
Adamic History 

Truth in History
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Truth in History with Charles A. Jennings
Website: truthinhistory.org



1 окт 2024




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@MrFinius 3 месяца назад
The Adamic Race is more appropriate than human race. Thankyou for bringing this to my notice. I will be careful to use the term "Adamic race" and never "Human race."
@skottmuncey1529 2 месяца назад
Also we are Man kind. Son of Man. Other races are Human kind see Hue which is colored. Human. Don’t see how folks don’t see this. YHVH bless.
@skottmuncey1529 2 месяца назад
I wasn’t that far in the video. He mentioned it.😂
@N16x05 3 месяца назад
Adam was the first Caucasian, the first one to be considered "man" in the eyes of God. Bless the Adamic Race! Praise our Kinsman Redeemer!
@skottmuncey1529 2 месяца назад
If you know you know. YHVH bless you and our kinship!
@debofChrist 3 месяца назад
I greatly appreciate your teachings Brother Jennings. I listen to them multiple times. God bless you!
@Peace-n-Light 3 месяца назад
God Bless Everyone!
@milissaschidecker3145 3 месяца назад
@debofChrist 3 месяца назад
Thank you. God bless you.
@mel1on2you3tube1 3 месяца назад
God bless you too!
@questioneverything1646 3 месяца назад
Thank you Pastor Jennings!
@edsnyder2801 3 месяца назад
Thank You Pastor Jennings! Genesis 2:16 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to "Keep" it. Strongs H 8104- Keep- to hedge about with thorns, to guard, protect, attend, beware, to take heed, preserve, guard, watch, watchman. Strongs H8105 from 8104 Keep- something preserved. Strongs H8106 Keep- the same as 8105 - the name of 3 Isrealites. No doubt, Adam was an Israelite, who was commanded by God himself to dress and "Keep " the garden of God to preserve His vineyard! Ephesians 5::30 For we are members of His Body, of His Flesh, and of His Bones. [31] For the cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. [32] This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
@debofChrist 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the scripture & the breakdown from the Strongs. God bless you
@edsnyder2801 3 месяца назад
@debramagee7358 You are welcome! And thank you also with blessings from Our Lord Jesus! Isaiah 45:24 In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified , and shall glory.
@mel1on2you3tube1 3 месяца назад
@johanandgaildros6444 3 месяца назад
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ! Only after Jacob, are Israelites mentioned in God’s Word ! So, Adam cannot be called an Israelite. Please read the Bible !
@edsnyder2801 3 месяца назад
@johanandgaildros6444 What I had quoted was Strongs definition in regards to the scriptures! That is, Adam was commanded by God himself to be a "Keeper " of the garden of Eden. The Strongs as well as the Bible from Genesis to Revelation connect the tree of life to the Israel of God! So if this offends you? I would suggest that you should start studying your KJV Bible starting at Genesis 1 in search of the God of Israel. If you should come to an understanding of who the God of Israel is! Then you would understand who the Israel of God is! Jeremiah 45:25 In the Lord shall "All The Seed Of Israel " be justified, and shall glory!
@reformationcatapults9283 3 месяца назад
There is so much wrong with this false teaching that it's hard to know where to start. There is only one race, and that is the race that descended from Adam. Genesis 3:20 tells us that he called his wife Eve because she was the mother of "ALL" living, not just your so called Adamic race! Your assertion that Human race refers to non whites because "Hue" means a gradation or variety of colour is one of the most tenuous and ridiculous arguments I've ever heard. Human most likely comes from the Latin word humanus, meaning "of man" not man of colour! The seed of the serpent as opposed to the seed of the woman has nothing to do with literal seeds or bloodlines. In the parable of the sower, Jesus makes it clear that the Good seed is the Word of God and the seed of the wicked one is when the devil takes away the good seed or Word of God that was planted and replaces it with his own seed which is the love of earthly pleasures. You are teaching very dangerous doctrines that will lead many with itching ears away from the truth. I hope that your viewers read the Bible for themselves and see these errors for what they are.
