
A new way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere | Jennifer Wilcox 

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Our planet has a carbon problem -- if we don't start removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, we'll grow hotter, faster. Chemical engineer Jennifer Wilcox previews some amazing technology to scrub carbon from the air, using chemical reactions that capture and reuse CO2 in much the same way trees do ... but at a vast scale. This detailed talk reviews both the promise and the pitfalls.
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@bykerdellic 6 лет назад
almost 700kg co2 per acre, thats what hemp uses to grow, make hempcrete with the cellulose hurls and build houses with it sequestering the co2 for 100 years, use the seed for food(the most compatible vegetable protein for the human metabolism known) cannabinoids for medicine ...just sayin ..
@blahbleh5671 5 лет назад
@akay8734 5 лет назад
@pooljunki1 5 лет назад
@scottbaxendale323 5 лет назад
I’ve been saying the same thing for years.
@richdiana3663 5 лет назад
But da gubermint says you all will get high on the hemp and become frog people. Trust authority.
@feranmike1052 3 года назад
Elon musk brought me here
@nyekijudit6272 3 года назад
Me too 🤣
@Wemdiculous 6 лет назад
Why are we even trying to take diluted CO2 out of the atmosphere when there are so many power plants that have concentrated CO2 we could go after first. Concentrated CO2 is much easier to remove.
@midnight8341 5 лет назад
But with that we can only store the CO2 we put out, which isn't enough. We need to take the CO2 out of the atmosphere that we already put there to go back to the state we want to be in, so we need to work with the diluted CO2.
@midnight8341 5 лет назад
@Роман Мавроян we should do both. It is absolutely neccessary to deal with the source of the problem, but that's not enough! The concentration that's already in the atmosphere is higher than we'd like to have, so we have to build the infrastructure to take it out NOW, or else we won't have it to start when we reach zero emissions to turn them negative. That would take too long. We need to build both systems at once.
@xxmountaindewxx7893 5 лет назад
@@midnight8341 But what if we just burn wood, because it apsorbed CO2 before
@midnight8341 5 лет назад
@@xxmountaindewxx7893 that isn't possible because there are not enough trees in the world to fuel the energy needs for 21. century humanity
@MartinA-kp8xg 5 лет назад
Co2 need not be taken out anyway. How dare she attempt to justify stealing it from our air. Plants have evolved to best grow when levels of co2 are double what they are today, this is why grower pump it into greenhouses at 1100ppm, the current atmosphere is 410ppm. What she wants is funding to take out the carbon, and then to be able to sell it to commercial growers that produce our food. I have a much better idea leave it in the air to help the plants that grow outside. There are to many scams like this one, trying to make money off fake global warming. Pollution, pesticides plastics are different from carbon. We breath out 100 time the carbon that we breath in. A tipical bedroom at night might have 2500ppm of carbon just from our breath. This whole hysteria is fake nonsense to make people rich.
@edgarrobinson7725 6 лет назад
This would be an ideal application for molten salt reactors.
@teebosaurusyou 5 лет назад
It would be far simpler and cheaper to preserve the rain forests. They already exist and are great consumers of CO2.
@LilyZayli 5 лет назад
I agree. Sadly Brazil and the Philippines aren't just going to ignore that readily available farmland at their front door and the money that can be made from the timber. We must protect the rain forests as they contain the richest diversity of life in the world and provide sustenance and clean air to the rest of the world and like you say, it wouldn't cost money to just let them thrive.
@gnognog7103 5 лет назад
A forest emits as much CO2 as it consumes. Only new forests would help. But they need too much space. You are right that it is a good idea to preserve the rainforest to capture C (carbon).
@yarodin 5 лет назад
As she said, we need all the help we can get: preserve the rain forests, reforestation and afforestation. But if we actually want to reduce the overall CO2 levels in the atmosphere _fast_, we need more than that.
@Half_Finis 5 лет назад
rainforests emit alot of co2 too, boreal forests are what we should be looking at
@blahblah2062 5 лет назад
@@yarodin We do not need to do it at all. You have fallen for it. See Dr Patrick Moore or any of the 30,000 scientists who have signed a petition about this. C02 is the basis of life. Its not poisonous. Its used to preserve food. Its used in some keyhole surgery, Its used in greenhouses. We cannot be without it. Clean up everything else, but you are all wasting time on C02. only 0.4% in atmosphere, your brigade has sums wrong.
@elijahragland8498 6 лет назад
if the whole world just pitched in to build enough alternative power sources, we’d massively lower the cost of energy AND virtually end reliance of fossile fuel and natural gas.
@johannesswillery7855 5 лет назад
And millions would starve.
@brownerjerry174 3 года назад
@@johannesswillery7855 how?
@tomcochran6616 3 года назад
If it was cheaper to use alternative sources they would use it now. Also they are not reliable.
@empresasarrinc.3440 2 года назад
The modern society needs gas and fosil fuel to survive whit out them million of people starve to death
@alanblanes2876 5 лет назад
I am glad that you are interested in putting all the strategies for carbon management together, Jennifer. I personally want to see the world use the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 to really work on continental water management, to conserve seasonal run-off and divert it into constructed wetlands, instead of allowing flooding to occur every spring. This water needs to be used to replenish all water tables and reservoirs and purified water that has gone through all the phytoremediation plants like mosses can then be returned to the oceans without the hormones, antibiotics and other toxic materials that are disrupting living organisms in the oceans. Restored water availability on all continents will enable afforestation to be achieved in barren regions of the continents. This is an opportunity to use trillions of cubic meters of water every year, which could offset the meltwater from collapsing ice caps, and the enabling of the repair of the "Global Forest" as described by botanist Diana Beresford-Kroeger in her book by the same name, would enable the human habitat to be protected, and this would be the most effective way to restore the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen cycles on planet Earth. www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jul/04/planting-billions-trees-best-tackle-climate-crisis-scientists-canopy-emissions
@hrithikgeorge4571 5 лет назад
400 ppm is tiny! Perhaps location would an option to consider later, for example, directly inside or outside factories’ ventilation system.
@onijunbei 5 лет назад
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, vegetation needs it
@thecutestcuck7978 5 лет назад
As an over the road trucker I could just haul your needs in a wheel barrel. You get back to me on how the stores shelves look at the end of the day.
