

Shawn Melon
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• Habanera Carmen
Aida - Herva Nelli
Radamès - Richard Tucker
Amneris - Eva Gustavson
Amonasro - Giuseppe Valdengo
Ramphis - Norman Scott
Il Re di Egitto - Dennis Harbour
Una Sacerdotessa - Teresa Stich-Randall
Un Messaggero - Virginio Assandri
Conductor - Arturo Toscanini
Orchestra - NBC Symphony Orchestra
Chorus - Robert Shaw Chorale



16 сен 2024




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@johnpolhamus9041 Год назад
Best Aida ever. The one most about the music. A miraculous document, and the closest to Verdi himself. Viva Verdi, ed Evviva Arturo Toscanini!!
@danilo22uk 3 года назад
I received the RCA LP records of this recording for my 21stbirthday in 1971 and I still have them. Now I can see it. An absolutely wonderful recording. It stands against the best still.
@0314256 12 лет назад
Fulminant - grandiose! A masterpiece of the great conductor Arturo Toscanini. Thank you very much for the posting.
@alanhill4957 10 лет назад
The taste of these two aged Italian wines blended in such miraculous proportions leaves me intoxicated, breathless. Thank you from the depths of my aged heart, Shawn Melon, for posting this.
@MrGer2295 12 лет назад
WONDERFUL!!! Thank you dear friend for sharing this a Very Rare Performances of Great Opera Singers and Great Italian Conductor ARTURO TOSCANINI (March 25, 1867 - January 16, 1957).
@band3kafsh Год назад
The performance is not that rare, it's been available on LP, and later on CD, almost continuously since it was recorded.
@maurochiocchetti3909 9 лет назад
All'epoca Toscanini aveva 82 anni. La registrazione audio-video rimane un documento sonoro di straordinario valore, anche dal punto di vista della testimonianza storica. Ciò che colpisce è l'energia vitale con cui Toscanini interpreta Aida. La marcia trionfale non è una marcia funebre, è la musica allo stato puro, che come in un film ci fa percepire la grandiosità delle piramidi. Per quanto riguarda gli interpreti, senza troppe velleità interpretative da parte loro, cantano dignitosamente. Certo abbiamo due eccellenze in Tucker e Valdengo, i quali possiedono entrambi tecnica vocale e stile elegante e nobile. In questa Aida ci sono pagine da antologia, come ad esempio: la "scena dell'incoronazione", la "marcia trionfale" e il balletto", la "scena del giudizio", solo per citarne alcune. Una grande Aida che non dovrebbe mancare in nessuna collezione. Cordiali saluti e pace e bene. Mauro Chiocchetti Maza-Moena- Val de Fascia.
@gomongio 8 лет назад
Toscanini will always be the best Verdian conductor. Thank you very much, uploader!
@shicoff1398 3 года назад
Agreed. He was one of the very best and greats for sure.
@tbabubba32682 3 года назад
This was recorded after he had a stroke. People thought he wouldn't ever conduct again, and not only did he conduct, but he made it one of the best performances out there. AND ALL FROM MEMORY! He's an absolute hero.
@shicoff1398 3 года назад
@@tbabubba32682 Tucker when asked by Toscanini . to sing the TV Brdcst. Performance, told the maestro he would, but only if Toscanini personally coached and advised him about singing the role, his first time singing a complete Rhadames, and he was only singing complete live opera's in Italian at that time, (1949) for four years, his Met. debut was in 1945, so Tucker knew it was a great chance to boost up his operatic reputation, which it did with very good reviews. Peerce was asked by Toscanini to sing it, but told me, he said "no way" as he did not feel it right for his voice, so 35 year old Tucker agreed and was given some private coaching by Toscanini and Joe Garnett, his own personal coach, until Tucker died in 1975. I knew both Peerce and Tucker personally and they both looked up to Toscanini as a God, the great Cond. Toscanini RIP.
