
A Thousand Eyes by Miracle Of Sound ft. Aviators (Bloodborne) (Symphonic Metal) 

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29 сен 2024




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@SoundOfTheAviators 5 лет назад
Oh man, this one turned out beautifully! Thanks for hosting me on a tribute to my favorite game of all time. I can already feel my insight growing...
@Spin_Harmony 5 лет назад
@Aviators This song is amazing! Great job! :)
@unclechair2208 5 лет назад
It was the greates crossover since endgame
@Ragnarockalypse 5 лет назад
Excellent performance! I'll check out your Bloodborne songs as well.
@blakechandler167 5 лет назад
@@Ragnarockalypse His are really good as well.
@numuhukumakiakiaialunamor5174 5 лет назад
@@Ragnarockalypse 'When Our Bodies Wash Ashore' is probably the most atmospheric song I've ever heard
@sunbrolq84i88 5 лет назад
"Paleblood will guide your way" "Look to the inside to break the seals" _Embrace the changes and be consumed_ ... "Bleed out the dark decay" _Bleak bells that chime dismay_ ... "Ascend to places beyond the real!!" _Echo the cries of the PALEBLOOD MOON_ chills every time XD
@rpaplham14 5 лет назад
Those lyric changes messed me up for a little while
@bombsawaykaboom980 5 лет назад
SunbroLQ84i “And the cogs creek a melody” “Hear the deafening dirges rise” Sing a lullaby for the doom... “And the ones who will never be” “Behold the end with a thousand eyes” Will find a vessel in the Paleblood moon...
@RoyalMudcrab 5 лет назад
Mirrors of the opposing philospohies and means of trascendance in Bloodborne. Byrgenwerth espoused insight, the Church the use of the Old Blood.
@jeova0sanctus0unus 5 лет назад
its kind of like this one was written by Provost Willem, and the old one was from Laurence.
@HighPriestFuneral 5 лет назад
@@RoyalMudcrab I had a slightly different take, one based on the ending received. I feel the first song was more around the 2nd ending. Defeating Gehrman and taking his role. "Find a vessel in the Paleblood Moon". This one seems to be about breaking the Moon Presence's influence and ascending to become an infant Great One. "Behold the end with a thousand eyes". Along with the lyrics "Look to the inside to break the seals." But that's just my interpretation, both are valid.
@baum3715 4 года назад
There is something really peculiar about you music, in a good way. Whenever I listen to a song I have not heard before I just think to myself: "Yeah that was nice, but I'm not sure if I like it that much." The next day I catch myself humming the melody quietly and desperately trying to remember the lyrics. A bit later I feel the urge to listen to the song again. And again. And again. And again.
@SorowFame 4 года назад
I'm pretty much the same, "oh, I guess this is good but it isn't quite my thing" another listen later "how could I not love this song the first time?"
@archer8492 5 лет назад
As if my profile icon wasn't enough of a giveaway, I love Bloodborne. This takes the elements of both of your styles and melds them together beautifully. The appreciation of the lore in the lyrics, the building of the song through the perspectives of different characters and the crescendo calling back to the hook of 'Paleblood Moon' all just works beutifully. Fantastic job guys. Also, shoutout to Blackheart Music Videos for the vid's editing, really impressive and seriously makes me want to play it through yet again!
@dovargorath2722 2 года назад
I'm a bonfire that I drue
@KaysSNaah 5 лет назад
I saw bloodborne +miracle= jump to the notif
@GilCAnjos 4 года назад
I never played Bloodborne, but I still can't believe how much I love this song. What an absolute banger
@jeremus1912 5 лет назад
Gavin Dunne. Aviators. Thank God for you both and your talents. I love the music you guys create and this is one of my new favorite songs ever. You both have created a bunch of amazing music that I love. This song is a match made in Heaven from both of you. Keep up the great work on your music guys. I can't wait to see what y'all do next.
@androski5247 4 года назад
I found it so strange yet I'm so grateful for the fact that the first Aviators song I listened to, Let there be Fire, featured MoS, and the first MoS song I've heard, this one, features Aviators. One led to the other, and now in my mind these two artists are just linked for me, if I think of one I'll think of the other.
