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A day in a slaughter house 

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11 фев 2010




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@sgcnadesf892 12 лет назад
*eating hamburger* *watches video* LOL
@moelll 14 лет назад
im just gonna say this much, your "heart-wrenching" clips wont stop me from eating meat. some of those scenes looks like they're from a few decades ago OR from another country. im damn sure the USDA inspectors ever saw that crap, they would shut down those slaughterhouses
@kalibos 11 лет назад
Hahaha the abrupt switch to bible-thumping midway through the paragraph really caught me off guard nice one
@crackerbox6013 12 лет назад
Guys, the poster isn't doing cruel things, only the people in the video. He is simply showing the world the horrors of slaughterhouses.
@azurejeer7294 12 лет назад
i was crying my head off when i saw him standing on the helpless piglet while another guy was putting this thing that looked REALLY painful on the piglet's head
@TheDragonLake 12 лет назад
evanescence lyrics are very right. "dont try to fix me i'm not broken." dont send unwanted animals to slaughter. someone must want it (for me i'm dying to ride a horse again) "living for you so you can hide." they live like that and dont attack but take it even if you think it makes you superior.
@parasereterno 12 лет назад
@DeadsideJaunty Mmm, well sadly Id have to agree with you. I love my veggies too and understand what they can do for me. I dont like to eat red meat or pork (I rarely do). just mostly chicken and little bit of fish. I guess I just cant seem to let go completely, I feel like I always need it. although becoming a vegetarian would probably be a better idea. How long have you been a vegetarian?
@EzraSol_ 12 лет назад
It happens in pretty much every slaughterhouse
@zsski 12 лет назад
What is free range?
@EzraSol_ 12 лет назад
Becoming a Vegetarian helps a little bit c: Supply and Demand
@MrYohome123 12 лет назад
i am acctulay crying right now :''(
@RangersAirsoft 12 лет назад
does this honestly happen in the US?
@muscleboy60 12 лет назад
1:39 ouch
@PartyAnimal711 12 лет назад
oh my god
@cookesam6 12 лет назад
This looks like it was from 50 years ago..
@Trinifae 12 лет назад
i started crying at 0:04 D'X
@JudeMarley3135 12 лет назад
Jeez louise... I need a bacon cheeseburger meal and a 12-pack of chicken nuggets after watching that! Maybe a diet Pepsi, as well...
@BitterSweetLife99 13 лет назад
I was already thinking about going vegetarian in order to slim up since I'm a girl and i tend to have excessive muscle from all the activities I used to participate in BUT after watching this I'm for sure going vegetarian or maybe even vegan. I haven't cried this hard in a long long time! My dad is a farmer so I was raised around cows, goats, chickens, and even a few horses. They were happy animals though..they weren't raised in filth and claustrophobic areas and then beaten to death
@terradogy 11 лет назад
I'm sorry but it is not the fact that we think that we compare our selves to carnivores, it is the fact that some people eat meat purely because it taste good and because meat provides protein.
@EzraSol_ 12 лет назад
Good ^_^ Then you are helping, i seriously think Slaughterhouses should be banned, I cried when they got to the cows, I was upset at the chickens but the cows got me :(
@TrollSimonCowell 12 лет назад
This video makes me really hungry. I'ma go get a burger.
@TheScrowlingFender7 11 лет назад
I became a vegetarian before I knew about this! I feel terrible about this.
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
@pebbles92able oh alri haha and I think I've got mixed up between carnivore and omnivore lol And yup you did a good job at internet acting lol and I agree, I've just gone vegan pretty much and its feeling good & Ik I'll feel great soon :)
@EzraSol_ 12 лет назад
Then go free-range, I was raised on meat, I turned Vegetarian, Just like that, I quit completely at 15, I've been a vegetarian for a good 3 months now
@MicroClicka 12 лет назад
I nearly cried watching your grammar.
