
a PRODUCTIVE day in my life in college (vlog) 

Karleigh Klostermann
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a day in my life in college (zoom university) gotta love it. ENJOY I LOVE YOU ALL
Instagram- / karleighklostermann
Twitter- / karklostermann
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Snapchat- @kar.klos
If you are a business wanting to work with me please contact karleighklostermann@gmail.com
love u guys



17 сен 2024




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@honeypotfilms6066 4 года назад
imagine looking like her as soon as u wake up- she’s gorgeous without even trying - honeypot films
@kkendall.214 4 года назад
when i was younger, i also used to grab the paint things. i would like get 1 of every color and would just look and play around with them because they made me happy. the simple things in life lol
@ebosavagevlogs416 4 года назад
I need this the most. I’ve let all my work pile and I have midterm exams and I have to post vids.
@ninetailfox1608 4 года назад
same bro, I watch too much Netflix
@joeybowdin732 4 года назад
lol bro, you have to manage your time
@timbuktuu2527 4 года назад
@@joeybowdin732 Its not as easy as you think
@adamoworldwide1597 4 года назад
I respect the grind your gonna have to make.
@supersaiyan9032 4 года назад
Yo I checked your page, I want a part 2 to your study tips bro
@gabichote30 4 года назад
anytime karleigh vlogs at night she always saying she can’t vlog in her room cause peytons asleep lmaooo
@kristasauer3947 4 года назад
I feel the same way about breakfast food!
@KatieSev 4 года назад
We love a productive QUEEN!
@lauranorwar 3 года назад
The basic video content thing...love it. But you forgot to include a shot of you opening your curtains to welcome the morning sun followed by a close up of coffee filling up your cup. I know you don’t like coffee (or mornings), but that doesn’t matter. Do it for the vlog, man!! I seriously do appreciate how REAL you are. There’s a reason it was you who started that trend.
@bonniemae1397 4 года назад
My favorite vlogger
@sadie.b123 3 года назад
omg u and Paige Kaiser have the exact same editing and music and whole vibe. You should check her out
@peneelopie 4 года назад
I couldn’t go to college this year and you make me soo happy with these videos♥️♥️
@abishea9747 4 года назад
i didnt know you liked the office ahhhh!!!!!
@ariiidalll 4 года назад
Girl... SAMEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭 You’re so pretty btw Heather 😍 PERIOD.
@emmagreen1547 4 года назад
You are making my day girl! Love ur channel soooo much! Hope you are doing well! 😍🤩
@dominikbenz8349 4 года назад
amazing vid i enjoy looks awesome youa re os pretyt stunning queen love
@Olivia-sl5zh 3 года назад
Ilysm!!! You are such an inspiration to me! I’m 12 years old and hope that when I am a little older I get to be as nice as you! I look up to you! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
@madelinebultena 4 года назад
Do you and Peyton still live together I feel like she’s never in your videos anymore ?
@bonniemae1397 4 года назад
They were just on live together last night
@bonniemae1397 4 года назад
@reemachada9436 3 года назад
i think they still do. she just hasn’t been in the vlogs that often
@francatrenczek 4 года назад
always wanted to saythis, thank you for introducing me to LANY :))
@nikkiroseadale66 4 года назад
I’m the same with biology, I am majoring in journalism and they said I have to take bio. Also love your videos !!
@dominikbenz8349 4 года назад
great vid i enjoy looks awesome youa re os pretty stunning queen love
@nataliexvalente 4 года назад
so gorgeous !! ❤️
@annanonnenbroich1496 4 года назад
Please more College Videos 😂😂❤️❤️❤️😘
@avas9100 3 года назад
hi!!! you are literally so so so gorgeous and I love watching your videos! what was your friend's jewelry Instagram? also where do you get your jewelry from?
@trinityyyn 4 года назад
Love this vid! 😍
@tylercrane5613 4 года назад
the zoom class clip is a FAT mood
@youssefzenasni2793 3 года назад
@fyoung2523 3 года назад
You deserve way more subscribers!
