
Actual Science vs Carnivore Fiction 

Plant Chompers
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7 сен 2024




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@lillefrance7406 3 месяца назад
I was in France visiting family. They had a well loved sportscaster die of a heart attack in his 40s. They had a special on TV about heart disease and what to do about it. They repeatedly cited the Framingham Study.
@justinw1765 3 месяца назад
Isn't France a bit of an exception to the trend seen in the 7 nations study? I believe it even has a label called the French paradox. The French are known to eat A LOT of cheese for example, and yet have less issues than many other nations that have a very high saturated fat diet. While I think saturated fat is a big part of the picture of health (or lack thereof) , there are many other factors too. For example, I learned that a lot of the dairy cows in France are still of the older breeds that produce only A2 casein. Here in North America, it is the opposite. Many of the cows here have the relatively recent A1 casein mutation, where they produce both A1 and A2 casein proteins. Speaking from personal experience, I think that makes a big difference. I'm extremely intolerant of non cultured or briefly cultured A1 mixed dairy (minus yogurt). One of the biggest symptoms is that it turns me into a hyper mucous factory for a couple of days, much like I have a cold/infection of some kind. Meanwhile, A2 only dairy doesn't bother me in the slightest. Anyways, all this to say is that the picture is probably a lot more complicated/multi factored than many give it credit for.
@CharlieFader 3 месяца назад
@@justinw1765there’s a debate about whether there is a paradox to begin with. Underreported CVD deaths is one explanation, high vegetable consumption is a another, probably a combination of the two.
@justinw1765 3 месяца назад
@@CharlieFader Yes, all potential considerations. I wasn't trying to say that saturated fat was in any way health promoting. It's clear that, especially in excess, it contributes to lots of various health issues.
@wendycarter5718 3 месяца назад
You can fool some of the people all of the time !!!
@wendycarter5718 3 месяца назад
@@justinw1765Ooh yes !!! Lets eat rancid seed oil instead !! Yum!!
@marilynbeth5993 3 месяца назад
I'm going to mention this again. I lowered my cholesterol by more than a hundred point by diet alone. It's now been two years since I first saw a number under 180. I had a cholesterol over 280. Statins didn't reduce my cholesterol more than twenty points. Eating less meat and more vegetables made the change.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
I was surprised when Dr. Levy said so emphatically that you cannot get the lowering by diet alone that you can get from statins. Some people seem to be able to, like you. 👏
@SCwirlify 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers Sugar lowers LDL cholesterol. Especially in lean people. The lipid energy model explains how and why.
@carinaekstrom1 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers Yes, I think it would be a very common result if people just did it. But I think Dr. Levy meant that people are not willing to do it with diet.
@jwestfalldavis3574 3 месяца назад
Me, too!
@BartBVanBockstaele 3 месяца назад
In my case, cholesterol was always fine, but I had a blood pressure of over 220 systolic. Changing my diet (which only became possible after I found a way of eating that did not make me miserable) allowed me to lose well over 60 kg and lower my blood pressure to around 110 systolic. Weight loss was almost certainly the cause, but that loss was made possible by diet, in combination with willpower (another dirty word these days).
@georgewilson7808 29 дней назад
Dairy consumption increases breast cancer. Dairy is full of the hormone estradiol because the dairy cow is milked while it is pregnant and it has been measured in the milk. The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2 showed the more milk the Adventists consumed the higher the breast cancer. This study was confirmed by a study in China, CHINA KADOORIE BIOBANK STUDY. The Conclusion: The more dairy you consume the higher your breast cancer risk. ¼ cup/day of milk increases breast cancer risk by 17%.
@myhorse52 3 месяца назад
The reason people follow those social media people that put out content that may not be true, is because they are saying what they want to hear. People don't really want to know the truth unless it fits into their narrative.
@VeridianBlues 3 месяца назад
Exactly. Majority of people lack discipline and are hedonistic, self-indulgent and self-serving. If you tell them to continue to do what they have been doing for years and that is not YOU who is the problem but imaginary "evil doctors/bill gates/government" - you are their savior. In the case of doctors who promote quasi carnivore diet, they only ask you to remove "veggies" - something that these people haven't been eating at all or were eating in very small quantities. It becomes even easier. They will just go to one isle and grab some corpses - no thought given. Slap some bombastic words, such as "grass fed/humanely abused" - and they will dish out money feeling good about the bad thing.
@xnoreq 3 месяца назад
The platform providers (or "content curators") are also to blame for that. Once you click a few of those videos you will almost exclusively get recommended videos/content creators that follow the same theme. Being trapped in such a bubble not only reinforces ignorance, it convinces people that they know the truth™ even though they know very little and a lot of it is misinformation.
@roberthutchins3435 3 месяца назад
A Man Or Woman Believes What They Want To Believe And Disregard The Rest
@xnoreq 3 месяца назад
@@roberthutchins3435 While it may appear to be that simple at the surface, it is not true. There are plenty of instances where people change their mind given the right information even though they wanted to believe the opposite. I myself struggled with some false beliefs for years. Especially those we're brought up with and surrounded by are hard to shake off.
@mattyb1624 3 месяца назад
Those "influencers", whom are actually doctors with decades of experience, saved my life. Plants, specifically fibre put me in hospital twice. You're the one who is ignorant of the truth.
@Perenbarn 3 месяца назад
It's disheartening that the passion and dedication of genuine scientists often go unrecognized. These incredible individuals dedicate their work and love to the greater good, yet many people dismiss their contributions in favor of having their egos boosted by quacks. This tendency to overlook real expertise in favor of self-serving pseudo-science is truly saddening.
@lynnritchie231 3 месяца назад
We all like to hear good news about our bad habits. I'm waiting for the day cake is classed as a superfood.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
​@@lynnritchie231 That's a funny thing to say as there are many super food cake recipes out there. It mostly only takes a cake to be gluten free, vegan and contain some 'superfood' ingredients to achieve superfood cake status, it seems. There are also actual studies claiming eating candy is good for your health. You would have never guess the sponsorship of studies like this in a million years, however. 🙃 So you don't have to wait, that day have arrived long before today. And superfood isn't a proper term, only a marketing and social media gimmick. There are more 'superfoods' out there are care to count and new ones are proclaimed all the time.
@johnnypineapple4140 3 месяца назад
Remember to get your covid vaccine boosters!!
@BartBVanBockstaele 3 месяца назад
@@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x I eat superfoods every day, except that no one calls them that. They are called, beans, lentils, grains, onions, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, and much more. "super" reminds me of "premium". Both meaningless terms that only indicate that they are more expensive than they should be.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
@@BartBVanBockstaele Agreed. Which is exactly why the non scientific marketing term was invented in the first place. To jack up prices and demand. For example I'd just eat a tad bit more grapes than gojis, thank you. Grapes have less sugar than goji berries anyway. Grapes also have less dietary covers and somewhat less vitamin C but legumes and oats and psyllium do exists. Other berries and paprika and citruses more than cover that. Basically most whole foods can be considered super anyway. (Of course I also eat gojis when they are available at a discount because varietas delectat.) Cabbage that you have mentioned relatively lately became superfood and sauerkraut is fashionable in the US. My ancestors have already ate those for millennia, thank you. One needs a super diet and lifestyle, not trendy food trends.
@benjammin105123 3 месяца назад
80, 90, and 100 year old doctors still working and making a difference. What more information do you need?
@georgewilson7808 29 дней назад
The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. The ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2 found the more animal products the 7th day Adventists removed from the human diet, the lower the body weight and the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Participants: 96,000 Adventists living in the U.S. and Canada
@vince1229 3 месяца назад
If humans are vegetarians why are there undigested vegetables in the toilet but all animal products have been completely assimilated? Ask someone with a colostomy bag.
@roligue 2 месяца назад
@hansvanderwaal4684 2 месяца назад
The won't as. As then it will turn out they are wrong and they will lose their religion
@joanbischoff5972 2 месяца назад
S M H. Just keep telling yourself what you want to hear, okay? 😉
@kayegooey7454 2 месяца назад
That's indigestible fibre. Also, people that don't chew food properly swallow large chunks of food, i.e., carrots and other hard vegetables and viola. Chunks in the bowl.
@GordonPavilion 2 месяца назад
The carnivore diet (also called a zero carb diet) is a high-protein fad diet in which only animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy are consumed. The carnivore diet is associated with pseudoscientific health claims. The Carnivore Diet, is nothing but a TikTok, RU-vid and Facebook Food Fad. It’s a diet where people are trying to “talk-it-right”…magical thinking.
@peterbedford2610 3 месяца назад
Interviews with the actual researchers is far more Informative than all these people giving us their interpretation of their work. Thank you.
@anir8023 23 дня назад
Are those actual researchers paid by Windows philanthropist mister Gates ?
@pentapox9665 3 месяца назад
You all can do as you will, no judgement. But from actual experience, the carnivore diet drastically improved every aspect of my health. I am stronger, my cardio is better, my skin is better, my hair grows faster, my energy level is way more steady. My inner voice is significantly more relaxed and my thoughts don't make my heart race anymore. My anxiety is vastly improved. I no longer have inflammation in my joints and gut. My stools are significantly less gross. My body fat has gone from over 20% to under 12%. I used to suffer from hypertension. Now my blood pressure is perfect. I know people who eat mostly a plant based diet believe that this can't be true, but have any of you actually tried it? You guys realize that mainstream health and dietary science is often later found out to be totally wrong, right? The doctor who realized that microbes spread diseases actually died in an insane asylum. He was committed by his peers. His suggestion that they wash their hands before treating patients offended their sensibilities so much that he was openly mocked.
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
My hair color is coming back.
@pentapox9665 2 месяца назад
@@nataliegist2014 That is amazing. I really hope that happens to me, I am relatively new so I feel like I am just tapping into the health improvements that I'll make. The hair on top of my head is still dark, but my side hair and beard have waaaay too much grey for my liking.
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
@@pentapox9665 My eyelashes or translucent. The hair on my head was a beautiful silvery white. I looked at it today and it has black hairs showing up as well as brown, over all It looks blonde. And I have absolutely know split ends. I was a barber/Cosmetologist and cutting split end off should be the only way to get rid of them.
@pentapox9665 2 месяца назад
@@stevet5549 In the previous 3 years to carnivore, I kept trying and tweaking versions of the socially approved healthy diets. I started while working outside sales. I was on the go, so I started having a green smoothie to start my day every day. From there I got into chia seeds, almonds and nuts. I switched white bread for whole grain and white rice for brown rice. After about a year of gradual adjustments, I ended up eating what most would consider a healthy diet with a once a week cheat day where I could have one meal that was fast food or just whatever. I still ate red meat, but most of my meat at this point was chicken and fish. I ate eggs and dairy. Milk in my coiffe. Lots of milk and lots of coffee. I would keep peanut butter and jelly and graham crackers in the house so I wouldn't turn to candy if I was overtaken by sugar cravings. On the whole I would say my diet wasn't perfect before, but it was probably batter than most people. What I have learned is that your body needs cholesterol to regulate your hormones. I think my diet being low in cholesterol and animal fats, plus being high in fiber and oxalates, was really messing me up. Fiber is useless. I have not had any fiber at all for months and I poop way better than I did while I was eating it. Our food pyramid is upside down. Animal fats are the most important part of the diet, IMO.