@23megasasquatch 11 лет назад
makes me hungry
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
@pebbles92able Yes but we can clearly provide ourselves with food other ways (also carnivores generally have long sharp claws and ferocious teeth like bears & lions) but we can choose other options. Also because we don't need to do it and we know better. Other animals just do it purely instinctively. Also lions may kill their prey bt they don't cage them up or put them in pens for their whole lives and give them drugs to make them grow faster and all the other sorts of horrible things humans do
@ZombieKingArt 12 лет назад
remember everyone Humans are animals too Humans go through hunger starvation drought and war so humans go through pain and suffering just like animals i love animals and would do nothing to harm them but i also care for our own breed
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
@RixPixable The difference is firstly they go through a much worse life then they would if they had lived in the wild and secondly billions more animals are produced through the meat industry then should have ever lived and no there not lives they'd be thankful for because as I said there life is much worse undergoing this process and thirdly they still do have a chance of living longer if they lived in the wild but mainly its that, that life would be far more free, worth-living and enjoyable.
@ksenijavolkova2967 11 лет назад
I did become vegan after being a vegetarian, I wish more people realise that life without meat is possible and whats more- its is beautiful.
@futurehistory2110 12 лет назад
@moelll perhaps these videos are somewhat dramatized, I'm a veggie but I can admit its not all this bad but its not all that good either, the average animal is still held against their will, held in tight space, separated from family members and they are often scared, there deaths are probably quick although painful, but the information I've presented is the real truth so that's what perspective you should vie this from.
@horsegirleve2 13 лет назад
@HonkTheMusic 12 лет назад
3:00 was THE WORST
@paul20panda 11 лет назад
Also, it would not be prudent to reduce the number of food sources we rely on. Diversity and distribution of dependence across a number of food sources has historically been a significant defense against starvation.To be clear, I love nature and would like to reduce animal cruelty whenever possible. But sometimes we have to be realistic...How many nations or cultures can you name that are solely vegetarian. If it were a feasible or an advantageous lifestyle, you would see it more often.
@ozboc 11 лет назад
and this is why i grow my own meat ( pigs - chickens -beef ) they have a good life free range , and never experience anything like this ....
@Eraevn 14 лет назад
all i can say to this is, people are cruel. this was a clear example of pasting together only the cruelty clips to make people feel bad. The animals were bred to die, and it so happens that some people decide to be cruel. Being a vegetarian won't stop it. Going free range won't stop it. They end up dead and on to feed regular people. They will end up dead no matter what. Besides, humans are omnivores. We were intended to eat meat. This is one of the ways we get it. Sucks, but it happens.
@JDADDY27 12 лет назад
look people i work at a slaughter house for a living it is all about the people operateing the house not all are the same but yes the animal does die that is what they were placed on this earth for to provide nourishment for man kind.
@Aric1155 12 лет назад
@brianneross9827 11 лет назад
Does anybody have a real heart in this world. I can't believe how heartless people are to do such a horrible thing.
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
@Derrickthegreat21 Animals are characters, scientific studies suggest animals have personalities and the evidence is overwhelming that they experience pain, they have feelings and they are certainly aware of this. They may not be as smart as us nor understand things like us but they certainly feel pain and a great deal of it indeed. What is more important: your tastebud's or their whole life? and if you say tastebuds, please explain.
@MikadoRC 12 лет назад
thank you for all the yummy meat !!!
@ghayath2011 11 лет назад
you make it look like all the rest of the farms treat animals like that. I will still eat meat.
@goodmoney8 12 лет назад
Makes me wana become a vegietarion
@HorseAnTayLover 13 лет назад
im not a vegitarian but we rasie our own they have happy lifes and it does make me sad still but i know that our beefies were going to be bobby calves so we actually gave them a life and if everyone was a vegitarian then animals would die because there wouldnt be enough grass
@DJseanoP1 11 лет назад
pretty cruel but in the wild animals like that get ripped to shreds by preditors anyway. which would probably be more painful than dieing on a production line. I guess cows are just an unlucky species
@thekittylover1233 13 лет назад
this is why im a vegetarian
@futurehistory2110 12 лет назад
we vegeterians have the social mind set of the future centuries, we are the ones who can begin it all, I feel like a 26th century person lost in this ancient stupid past.