@joggler66 3 месяца назад
Very well spoken. And how does he explain that he great flood only was survived by 8 people in all of the earth? So post flood all of mankind comes from the seed of Noah and his sons and daughters, that is ALL of mankind (i do not use the extra biblical term "human"). Or did only "Adam's" family die in the deluge? As you stated, so much wrong here, you do not even know where to start pointing to the betrayals.
@Briand-ei1gs 3 месяца назад
​@joggler66 The idea that we are all one race is nothing but satanic marxism that comes straight from the top and is the main religioni of the world today. Why are you following the idea we are all one race. Do you what the word bastard means in the bible? Do you know what it says about bastards. The bible is a racial book. If you treat it like it is not then you are the one deceived and deceiving
@doriesse824 2 месяца назад
I would like you both to say more if you could for those of us still trying to decide. The teaching they give is that this particular flood was not global. The word used is supposed to be "eratz", meaning "land", not "world" or the whole earth. Do you disagree there are two creation stories?
@googleuser3110 Месяц назад
Acts 17:26-27 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
@joggler66 Месяц назад
@@doriesse824 On my channel i started a study called "Yeah, hath God said...?" and also those questions will be answered there in future videos. You might want to take look?
@paul_gilbert 3 месяца назад
Looking forward to this one
@rayorichard8175 3 месяца назад
Charles has taught some good things but when he goes into the "Jesus is God" theme & bad interpretations of John 1, showing a lack of understanding what the "word" (logos) is, the anointing of the Spirit of God leaves & it becomes a hollow shell.
@namelessbroadcaster 3 месяца назад
Are you saying that you can convey a more accurate understanding?
@rayorichard8175 3 месяца назад
@@namelessbroadcaster a more accurate understanding - of what? Of Adamic history? no, I'll leave that up to pastor Jennings & others. And teaching on the Abrahamic, Mosiac, and Davidic covenants, etc... he does pretty good on things like that. But when it comes to Christology, that is, who Jesus is and the origins of church doctrines on topics such as trinity, oneness, yes, I could convey a more accurate understanding of those.
@josephcampbell6592 3 месяца назад
Thank you brother you're teaching blesses me thank you for the time you spend in study and research and the conviction you have for God's word
@MrFinius 3 месяца назад
Planet is a wondering star. We live on earth and not a planet. Earth in the centre the sun and moon orbit the sun being the foci of orbiting football the other celestial bodies be they planets, stars galaxies etc. Tycho Brahe's Geo-helio centric model being the best and third way between flat and heliocentric models and conforming to biblical cosmology in my humble opinion.
@WhiteIsraeliteChristianKingdom 3 месяца назад
Basic physics and logic in Astronomy is that we can observe the past. The Earth is a planet and revolves around a Rare quiet G2 Star in a Galaxy called the Milky Way which is part of the Local Group outside the traffic jam of the Virgo Cluster in a universe that's been measured to be about 13.8 Billion years old.
@Mypplz 3 месяца назад
I’ll have to look that up thank you
@waynehumber8906 3 месяца назад
Thank you dear pastor. Great message.
@SoldierOfTheWay 3 месяца назад
Amen. Praise Yahweh. God bless you brother and all of our peace!
@JoAlexander-f5c 3 месяца назад
Sorry Sir, God never begat Adam, He made Adam. He only Begat Jesus (The ONLY Begotten)
@fewandchosen-en8mv 3 месяца назад
Adam (אדם) literally means "red", in the Bible it is often translated to (Ruddy.) The name ‘Adam’ can also mean (man) The verses used to describe Easu Jacobs twin brother red is the translated from the Hebrew word ADAM and it's the same word used when translated to RUDDY used to describe King David It is used to describe the first man created in the image of God, the Nazarites, Christ and Easu Lamentations 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer then snow, they were WHITER THAN MILK, they were more (RUDDIE) in body then rubies, their polishing was of Saphir. Song of Solomon 5:10 My beloved is (WHITE AND RUDDY,) the chiefest among ten thousand. 1 Samuel 16:12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was (RUDDY) and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he Revelation 4:3 King James Version 3 And he that sat was to look upon like a ((jasper and a sardine stone:)) and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. Sardine stone is Red or (RUDDY) and Jasper is commonly red also. We can clearly see by looking at the root Hebrew words used that the Israelites and Christ were described as being white and RUDDY
@johnovanic9560 3 месяца назад
So be it!