@pentapox9665 2 месяца назад
@@stevet5549 I was eating "healthy" with a cheat day once a week for a couple years prior. Most of my meat was fish and chicken. Brown rice. Whole grain bread. Seeds and nuts for snacks. I did drink a lot of coffee, probably too much. And I would drink a lot of milk as well. If I needed sugar, I would usually do pb&j on graham crackers but mostly try not to eat too much sugar. I was active too. I know I talked about my issues, but I never stopped doing stuff over them even though it was tough. I was doing BJJ classes 3-4 days a week. On carnivore, I can rest more from exercise. Eating the "superfood" way I was constantly watching my weight and would overwork if it started bothering me too much. Now, I can take weeks off and not only do I not gain weight, but I also don't lose any muscle. I'll sum it up this way. Eating chia seeds and whole grains, I felt like I was constantly fighting a battle against deterioration. I had to be vigilant, and even though I did my best, I was still deteriorating at what seemed to me like a rapid rate. I am in my late 40s, if you are wondering. On the carnivore diet, I feel the opposite of that, really. My bodyfat is lower than when I was in my 20s, and I don't have to count a single calorie. I just eat until I am not hungry anymore. My skin is still improving. My hair is thicker and healthier. I don't get hangnails anymore. My energy level is steady and consistent. My memory is better. I definitely feel like my body gets way more of what it needs on this diet than on the recommended diets.
@Lennybird91 3 месяца назад
I'm really surprised potassium hardly ever gets a mention when discussing hypertension and lowering sodium; the two work together with opposite functions. It seems recent literature suggests the ratio is more important than anything, but it's hardly ever discussed. This also undermines the carnivore diet further, considering there's no way you get the potassium you need.
@justinw1765 3 месяца назад
Great point. I think that the Japanese have a relatively high sodium intake, but also tend to eat more potassium than westerners, especially North Americans. If fact, I believe it is possible to over do potassium if you are not getting enough sodium. I have noticed that my salt cravings go up under two conditions: If I sweat a lot, or when I'm eating A LOT of vegetables and fruits with relatively little sodium for awhile. I don't think those temporary cravings are a matter of addiction, like Dr. Goldhamer says *. Like so much in life, it is about balance and moderation. Sodium is not really the devil, or even really a devil. But it can be overdone, especially if not balanced out by potassium. * Speaking of Goldhamer, I agree with a lot of what he says, but even he says some illogical stuff at times. In one interview, in talking about the detrimental effects of sodium and how it is used as a antimicrobial preserver of food, and paraphrased, "just imagine what it is doing to the human body and our gut microbiome..." Well he apparently completely forgot that many traditionally cultured foods are done so in a pretty significant salt brine (and for good reasons). It seems that plenty of probiotic lactic bacteria (that are indigenous to various vegetable surfaces) are just fine with fairly high salt levels, way more than can be found in the human gut or even blood at any given time. Meanwhile, mold and various other pathogenic microbes, don't like the higher salt, which is part of the reason why it is used.
@look-into 3 месяца назад
@@justinw1765 yeah, ignoring my salt cravings and not adding any salt to foods was a mistake. It led to brainfog. Fixed it by adding sodium back in. So there's definitely a balance to be found.
@jacknap6745 3 месяца назад
Great point
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
I found as long as I don’t consume carbs and sugar. I can have as much salt as I want without any ill effects.
@antoniettaesp7776 3 месяца назад
Another great episode!! Thanks so much for all you do to bring SCIENCE based research and truth to the forefront. You can tell you put a lot of hard work into your episodes.
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
Into promoting big Pharma.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
This is why people should be skeptical about scientific studies. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1YHnCmkTNME.htmlsi=O3E_NHLeP0-2UYIZ
@georgewilson7808 29 дней назад
The EPIC-OXFORD STUDY, part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, examined the diets and health outcomes of over 65,000 participants. It found that vegetarians had a significantly lower risk of coronary heart disease compared to meat-eaters.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
This is why people should be skeptical of every scientific study. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1YHnCmkTNME.htmlsi=O3E_NHLeP0-2UYIZ
@sk.n.9302 3 месяца назад
I lowered my cholesterol from 276 to 175 by going 'whole food plant based'. I am so thankful. No meds. All other #s normal. Now 7 yrs. vegan. I'm 63.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
@Cyclone546 3 месяца назад
Why would you want to lower your cholesterol 😂
@CharlieFader 3 месяца назад
@@Cyclone546only because of the science. LDL is causal for CVD. Why would you want to have a heart attack?
@longevitycoach1573 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers you are misinforming, why you do that? Do you hate humans? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-PDuu9D1qyAc.html
@BartBVanBockstaele 3 месяца назад
@@Cyclone546 Some people are not suicidal and would like to have good quality of life. People like this like to lower their cholesterol because they know that increases the probability they will actually achieve those goals.
@josephsgroi4474 3 месяца назад
The first reason I stopped eating meat was the undeniable cruelty of animal husbandry, the second reason was the undeniable and very significant effect on global warming, third was how illogical it is to feed an animal for months and years only to be consumed in minutes, the last was health. So happy I found this channel, it is the only source I rely on for nutrition.
@longevitycoach1573 3 месяца назад
Let’s have a debate and find out who is the liar.
@tanyasydney2235 3 месяца назад
@@longevitycoach1573 Go away!
@frunikol 3 месяца назад
​@@longevitycoach1573so you believe that the carnivore would win 🤔😂. Not a chance. Just watch all of the videos on this channel. There is science behind and not just anecdotes and misinformation....
@rojodiver3344 3 месяца назад
If the animals weren't eaten (in minutes) then they wouldn't have lived at all. Have you ever done a thought experiment where you could speak to the entirety of cow-kind and say "would you rather all be born and die to be eaten, or never be born at all?" Oblivion is pretty cold.
@frunikol 3 месяца назад
​@@rojodiver3344oh my god. You cannot call that a life how the cows live, or any of the animals killed for food. As a mother I would never want to bring children into the world only to know they will be food and I would have to live on until I don't make enough milk or can't get pregnant anymore only tik become some bad burger....
@catherinekasmer9905 3 месяца назад
Tastes are malleable. People get used to eating things that taste horrible( hard liquor for example.) Likewise we can adapt to eating unprocessed plants. I personally do not like oil after a decade of leaving it behind. I get my healthy fats in small amounts from whole plant foods such as nuts, seeds and avocados. Other plants have modest amounts of fat in them as well. There is no need to pour oil into snd onto our food. The notion that we need it for food to taste good is just untrue. I think saying that things need to taste good to have a sustainable way of eating requires a more nuanced explanation. We get used to eating things and tastes shift. Also we are hard wired to like sweet, fat and salt and there can be a drive to overeat those things. Highly palatable meats, dairy, refined flours, sugar and oil can become addictive. Food can taste very good in a whole food plant based diet without crossing into hyper-palatability. One undeniable drawback of oil in our society is that the vast majority of Americans are overweight or obese. That alone is good reason to eliminate a refined item that is so calorie dense. Furthermore, over half of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. 40% don’t even have $400 in the bank for an emergency. Oil is not in any way necessary for health or palatability. That money spent on oil would be better spent on beans, rice, fruit and vegetables.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
The oils are quite destructive to the planet, too. 😔
@Kayte... 3 месяца назад
And I love the ease of clean up since not using oil. I know our digestive processes has its own mechanism for breaking down food but I've often wondered how similar oil clogging the kitchen drain is to it clogging our arteries.
@JohnMoseley 3 месяца назад
@@Kayte... Yes! It transforms the washing up. I love that.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
I agree with you overall, except that hard liquor doesn't taste good. Hard liquors, hard spirits and high alcohol content aperitifs and digestivs all taste great. I liked them when I first tried them as a child. So did with wine and beer. But I may be in the minority. It is a matter of taste I think. Comparable to liking overly bitter or overly sour drinks and food.
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
@@JohnMoseley try carnivore on pan and a couple of plates , dishes done.
@MrLivethedream24 Месяц назад
Yet another fantastic and informative video. We are all so thankful for your work, Chris
@davetrevino4670 3 месяца назад
This channel is quickly becoming one of my favorite health related YT channels. Thank you for this amazing content! Keep up the wonderful work ❤
@veganfortheanimals6994 3 месяца назад
"Carnivore" proponents remind me of flat-earthers...
@stevesmiff7944 3 месяца назад
I'm not seeing it. Flat earthers can actually point to something that looks true (even though I believe for the majority of them, they're FEs "because bible") Outside of the small number of carnivore dieters helped by excluding some unidentified allergy, the only reason to be carnivore is taste preference. flat earhers: argument from "looks like the truth" carnis: argument from "tastes good"
@GBOAC 3 месяца назад
Seed oil theorists too
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
​​@@GBOAC But how can they not be? Even the name is RAPEseed!!!1!4!! And seeds in itself! Didn't you know? Pepper and mustard and walnut kills you! Haven't you read it seem any adaptation of "Day of the Triffids"?!?!?? That's another proof. Or "The thing from another world"? Carrots are here to kill and suck out all your blood!!! / 😅😂
@LIFTINGTHEVEIL 3 месяца назад
They ARE flat earthers. Im not even kidding. I debate these people all day long on my channels. They are DENIERS THROUGH AND THROUGH. They are pathogen deniers. they believe FLAT EARTH, DINOSAURS ARE FAKE, SPACE IS FAKE, MOUNTAINS ARE GIANT TREE STUMPS, TARTARIAN MUDFLOODS WIPED OUT THE GIANTS, etc etc e
@notyourdad 3 месяца назад
I'm sure all the thousands (millions?) of people who have regained their health from switching to carnivore are absolutely devastated to hear what you think.
@tombaron5607 3 месяца назад
Thank you for devoting your time, effort, and knowledge to bring us content like this. This channel is doing a lot of good for our collective health and the health of the planet.