@green4lifelove444 5 лет назад
Were using 1500 PPM co2 in our greenhouse and the plants are fantastic. Ive never had a problem in there with co2 at that level.
@coreymicallef365 5 лет назад
In a greenhouse it fine to have extra CO2, but that's because it's a more or less small controlled environment. Out in the atmosphere though on a large scale it absorbs light and converts it to heat reducing the planets albedo (basically it's reflectivity to sunlight) meaning that it, the Earth, heats up. We aren't going to give ourselves CO2 poisoning by buring fossil fuels, that doesn't happen until much higher CO2 consentrations.
5 лет назад
Can't they use the excess heat of power plant for this?
@leonreaper90 4 года назад
Remove carbon from our atmosphere > we die
@zeee149 4 года назад
Exactly!! We have at the moment around 400ppm of C02, which is historically speaking incredibly low.. It has been 2000, 3000 4000ppm in the earths past. Plants, crops and trees cannot survive and will die if the concentration falls to 150ppm. The concentration of C02 in the hall this lecture was given in, with all the people emmiting C02 as they exhale, was probably around 1800ppm. Plants and crops thrive when the concentration is around this level, and they use less water in photosynthesis too. : )
@ocram7500 6 лет назад
What a whole lot of crap this time. Why not stop with the burning of fossil fuels, instead of getting co2 with chemicals and burning fuel ....what in my eyes just as worse is ....
@transon6655 5 лет назад
Marco Janssen look at France
@tobiastranetellefsen4203 5 лет назад
Many people who work in those industries worlwide would loose their job.
@maclee2036 5 лет назад
Australia has a huge outback that is both barren and dry. problem is the availability of fresh water. but if you can plant 10% of the place, you would have a forest the size of italy. de-desertification must be a priority for all nations.
@JB-gy7ip 5 лет назад
CRAZY ! Vous feriez de ne plus respirer ou alors de planter des arbres !
@hdmat101 6 лет назад
Create reverse-vape devices which the user sucks the co2 vapour out of the air and gets high.
@Dazzzlah 5 лет назад
'Pulling Co2 out of the air is actually really difficult'. I've found the answer, plant a tree.
@georgemargaris 5 лет назад
so are you gonna put a tree next to every chimney or car exhaust?
@alanthompson4912 5 лет назад
This is the answer!
@alanthompson4912 5 лет назад
@peachxsncreamgacha567 5 лет назад
bRuH trees will give back Co2 if given too much. you need way more than a forest
@thomaspaine5601 5 лет назад
@@peachxsncreamgacha567 What?
@damaliamarsi2006 5 лет назад
She lost me at "400 parts per million means for every 400 parts of co2 we have another million of oxygen and nitrogen. It actually means that for every 400 parts of co2 we have 999,600 parts other stuff which includes oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and other trace gases. By her math we have 1,000,000 oxygen molecules, 1,000,000 nitrogen molecules and 400 co2 molecules. At 400 parts per million we freaking need to put more in. Plants need it and plants= food, so more co2 = more plant food. Why are we trying to remove it. It is a trace gas, and very important to plants. Why are we as humans so dumb. All that coal in the ground is trapped co2 that plants USED to have available. Same with oil. Plants need Co2. This whole concept of spending trillions of effort to do essentially nothing just seems like a big waste.
@charliebrandt2263 3 года назад
From UK: The very best remover of CO2 is the soil, better than trees! It so happens we have destroyed almost half the worlds soil. Some projects, restoring the soil have already been established around the world on a small scale. It takes around 5 to ten years to restore the soil to health, depending on conditions, doing it's job growing plants. Useful to us as food! If we did this at scale, develop water sources etc. A return to the land needed could also help the increase in unemployment, as part of the destructive problem is industrial chemical based farming which is adding in an insect apocalypse that has to stop. As well as the rising poisoning of our coastal waters! And the soil under the chemicalised monocrops? Carbon emitting instead of carbon capturing!
@phillybruce 3 года назад
I live near Huntsville AL where Global Thermostat had a local engineering company build there prototype plant. I went by to take a look at it the day before yesterday. An engineer with the company said the Global Thermostat never paid them to build it and that they never got anywhere near the cost per tone levels that Global Thermostat was claiming. So, the plant is now just a well designed hunk of scrap. He did say that other carbon capture companies are more realistic.
@xyzsame4081 3 года назад
Meanwhile black locust is growing like weed in certain areas (I seem to remember it can fix nitrogen from the air, that gives it an edge over other trees. Once it decomposes it becomes good compost). As it is invasive in some parts of the U.S. it has to be managed, one could plant other trees instead to have a good mix between native and exotic species - that would be jobs for rural folks that like the outdoors. Black locust makes for excellent fence posts, it does not rot in soil. I think it also grows in AL.
@Bommelstein13 5 лет назад
If she has her way, we are dead! How can one be so shortsighted?!
@Coyot0xx0 6 лет назад
Internal combustion engines emit a lot of excess heat. Isn't it possible to produce modern cars with a built-in CO2 capturing technology while we are developing electric cars to be fully functional?
@PhoenixNL72-DEGA- 5 лет назад
Seems a logical thought yes. Afteral a combustion engine loses a lot of the energy in the burned fuel as heat through it's exhaust. So why not use that heat to capture the CO2 from the exhaust gases. However I'm fairly certain you need a bigger volume to acutally capture the CO2 out of the atmosphere then you could fit into a car. However I don't see why this couldn't be done for power plants or factories.
@johngage5391 5 лет назад
Why not put a price on pollution and let efficient market forces figure out the best path to reduce it? Here's a plan to do that that is beneficial and bipartisan: cclusa.org/energy-innovation-act
@colingenge9999 5 лет назад
@@PhoenixNL72-DEGA- You don't collect co2 using heat but rather using pumps and chemical arrays that would be roughly the size of a car. You wouldn't be able to capture co2 effectively but if you could, you'd acquire 1 pound of co2 per mile; how are you going to store that and how to get rid of it? Electric cars are much better in every way than gas cars that have no future.
@carlobraggatto7910 5 лет назад
Why just don’t use plants for that? Trees, are a very good way to keep our planet alive, Co2 criminalisation is a very lucrative scam,
@otivaeey 6 лет назад
I have an idea. Utilize all sunlight on rooftop by building plant boxes and plant suitable canopy horizontal spreading trees. Throw away water gutters because they'll be clogged up. Nevermind, I know it won't work. Nothing works
@RaviKumar-js3hx 6 лет назад
I can suggest a simpler design than that of honey comb surfacer. With better backup process. Research or further search for grounding carbon is required until it's successful. Cost grounding too needs focus..