@Rost1403 5 лет назад
For some reason, I translated it into Ukrainian: "Тисяча очей Відкрийте всередині Дайте мені зір, щоб я побачив кінець Тисяча очей - Прокляття мудрих У божевілля я спускаюся Багато місяців Я гаяв час самотньо Багато снів я спостерігав Тепер я чекаю на нижчого ніж я Щоб воскреснути і втрутитись З церков і каплиць Прийшли ті, кого ми мусимо переслідувати І хоч довго я скидав кайдани Я побачу свій тягар І чи можете ви почути, як хор співає Для супутників блідої крові Спостерігати за закінченням всього У цю довгу ніч Тисяча очей Відкрийте всередині Дайте мені зір, щоб побачити кінець Тисяча очей Прокляття мудрих У божевілля я спускаюся З мого останнього посту я обдумую Нескінченність і величність У сліпоті я все ще блукаю Хоча мій час майже минув Є речі, які я хотів навчити вас Переконання моїх установ Ховається прямо за кутами Наших власних реалій І чи можете ви почути, як хор співає Чиї голоси сягаюсь шпилів Гімни хочуть ще лунати Молитвами на вустах брехунів Тисяча очей Відкрийте всередині Дайте мені зір, щоб побачити кінець Тисяча очей Прокляття мудрих У божевілля я спускаюся Тисяча очей Відкрийте всередині Дайте мені зір, щоб побачити кінець Чим більше я бачу Чим далі я складаю У божевілля я спускаюся А зубці скриплять мелодію Почуйте, як піднімається оглушливий похоронний спів І ті, кого ніколи не буде Погляньте на кінець тисячею очей Бліда кров провадить ваш шлях Подивіться всередину, як ламаються печатки Кровоточить пітьма, гниє Підніміться до місць поза реальністю" I'm not lazy, don't offend me
@Voc_spooksauce 5 лет назад
I'm not Ukrainian,but i thank for the ones who are
@Rost1403 5 лет назад
@@Voc_spooksauce, well l'm thanks
@Voc_spooksauce 5 лет назад
@@Rost1403 You're welcome,fella
@ТарасПрус-г2н 4 года назад
Крутий переклад)!
@fog5835 4 года назад
Ayy Ukraine gang
@L4nc34l0t 5 лет назад
Now THAT is a nice day: listening to a new miracle of sound song and finding a signed Aviators CD in my mailbox ^^
@thechaotichuntress 5 лет назад
Song fits the grim mood of bloodborne, as a person that plays through the game to experience the sense of fear the game can install on your mind I applaud you for this.
@Victor-056 5 лет назад
I was imagining Power walking at the first half... Then the reference to Paleblood Moon started, and I was _PUMPED!_
@TyrantsRemedy 5 лет назад
Your best song easily,both you and aviators are embodiments of musical legends! I love this game and I'm glad to see another song for it
@VladtheImpaler_99 5 лет назад
I've been waiting for this for 4 years! Not disappointed!
@blitzisfun 2 года назад
I like how it seems to follow the lore, as a lore person it’s a massive thing to me, an Bloodborne has such an intricate lore, part of why I like it. I will be listening to this on my next beast hunt
@edyorozco7000 5 лет назад
This reminded me why I love bloodborne so much
@kennyblankenship5472 5 лет назад
What an absolute masterpiece Gavin! I can't stop listening to it! I still don't know how you do it! Please release more like this!!!!