@FarzanasLaw 4 года назад
@jael4202 4 года назад
I love it❤️🥺
@em-gl6um 4 года назад
My happy moment!🌟
@fififinance7469 3 года назад
I'm watching this while putting stuff off :)
@armanisimmons9913 4 года назад
heyy i love your videos but you know what i would also like, if Peyton would start posting again🥺 and what happened with your channel together? I was really looking forward to the content with both of you guys😔
@francatrenczek 4 года назад
notification squad !! let's goo :)
@alexismullen7305 4 года назад
Secondddd yayyyyy ilysm
@jasminehesham7114 3 года назад
Can you do a what’s on my iPhone?
@jackytran4885 4 года назад
I hope you stay safe hola karleigh amigo bro my bestie queen you're look gorgeous as cute
@en4017 4 года назад
Death, it's one of the biggest events that will ever take place in your life. We face death everyday, conscious or unconsciously of it; death lurks around every corner of our life. Like a lion waiting to catch its prey, death comes for us all in many shapes and form; seemingly there is no one who can escape from the jaws of death. But did you know there is a reason why we die? The idea of death you're familiar with is only the tip of the iceberg. See we die because we've sinned against God. Sin according to the bible is wages " for the wages of sin is death " (Romans 6:23). Everyone has turned to their own ways trying to determine for themselves what is right and wrong. Humanity are lovers of sin rather than lovers of God. As a result, God has given us over to a depraved mind that lust after shameful things. Because man sinned against God, we live in a fallen world, it was once perfect, but now in ruins; with diseases/sickness, natural disasters, riots, racism, etc. All manner of evil plagues the world because we sinned against God. Now that sin exists, God is coming to judge the world In righteousness. So Death is an arresting officer that brings you into the courtroom of God. "It's appointed a man once to die and after this judgement" (Hebrews 9:27) The standard he'll judge you by is the 10 commandments, God's moral law. He's so serious about sin that he gave anyone who sins the Death sentence. The punishment is the eternal fires of Hell " Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth'' (Matthew 13:42) Do you think you're Good enough to enter heaven safely when you die? Here's how you can be sure: A Test: based on the 10 commandments 1. Thou shall have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shall have no idol. 3. Thou shall not take God's name in vain. 4. Thou shall honor the day of Sabbath. 5. Honor thou mother and father.6. Thou shall not murder. 7. Thou shall not commit adultery. 8. Thou shall not steal.9. Thou shall not lie. 10. Thou shall not covet. - Have you ever lied in your life?• Jesus said whoever looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in the heart,- Have you ever looked at anyone with lust?‐ Have you used God's name as a curse word?- Have you ever stolen anything big or small?- Have you ever Hated someone?• Jesus considers it as murder in the bible. If you said yes to just one of them then you're already guilty in God's eyes " for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. " (James 2:10) Therefore, God says " neither liars, nor blasphemers, nor adulterers, nor thieves nor murderers will inherit the kingdom of God". You have to face God on judgement day with all of your sin, even the secret ones. Anyone who sins are destined for hell, God’s prison without parole. Don't rely on your own Goodness or Good works to save you. Do not be deceived neither you, your friends, family, a priest, a pastor, religion, nor attending a church can save you. That's like bribing God to let you into heaven. "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," (Romans 3:23)"But we are all like an unclean thing, and all of our righteousness are like filthy rags; we fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like wind have taken us away." (Isaiah 64:6) "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9) God's definition of "Good" is morally excellent and none of us can match his goodness. "No one is good except God alone." (Luke 18:19) Because he is a good God, he's a lover of righteousness and justice, he must punish all who sin. God cannot simply forgive you alone for your sins because his wrath against all sinners must be satisfied. But God takes no pleasure in sending anyone to hell, God wants to forgive you for your sins. Do you know what he did for guilty sinners? 