial, too? Because that may need to be resolved, first. Also, wasn't this world somewhat given to Satan, due to two semi ignorant humans who did not know good from evil, or stakes to more than two lives - essentially giving it to him? Or so it may initially appear, anyway. So given many Christians, or alleged ones, used to persecute various people, or be riled up like mobs sometimes, and some of them have seemingly tied gay people in the USA to cow fences, and BEAT-EN them, near to death - then isn't it possible you might sometimes be feared? Even hated, if the fires get stoked further? I mean, it would hardly be the first time hate and fear ran widely within Christendom, sadly, and including as it became somewhat divided.
@thedoghousestory Год назад
The pastor forgot the verse about the Samaritan woman: John 8:11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, AND FROM NOW ON SIN NO MORE.”
@Khiythemusician 2 года назад
I WAS A HOMOSEXUAL TRYING TO JUSTIFY JESUS TO ACCEPT ME THE WAY I AM BUT THE TRUTH IS GOD WANTS US TO CHANGE. I can happily say that through commit to to him he has CHANGED ME and I now aspire to have a family instead of marry another woman and live a lesbian lifestyle. Even when you have a child you expect them to change mentally physically etc so God definitely wants the same thing for us. If everyone were Gay no one could have children and life is a gift from God so imagine us being the last of our bloodline because we selfishly wanted to put our wants and need over Gods wants and needs. Jesus Christ is more fulfilling than anyone on earth that I ever dated loved or was involved with and he can be that for anyone who accepts him in their heart. 💜💜🥹🎉🙏🏽‼️ GOD BLESS
@lukeallison3713 Год назад
The fundemental message of the gospel is repent and deny yourself. Saying such a thing is blasphemy to the woke secular world
@crissy145rubio8 3 года назад
Yes come as you are broken down but don’t believe the devil
@josephdantic3884 5 лет назад
The truth will set you free. Repent and believe. Don't change the truth.
@veggieburgerlover130 4 года назад
Dang girls are so hot.
@KeilyShhh Год назад
What if you're not already broken? What if how you love is the most beautiful part of you and should not be repented of? What if it's the most hurtful message in the world when you're told that your ability to give and receive love is something that you need to apologize for? That's what I'd been told my whole life and it's the most painful thing in the world 💔😢 But I finally know that god really actually DOES take me as I am and when my beautiful wife proposed, I knew that he ordained me to say yes goodvibes🏳‍🌈
@tiarrasmusic 2 года назад
This video is BULL$@#!! TOTAL BLASPHEMY and AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD!!! I pray deliverance over this church in Jesus name!!!
@CrypticHowl 6 лет назад
It is a church but it doesn't have God dwelling in it that's for sure.
@epicguitarcovers8237 5 лет назад
The church is not the building, it’s the people, therefore it’s a false church, there is no church there, just a building under the label “church” and your right God does not tolerate this.
@carrynichols9914 4 года назад
100 % agree
@tire.d743 4 года назад
All lives matter!!! why is everyone against lgbtq+ we're all equal!!! I'm pansexual!!! this and almost all the comments are absoultly nothing!!!! tsk I'm out
@veovis523 4 года назад
No church does, because God isn't real, silly!
@CrypticHowl 4 года назад
@@veovis523 keep believing that delusion if you want but the truth still stands that God is indeed real. One day you will face God and will have to give an account for your life. I care about you and hope that you come to the truth because it'll set you free from your sins. God bless
@memelovett6480 Год назад
The Bible says people will say "Lord Lord... and God will say I never knew you; depart from me those who practice iniquity. " So these demons can open 15000 churches but unless God's words are being practiced and not tainted with iniquity it will be all for nothing but for tides and offerings.
@jacobtennyson9213 Год назад
This will happen to homosexuals who are pretending to be Christians.
@johnbluehouse4991 9 месяцев назад
That scares the crap out of me. They should have been given the truth and Christian counseling.
@marianzaharia4288 3 года назад
"11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope-the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good." (Titus 2:11-14)
@recoveringmillennial9695 3 года назад
In the end there will be many who will be deceived and led astray. There will be wolves in sheeps clothing.
