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A lot of the Bible is closer to polytheism than monotheism 

Jeremy Steele
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4 сен 2024




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@BeatsTwoFour Месяц назад
The Bible is very clear that “other” gods are false gods. And that there is only one true God, one Creator God.
@jimurban5367 Месяц назад
Actually, God himself acknowledges other gods as early as Genesis 1, for in verse 26 he said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.”
@arroncusimano9169 Месяц назад
People are gods: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:33-34
@k-dawgwestmore4643 Месяц назад
A “god” is just a being that is worshipped. Obviously other beings exist, the fact is that the Bible NEVER condones the worship of other beings. Without worship, a god is not a god. It’s just a thing. God is saying not to worship anything other than Him. The fact is tho, that people do worship other things, sadly. Which means other gods do exist. But that doesn’t mean they’re worthy of our worship.
@trying3841 Месяц назад
Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 1 Timothy 2:5 ESV For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Isaiah 44:6 ESV Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. John 10:30 ESV I and the Father are one.” Isaiah 43:11 ESV I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior. James 2:19 ESV You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder! John 3:16 ESV “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 1:14 ESV And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 17:3 ESV And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
@larry_walker Месяц назад
Thank you for commenting this. I knew there were many examples of this and having them listed here is very helpful. Really stops this heresy dead in its tracks!
@Alsacienne_d_Alsace Месяц назад
No argument, only Bible. I love this comment.
@kingt911 Месяц назад
tbh cant tell if this is rage bait or not. but im falling for it regardless. Isaiah 45:5 clearly states that there is One God. All others are fake or demons. You can read an example of this in 1 Kings chapter 18 when Isaiah is dealing with the prophets of Baal. I also disagree with this progressive theology stuff. You lose the true message of the Bible. Just because certain groups of ancient semetic people worshiped Ashra it doesn't mean there is a masculine and feminine God. I disagree your "logical implication" that all religions are worshipping the same God. When Muslim's pray to allah they are not praying to the God of the Bible. They are praying to a false/fake God. John 14:6 says "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Even the verse you quoted (Deuteronomy 10:17) THE SAME BOOK SAYS THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD! (Deuteronomy 32:39) I will be praying for you and hope God reveals to you the error in your ways.
@SandyCheeks63564 Месяц назад
Or maybe God referring to himself in the plural is a way of communicating how tremendous and all encompassing God is
@Alsacienne_d_Alsace Месяц назад
I believe it refers to God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God.
@MAL1GNANT Месяц назад
​@@Alsacienne_d_Alsaceokay no
@MAL1GNANT Месяц назад
So... fun fact. In Islam, Allah (Subhabahu Wa Ta'ala) refers to himself as We, but it's actually a royal / exalted form of I and is severely mistranslated.
@jimurban5367 Месяц назад
Or that God is non-binary 🤓
@SandyCheeks63564 Месяц назад
I always wondered why the quotes from God were plural. Like we shall make the humans in our image or something like that
@thesciencegod2776 Месяц назад
At last. Ive been saying this for years.
@Alsacienne_d_Alsace Месяц назад
According to the dictionary, polythéisme comes from the grec root : “polutheos” literally translated into :”worshiper of many gods” You quoted the ten commencements, but polytheism is in opposition with it.
@jimurban5367 Месяц назад
Also according to the dictionary, polytheism as we currently use it can refer to worship of OR belief in more than one god.
@CDunn322 Месяц назад
Jesus Christ, you took over thinking to a whole new level...
@trying3841 Месяц назад
of heresey
@bexysmexy Месяц назад
i stopped watching after frist take bec you completly lost me, Hes Lord of lords and God of gods in a sense "ha my God is bigger that your god bec he doesnt even exist or you are just worshiping a devil desguisted as god" aaand in a sense just to mock other ppl for beliving in a false gods
@Alsacienne_d_Alsace Месяц назад
Good point. But I don’t think it is ment as mockery. But rather a way to talk about God’s superiority when living among people living in ignorance.
@SandyCheeks63564 Месяц назад
it's like the Bible came from other sources. and the numerous books are some of those disparate pieces hence the inconsistencies. And there are parallels to Egyptian religion and Sumerian religion. and I think I read also Zoroastrianism. It didn't only come out of the blue to Judaism
@SandyCheeks63564 Месяц назад
well you know what the evangelicals will say about those other people and their are other gods. They'll just say they are wrong, they are mistaken, they are being misled by demons possibly.
@shallowgal462 Месяц назад
@ChristIsLord256 Месяц назад
Be careful guys, this is one of the false prophets that Jesus warns about
@WWZenaDo Месяц назад
You might want to look into the ways that some of the Canaanites became Israelites, and how the Isra - EL - ites gradually dropped their worship of the supreme Canaanite god EL (and his wife, and some of the subordinate Canaanite gods) in favor of the worship of the YHWH war/forge/volcano god which appears to have been imported from what is now Saudi Arabia.
@jordanupdegrove7879 Месяц назад
The Bible is clear that YHWH is the one true God and all others are false Gods created by humanity. Humans have created and worshipped mythological deities and false Gods for centuries. The titles Lord of Lords, King of King, or God of Gods do not assume the real existence of other deities. Instead, it shows YHWH’s authority over all the kings, lords, and false deities of all the nations. This, as some might say, is weak sauce.
@jordanupdegrove7879 Месяц назад
How can a strict monotheistic viewpoint force you to think other religions are following the same God? Again, we create false Gods. Money, fame, or power can all act as God over your life. Caesar was revered as God on earth while he led Rome. This does not make him or our sinful desires YHWH or a true deity.
@goku5323 Месяц назад
*Brother, I invite you read the Quran and study about ISLAM. May ALLAH guide you.* 🙏
@pjeterkoliqi5668 Месяц назад
Why should he study a religion that worships a demon disguised as god?
@christopherkucia1071 Месяц назад
I have a lot of respect for Islam but as an actual non-religious person that grew up Catholic (Protestant I guess) and now I’m being pulled back into religion individually and specifically towards the true and only Christian faith (eastern orthodoxy) I can’t admit that Islam is on par with the true Christian faith. I have the Quran and have read small parts of it to make sure I really know about it but I’ll admit I need to know a lot more. I personally belive that orthodox Christianity is THE religion to subscribe to. Has the best outcomes for society at large and is far more truthful and far more morally sound than Islam, but Islam is a brother to Christianity. And I currently support the Palestinian freedom cause 100%. The Bible classifies murder as a sin, but not violence. Not self defense. I wish the whole Muslim world victory against the Talmudic cabalistic European concerted Jewish COLONISTS. Islam is beautiful, I just find Christianity to be more pure and beautiful. It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand this video is total horse shit. This guy isn’t a Christian and his claims are easily proven false without even opening the Bible. This guy we just watched does not represent or even understand Christianity… Peace and love brother, (sister?) Islam and Christianity absolutely can exist together and closely. Many American Christian’s forget the Jews were exiled due to their babalonyian and satanic rejection of Christ and god. We have the same god, even the Torah worshipping Jews have the same god as us. Just not the European Ashkenazi khazar Talmudic worshipping Jews of Satan. Zionists are a scourahe upon earth. Christianity NEVER supported polygamy. This is one point where I find Christianity to be superior to Islam morally and societally. This guy in the video doesn’t need allah or god… he is lost and purposefully so. No helping him.
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