2000 years ago, God became a human being, "God was manifested in the flesh"( Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God.) he was a perfect and sinless man; he lived a perfect life. Doing marvelous works, Being fully obedient to God, Healing many with sickness and diseases without medication, Raising people from the dead, Feeding five thousand people with just a voice, Calming a raging storm, Casting out demons, Forgiving even the most depraved minded person of their sins. But the most amazing of all is that He suffered and died on the cross for all our sins, meaning that Jesus paid for our sins on our behalf. Because we are all wicked and need a savior. Jesus said “It is finished” before dying, He took the full punishment ithat we all deserve; fully atoning all sinners through his blood. He was buried in a tomb and on the 3rd day, he was raised from the dead defeating and gaining victory over death. "Death was swallowed up in victory." (1 Corinthians 15:54) He was seen by many and afterwards ascended back to heaven at the right hand of God, all power and authority is given to Jesus in heaven and on earth; He'll judge the living and the dead. God can give you everlasting life as a free gift, not because you're good but because God is rich in mercy and what Jesus did on the cross. • "God demonstrates his own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) He would be just and the justifier of the one who have faith in Jesus (Roman's 3:26) All you need to do is confess all your sins, even the secret ones only to God and not a priest or anyone else; Repent from them, meaning you're fully turning away from your sins and towards God. "He who covers his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy." (Proverbs 28:13) Having faith in Jesus Christ your savior, means you're trusting him like a parachute when you jump out of a plane. " Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what is not seen " (Hebrews 11:1) "For by grace you are saved through faith and not that of yourselves; it is a free gift of god, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) "Everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (Romans 10:9-10) You’ll be justified by grace alone, faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, and through Jesus you'll be born again passing from death to life. Through Jesus we are given a new life, he'll give you a new heart that desires righteousness and what is just ."In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's Grace that he lavished on us." (Ephesians 1:1-8) You'll be clothed with the righteous of Christ," This righteousness is given through Faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." (Romans 3:22) You'll be free from the control of sin through Jesus. Through Jesus Christ you'll be added to his new family. " His purpose was to create in himself a new humanity " (Ephesians 2:15) Then surrender to God by letting God guide you in all your ways, through the bible. KJV recommended, I also recommend reading the book of John to see if this is all true. Also the book of Romans, Ephesians and 1 Peter. "Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame." (Romans 10:11) If you're truly converted, God will watch over you like a father would to his own kids, disciplining you so that you remain in the faith, you'll still be capable of sinning, but God will make sure you'd never ever get away with sinning ever again. Nor will you enjoy your sinful pleasures ever again. So repentance is a continual process. Let God guide your ways and not man. Jesus said:" I am the door if anyone enters by me, he will be saved, (John 10:9) "let God be true, but everyman a liar;" (Romans 3:4). When Are You Going To Get Right With God? Remember this is your eternal life and God is offering it as a free gift. This is about your life, the cleansing blood of Jesus and his salvation. I encourage you to get right with God now cause you don't know when you'll die "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) You either believe or reject this offer, It's your choice. I'll leave you with this: "What shall profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? " (Mark 8:36) If you're taking this seriously, Would you like a prayer? This prayer is not a guarantee that you'll be saved, that's between you and God; prayer is a continual process. However, I'd like this to be a good start for your journey. "Father, I thank you for this person's open heart and ask that he/she would repent and trust alone in Jesus Christ. I also ask that you guide their steps on their journey so that they would pass from death to life In Jesus name Amen."
