
Adorable little blind singer is Unstoppable w/Vocal Coach (LIFT ME UP Rhianna) 

Cheryl Porter Vocal Coach
Подписаться 12 млн
Просмотров 5 млн
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-- - Sadaya Paige was born completely blind at birth. A few months ago, I saw her singing on IG and instantly fell in love with her! When I contacted her mother, Dora, she confessed that she had been wanting to contact me for a long time but hadn't gotten up the courage to do it. As fate would have it, it was me to contact her because anyone can see that Sadaya is a very special girl! Although completely blind, Sadaya is full of life, positivity, excitement, and pure joy! I hope you enjoy this beautiful lesson with this inspiring little singer and smile!
Rihanna - "Lift Me Up" Cover by Sadaya Page (from Marvel's Black Panther)
Follow Sadaya Paige:
/ @sadayapaige
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26 сен 2024




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@CherylPorterVocalCoach 2 месяца назад
🤩 For The FIRST & Last Time Ever Get LIVE Coaching From Me Inside The Live Vocal Star Academy But doors are only open until August 1st at 11:59 PM PDT so click the link in the description and join before slots fill up! 🥰
@Givemevip_12 20 дней назад
Your such a amazing vocal teacher! I would love to have a vocal teacher like you! 💜
@michaeloshili9003 Год назад
Mrs Cheryl's energy just brings the best out of all her students
@audreysamuels6077 Год назад
So true. She’s very understanding.
@sofianavarrete3268 Год назад
@keighlee9082 Год назад
Yes it does
@sarahgonzales6162 Год назад
@@keighlee9082 as
@victoriadu19 Год назад
@dobeus8957 Год назад
Love that she said “do the best you can” words to live by!
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Little life coach Sadaya!! 🥰
@sofianavarrete3268 Год назад
@loveyourselfclub2437 Год назад
I wish she was my singing coach
@thatgirlzayzaygaming_ Год назад
@@CherylPorterVocalCoach she looks so cute + your nails are so pretty
@PabloFernandez671. Год назад
@@CherylPorterVocalCoach jhbyfeo
@Annafossatii Год назад
This video made me very emotional.I too have a disability.I am in a wheelchair since birth and I love to sing. Seeing this content made me understand even more that when there is passion there are no limits. Thank you Cheryl and Sadaya for this beautiful contribution to the inclusion of people with disabilities♥️I love you so much Anna
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Exactly, Anna ❤❤❤ keep shining ✨
@Annafossatii Год назад
@@CherylPorterVocalCoach thanks so much for the reply Cheryl.These words are of great encouragement to me. . Thanks again for being great ispiration♥️
@Just.Factss Год назад
❤❤❤ I follow sadaya on Instagram and whenever I see her post I say there is no excuses! This girl is such an inspiration 😊
@jacquelinetyson2920 Год назад
Oh gosh I'm a blubby mess, both are brilliant, what a little sweetie, such a talent and great attitude to life
@LilliLamour Год назад
My father was a musician and became paralyzed by the age of 23. I remember him taking on wheelchair sports with such fierce enthusiasm until his passing. My cousin Eric was born with spinal bifida and became tied to a wheelchair in his early teens. He too plays sports. Tennis taught to him by my uncle who's a retired professional doubles player. Eric has won so many championships for tennis he's also a basketball player winning in that field too. My grandfather has said Eric is the most athletic out of all of his grandchildren. Mind you I was a dancer and gymnast and my other cousins did softball, baseball, football and so on and we're really good. But Eric is definitely a better athlete. I say all of this to let you know that you can take your disability and make it become your legs and you can out run us all. I appreciate you.
@esu.rengoku Год назад
She’s killin’ it!! Even though she’s born blind, she never gives up!!
@EMVelez Год назад
Why should she? Being blind doesn’t affect her ability to sing. Ray Charles, Steve Wonder, Jose Feliciano, Andrea Bocelli ring a bell? All blind.
@esu.rengoku Год назад
@@EMVelez it means something good. Not bad… plz just go and look at the video and check out what the teacher is saying. I love how she sings. Not hate and think she’s blind “stupid”. She’s a good smart girly.
@WOLF._wolfe123 Год назад
You're right
@Koriiii3 Год назад
She is indeed killin it!!