@oODied2SaveOo Год назад
LGBT are accepted like they are but God’s Word isn’t! Where all people feel welcome but the Holy Spirit isn’t! A place where people feel good about themselves all while false teachers are leading them to destruction….. feel good about yourself while you can….because I’m afraid of what’s to come for you.
@megaglemyeggo 2 года назад
There is a lot I do not understand about my Christian brothers and sisters but this hate against LGBTQ+ is a place to start. I mean, I listened to a pastor on RU-vid the other night literally say "we are all sinners and theres nothing we can do about it" and then later on in the video he mockenly said that homosexuals are going to burn in hell. If we are all sinners anyway, I would rather learn to exercise kindness and compassion to all Beings (ie humans, animals, plants, Earth, etc). One does not need to believe in something another person does (or doesn't do) to be kind to them, to say "I care about you".
@hopeimoh4208 3 года назад
This pastor needs a pastor to lead him to christ
@amberharmsen2497 3 года назад
This pastor has nothing wrong with him He is doing john the Baptist’s work And this world needs more people like him
@hopeimoh4208 3 года назад
@@amberharmsen2497 smh.
@amberharmsen2497 3 года назад
@@hopeimoh4208 what?
@amberharmsen2497 3 года назад
@@hopeimoh4208 you mind telling me what you don’t like about what I said Or i don’t know Making an actual rebuttal
@hopeimoh4208 3 года назад
@@amberharmsen2497 if you think is right for a pastor to support Gay and lesbians . Its alright let God be the judge
@britt5186 2 года назад
Scripture is God breathed. Scripture also talks about people like you and how you are held to a high accountability as a pastor.
@mlaautomotivellc9327 2 года назад
He is not a pastor; but rather a hireling man.
@dametriw 4 года назад
Blessings and curses shouldn't come out of the same mouth
@heir_to_the_promise 3 года назад
I don't think the Book of James is in his Bible.
@andrewjohn2124 4 года назад
3:38 The guy has lots of things he disagrees with the bible on. So how is he a Christian? Why continue to believe in a religion goes against his beliefs?
@xmgzsandwich 3 года назад
If it gives him hope, that's all he needs. It makes him feel good knowing he's apart of the religions he loves, just without all the bad stuff
@raynekimi2755 3 года назад
@@xmgzsandwich Your comment holds no merit to the truth. His WHOLE church is full of "bad stuff." How can following the devil give you hope?
@xmgzsandwich 3 года назад
@@raynekimi2755 why is loving someone wrong? Because a millenia old book says so? What's wrong with you, love is love between 2 consenting adults
@raynekimi2755 3 года назад
@@xmgzsandwich What's wrong with YOU? Were you born from a man? Takes a man and a woman to create a baby. We are all from a man and a woman. It begins with scripture.
@xmgzsandwich 3 года назад
@@raynekimi2755 not everyone has to give birth dumbass
@imitatorofJesusChrist 3 года назад
A building that excepts people who violate the truth of Gods word. That’s it. The church is the body of Christ. End of story.
@shseducation5700 3 года назад
Real church: Accept SOMEONE as what they are False church: Accept someone's sinful acts as what they are.
@shseducation5700 3 года назад
@Zion 101 Early Christian congregation in Corinthians are gatherings of sinners (Gay, etc). But when they received the grace from God, they lived in holiness and sanctification. That's a real church, not otherwise after you became a new born and you still want to live in the pit
@shseducation5700 3 года назад
@Zion 101 Jesus forgives and accepts those who confess their sins regardless any forms of sin. It doesn't mean they can despise the grace then living in sin.
@studentofthesaviors.o.s 3 года назад
@Zion 101 it's very simple what he is saying... The real church of God will accept somebody who is willing to repent of there sins. These people are not perfect, coming in to become perfect. A false church (like all Christianity for the most part) will say come as you are stay as you are. Meaning, it come as a thief, stay as a thief we won't tell you to change and don't expect you to.