@60bui 2 года назад
@davidmolina7543 2 года назад
I thoroughly enjoyed this performance
@jamesnickoloff6692 3 года назад
A fantastic document, but why is it so out of sync??
@Twentythousandlps Год назад
Tucker did not perform Rhadames in a theater for another 16 years, when he judged his voice to be dramatic enough for it. At which point he was 52 years old.
@Lechatnoir3 2 года назад
@BrianJosephMorgan 2 года назад
Brava, Nelli!
@sugarbist 4 года назад
`Tucker, not yet in full spinto bloom does a fine Radamas here, and was later on proven to be an excelleent tenor for the spinto dramatic roles
@shicoff1398 3 года назад
You are Italian, and knowing the Italian Language but the comment "moonlitnight " recently mentioned about Tucker's Italian doesn't seem really accurate, that is for non Italian singers. Toscanini used Jussi Bjorling and Jan Peerce (his favorite at the time also) but Tucker 's Italian was equal to both those tenors and very good here, early in his career, in fact very early, Bjorling's wasn't really all that good, however Toscanini used him for the live .1940 Verdi Req. he did learn fast with a great ear, later JB's Italian was excellent, I spoke to the late leading well known Cond. for Chicago lyric opera long ago, Italian born "Bruno Bartoletti" about American Richard Tucker and others, including the great, also non Italian Swedish tenor, Jussi Bjoerling and he told me both men, Tucker and Bjoerling sang Italian so well, that they both where excellent for not being Italian and that is even though neither man spoke the language at all. As you know the Italian's gave Tucker the Commendatore medal, among their highest cultural award and he was very popular in Italy, in several major opera houses when he sang there, which later was often in several cities and with success. Tucker's Italian reviews from the critics, that is in every review I've seen ( I have read several in the James Drake book) where excellent, so good in fact that not one mentioned mediocre or poor Italian diction. what is your opinion of his Italian?
@BellaFirenze Год назад
@paulgalbraith2862 2 года назад
too bad the tape isnt synced
@artul 7 лет назад
@VinylToVideo 11 лет назад
Finest performance of the opera out there but unfortunately it gets out of sync here towards the end.
@pillsber 3 года назад
This is a fabulous performance. Toscanini was a severe stickler for detail and Italian pronunciation. Idiomatically there can't be much better than this. It's unbelievable to me he used Richard Tucker in this perfromance who was known to have sub par Italian diction. No singer is perfect but it's still a surprise to me.
@sugarbist 3 года назад
Dear Moonlitknight, On the contrary, Tucker had excellent diction which improved under the demanding Toscanini. R.T. also was received with high honors, when he sang at La Scala, Parma, Rome & Florence under the microscope of some tough critics and audiences. Quoted out of Jim Drake's book, Di Stefano said that ''Any man who could sing Manon L. in Rome , Ballo in Florence, Trovatore in Parma, Aida in Verona, and choose Luisa Miller as his debut at La Scala---now, this is a tenor!''
@pillsber 3 года назад
@@sugarbist You know what, I relistened to the performance and agree with you Tucker was superb. He had the perfect voice for Radames. Thanks for your comments.
@fabriziogarzi9892 Год назад
Tucker e' straordinario ma la Nelli e' un soprano dal timbro banale,qualunque e la Gustafsson e' terribile, brutta voce e brutta tecnica. Come interprete poi e' impresentabile. Toscanini sara' stato un grande direttore ma lasciare una testimonianza del genere con queste donne scrause con il ben di Dio che c'era a quei tempi...si fa fatica a seguire.
@christophchristoph6900 11 лет назад
This is lovely! But could you please re-post it with the sound and picture correctly synched? The picture is quite a way ahead of the sound, and it's torture to watch.
@danilo22uk 3 года назад
there used to be part one and part two ,and in sync. It must have been taken off
@vincenzomesseri3433 7 месяцев назад
@wookinooki9023 4 месяца назад
visual is 4? beats ahead of sound. 9 beats at the first words of Amneris. please try again.