@bensarlequin1808 Год назад
Oh my God I love that song
@singer_4_lifeeee Год назад
At this point Cheryl needs her own show
@evelyl6620 Год назад
She has her own right here!
@BeBeLRob04 Год назад
I agree.
@wafo133 Год назад
Beautiful voice 🎉
@FlashBro-r4w Год назад
That little girl sounds amazing! She has a lot of energy and kindness. She doesn’t let blindness hold her back either… what a sweetheart ❤
@theharshtruthoutthere Год назад
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. Luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Revelation 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Repent = having a change of mind and of heart. A mind that once planed to sin, no longer sins nor make such plans, a stony cold heart which used to not know love nor how to care, suddenly beats warmly again. All man everywhere are called to repent. All are called, but only few have a real change in their mindsets and in their heart. All are called, but only few answer to that calling and call back, getting saved in return. Jesus is the only one who came to save - true, but as He for CHRIST = GOD IN FLESH says in HIS WORD, without faith it`s impossible to please GOD. If no FAITH found in you - you won+t be saved, because only through faith are we saved. To dare to call upon the name of the LORD = faith found. Otherwise how can we call if not believing? Take a look around and take a listen - hear how few amongst us dare to CALL. GOD has clearly given us a chance to choose, therefore how can we say that, we don't have a FREE WILL? Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Leviticus 20:7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God. Numbers 16:21 Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment. Joshua 23:11 Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:4 Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the LORD your God. 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 (KJV) John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. As the KINGDOM OF GOD ain´t of this world, so is the HOME for Christians not of this world. “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 (KJV) Let`s explain once more how repentance takes place in our lives: In short, the answer is clear: SIN NOT! That means: - no longer celebrating all these wicked holidays, - no longer planning to sin (how to and to whom to tell a lie and what kind of lie), - no longer hating one another, - no longer feel jealous, - no longer slaving the false god, the baphomet, - no longer gossip, - no longer judging without a reason, the unrighteous judgment, - no longer living as ignorant soul, (showing off all kinds of hand signs, while knowing not the real meaning behind these). - no longer filling our days with fornications, - no longer doing anything which GOD/CHRIST, our Maker, hates. A soul, who came to repentance, lives now in CHRIST and therefore is busy doing the WILL OF GOD: - KEEP, - PREACH, - EXPOSE. Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Romans 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. That's how and when we witness a soul on earth, has come to repentance. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. Matthew 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. Luke 17:23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. 1 Peter 1:14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
@Strawberri..playz7 Год назад
@@theharshtruthoutthere im not readng all of THAT
@brittanyfilipkoski3549 6 месяцев назад
If you ever come to my house and you don’t know where it is, it’s 126 Swartz St.
@KristinAlayna Год назад
I know she's a child but the joy she expressed when she said "I'M A MOM!" nearly made me cry... motherhood is a spirit, a ministry, that exists in many forms.
@latoyajthemiraclebaby7564 Год назад
I am not a mom yet do are you talking about like working with kids in children church ⛪️ even if they are not your kids and like day care
@jbae4789 Год назад
Yes the I'm a mom part was too cute and funny LOL
@shavoyamallory4131 Год назад
Yes, that touched my soul!
@geraldinelopezmartinez7064 Год назад
@@jbae4789 znd
@joieleazar8397 Год назад
I cried…
@seraphina.orefice Год назад
I love how she understands that she has a disability and doesn’t think the worst of it:)
@ZeeForce9 Год назад
As a choir student, I was shocked at how amazing she sang "Lift me up"! Her voice is so steady and beautiful!
@gatheringmoss5726 Год назад
Who else had to grab a tissue during this gorgeous exchange of love, tenderness, and beauty?
@babyrenee6537 Год назад
Singing and teaching clearly not Cheryl's only gifts-spreading JOY & LOVE her other superpowers!
@nikishajackson6913 Год назад
@cynh2236 Год назад
Amen. I just love her, she's my new friend and she don't even know it. Her energy is power
@jaspo6436 Год назад
Her spirit alone shows how much love and humbleness she has in her. she was born with this little condition of blindness, and I say “little condition” because to her this stops NOTHING in her life, it’s little/minor! I’m absolutely grateful to see this little one be so full of joy and happiness and do whatever her heart desires! God bless her and her family who help instill her confidence and brightness. ❤❤❤❤❤
@MzMnTT Год назад
Definitely. Bought me to tears with her beautiful voice 🤗💚 special little one! Will be looking forward for her in the future
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Hey Jas! ❤ Thanks so much for your lovely comment! 💕⭐🥰 You are so right!!! Merry Christmas! ❤☃❄🎉🎁🎊🎇🎄
@ziarapension5011 Год назад
Her spirit alone how show much love and humdleness little say has condition see this little joy happiness who help life minor family her confidence and brightness.