@TinaMarieVlogs 4 года назад
who else feels motivated now?! i make videos too :)
@en4017 4 года назад
Death, it's one of the biggest events that will ever take place in your life. We face death everyday, conscious or unconsciously of it; death lurks around every corner of our life. Like a lion waiting to catch its prey, death comes for us all in many shapes and form; seemingly there is no one who can escape from the jaws of death. But did you know there is a reason why we die? The idea of death you're familiar with is only the tip of the iceberg. See we die because we've sinned against God. Sin according to the bible is wages " for the wages of sin is death " (Romans 6:23). Everyone has turned to their own ways trying to determine for themselves what is right and wrong. Humanity are lovers of sin rather than lovers of God. As a result, God has given us over to a depraved mind that lust after shameful things. Because man sinned against God, we live in a fallen world, it was once perfect, but now in ruins; with diseases/sickness, natural disasters, riots, racism, etc. All manner of evil plagues the world because we sinned against God. Now that sin exists, God is coming to judge the world In righteousness. So Death is an arresting officer that brings you into the courtroom of God. "It's appointed a man once to die and after this judgement" (Hebrews 9:27) The standard he'll judge you by is the 10 commandments, God's moral law. He's so serious about sin that he gave anyone who sins the Death sentence. The punishment is the eternal fires of Hell " Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth'' (Matthew 13:42) Do you think you're Good enough to enter heaven safely when you die? Here's how you can be sure: A Test: based on the 10 commandments 1. Thou shall have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shall have no idol. 3. Thou shall not take God's name in vain. 4. Thou shall honor the day of Sabbath. 5. Honor thou mother and father.6. Thou shall not murder. 7. Thou shall not commit adultery. 8. Thou shall not steal.9. Thou shall not lie. 10. Thou shall not covet. - Have you ever lied in your life?• Jesus said whoever looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in the heart,- Have you ever looked at anyone with lust?‐ Have you used God's name as a curse word?- Have you ever stolen anything big or small?- Have you ever Hated someone?• Jesus considers it as murder in the bible. If you said yes to just one of them then you're already guilty in God's eyes " for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. " (James 2:10) Therefore, God says " neither liars, nor blasphemers, nor adulterers, nor thieves nor murderers will inherit the kingdom of God". You have to face God on judgement day with all of your sin, even the secret ones. Anyone who sins are destined for hell, God’s prison without parole. Don't rely on your own Goodness or Good works to save you. Do not be deceived neither you, your friends, family, a priest, a pastor, religion, nor attending a church can save you. That's like bribing God to let you into heaven. "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," (Romans 3:23)"But we are all like an unclean thing, and all of our righteousness are like filthy rags; we fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like wind have taken us away." (Isaiah 64:6) "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9) God's definition of "Good" is morally excellent and none of us can match his goodness. "No one is good except God alone." (Luke 18:19) Because he is a good God, he's a lover of righteousness and justice, he must punish all who sin. God cannot simply forgive you alone for your sins because his wrath against all sinners must be satisfied. But God takes no pleasure in sending anyone to hell, God wants to forgive you for your sins. Do you know what he did for guilty sinners? 2000 years ago, God became a human being, "God was manifested in the flesh"( Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God.) he was a perfect and sinless man; he lived a perfect life. Doing marvelous works, Being fully obedient to God, Healing many with sickness and diseases without medication, Raising people from the dead, Feeding five thousand people with just a voice, Calming a raging storm, Casting out demons, Forgiving even the most depraved minded person of their sins. But the most amazing of all is that He suffered and died on the cross for all our sins, meaning that Jesus paid for our sins on our behalf. Because we are all wicked and need a savior. Jesus said “It is finished” before dying, He took the full punishment ithat we all deserve; fully atoning all sinners through his blood. He was buried in a tomb and on the 3rd day, he was raised from the dead defeating and gaining victory over death. "Death was swallowed up in victory." (1 Corinthians 15:54) He was seen by many and afterwards ascended back to heaven at the right hand of God, all power and authority is given to Jesus in heaven and on earth; He'll judge the living and the dead. God can give you everlasting life as a free gift, not because you're good but because God is rich in mercy and what Jesus did on the cross. • "God demonstrates his own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) He would be just and the justifier of the one who have faith in Jesus (Roman's 3:26) All you need to do is confess all your sins, even the secret ones only to God and not a priest or anyone else; Repent from them, meaning you're fully