
Allah and the Cosmos - PREDESTINATION [Part 3] 

Beyond The Lote Tree
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What is DESTINY?
How do we have FREE WILL if DESTINY exists?
How is everything pre-written by Allah?
Part Three of the 'ALLAH AND THE COSMOS' series - 'PREDESTINATION' is the third episode of the Allah And The Cosmos Series.
Part One - Allah and the Cosmos | Creation in Six Days
Part Two - Allah and the Cosmos | Allah's Throne Time
Part Three - Allah and the Cosmos | Predestination
Video Credits at the end of video.
A Beyond The Lote Tree Production



27 сен 2024




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@martinskilton6360 2 года назад
These lectures, Talks are blowing my mind and these scientific facts are what made me accept Islam in my heart in the first place. Inshallah your channel blows up and gets many views. Jazakallah
@birloveworkshop8349 2 года назад
Welcome brother
@zer3428 Год назад
@moneymac1114 Год назад
Alhamdulillah. But akhi do not let your faith depend on scientific "facts" because science may change but words of Allah are always true. You may find some things in the Qur'an that science is still yet to catch up to so they will not be recognized as scientific facts. There must be a level of faith to believe in that which you cannot prove
@ernestgreen254 8 месяцев назад
@rabiasarwar9367 3 года назад
Ur channel is one of the most mindblowing, heart throbbing. I dont understand, why so few likes and views? If ur channel would have reached millions of people, majority of them will accept islam (if Allah wills). Pls strive to make ur content reach everyone. Pls
@jaliljalos6210 2 года назад
Don’t worry everything has a right timing,it took many years for Prophet Muhammad PBUH to spread the word of Allah and here we are,so it’s just a matter of time and pple will get this massage from this channel even if it’s to take years thy will eventually get it.insha Allah.
@fo5051emi 2 года назад
Because We are so weak in knowledge seeking we lost this ability after fall of Baghdad to mongols
@Shane-cu1mj 2 года назад
I Agree bro, Love this channel so much
@wmbeverything2796 2 года назад
Allah said...he willl guide those he wants
@atesting137 2 года назад
Especially by promoting it
@chittaranjandas9478 Год назад
I m trying to understand islam, its so amazing and scientific related ❤
@1dzemal 7 месяцев назад
May Allah open your heart to Islam and guide you to paradise the eternal place of rest
@SA-Arabia 2 месяца назад
*15 Astonishing facts About Islam That you Really don't know !* *1)* *“Islam” means “surrender” or “submission”* . “Salam” (which means “peace”) is the root word of “Islam”. In a religious context the word “Islam” means “the surrendering of one’s will (without compulsion) to the true will of God in an effort to achieve peace”. *2)* *“Muslim” means “anyone or anything that surrenders itself to the true will of God”.* By this definition, everything in nature (trees, animals, planets, etc.) are “muslims” because they are in a state of surrender to God’s will. In other words, they are fulfilling the purpose for which God created them. *3)* *Islam is not a new religion or cult.* It is a universal way of life and civilization. *Again, Islam is not a new religion,* rather it is the same message preached by all earlier prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). But God’s final message to mankind was revealed to the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), as a revival of lost teachings of previous prophets and as a reconfirmation of the eternal message. Studies show that between 1.5 and 1.8 billion people in the world identify their religion as Islam. Along with Judaism and Christianity it traces its roots through Prophet Abraham and back to the first humans Adam and Eve. *4)* *There are five pillars of practice in Islam.* These practices must be undertaken with the best of effort in order to be considered a true Muslim: A) Declaration of faith: A statement proclaiming the belief in One God and that Muhammad is a prophet of God. To become Muslim a person simply recites this statement publicly, and in Arabic. B) Formal prayer five times a day. C) Poor-due tax: 2.5% of one’s excess wealth given to the needy once a year. D) Fasting during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. E) Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once, if physically and financially able. *5)* *There are six articles of faith in Islam.* These are the basic beliefs that one must have in order to be considered a true Muslim. They are belief in: A) the One God. B) all of the true prophets of God. C) the original scriptures revealed to Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. D) the angels. E) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter. F) destiny. *6)* *Muslims believe in the one Creator of the Universe, referring to Him as “Allah”* which is the Arabic word for “God”. Muslims worldwide, even English-speaking Muslims, frequently use the Arabic word “Allah” because Arabic is the language of the Qur’an. But Allah is no different than the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The Creator is the Creator regardless of what people call Him. In the English language He is most commonly referred to as “God”. Yet Jesus spoke a different language, referring to God as “Eloi” in Mark 15:34 of the New Testament. Are “God” and “Eloi” different gods? Many Hispanics call God “Dios” and many French say “Dieu”. It would logically follow then that people who refer to God as “Allah” in the Arabic language are referring to the very same God. In fact, many Arab Jews and Arab Christians call God “Allah”. And the word “Allah” is written in Arabic script on the walls of many Arab churches and on the pages of Arabic Bibles. So while the understanding of God may differ between faith groups, the various names used to describe Him does not change the fact that the one Creator of the Universe is the God of all people. This is *Allah* Almighty, The Creator, the one and only true God. He is my God, our God: *"Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi (Throne) extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great."