@Daria_Andriana Год назад
Mrs Cheryl has a huge heart that takes everyone in. ♥️
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Your words melt my heart 🥰❤💌
@Daria_Andriana Год назад
@@CherylPorterVocalCoachThank you very much for everything you do! Thank you for your kindness, for the love and joy that you send to the world, for your talent and skill. The positive content you share always gives a good mood. God bless you and your students. 🙏❤️💐🥊
@otaphiabrusch4605 Год назад
So true the best vocal coach in the world 🥰
@antonioemidio1691 Год назад
@jonairayazminsoto188 Год назад
She is so adorable 😍 God bless her!💞❤️🙏🏽
@salliexx7631 7 месяцев назад
Her vibrato is so good!!!
@skylerkempt8411 Год назад
Does anyone else think Sadaya’s voice is so beautiful 💕 you did so well !!
@iamprophetessgodsglory3342 Год назад
@angelawalker5827 Год назад
Yes I think she is a beautiful Unicorn ❤❤❤😂
@applespotty2232 Год назад
her voice is gorgeous and she's so technical it's great
@PrisTvv Год назад
So beautiful
@Msmaegmail Год назад
@gember1382 Год назад
One of the biggest reasons I love to drive is because you can sing as loud as you want to in a car!! I love these driving sessions 🥰
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
❤❤❤ Keep singing and having extra fun in your car honey!!!
@jeffersonnascimento4204 Год назад
I laughed and cried with this video from the start, Cheryl has a gift for teaching with love, care and empathy. and what about sadaya? this little girl is like a ray of light! ❤☄
@faithbrown3138 Год назад
I absolutely LOVE the “Everybody clap your hands” warmup!! I can’t even explain how much I walk around all day and sing it. Thank you for what you do!!!
@tomaspodrouzek1196 Год назад
Just because you have health problems doesn't mean you stop doing what you love. Be brave!
@sschumer23 Год назад
Omgoodness!!! This beautiful little girl 😍. Her parents have done an amazing job of letting her know she has NO limitations!!! Great job to them and her for just being an amazing little lady ❤️
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Sooo true, honey! 🥰
@alexemily5945 Год назад
She literally does have limitations but okay
@annvanhecke4871 Год назад
This is medicine for my heart, the world is beautiful when you two sing... The way you give this girl confidence, love you Cheryl Porter!! 💖💝❤🌈🔥
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Love you too, honey! ♥️
@geileenvargas8177 Год назад
Let’s get her to 6.70M subscribers because she deserves it for posting amazing content for us ❤🎉
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
You're so sweet, honey! 🥰
@J.LS. Год назад
Get her to 7. See deserves it
@aunizaaraazli4021 Год назад
We did it! Time to get her to 7M
@tweetyslife253 Год назад
I'm watching all the way from France and what an amazing teacher she is. She's like a friend in my head.
@FelixAkin-p1z Год назад
​@@CherylPorterVocalCoach i have 11year old telling me i must make means for you to be her couch,we from south africa but moving to america nextweek
@mrsjeaniehirsch Год назад
at Ms. Cheryl, do you know what a blessing in this world you are !? God Bless you always
@erikacanete2503 Год назад
All her kindness is making me cry and in my inside because she sings so beautiful even if she is blight
@relka_relca_aurelka Год назад
This little girl really can sing. She has got an amazing voice.🥰❤️👏
@JessieMouse8 Год назад
She such a doll❤️...very talented! Cheryl you are always so spectacular with all of your students. I love how encouraging and positive you are not only with your students but just as the gorgeous human being you are. ❤️Thank you for the light you bring to us all.
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
@boeyou4310 Год назад
@@CherylPorterVocalCoach me too and she can be there by this in my room and she is a lot I can come to the way it will have we the only way I have to get a good job
@Oberon44 Год назад
❤ Cheryl Porter, you are like an archeologist, carefully uncovering humanity’s buried voices. I hope so many people are inspired by your work and that they find their own voices, but also that people are inspired to do work like yours. It’s life affirming. ❤
@lorrainejackson7838 Год назад
I would love to know what area she is in,my granddaughter keeps telling me she wants to sing.