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
The reason that they won’t do studies on the carnivore diet is because big pharmaceutical can’t make any money off of it. It would bring down their bottom dollar if everybody was off seven different prescription medication’s like I am and it would save the planet. My carbon footprint is down over 25% just from not having to take diabetes medication not to mention the other five medication‘s that I no longer have to take.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
What a great video! I love your sincere enthusiasm and appreciation during your interviews. It shows how much you know and respect the work of the researchers you have the opportunity to talk with. I like the historical tidbits that are need to me. And showing the antique equipment they had to work on. I also love seeing the environment and equipment seen in the old documentary on the China study found in RU-vid. Makes you appreciate their work even more. Even if i knew the history of analytical instrumentation and computers already. Knowing something in theory (and therefore inevitably in abstraction) and seeing it in actual reality are two different things. However I think yours are partially a Sisyphean labour. When the influencers in question doesn't even know the very basics about their topic and simply dismiss things they haven't even read it heard about. They won't change their opinion they built their livelihood on whatever the case may be. They may continue to say it all comes down to genetics. Maybe some strong or different kinds of people can survive the plants but most not. Or is all fake data. They say what their followers want to hear. Of course more open minded and analytical people appreciate your work. And all three carnivores you have actually managed to convince in the last couple of years.
@CatholicSatan 3 месяца назад
It's odd... I'm a Brit in his 70s and _I've_ known about the Framingham Study since before I went to university (Maths, not any biology courses). So that the ignorance of anti-science "influencers" in _this age_ of easy access to information baffles me. I say "influencers" because I've noticed how they tend to attract people already in the bubble seeking out the cod science instead of the serious stuff.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
I love your comment. The basic trend I see that education is deteriorating and easily accessible information to too many things actually provides a noise rather than actual knowledge. As you have also stated, the internet provides great opportunities for creation of echo chambers for self indulgence. And pop culture and entertainment of all sorts are stronger and more overwhelming than ever before. I like talking to people of your generation and orvos generations to not only find out how much they have learned but how many information they have actually retained for many decades. Getting a university degree meant different thing in the 70s and then again different thing in the 30s compared to what it means recently. Of course exceptions do exist. And the trends I see from my perspective aren't universal. But that's what I have experienced.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
I agree with echo chambers being SO powerful. When only positive anecdotes are allowed and they are emotional, it sweeps a lot of people off their feet.
@blackpalacemusic 3 месяца назад
These "influencers" are dangerous.
@Meathead-10810 3 месяца назад
That's funny, I was about to have corrective surgery on my plant diet but switched to meat only and ALL of my health problems disappeared quite quickly with no exercise and no surgery.
@WilliamRoscoe 3 месяца назад
@@Meathead-10810 Can happen in the short term, but it's going to be interesting to see what happens to your body without any fiber or polyphenols in the medium to long term.
@christianknudsen1919 3 месяца назад
Yet another facinating and very educational video. Here in Denmark we have a saying: "Empty barrels rumble the loudest". Your quietly insisting on the facts is just so inspiering, and I am very grateful for your work.
@chuckv8838 3 месяца назад
I love that empty barrels rumble the loudest…is golden!
@user-ns3jo1of4o 3 месяца назад
In English we have : Empty vessels make the most sound.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
This is why people should be skeptical about every scientific study. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1YHnCmkTNME.htmlsi=O3E_NHLeP0-2UYIZ
@GlennsFastReviews 3 месяца назад
Can you do a series on sugar substitutes: artificial sweeteners; sugar alcohols; alternative sugars with low GI/GL (e.g. monk fruit, stevia)? And, can you also do one on the various types of saturated fats?
@justinw1765 3 месяца назад
I second this! Especially interested in sugar alcohols. I hear so much conflicting stuff about them.
@EclecticianG 3 месяца назад
@@justinw1765 I can tell you that, at least in theory, erythritol is the safest to use. Very little of it goes to the liver or gets converted to glycogen, which means it has very little impact on your liver and blood sugar. Sucralose, monk fruit and Stevia are also similarly safe. Caveat: everyone is different so your experience may vary from this. One video I watched of a couple testing the impact of these products on their blood sugar actually experienced a slight DECREASE in blood sugar using monk fruit. Stick with those and, unless you start having problems (check side effect info), you should be good. I still want Chris to do videos on this stuff. I can tell you from personal experience that erythritol is weakly sweet and many sweeteners that use it are similarly not that sweet. I was able to find sucralose in a 20x form, and you only need to use a tiny amount to sweeten your consumables, although I didn't feel it was necessarily really 20x.
@robinpetersson3081 3 месяца назад
I don't like that fast food is always blamed for being high in sodium. We get too much sodium EVERYWHERE we eat, at home and at restaurants. If your food is under saltet you won't like it, or you will add more salt yourself. The only way to avoid salt is to cook your own food and retrain your taste buds.
@limitisillusion7 3 месяца назад
Sodium is positively correlated with lifespan up to 5 grams per day. Plus, if you sweat a lot you need more.
@asdf1991asdf 3 месяца назад
Lol salt is good for you dumb dumb. Vegans deep down know that the results of carnivore are incredible, and you are bewildered
@GregariousAntithesis 3 месяца назад
Problem isnt to much sodium its to little potassium
@joeltucci1916 3 месяца назад
The processing masks the saltiness taste in a lot of food. Try making some French fries from scratch and then add as much salt as McDonald’s has in its fries. They would be inedible because of how overpowering the salt flavor is. It’s incredibly difficult to put too much salt in your food if cooking at home.
@karlhungus5554 3 месяца назад
@robinpetersson3081 - "We get too much sodium EVERYWHERE we eat, at home and at restaurants." Why would you get too much sodium eating at home? I don't.
@LawrenceCarroll1234 3 месяца назад
One thought that immediately came to mind just now (& I'm only at the 4:23 mark into this excellent video ) is this: that the naturally occurring pesticides in plants are probably usually like d-limeonene, the pesticide found in oranges. I would wager that many work mechanically rather than as chemical neurotoxins. D-limonene works mechanically. Many synthetic pesticides work as chemical neurotoxins, which is why pests are able over time to adapt and build up resistance. Insects -- as far as I know -- cannot build resistance to something that dissolves their exoskeletons, nor against suffocation, or sharp microscopic particles that enter their digestive systems, as Diamataceous Earth or borates operate. But then there is naturally occurring pyrethrin in chrysanthemum, which does operate chemically rather than mechanically, and is a neurotoxin, and will elicit adaptive resistance . But even it in its natural form degrades much quicker than the synthetic permethrin, and I would think is less dangerous to humans, though still quite deadly. And there are other very deadly, natural compounds in the botanical world. So i am not a scientist, and would love to learn more. But again. I find most of the arguments that "edible plants are trying to kill us" hilarious!😂
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
That's true. On the suffocation: But several insects and even more other arthropoda, mainly arachnida can stand suffocation for an awful long time. We don't know exactly how some spiders do it but it is breath taking. (Sorry for the pun.)
@morejoy5188 3 месяца назад
Well they are literally 'a joke '.
@m33265 3 месяца назад
So for example Allicin, from garlic etc., natural antibiotic, is not destroying you colon microbiome ? Come on.
@JacobSTSVox 3 месяца назад
Natural pesticides in plants are also plant polyphenols - the compounds associated with inflammatory reduction and overall reductions in disease risk. Organic produce have more polyphenols than non-organic because the agricultural pesticides cause the plant not to produce its own pesticides, which also happen to be one of the healthiest parts of plants that make their nutritional profile unique.
@LawrenceCarroll1234 3 месяца назад
@@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x , I use clove oil a lot to kill both insects and arachnids. I'm not sure the mechanism, but had assumed it was suffocation. Recently was unable to get much effect with bed bugs with clove, but then did a search online and found a study where d-limonene performed well, so I switched to that and BOOM! It slaughtered them, which for a vegan was ironically extremely gratifying. They die almost immediately and I've completely eliminated the infestation that had bothered me for weeks. I believe the nervous systems of bugs are rather rudimentary compared to those in the higher strata, like kittens(!!) & puppies(!). So logically speaking, the more complex the nervous system, the more the creature feels emotion. 😻
@xflyingtiger 3 месяца назад
The problem with advocating a Mediterranean diet is that there are a dozen or more different Mediterranean diets. The advice must be more specific.
@xmonikerhotmailcom 3 месяца назад
Blue zone diet is more precise.
@limitisillusion7 3 месяца назад
Not really. The tenants of a Mediterranean diet are fairly broad, and they all show success. It's also not an elimination diet, it's just a diet that guides you toward a larger quantity and diversity of plant-based whole foods, and minimal processed food.
@Ampe96 3 месяца назад
@@limitisillusion7 that's not mediterranean, the mediterranean diet was made up and it's not based on a real diet. i'm from there
@OatmealTheCrazy 3 месяца назад
In pop culture, yes, but in medical literature, no
@limitisillusion7 3 месяца назад
@@Ampe96 lol... "The Mediterranean diet" has transcended a "Mediterranean" diet. It's not a geographical diet anymore, nor does the entire Mediterranean region share the same diet. The diet is, again, more about a prioritization and diversity of plant-based whole food and minimal processed food, in addition to an emphasis on fish above red meat.
@basiltiffani8850 3 месяца назад
My own bias: anytime I see a "carnivore" md, I assume they don't know what they're talking about about anything. So far that's proven to be a gold assumption.
@immodsr9348 3 месяца назад
why, have you tried eating carnivore? Been eating wfpb vegan for 6 years and felt good but got overly skinny. Tried carnivore for 4 months and feeling even better. A wrist i had problems with started getting stronger after a few days and are now "as new". Chaffee overdramatize the effect of eating plants - not all "carnivore" doctors do...
@johnnypineapple4140 3 месяца назад
Remember to get your covid vaccine boosters!!
@krishnaveganathar 3 месяца назад
@@immodsr9348vegan means “for the animals”.
@basiltiffani8850 3 месяца назад
@@immodsr9348 no, and never will because thousands of pages of data very clearly tell us animals products aren't healthy, and especially not compared to whole vegetables. I do, however, have a colleague who talks like you. Went carnivore, said he felt great. About a year later found out he was on the verge of a massive heart attack due to blocked arteries. Had a quadruple bypass. Now he eats whole food plant based and his cholesterol and triglycerides are better than it's ever been.And he feels great and is actually healthy. Eat whatever you want, though.
@carinaekstrom1 3 месяца назад
@@immodsr9348 Why don't you just eat more nuts or something? Obviously you wont heal well when you are starving yourself. Now you have a good wrist but risk heart disease, cancer, etc. instead.
@dreao276 3 месяца назад
Someone who usto work in my job just died at 59 from a silent heartattack. And he had been doing keto for many years
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
@MindlessTube 3 месяца назад
He was probably using seed oils which cause heat attacks.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
@MindlessTube Do you have data for that?
