
Advice for D&D DMs: Be on the Players' Side 

Sly Flourish – The Lazy Dungeon Master
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Mike offers his thoughts and advice for D&D DMs on how to work with players instead of against them to run awesome D&D games.
Core principles
- Working with the players, not against them.
- You're not a competitor.
- The DM is an antenna to another world. We're the vehicle for storytelling.
- We're not the baddies. We're not our villains. We're not on the opposite side of the chess board.
- We're fans of the characters (Thanks Dungeon World!)
- The players understand about half of what's going on.
- The characters understand far more than the players do.
- The characters are smart and skilled in their roles. They have knowledge the characters do not.
- Fun doesn't mean just upward beats, it means risk and reward, upward and downward beats. Hard situations and hard meaningful decisions.
The DM's Job
- Build the situation around the story, not around the characters.
- Clarify that situation to the players. We're their eyes and ears.
- Help them meet their intent.
- Let the dice complicate things. They are the cold-hearted arbiter of the results of the situation.
- Balance acting true to the situation with the fun of the game; leaning towards fun and away from things that are not fun.
- The world and the story puts the characters in hard situations. The DM helps the characters make informed choices to navigate those situations.
- Warn them when they're walking into a potentially deadly situation.
- Assume characters that aren't involved in investigating a trap aren't putting themselves at risk.
- Let characters move that extra five feet if they can't quite get up to a monster.
- Ask the characters to make a group stealth check even if they don't ask for it if it makes sense that they'd be sneaking.
- Use characters passive scores to locate secret doors.
- Ask "are you sure" when they're doing something that clearly won't work or is clearly dangerous.
- Let players roll back spells cast if their character would know that it clearly wouldn't have worked. "A 1st level sleep spell won't be powerful enough to put them to sleep."
- Ask for the players intent and help them reach it.
- Offer deals: "You can make a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check to channel energy from the unstable arcane node. On a success, enemies will have disadvantage on their saving throws against your spell. Fail and you'll take 2d10 force damage."
- Remind the players about advantageous terrain.
- Give players hints and clues about puzzles their characters would clearly understand.
- Remind players of things their characters would likely remember.
- Use skill checks and the characters' backgrounds go offer clues and tips.
- In complicated situations, offer strategic recommendations the players may not recognize.
- Remind players of impending dangers: "You have two rounds left before the orcish hoard falls upon you".
- Remind the players about items their characters possess that they may have forgotten.
- Offer suggestions for spell uses players might not remember or consider.
- Give characters inspiration or advantage when they take risky moves that move the story forward.
- Offer alternatives: "You can charge the first one and attack or you can ready your attack for the first one to charge up to you and stay close to your protecting paladin."
- Clarify impossibilities: "Hard as you might try, this door is beyond your capability to break down.
Work With Your Players
- D&D is a cooperative game and we're part of that cooperative.
- We have to know when to let bad things happen.
- Build trust with the players. Don't violate it. Be on their side. Avoid "gotcha"s.
- The world is cruel, you are not.



21 сен 2024




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@SupergeekMikeDowntime 3 года назад
Brennan Lee Mulligan said something similar - he considers himself the good cop, and the dice are the bad cop. Once the battle begins, he basically says, “Listen, I did everything I could to help. Now it’s up to the dice.” Because you are still playing a game with your friends.
@ChristnThms 3 года назад
I use the phrase, "Your character would know..." quite often. I hadn't really thought it through like you explain it. I just figured it was a good way to bridge the communication challenges that are inevitable in a fast paced game.
@largefella4341 3 года назад
Me running Tomb of Horrors: *like that's ever gonna happen.*
@10lightshow 3 года назад
Yep first thought I had after having already ran ToA. Hard to be on the players side when one gets in a coffin and the other pushes the big red shiny button of death.
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Thats what's make it the most popular terrible adventure =)
@dsan05 3 года назад
Run it as is with everyone knowing and understanding what they're in for. Could be fun! You could do it as a groundhog day situation, but with a time limit, and see how far you get.