@judytherose9296 Год назад
…@user-sn9ft9cy2v…she really is..,!!!
@junim_do_morro Год назад
@janefraser1878 Год назад
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Ohhhh that's intense!!!! Thanks so much honey! ❤❤❤
@wuhsiaoping Год назад
6:21 [Chorus] Lift me up Hold me down Keep me close Safe and sound [Verse 1] Burning in a hopeless dream Hold me when you go to sleep Keep me in the warmth of your love When you depart, keep me safe Safe and sound [Chorus] Lift me up Hold me down Keep me close Safe and sound [Verse 2] Drowning in an endless sea Take some time and stay with me Keep me in the strength of your arms Keep me safe Safe and sound [Chorus] Lift me up Hold me down Keep me safe Safe and sound [Verse 3] Burning in a hopeless dream Hold me when you go to sleep Keep me safe We need light, we need love [Chorus] (Lift me up) Lift me up in your arms (Hold me down) I need love, I need love, I need love (Keep me close) Hold me, hold me (Safe and sound) Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me (Lift me up) Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me (Hold me down) Hold me, hold me (Keep me safe) We need light, we need love
@monalisakawoor4394 Год назад
This gave me goosebumps and made me tear up.... loads of love to both of you...
@righteousree9837 Год назад
She has such a super clear voice!!! I love this. ❤️
@terriwalters6327 Год назад
Why can't I stop crying?!? It's the song, it's Ms. Cheryl, it's this baby girl singing......😭
@sugarfoot234 Год назад
I agree… I couldn’t stop the tears beautiful voices❤
@kittycoven Год назад
Your voices melt together like butter on those harmonies. She has the sweetest tone. Mrs. Cheryl, you provided Sadaya such amazing coaching. I know those tips will stick with her and help her to be an even stronger vocalist!
@symphonyjackson4475 7 месяцев назад
She sounds like she sing kids songs I love it!!!
@jadelovebradley6832 Год назад
Omg this baby just bring me to tears. So beautiful voice. You keep going sweetheart you are star.
@davidlindsay2138 Год назад
Sadaya is a total star! What a positive attitude. Adorable indeed 😁
@sohard2sea872 Год назад
One line of lift me up had me crying. I think Cheryl got as much out of this lesson as baby girl. I can see cheryls whole self filling up
@mauicox8480 Год назад
Don’t we all need a Mrs Cheryl in our lives. Thank you for what you do. You are a blessing to many many lives.
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
That's so sweet, honey! 🥰 thank you!
@trinitywave Год назад
This video is so dang cute. I feel like I'm tearing up. I love this. So heartwarming. thank you for all you do!
@kaydeenandAaronaadventures Год назад
i love tht she knows her "disorder" isn't her downfall ..her positivity is beyond... this srsly touched me #welovesparkle 🥺🥺✨✨🎉🎉💖💖
@vus2093 Год назад
This is the most perfect video I’ve ever seen. Cheryl understands Sadaya so well! Smiled at every part of this video.
@innermostbeing Год назад
I love the way Cheryl works with each student to bring out their best while refining and defining their vocal range. The little angel's perseverance is mind-blowing. She is going to open the doors to aching souls with her voice. Awesome, blossom!
@lillianvarnado8240 Год назад
❤I love how Cheryl is so sweet and uses different methods for each person because everyone is different and learns in different ways❤
@Ash_Ley7 Год назад
I wish she could see how pretty she is! Honeslty God bless her!
@jeanmaeilagan9322 Год назад
I'm so proud of you little Sadaya. God bless you. You are special ☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️
@Bmoore295 Год назад
Her sheer joy at the Reborn doll is so precious!! Her voice is amazing and that harmony was divine!!
@wrenbayley Год назад
Let me just say! This is absolutely beautiful and precious! I had to stop the video and sob for a second because it touched my heart so deeply, but I didn’t want to miss a sound! I love when people realize physical conditions don’t define them, and I love when others give that respect to not limit them as well! Okay, back to the video.......
