
A Supernatural Birth: The New Birth with Steven Lawson 

Ligonier Ministries
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The new birth is not turning over a new leaf; it is receiving a new life. In this message, Dr. Steven Lawson explains how Scripture presents the Christian’s new birth as a supernatural event.
This message is from Dr. Lawson’s 12-part teaching series The New Birth. Learn more: www.ligonier.o...



9 сен 2024




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@ligonier 3 года назад
This message is from Steven Lawson's 12-part teaching series The New Birth. Watch the entire series: www.ligonier.org/learn/series/the-new-birth/
@denonjoka8848 3 года назад
Thanks Lingonier Ministries & May Our Great Almighty God Be With Yu All The Time.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️
@newyorknight 3 года назад
How refreshing to hear the teaching on this blessed subject. Amen
@arpanasaladi 3 года назад
Thank you so much Ligonier ministries for such treasure you guys give us. So edifying. Thank you Pastor Steven Lawson.
@denonjoka8848 3 года назад
Thanks Pst. Steven Lawson *4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Sermon of "A Supernatural Birth: A New Birth" Where I Say That I Have Been Blessed 4 When We Come 2 Christ, We're New Creatures 4 All Things Have Gone Away & New Things Have Come 4 When We Confess With Our Mouths That Jesus Christ Is Lord & Believe With Our Hearts God Raised Him From The Dead, We Will Be Saved 4 What Is Born of The Flesh Is Flesh & What Is Born of The Spirit Is Spirit Written In 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Romans 10:9 & John 3:6* & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Pst. Steven Lawson & Ligonier Ministries So Very Much 4 Yu are Always a Blessing.🙏🙏🕊️
@Froger26 3 года назад
Can there be any clearer presentation of the biblical truth of the necessity of spiritual rebirth from above? A monergistic act of God through the working of the Holy Spirit in the life of a lost soul. The Bible is clear on this point.
@Froger26 3 года назад
@Sage of Synergism The verse you quote actually refers to the truth of monergism if you read the whole sentence which is continued in verse 13. Who are those who "receive Him and believe on His name"? Verse 13, the continuation of John's statement, says it is those "who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man but of God". John is clearly saying that those who believe do so not because of their race or heritage (not of blood), not because of their own fleshly will or the will of any man, but solely by the doing of God. The very definition of monergism. There are many verses that speak to this truth. James 1:18 says that God "Of His own will brought us forth by the word of truth...." Not of our will and God's will working together. I love Acts 13:48 where a number of Gentiles among a group of Gentiles believed in Jesus after hearing Paul preach. Which Gentiles believed? "...and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed." Who did the appointing to eternal life? God did. These Gentiles did not appoint themselves to eternal life. What role did you or any of us play in our physical birth? Did we choose to be born? The same is true of the spiritual birth that comes from above. Jesus explained it this way to Nicodemus: "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit." The Spirit ("wind") blows where it wishes.
@Froger26 3 года назад
@Sage of Synergism Acts 13:46 is a statement to the Jewish people in the crowd. Paul and Barnabas are speaking to them specifically, not to all people everywhere. He is telling them that the Gospel was first preached to the Jewish nation. Since, with few exceptions, the Jews had rejected the Gospel, Paul and Barnabas are announcing that they are "turning to the Gentiles" to preach the Gospel. Nothing here supports your contention that this verse somehow refutes monergism. Since you have failed to respond to the various verses I have presented to you that clearly indicate that God is the sole author of salvation without the input of man, I assume you have no refutation of these Scriptural truths. That means that you either willingly reject the truth of Scripture or that you have been so blinded by Arminian heresies that you cannot see the truth when it is presented to you. I did answer your initial question, not with philosophical wisdom but with wisdom from the Scriptures. All of my Christian life I was raised in churches with a flawed soteriology. All Arminian synergism heresy. As I matured both in age and discernment I was led to see the error of this theological framework. May God open your blinded eyes as He did for me. God bless you as you consider these issues. I do not intend to respond to further argumentation with you since you are unwilling to consider the points I have made with Scriptural proofs.
@hr2r805 3 года назад
@Sage of Synergism you are STILL "carnal minded" and lost with NO spiritual change... No need for ANYONE to have a conversation with you... Continue to communicate with yourself and Satan 👹...
@dayleraynor463 3 года назад
@@Froger26 Behold I stand at three door and knock. If anyone open the door, I will come in and will sup with him. We were created with free wills. We must choose otherwise no need for Jesus to have gone to the cross.
@Froger26 3 года назад
@@dayleraynor463 This is one of the most abused Scriptures in the Bible. It does not say anything about the offer of salvation or “free will” (in so far as regeneration is concerned). In this passage Jesus is not offering salvation to anyone “who opens the door”. Like all Scripture this verse has to be read and understood in relation to its context. Revelations chapter three is Jesus’ letter to the church in Laodicea. These people are already converted Christians. Why would Jesus be offering them salvation if they are already saved? Read the whole chapter and you will clearly see that Jesus is scolding this church for their lukewarm faithfulness. It is clear that these are true Christians because Jesus in verse 19 says to them, “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent”. Immediately thereafter he extends to them the promise of intimate fellowship ( dining together) if they will only “open the door”. This is the only place exercise of free will comes into play. Sanctification indeed is a synergistic activity, involving the willing participation of the believer with God. Rebirth from above, on the other hand, is a monergistic work of God.
@williamdecastro3678 3 года назад
Hearing from Brazil!
@cendallitak8140 Год назад
Same, but I'm Australian, are you in Rio maybe ? I'll be here for 2 months and want a good church and christian friend !❤️
@margcarter3758 3 года назад
That right! Not of works, lest any man should boast! We passed from death unto life at the point of our new birth!
@ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST 8 месяцев назад
When was ypu born again the new birth
@mrjbrownell 3 года назад
Amen Brother Steve. 🙏🌾📖
@markusw.2690 2 года назад
@Bibliotechno 3 года назад
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
@reemsuekar8112 3 года назад
@marylamb6063 3 года назад
Salvation is a gift that has to be earned on our part with a sinless life. "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." If you stumble and sin once, you don't love God. This is why so few will enter his kingdom. Being born again is symbolic. Nothing really happens. it just means that we commit ourselves to God's commands without exception.
@56pjr 3 года назад
you are sadly confused. You need some sound teaching. You need to be born again.
@tarahtaylor6207 2 года назад
Read the book of Ephesians, it is a gift of God so no one can boast
@fredsavory9789 Год назад
If you're living by law, and you're trying to live your Christian life according to rules and regulations - 'I have to read my Bible every day, I have to pray so long everyday, I have to go down my shopping list everyday, and I have to not say this and do this' - well, that's all well and good, but it could be a symptom that you're not living in the power of the Holy Ghost!
@cendallitak8140 Год назад
This is a painfully painful horrible absolutely unbiblical statment. It's so so wrong my heart hurt. Please re read the whole new testiment
@fredsavory9789 Год назад
If you're living by law, and you're trying to live your Christian life according to rules and regulations - 'I have to read my Bible every day, I have to pray so long everyday, I have to go down my shopping list everyday, and I have to not say this and do this' - well, that's all well and good, but it could be a symptom that you're not living in the power of the Holy Ghost!
@berglen100 3 года назад
@marcellofranceschini1770 3 года назад
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