@invertum 2 года назад
So, I have been listening to this song for a month now and after just watching the video for the first time, I have discovered that verses 1 and 2 aren't about the PC hunter (Player Character Hunter) Verse 1 (Gehrman) "Many moons I've lingered lonely Many dreams I've overseen Now I wait for one below me To arise and intervene". We know from his title that Gehrman was the first hunter of the workshop. He is also the manager of the hunter's dream created by the moon presence. That is the dream we awaken in at the start of the game. "From the churches and the chapels Came the ones we must pursue And though I long to be unshackled I shall see my burden through" The hunter's dream was designed to hunt products of the beastly scourge. It is the healing church's blood ministration that leads to the beastly scourge. Gehrman, though the manager of the dream,, has grown tired of the role for obvious reasons. Regardless, he chooses to remain in his role despite knowing the way out (dying) which is why when the PC hunter chooses the second or third ending, Gehrman attributes it to madness for he knows what sort of a burden it is to be stuck forever in the nightmarish realm of the dream. Which is why he decides to fight and force the PC hunter out of the dream "And can you hear the choir sing For pale blood satellites To watch the end of everything On this longest night" Another reference to the healing church; a sect Gehrman was affiliated to. Their use of the pale blood is what caused the hunt in the first place, and now on the longest night (the recurring Hunter's Dream) Gehrman is forced once again to watch the end of Yharnam Verse 2 (Master Willieme) "From my final perch I ponder On the infinite and vast In the blindness I still wander Though my time has almost passed" Master Willieme is first found by the PC hunter on a rocking chair in an elevated section of Bergwerth College. He is old and simply passing his final moments on the chair, having found out the true secret to enlightenment. Eyes. Still, he doesn't have enough and as such he still wanders in blindness. "There are things I longed to teach you In my institutions' creeds Lurking just behind the corners Of our own realities" The institution here of course is Bergwerth College, and the main secret Master Willieme can teach us involves the lining of eyes to the mind with umbilical cords. This births great ones, and there is one (a success of the procedure) to be found (Rom the vacuous spider) when we follow Master Willieme's instruction and investigate the body of water ahead of him. "And can you hear the choir sing Voices fill the spires Hymns of want still echoing Prayers on the lips of liars" Again another reference to the healing church, this time made by Master Willieme himself. The healing church was started by some of Master Willieme's old students. They pray for and seek enlightenment, but they go about it the wrong way with the use of pale blood which in turn caused the beastly scourge. Hence master Willieme refers to them as liars/deceivers for he warned them (particularly the church's founder, Lawrence) about the blood. The rest of the song including the chorus is more reference to the eldritch truth of the world of bloodborne. it is thus fitting that 2 of the most informed characters about what really lurks behind the veil (Great Ones) are the ones who speak in verses 1 and 2
@MsNothinghere 5 лет назад
Gonna have to listen to this for a couple more times before it grows on me but when it does I'm sure I'll love it
@WeaponGuy117 5 лет назад
Your music, especially the DS and BB inspired ones, simply magnificent and I don't even play those games.
@dovargorath2722 2 года назад
A thousand ears the blessing of the wise
@DingleDarn 5 лет назад
Aw sheeeeit that callback to Paleblood Moon got me all giddy inside, love this one!
@CantTreadOnMe 3 года назад
The goosebumps and watery eyes just feeling Bloodborne is the real phenomenon....
@davidbrussard-composer7372 5 лет назад
Ah, what's that sound? The sweet music, it sings to me!
@zacharypederson6816 5 лет назад
Enough to make a man sick.
@saintjynr 5 лет назад
Good lord, sometimes I'll go a long time without listening to one of his songs (for example, I don't really care for GoT), and everytime I come back I'm amazed by the new one
@Whodjathink 5 лет назад
I was wondering why this sounded like The Way of the Strong song, it's because BOTH AVIATORS AND MIRACLE OF SOUND MADE IT!!!!! Two great tastes that taste great together and this was amazing!
@noks3111 5 лет назад
You guys are awesome. Really love your collaborations
@gabrielcanejo187 4 года назад
This really is the perfect Bloodborne song.
@nyarlathoteptheweebkiller7286 2 года назад
listening to this while playing Elden Ring is oddly satisfying
@wrenbeck3370 3 года назад
I like how chaotic it gets towards the end!
@mypowerbob 5 лет назад
Adore the "Paleblood Moon" part
@weeturtle8058 2 года назад
This song is still awesome!
@weeturtle8058 Год назад
Still awesome. ;)
@metacooler5947 5 лет назад
Nice to know 4 years later you can still make epic songs about the best game ever made.
@Knurlurzhad 5 лет назад
Also, the Paleblood Moon callback was magnificent
@stynger02 5 лет назад
I love the callbacks to Paleblood Moon. They fit so well with the rest of this song.