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
I know honey ❤ Sadaya is so young yet so inspiring! 🥰
@autismmomjoy Год назад
This is amazing I'm just in an emotional state being a mother to a Special needs child this warms my heart
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
​@@CherylPorterVocalCoach ❤def
@claudettelowe430 Год назад
She is amazing the way she is 😄
@eliciapardue7642 10 месяцев назад
That little girl said IM A MOM KNOW!! that made me smile she is so happy all the time😊😊😊
@_Iconic_ Год назад
She's adorable
@dontreadprofilephoto1728 Год назад
*Ok_Dont_Read_My_Namess* 😑.......
@JuliaMijou Год назад
She is literally the sweetest Angel 🧡
@GK-rt2oz Год назад
This is what true inclusivity looks like! Adapting to her needs 🥰
@jesssbrown2632 Год назад
She did really good with her disability so sweet 🥹
@Equality-and-Liberty 8 месяцев назад
Mister Cheryl you are not only a teacher but a real mother with a good heart. Every disabled child would be happy with you.
@lifewithbre8512 Год назад
The little girl got some vocals on her! And she so adorable 🥰
@dadiedorsinvil1574 Год назад
Wow! She killed me with that: “I’m a mom”!! ❤❤
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
@Myallinall7 Год назад
Me too 😂😂😂
@melodiepeter1349 Год назад
Same 🥲🥰❤️
@queenscorpio93c24 Год назад
I absolutely love Cheryl, her voice is UNSTOPPABLE & ALL of the kids that she teaches love & respect this Beautiful Queen so much!! ❤️ GIVE MOMMA CHERYL HER FLOWERS NOW!! 💐
@sweetangel550 6 месяцев назад
I loved it when Cheryl joined in at the end. Cheryl is an incredible singer and Sadaya has a beautiful voice and is inspirational.
@foolishmortal2309 Год назад
I love how she,s blind and she still thinks so positive she so adorable and beutiful!
@staceytroffer8287 Год назад
I just love this teacher. She is so filled with the joy of song it’s incredible. What a wonderful woman.
@nxjnz Год назад
I don’t know how Cheryl does it she just brings the beauty of everyone’s voice with such unique ways❤
@lubanya7841 Год назад
Ms Cheryl is simply the best medicine that every child needs. Bless her heart.
@visionarycatalyst18 Год назад
Oh my goodness! She is amazing! I LOVE her bright, sweet spirit! She has a BEAUTIFUL voice!
@xMarvelosx Год назад
I cried the entire time like a baby nothing broke me like this is years
@Smoovazznymph Год назад
The happiness on her face opening that gift made me tear up 🤎🤎🤎...you are an amazing person Mrs Cheryl 🤎🤎🤎
@MixedLifeWithLanii Год назад
she sounds so good and im amazed by he talent and beauty she looks so beautiful too
@MixedLifeWithLanii Год назад
@gracefisher7667 Год назад
Sadaya is such a beautiful girl with a beautiful singing voice. I'm crying just listening to her. 😭🎤🎶❤️🥰
@mariaholloway5838 Год назад
Beautiful child with an angelic voice. I couldn't keep the tears from flowing, u both made my day!!
@crispingaring9080 Год назад
And I did not think this song could get me any more emotional with its many memory ties... And then this! 😭 Honestly . You are such a gift, Sadaya. Miss Cheryl Porter Ma'am, this world is so much better with you in it, love this series, love your work and the hope and joy you bring not just to these singers but to everyone watching!
@ambernerling1024 Год назад
whenver some one has a disbaly means you sing better.
@carladavis1473 Год назад
When she sung Safe and Sound...😥 very moving. Such a precious little girl.
@LaLa-qc4sf Год назад
the little girl's voice gave me chills! beautiful
@Саша-б4ф1и Год назад
Как прекрасно смотреть и на эту чудесную малышку. Она тронула моё сердце.
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
I am so glad you liked it, honey! 💓🎶💋
@Skatinkable Год назад
Какие они чудесные! Я реально плачу ❤
Very g
Very good
@brownsbaker Год назад
She is the sweetest soul ever !!! Cheryl is a gift
@conniebanks8686 Год назад
Mrs. Cheryl you are truly a gift from God! The joy you put into every lesson and song is nothing short of amazing. May God continue to shine His light through you, His chosen vessel. ❤
@ladyz5402 Год назад
That baby is beautiful!!!! I love her spirit… As an adult going through some things she just made realize I need to be grateful and smile through it all. Her spirit is perfect and voice is beautiful!!!