@hanjohnson1 5 лет назад
400 ppm carbon dioxide actually means that there is 999600 of oxygen and nitrogen.
@Mornys 6 лет назад
If only we had self replicating objects which would use solar power to collect CO2 from atmosphere...
@RubenKelevra 6 лет назад
Omnia in numeris we have, it just needs too much space. To collect all CO2 from the United States you would need 20 rainforest. Where exactly do you want to plant them? The whole plan is about getting a similar mechanisms down by landuse and don't consume soil which is good for agriculture. If you have an better idea: run the numbers and show us, I'm interested.
@davedrewett2196 6 лет назад
Well played sir. I take my hat off to you.
@RubenKelevra 5 лет назад
@@re-verdesiendomexico5188 have you recently looked at the prices per kilo on nuts? It's nuts. You cannot feed a population on these expenses, that's why we don't do it.
@ranter7100 5 лет назад
@Awakened2Truth - Disciple of Jesus the Christ Well that's your view I suspect you are well into the minority as about 97% of scientists qualified in this field would disagree with you. (but well done with the information you have provided) They would be backed up with an ever increasing amount of data, reports, study's, etc. (Nearly all of this stuff you can find on line though different formats) Many reports and study's done as far back as the 1980's have shown this what is going to happen, and here we are it's happening. I guess the thing that puzzles me is this, If all the things that are required to fix this are implemented we end up with a healthy planet better for all living things, even if global warming is wrong. if on the other hand we do nothing ....................................................................we along with ever other living thing on the planet could be dead. Our planet could just end up looking like mars. unable to support life. So just on the chance that catastrophic global warming is real wouldn't you just get on board. I mean at the end of the day it's going to make no difference to the universe I suppose But i just fell that the stakes are to high To take your view.
@ranter7100 5 лет назад
@Awakened2Truth - Disciple of Jesus the Christ you give yourself away and belittle your self good luck out there, I suspect your view on intelligence could really be improved somewhat if you used just a little.
@BadGun-xt2gt 3 года назад
In your video, you stated that Canada uses cheap gases even tho they emit carbon, however you also said they solved it by adding a co carbon which im guessing emit almost no carbon which lets them keep using cheap gases. Why not apply this same theory to all companies that emit large carbon but in smaller form. Wouldnt that decease carbon emission and allow you use less synthetic trees, which would probably decrease the overall cost?
@anilkumarsharma1205 5 лет назад
take dry ice and put it in microwave oven and see what happens so if we use electron gun on dry ice or higher voltage then what happened
@thomasgassett7157 5 лет назад
CO/2 is a trace gas. To effect the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere you need to remove water vapor, not the trace gas CO/2
@Jim54_ 3 года назад
We should reuse hydroelectric plants to power stations like these, while moving the grid towards Nuclear energy. Also, to those in the comments section berating carbon capture technology, I would point out that no amount of trees is going to capture all the carbon we burned from deposits in which it was stored safely for millennia. One plant over a short period of time won’t fix the problem, but it’s a start.
@jesusserranojimenez8069 4 года назад
The first technology is basically like an absorption tower. CO2 can react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and water. But the problem is that sodium hydroxide is produced in chlorine-alkali industries from brine. Raw material (brine) is cheap, but this electrolytic process consumes a great amount of electricity. If electricity is not produced from renewable technologies, but from non-renewable sources which release CO2 to the atmosphere, we're at the same point as at the beginning.
@alfredwilliam1184 5 лет назад
If you have a greenhouse to grow plants then you need a paraffin heater, they call it kerosene in America, in order to create co2 to make the plants grow, it also creates water.this why our towns a cities are getting flooded from aircraft pollution.they are giant rainmakers.methane gas is pumping out of the oceans floor, the human body creates co2 and methane gas, woman with saggy bottoms have them pumped up with carbon dioxide and botulinum the most deadly toxin on the planet to get rid of the wrinkles.they call it botox, you could not make it up. I am an old pensioner for sixty five years i have specialized in engineering and i cannot believe the way corrupt governments have brainwashed people with this money making scam.
@kurtmissotten5965 2 года назад
Bringing a stop to animal agriculture is having a bigger impact than you can ever get with carbon capture. As a bonus you get a dramatic reduction in cancer, CHD and all other chronic diseases. This said, every innovation should be applauded and more RND should go into this. It’s clear that we need to put CO2 back where it belongs and in this process we need to walk every field that poses opportunities and there’re many.
@wilhelmschroeder7345 5 лет назад
My computer is heating up as I read all these wonderful solutions.
@johnsantamaria3179 6 лет назад
Grow Industrial Hempseed for Biodiesel and Eliminating petrochemical
@TheFlip8892 5 лет назад
Why do we not regulate large companies/plants to create a different means to dispense co2 waste, webbing out into forested areas created by the companies that can not only contribute to removing carbons but aid in the green movement, forcing the companies to redistribute profits towards the problems they contribute to. + O2 - CO2
@ruthrudnik3214 2 года назад
More questions than answers from this talk. Would be interested in hearing about this in more depth and clarity.
@sgouletas1 6 лет назад
You rock! Carbon Tax is better but harder to pass politically. For some freak of nature, we are happier spending on solutions (energy saving solutions, LED Light incentives and electric car incentives) than stopping the problem with a carbon tax and mandates for change.
@earlvickery8413 3 года назад
I think we need to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere to 150 PPM. This will reduce all CO2 problems.... and life!
@sipofshandy 6 лет назад
Ok, hear me out now. There is a simple solution to this. Just take the trees, And then Ctrl+c then Ctrl+v.
@lsmediarecherche4917 5 лет назад
"A new way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere"... I hope everyone here knows that CO2 IS one of the ONLY two things that make life possible on this planet? CO2 is as much a "pollution" and as much a "climate killer" as water (wich is the other element). CO2 plays only a small part in the atmospheric aspekt in the earth's climate system (which is a chaotic system meaning a UNPREDICTABLE system (even according to the IPCC)). And by the wey ALL the climate (predicting) models working with the CO2 theorie have been wrong and continue without exception to be wrong. And not just wrong but are (in the majority) weeeeeeey off. That is the only reliable thing about them. Think about that for a while.
