
A Silent Voice - The Process of Self-Forgiveness 

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DISCLAIMER: A Silent Voice spoilers.
In this video essay, we will be taking a look at Ishida’s journey to self-forgiveness in A Silent Voice. We will be identifying the steps and examining the overall process to forgiving ourselves, in relation to the life of Shouya Ishida.
As a side note, I highly recommend that you read the manga for A Silent Voice. The manga provides even more material that further characterizes everyone, as well as offering much more detail to Ishida's journey of self-forgiveness.
Music Used:
Koe no Katachi OST - svg
Koe no Katachi OST - htb
Koe no Katachi OST - lvs
Koe no Katachi OST - narrow road
Koe no Katachi OST - (I can) say nothing
Koe no Katachi OST - van(var)
Koe no Katachi OST - lit(var)
Cornish, M. A., & Wade, N. G. (2015). A therapeutic model of self‐forgiveness with intervention strategies for counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 93(1), 96-104.
Enright, R. D., & Human Development Study Group. (1996). Counseling within the forgiveness triad: On forgiving, receiving, forgiveness, and self-forgiveness. Counseling and Values, 40(2), 107-126.
Fisher, M. L., & Exline, J. J. (2010). Moving toward self-forgiveness: Removing barriers related to shame, guilt, and regret. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4(8), 548-558.
Holmgren, M. R. (1998). Self-forgiveness and responsible moral agency. The Journal of Value Inquiry, 32(1), 75-91.
00:00 - Intro
01:37 - Background
02:33 - Responsibility
04:20 - Remorse
07:00 - Restoration
10:30 - Renewal




9 июл 2024




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@StargirlShooter 2 года назад
This is beautiful! I love how a silent voice teaches us that are past doesn’t define us cause we can change the future, and that no mistake is unforgivable and that we can always forgive ourselves when we put in the effort.
@SaberTooth_TFG 10 месяцев назад
I believe that no mistake is unforgivable unless you don’t have pure guilt about what you did, nor want to really work to become better.
@4days1 2 месяца назад
I rewatched this after 4 years and now I realize wow this movie has a lot of self blame, especially Ishida. When people tell him he's the problem, he just accepts it. You gotta have really terrible depression to openly accept everything everyone says about you even when its false.
@hawkeyenextgen7117 11 месяцев назад
I already feel like I can relate to the protagonist's struggles. Being born with Autism, even though I am high functioning, I was often ostracized, pigeonholed from the rest of my age group by peers and adults alike merely due to my diagnosis. I was expected to work harder and behave more strictly than the others simply because of my label, while the rest of them got off scot-free. Many of my social skills camps and special education classes were disorderly and dysfunctional, as many of the teachers there were unqualified, unskilled, and neglectful, as they expected us Autists (and other Neurodivergents) to figure things out on our own though we were still kids, rather than taking responsibility themselves for our development. I was conditioned to be self-conscious of my mental disorder, and overly caring about what others think of me in the name of self-improvement. I was taught that if I was disliked or mistreated, that I was doing something socially unacceptable. In a manner of speaking, I was set up to fail in my youth. In 10th grade, I was bullied for my Autism relentlessly. They called me a retard day in and day out. They used my Autism as a scapegoat to blame me for their problems, as an excuse for them to to target me, saying that it was my Autism that started it, and gaslighted me that my Autism was making me hallucinate their abuse. Whenever I went to the adults for help, the bullies would usually say, "He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a retard." Whenever I did something kind, they'd punish me for it. Whenever I did something self-destructive, they'd commend me for it. Whenever I did something acceptable, they'd try to persuade me that it was socially unacceptable and so forth. Up was down, black was white, good was bad, day was night. I was questioning my sanity, my moral compass, my judgement, my mentality, and my memory. Even when they sexually assaulted me in the showers, the adults took no measure to bring them to justice. In fact, the adults did NOTHING, no matter how much I begged and cried to them for help. Rather than taking responsibility and addressing the situation head on, they'd only ask me what I could do to improve the situation without their help. In my case, it was nothing; I could only avoid them. But since I was at a boarding school in the middle of the woods, I had nowhere else to go. These kids were unhinged, if anything the adults were afraid of them. One of them threatened to kill me and another nearly broke my door down to steal my guitar. They even took advantage of the adults own mental illness, like when the art teacher was back from maternity leave, they use her mood swings to get her to side with them and blame me for their own problems. But the worst thing they did, but blackmail my only friend there to betray me, just like Kaworu. I was very suicidal that year, and wished I was never born. To this day, I still suffer PTSD from being psychologically abused by my peers and staff alike. Even as an adult, I was still mistreated by fellow adults. I can't help but feel paranoid that some people are out to get me, as I've been stalked, doxed, and threatened to be hunted down and killed by people online who wished me grievous harm since Lockdown. I want to watch this anime, but I am afraid of being triggered and spiraling into a relapse. Can anyone help?