@Bigbadwhitecracker 3 месяца назад
The right language is so important. The Adamic race vs. the human race. Good morning to all the Adamics out there!
@milissaschidecker3145 3 месяца назад
@johnvu3268 29 дней назад
These are the 7 annual holy Feasts Sabbath. Holy days, we should keep.... -4 holy Feasts in the spring: passover, unleavened breads, first fruits, and Pentecost -3 holy Feasts in the fall: Feast of trumpets, Day of Atonement, and feast of Tabernacle.... And the weekly Sabbath (Seventh-Day-Sabbath, as Commanded in the 4th Love Commanded Commandment. Don't keep these pagan, counterfeit, holidays: such as Christmas, Easter, Sunday, valentines, Halloween, ash Wednesday, good Friday, etc We can do research, study, of these subjects in our own times.
@Rose-rr9xq 3 месяца назад
This was very interesting. I'm learning something new everytime I hear your talks. The term 'Hu man' was very interesting
@AlpNeva 3 месяца назад
It is a false etymology.
@AlpNeva 2 месяца назад
Here is an example. Orgies is better, because it means the thing you're after, more exact. It's a word that's made up out'n the Greek orgo, outside, open, abroad; and the Hebrew jeesum, to plant, cover up; hence inter. So, you see, funeral orgies is an open er public funeral." Mark Twain
@mikelgeren149 3 месяца назад
8th day man - Eth Ha Adom - Lo My prodigy Adom . Gen . 2:7
@questioneverything1646 3 месяца назад
Pastor Jennings can you do a teaching on where the other races came from?
@kimberlyboldt5213 3 месяца назад
Men were created on the 6th day. But Adam was created on the 8th Day after God rested. The other races were here on earth 2000 years before Adam. Or 2 days. Since a day to the Lord is as a 1000 years, and a 1000 years as one day.
@questioneverything1646 3 месяца назад
@@kimberlyboldt5213 Where do you get your info from? The Bible? The Bible doesn't talk about creating Adam on the 8th day. Do you have any links where I can research? Thanks for replying.
@kimberlyboldt5213 3 месяца назад
​@@questioneverything1646The Bible itself tells you this. Genesis is in chronological order. Adam is created after the 7th Day when God rested. It's a separate and distinct creation. As Pastor Jennings stated, "Adam and Eve are not the progenitors of the whole human race". He is correct. This is the family line of Jesus. Genesis states men were created on the 6th Day. These are the other peoples of the Earth. It's right there.
@questioneverything1646 3 месяца назад
@kimberlyboldt5213 I will read again but I don't see that. Thanks for replying.
@questioneverything1646 3 месяца назад
@@kimberlyboldt5213 Does Pastor Jennings teach this?? Has he done a study on this? Do you have links?
@justlikeEzra Месяц назад
Can anyone point me to info on the flood and races? Like Noah's sons being white and how did other races survive the flood?
@VladTepesh409 3 месяца назад
@crawdaddan 3 месяца назад
Adam was NOT BEGOTTEN OF GOD! Jesus was the only begotten son. No way.
@Mypplz 3 месяца назад
It would be good to do a study on the word “begotten”. Luke 3 does say Adam is a son of God, but not begotten. I’ve been pondering this.
@crawdaddan 3 месяца назад
Had Adam took of the tree of life. He would have been begotten of the spirit and lived forever. He told Adam. Dust thou art and Dust thou shall return. Jesus’s authority is all you need bud. He proclaimed himself to be the only begotten son of God. And so it is.
@namelessbroadcaster 3 месяца назад
Adam was created. That is the very English definition of begat. A man can begat pottery. saying "God begat Adam" is linguistically correct. The old testament for example is filled with the word begat.