@srobsonscosta8887 5 лет назад
I am sorry but i am nt able to understand exactly what you mean. Are you saying CO2 is just a small part on this? Or that these efforts are worthless?
@lsmediarecherche4917 5 лет назад
@@srobsonscosta8887 The efforts are more than worthless. And have nothing to do with protecting the environment. Environmental pollution is caused mostly by poor countries with a lack of infrastructure. Like trash/plastic in the oceans. Though microplastic in cosmetic is a problem everywhere. For the different CO2-theories (yes there are more then one or two): ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-NqLYXVDND5o.html
@mariop8101 4 года назад
We would be as cold as Mars if it wasn't for the CO2.
@lsmediarecherche4917 4 года назад
@@mariop8101 Not quite. Water vapor is the main cause. CO2 does not play that big of a role in the atmosphere. Main purpose: Plant food.
@wichitazen 4 года назад
@cedriceveleigh 6 лет назад
What kind of temperatures are needed to release CO2 from the abosrbing materials that she mentions?
@silverhairdemon 4 года назад
Smart idea but still I rather see more tree's,green cities such as living walls,green roofs,herbs for pollinators,as well as stimulating people to grow their own food as much as possible to reduce the massive mono agriculture first than seeing all these things all over the place. If these things are around working for us,people might not be stimulated to green up their space
@anilkumarsharma1205 5 лет назад
use pressurised cooking technique which regulated the firewood requirements
@HDXBear 5 лет назад
Should be able to utilize natural gas compressors powered by large industrial engines they have large fans moving a lot of air 24/7 and along with cogen tech be a win win
@spex357 5 лет назад
Too much talk about chemicals and messing with nature. Avoid Co2 emissions hold your nose and keep your mouth shut when breathing out, sorted.
@terryrobinson9549 4 года назад
WE need C02
@darthmaul216 3 года назад
About 200 to 300 ppm not 400 ppm
@johntheherbalistg8756 2 года назад
I think the answer is in topsoil and ecosystem restoration. A lot of carbon is supposed to be in the ground, and it's not because of commercial and hobby farming systems. Tillage, poisons of all varieties and salt based fertilizers all kill soil organisms, and the carbon that makes up most of their bodies is lost to the atmosphere.
@mikegarber6472 5 лет назад
So in just the first 2 minutes I've learned they're going to kill all life on Earth slowly by taking the plants food
@whitehole2425 5 лет назад
Mike Garber They aren’t going to remove all the CO2
@grav3-jpeg 5 лет назад
The plants were thriving back when the quantity of CO2 in atmosphere was low then why would they die if we were to bring back CO2 levels back to normal. Just so you know CO2 is an essential gas for many reasons, so it would be disastrous to remove all the CO2 present in atmosphere. The Earth's temperature would go down too much for humans and animals to survive. We just want to bring CO2 levels back to normal, not remove them entirely
@whitehole2425 5 лет назад
@@grav3-jpeg Oops commented to the wrong person, sorry
@jad67jd 5 лет назад
Yeah, I unsubscribed. It's time to do real homework myself.
@stesegreto656 4 года назад
@tyl8ter 4 года назад
@@stesegreto656 I guess the real question is you believe without question?...
@joelonsdale 4 года назад
Real homework, or some Googling?
@bigmoecosmo8232 6 лет назад
....One more thing...At this time 10-10-2018 the Sun is at Grand Solar Minimum...which means it's quiet and cooler and will be for several years. The Earth is actually cooling overall which directly opposes the narrative of global warming alarmists. For thousands and thousands and thousands of years the Earth temps constantly fluctuate between +3° to -3° which is why we had a mini ice age not too long ago during 17th / 18th century. Remember when the river Thames froze over? People in UK and Europe froze their butts off and lots of people died from starvation because they couldn't grow crops. There was little food to be had. But let's not talk about that. Yes, climate change is real. It's always changing...constantly...it's very complex and will remain complex even when mankind thinks he can totally control it. Mother Nature is batting 1000....She is undefeated and will remain undefeated. The Earth can and will shake rattle and roll until She gets back what is Hers even if it means destroying mankind in the process. Yes, pollution is a problem and we should strive to not harm the environment but to blame global warming on Co2 caused by man is just plain lying and deceiving. That really pisses me off.
@brianopatosky7018 4 года назад
For all of the comments that are about forgetting this talk and just planting trees... you would need to plant over 410 trillion trees to hit carbon neutrality for the 2014 levels of CO2 emissions (that’s for the average 10-year-old, mature tree). Emissions have also grown since then. You would need to plant about 4 billion acres of trees. There are only about 37 billion acres of land on Earth. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE nature and trees! We just can’t naively expect the solution to climate change to simply be planting a few trees. It’s a complex problem that needs diverse, multifaceted solutions.
@stevecny 5 лет назад
The best carbon sequestration is still: leaving it in the ground.
@peppigue 5 лет назад
And the only realistic way to stop people from exploiting fossils? Making other energy cheaper.
@dappa4608 5 лет назад
How about we look after our forest and plant more
@kruse8888 3 года назад
So can any of you tell me what the Co2 level should be?
@dennislaughton1676 4 года назад
Without CO2 we would have to drink flat beer.
@alejandrogomez9729 4 года назад
I agree almost totally. But "...clean electricity to split water to supply hydrogen which is an excellent carbon-free replacement for natural gas..." that doesn't work for me. To exclude water uses from these processes is a MUST. Water is one of the most valuable and limited resources on earth.
@DrissMEV 5 лет назад
Its surprising how much time and money people spend on figuring out how to do what plants already do instead of just planting more plants to actually have an imact on the issue they claim to be so concerned about
@clodicious 5 лет назад
I've seen half a dozen technologies to sequester CO2 into energy and never heard about any of it being used on a large scale. And to think companies might profit from it...
@christopherbristow9108 4 года назад
All these concepts could be applied to terraforming Venus I know it sounds silly but it's the reason it's not habitable The solutions for our pollution problems could potentially create a new habitable planet.
@nyekijudit6272 3 года назад
Would it give a solution to the surface heat problem as well? Or only using it 50 kms above the surface?