@studentofthesaviors.o.s 3 года назад
@Zion 101 every christianity church, specifically baptist or hilltop etc. They don't teach the laws of God and most churches say the laws of God are done, you don't have to keep them etc. For example do you keep the sabbath holy? The seventh day no buying no selling no cooking no working covocating from sundown to sundown? I would pick a different law but typically even though this is in the decalogue most Christians will ignore it, not teach to keep it, or say any day is my Sabbath
@studentofthesaviors.o.s 3 года назад
@Zion 101 sure
@jaimegonzalez355 2 года назад
Most people who say the gospel is "come as you are" don't finish the true statement of the transforming power of the True Gospel, "Come as you are, but you will not stay as you are". 2 Corinthians 5:17 "therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new". The problem with most homosexuals is they want the gospel, but want to stay as they are.
@largadrive 6 лет назад
Understanding why we have perameters especially with sexual desire but many other things as well is learning about the spiritual life with Christ.Its how we grow in the gospel.Im sorry people still deal with it as love and hate which in many cases,not all though is a humanistic issue which doesnt go far enough in its scope if we are talking about God.
@PunkDogCreations Год назад
Homosexual behavior won’t damn a person any more quickly than pride or greed or adultery. Without Christ, we are lost, whether gay, straight, or asexual. But, when we surrender our lives to the lordship of Jesus, He gives us a new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). He destroys the power that sin once held over us (Romans 6:1-7). The old nature that once dictated our actions has been conquered in a born-again child of God (John 3:3). Temptation still rages. Weaknesses still torment. But the power of the Holy Spirit helps us to resist Satan and overcome the sins that once held us captive (Colossians 2:14; James 4:7). We can choose new life in Jesus or the old life of sin. But we cannot have both (Matthew 6:24).
@georgethomas1148 5 лет назад
False doctrine, you could be a gay before you know christ but after knowing him and living in lgbt lifestyle means you don't love him, for the word of god says you will follow my laws if you love me
@israelcastellon4478 Год назад
This is so Evil!!!. Isaiah 5:20-21 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!
@pine5328 Год назад
Jesus came to the sinners and the sinners came to them to be instructed in the right way. Come as you are and learn the ways in which you’re wrong. This is heretical and blasphemous.
@Joe-po9xn 3 года назад
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13 I didn't see any fine print. It means everyone.
@mazmaryam1212 3 года назад
Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter God’s kingdom. The only people who will enter are those who do what my Father in heaven wants. 22 On that last Day many will call me Lord. They will say, ‘Lord, Lord, by the power of your name we spoke for God. And by your name we forced out demons and did many miracles.’ 23 Then I will tell those people clearly, ‘Get away from me, you people who do wrong. I never knew you. Matthew 7:21-23
@isiahgaygon5858 3 года назад
maz maryam...you are right they must see what God plan for them
@moriyarose3587 3 года назад
God doesn't do fine print. He isn't out to trick us. He's told us everything He needs us to know, in black and white, clear as crystal. Nope. No fine print. But there are requirements for those of us who claim to follow Christ. Here are a few, just for starters: "Bear fruit in keeping with repentance. Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." Matthew 3:8‭, ‬10 ESV "And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." Galatians 5:24 ESV "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth." Colossians 3:5‭-‬8 ESV "Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'" Matthew 16:24 ESV "And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'" Mark 8:34 ESV "And he said to all, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'" Luke 9:23 ESV “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13‭-‬14 ESV
@scottsmith2235 2 года назад
Well, the Bible is a storybook-so calling on a lord who doesn’t exist won’t save anyone because you don’t need saving. Live your life in this world, whether you are gay, straight, queer, lesbian, bisexual, or any other position-you are just as worthy as anyone. The Bible is a storybook-don’t let it rule your life. You rule your life! Give much and you will receive much.
@moriyarose3587 2 года назад
@@scottsmith2235 You can't deny God and His Word and then reference biblical concepts. That's hypocrisy and a logical fallacy. Therefore, I completely disregard what you wrote.
@mccoyyoung4806 3 года назад
Romans 6:1-2 “What shall we say then, shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin! How can we live in it any longer?”