@macessb7971 10 месяцев назад
Hello! Firstly, i would like to say that i hope you're ok now :))) Secondly and answering to your question, since this movie is about an (ex-)Bully trying to make up for his actions with his victim, i feel like if you have trouble or some guilty thinking about your bullies, maybe it'll make you feel bad (not sure thought) But, far from that, i would say it's fine For example: I dealt (and deal till today) with guilty for a long time of my life, and watching how Ishida deals with that guilty, how he sees himself like a monster, makes me feel represented somehow Maybe If you watch the movie you might finish It loving what you saw (But If you feel It's to much it's ok too :))))
@jasleenekaur9194 5 месяцев назад
Hi! I just want to start off by asking you if you are okay. For the part about the movie, I would say that even though it is 2 hours of nonstop sadness, it truly makes you appreciate what you have in your life. I watched this movie to get a better understanding of others, focusing on the body language and word and emotion queues in order to figure out how to truly comprehend the character of someone. If it is too triggering for you based on this, I would say don't watch it by focusing on the moral because it can be understood even by just watching the first couple and last couple of scenes. It might be better to just watch the movie without focusing on this aspect specifically because it will lighten the overall affect of the movie on your mindset. After, you can decide if you want to watch it for its true meaning. Hope this helps! ❤
@hawkeyenextgen7117 5 месяцев назад
Thanks, but what I"m hoping for is to watch this movie with someone, so I won't be alone if I have an anxiety attack.@@jasleenekaur9194
@klecksfirebr1489 3 месяца назад
To be completely honest. Yes, you should watch this movie. As a kid (6 yo) id always put the blame on me for litterally anything, it became such a huge problem that almost every day i would just stay in my room crying, wishing i would just die already. Tbh i rll think i had something wrong with like... everything in my brain. Because... for a kid? I was pretty messed up. But then 2 days ago i saw this movie. And it... to be honest just changed my view in life as a whole. I realized that... im not happy with myself. Im not happy with who i am. Because... i couldnt cry watching this movie. Everyone i know has said that it was impossible not to cry. I REALLY wanted to, but i just couldnt. It made me realize that... im not able to feel anything anymore. But... i want to feel something, i want to be able to cry, to express myself. Because... the way i tried to make myself better when i was little, was just to: not cry. Then... everytime i noticed i was about to cry or be really sentimental, i would just... bottle it all up and just live as normal. But... now im not able to cry. But... i dont want to be like this anymore, i want to change, i want to be able to feel something again. I'll try my best to release every feeling that has been stuck with me for the past like... decade. This movie is really life changing. And i think its the most important piece of media ive seen in my entire life.
@nevion5533 3 месяца назад
Just out of curiosity but, were you born with Asperger ?
@rahulpanwar9542 9 месяцев назад
Most difficult thing for a being is to forgive yourself
@Beaverghost6500 Год назад
I read this manga in 2013 and never forgot about the story. It's so powerful.
@everythinggirly916 3 месяца назад
I don't see many people using secondary sources in video essays, so I really enjoyed this. It's clear how much effort went into this video, from the research to the script and the editing. I don't think any other movie has resonated with me as much as A Silent Voice did. This might sound strange, but I've been in both Shoko's and Shoya's shoes. That moment when Shoya's classmates turned on him after he got in trouble hit me hard. Feeling disgusted with himself, trying to be a better person but fearing that he was sentenced to loneliness... I'd never related to a character so much before. I came across this movie not long after becoming a Christian, and I felt like this was God's confirmation that I was forgiven. On Christmas, I sent a letter of apology to the person I had wronged, and I was able to move on. The guilt doesn't just go away, but it's amazing that God knows me better than anyone and still loves me. A Silent Voice shows us that no matter what we've been through or what we've done, our past does not define us. So don't give up on others and don't give up on yourself, because God will never give up on you.
@breezywolf14 2 месяца назад
1:15 clean ahh transitions 😭
@IntuitionVE 2 месяца назад
OMG i've been waiting years for someone to notice this transition, thank you!!
@phalanxbeats8402 27 дней назад
@bumpycat3698 3 года назад
What the hell, I've literally just rewatched the tokyo ghoul video yesterday.
@lukaschumchal7797 Месяц назад
Something really missing in the movie. The self blame of shoko started prior to shoya interaction.
@loafoftofu6773 Год назад
This deserves so many more views, excellent video
@jokers_grin9860 2 года назад
This is a pretty good video man much love of how you explained everything in detail and give contexts of each theme just nice job hope you post again soon
@molcur9658 Год назад
keep up the good dont stop with the video essays the quality is inmaculate and the points hit hard
@Mohype Год назад
Please continue making content like this! Thank you for making this video essay!