* (Quran 2:255) *{Say, “He is Allah, the One. Allah, to Whom the creatures turn for their needs. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none like Him.” }* (Quran, 112:1-4) Allah Almighty says in the Quran: *"Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."* [Quran 39:53] *7)* *The Islamic concept of God* is that He is loving, merciful and compassionate. Islam also teaches that He is all-knowing and the perfect judge of affairs, and will punish (or forgive) accordingly. However, Allah once said to Muhammad, “My mercy prevails over my wrath”. So Islam teaches a balance between fear and hope, protecting one from both complacency and despair. *8)* *Muslims believe that God has revealed 99 of His names, or attributes, in the Qur’an.* It is through these names that one can come to know the Creator. A few of these names are the All-Merciful, the All-Knower, the Protector, the Provider, the Near, the First, the Last, the Hidden and the Source of All Peace. *9)* *The Christian concept of “vicarious atonement” (the idea that Jesus died for the sins of humanity) is alien to the Islamic concept of personal responsibility.* Islam teaches that on the Day of Judgment every person will be resurrected and will be accountable to God for their every word and deed. Consequently, a practicing Muslim is always striving to be righteous while hoping and praying for God’s acceptance and grace. *10)* *Muslims believe in all of the true prophets* that preceded Muhammad, from Adam to Jesus. Muslims believe they brought the same message of voluntarily surrendering to God’s will (islam, in a generic sense) to different peoples at different times. Muslims also believe they were “muslims” (again, in a generic sense) since they followed God’s true guidance and surrendered their will to Him. *11)* *Muslims neither worship Muhammad nor pray through him.* Muslims worship the Unseen, Omniscient Creator, Allah. *12)* *Muslims accept the original unaltered Torah (as revealed to Moses) and the original unaltered Bible (as revealed to Jesus)* since they were revealed by God. But none of these scriptures exist today in their original form or in their entirety. Therefore, Muslims follow the subsequent, final and preserved revelation of God, the Qur’an. *13)* *The Qur’an was not authored by Muhammad.* It was authored by God, revealed to Muhammad (through angel Gabriel) and written into physical form by his companions. *14)* *The original Arabic text of the Qur’an contains no flaws or contradictions* and has not been altered since its revelation. *15)* *Actual 7th century Qur’ans, complete and intact,* are on display in museums in Turkey and other places around the world. 🔹️ *EVIDENCE ISLAM IS TRUTH* The following are Scientific, logical, and historical proofs that Islam is the Truth: www.islamreligion.com/category/33/evidence-islam-is-truth/ 🔸️ *For more information about Islam:* www.islam-guide.com 🔹️ *Everything to know about the Prophet of Islam* rasoulallah.net/en/articles/article/6818/ 🔹️ *"Myths about The Prophet of Islam"* www.muhammadfactcheck.org 🔹️ *Islam and Racism* Islam with its universal concept of brotherhood rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction. Allah Almighty says in the noble Quran: "O mankind, indeed We (Allah) have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." *(Quran 49:13)* No one can claim any superiority over the other based on race, color, language or wealth and this is emphasized in the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) showing high regard of humanity irrespective of color or race: "“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action.” 🔹️ *How to convert (revert) to Islam* Basically to become a Muslim is very simple.. you need to say the decleration of faith oraly while you believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith. *The decleration of Faith in Islam (The Shahada)* The Shahada (in Arabic) can be declared as follows : *“ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH”* The English translation is : *“I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”* However, it would not be sufficient for anyone to only utter this testimony oraly either in private or in public; but rather, he should believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith. If one is truly sincere and complies with the teachings of Islam in all his life, he will find himself a new born person. 🔹️ *New Muslim Guide (in several languages)* newmuslimguide.com/ar/languages 🔹️ *New Muslims eLearning site* (It is for new Muslim converts who would like to learn their new religion in an easy and systematic way. Lessons here are organized under levels.) www.newmuslims.com/ 📖 *Order your Free Copy [English Translation of the Quran]* www.quranproject.org/freequran.php ■🖥 🎧 Watch and listen to *"Beautiful Quran Recitation "* (with english subtitles) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GkjNROBu6l0.html
@amirasafwat7101 2 года назад
Even though I was born Muslim and we were taught many things which I'm grateful for but none was clear until I watched the 3 parts so far and digging deep of what is this all about. I hope that whoever comes through this video will be guided in Allah's path.
@jospehburney7805 2 года назад
May Allah reward the people of this video w/the best efforts to put this together for the listeners who want to know about their Rabb
@ZahraMHK 2 года назад
This channel is the best channel I have EVER come across! Each episode I watch, sends chills down my spine. All I can say is that I am mindblown. I can watch each episode 1000 times and feel like it's the first time. I am honestly out of words!
@adejumobiidris2892 2 года назад
This is the most beautiful series of lectures I have ever encountered in Islam. The understanding of Islam became very clear than ever before with these lectures. I pray this channel grows to reach every soul that needs this information like me. Jazakhumullahu Khaeran. Awaiting season two as soon as possible, please!