@purplefeather69 Год назад
She is SOOOOO precious and full of life! I love her smile!❤️🔥
@nyyankee841 Год назад
This brought me to tears, God bless the both of you. Keep your faith and strength.🙏🏽💪🏽💯❤️
@prisdeca Год назад
Congratulations 🎉 what a great MENTOR you are and not just a Teacher… you both are doing great. Keep the world shining ✨💖
@ahandaly1 Год назад
Love it. That little girl teaches us that even with a disability, you can do whatever you want to.
@mariewoodward9713 Год назад
Miss Cheryl you had me crying like a 3 year old. I love that you didn't let this little beauty get away with anything. I can't wait to see her on some singing show or on a album. She may not be able to see but she sure can sing!!!! You also made her a mom just like she wanted. At first I didn't see her with a walking stick until she was getting in your car. What a smart cookie she is. I look all the time to see when you upload a new video and today you didn't disappoint. God bless you and all of your students. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
Thanks so much for your lovely comment, sweetheart! 💕⭐️🥰
@cynthiafaith1714 Год назад
This is absolutely beautiful. Praying for continued blessings. You have a beautiful spirit and heart. God bless you ♥️🙌
@TheStarbaby7 Год назад
I love when Aunty Cheryl harmonizes with her students 😍😍 And she KILLED her verse she did. Especially 8:28 😍😍
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
@TheStarbaby7 Год назад
@@CherylPorterVocalCoach 🥰🥰🥰🥰
@notnats12 Год назад
Wow! This girl has so much potential! I’m in love, and well, Cheryl never disappoints us, thank you for this! I’m going to sing this song for my audition! 🎉❤
@rosscaw82 Год назад
What a beautiful girl this melts my heart. She’s so good. Cheryl you are an amazing coach and so down to earth you are awesome ❤
@azaaqt Год назад
@Yeayamay Год назад
You guys sounded so pretty together, I'm crying. I love this song!
@CherylPorterVocalCoach Год назад
OMG I love this song, too!! 😍
@ruthlynaaron6725 Год назад
What a beautiful little girl Sadaya is 😍 That song really suits her voice too, she did a great job 💕💕💕
@katescaringcorner6765 Год назад
Oh man. This child brings shivers to my spine and tears to my eyes. That song, Lift Me Up is such a strong song, but when this child sings it she melts my heart. God bless her ever loving heart! Bless you too Cheryl! ❤
@hye-seonkim1115 Год назад
😢 this little angle is just so beautiful. Bless her. ❤
@traciannhunter8581 Год назад
Baby girl is a joy to watch. You guys are both a joy to watch. So beautiful how you made an already great singer GOLDEN!!! She killed LIFT ME UP. she is precious!!!!
@Skyy.Rose95 Год назад
She’s a beauty godbless her 💕💕
@PurpleLenzPhotography Год назад
God’s anointing all over you and this child!❤ This video lifted me up today! Thank you Mrs. Cheryl!
@Hotliciousness 6 месяцев назад
Welp, this one made me cry. This baby is so precious, my God! May she forever be protected. I loved everything about this episode but wow, the singing blew me away on both parts!
@looneytunes0024 Год назад
Miss Cheryl, I know that this will sound cliché, but I have been going through a REALLY rough time lately. I have was recently diagnosed with PTSD, and I have been struggling with listening to music without becoming extremely overwhelmed, and overstimulated... However, watching you coach your students by showing them the true potential that they inhibit is SOOO inspiring, and it has slowly been giving me the ability to see the positive effects of music, and bringing back the enjoyment that I had BEFORE my diagnosis of PTSD. So thank you for that, and keep doing what you are doing!
@Trinigmatic Год назад
I love that song for her. She’s developing a silky smooth tone. ❤️❤️❤️
@stonedmermaid6092 Год назад
These videos make me cry due to Mrs.Cheryl’s selfless motivation and encouragement but this video hit me there’s notable Ounce of depression in that little girl. I really need to reevaluate myself and the things I let bring me down.
@lence454 Год назад
This video took me so many emotions! I cried tears of joy,I shouted like a proud mama,I sang along with her,I smiled!! Just amazing may God Bless this amazing woman for what she's doing ❤️
@fee4900 Год назад
Every child needs a wonderful teacher in their life. Awesome
@Dxrkisreal Год назад
Ms.Cheryl is the best teacher to help people see their potential in life
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