@frankiinsane8874 Год назад
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6: 9-10
@BobbylightRCE 2 года назад
I’m glad this church closed. This man is going off but his emotions and not what the scripture says. Leading his flock to the wrong path. Seriously baffles my mind. No one is perfect. We’re all sinners. But you cannot be this delusional preaching the way you are and misguiding them. Wow
@insaiyangainz3573 2 года назад
Your a hateful person, your the main reason why my cousin took his life away because your the type of Christian that attack my cousin for being gay. Christianity is about love and respecting one another
@jadecolebank5000 2 года назад
i dont think this church closed down
@BobbylightRCE 2 года назад
@@insaiyangainz3573 your cousin took their life away because of their decision. Stop blaming other for their mistakes. Calling me hateful and not even knowing me is judging isn’t it? Same way you don’t want to be judge and accepted. Very hypocritical
@unapologeticallyBlack414 3 года назад
God loves everyone. The church says come as you are. This is a good day
@studentofthesaviors.o.s 3 года назад
God doesn't love everybody. Romans 9:13 says that clearly
@unapologeticallyBlack414 3 года назад
@@studentofthesaviors.o.s what he said on john 3:16 is clear also
@studentofthesaviors.o.s 3 года назад
@@unapologeticallyBlack414 scripture doesn't contradict so either you are saying it does or you have a misunderstanding on john 3:16 because there are multiple worlds Hebrews 1:1-2 [1]God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, [2]Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the WORLDS;* so again seeing there are multiple WORLDS then you have to ask yourself which world does God love because obviously the world of the Edom-ites he hates Romans 9:13 [13]As it is written, Jacob have I loved, *but Esau have I HATED.*
@studentofthesaviors.o.s 3 года назад
@@unapologeticallyBlack414 but regardless of your understanding on that it is very clear that God says he hates a people so therefore your statement saying God loves everyone is false.
@johnfoltz8183 3 года назад
Yes God does live everyone. He wants them to repent of their sins, believe in Him ( Jesus) as their Lord and Savior. Then God will change people's hearts for them to want to live for Him, to turn from wrong ways, and do what His word says.
@mariahconklin4150 2 года назад
I enjoy being around those that just need to be loved instead of judging them. I’m straight but I loved the Baptist church I went to but I also loved the open door church to. It shouldn’t be all black and white. People just need to be loved. God told me that one day when I was all alone in my house worshiping him and this is what makes me feel closer to him not hating on people. Every time I’m hating on people I get more and more further away from God and that scares me.
@giulianacr2638 2 года назад
I agree with you. God is love. That's the most powerful force in this world, especially when it comes from God. Peace to all ✌
@dyerseve07 2 года назад
But telling people their lifestyle goes against God's Word is being love.
@jomama81ranch8 2 года назад
You don't think it should all be black or white?? So which one of the commandments did Jesus say was "probably" ok? That is the thing most people totally MISS!! In order to live for eternity in heaven.... YOU have to be PERFECT!! That is about as black and white as it can get, correct? It is only through what Jesus did for every single sinner on the cross, .... He took what we deserved onto Himself, so that those who understand that fully and place their faith in His blood sacrifice for our lifetime of sins, that will ever enter heaven. But God reads the heart, not the words we use to confess our sins. So, what do you think about the above.... if a person who BELIEVES they were "created" as a homosexual person, or in other words, that God created THEM to be an abomination to God Himself, ... because we are all created in God's own image, yet God says that the sin of homosexuality is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. If that person, believes God created them this way, how then can they be saved? If they believe God created them homosexual, which goes against the Bible, then can that person truly put their entire faith in Jesus to save them? If they can't trust one part of the Bible and God, then it goes without saying that they will not trust what Jesus did for them! I have a niece and my husband has an uncle who have "chosen" to live a homosexual lifestyle. My brother told his daughter that she was "choosing a hard life", when she told him about her "preference". They still have a relationship, but she knows that he does not believe she was born that way. He still loves her very much and I have no doubt she knows this... but a true believer in Christ cannot do what the so-called preacher in this video does... and openly accept and even praise his church members for choosing this lifestyle. ----It would be EXACTLY like a 60 year old man who says he is in love with a 10 year old girl... and expects others to just accept this!! Both are a "sexual preference" that has NOTHING to do with God and the Bible. I can promise you this... this preacher, if he does NOT repent of this attitude, and continues to lead his congregation down this path... will pay in spades one day!!