@OffbrandGandalf 3 года назад
Clarifying intent is such great advice, I find myself using it at the other side of the table. When I get a chance to play, I'll catch myself starting to ask the DM a series of questions about the environment or whatnot. Instead of rambling on, I just tell them what I'd like to accomplish. Nine times out of ten, the DM will immediately snaps back with an appropriate roll, or else we all think up some new course of action that's actually possible. Clarifying intent definitely saves everyone a lot of time and back-and-forth frustration.
@danielnimitz6415 3 года назад
"The dice are the enemies. I can relate to that statement lol!
@TonyCrenshawsLatte 3 года назад
One of the DMs I played for did the exact opposite. He was a super stickler for what the party declared or not, so if we forgot to declare something which he deemed important, then he would gleefully punish us for it. Emphasis on "gleefully." ("You didn't list a tent among the supplies you are gathering before venturing out, so you must rest out in the open and roll CON save every night to not suffer exhaustion from the cold. You can push forward like this, or you can go back to the town to get the tent. But if you go back, you won't make it to the evil lair in time to stop the ritual.") That experience is really allowing me to take your lesson to the heart. :D
@SonOfSofaman 3 года назад
I'm not sure I would have taken away something positive from that experience, as you have. :)
@ODDnanref 3 года назад
@@SonOfSofaman was it just randomly cold for that? Also, cold alone can be solve by using a bunch of layers to cover your body. And is snow is a problem having a shovel to dig helps a lot to protect from the cold. Sorry, got distracted by the behavior of your DM, because some of that smelled like bullshit. Sure, some solutions are subpar to a tent, but they all help avoid the cold. Well, at least it did some good, I guess? Allowing you to better understand the topic.
@RIVERSRPGChannel 3 года назад
I agree you should not be out to get the characters or try to kill them all. You should root for the players
@CritAcademy 3 года назад
Yup. We are always supposed to secretly be on their side. :)
@goadfang 3 года назад
I don't make a secret of it. I cheer for them when the dice go their way, I mourn with them when the dice fail them. The monsters, on the other hand, are definitely not on their side and I play them ruthlessly.
@ThePlayercoach 3 года назад
This is one of THE best D&D videos I’ve ever watched. It also spills over into the meta gaming issue. Sometimes my argument for meta gaming is that the characters know more than the players. And sometimes that’s ok. ! Or even talking during a battle. Or talking a bit out of turn.
@comaco1969 Год назад
So very helpful, as I have often forgotten the fact that I am not my players enemy.
@TheShoo 3 года назад
Omg! I was telling my sister this yesterday: the DM is not the enemy, the dice are. I feel validated :)
@dsan05 3 года назад
I try to DM with this in mind, some wise advice I heard: "The more dangerous something is, the more obvious it should be." That way, players can make relatively informed decisions.
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
@Marcus-ki1en 2 года назад
As an OG (Original Grognard) and DM since 1979, I must tell you well done. I have always run my game as a conduit between the players the the world situation. It is us against the situation, not them against me. The ultimate goal is for the players to have fun. If they don't have fun long enough, you won't have any players.
@altorrickriver 3 года назад
As someone who likes to DM and also host craps nights with the same group of friends, that comparison sparks joy ❤️
@richardhealy 3 года назад
Excellent advice!!
@HowtoRPG 3 года назад
Good advice for playing with new and beginner players.
@ThePlayercoach 3 года назад
Great to know I’ve been doing things well now and again in this regard!! Good confirmation
@VeganBeerSnob 3 года назад
What a great video. Thank you!
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@BolofromAvlis 3 года назад
That's how I try to look at it. I want the players to win, although the dice will sometimes disagree.
@Silkspar 3 года назад
So much of what you are describing, I think, can be addressed by thinking of it in terms of resolution. The players have the worst resolution of what is happening, they only know what is happening from the DM. The DM has (almost) perfect resolution and it's the DMs job to act as a lens to bridge that resolution gap as much as possible and bring a situation into better focus for the players. I wonder if some DM's fixation with "meta gaming bad!" contributes to poor DM-ing in this regard?
@myvlog4me 3 года назад
Not about this video in particular, Just wanted to say thanks for all your content, I've watched your full Saltmarsh series and incorporated a ton of your ideas and it's always added value. I finally decided to buy your material on sale today, keep rollin!
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Glad you like them!