turning away from your sins and towards God. "He who covers his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy." (Proverbs 28:13) Having faith in Jesus Christ your savior, means you're trusting him like a parachute when you jump out of a plane. " Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what is not seen " (Hebrews 11:1) "For by grace you are saved through faith and not that of yourselves; it is a free gift of god, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) "Everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (Romans 10:9-10) You’ll be justified by grace alone, faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, and through Jesus you'll be born again passing from death to life. Through Jesus we are given a new life, he'll give you a new heart that desires righteousness and what is just ."In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's Grace that he lavished on us." (Ephesians 1:1-8) You'll be clothed with the righteous of Christ," This righteousness is given through Faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." (Romans 3:22) You'll be free from the control of sin through Jesus. Through Jesus Christ you'll be added to his new family. " His purpose was to create in himself a new humanity " (Ephesians 2:15) Then surrender to God by letting God guide you in all your ways, through the bible. KJV recommended, I also recommend reading the book of John to see if this is all true. Also the book of Romans, Ephesians and 1 Peter. "Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame." (Romans 10:11) If you're truly converted, God will watch over you like a father would to his own kids, disciplining you so that you remain in the faith, you'll still be capable of sinning, but God will make sure you'd never ever get away with sinning ever again. Nor will you enjoy your sinful pleasures ever again. So repentance is a continual process. Let God guide your ways and not man. Jesus said:" I am the door if anyone enters by me, he will be saved, (John 10:9) "let God be true, but everyman a liar;" (Romans 3:4). When Are You Going To Get Right With God? Remember this is your eternal life and God is offering it as a free gift. This is about your life, the cleansing blood of Jesus and his salvation. I encourage you to get right with God now cause you don't know when you'll die "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) You either believe or reject this offer, It's your choice. I'll leave you with this: "What shall profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? " (Mark 8:36) If you're taking this seriously, Would you like a prayer? This prayer is not a guarantee that you'll be saved, that's between you and God; prayer is a continual process. However, I'd like this to be a good start for your journey. "Father, I thank you for this person's open heart and ask that he/she would repent and trust alone in Jesus Christ. I also ask that you guide their steps on their journey so that they would pass from death to life In Jesus name Amen."
@JoStotts 3 года назад
ur channel is so cute!! i hope mine is this cute one day!
@jleighm4492 3 года назад
you got a new phone!!!
@kelseywilliams5059 4 года назад
Where was pey pey?:(
@lukelosito7610 3 года назад
Can you please let me know what the song is in your intro please. I needa know what its good
@davidparnell3241 4 года назад
102 degrees in phoenix today!
@hannasilj7921 4 года назад
sept 29 is my bday;))))) ily
@melaniebonell6117 3 года назад
what camera do you use??
@reemachada9436 3 года назад
i miss peyton. she barely uploads anymore😩
@ohhhhhmaryyy 4 года назад
where‘s your old roomate? 🤔
@irisliu3485 4 года назад
@ohhhhhmaryyy 4 года назад
iris liu yes!
@irisliu3485 4 года назад
I don’t know
@kierathomas6570 4 года назад
she’s still there they just have different schedules ig.
@nurerdemir 4 года назад
You look like MABEL
@myrnarivera6315 3 года назад
I loved this a lot! You need to for sure collab with the crazy group Bad Friends. Their pranks hella reminds me of Danny Duncan and PewDiePie. Theyre a hilarious group in Cali. Go check out their RU-vid out and give team a subscribe! 👉 #BadFriendsExposed
@martineb247 3 года назад
Jesus is returning soon! Repent your sins and ask for His forgiveness so that you may be saved from God's wrath now!
@cindyguzman2873 3 года назад
I liked your vid a lot! You should totally film with the hilarious group Bad Friends. Their stuff really are similar to the Vlog Squad and a bit of Casey Neistat. Theyre a new group of vloggers in California. Go check out their channel out and give the friend group a subscribe! 👉 #BadFriendsInTheaters
@giulianamarie5257 4 года назад
Its oct 7
@zyzydab21 4 года назад
She made the video September 29
@giulianamarie5257 4 года назад
I know but its posted 8 days later she should've edited for 2
@vanessat3939 3 года назад
I liked your vid. 😄 😆 😄 You should film with Bad Friends. Their videos reminds me of Logan Paul and a bit of Mike Majlak! They are the dopest friend group in the world and they drink in every video. Go check out their RU-vid out and give the friend group a like! 👉 #SurpriseBadFriends
@dannycruz9862 3 года назад
I liked the content! You should really collab with Bad Friends. Their pranks hella are like Vitaly mixed with Faze Clan. You should totally check their RU-vid out and give the crew a like! 👉 #BadFriendsOnYT
@lindseyhiltz8734 3 года назад
Love this vlog 😍 (Check out my college vlogs :)
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