@higgingsonreggingson3913 2 года назад
it follows, therefore, that Liberalism denies the absolute jurisdiction of Jesus Christ, who is God, over individuals and over society, and, by consequence, repudiates the jurisdiction which God has delegated to the visible head of the Church over each and all of the faithful, whatever their condition or rank in life. It moreover denies the necessity of divine revelation and obligation of every one to accept that revelation under pain of eternal perdition. It denies the formal motive for faith, viz., the authority of God revealing, and admits only as much of revealed doctrine as it chooses or comprehends within its own narrow capacity. It denies the infallible magistracy of the Church and of the Pope, and consequently all the doctrines defined and taught by this divine authority. In short it sets itself up as the measure and rule of faith, and so really shuts out revelation altogether. It denies everything which it itself does not proclaim. It negates everything which it itself does not 24) affirm. But not being able to affirm any truth beyond its own reach, it denies the possibility of any truth which it does not comprehend. The revelation of truth above human reason it, therefore, debars at the outset. The divinity of Jesus Christ is beyond its horoscope. The Church is outside its comprehension. The submission of human reason to the Word of Christ or its divinely constituted exponent is to it intolerable. It is, therefore, the radical and universal denial of all divine truth and Christian dogma, the primal type of all heresy, and the supreme rebellion against the authority of God and His Church. With Lucifer its maxim is: "I will not serve."
@denysvision 2 года назад
@Messerah i understand about the sins, but gods guide not commands, god wants for all people to also love people, and lgtb wasn't a sin to begin with
@heronacionalbalili5208 3 года назад
this church was so unbiblical. he literally said that he doesn't agree what the bible tells and claims that we dont need bible? no wonder a lot of people left this church. the foundation of our faith is bible. and if any church preach and teach with their own knowledge without considering the bible and holy spirit, go find a new one.
@abundantharmony 2 года назад
Vulgarity and homosexuality? This isn't the fruit of Christ.
@leahr9038 5 лет назад
He made my soul cringe
@misstramaine1981 5 лет назад
He's openly a wolf and he needs no sheep's clothing, plus he contradicted himself so many times, I bet doesn't even know what the Bible is about. He has no Godly wisdom. He's a Heretic, Pharisee, and if he doesn't get saved he's going to burn in Hell!
@Origen17 Год назад
It's refreshing to see the comments section pushing back against this sadly misled pastor.
@ptwevangelism 2 года назад
Very sad how these pastors are misleading the flock. They have heaped to themselves teachers having itching ears👂
@bobobake1232 Год назад
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children... God gave us boundaries and laws for our benefit didn't he? Peace!
@angiel2710 6 лет назад
GOD did not come for the the perfect ones, HE CAME FOR EVERYONE, HE IS NOT A REPUBLICAN, HE IS OUR CREATOR!
@TaiTayful 4 года назад
lmao, republicans abolished slavery, democratic instilled it? arm know your history, try again
@wandahall4633 2 года назад
Real man of God will not turn a gay person down from coming into a church. But they do expect them to change their ways sooner than later. And they cannot enter the pulpit, they cannot join the choir, the only thing they can do is sit and listen to the word of God
@Imfrommars444 2 года назад
@nickgagnon3626 2 года назад
Real men accept gay people fully.
@KeilyShhh Год назад
@@nickgagnon3626 Preach!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
@KeilyShhh Год назад
"... they do expect them to change their ways". What if you're not already broken? What if how you love is the most beautiful part of you and should not be repented of? What if it's the most hurtful message in the world when you're told that your ability to give and receive love is something that you need to apologize for? That's what I'd been told my whole life and it's the most painful thing in the world 💔😢 But I finally know that god really actually DOES take me as I am and when my beautiful wife proposed, I knew that he ordained me to say yes 🏳‍🌈
@kingdomcommentary1434 5 лет назад
Blasphemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
@hk4lyfe59 2 года назад
Then stop being that church. It's that simple. If you want to start your own religion where these things are ok, then go ahead. But please don't call it Christianity. Jesus is tired of liberal theologians quoting the one or two things He said out of context and then appropriating His message for their own agenda, and that's exactly what you are doing.