@RyanLabrie 3 года назад
We had a large conversation about this recently. The thing we came too was nudge things towards fun & interesting but have consequences for some actions
@baronkimble5378 3 года назад
Amazing advice! 👏
@solarisdevorak 2 года назад
I always have looked at it like this. I'm a facilitator to my friends. I facilitate the best game I can possibly give them however that may be. I am crafting the story but I'm crafting the story with them in mind. They are not spectators to my grand story that they can be privileged to be a part of. I'm facilitating a backdrop and a stage for my players to shine.
@dvssicarius 3 года назад
Awesome video!
@explodingsofa1563 3 года назад
Absolutely stellar advice. Thank you so much for sharing your insights. Going to keep a lot of these ideas in mind moving forward.
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@incerto9257 3 года назад
I love your books, thx for all the info. Your videos are also great and have terrific presentation, keep them coming!
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Thanks so much!
@garthmccarthy4911 3 года назад
I agree 100 present with you Sly, thanks for the reminder
@redm85 3 года назад
Great advices as usual!
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Thanks for watching!
@erinjoyner3739 3 года назад
Lord. Friggin thank you. THIS is what makes me so hesitant to play with anyone I don't avidly trust as a DM. For some reason there is this obsession with things like horrible plot twists and TPKs and it makes me nuts. A fun game and a good story (both things players look for) do not end in worthless TPKs. They just don't. Fighting against your players and trying to smash them at every chance is just bad DM etiquette.
@Joeys-Channel 3 года назад
This is great
@valasafantastic1055 3 года назад
I agree.
@JeremyGundel 3 года назад
this is one of your best! really appreciate it.
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
Wow! Thank you so much!
@EricKamander 3 года назад
Great ideas, and as much as I completely agree with everything said, at least in spirit, I think this topic needs a qualifier that for many players the danger and risk of death are necessary for their continued enjoyment. I have seen players frown when they think their PCs are getting a pass on something. It ruins the verisimilitude for them, and they start to feel like their actions don't have consequences, and they're just going through the motions. When things get precarious, I know I will often sacrifice NPCs first at the altar of consequences, but eventually a PC might have to go. Part of the challenge in D&D is that most of the time, a bad decision just means greater danger, which means overcoming greater obstacles. It's hard to penalize PCs. When the situation and luck of the dice warrant it, and all fair warnings of what PCs would/should know have been considered, an occasional death may be for the greater good of the game, even if it means they get brought back later and our just behind in experience.
@dsan05 3 года назад
Agreed. I just ran a session zero a few weeks ago, and made it very clear that PCs can die in my games (but that I barrack for the party). I make all my combat rolls in the open (I think it's great if players can see the bonuses the monsters have -in game terms, their characters would understand which are more powerful). It sparked of a light-hearted war stories moment in the discussion which was fun.
@paulhorn7855 3 года назад
Though posted 5 days aga I just got my notification. So much for hitting that bell icon.. 🤦‍♂️
@SlyFlourish 3 года назад
@timkramar9729 2 года назад
I've never liked or supported the idea of opportunity attacks. I let the players run away, and I'm not opposed to the monsters running away.
@Lodane 3 года назад
Take my comment-based engagement.
@DonFranke 3 года назад
Intersting that the note reads "Mike's ZETTELKASTEN ..." are you by any chance fluid in the german language?
@alcachofa777 3 года назад
I need to show this video to a DM I know... so many "gotchas" and that annoying competitor's attitude
@patricksnyder8596 3 года назад
Matt Mercer could learn from some of these
@solarisdevorak 2 года назад
Have you even watched critical role? He constantly tries to help his players succeed. He wants nothing more than for them to have fun. He does challenge them and he will adhere to a rule but he doesn't actively try to kill his players or work against them.
@elgatochurro 2 года назад
Seen two GMs in one group... Not do this... They're against and trying to limit the players often.
@merck__ 3 года назад
I think a mistake I've seen is the DM just asking a player "are you sure?" Because from the player's perspective they just said they wanted to do a cool, badass thing, so of course they are going to say yes! Instead, ask "are you sure" without saying "are you sure." Clarify where the obvious source of danger is and what the obvious consequences would be.
@tedm3081 3 года назад
Great video!
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