Thank you for respecting the unique gifts given to you by the Creator and expressing them to the global community. Many blessings on you and your family!
I love your work so much! I wasnt born Jewish but in my heart I know what you say and what you open us up to is the truth and love itself. Stay blessed and of the light 💚💚💚
Here is the prayer in English, " In the Name of The Creator G-d of Israel, to my right is Michael, to my left is Gabriel, in front of me is Uriel, behind me is Raphael, and upon my head is the Presence of G-d "
Could you make a prayer in Hebrew to remove curses and hexes and negative energy.would be very grateful if you could make on or send me a link to listen to a healing prayer in the amazing language 🙏 Hebrew. I really need to remove hexes from my aura. Thank you so much 💕❤️
The creator has shown me that in another lifetime a long time ago I was born Jewish and in this lifetime I was not - but I have many revelations that I cannot share with other “believers” recently the creator has instructed me to communicate more with my angels .. thank you for your Holy obedience
First off using the name Jesus which means Jason speaks clearly that you are a pagan which means you follow Constantine's Christi-anosis ( Christianity) .. nothing makes me more angry then the disrespect Joshua gets from people like you yes I said Joshua because Yeshua means Joshua 10-5-6-5 maybe you should think about those numbers what does the number 10 represent what are the numbers add up to what does that number represent but here let me help you out a little bit the first five books of the tanak are what the Torah inside of the Torah we were given 10 commandments ? Was not the ten commandments split into five on each Stone but what took the two and made them one what is the sixth book of The Tanakh? You people to provoke the juice to jealousy LOL you provoke us all right but not to jealousy
What positive words and prayer... I loved this ...Thank you Rav blessed. I am powered by your words... This is just too beautiful...I will learn this prayer. God Bless you. I am grateful the angels are with me, Shabbat Shalom.
I pray for anything not made for me my family , my relationship any evil toungues False Accusations to be turned back to the enemy for them to fall into there own pits , i ask for forgiveness and pray to forgive my enemys , Lee Beet , Amen in the name of The Great Almighty Jehovah Amen .......Justice for Dink ...
Any Prayers to bless others? And for their teshuva? Any books that have a list prayers that invoke blessings and compassion on whom we pray for? Thanks. And thank you for the video!
Thank you. How should we recite this prayer for someone else who really needs protectionand to change the verbs please if possible. Many thanks
Why would we need angels to protect us? Yad EL When we left Egypt was it an angel who parted the Reed sea? Was it an angel that commanded the plagues ? And don't say yahuwah for the Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey because it says a name we don't know so only imposters say they know it Are you a christi-anosis a christian ? Show me in the Torah where Elohim commands this thing you teach
I want to create a looped video of you singing this prayer. It helped me shutdown a tarot reading group. Do you have any more prayers like this for spiritual battle? Thank you Dear sir.
thank you for blessings and peace,is it wise to invoke angels unnecesarily,as with gods higher creations, they are superiorly wise and strong,they are the true defenders of faith,not cute ,cudley ,fluffy winged people or children as people imagine,due respect and awe is advised,most inter actions with people end up with people flat on their faces shaking and scared,most times angels realize this and try put us at ease by a greeting,i would not invoke one without real concern about a spiritual matter...thanks for the post though,interesting....shalom from canada...
I was wondering if you knew how to preform a jewish exorcism? Or if you know of anyone who could perform one. Or a jewish prayer to make a demon leave. I hope this doesn't sound crazy
Mosaich does not want us to bow, but find the Mosiach inside all of us. Yisrael means to wrestle with God. He wants to elevate is to divinity. Read the epistle of Rabbi Saul. St. Peter in the Goyem language.