@MusicalRaichu 2 года назад
Christian beliefs have always been in a state of flux from day one until today. Just because someone tries to resolve an apparent contradiction in a way differently to you doesn't make either of you right.
@mrcloud9750 2 года назад
@@MusicalRaichu you need jesus
@josiahjudah3126 Год назад
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isa. 5:20
@jacobtennyson9213 Год назад
That is happening right now in so called Gay churches.
@jeffreyhicks6585 2 года назад
No one should lose or be sacked from their job based on sexual orientation it is discrimination andI am not gay
@kofipapa2886 Год назад
By their fruits shall ye know them. It is about time that the sifting begun. The can't hide forever. They would reveal their true colours one by one. Their true motives shall come to light. Glory be to the name of God by whose grace we are alive and kicking.
@MusicalRaichu Год назад
That's why this pastor changed his mind. look at the fruits of the church's teaching: children subjected to anguish, depreshon, losing their faith, rejected by parents, kicked out of home, taking their lives. Christians need to take a stand for what's right and protect the vulnerable, not discriminate against people who are doing nothing to hurt anyone, merely because of one biological difference.
@ggdamoledugay 3 года назад
Then why are u teaching from the bible in the first place when you say you contradict some of its teachings? Woah
@BroamChomskey 3 года назад
I respect this guy for being honest...he has disdain for God's word and those who revere it and try to follow it are mocked. At least he is open about what their social club believes. Make no mistake tho, this is not ecclesia by any definition of the word. This is a social club.
@heuganian7252 2 года назад
i like how you referred to the greek and told the truth, most "churches" are not ecclesia they are social clubs, thank you
@hairypawter8475 Год назад
That pastor has the crazyeyes of liberalism. 2 seconds after "affirming"" gay marriage, he is literally mocking the bible and saying it s redundant and who even needs it. LOVE conquers all folks. We worship our feelings, not God.
@a7c777 3 года назад
I love my fellow LGBT+ people, but the bible was meant to be more than a framework according to scripture as a manual to please God. This is not biblical. I understand why someone may not relate to the bible given the timeframe in which it was written but issues within the LGBT+ are considered to be a vice through scripture and living outside of that is rejection of that word of God. I do believe love, charity and open invitation to everyone is a great way for spreading the good word and im sad that many people dont feel welcomed because it is a defined sin but i cant find it in my heart to affirm this sin as right despite my love for the people around me whether they are believers or not. I pray that guidance helps these people, but i havent been taught that this is the way. And while i dont think swearing is a sin, i do think it shows unrest in the heart. The swearing of the pastor also puts me off in accepting that this is the way. But regardless i do think love for all in the community is an important message for all religions even if i dont find this religion to be the true one.
@nikrose5229 2 года назад
This isnt a church. Its heresy
@TheTREEHOUSE18 5 лет назад
This is the time you changed who God is!! You made a god in your image. Wicked church
@KeilyShhh Год назад
That's very sad... Asking someone to repent for harming others is very different than asking them to repent for being with a person that they have so deeply fallen in love with. Please stop lumping the two together and saying that we don't have the right to be SO incredibly hurt when you tell us that we need to embrace the dehumanizing process of repenting for the most special part of ourselves: our ability to give and receive LOVE.
@mrpekin6870 4 года назад
Tell them the truth!!
@Vinyl_guy 2 года назад
he is
@The_Crimson_Flare 2 года назад
@@Vinyl_guy he isnt. He's literally denying the bible as truth, yet teaching it as truth. hes literally lying to everyone in the audience. someone else in the comments here said it pretty good: Theresa 1 year ago "If we need to consult an ancient book to know what to do when a human being is in front of us, I think we're already screwed" = we don't need the Bible in order to know God's commands and will = We will decide what's right and wrong = Not a Christian. He is literally saying that peoples feelings are more important than truth.
