Truth Goodness and Beauty. We need more of all three but in church music we need what you have given us here: BEAUTY. Marvelous texts. The Bible and Gerhardt. Masterful setting. Many thanks.
0:06 Opening (instrumental) 1:15 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth (chorus) 5:36 God Will Provide Himself a Lamb (tenor) 9:40 This Lamb is Christ (chorus) 13:27 He Was Despised and Rejected (tenor) 17:25 O Wondrous Love (chorus) 22:09 Chorale (chorus)
I condemn RU-vid for their despicable treatment of this presentation with completely objectionable ads stuck right in the middle of wonderful sections of this performance. It just goes to show RU-vid’s anti-Christian bias!
It’s not just the ads, per se, but the content of the ads. “Constipation relief” and “get out all the poop!”. Disgusting, especially when I’m concentrating on the spirituality of the music.