@tamenzaihecha1 12 лет назад
I am a carnivor and always have been and always will. This happens in the U.S. They slit their throats and process them for consumption. Did you expect that they treat them like queens when they die? They are animals. They have no soul. I will not treat animals like humans. I will treat my dog as my friend but pigs or anything of that type, I don't really care. I don't like watching these videos but this is what happens. I STILL LOVE BACON!
@mattmaddalena1728 12 лет назад
this is sad
@howtoSmile101 12 лет назад
Think, these animals are in pain, yet they don't put them down in a human way. It's like what WE do to ourselves. When a sick person is in pain and you know they are going to die soon, we don't put them down do we? No. Because some how we are different than animals.
@kendallivette 12 лет назад
i hate the part when he throws the pig on the ground
@veronique2 11 лет назад
Yes we can Paul. It is our genetic heritage to be plant based eaters. Our entire body is designed for it but we have been conditioned since birth to accept the lie that we "need" animal products in our bodies. Our incredible bodies have no biological requirements for animals products.
@mistagreekboy 13 лет назад
im Greek and i just turned vegetarian -.-
@terradogy 11 лет назад
And imagine if everyone was vegan, then the plants would be gone faster than ever.
@futurehistory2110 12 лет назад
00:53 a reality :(
@sofieetorriiilovesjw 12 лет назад
some of the clips in this are for fast food chains such as kfc because we watched it :/
@FoggedTears 12 лет назад
I'm pretty the workers doing the cruelty wouldn't appreciate it someone did this to them...pulling them by one leg, branding them with a hot iron, letting them suffer in pain with a broken leg. There's absolutely no reason to be doing this to the animals. I mean, WHY? What's the reason to torture these innocent, helpless animals?
@terradogy 11 лет назад
We don't eat meat because we need it, we eat meat because it taste good, while it is sad that we kill animals like this, but, food is food.
@janalinparsons2181 11 лет назад
uh yea sorry
@paul20panda 11 лет назад
I am very aware of our genetic heritage Ms. Perrot, but we have been meat eaters for our entire recorded history, to ignore that is to ignore facts. I am aware that the meat and dairy industry are destroying the environment, but their aren't 7 billion cows, pigs, sheep, etc, worldwide. However there are 7 billion people (and growing). The environmental toll would be significant.
@als19970 13 лет назад
WOW, Im shaking, im cring, i feel sick, i want to throw up. I wanted to go vegetarien before i saw this but now it makes me want to even more. How can those people live with themselves for doing what they are doing...? Im discusted...
@MissGarland1986 12 лет назад
Animals don't have feelings? Animals were the first to roam this earth. Don't forget that,
@DoxieAndGuineaPiggys 13 лет назад
How can people handle what they are doing to these poor animals?
@kalibos 11 лет назад
Shooting them produces nasty effects that ruin the meat. I can't remember what they are, though. Try a google search.
@johnfinley2025 11 лет назад
Holy shit wow
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
@Derrickthegreat21 what does hunting got to do with this? I don't eat meat, I don't need to hunt, anyways it doesn't matter cause you've just responded offensively unnecessarily and its clear we aren't going to convince one another of our ideas.
@Srivatssan 11 лет назад
eating meeting might not be a sin. but the way it is harvested is. This is for sure. Like someone said, you can just shoot them in isolation or give them a tranquilizer before they lose their last breath. This is so inhuman.
@prettygirlswag121000 12 лет назад
i cried this is so sad wtf why would people di that to poor animals
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
We as people who are actually awake in this world of sleeping idiots should not let the misery drag us into an ocean of sorrow, we should stand up and fight for these animals rights. Let's not let misery prevail, let the truth prevail because that is what a great fighter is about, time for change is coming, lets make it now!
@taylormadefan69 11 лет назад
lets not forget that this may just save our lives. battery farms effeicantly produce meat by reduceing energy spent by moveing and keeping warm, there fore less food is needed. more food for us less CO2 for the planet and WTF bacon is lovely
@tamenzaihecha1 12 лет назад
Accept it
@Metadeth1997 12 лет назад
this is a good example of how bad the world society works. All this happening in front of peoples eyes and alot of rules broken, but nothing getting done with it? Why? Stupid fucking world, i dont really want to live after seeing this video. Im not gonna sleep tonight because of this
@gorecannibalism 12 лет назад
kai oxi mono :'(
@burdyjames 12 лет назад
i just cry soo much watching this THEY ARE LIVING BEINGS THEY FEEL PAIN SORROW HELP LESS NESS how can we do this man how the fuck can we do this????!!!!!!! i hate being a human! we are worthless!