@johnnydavisson2002 5 лет назад
Energy companies should be made responsible for cleaning up the mess they are making, aided by those that do not have a carbon free footprint. It may be the only way to clean up.
@thomasellis8586 5 лет назад
Only one problem with high tech solutions: Where will we get the embodied energy required to manufacture these complex, synthetic materials? The only concentrated source of energy available is....fossil fuels. Oops. Try planting trees and building topsoil instead!
@anflow96 3 года назад
So it is totally ok to cut down the rainforest!?
@theonlyjamiebourgeois9703 4 года назад
For all you taking about TREES... It's actually grasslands. Grasslands sequester carbon many many times faster than trees.
@anilkumarsharma1205 5 лет назад
magnet are to be used in suspension
@wesleygordon1645 Год назад
We need a lot more co2 in the atmosphere. Co2 is essentially to life it is plant food! IT IS NOT A POLLUTANT!
@xyzsame4081 5 лет назад
It is difficult to pull CO2 out of the air ?? - there is sophisticated technology: It is called PLANTS - or ALGAE.
@siamak55 5 лет назад
Climate change should be looked into as an oxygen issue because that is what we breathe. We already have oxygen dead zones in our oceans. That's where most of our oxygen comes from. It's no secret that deforestation has been taking place rapidly for a long time now. And sadly we have forgotten that burning fossil fuels requires oxygen. Lots of it. What we really need to do is look for oxygen neutral ways to create energy like wind and solar. And look for ways to unbond the oxygen from the carbon so it is in a breathable form again. Capturing carbon from the atmosphere does little to nothing to restore the oxygen to a breathable form. Thank you.
@wanhafizibinwanumaridec9704 3 года назад
It baffles me, these geniuses never really focused on the simple stuff. Plant more trees!!!
@ernestg7466 3 года назад
They are looking for expensive solutions to problems that nature already solved hundreds of years ago.
@kimweaver3323 5 лет назад
So what is the carbon price of BUILDING these units and what is the carbon price of running them?
@johncauser9705 4 года назад
start pulling co2 out of the atmosphere by humans WE ARE TOTALY FUCKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@nyekijudit6272 3 года назад
I read that CO2 reactionate with Mg and it is a highly thermo reaction. (CO2 + 2Mg = 2MgO +C) Maybe heating with this in the powerplant makes sense. I don't know.. I am not very good at chemistry.
@mathmandrsam 5 лет назад
Can anyone tell me how much the variance in temperature change can be explained by CO2?
@jerm4336 5 лет назад
Sam Airy No one can. It’s literally still an unknown despite all models. Climate is extremely dynamic.
@antran1860 5 лет назад
air contactors sound cool. synthetic forest doesn't sound beneficial.
@lifewatchgroup1587 5 лет назад
This is a revolutionary way to avoid the United N'ations IPCC warning that we only have 10 years before conciliation is irreparably damaged: @
@__BhaktiSansar 3 года назад
It's all about carbon capture. Any clue on CO2 decomposer?
@sam85f 5 лет назад
Why wasn’t nuclear discussed as an energy source for this project? I’m sure this will sound contentious but given the gravity of the problem it seems like a very appropriate carbon neutral solution.
@richgran 3 года назад
This sounds like Planet Of The Humans, where good intentions line investors pockets with gold. But seriously, I have to ask, what kind of chemicals need to be used? How much chemical needs to be used for the scale you would need for this to work? How are these chemicals disposed of? Are these chemicals toxic to anything?
@vigilante2765 5 лет назад
400 parts per million is pretty much what the plants n forest need to sustain themselves,stop tearing down forest n we would b fine
@raisingconsciousness777 5 лет назад
Yet farmers pump in around 1,500 into their greenhouses to increase crops. Earth can benefit from more than 400.
@CrackDavidson1 2 года назад
Next to next generation advanced nuclear reactors. Using the waste heat of those plants, continually to capture.
@darrenmcfeaters6683 5 лет назад
How about the co2 in the ocean? It hold 45× more co2 than the atmosphere.
@nehalmakwana8005 2 года назад
Oceans are the best carbon capturer
@engrtun 6 лет назад
These carbon captures should be part of city building code and must be installed on the top of every building.
@flamboone9727 5 лет назад
Grabbing CO2 from the air is equivalent to grabbing O2 out of the air.
@rockyshorz3193 5 лет назад
San Diego has a company that can produce energy from Nuclear waste. After 30 years it is safe enough for human touch, it gets another cartridge to run for 30 more years. They are small and can be set up on location to power the CO2 filtering. We need Universities to create sustainable vertical ranches with methane capture abilities. As population grows so does our need for food, not normally calculated into future warming predictions. Look at it as how do we stop the rise if we continue with oil. Stop arguing with the denial network, just move forward with crowd funding if you have to. We can make a difference...
@Caboose4859 5 лет назад
Why not use Nuclear Power as a power source? Isn’t nuclear both safe and carbon cheap?
@fakenoobyup5492 5 лет назад
Plant More Trees !
@useroffline9999 5 лет назад
And get house plants
@donniezoller8451 5 лет назад
@@alegriart And now it's on fire.😟
@asmazanilla9517 5 лет назад
Wow, for once a perfect simple text!