@nelsonjv1 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompersyou really don’t know about seed oils? A man who constantly reads medical journals and is so eloquently spoken as you? I don’t believe it.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
@nelsonjv1 Yes, I made two episodes about them. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find credible evidence of harm from seed oils other than their association with processed food. And I wanted to believe there was harm for many reasons - their ultraprocessed nature, their harm to the planet, etc. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qInpEKHdjXk.html
@Fearzero 3 месяца назад
In randomized controlled outcome studies if the replacement for saturated fats isn't specified in the study then there was no difference in heart disease metrics (because people likely replaced the saturated fats with processed foods containing saturated or trans fats). All the pro saturated fat youtubers and docs latch onto these studies to confirm their bias. But if PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats) were specified as the replacement then heart disease difference was obvious. Saturated fats caused heart disease vs polyunsaturated fats which have a protective effect. So ya I would bet my life that any studies showing saturated fats had no effect on heart disease rates that the replacement for those fats were not specified. I can take a pack a day smoker and add 5 more cigarettes to his daily habit and show no extra mortality from smoking them. Does that mean smoking is safe and doesn't cause health problems? No, if you take someone that doesn't smoke and have them smoke 5 cigs a day then it would definitely show an effect. I hope you can understand the logic here and why studies showing saturated fats to be harmless are flawed studies.
@pluto4D 3 месяца назад
Maybe you care to explain how over a hundred years ago that degenerative diseases like the first heart blockage case was in 1912 in the U.S. This was at a time when people consumed mainly animal fats. It was in the early 1900s that the early soy-based margarines were on the market followed by the cheaper cotton seed oils. Sometime afterwards animals were given commercial feeds of cheap fattening rubbish soy corn grains seeds. In particular pigs and chickens (inc egg yolks) started to accumulate very high levels of linoleic acid. These animal fats became in fact highly unsaturated and the omega 6 fat content can be well over a third. Even ruminant animals such as cows can produce around 30% linoleic acid of their fat if from intense feedlots. The "heart healthy" artificial trans fat margarine laden margarine lie was sold to the public over many generations which ended up destroying millions of people's lives and bringing early death for many. Toxic seed oils lower metabolism suppress the immunity promote inflammation release aldehydes and acrylamides. Oxysterols are formed from dehydrated cheese and egg powders (and dried fatty fish) which emanate from the polyunsaturated fat component which are often found in industrial foods creating lipid peroxidation. Up to the early 1900s most Western countries consumed various 😅plant foods dairy eggs meat and mainly animal fats that were highly saturated and monounsaturated, but very low in polyunsaturated fats. Degenerative diseases such as cancer heart and autoimmune diseases were no higher than 3% It was Infectious diseases and the high rates of child mortality that shortened people's lives back then in the pre antibiotic age. Btw mother's milk is naturally full of cholesterol saturated fat and a good measure of lactose. It is the combination of high pufa foods that promote the Randle Cycle in which cellular glucose oxidation can be inhibited these free fatty acids that increasingly get stored in our fat tissues as we age. Ref: Fred Kummerow; lipids scientist and Ray Peat PhD. Over the past 2 decades I have seen two documentaries on the findings of the Farmington Heart Study which interviewed the researchers scientists. The final analysis was that a higher cholesterol was good for longevity outcomes provided there were no other prior heart cardiovascular or serious metabolic issues
@KrocksInTheKitchen 3 месяца назад
This is a masterclass of data vs. anecdotes. Everyone should watch this video.
@longevitycoach1573 3 месяца назад
Let’s have a debate and find out who is the liar.
@johnnypineapple4140 3 месяца назад
Remember to get your covid vaccine boosters!!
@audreysuter4315 3 месяца назад
@longevitycoach1573 3 месяца назад
Are you taking your B12? Humans brain can’t function without meat and that’s science.
@A.I.- 3 месяца назад
@@longevitycoach1573 But you don't even know how to debate. You're going to present information from non-credible sources. You're going to present anecdotal evidences. You're going to present non-peer reviewed research. What's the point of debating an idiot?
@Pinja567 3 месяца назад
Havent watched this one yet but just wanted to comment to remind that I adore your channel and am looking forward to your hour-long videos cause I know they're gonna be packed with interesting stuff
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Thanks! I sweated over this one because the interview alone with Dr. Levy was over an hour; when I threw parts of it overboard (usually because I asked a lame question), then I would question myself about that decision... 🤷
@zelareka 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers this channel is science for idiots, you make them feel smart but in the end its a religion
@Pinja567 3 месяца назад
​@@PlantChompersI can see why cutting parts would be difficult. He seems like a great interviewee with such clear and relevant answers.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers Not like we wouldn't watch the uncut interview. It uploaded in two videos as pt1 & pt2...
@georgewilson7808 27 дней назад
22 sets of twins tried both vegan and meat diets. Researchers at Stanford University studied the twins' cardiovascular health. After eight weeks following their respective diets, the twin siblings who ate a vegan diet had lost more weight, reduced their LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, and experienced lower insulin levels, according to the study's findings. "The findings from this trial suggest that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet," the study's authors wrote. The study, published Nov. 30 in the journal JAMA Network Open.
@georgewilson7808 28 дней назад
FOOD HABITS IN LATER LIFE STUDY was undertaken among five cohorts in Japan, Sweden, Greece and Australia. Legumes were found to be the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities. The results showed that for every 20 grams (one ounce) increase in daily legumes intake there was an 8% reduction in the risk of death. This study shows that no matter what your ethnic background or where you live, eat more legumes to live longer, especially as you age. Of all the food groups including meat, legumes alone had consistent and statistically significant results.
@MrJOHNMICHAELVEGA 3 месяца назад
Alcohol shouldn’t be consumed at all!
@bonsummers2657 3 месяца назад
Quality beer and wine, in prudent moderation are absolutely highly optimally healthy, when keenly desired. Rarely a bit of liquor.
@udarpavarota396 2 месяца назад
I agree.
@DaveE99 Месяц назад
@@bonsummers2657 but not because it is good for your biology, it’s still a poision, those studies showing a benefit ignored that it was done so socially, something that we know changes cortisol and fight and flight activations in the body.
@frompizzaaddicttovegan 3 месяца назад
Love your channel and videos so much. Thank you for teaching us all and giving us ammo to talk about these topics which have sadly become controversial and wildly misrepresented. Your channel and expertise is so needed in a sea of misinformation.
@CraigHocker 3 месяца назад
I'm far from vegan, I aspire to Mediterranean, though I enjoy a good burger or steak occasionally. But I'm glad you defending good science like The Framingham Study. I eat my fruit and veggies and so does my centenarian mom though she loves beef (but does eat fish often) and as did my centenarian grandmother who was born in 1887. We are a family of long lived omnivores.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
This is why people should be skeptical about every scientific study. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1YHnCmkTNME.htmlsi=O3E_NHLeP0-2UYIZ
@crazy_dima 3 месяца назад
Can add some anecdotes from Russia about my grandad constantly eating bread with cheese and butter (I guess we are close to Finland here). He died of his 4th heart attack at the age of 64. He had incredible physical health from serving most of his life in the military but I guess LDL doesn't much care :/
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
@scottharrison5734 3 месяца назад
Lot of rural country regions are on animal based diets live longest want about french highest saturated fat intake in world lowest rate of heart diesea in world know handful people lived to ninetys And lady was 102 eat meat everyday dount believe vegan diet best for planet or kids know my family tree meat based I eat some plants heart attacks and strokes dount run in my family tree we need regentaive animals and crops earth to restore everything Back
@tamcon72 3 месяца назад
@@scottharrison5734 These are not hard statistics, but anecdotes, and your comment is barely coherent, besides.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
@scottharrison5734 I've mentioned in other episodes that we have hard data to show French in the north of France, who eat a lot of meat and dairy, have 5 years lower life expectancy and much higher heart attack rates than French who live in the south and eat fish and vegetables.
@infinitum5425 3 месяца назад
Are you saying your grandad only ate bread & cheese for 64 years ????? And bread ? WHEAT from effectivley dried grass! How much did he drink , did he smoke , did he take medicines , how much other processed food did he eat , how were the pollution levels where he lived, did he work with dangerous chemicals how active was he , blah blah . Trying to blame it on cheese is the height of stupidity!!
@afonsodealbuquerque4115 3 месяца назад
Thank you Chris this was brilliant. My girlfriend has one complaint, since I’ve started to watch your videos the amount of books I’m buying has increased a lot! Now I’m reading Ungar “Evolution’s Bite”. Love your suggestions
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Thanks! Oh, Ungar is great. Did you watch his TEDx talk?
@afonsodealbuquerque4115 3 месяца назад
I did! It was like a preview to the book. Thanks again
@carinaekstrom1 3 месяца назад
Not omnivore teeth. Cooked and raw plant food frugivorous herbivores. Everything in our anatomy and digestive system speaks against animal foods.
@MickisMom 3 месяца назад
Your channel has fast become my favorite. I look forward to each new video release. They’re so informative and I love how you weave history in. I can’t believe Dr. Lustig gets so much attention. Look how unhealthy he looks. I suspect if you take his BMI that he falls into the obese category. Shouldn’t he know better that saturated fat is not good for us? It’s ironic that medical doctors become the authority on nutrition when they receive little to no education in nutrition.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
How do you know saturated fat doesn't have a positive impact on the body? This is why people should be skeptical about every scientific study. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1YHnCmkTNME.htmlsi=O3E_NHLeP0-2UYIZ
@lessismore83009 3 месяца назад
Must admit, I've tried both and can safely say for me carnivore is the most beneficial, just had a blood rest and it's the best I've had. I'm not against any diets, it's what works for the individual
@prieten49 3 месяца назад
Yippee! Another great Plant Chompers video interview of a great scientist. I listened to every minute of it, something I haven't been able to do with most videos these days.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
This is why people should be skeptical about every scientific study. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1YHnCmkTNME.htmlsi=O3E_NHLeP0-2UYIZ
@MarcusMChase 2 месяца назад
You're both right! The USC prof has a point; try it yourself, measure your blood pressure then cut sugar and high glycemic food for a few days and measure blood pressure again.
@_TerraRae_ 3 месяца назад
Amazing video, very informative. Keep it up! You have no idea how much RU-vid needs videos like this atm
@pgmadnesssmith5370 3 месяца назад
One of your best productions! Normally you jump around in videos and make it challenging to follow. However you are always well thought out and very factual! Thank you!
@evanlouis8853 3 месяца назад
Chris...thank you for continuing to fight the good fight. You certainly have your work cut out for you. When you suggest to someone that it's not healthy to continue to stimulate their dopamine in a way that they have been programmed to believe is not only their age-old tradition, but a strong glue holding together their social structure, then you have a real fight on your hands. Chris...you're the best!
@happyapple4269 3 месяца назад
what you talking about? hes completely wrong😂
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
@@happyapple4269 yes Cris cut down on the salt and take a pill to lower your blood pressure.i would rather eat meat.
@RobertHawkins 2 месяца назад
As he talked about the oils I could her Dr. Esselstyn in my head saying “no oil!”
@PlantChompers 2 месяца назад
Me too.