@GobbyGabby1234 12 лет назад
i really need to stop watching this, ive been torchring my slef by watching slaughterhouse vids on youtube everynight! , im a vegatarian! , but ive torchared myslef by watching this kinda stuff!! (sorry i cannot spell! , im only 10 yr old)
@Thejeter5770 12 лет назад
@cookesam6 ya think?
@skullmangaming1413 11 лет назад
I want free range! Not that!
@ticki23 12 лет назад
"oh its so sad im going to be a vegetarian now :(" seriously? this is something no normal human being could do but eating meat isn´t the problem. eating TONS of meat from shity places like mc´s or something is. You should care about what you eat. You should know where your meat comes from then you don´t have to have a bad conscience.
@HorseAnTayLover 13 лет назад
@MrRossi18020 *glares* ass..
@painpuppy 12 лет назад
And they say man is the most intelligent species on earth.... I beg to differ! This treatment of animals is inexcusable!! I wept when i watched this. How can people do this to animals and not have a connscience? It beggars belief. my heart goes out to these poor animals
@ermac714 11 лет назад
Ummm chicken sandwiches...yummmm double double from in n out...deeeelish!!
@danpt2000 12 лет назад
@moelll: You really sound like someone who has kept his/her head in the sand for way too long. Read about Upton Sinclairs "The Jungle" - which talks about factory slaughterhouses during Industrial Age, a couple hundred years ago. Factory farms/slaughter houses were the same then, and haven't evolved that much today.
@BurnGT13 11 лет назад
I'm ashamed to be a human :(
@alltimemary 12 лет назад
im done with meat.
@GobbyGabby1234 12 лет назад
aha anahh!! im 13 and still cannot spell!!!!
@pebbles92able 12 лет назад
@AntiSpeciesistWorld my tastebud cus we are carnivores and thats the way we provide ourselves with food. btw whats so inhumane the way we kill them if animals do it to other animals just as bad?
@futurehistory2110 12 лет назад
@laur121212 the art of information is the best way, spread info and let people realize the truth behind the totalitarian propoganda curtain.
@KILLUSALL92 11 лет назад
are you fucking joking ? its more or less the same
@brianneross9827 11 лет назад
I cried my eyes out watching this video. who can be this harsh to animals? would you want to be an animal that got killed just for a fu****g fat human to have a burger at Macdonalds? NO!!
@alexiemadison9421 11 лет назад
guess who's going vegetarian.
@AntiSpeciesistWorld 12 лет назад
@Derrickthegreat21 So, I mean were all gonna die anyways so... under that logic you could do anything to anyone. Look there lives are shit & short. But in nature they'd have a better & longer life.
@EzraSol_ 12 лет назад
I cried. I hope anyone who works in a slaughterhouse goes to Hell.
@pacotinho92 12 лет назад
Thousands of excuses. Milions of opinion. One fact. Meat is barbarism
@TheDannyman1114 12 лет назад
we humans are so nasty... fair enough killing them for meat, but there is no need for that torture.
@zsski 12 лет назад
2:50 WTF?
@giggitygiggity4you 12 лет назад
who's up for some KFC?
@Chachant 12 лет назад
@JDADDY27 First, language is language. Crude language doesn't exist - they're all words we use to express ourselves. That's an opinion. What I said in my reply to you was not an opinion; it was a fact. Animals existed millions and millions of years before mankind. I do not apologize for speaking 'crudely' to someone who is clearly extremely ignorant.
@chillyhead2468 12 лет назад
people need to stop hating on anmials i know they just kill them cause the amiamals look better then them
@LAWLoROFL 12 лет назад
Do you eat animals? If you do you are no different.
@ozboc 11 лет назад
Do you have Human slaves ????