@crawdaddan 3 месяца назад
@@namelessbroadcaster Would you agree there is a difference between God forming something out of the dust of the earth and giving it life. Giving man a soul (likeness of God) so the tree of life (Holy Spirit) could occupy it. Then through disobedience never taking hold of the tree of life in the midst of the garden. God actually severing the way to the tree of life until Christ was born. The only true son of God from heaven. And Adam was only a creation. Dust thou are and dust thou shall return. It’s just my opinion. On another note. I would have a completely different opinion if God would have said. Holy Spirit thou art and dust thou shalt return. But Adam was run out of the garden so he couldn’t receive the tree of life. Christ is a quickening spirit.
@namelessbroadcaster 3 месяца назад
@@crawdaddan I would agree is there is a difference between an eternal and a creation. Jesus is God's only begotten son, but Earth is not God's only begotten planet. Adam was begat, but not God's only begotten man or son since begat includes descendants. My goal was a grammatical assurance on Charles's use of the word begat related to Adam.
@israelitesrwhite4344 3 месяца назад
Thank you Pastor! God bless you!
@lumberlikwidator8863 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about the Scriptures and the world!
@bigtoad45 3 месяца назад
Thank you Charles.
What about nations of Genesis 10?
@BruceGorman-y5d 3 месяца назад
Amen and Amen to ALL our King Jesus Christ has said, spoken, taught.
@othergary 21 день назад
The Covenant is w I th us.
@MrFinius 3 месяца назад
Blacks Law: Human: says "see Monster".
@joggler66 3 месяца назад
Acts 17 exposes your lies. May God have mercy on you for leading people astray.
@namelessbroadcaster 3 месяца назад
Wresting the words of Paul is a good way to end up going wrong in one of the letters of Peter. It is a Pauline epistle for example that says let beggars starve if they don't work, while Jesus said to give to those who ask, and even said it was a salvation issue and that people were giving to him when they thought it was just some random stranger. Paul includes non divine opinions, and even prefaces some of them that effect.
@andriesfourie7461 Месяц назад
@JoshuaBowman-b9b 2 месяца назад
That lies the question. I don't know if I am Adamic or not, based on my Ancestry DNA I wouldn't know
@DOCKent-3339 3 месяца назад
That serpent's name was Gadreel. Their offspring was half Adamic and half Fallen Angel. Eve lied to Adam about the source (father) of her child. Gadreel was one of the six leaders of the 200 Fallen Angels.
@Zxuma 2 месяца назад
It is not a history. It is a literature.
@masterbuilder3166 3 месяца назад
Genesis 3:20 claims that Eve Is the mother of all living
@mikelgeren149 3 месяца назад
Jesus through Eve ... You have Jesus or one be dead .
@AuntamedWolf 3 месяца назад
When you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you die to your evil ways?
@doriesse824 2 месяца назад
No, that's when you come into the knowledge of good and evil.
@faithisprecious 3 месяца назад
I have come to the conclusion and understanding, that Paul the "apostle" was a jew pharisee, a false scribe. Never a true apostle to begin with. He talks about circumsition and animal sacrifices A LOT, and who practices these things today? Jesus didn't come to abolish THE LAW, but to UPHOLD it.. How many times did Jesus say "Woe unto you, SCRIBES and pharisees" We gotta be careful what we read. God never accepted animal sacrifice. He never WANTED sacrifice. Paul even admits he is a Pharisee in Acts 23:6 Psalm 40:6 Psalm 50:7-15 Isaiah 66:3 Jeremiah 7:21-22 Hosea 6:6 1. Samuel 15:22 Micah 6:6-8 Matthew 9:13 Matthew 12:7 I love all my brothers and sisters and i pray for everyone including myself to understand and come to the truth in Jehovah's name AMEN >>Paul
@AlpNeva 3 месяца назад
So you reject the church?
@faithisprecious 3 месяца назад
@@AlpNeva David James "The Narrow Road". Look him up and listen to him. He explains many things about Paul.
@AlpNeva 2 месяца назад
I will not listen to an antisemite such as David James. I believe that Christianity is the the promise that God made to Abraham. That through him, and the Jews, the world is blessed. I will say that you should not take ideas from people who say that human means colored man. I could cite you that orgies are public funerals (Twain, M. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1884 chapter 25). Nor should take ideas from people who say that the Jews are evil. In general because it is not true. And, if you are a Christian that is because we must not call evil what God calls good.
@matthew3_9 Месяц назад
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