
All Information Is Propaganda | Colin Wallace Extras 1 

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@Mrch33ky 2 года назад
Excellent presentation. I feel I can relate very much to Mr. Wallace's experiences and sense of duty. It takes a special kind of person to continue to believe in the mission even after the landed gentry and their dishonorable minions have thrown you under the bus to protect their own oily hides but only after they have benefited from your loyal work. Listen and learn people. This is how the world works.
@dandeeteeyem2170 2 года назад
There's no such thing as a noble lie. You coerce the public with propaganda and deceit, don't be upset when it's turned on you.
@Mrch33ky 2 года назад
I didn't hear him complain once. Also didn't hear the phrase noble lie. Thanks for the attempted Straw Man fallacy Dan Dee. You have earned a failing grade.
@misiasert1348 2 года назад
I totally agree 👍 Live by the sword etc ..
@orionxtc1119 Год назад
Fascinating story... I hung on every word.... thank you for posting this!
@a.d.3606 Год назад
Fantastic documentary, and fantastic interview. This is really eye-opening stuff. Because frankly, all of these themes, techniques and operational methods have certainly been used in other places and times, not just by British Intel of course. I've often wondered how the Five Eyes network that has now been established complicate these problems by magnitudes of levels, as intelligence agencies can essentially now agree to surveil/influence the populations of one another's countries under the same umbrella. There's something about the campaign to 'find' soviet involvement in Irish independence that somehow rings similar to how allegations of Russian interference was also handled during the Russiagate saga of Trump's presidency. It's now less surprising to me that British intel was involved in that as well.
@YourBeingParanoid 2 года назад
Thank you for the information
@simonb2452 2 года назад
I think it a good idea to listen to what whistleblowers have to say about the bigger picture and not get too hung up on the almost inevitable attacks on a particular individual. If you do this over time, that bigger picture is something very ugly and very different from general perception. The only whistleblowers worth listening to will suffer ad hominem attacks, usually designed to deflect and discredit. That isn't to say there aren't ever any issues worthy of discussion about an individual but IMO you keep your eye on the bigger issues.
@ciananmacreamoinn9253 2 года назад
I really enjoyed watching the documentary. Colin is a very likeable, very presentable man. I'd love to sit down and have a chat with him.....however...he played big boys games...he manipulated the players and the system....he told how he systematically used propaganda, including fabricated stories of satanism using mutilated animal corpses.....to scare the protestant population and convince them that the Catholics were scary effers...one statement of his that stuck in my mind...there was a Catholic child that turned up dead and Colin's unit spread the word, when they knew it was untrue...that this child was killed as part of a satanic cult...to keep their propoganda story going!...so then he's incensed when he falls on the wrong side of his employers and they can then use your bad actions to screw you. He was a part of the British Army game in Northern Ireland. The problem was this meant he knew too much, Kincora Boys Home abuses amongst other issues. So he knew too much....but also..he had disseminated propaganda, that indirectly led to the killing of many people. He served a few years in prison....he's still alive and perhaps still has karma to serve. This documentary suggested that he was the poor civil servant that was unjustly treated by the government and that's true, but if you play with fire you're likely to get burnt. I am fully open to be corrected on this. I watched the journalist being moved to tears about how Colin had been subjected to injustice....but I couldn't get it out of my head about how Colin had spread propaganda that resulted in deaths and suffering. Sure....from an employer/employee perspective...Colin might have been sent out to the cold...but....Karma can catch up with you! Am I wrong?
@Mrch33ky 2 года назад
You must have seen a different documentary mate!
@ciananmacreamoinn9253 2 года назад
@@Mrch33ky The Man Who Knew Too Much, full documentary on RU-vid
@pseudonayme7717 2 года назад
@@Mrch33ky You must be a total partisan 'mate'😏
@bipolarbear9917 2 года назад
You're not wrong but I think your forgetting or dismissing the context in which he was doing this work. Northern Ireland was a terrorist war zone. The enemy, the IRA was killing members of the public, citizens who did not sign up for military service or live in a combat zone. War is messy and ugly, and there's no way around it. You're either on one side or the other. Colin did not commit war crimes, he was just using psychological dirty tricks. Colin has no more karma to pay for, than any other serviceman that's killed the enemy on the battlefield.
@stevenmcshane5807 2 года назад
It's always important to learn about this type of information if you want to understand what is really going on in the world around you ,regardless of whether you live in Philadelphia ,Belfast ,Montreal,Moscow, London or Berlin. It's the realization that most major" News Outlets" are used for manipulative propaganda. They design the news to fit the country or city.
@BotanyDegreePilkerton 2 года назад
Same thing that happened to CW, happens to victims of the R word, whose abusers are wealthy. First they try to criminalised you, once demonised, you can be easily dehumanised, your repuation and social standing gone.