@skonstas4683 5 лет назад
So let us play along as if the whole theory was right and that humans need to produce less carbon dioxide. But producing less CO2 is no longer enough according to some scientists. So we need to reduce it. CO2 levels in the atmosphere have reached 400 parts per million, when compared to around 300 ppm in other decades. The fact is, we also need to figure out how to remove some of the CO2 that’s already out there. As a short-term solution, a young passionate child climate activist Greta Thunberg suggests we plant more trees. It’s a lovely idea. Who doesn't like trees? While R&D labs struggle to come up with viable carbon-capture technologies, we already have this “magic machine,” as her video says, that “sucks carbon out of the air, cost very little, and builds itself.” And we don't need to wait for craven politicians to get on board. I really want to believe in this. What if every person on Earth took it upon themselves to plant a tree. One treetop per child. Just how much carbon dioxide could we hope to scrub out of the atmosphere? Would it help reverse climate change? Let’s do the math! Carbon Content of a Tree I’m going to walk through a rough estimation. This is a good way to approach policy questions on a first cut; if the results are promising, you can always loop back and do a more sophisticated analysis. So to start, let’s figure out how much carbon a single tree can hold. Imagine a generic tree. Since I live in Quebec, I’m picturing a pine (though we have some other species as well). The pine is nice because it has a tractable shape-it's basically just a long skinny cylinder (ignoring the branches). I’ll say it has a diameter (d) of 1.5 meters and a height (h) of 15 meters. I can just plug those values into the formula for the volume of a cylinder to get the amount of wood my tree contains. This gives me 106 cubic meters of wood. To convert this to mass, I’m going to assume a wood density (ρ) of 500 kilograms per cubic meter, which is half the density of water. The mass of my generic tree would then be: Mass equals rho times volume, which equals rho times the product of pie distance squared and height all divided by 4. That works out to 53,000 kilograms per tree. But how much of that is carbon? Trees are made of many different elements, like hydrogen and nitrogen, but let’s say it’s about half carbon. At least that's an estimate that agrees with Wikipedia. So the mass of carbon would be 0.5 times the mass of the tree, or 26,500 kg. Simple! Counting Up the Atoms So far so good. But to talk about atmospheric concentration, what we really need to know is the number of carbon dioxide molecules eliminated. Since each CO2 molecule contains one carbon atom, I need to convert the carbon mass of a tree to numbers. This is where Avogadro's number comes into play, with a value of around 6.022 x 1023 particles per mole. And one mole of carbon has a mass of about 12 grams. That gives us the number of carbon atoms (n) per tree: Then, since everybody plants a tree, and assuming they’re all the same, the total amount of captured carbon atoms (N) would just be that number times 7.5 billion, the population of Earth. We're not done yet. We still need to find out how this changes the total concentration of CO2 in the air. For that, we need to estimate the total mass of Earth's atmosphere .... well, that’s kind of daunting. What do physicists do in such situations? We Google it. I get a value of 5 x 1018 kilograms (from Wikipedia). So, to find the concentration in ppm, I need the molar mass of air. Air is 99 percent nitrogen and oxygen; a weighted average of their masses gives an air molar mass of 28.97 grams per mole. With that, I can calculate the number of air molecules. This uses the same formula as above for n, so I just built it into my computation code. The Grand Result Starting CO2 Concentration = 400 ppm CO2 with 1 Tree per Person = 376.003 ppm Damn. That sucks. Even with 7.5 BILLION trees, it makes only a tiny dent in the carbon dioxide level. Yes, we made a lot of assumptions, and some of them are obviously wrong-but they’re not crazy-wrong. For example, we simplified by saying the trees are all the same. But allowing them to be different wouldn’t change the result if our generic tree is a good middle-of-the-pack average. The real question is whether our model is biased in one direction or the other. One obvious bias is that we assumed away branches. (I'm trying to picture a poor village smithy standing under a non-spreading chestnut tree …) But how much more carbon would we trap with branches? Twenty percent? Even if it doubles the reduction, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 still rounds off to 400 ppm. How about one more quick estimation. If everyone planted a tree, how much land would that require? Let's say they’re planted in a square grid, 5 meters apart, so that each tree takes up an area of 25 square meters. With 7.5 billion trees, that requires 1.8 x 1011 square meters of land, or 72,000 square miles. That's roughly the size of North Dakota. Oh, for comparison, the Amazon rain forest has an area of 2.1 million square miles.
@helbrassen4576 5 лет назад
Planting trees aren't a solution to the problem, trees absorb CO2 when they grow that is true, but once a tree grows old and die all that CO2 it's used to grow with will be released in to the atmosphere once more, planting trees isn't a solution that will help in any serious way.
@ikm64 5 лет назад
There are currently hundreds if not thousands of ways to extract CO2 from the planet. So that's not the problem, the problem is all of them cost money, turn that problem on its head and make actually make money, now you've solved the problem. Understand the problem is the first thing to get to grips with.
@ThekiBoran 5 лет назад
Atmospheric CO2 is not a problem.
@ThekiBoran 5 лет назад
@juscurious The corruption is what you say and more. I look at the CO2 scare, cultural marxism, the wars, the genocides, the dumbing down of education, the consolidation of the national News media, all of it, is working towards one goal, global government.
@randomaxe662 5 лет назад
@@ThekiBoran Right, the problem is everyone and everything else you can name except the fossil fuel industry which wants to keep making a buck until everyone is dead.
@helbrassen4576 5 лет назад
Funny Joke.
@samo6401 4 года назад
America doesnt have so much money, it has so much debt. Its not just sitting around for us to use, its loaned, through bonds. The failing tax system doesnt nearly provide enough money to sustain the massively inefficient systems the goverment places to meet the demands of voters. No, the original commenter is onto something. If you want a solution thats actually implementable, it needs to be cheap and it needs to produce something thats profitable at the end. No one wants another cash sink.
@richardschaeffer3204 5 лет назад
Plant a tree. 1 Tree can absorb 6 tons of CO2 per year & it doesn't require electricity... Co2 is plant food
@frogsoda 5 лет назад
You can't get as big of a government grant for planting trees
@thatonedog819 5 лет назад
Protect prairies and oceans. They are larger carbon sinks than forests
@Th3_Gael 5 лет назад
@@gregbrown1311 plankton and algae are great but contribute to Co2 when they decompose or get eaten. There is no free dinner, we need Co2 capture both natural and man made
@riccardopusceddu6232 5 лет назад
@@gregbrown1311 Maybe his point should be that if you don't cut down trees and let them decompose slowly on the forest floor, they don't turn into CO2 so fast and actually can stay within the soil structure for centuries.
@georgemargaris 5 лет назад
tree requires other things though, water and lots and lots of space
@luigib9025 5 лет назад
Instead of insalling the Systems where there's low concentration, install it near the emissions. e.g. In the factories' exhausts
@gdr1174 3 года назад
It should be removed at source, the emission shouldn't be released into the atmosphere unless X percentage of CO2 has been removed first somehow.. easier said than done I'm sure
@foxlies0106 Год назад
Amen. but then energy industry would have to pay. They get Dr. Wilcox to convince you to pay for it, via the vastly less efficient Direct Air Capture. Disgusting waste she should be ashamed.
@SuperYGOD 6 лет назад
If God uses trees, then we should too.
@archezwei1729 5 лет назад
God has algae and corals too
@wompbozer3939 4 года назад
God created humans too.