@RobertHawkins 2 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers I rem we ber seeing a interview that had both Dr Ornish and Dr. Esselstyn and they disagreed with each other(civilly of course) and Dean looks at the interviewer and said yes we disagree but it is on 1%, the other 99% we agree on, that's the message!
@planelyflyin 3 месяца назад
This was a fascinating episode and interview! I found your channel a few weeks ago and have been watching through a lot of them. I decided to give it a shot and switched to a mostly vegetarian diet, and saw almost immediate results! Many of the health issues I've been struggling with are slowly getting better now. Venturing into the world of veggie based protein though has brought me to great and confusing debate around soy. Could you do a video on soy please? Trying to sift through the spectrum of "soy is going to kill you" to "everyone should be eating soy" has been very confusing.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Congrats on your success. It often takes time to adjust to all the extra fiber, but it appears you adapted easily. I am a big fan of soy, haven't seen any evidence that it's harmful in any way, at least in reasonable amounts (reasonable amounts seems to apply to almost every food, no?).
@veganfortheanimals6994 3 месяца назад
The Beef Industry Digital Command Center is out in full force in the comments, as expected....
@OakwiseBecoming 3 месяца назад
Sure must be a lot of people who are going by their own healing experiences instead of agenda-funded studies. What complete morons. Always listen to experts instead of what you can see, hear, think, and feel for yourself. We are only lowly peasants, after all. How dare any of us try something without being told by an expert that it would work. Worse yet, how dare we believe it worked by the results that we see and feel ourselves when our direct experience contradicts expert scientific data!! Unbelievable!!
@John-xk2ud 3 месяца назад
Dr. Daniel Levy said he has not eaten beef for personal reasons in 40 years. Earlier he said he has worked at Framingham for 40 years. Connection?
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
I was surprised about how he kinda chickened out on that answer, so to speak. 🤷‍♂️
@georgewilson7808 2 месяца назад
I suffered from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar). I went whole food plant based no sugar oil or salt and I lost 65 pounds, all my conditions greatly improved, my gums stopped bleeding, and erections and energy returned. I used to have an appetite that was never satisfied; whole foods cured it. I no longer use a sleep apnea machine. Finally, the food is cheap-Beans, lentils, rice, potatoes and seasonal apples. Also, I save money by not having to buy pills or visit the Doctor. I am thankful to all the vegans who suffered attacks to reveal the truth to me.
@philhunt168 3 месяца назад
Remember when you were 8 and you said you were going to eat nothing but haribo for the rest of your life? That's what these carnivores remind me of. Grow up people.
@rogerweigel7925 29 дней назад
That's what vegans remind me of.
@charliesgrumma5388 2 месяца назад
*THIS IS THE WAY I UNDERSTAND IT, CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG.* For more than 200,000 generations humanoids were hyper carnivores and apex predators. They evolved with a stomach PH of 2 (highly acidic), eyes facing forward in the skull like all carnivores, and sharp, pointy canine teeth. They became so proficient at killing they drove most large land mammals like the Mastodon and Wolly Mammoth into extinction about 12,000 years ago. It was only after this happened that humans ever ate a vegetable to keep from starving to death. Humans began farming about 600 generations ago. Processed foods have only been around for 20 generations, and vegetable oils have only been around for 10 generations. For 3 million years humans never ate carbohydrates at all except a few berries in the Spring and Fall. 300,000 years ago there was 9 species of humanoids living on Earth. 30,000 years ago there were only 3. In order to determine the proper human diet one must figure out what man has eaten for his entire existence, and fatty red meat was a large part of it. Maybe in another 10,000 generations humans will evolve to utilize carbohydrates, processed foods, and vegetable oils but right now they can't.
@PlantChompers 2 месяца назад
Stay tuned. I'll release an episode on that very topic in a couple of weeks.
@kentroskelley1389 3 месяца назад
One of the push backs suggested Plant Chompers try and contact Dr Chaffee for clarification, but first I’d like to know if Dr Chaffee tried to contact Framingham Heart Study for clarification.
@BillMcHale 3 месяца назад
The sad thing is so many people out there on fad diets, whether Carnivore, Keto, Paleo, make so many health claims often targeting whole food plant based (or Vegan) diets. The literature I have seen is clear, while there might be some easily corrected nutrient deficiencies in Vegan style diets, the, the vast majority of plant based diets, whether mediterranean, Asian, Whole Food Plant based, are so much healthier, it saddens me when I realize how many folks have no idea
@sskr1992 3 месяца назад
No they arent. They are full of antinutrients.
@infinitum5425 3 месяца назад
I've effectively been on a carnivore / dairy diet for 10years after type2 diagnosis never felt fitter I feel like I'm in my 30's again ( in my 60's ) lost huge amounts of weight in months & all medicals come back normal bar "v high" chloresterol which Ive had for 30 years even before type2 never taken a statin & play sports no issues - in fact my squash has improved massivley as I feel fitter since I stopped chomping plants! 😊
@jolima 3 месяца назад
@@infinitum5425loosing weight (+being better at any movement and sport) will surely be the most significant health benefit. And I too feel better on a keto / low carb diet. Seeing the long term studies I do worry though, that while it could feel better in the short / midterm, if there are serious longterm health risks of cardiovascular diseases (which are the number 1 risk of dying)
@11235Aodh 3 месяца назад
@@jolima Especially when the same result can be gotten with a low fat whole foods plant exclusive diet without the long term risks while being much better for the planet and animals as well?
@Cyclone546 3 месяца назад
@georgewilson7808 3 месяца назад
I reversed my metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides, low serum high-density lipoprotein) with a low sodium whole foods plant based diet. Now I sleep better, and my energy and sexual vitality has returned.
@RobertWinter2 3 месяца назад
I had a similar experience although I needed to do Keto. Reversed T2D and got off all my meds and devices (metformin, statin, BP, Imodium, CPAP). Been a decade now and at 64, I feel better than I did in my 40s.
@paulmiller1803 2 месяца назад
It’s so interesting… I was 90lbs overweight for 20 years… high blood pressure…. High cholesterol… GERD… sleep apnea… TIA stroke two years ago… Did a standard calorie restrictive diet beginning in January 24… plateaued in march at 30lbs lost… went to Dr. Internet to discover why, and discovered Ketogenesis. I immediately cut out ALL grain; ALL added sugar; ALL starch; ALL seed/vegetable oils… eat only meat and its associated fat, dairy, eggs, fish, green vegetables, low glycemic fruit, Olive oil, Avacado oil, and a few nuts. I’ve lost 80 lbs, my metabolic blood markers all normalized, my doc took me off statins, off blood pressure meds, I took myself off GERD meds… it’s like a miracle. Whether Keto is right, or Carnivore is right, or Vegetarian is right, or Vegan is right… one thing all these diets agree upon is the need to eat real food, and get rid of the processed garbage and sugar.
@Psartz Месяц назад
​​@@RobertWinter2how did you reversed or improved your insulin sensitivity if you dont eat any carbs?
@RobertWinter2 Месяц назад
@@Psartz In retrospect, I'd say that my insulin resistance was due to chronically elevated insulin because I was addicted to carbs-lots of carbs all day because I was constantly hungry. Elevated stress hormones due to sleep apnea and chronic inflammation due to obesity were likely contributing factors. Eliminating carbs allowed insulin levels to come down, which also enabled me to lose weight and sleep better.
@Psartz Месяц назад
@RobertWinter2 I believe you've been misinformed and influenced by some misguided information from chiropractors on RU-vid about the dangers of carbs. As a type 2 diabetic, I consume a significant amount of carbs these days, and my blood glucose levels are consistently normal. The hard science clearly indicates that carbs do not cause insulin insensitivity. Just like eliminating milk doesn't magically make someone lactose-tolerant, these elimination diets are merely fads without substantial scientific backing.
@ScottPeterson-hm6vq 2 месяца назад
I am so glad that I can across this video in my RU-vid search. I am astounded that so many MDs are advocating this Keto and sometimes more extreme carnivore diet. What is the science behind all this meat eating and zero carb stuff??? The glucose pathway....the fructose pathway???? I certainly agree that we all need to cut almost all refined carbohydrates and eat things that are more nutritious.....but cutting out entire groups sound extreme to me. Could you comment on recent studies on fructose, oxalate, and plant toxins?????? How should we eat????? My dad is getting really mad now days.....he said that medicine is crock......today egg is bad.....tomorrow bread is bad. What can I eat???? Is there anything not poisonous on earth anymore????
@Starship_X 3 месяца назад
Great video. Please keep calling out the charlatans. You are doing a service to humanity, literally.
@johnnypineapple4140 3 месяца назад
Remember to get your covid vaccine boosters!!
@Themrine2013 3 месяца назад
The only "charlatans" are stupid fucks like this guy and you people who are sheep
@rogerweigel7925 3 месяца назад
Please let me know who these charlatans are so I can steer clear of them.
@joeltucci1916 3 месяца назад
There is obviously a meat industry bot farm active on this channel. Somehow a video that has 20k views has a massive number of people all saying basically the same thing about the wonders of meat. The numbers don’t add up.
@Queef_Storm 3 месяца назад
Yeah I’m one of those bots and I love my meat 🍖 🤤 😋
@SableRain 3 месяца назад
What you said at 54:03, along with your dead pan look, had me in stitches. 🤣 Seriously though, I am so grateful to you for interviewing Dr. Levy along with so many other amazing scientists. You make a huge difference in the lives of my family of four. Thank you! 🙂
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Hahaha, I was trying to be respectful but I simply couldn't hide my shock about that claim. 🫣
@znojnyj 3 месяца назад
Idk if fish "could be beneficial" the thing is it smells fishy in many ways compared to real foods after you've been off the junk for a while Same thing goes for the oil - you don't crave it after you've been off it and if I eat salad containing oil for logistical reasons I don't perceive it as tastier due to the oil xd Fruits are legit the tastiest food there is and you can't tell me otherwise
@ScottLane-ud9tj 2 месяца назад
I'm 67 and I've been a vegan/vegetarian for most of 35 years. My health is Excellent and my blood tests/ urine tests are Excellent. I recently had a cardiovascular test which showed No problems. I daily eat 5 or 6 servings of fruits and veggies. I've been eating raw fruits and vegetables my entire life with No adverse health problems. My daily intake of salt, fat and sugar is low with especially low salt, sugar intake.
@bill2292 3 месяца назад
Fantastic episode Chris! All your episodes are exceptionally well done to the point they are becoming works of reference! I thoroughly enjoy how you interview the seminal organizations and scientists to uncover the absolute truth. Much to your credit, I've never heard you call a youtube spinmeister a "Big fat liar" 🙂.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Hahaha, thank you so much.