@giovic9802 7 месяцев назад
50:08 pietà ti prenda del mio dolor 1:48:40 sacerdote io resto a te
@enzocardinale5028 2 года назад
Aida e Amneris inascoltabili.
@markcombrinck-hertz3649 2 года назад
hi mark
@shonnyno Год назад
can you fix the very bad async? thanks.
@shicoff1398 Год назад
Yes, it's live and yet not in sync. from this older posting and no complete Video of the performance has been posted sadly, I'm surprised as it was a classic, first Aida Video "Live " and complete performance and with Toscanini in 1949.
@francescototo2315 2 месяца назад
Cantanti evidentemente tesi ed impauriti spesso costretti a correre dai tempi stretti del comandante. Tucker, quale Radames, risulterà ben piu performante nella registrazione del 1955 diretta da Serafin. Toscanini da ridimensionare sotto ogni profilo.
@Tkimba2 10 дней назад
@voilosapete4731 7 лет назад
I wish they picked a different soprano and mezzo
@spiritofseventysix1155 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! Gut Shabbos Shalom Aleichem Best - Mordechai
@johnfalstaff2270 8 лет назад
This is the most magnificent conducting of this music piece I ever heard. Toscanini made his unexpected own introduction to his new career as a conductor in 1886 during tournament in Rio de Janeiro. None of other recordings can measure up to this one. However, I do not understand why Toscanini opted to engage non-Italian singers to perform in this historic broadcast. At the time of recording, Arturo had two marvelous singers at hand: Jussi Bjoerling a long time already greatly admired Radames and young 34-year’s old Mario del Monaco. Richard Tucker sounds awful here as he mostly did. I never liked him and do not understand the fame he achieved in America. Also, Toscanini could choose either Giuseppe Taddei or Gino Bechi as Aida’s father Amonasro. Both were fantastic singers and stage actors. Giuseppe Valdengo is not as good as those two. Finally, Italian Maestro had wide choice for both top female roles from his native Italy. Why he took most performers from unknown environment, I cannot figure out. Privately, I think that NBC/RCA manipulated the old Toscanini and could “persuade” him “either we want our soloists or no recording of his beloved Aida would take place”. There is no official confirmation of my suspicion in any accessible sources, but in my own feeling, and knowing Toscanini character, I am right….
@sugarbist 7 лет назад
Dear John, You certainly have the right to dislike any singer. But to make up a scenario or suspicion why Toscanini chose Tucker is truly prejudicial and absurd. The fact is that no one could ever jawbone Toscanini into doing something he didn't 't want to do. A.T. originally asked Jan Peerce, his favorite tenor to sing the part of Radamas, but Peerce who had a voice that was larger than Bjorling's, but smaller than Tucker's refused. A.T. then turned to Tucker who had never sung the role before, and Toscanini insisted that Tucker would be perfect for the role and he was right. But, personally, Imo, The reason that Toscanini opted to engage Tucker was because he knew that Tucker's voice was perfect for the role and was a better choice than JB who was not a true spinto, but had a good recording voice, and not suited for the more heroic role of Radames. I don't believe MDM ever sang under A.T. Tucker was well regarded and respected among his peers including Corelli and Del Monaco. He also received great praise from G. Lauri Volpi who really was careful about delivering compliments. Tucker also did a great Gioconda, Forza, Chenier, Fanciulla and Manon Lescaut. R.T. had a rock solid technique and his Italian was excellent. He also had a very strong theatrical voice with great high notes.Dear John, Maybe you should listen a little more carefully.