@ssgp7297 3 года назад
God created apes but they turned unexpectadly into humans
@TechAddictClub 6 лет назад
Why can't we use vertical farming? It requires less space (surface), decreases CO2 and moreover produces food! Or at least try the good old (re)forestation!
@yecyecii6820 6 лет назад
Let's go back to stone age. No cars. Use electric cars. No more use of oil for vehicles. Make less population so less exhaling of carbon dioxide. Use horses and carriages, it is more fun to ride with animals. No use plastics. Let's make a cause. Stop thinking about business and competitions in business.
@midnight8341 6 лет назад
You can't use vertical farming, as it isn't viable with all the energy you'd need to just light up your plants and aforrestation doesn't work, because with that we'd need more land area than there is on this planet. We need to capture the CO2 somehow and store it safely. I would suggest building massive algae farms out on the oceans, drying the algae and burning them without oxygen to produce ash. From that you can extract the metals they needed for survival for another round and turn all the carbon into one big block that you can simply let sink to the ocean floor, like a big brick.
@PhoenixNL72-DEGA- 5 лет назад
They are doing just that in Japan. It's still prototype phase, but even so they produce 12,000 heads of lettuce a day. And they use specific red&blue spectrum LED lights. Plants actually waste most of the energy they receive from the sun. Everything below infrared and above blue isn't used at all and most infrared. Everything between red and blue is mostly not used(As the linked article about NASA research below shows)e. They also don't need full daylight brightness to grow at all. So they need a lot less light intensity then we ourselves need. But as the Japanese experiments show. Using just Red&Blue LED lighting works just fine. And according to an article I found it uses just 40 watts of power to provide lights for a 9 meter diameter growth wheel with many growbeds in it.(The amount of power used by an old low power incandescent light bulb) ( www.cropscience.bayer.com/en/stories/2016/from-the-cities-and-into-the-skies-the-rise-of-the-vertical-farm ). An added bonus is that they use only a fraction of the water that is used for the same amount of crops in a conventional farm. And they also only use a fraction of the electricity of conventional greenhouses for the same crop yield. Article on NASA Research: advancedledlights.com/blog/technology/nasa-research-optimum-light-wavelengths-plant-growth/
@TheBaconWizard 5 лет назад
@@midnight8341 The light is called "the sun"
@midnight8341 5 лет назад
@@TheBaconWizard you can't light a vertical farm just by sunlight, that would mean building a skyscraper-sized building not just with a steel-glass fassade, but with all of the structural elements made from translucent materials just for plants (good luck getting that financed somehow) and you'd need more than that one building per city, even if you produce year round. So you need artificial lighting at least 16/24 and if you slap solar cells on your glass roof, that blocks sunlight your plants need that you then have to replace with more artificial lighting. And with current solar technology and lighting conditions, that won't cut it.
@thatfoo6681 3 года назад
Whos here because of the 100 million 🤣
@cristoz8691 3 года назад
I'm here to save the world. The 100 M are just my tool
@snakedike 5 лет назад
I've not been sure what to believe with respect to CO2 since this whole thing started. Of late I've started reading and watching more scientific content. And I've learned some interesting and potent facts that are not being discussed in the mainstream. And while they are reported on, they don't get the headlines and generally have disclaimers assigned to them which seems odd given observations supporting anthropogenic warming never do. First is that the earth is greening. Over the past 35 years the earth has added enough leaf content to nearly equal the surface are of the continental United States, twice. It is estimated that over 70% of this is due to the increase in CO2. Although we are sitting at 400ppm right now, green house growers find the optimal percentage of CO2 is somewhere between 1000 and 2000ppm. And while I'm not advocating this, the evidence suggest more C02 would result in an increasingly productive ecosystem. The second fact which I've checked with independent sources is that the ability for CO2 to act as green house gas will diminish with increasing quantity. It will need to accumulate logarithmically from the current level to maintain the warming rate. It's been estimated that it will not be able to contribute more than a .25 degree even with much higher quantities. If these things are true, I don't want to remove CO2. If someone asked me if I'd be willing to take a browner earth for more temperate weather I'd never say yes. But I would agree to stronger weather if it left the planet greener and capable of sustaining more robust ecosystems. Still not sure and still learning but facts are fun.
@davidyeates8381 2 года назад
You have raised a good point. The so-called greenhouse gases have maintained the Earth’s temperature at an average of 16C to sustain life as we know it. There is a case for renewable energy but if we interfere with nature we do so at our own peril.
@orionbetelgeuse1937 2 месяца назад
At the beginning she just said that the CO2 is a trace gas with the concentration of 0.04%, that's just a little more than twice the concentration of the neon gas in the air.
@Hiraeth_1194 5 лет назад
My name is John Hill, and today is the first day of my fight against climate change, wish me luck
@luck2542 3 года назад
Hows it going
@aegystierone8505 5 лет назад
A new way to remove CO2..... Plant trees boom where's my TEDTALK?
@grindupBaker 5 лет назад
A new way to remove CO2. I thought they would say everybody breath in at once. It's a matter of timing.
@aegystierone8505 5 лет назад
@@grindupBaker or everybody stop breathing......
@WadcaWymiaru 5 лет назад
Remove CO2 and ALL plants will DIE !!! CO2 level should be like 1200 ppm, no joke!
@sidharthafocus 5 лет назад
That only works if you grow trees then cut and bury them so they turn into coal that nobody is ever allowed to mine.