@PziCrow 3 месяца назад
Hey. First, I'm on a carnivore diet, however, I'm not anti-anything-else. I believe everyone should eat what they think is healthiest for them. There seem to be somewhat of a war between the plantbased and the meatbased communities. Why not start doing proper research on why some people, like me, thrive on carnivore and get sick on a plantbased diet, instead of arguing what diet is right or wrong? We are all different, so why not think about the possibility, that there is actual evidence to be found, to what so many people report on a carnivore diet? Instead of fighting eachother, why not work together and be curious. Curiousity should be the foundation of science, not I believe X, therefore Y is wrong.
@hansmeier3065 3 месяца назад
you are clearly not a regular viewer of the channel. the research is out, keto is nice for short term results but will absolutely destroy your health on a span of 2-3 years, while wfpb has all the longevity benefits there is no both sides to this
@anitachisnell8412 3 месяца назад
Exactly! I’m a carnivore for nearly four years, I was a vegan before it, but became extremely sick on a plant based diet. I ate whole foods, not lots of processed foods, so it was hard to face up to the fact veganism or even vegetarianism doesn’t work for me. Carnivore has totally changed my life for the good. I think folk should stop fighting and just accept we are what we are and should eat what we like.
@tamcon72 3 месяца назад
Vegans take a stance against animal use. It isn't a diet; it's a moral position. You do not have a moral reason for your diet. This is the main reason we object to what you are eating. But from the dietary perspective, I also do not understand how you carnivore people do not understand that you are just doing an elimination diet and that what you are eating is not magically good for your health. Eliminating the foods that your bodies rejected is the benefit. All the clinical data shows that more animal foods in the diet is bad for human health _long term_ and you will evenutally find out, I guess.
@PziCrow 3 месяца назад
@@tamcon72 Elimination diet or not, short and long term, a plantbased whole foods diet caused me illness. Depression, anxiety, schizotypical personality disorder, hashimotos, pre-diabetes, alopesia and the list goes on. It wasn't untill I removed all plants, that everything started getting better. I still have some issues, but it is getting better. So, apparently, saying a carnivore diet is unhealthy, is just wrong. I'm not saying it is for everyone, but there are a lot of people, that do NOT get healthy with plants. Also, I live in Denmark. We have very strict rules on what can be in out food. Even the food that are not sprayed with chemicals and so on, are "clean", because, we have both th EU's regulations and our own.
@11235Aodh 3 месяца назад
@@PziCrow The longer you are carnivore the more you will further ruin your ability to digest starches ever again. We're you able to handle potatoes? Because you can really build from there, they are already a complete source of all vitamins and amino acids. Then slowly add veggies and fruits you can handle. Sweet potatoes are also good or brown rice (not from states that used to grow cotton, that ground is contaminated with arcenic and rice isn't a complete source of vitamins).
@nancyweisbrodt3964 2 месяца назад
As a 63 yr old vegetarian who still ate eggs, I lowered my cholesterol level from 228 to 150 in just 2 1/2 months by ditching the eggs. Now, I can make a mean tofu scramble!
@MarkThomasMedia Месяц назад
You should have saved yourself the trouble and just eaten Oreos to lower your LDL.
@davidcottrell1308 Месяц назад
@@MarkThomasMedia ...yeah....they are vegan, too......
@chanwaileong9880 3 месяца назад
Another great interview and wonderful content. Can't express enough my appreciation for your dedication to debunking those who villify eating mostly plants. If l were in your shoes, l would have buckled under their onslaught long ago. Keep it up and thank you.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Thank you. It's not my favorite thing to do... 🫣 I much prefer interviewing the greats, like Daniel Levy.
@scotty8307 3 месяца назад
Problem with olive oil is where do you find good quality olive oil - doesn’t exist on the American shelves ….
@damiku-8866 2 месяца назад
It exists. Unfortunately there's not many good ways of distinguishing it from the rest. But well-known reputable companies who put harvest dates and other verifiable info on the back of the bottle can generally be relied upon.
@Physionic 3 месяца назад
This was wonderful - thank you. Loved hearing the history, especially Nixon’s intervention to save the study.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Thanks. I wondered if anyone would care about that!
@weareherbivores Месяц назад
This is excellent work! Also currently researching for a deep dive on this topic for our next video.
@jogobella77 3 месяца назад
Shoutout from Slovakia! 🙂 An absolute gem of a channel and a gem of a person (as in Chris). Would pay to watch, if I had to.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Thanks! I pay to do it. 😁
@karahsekir5494 3 месяца назад
Another shoutout from Slovakia! This is one of the best channels on RU-vid!
@SCwirlify 3 месяца назад
It is interesting to compare "Carnivore diet" vs "Vegan diet" on google trends over the last 5 years. Especially for RU-vid.
@jd01665 Месяц назад
That's crazy. Apparently Framingham didn't study this. That trend is gonna break through the firmament at this rate... Vegan diet looks like it went on a death march. I'm fine with that anyhow. Cows are welcome to the plants for all I care. Wish we had more cows on the land and less tractors and pesticides. Seems more healthy to eat beef from a cow that got to live a normal life on the field and raise babies and considering that carbs are non-essential for human diets, it just makes sense to leave the plants for the animals since bacteria in the ruminant animals love to munch on the sugars. They are the real plant chompers. Humans will never compete and it seems that these studies might be missing a quality of life component. A person in pain that can resolve it without medication and live comfortably is always going to end up eating whatever stops the pain. Doesn't matter if they get an extra 30 years of life with rotten teeth, diabetes, and autoimmune problems if they can have 60 that are good and die of a heart attack, so be it. But since we have so few carnivores (real ones like us that are seriously 100% grass fed, open farm, beef eaters) it may take some time before the longevity stats can be updated and also to give it enough time to consider what interventions are necessary for a carnivore that might not be necessary for a plant chomper in terms of optimizing health. Very important to study both sides and do quality comparisons and if that trend shown on Google is any indication, carnivore didn't exist before 2018, whereas Vegan has been in the works for at least 14 years longer and if we consider all the government, drug companies, and food companies trying to sell us plant based diets, we are talking about 120 years at least of one-sided propaganda. Going back to why people switch to carnivore: because they are miserable on plants. Go figure. If plants worked, they wouldn't even consider beef. Should be obvious, is it not?
@ankurupadhyay280 3 месяца назад
It's soothing to watch your videos and interviews
@leepark1355 3 месяца назад
Hong Kong consumes the most meat out of all the places in the world, averaging 137.08kg per person. It also has the second highest life expectancy in the world.
@karlhungus5554 3 месяца назад
"137.08kg per person daily"? That's 302 lbs per person per day.
@leepark1355 3 месяца назад
@@karlhungus5554 thanks for pointing out my error. yearly, not daily.
@Leynad778 3 месяца назад
And probably 50% of men still smoke in Hong Honk. The life-expectancy of women is 88 in Hong Kong, 3 years more than Japan.
@sergiomontes2568 3 месяца назад
fast food and alcohol are even more damaging that meat. Hong Kong residents drink less than half the alcohol as US and European citicens drink and also Hong Kong diet is based on whole fresh produce like, meat yes, but also fresh fruits, vegetables and spices instead of processed food. Most people in the US would find benefits if they switched their junk food consumption for fresh good quality meat. But, of course, it does not mean that eating meat is healthier than whole food plant based diet. Meat is healthier than junk, but fresh plants are healthier than meat.
@Leynad778 3 месяца назад
@@sergiomontes2568 Strange that there are no fruits nor veggies on ancient cave paintings. Seems those ice-age people didn't know what's healthy...
@JohnnySemedo 3 месяца назад
Blood Pressure is not a disease. It's just a symptom of the real Disease... In the majority of the cases, is chronical elevated blood glucose, due to insulin resistance... That high sugar levels makes the blood ticker so the heart is forced to pump harder to reach all vessels and capillaries. This elevated blood sugar also causes inflammation that damages the glycocalix, witch ends up stiffening the arteries. Another reason why blood pressure increases, is because of water retention. And that excessive retention goes away when you reduce carbohydrate intake. Nitric Oxide deficiency also can play and important role on blood pressure increase. Many people wrongly and unfairly blame the salt for the problems caused by sugar and excessive blood glucose. This is the state of medicine. Treating the symptoms because there's a drug for it, but most doctors don't even bother (or aren't equipped with the knowledge) to go after the root cause of the problem. So they always go generic, "watch your salt intake" when the REAL problem is much more complex than they lead us to think. A complex problem with a simple solution (in the majority of the cases) simply reduce your carbohydrate intake and your blood pressure will normalize.
@JohnnySemedo 3 месяца назад
Specially highly refined grains, and high glicimic index foods, or food-like products (junk food) Also eliminating inflammatory seed oils can reduce your risk of developing Atherosclerosis or a storke.
@robertbrown6531 3 месяца назад
In terms of Chaffee, I never take nutritional advice from a doctor who can't keep his shirt on, if that's not a red flag I don't know what is. In fact in terms of all the RU-vid nutritional/diet influencers, if they are flaunting the biceps and abs and beach body, run!
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
I made an exception for Jack LaLanne!
@mattellis4270 3 месяца назад
He’s looking bloated now though, clearly suffering from hypothyroidism from the lack of carbohydrates. Also, quite concerned about the pitting in his face particularly his chin. Scary stuff.
@GregariousAntithesis 3 месяца назад
Im sure most of your doctors you would want to keep their shirts on because their bodies are scary.
@sarahfox3312 3 месяца назад
I never trust a fat doctor
@Debbie-rp1pi 3 месяца назад
​@@GregariousAntithesisyes... 🤣🤣🤣
@jhunt5578 3 месяца назад
These videos are a breath of fresh air. So much misinformation on RU-vid. Seeing the scientists speak about their work is fantastic content. Thank you for your hard work Chris.
@nataliegist2014 2 месяца назад
I double dog dare you to go on carnivore for one month and then get back to me on whether this is a wonderful video or not.
@jhunt5578 2 месяца назад
@@nataliegist2014 😂 How old are you?
@betzib8021 3 месяца назад
I really hate it that you ask a good question..."If you eat a diet with no salt would you have no high bp"...but you accept the nonanswer of, "well...people wouldnt be able to do it". The researcher also gave answers about the med diet...which, by the way, only shows a SLOWED progression of heart disease...not halted or reversal...based on his own dietary preferences. He mentioned nothing about oil consumption and resulting higher blood viscosity...but rather he talked about how delicious he thinks it is. This man is influenced by population data...i get that. He needs to be influenced by what is happening inside his own body. He has access to imaging that would tell him that. Many of his responses were disingenuous for reasons of his own biases.
@BartBVanBockstaele 3 месяца назад
Lovely interview. A great reminder that science is about facts, and that whether we like it or not, reality is what the facts are, not what we would prefer it to be. And yes, diet alone can do wonders. The price to pay is that no one wants to even contemplate eating with me. But, my life is **my** life, not theirs. And... I enjoy my diet, even if I only spend a few minutes in the kitchen every day. The Framingham study can be credited with part of that improvement of my life. I hope they will go on, just as Plant Chompers!