@Rost1403 4 года назад
More or less correct russian translation: "Тысячу глаз Открой внутри Дай мне зрение,чтобы увидеть конец Тысяча глаз - Проклятие мудрых В безумие я спускаюсь Много лун Я задержался в одиночестве Много снов я лицезрел Теперь я жду кого-то ниже меня Чтобы возникнуть и вмешаться Из церквей и часовен Пришли те, кого мы должны преследовать И хоть долго я освобождался Я таки увижу свое бремя Можете ли вы услышать, как хор поет? Для спутников бледной крови Помотреть конец всего В эту длинную ночь Тысячу глаз Откройте внутри Дайте мне зрение, чтобы увидеть конец Тысяча глаз - Проклятие мудрых В безумие я спускаюсь Из моего последнего поста я размышляю О бесконечном и обширном В слепоте я еще брожу Хотя мое время почти прошло Есть вещи, которые я хотел научить тебя Вероучениях моих учреждений Прячется за углами Наших собственных реалий Можете ли услышать, как хор поет? Голоса наполняют шпили Гимны все еще хотят звучать Молитвами на устах лжецов Тысячу глаз Откройте внутри Дайте мне зрение, чтобы увидеть конец Тысяча глаз - Проклятие мудрых В безумие я спускаюсь Тысячу глаз Откройте внутри Дайте мне зрение, чтобы увидеть конец Чем больше я вижу Чем большего я лишаюсь В безумие я спускаюсь Зубцы скрипят мелодию Услышь, как поднимается оглушытельная панахида И те, кто никогда не будет Видят конец с тысячей глаз Бледная кровь направит ваш путь Посмотрите внутрь, чтобы сломать печати Выпусти тьму, разложившись Поднимитесь в места за пределами реального Бледня кровь направит ваш путь Посмотрите внутрь, чтобы сломать печати Выпусти тьму, разложись Поднимитесь в места за пределами реального"
@денисчиняев-ъ5ю 4 года назад
святой человек!
@Rost1403 4 года назад
@thesplittzcreengamer2299 4 года назад
thank you comrade i shall sieze and distribute this
@Rost1403 4 года назад
Nice ^^
@nobody4603 5 лет назад
I absolutely love the fact that you took into mind that we loved paleblood moon and brought it back at the end!! Fantastic!
@michaellittle7332 5 лет назад
Damn. You really caught the essence of the game's style with this one. Dark, gothic, and carrying a chill that hints to unspeakable things that come. This song is needed if they decide to do a sequel.
@Charming_Charlien 5 лет назад
HOLY BLOODY SHIT. New fav song. You guys work so well together
@aleksandarmalovic8535 5 лет назад
When the Paleblood Moon sequence kicked in... just chills...
@tschesnek3567 5 лет назад
Holy frick, that was so sudden and I love it
@marcuslasuhenriksson4165 5 лет назад
man this one hits all the note's for me, the singing point on and the music matched it the entire way,
@cyruslupercal9493 5 лет назад
That variation on Paleblood Moon is brilliant. :D
@TheJack02000 5 лет назад
You are some kind of a genius
@meb4224 5 лет назад
I know absolutely nothing about this game (other than it's from the same company as Dark Souls and that eldritch abominations are involved), but this song alongside the visuals have made me intrigued! Excellent work!
@Falx415 5 лет назад
Brilliant! Glorious! Truly Awesome! Seriously this made me really want to play Bloodborne again, Beautifully well done!
@AftermathRV 4 года назад
intro. reminds me of Blue oyster cult "dont fear the reaper" for some reason.
@taitia8619 4 года назад
No, I totally hear it too
@Dante_-ed4pf 4 года назад
Same man. Grew up with that shit🤟
@TheAsylumCat 5 лет назад
Lyrics are on point as always
@BatVader-ne6kf 5 лет назад
Let the hunt begin again! Love what you've been doing recently! Keep it up Gav!
@melvinmajtara4949 5 лет назад
One of the most amazing music i have ever heard
@penprp 5 лет назад
You guys are two for two on the awesome collaborations. This is wonderful.
@locallysteamedhams5215 5 лет назад
What an amazing song you have written here gav
@stevethebarbarian9876 5 лет назад
Aviators and Miracleofsound collaborate on a Bloodborne song? I can die happy.
@CaptainGrimm24 5 лет назад
This is a amazing song. Great job. Its beautiful. Im soooo happy that you did another song for bloodborne
@MultiCP9 5 лет назад
I still adore Bloodborne, easily my favorite From Soft game, one of my favorite games in general and one of the few games I have pushed to Platinum, so seeing this made me so very happy. Made even better with Paleblood Moon being added in as a beautiful callback.
@snonyabeeswax 3 месяца назад
how does youtube hide such bangers? should be at the top of my recommendations!
@RommelTheDesertFox 5 лет назад
I loved your, "Paleblood Moon" song. I love this. You have reignited my love of bloodborne, thank you
@Interfector0 5 лет назад
NIGHTMARE SLAIN Love this, both the music and the video. Thanks guys, you are both amazing!
@phoeber5425 5 лет назад
Well I'm definitely replaying bloodborne again
@AFrickingOrange 4 года назад
I still think this is your best song. It's thematically perfect.
@Holydiver60 4 года назад
Can't wait for this to come to pc
@Tyr_Hymirson 5 лет назад
another rocking song
@Vinzwien 5 лет назад
This was an amazing song thank you for this beautiful piece of art!