@bman6820 3 года назад
Sacrilegioun at its best ( worse) . This is where you go get your ears tickled.
@fridahhildah526 2 года назад
I corinthians 6: 9" Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived(misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality, " 10." Nor cheats(swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God. "
@nickgagnon3626 2 года назад
Thats fucked up.
@fabriceposo8812 2 года назад
This video has nothing to do with God of the ancient scriptures in anyway shape or form. This is a group of sinners finding a way to comfort each others in sin and have gone as far as to insert gods name in their BS. I would say more but there is no point
@glorias5038 4 года назад
The most blasphemous video Ive ever seen.
@andrewdoburt7583 3 года назад
This is terrible. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone it is fine.
@jadecolebank5000 2 года назад
as a trans woman i hope your church is still a safespace going into this 2022 year.
@davidadam6351 3 года назад
When someone see somebody build an ark tell me world is already returned to Noah time
@Mylove_94 3 года назад
these comments are probably breaking Jesus heart. Love God, Love people....love. not hate or judge. Just let Jesus make the call when judgement comes. Let Him be the boss...wait, He is the Boss. no worries if you are free from judgement and loving Everyone. we will see. God bless.
@alanncsu3243 2 года назад
So Jesus' calling the Pharisees white washed tombs of old men's bones was his way of loving them? I seem to recall Jesus declaring it to be better to have a millstone put around your neck and thrown into the ocean (ie: physical death), rather than being the one who brings sin into someone's life... and to be fearful not of the one who can kill the body, but rather be fearful of the one who can kill the body and soul.
@alanncsu3243 2 года назад
I would be worried if I found myself standing in the company of terrible people, whether it be Hitler or Jim Jones - if I had anything in common with them, I would automatically question my own judgement... since God let them be destroyed originally, meaning I could be headed unknowingly for the same destruction, if I weren't careful.
@alanncsu3243 2 года назад
If we take same-sex attraction (ie: a 2nd master) and consider it like love of money, do we open Churches that say the love of money is ok - just let God judge that? We live in a society that runs on money, who wouldn't love to obtain money since it leads to choices... but we know Jesus said you can't serve 2 masters, you will love one and hate the other. The topic of same-sex attraction appears to be analogous to TV evangelists who (often) extract millions of dollars from people wrongfully despite not being illegal, by their actions they're loving the master of money and hating God... how is same-sex attraction any different than the love of money?
@KeilyShhh Год назад
Awww you're awesome!!! Yes, god loves ALL of us and will not punish anyone for being with a person they cherish (no matter the gender).
@KeilyShhh Год назад
@@alanncsu3243 Money doesn't love back... money doesn't build a life with you... money doesn't tuck your kids in a night... money doesn't talk to you when you need someone to listen or share it's heart with you... Can I ask, would you apply this argument to straight couples? No, because it's silly. When it says "love" money, it's referring to greed. Actual, sincere love between people (no matter the gender) is selfless.... YES, it's very different lol ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
@giulianacr2638 2 года назад
I think if people have a problem with this church they should just leave. Nobody is forcing you to agree with LGBTQ. Let people worship God and mind your own business.
@InLoveWithLife43vr 2 года назад
have you read the Bible?
@giulianacr2638 2 года назад
@@InLoveWithLife43vr Read the gospels and acts, everyone is invited to supper with the Lamb.
@tylere.8436 2 года назад
@@giulianacr2638 Matthew 18:6 He who ensnares one of these little ones who believe in me, it is best for him that a millstone for asses is hung on his neck and is submerged into the depth of the sea. Quite clearly a message against groomers and pedophilia.
@roko2xz47 2 года назад
@@giulianacr2638 but it wont mean you will make it to heaven
@InLoveWithLife43vr 2 года назад
@@giulianacr2638 everyone is invited but not everyone will be welcomed
@amaraheavens Год назад
If the Bible is just an “ancient book“ to you, then stop calling your organisation “church”because you are not a Christian. You can’t pick and choose what you like in the Bible. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2Tim 3:16). The Bible is the written word of God. God doesn’t conform to your standards, you submit to His superior wisdom distilled in the Bible. Simple!