@bl00dedsaints 2 года назад
This needs more views and likes, it was a great essay 😭
@QuiemRe 2 года назад
Amazing video !
@poufaki 2 года назад
Dude you are so talented
@sac7404 Год назад
Great analysis. I like how you quote the authors!
@JAKE-ng8yr 9 месяцев назад
Damn what a good video, so far the best out of 4 I watched about this anime. How does it only has 9k views and your channel 2k?
@Shooyaaa 2 месяца назад
i love this
@Rager925 Месяц назад
Damn bro your vids are so intriguing
@maytalacedo20 7 месяцев назад
amazing analysis it's inspiring that anyone can change.
@Shooyaaa 2 месяца назад
process of selfforgivenes i love it man
@Shooyaaa 2 месяца назад
i think its harder to forgett yourself than forgive otehrs
@ChrisSaintLive Год назад
Love this video
@IntuitionVE Год назад
thank you so much!
@dangerchopstick6129 3 года назад
Pretty good essay man
@IntuitionVE 3 года назад
thank you!
@ShelbyLikesStuff 5 месяцев назад
(This is my experience of being an 11-15 year old who has utilised my mental health [the issues include, anxiety that can render me disabled, severe depression, and suicidal ideation) to control someone, if that is too intense for you then do not read.) In late 2020 or early 2021 (or when I was 6-10) I had an argument months in the making with someone who I know know is my crush (my experience with said crush is toxic and troublesome, this is not because it is a queer love but because of the internalised homophobia, self loathing, and mental illness of myself) and who is my first friend. How that argument ended went something like this: She went quiet and I took the opportunity to say “You make me wish I was a dead clam.” and it soon ended after that, I do not remember what happened besides that one moment. All I know is that we stayed friends. I haven’t felt like a good person since, I don’t know if I ever did feel like a good person. Maybe it’s a result of the fact of me having had anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. Maybe it’s just been festering over the past years to the point where I wanna kill myself, the only reasons I didn’t in 2023 (early 2023) was because I told a teacher that I almost started self harm in a casual way, and I didn’t wanna leave the people caring about me thinking they could’ve stopped me from killing myself. Maybe if I hadn’t have gotten worse and stopped being human I wouldn’t want to start hurting myself and I wouldn’t have ideas related to killing myself. I dunno, I know what it feels like to think that someone killed themself, though we weren’t really friends then we are now, I don’t want them to hurt. I don’t think I want to see people hurt, I don’t think I want to hurt people. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to do either.
@JhonAronAdevino Месяц назад
Why you stop posting bro you have so much potential
@JhonAronAdevino Месяц назад
Why you stop posting? You have so much potential ☺️☺️
@Hungy Год назад
Recently remembered that some areas are showing A Silent Voice and I just had to view this video again haha Thank you for this content! It really tugged on my heart while watching this and being reminded of how powerful and moving this animated movie was. The movie was just filled with so many emotions throughout the whole movie, the imagery of the X marks on everyone and it all being lifted off was so touching. A memorable movie for sure!
@IntuitionVE Год назад
definitely, that ending really put me to tears 😭
@Befit.. Год назад
@@IntuitionVE I just watched all your videos and it really was a wonderful video essay can't wait for new videos in the future.
@soulkagexl9714 2 года назад
I would love to collab on a video
@The-qw3iz 3 года назад
BTW From now on which type of content do you think you would give To The Audience ..!?? . . . Personally I would say You should do something different than normal or maybe even sometimes Bizarre.....especially talk about Different Kinds of Medium of stories Whether it's a Hollywood, Anime or Korean Drama... . . Explain Some Doubts within a Community For an example: A Channel named Oceaniz has talked about stuffs which are very common yet....interesting Like Is Jojo a meme or a masterpiece..!!?? Or How much Deku actually cries..!!? And Would the Quirkless Deku storyline Have Been Any better than The Canon One..!!!?? . . . These are some topics Which are Quiet Popular in terms of Stereotype but Correcting If it's really True or not is a pretty interesting take on this and I guess Doing Something Unusual rather Than Just following a pattern is always a much better Option !!! (What do you Think..!??)
@IntuitionVE 3 года назад
I'm hoping to create content that looks at characters and stories from a psychological standpoint! I do intend on taking a look at material from Hollywood, manga, Korean dramas, etc., however what I have planned so far will remain a secret (; Thank you for the advice and ideas! They're very much appreciated.
@ahmedmohammad7300 2 года назад
@@IntuitionVE that would be awesome ♥️
@AlexisTheDragon 8 месяцев назад
shit, I thought this was a new season of re:zero for a moment.
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