@johnfalstaff2270 7 лет назад
I have already said in another place. You gentlemen have your heroes while I selected mine. You like green color while my preferred is blue. Nothing wrong is with that but of course the mixture of these colors looks awful. Based on Harvey Sachs book about Toscanini and Our Lives by Halina Rodzinski, I got a rather clear picture that Toscanini, Rodzinski, Barbirolli and Mitropoulos were openly manipulated. I have no time for detailing it for you. They were my favorite conductors. Reiner at Chicago was not very happy either. Georg Szell, already familiar with Rodzinski hurdles just before signing contract with Cleveland, told managing body, I want this and this as my responsibility and those are yours, OK!!! Management agreed because they did not want to fight another war this time with revolutionary and stern Szell. Even Leonard Bernstein sometimes complained. Those things happened usually at the end of their careers as music directors. If I were Toscanini, I would never pick those singers. I admire this recording because orchestra under Toscanini is there. Not singers. Even you do not prefer Bjorling (In this studio recording he would sound perfectly well) there were other singers. Lauri Volpi, despite still good shape was too old. Too bad studio H8 had very poor acoustic, unlike Boston Symphony Hall. For this great Italian Toscanini’s stature and his historic recorded performance soloist should be from the top shelf. I am not satisfied. Aha, I need to add something. Not now but in 1980 to early 2000ts I listened very often WQXR. There, I heard quite often opinion that Jussi Bjorling was the most admired tenor singing at the Met in XX Century. Sorry that I am spoiling your quickly approaching Thanks Giving Day.
@sugarbist 7 лет назад
Dear John, You're really not spoiling Thanks Giving as your statements fall short of factual evidence.You seem to have the time to make discrediting remarks, but yet you don't have time to back them up, but, I do. Bjorling was a great lyric tenor with a small but well focused voice that was very cold on records but better in live performances. He could never compete with the likes of the more stentorian voices like Tucker, Corelli, and Del Monaco. I mention Lauri Volpi, not to make a comparison but to sight his incredible knowledge he had about the tenor voice.. My 91 year old friend saw JB about 5 times and dismissed him by stating that ''his voice was pretty, but small''. Proclamations are wonderful for the individual but are rarely accurate as they are in your case. My guess is that you never saw Bjorling live and you are just turning the volume dials up on your amplifier. Bjorling had his limitations as every other tenor did and his was a great voice of beauty but not of emotion and volume.
@sugarbist 7 лет назад
Bjorling, in his or your wildest dreams could not compete with Lauri Volpi vocally in his repertoire that included Puritani, Gugliemo Tell Ugonotti all sung in original pitch. However Volpi could and did sing everything that Bjorling sung. Plus Otello Forza and Chenier Turandot which Bjorling was smart enough to avoid.
@johnfalstaff2270 7 лет назад
@sugarbeast... Who said that Jussi would compete with Lauri Volpi? I did not and I could not. Volpi with Martinelli possibly. Monaco and Corelli are two very different voices as well. For a very short while I tried to pair Monaco with the French helden tenor Tony Poncet, but I give up. Monaco was able to sing helden roles while not being helden tenor at all. Tony Poncet was a helden voice. Monaco at the beginning of his career had problem with finding proper teachers because nobody knew where to categorize his unusual type of tenor. They considered him as a barito-tenor. Di Stefano and Gigli were different. Bjorling, could be compared with Bergonzi, I think. Each of those compared above represent two different voices connected with one description as "tenors". You did not read carefully what I wrote. Smart singers avoid roles, which can damage their vocal cords. There is no such thing that one singer can sing everything for one type of voice. La donna a mobile performed by Monaco or Corelli sounds bad. This is not role for them, but much more for JB, Bergonzi, di Stefano or Tucker. Tucker even admitted in one of his last interviews (recorded with George Jellinek) that he would not perform in Othello because it is not for his voice. In recent years, Met hires singers based on their ability to connect with assigned roles physically. Not like Caruso who until his final year sang very dramatic roles together with lyric Nemorino. Whole time I have tried to explain that what sounds good/pleasant/beautiful to my ears I like to listen. Opinion of newspaper experts is irrelevant to me.
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