I was always a little skeptic about Viktoria’s ability to get her message through. Today it is my first time to give her full heartedly a like. Great message!
Thank my Pastor for this super message!!!And i wish those who had been blessed by God would have been a blessing to the others so that we may all enjoy the life!!!
🌟Genuine Conversion is the daily process of allowing the Holy Spirit to give you a new minset to say Yes to Jesus! Yes to allowing Jesus to forgive you for your Sins and Yes to the fight to practice a daily Saving❤️love Relationship of Prayer, Bible Study and Witnessing with Jesus❤️Under all circumstances and at all times! This is Genuine Conversion or what the Bible calls being Born again!🌟Genuine Conversion is the daily process of allowing the Holy Spirit to give you a new minset to say Yes to Jesus! Yes to allowing Jesus to forgive you for your Sins and Yes to the fight to practice a daily Saving❤️love Relationship of Prayer, Bible Study and Witnessing with Jesus❤️Under all circumstances and at all times! This is Genuine Conversion or what the Bible calls being Born again!
I like the message but I firmly believe people confuse service and slavery. Service is rewarding and fruitful. Slavery is miserable and unappreciated. Remember, God came to give you life abundantly. Satan only came to steal, kill, and destroy. God bless Joel and his family!🙏
My testimony for Jesus Christ. For many years I sought Jesus...humbly. As a child...I even asked Jesus to save me at the alter. But I've never known or heard from Jesus throughout my lifetime. Technically I do know Jesus as I've known...Harry Potter, Tom Sawyer, Muhammad, Buddha, Luke Skywalker, Thor, Zeus and... the list goes on. But this knowing isn't real to most Christians? So while you cry about the end of Christianity...I see the opposite. I see those that are fighting to make America a Christian Nationalist nation! I see Christians supporting liars and traitors like Trump...forcing raped women and children to give birth...fighting against the science of climate change and vaccines...fighting against men and women's rights to love one another! So I am asking can you live your truth without forcing your will upon others?