@gregginter5867 Год назад
@intellicogroup405 2 года назад
Is this Baz from Pete and Baz??
@ewalker1057 2 года назад
"All information is propaganda," that statement itself was propaganda. He cannot help but talk in a manipulative manner. It's become who he is.
@amargamentedoce 2 года назад
It's not about him but how the system works. If it was not him would be some else that suit the duty and purpose.
@ewalker1057 2 года назад
@@amargamentedoce Never said it was about him. Who he is, is obvious. All "systems" are run by people. They contain people. He is a person, a people. Cannot be about a system without addressing the people in the system.
@calliebriggs9021 2 года назад
Cant belive i learned at a late age of 34 i should have done it sooner way sooner
@TheMercilessEye Год назад
Scientific data is not propaganda. Mathematics is not propaganda. These might possibly be USED as propaganda, but intrinsically, these are not propaganda.
@Freefolkcreate 5 месяцев назад
The origins of the word don't inherently mean untruthful, only specific information for targeted purpose. In other words, one can write a news story highlighting aspects of the information and leaving others out. It's not untruthful but it doesn't tell the whole story. Which neither does mathematics or science data. But it requires more research. Now propaganda is considered disinformation, purposely misleading or outright lies.
@evasionbycartwheel12345 2 года назад
"all" information is propaganda? Really? I would submit,that you just want to make money.
@ewalker1057 2 года назад
That statement itself was propaganda. He cannot help but talk in a manipulative manner. It's become who he is.
@MrVaticanRag 2 года назад
Does he have any mates still in the 77th Brigade?
@AA-dn8dj 2 года назад
In our world today, if a man can still have his face shown on RU-vid without getting the channel deleted; then he didn't truly know *too* much. Otherwise the proverbial man behind the curtain would have gotten the thought police.
@barrybarnes96 2 года назад
Tell us about your Qanon theory.
@psychvision101 2 года назад
He went to jail for seven years dude
@AA-dn8dj 2 года назад
@@barrybarnes96 I don't listen to that literal government shill.
@AA-dn8dj 2 года назад
@@psychvision101 Epstein went to jail too. Who really knew too much when you compare the two?
@barneyoloughlin9139 Год назад
He knows too much. Dangerous to those in power?
@BornEnlightenedNoSell 8 месяцев назад
Fara telefon smartphone inteligent eram fericit știam că o ajung manipulat și nu o să-mi mai trăies. Viața liniștit ,și că pierd prieteni,femeie nu pot sa îmi mai fac ,nu știu să mai comunic cum trebuie, știam de la început ce o sa se întâmple ,acum angajările sunt pe internet și oamenii au ajuns depresivi ,criminali s-au agresori pentru că nu știu ce să facă în viață și nu spun nimic ,asta nu mai este viață pe care o numești tu asta este o pușcărie mentală propaganda informațională ,mă gândeam că eram fericit fara depresie sunam în stânga și în dreapta,mergeam la o cafea în oraș ,vorbeam cu prietenii ,aveam femeie eram fericit și nu eram depresiv , anxietate și nu uitam nici o informație eram limpede și locul de munca nu era pentru mine și asta nu este pentru mine și țintesc mai sus ,ceea ce mă ține în jos sunt informațiile care te țin în depresie îți schimbă modul de gândire și rămâni depresiv și nu ști ce să fac cu tine asupra vieții tale ,asta a făcut omul sa nu mai facă nimic pentru ei de la început,doar stau și mă gândesc și stat dar acțiunile mele rămân aceleași pentru că toți sunt la fel nu mai vrea nimeni sa interacționeze fata in față sa ajute unul pe celălalt prin acțiune schimbând și înlăturând depresia ,o femeie daca e deștepta.ma înțelege și acceptă să n-e schimbam amândoi este că.o paralizie cerebrala s-au trupească , unde daca împărți iubirea ta cu mine și mă iubești gândi du-te la mine trebuie sa acționeze în același fel și astfel mă poți schimba și acționa rapid și n-e scoatem din paralizie amândoi .cine face așa ceva cu mine fete sunt dar nu acționează nici una deloc
@poco9964 2 года назад
A master manipulator still at work!
@SkepticalTeacher 2 года назад
It's terrible he was wrongly convicted, but I get the feeling he is doing this as a vendetta against he former employer rather than perhaps a true belief that what he did was wrong (he clearly doesn't seem to believe it was wrong).
@casteretpollux 2 года назад
Really the reasons why he's exposed these appaling acts is not important.
@mrhassell 2 года назад
A proper gander? Think you need to go back to school buddy and learn that all is not what it seems. Maybe you should have gone to school instead of the army.
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