@1redrocks 5 лет назад
This is so sad. We are in the last days for sure
@Joshua-dc1bs 5 лет назад
I can't wait for advanced hominids to look back at this comment made by a Neanderthal and laugh.
@1redrocks 5 лет назад
Joshua lol funny
@Joshua-dc1bs 5 лет назад
@@1redrocks Axrually, I should have said Homo Erectus. Homo Neanderthalensis had bigger brains than Homo Sapiens.
@allisonkrause4178 3 года назад
2 years later were all still here
@lapepa1699 3 года назад
@dnasquad4219 3 года назад
The amount of homophobia in these comments are sad like why can’t you accept the fact that lgbtq people will go into heaven too. I wish God came down to earth to tell people to stop hating and to love and support everyone because we are all human beings and we are all Gods children at the end of the day
@clerencechung8185 3 года назад
Lgbtq is forbidden
@KeanuBlob 3 года назад
Mmmm god disagrees
@robertvalli2238 3 года назад
It’s very sad
@Religion-Science777 6 месяцев назад
Badass, bullshit??!? What kind of pastor is this? Are you kidding ? These are wolves. It's the end times, and it's so obvious. May we all repent of our bad habits and crucify our flesh, because without it, we'll go to hell for sure. May the Lord help us with it. Amen
@ykd818 2 года назад
God's word says "come As You Are". Don't stay as you are. If that's the case Jesus Christ died on the cross for nothing! Which would mean the Holy Spirit is not needed and serve worthless for spiritual growth, holiness and strengthening us to abstain from sin. Since we can come and stay as we are
@thelionofthewest9168 2 года назад
God never said homosexuality was accepted
@chrissonofpear1384 2 года назад
@@thelionofthewest9168 Or that the Inquisition was wrong. Sod all done there, was it? Or that Leviticus 25 and all other slavery... guidelines was done, dusted and pointless - for good. Or that Augustine had ever interpreted 1 Corinthians 10, regarding Jewish guilt, wrongly. Nor what became of captive Middianite women, post Numbers 31. Or why 'invisible qualities, clearly understood' were not understood by many angels, who never got rendered 'spiritually dead' before they made a choice. Anyway, what was, by default, to happen to gay people after Matthew 5:18, either.
@heydude7568 5 лет назад
you are controlling demon posing as an angel of light but such is the latent evil within you, it cannot hide and makes its appearance in the occasional flashing of your eyes
@johnnyhernandez9113 6 лет назад
Ben Stiller stop playing 😂
@AidenMaxwell-p5h 6 месяцев назад
Where is this church?
@masarati7315 2 года назад
According to the Teachings of the Bible "All active Homosexuals and Homosexuality Sympathizers (applies to LGBTQ+) are going to Hell for an Eternity, Unless the come to full repentance and God Forgives them".
@MusicalRaichu 2 года назад
that quote is not in any Bible I know. So many people are using deceit these days to support a religious anti-gay stance, it's frightening.
@ingvildkvakestad 6 лет назад
I am Bi and Christian
@evacarol1879 6 лет назад
I am too! :)
@ingvildkvakestad 6 лет назад
Eva Carol cool finnaly I Know no One who feels like me
@ingvildkvakestad 6 лет назад
Jane Dough i sin more with other things I try
@ingvildkvakestad 6 лет назад
Jane Dough how do I repent?
@Aeterny 6 лет назад
Ingvild Kvakestad The straight and narrow path, heeding God's word and not misleading others.
@sturgillcobb1502 2 года назад
Sorry, this guy is no "Christian" pastor.
@ernestovillalpando4841 2 года назад
He is a Christian, a II Tim 4:3 Christian
@GENEVIVEMUSIC 2 года назад
3:56- No you need to know what to do when the devil is in front of you. Resist the lie
@-sussusamogus-7013 2 года назад
Amen brother
Basically I'm Gay
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