@simonhill6267 5 лет назад
@@sidharthafocus rebuilding soil also sequesters co2, you can even use biochar to rebuild soil and sequester carbon
@freyfaust6218 5 лет назад
The climate catastrophists make several fatal errors when they argue for their POV. 1. They are completely unskeptical about a subject which is very obviously controversial among climate scientists and earth scientists in general. There is no such thing as a partial consensus. Consensus is total or it is not consensus. Consensus is a matter of opinion, not scientific protocol for proof. Absolute conviction in a scientist is already suspicious, but when its about a controversial subject, that discredits them utterly. 2. They want to have us all believe that the trace of a trace gas that humans contribute to is the driver for a gigantic, chaotic system with enormous forces and thousands of contributing elements. They look at the entire past and present dynamics and imagine co2 everywhere. This is not science. 3. The scientists at the IPCC were caught red handed in the early 2000s cooking the graphs to make the past temperature record colder and steady. They should all have been fired, but were never punished. When Catastrophic AGW people make claims and use materials from the IPCC, they cannot be taken seriously. 4. The Catastrophists attempt to make co2 seem toxic. Co2 is not a toxin, any more than oxygen. Co2 is as vital to life on the planet as oxygen and water. 400 ppm is already homeopathic compared to periods in the past when it was 1000s of ppm and life was flourishing. 150 ppm is the level at which all life would and has died. At 400 ppm, the current global level is LOW. 600 is common under a forest canopy. 2k to 3k on a submarine or in the space station. Co2 is pumped into actual greenhouses at 1000s of ppm because it helps with photosynth and water uptake. Without Co2 we would not be able to digest or breathe. 5. They claim that the oil companies are holding back research and are buying off their opposition. Actually, the oil industry has its head down and is funding alternative energy research and giving a lot to the IPCC. The real catastrophy is the one these snake oil salesmen would instigate if they were successful at making everyone hysterical enough to panic. Not to mention the billions they are siphoning up in tax dollars for their phony models and ridiculous prognostications, not one of which has come true. And this is the last and most damning evidence of the lie, the absolutely stunning record of failed predictions over the last 30 years. A very important aspect of any scientific theory is that it must predict effects. When the predictions fail, the theory has been disproven.
@marktomasetti8642 5 лет назад
Frey Faust - It just seems extremely unlikely that the thinking that went into the organization of the Paris agreement could have been got wrong by so many countries, many of which depend on CO2 releasing fuels. I think they’d all rather the issue just went away. Something serious enough to get this many countries talking just seems so unlikely to be a hoax, even if some scientists misbehaved.
@freyfaust6218 5 лет назад
@@marktomasetti8642 except that there is zero proof that humans are driving a warming trend in climate change. This century's rate of warming is very mild compared to other periods. Co2 is a vital, life supporting gas with a tiny radiation absorption spectrum. It makes up less than one percent of the atmosphere. During many of the periods when life was flourishing on this planet, the atmospheric co2 content was thousands of ppm, rather than only a few hundred as it is today. There are recent periods when co2 was lower and temperatures were much higher than they are today: 1911 and 1936 for example, several decades before humans started contributing to co2 through industry. It is patently ridiculous to pretend that co2 is the climate driver. Not to mention 30 years of failed predictions by politicians and scientists on the take from the climate tax bonanza.
@marktomasetti8642 5 лет назад
Frey Faust - Whether humans are causing climate change or not doesn’t matter. All that matters are, (1) is it happening, and (2) is it going to be a problem for humans. If both of those are true, we really ought to save ourselves as much difficulty as we can. Another large organization which is very concerned about climate change is the US department of defense. They’re concern is that the large migrations likely to occur due to loss of sea coasts and loss of farmable land may lead to national security threats. These are very hard-headed people who deal with real threats every day. Some of your facts seem off. This is from NASA: “As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.” (earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GlobalWarming/page3.php). Also, the industrial revolution started in the late 1700’s with coal in common use since the 1800’s and there is a hockey-stick like jump in temperatures in vero that period. We keep losing huge chunks of Arctic and Antarctic ice to the point where new shipping lanes are open. The warmest weather temperatures since we’ve been recording them (maybe 150 years) have been in the past ten years. A rather broad array of intelligent and dedicated people say we need to look at this. I doubt that less well-informed people such as you or me could have much to add to the discussion.
@freyfaust6218 5 лет назад
www.justfacts.com/globalwarming.asp the climate has always changed. It will always be a problem. Your facts are off. NASA scientists are not to b trusted at this point. The hockey stick is an outright hoax. The warming trend at the start if this interglacial ice age was 111 times the current rate, more than 2.5k years ago, and not a smokestack in sight. 1911 was much hotter than the present, and co2 was.low, that is a fact.
@marktomasetti8642 5 лет назад
Frey Faust - “The climate has always changed, it will always be a problem.” That’s just not good thinking. Yes, the climate has changed for 4 billion years, but it doesn’t always threaten human life as it is now expected to do. I’m not clear about the cause of the current climate change, as I said, it’s not important, it could be CO2 or something else. Whatever the cause, the consequences look bad for humanity. Can we agree that matters that threaten large chunks of the human race ought to be looked at? Especially ones that may take a long time to address - it won’t help to find out in 2050 that we should have started making corrections in the year 2000. I don’t know anything about justfacts.com, but below are the hottest ten years in recorded history from NOAA (I’m not sure if the table will paste correctly). The only one NOT after 2000 is 1998. 1911 is not mentioned. Nine out of the 10 are in the past 15 years. Top 10 warmest years (NOAA) (1880-2018) Rank Year Anomaly °C Anomaly °F 1 2016 0.94 1.69 2 2015 0.90 1.62 3 2017 0.84 1.51 4 2018 0.77 1.39 5 2014 0.74 1.33 6 2010 0.70 1.26 7 2013 0.66 1.19 8 2005 0.65 1.17 9 2009 0.64 1.15 10 1998 0.63 1.13
@grahampawar 5 лет назад
What if we just have a sensor that detects carbon molecules and activates the process...when not available,it just rests...
@aayushkatoch10-b60 3 года назад
Bro it is very diff to detect a carbon molecule
@Pablo-ur3dz 5 лет назад
Or just use a incredible machine earth perfected for millions of years... 🌲
@jesusserranojimenez8069 4 года назад
Actually it hasn't been developed any process that reduces CO2 to hydrocarbons or something as trees do. A lot of catalysts, with a molecular structure similar to chlorophyll, have been made to try to simulate the photosynthesis process, but without success.
@kraft3344able 4 года назад
1 acre of trees produce enough oxygen for 12 humans. 1 acre of grass produces enough oxygen for 70 humans. What grows easier and faster
@beridot2615 4 года назад
yeah but they dont use all the CO2 at once.
@youdontfoolmebro 4 года назад
@@kraft3344able I doubt it sequesters as much carbondioxide, though, which is the point of it all??
@kraft3344able 4 года назад
@@youdontfoolmebro no it doesn't sequester CO2. It breaks it down during photosynthesis. Uses carbon stores what it doesn't use and release oxygen into the air for us to breath. Didn't you take science in highschool. Are you that ignorant or just being a troll. Go head drink some more liberal kool-aid
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