@KubinWielki 5 лет назад
Gavin, please... As if waiting for Bloodborne's PC release wasn't hard enough without you fueling the smoldering fire :P Great job, though!
@johnnybigbones4955 5 лет назад
If you can tolerate 30fps and some very rare drops in graphical fidelity, you can play Bloodborne on PC through Playstation Now. I played it the whole way through and did not find any issues with input lag or any of that bar a few isolated times when my connection wavered.
@KubinWielki 5 лет назад
@@johnnybigbones4955 Hmm... true that, I totally forgot about console streaming. Well, I might just check it out. Thanks!
@johnnybigbones4955 5 лет назад
@@KubinWielki Glad to help!
@elkacper 5 лет назад
This duo is the best!
@logankauenhofen8913 5 лет назад
That was a fine note
@SangoProductions213 5 лет назад
Damn. This was a hype song.
@Artemisarrowzz 4 года назад
This song fits the theme of Dragon's Dogma so well, had I not known that Bloodborne was it's inspiration I would have thought it was actually about the jorney of the Arisen, Seneschal and Pawn.
@angelo6647 5 лет назад
great stuff as always
@Velkan1396 5 лет назад
Unexpected, fabulous
@kellinquinn013 5 лет назад
This song gave me enough insight to see a- OH MY GOD THERE'S AMYGDALA EVERYWHERE
@rpaplham14 5 лет назад
I still owe that prick for one-shotting me.....
@ghostyha 5 лет назад
Thanks for the fantastic songs!!! Fear the old blood)
@dragonlord1935 5 лет назад
That callback to Paleblood Moon is the best part of the song imo.
@seancampbell2865 5 лет назад
Awesome song
@Kroododile553 5 лет назад
Oooooooh! This is a good one!!
@noeguajardo3829 5 лет назад
Apenas llegó al millón de visitas chalé que injusticia esto se merece mucho mas
@normanhabel1841 3 года назад
For this my friend I give you a new world when this Ends.... GEZ. Nordman from The Demon Land.
@Redstar2613 5 лет назад
I'm really glad to see a new video for an old game. It sucks how most youtubers only make videos related to what's brand new (unless their whole thing is about old stuff).
@dragonllig790 5 лет назад
It just hit me dark souls and game of thrones Seam to have been some of your biggest inspirations elden ring is a fromsoftware game + George rr Martin now I’m anticipating an amazing song for it as well as it to be an amazing game
@WolfkinNorthclaw 5 лет назад
I need this again as well Dark Souls II and III.
@Narnio01 5 лет назад
Mmph. Bloodborne is THE best. And another Miracle Of Sound and Aviators working together again for it? You spoil us.
@verriganholmes8054 5 лет назад
I'm not much for souls-like games, but I'd totally play Bloodborne if it ever comes to PC. Also, Gav + Aviators + Blodborne = Perfection.
@990zapper 5 лет назад
Awesome. Now if only we could get something for Shadows Die Twice.
@kennyhenderson2716 5 лет назад
Great song man
@molsy1768 5 лет назад
Guess I'll have to get psnow and try out this game
@wetrowka 5 лет назад
This song is fcking awesome!!!
@bustanut5540 3 года назад
Why is this age restricted? This so amazing!
@hotwill100 3 года назад
Age content blocked? Sad such a good video for it to be hit this hard. But still lobe the music video and all of your work
@xavisalomo 5 лет назад
Good quality
@crit2074 4 года назад
Ah yes..... Kos, or some say Kosm.... Into the madness we descend!!
@jishthegrimm1774 5 лет назад
On this longest night, Nick Gurh joins the hunt.
@Andyvet43 5 лет назад
This song was amazing I love your work your one the best musicians out there don't stop doing what your doing. hey do you think you could do another song for destiny 2 forsaken if not then that's ok your work is the best.
@generalerica4123 5 лет назад
Makes me wish I had a thousand ears...
@AntediluvianGirl 5 лет назад
I love how this is seemingly sung by Gehrman
@Mae_forrest 5 лет назад
@varunkapur5640 5 лет назад
Reminded me of the days when i used to listen to Iron Maiden
@Morec0 5 лет назад
A thousand eyes wait for Bloodborne 2
@Blandy8521 5 лет назад
And yet another trailer for Bloodborne
@bazelgeese1283 5 лет назад
aaaah songs like these any why i cant help but sqeel every time MOS notifications appear in my tab