@bonsummers2657 3 месяца назад
Results are what matter. That's why many people stick with animal based. Different people, different dietary optimums.
@BartBVanBockstaele 3 месяца назад
@@bonsummers2657 I would suggest that lack of knowledge about them is what makes people **think** that plant-based diets are less good. People have short memories and don't seem to know how little animal products our recent ancestors actually ate, except for the well-to-do and they happen to have been the ones suffering most from fatness. Fatness isn't the only problem, but it is the most visible thing. Lack of knowledge does not make a dietary pattern less good, but leads to wrongful application and interpretation. And thàt may lead to a wrongful dietary pattern.
@watchersmith806 7 дней назад
Just as in politics, putting forth lies as truth, making outrageous unsubstantiated claims , calling others liars when they are the liars is nothing new. People will believe what they hear without research or investigation as to who or what is accurate because it’s what they want to believe.
@bigbadthesailor5173 2 месяца назад
We have a phrase in the UK when faced with something unbeleivable or bizarre: 'you couldn't make it up!'. And you really couldn't make up how much these people make it up.
@ade1963 3 месяца назад
Yet again, top-rate content. Thank you
@donquixote453 3 месяца назад
If carnivore is so bad, how is it that carnivores aren't dropping like flies with heart attacks? And Dr. Dean O'Mara eats all meat, did an angiography and has completely clear arteries with little visceral fat. I'm no carnivore, but what can you say about this side of the coin??
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
I did three episodes on how long health influencers live. Like smokers and heavy sunbathers, they can look the model of health and feel awesome when they are young. But as the episodes showed, they did drop like flies as they aged and didn't live long.
@area4997 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers Anecdotal clap trap.
@notesfromleisa-land 3 месяца назад
@@area4997 There are no long term studies on carnivores. So when there are some credible studies, you can bring them and make your statement.
@donquixote453 3 месяца назад
@@PlantChompers HOw do you explain people with normal LDL who still have heart attacks? Isn't that possible?? Love your videos!!
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Yes, it's very possible to have a heart attack with normal cholesterol. It's a risk factor and an issue of probability, no guarantees. Safe drivers who don't exceed the speed limit, take defensive driving classes, don't drive drunk, aren't distracted...still die in auto accidents. It's just that less of them do.
@gregorymcmahan3914 3 месяца назад
Good one, Chris. Evidence-based, backed up with sources (and peer-reviewed, no less). Those randomized-controlled trials with placebos to study hypertension really shocked me. Lifestyle modification does work- provided you can get on meds and get your BP down to the Hypertension Stage One or the Elevated range. Excellent work as always, Chris. Please do keep 'em coming!
@JohnMoseley 3 месяца назад
I stopped eating olive oil when I was getting my advice on veganism from John McDougal's videos. I understand, Chris, that you've found his claims on oil vis a vis heart disease to be unsupported by science and I very much appreciate you looking into it. That said, anecdotal though I know it is, I can report a benefit that means I'm not going to start eating oil again: the skin on my face cleared up. That's to say, years of inflammation and flaky skin around the nose and eyebrows all came to an end, and very quickly. Also, after wondering how I could ever enjoy a chilli or a pasta sauce without oil, I now much prefer my food that way and find oil rather unpalatable. I'm glad to know it carries little or no health risk given that it's so hard to avoid when eating out, but I also love it that I've discovered this new way of eating in which I get my fats from whole-food sources.
@11235Aodh 3 месяца назад
Same! My husband and I went out to dinner a few nights ago, Chinese restaurant. I can tell you the mcDougall-revenge is nothing to scoff at. The food was SO Oily!
@JohnMoseley 3 месяца назад
@@11235Aodh Totally. It's a joy to have learned a better way, but it can rather spoil the treat of eating out!
@KahlePulley 3 месяца назад
Nice way of saying these guys are literally spouting so much disinformation. The guest promoting canola industrial seed oil…hilarious
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
Congrats on having your face clear up! 👏 Cyrus Khambatta from Mastering Diabetes keeps telling me they have concrete data that type 1 diabetes patients require less insulin if they stay away from the oils. I don't eat olive oil myself and I don't like how environmentally destructive oils are and how they make ultra processed foods so we can't stop eating them. But I admit, they are much better than trans or saturated fats.
@JohnMoseley 3 месяца назад
@@KahlePulley That's not what I'm saying. It's more nuanced than that. As Chris (PlantChompers) says elsewhere in these comments, he's checked out the health risks around oils like olive and canola and found that they're healthy, and he was biased against them due to their environmental harms and the fact that they're processed. He has a video on this.
@JEKYLLHYDE123 3 месяца назад
absolutely love you, your content and the way you collect and show so much data
@Soundchiller 3 месяца назад
I reached 40 this year, I lived Carnivore since about a year and never felt better in my life. I tried a lot of last 20 years to live more healthier, longest was 8years vegetarian and got back to normal mix because of malaise, near depression and strong physical complaints. On any diet I cooked myself, bought natural, ignore sugar and avoid industrial food. Also used a lot of supplements plant based in my vegetarian times, no supermarket stuff. After this experience I think there is only 1 thing to do to find your way of truth and health, try it out and feel what is the feedback of your body. For me the answer was carnivore, for some1 other it could be another. My sleep, thought and energy was in no episode on my life that powerful. That's my 2 cent, greetz from germany, I know that I don't know, there is no need to fight opinions, just live and let life, share experiences, let room to explore your own knowledge, I think that's more the way to let blinded lights let find back to their origin path to be
@ellieb2914 3 месяца назад
I think what is important to note is that it is the combination of saturated fat and carbohydrate that causes the heart health issues. There are a lot of ketogenic folks in both the vegan/vegetarian and animal-based communities that understand this but it is never targeted in any of these epidemiological studies. Any study that says people who consume burgers (with buns, sugary catsup + French fries), steak (and potatoes with butter) and Italian hoagies (processed meat + buns again) are at greater risk of death from heart disease is absolutely correct. One other note I would like to make is that there are people who are unable to consume a largely plant-based diet, myself included, and not for a lack of trying. Conversely, there are folks who are unable to consume a largely animal-based diet, my sister-in-law, also not for a lack of trying. I tire quickly of anyone saying that one diet is a panacea for every body. I think there are genetics involved in both camps that make each journey to optimal health somewhat individual.
@LWilkes 3 месяца назад
@ellieb2914. Thank you, but I'm afraid your comment isn't going to get much of a response. It's too fair-minded and sensible. There's a very strong "us vs. them" current in these comment sections.
@flipofaswitch1713 3 месяца назад
Great interview. Very captivating to learn about Framingham’s inner workings and past. Thank you. I realize people like quick fixes, conspiracy, and doubt, but I wish so many people weren’t so easily misled. I know really intelligent people that are easily swayed without much effort. Oceanfront property in Arizona.
@AlucardNoir 3 месяца назад
The reason carnivore became such a fad is because when Peterson brought it to public attention a bunch of doctors came out and said you can't survive on it or you can't get all your nutrients from just eating meat. Since the internet existed, and since it has been knows that inuits can survive months on just raw meat and fat alone that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. It doesn't help that carnivore is technically a form of keto, a diet that is knows to work and which for some individuals can have beneficial health effects. Had doctors come out and said they don't recomment it because of the high saturated fat content and also reminded people trying it that if they're going to try it they also need to eat organ meats things might have gone difrently. Especially in organ meat averssed North America. Meat only is the equivalent of potatoes only. You can survive on both, even thrive in the short term on both since you can get all you need to survive from both but there are long term implications that are not going to became apparent untill it's too late to reverse course. Doctors shouldn't tell people what they should do and whay they shouldn't do. They should try to convince people to do the right thing by explaining to them why they should or shouldn't do something.
@MeatYourNewBestFriend 3 месяца назад
It's a fad that has me feeling gooood! Social anxiety nearly all gone and body looking better than ever. I'll keep this up for as long as the rewards do.
@AlucardNoir 3 месяца назад
@@MeatYourNewBestFriend Firstly, a diet really shouldn't affect your social anxiety. If it does it's not the diet change that did it. Secondly, and this is important, you can not tell your LDL cholesterol in any way other that by blood test. I mean, ok, a cholesterol clot caused myocardial infarction is a more visible sign, but I am going to assume it's not the kind of sign you want to ever get. If you're going to be on this diet long term you should probably also get your blood checked every few months. And again, I'm not telling you what to eat. Unlike smoking you eating only meat doesn't really effect me in any way. You do you.
@MeatYourNewBestFriend 3 месяца назад
@@AlucardNoir My friend, I do not think you know as much about nutrition as you think you do. When I deviate from meat n'eggs, I feel worse. Would I be as good on a vegan diet? Maybe, but seeing as that diet is practically synonymous with health issues, I'm not going to chance it. No longer vegan reports put me right off. I had blood tests and my LDL is sky high. You know, in the same way that our grandparents and everyone before them must have been as well before seed oils came in to replace animal fat. I'm choosing the way nature intended. Veganism is in the opposite direction.
@AlucardNoir 3 месяца назад
@@MeatYourNewBestFriend I don't think you know what social anxiety is then. Actually, based on your reply I'm certain of it. Don't accuse me of lacking nutritional knowledge when you don't even know how to express your own ideas. Also, olive oil, palm oil and even rape seed oil have been used by human for a very, very long time. Canola is a rape seed variety that's healthier than normal rape seen oil - the kind you might find as mustard oil. In fact, the kind of fat used for cooking differed world wide and was usually what was most easily available. Also also, humans are omnivores. Not obligate carnivores or herbivores.
@AlucardNoir 3 месяца назад
@@MeatYourNewBestFriend If you don't know what social anxiety is you probably shouldn't use it in a sentence. Let alone accuse other people of having a poor grasp on any subject you think is related but clearly isn't. Also, unless your grandparents lived in the arctic circle and spent their winters eating only meat your grandparents were omnivores that did not restrict their diets to only meat. There's a reason sugar is the one thing we crave more than anything else and why out bodies don't have a warning sign of when we've eaten too much like we do with fat. But again, you do you. Just don't pretend you're doing anything that's even remotely natural. You're diet is as natural as a vegan's is.
@milicaskenderovic1306 3 месяца назад
I know the data is not against fish (healthwise), but I am not convinced of the benefits of fish eating (especially if we compare it to the benefits of eating legumes). Also, I didn't like the emphasis Dr. Levy puts on the use of antihypertensive drugs. I can see why they are useful, in many cases inevitable, but the emphasis should be on the diet.
@PlantChompers 3 месяца назад
I love Dr. Levy but I too squirmed a little on the emphasis on the drugs. I guess he's a realist and sees that many people just won't get serious about lifestyle intervention. We all know people like that.
@theodora_pilates 3 месяца назад
I didn't like that either. But I know for a fact some people will never stop eating meat, so I'd rather they stick around by taking meds than the alternative.
@JohnMoseley 3 месяца назад
Plants are poisonous, but it's 100% fine for the animals meat chompers eat to eat plants? I don't understand how this question doesn't seem to have occurred to any of them.
@karlhungus5554 3 месяца назад
Oh, c'mon, everyone "knows" the only reason our species survived for millennia is because of bulletproof coffee, fatty ribeye steaks, and tropical fruit-flavored electrolyte supplements.
@JohnMoseley 3 месяца назад
@@karlhungus5554 😄
@GarudaLegends 3 месяца назад
Meat eaters live the longest. Better to eat only meat than only plants. Eating only meat has more nutrients than only plants.
@karlhungus5554 3 месяца назад
@@GarudaLegends Interesting. Please list the vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that exist in both meat and plants. Also specify the amounts and serving size.
@GarudaLegends 3 месяца назад
@@karlhungus5554 Google it in CarbManager if you want that info. I love that site, plus I eat an omnivore diet. I just rather eat a carnivore diet than a vegan diet, because the vegan diet is far more deficient in nutrients.
@cynthiahelmich3762 3 месяца назад
I must be an anomaly. My health improved on keto/carnivore. For years, I was vegetarian turned plant based. As much as I loved the lifestyle, I got sicker all the time. I went from cycling the mountains to chronic pain and home bound. Eventually, I was on multiple bp meds and a few other prescriptions…As a keto/carnivore, I currently have lost all the weight gained in those veg years, no more meds and my energy is back. My bloodwork is back to normal. I applaud people who can thrive on plants :) DIET ALONE solved my problems.
@justinw1765 3 месяца назад
Plant based doesn't automatically mean healthy. I know plenty of vegetarians and vegans who eat unhealthy. And for myself, I have a lot of food sensitivities, and have to avoid certain plant foods like wheat, corn, most soy forms, most peanuts (except organic valencia, which is relatively rare). Well, that is a lot of the SAD minus the dairy and meat, right there, especially so in highly to ultra processed versions. A healthy diet is 1. whole food and at least mostly plant based, while avoiding potential problem foods, which of the above are many for many people, whether they realize it or not. And apparently non organic oats are sprayed with a crap ton of Round Up. How about a little intestinal over permeability to "enjoy". Turned a healthy food into a detrimental food. That doesn't mean that a little fish or dairy will be detrimental to your health. Certain types of fish in moderation are healthy. Certain types of dairy are healthy in moderation (mainly organic, no to low fat yogurt, especially when of A2 dairy from healthy, well treated animals). There are plenty of non vegetarian, non vegan plant based folks that will tell you that long term, keto/carnivore is not healthy long term, though it does facilitate weight loss which has its own initial health benefits. There are a number of body builders who have learned this the hard way. When they started to include some healthy, whole food, lower glycemic carbs back in their diets, their testosterone and muscle growth and energy went back up. I've known folks like yourself that have a strong tendency to swing from one extreme to another (I've been there myself to some extent). Balance and moderation are the things that they most need to integrate.
@bonsummers2657 3 месяца назад
@@justinw1765 No,… it's the matter of even eating healthy vital clean: different dietary optimums with different peoplel.
@bonsummers2657 3 месяца назад
@@justinw1765 Some or more of fish and dairy can be absolutely optimum for someone's body integrity / health,.. even with all options readily enough available.
@justinw1765 3 месяца назад
@@bonsummers2657 We are generally more similar than different in the fundamentals, but yes, genetic variation could lead to some differences in what is or isn't optimal diet. For example, I'm not sure that the Inuit would thrive on a completely plant based diet, especially not in their current location and conditions. (Perhaps somewhat related to their situation: When I eat plant based, my body temp drops a bit [or at least, I feel colder easier]. When I used to eat a lot of meat/animal products, I felt warmer.) It is hard and quite expensive to eat clean while eating a lot of animal products. That is for the simple reason that animals/animal products are bio-accumulators of environmental toxins/pollutants. So unless one is sourcing all their animal foods from small farms and/or hunting/fishing that are in the rare, more pristine areas, yeah good luck with eating "clean". And even more pristine areas are starting to see an increase in environmental contaminants like PFOS, micro plastics, heavy metals, etc. Whatever the animal's body can't get rid of, goes in their tissues and fat. Because they often live significantly longer than plants, they end up accumulating higher loads. Especially so if they consume other animals, like the bigger fish like tuna, swordfish, etc. (There are only a handful of fish left that with relatively low contamination). Being carnivore and eating "clean" is an illusion. Especially so if one buys and eats any regular grocery store products.
@oldbiker9739 3 месяца назад
its the seed oils and sugar & carbs.
@chevysaregr8 2 месяца назад
I've eliminated seed oils and feel so much better. That along with carnivore has transformed my health and I'm off all prescriptions. Its amazing
@oldbiker9739 2 месяца назад
@@chevysaregr8 that is amazing and I agree
@chuckkolb1270 3 месяца назад
I eagerly await postings by Plant Chompers. Science, research, FACTS: so refreshing.
@jac6727 3 месяца назад
CHRIS!!! It’d be so great if you got to talk to Gary Null. I’ve been listening to him on the radio since the mid 90’s. He’s so well researched in food and nutrition studies, deeply ethical about his work in reporting things to the public as well as a lifelong vegan and animal rights advocate. A talk between you two would be phenomenal!🙏🏻
@Parker_Miller_M.S. 3 месяца назад
Carnists have to make up data, lie, and deceive to fit their beliefs and bias. The word belief is important because their positions are not supported by any objective data we have in nutrition science outside of the fact it's an elimination diet which can, for a short term, help provide relief to some unknown food sensitivities. Amazing video as always Chris. This is yet another masterpiece!
@goozfrabah579 3 месяца назад
No we do not make up studies we just tell our stories. If you want to know how you feel eating the way carnivores eat try it out. If you honestly want to know if it works.
@Parker_Miller_M.S. 3 месяца назад
@@goozfrabah579 the thing with anecdote is that its not objective evidence that is generalizable to others and can be subject to tremendous bias. There was even the example of Chaffee saying he increased his calories by 5x and lost 23lbs. That's obviously a lie unless he was eating 700 calories per day. I will not try the carnivore diet.
@Peter-vn5jq 3 месяца назад
The fact that you use the word "carnist" is enough to disqualify anything you have to say, vegetard.
@sammavitae114 3 месяца назад
@@goozfrabah579 So you believe Anthony Chafee’s story that he lost 23 lbs in 10 days while eating 5 times more calories than he usually did. Have you tried that?
@goozfrabah579 3 месяца назад
@@sammavitae114 I eat 6. And I never gain. Vegetables caused me to have a condition called short bowel. I only eat meat and I couldn't be better despite my condition.
@kurasaki81 2 месяца назад
Chaffee lied about his MD lol, and he is not a resident. Guy got exposed badly.
@RonaldKrzesniak 3 месяца назад
Take a little solace from an Edgar Cayce reading... "Arguments will seldom change the aspects or the views of any. And truth itself needs no champion, for it is of itself champion of champions - and needs no defense; only for self to live according to that which IS the truth!" Edgar Cayce reading 1669-1. Tragically, many of us never find the truth and if we do, we do not embrace i.t Those on social media making money by misleading others will surely have to pay for their misdoings somewhere down the line... .
@SCwirlify 3 месяца назад
It is interesting to compare "Carnivore diet" vs "Vegan diet" on google trends over the last 5 years. Especially for RU-vid.
@Chew81 10 дней назад
You know, I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian but I do accept that a largely plantbased diet is superior to both omnivorous and carnivorous diets. I generally eat meat for about two to three meals out of 21 meals a week.
@rebeccaboudreau7589 3 месяца назад
Carnivore proponents seem to be either cultist about it or it’s a part of a non woke political stance. I love my daughters comment on it “mom, we have omnivore teeth, do we need any other proof that we are suppose to eat mostly non-meat food?”
@presterjohn1697 3 месяца назад
The hyper-patriotism of associated with carnivore is hilarious. Carnivores think they're fighting WEF globalists by eating meat exclusively. I guess Klaus Schwab is supposed to force feed Americans vegetables "and" bug eating at the same time.
@sarahdell4042 3 месяца назад
Haha absolutely. It’s worse with vegans though (Ex vegan) Unfortunately there’s rarely middle ground of common sense anymore. People on any end of the spectrum seem to go overboard.
@4124V4TA-SNPCA-x 3 месяца назад
That's right. And we even have both direct and indirect proofs about our ancestral diet in the last 5 million years. As well as nice solid theories based on clues about primate evolution since before the K-Pg EI. We have quite solid proofs about the evolution of our digestive tract. And the fact we are one of the very few groups of animals who aren't capable to synthetize ascorbic acid is another big giveaway for anyone even who bothers to at least superficially think about it for more than a second. Does it bothers carnivore or paleo proponents? Not in the slightest. My favorite anecdote: I've made cacao cream filled cocoa crepes for my missus a couple of years ago. Her paleo colleague wanted one and started that if the batter is dark out must be 100% paleo because why would I make anything else ever? (She didn't knew anything about me, mind you. And of course it wasn't paleo in any sense of the word.)
@notanymore9471 3 месяца назад
We also have our eyes on the front of our head that is proof we are carnivorous. Herbivores have eyes on the side of their head to watch for predators.
@SuitedPup 3 месяца назад
It’s a legitimate point, but ultimately flawed. We also have appendixes, but these are largely vestigial organs-serving no function-and are instead leftovers from our distant ancestors' cecums, which were much larger and helped with the digestion of large amounts of plant material. Over time, as we ate less plants and more meat, the cecum shrunk. Since it didn’t necessarily pose a disadvantage to our ancestors’ fitness, evolution (if I may personify it) did not remove it. Our teeth tell a similar story. Our distant, tree-dwelling ancestors were primarily frugivores. As they began to leave the trees and stand upright, they shifted more towards scavenging. This is reflected in our extremely low pH stomach environment, which is lower than that of many other carnivores and helps us digest meat and kill bacteria found in scavenged food. Over time, we shifted predominantly to hunting, especially large mega fauna. This is undeniable and is accounted for in the anthropological record. However, we don’t have the strength, speed, or natural weapons of other hunting animals. The key difference between us and other carnivores is that we used tools to hunt prey. This meant we didn’t require massive teeth like a lion or poisonous venom like a spider. Add to that our mastery of fire, which was an absolute, unprecedented game changer, and we simply can’t base what our optimal diet should be solely on our physiology, like we can with other animals. No other animals use tools and pre-process their food with fire like we do and have for millions of years. Edit: oh, and my point is - our teeth did not need to evolve to that of a typical carnivores, since we didn’t use teeth to hunt animals nor eat raw meat. We used tools (or smarts) to hunt animals, and fire to cook that meat (both, unlike any other carnivore)
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