@ruhenakhusrin1606 5 месяцев назад
For last 8 years I was wandering here and there to get some answers. Some specific answers. I just wandering and gradually become an atheist from a religious girl. I got lost. Sometimes I just wished to get hidayat again but it was not really easy. I didn't find the meaning to be alive. I became suicidal. Depression and anxiety almost killed me. I just wanted to remove my existence anyhow. Last year I went to a psychiatrist and after my treatment my life gradually becomes smooth. I had everything except Allah. I missed Allah a lot, I missed the right path but my brain my logics blinded me. Dear RU-vidr and the whole community, jazakallah jazakallah jazakallah. I thank you with all my heart. You did an amazing work. This is so shocking that this channel got this little much views, subscribers and likes. You deserve millions. Allah saved so many people by your video. I'll pray for everyone and everyone pls pray for me that I can get more hidayat and can go through the straight path and can be successful in both worlds. I need your dua✨
@huska_8 4 месяца назад
Suffering from this since 2016. Always confused. Sometimes I just regret for being brought to this world. But I know that Allah is testing me and insha Allah I will succeed
@RidwanAlQudbi 11 месяцев назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:50 🕋 Predestination and Destiny 02:30 📜 The Preserved Tablet and Cosmic Timeline 06:16 🕰 Free Will and Predestination 10:27 ☔ Fate and Events 11:49 👤 Responsibility and Free Will 13:14 📅 The Relativity of Time 16:59 💻 The Cosmic Timeline 20:08 🧩 Cause and Effect 21:30 🤔 Finding Meaning 22:25 🤲 Seeking Guidance 23:37 🌌 Humans in the Cosmic Timeline
@tamanafarooq1974 2 года назад
Ma sha Allah, mind-boggling, never got this concept clear ! Now it is !!! May Allah the Almighty reward u ppl for these efforts 👌 in this world & in Aakhira , Ameen ya Rabul Alameen
@nadeemmalik157 2 года назад
Thanks for good feed back Jazak Allah Khair 🤲
@WASIL-m7n 2 года назад
Masterpiece One Word Only *Allahu Akbar* 💚
@priyarajendran8349 2 года назад
May allah bless the creators of these videos abundantly .who amazingingly compared quranic verses, with scientic proofs. scientific reason beyong quran ia amazing.subahanallah.
@Sheikh_Speaks007 Год назад
Are you Muslim?
@marvinbruce2241 2 года назад
MAN you are BLASTING OUR MINDS & HEARTS LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@hafsafatima9872 9 месяцев назад
These are the best videos i had ever watched. This channel deserves likes
@modestandquirky652 3 года назад
I would love to see a part4 and pls describe the concept of Seven Earths.
@abe5316 2 года назад
We are all limited by our knowledge, even the prophets did not know more even Einstein theory of relativity only explain part of what he wanted to know or explain ,but there is so much to learn ,we will never know it all that the mystery of the cosmos or universes.Keep searching but know that we will never know all of it.
@ThenamesConor Год назад
@@abe5316 do you reckon in jannah we will have to opportunity to comprehend more about Allah's creation and that Allah will bless us with knowledge and understanding we humans have never been capable of? I just hope Allah blesses me with Jannah and that I'm worthy of his love and guidance.
@1dzemal 7 месяцев назад
@1dzemal 7 месяцев назад
@@ThenamesConorAllah has already chosen you my brother and yes we will understand everything in the next life about Allahs creation.
@matzmn Год назад
Thank you for this. Qadr is a difficult subject to understand and I believe you explain it better than even most scholars. Including science and the time-space concept in your explanation makes it a lot easier to digest.
@modestandquirky652 3 года назад
I was desperately waiting for the Part 3.
@mashalahmad6845 Год назад
I was watching this and this really helped get some concepts about Allah in my mind to straighten.
@storejuli2775 2 года назад
I dont comment in RU-vid, but guys you are doing a wonderful job! May Allah grant u Jannah! Keep going. 😊😊
@ameenahatim 3 года назад
Thank you so much for the new video. I really love watching your videos they are inspiring and explains so much more than I ever thought of.
@babatundeglamin8918 6 месяцев назад
The best scientific explanation towards our universe. Allah bless you guys
@coder-on-micro-saas 6 месяцев назад
May Allah rewards the creators of this channel. These videos are opening my mind in a say ai never anticipated. each video is bringing me closer to Almighty Allah (swt). I feel lucky to find this channel. keep it up Ramadan 2024
@Nevermin28 2 года назад
Thank so much , I have watch part 1/2 and now 3 ,, you have cleared so much doubt my ËmÄn and faith has become more stronger ,, thank you ,, may Allah bless you all
@kiSs_3sS Месяц назад
This is beautiful, I always ponder over this and today the almighty has granted me access over this knowledge
@abdulkayum73 2 года назад
Islam is interesting indeed, I pray whole humanity believes in the truth to worship one true Creator Almighty Allah. Subhan Allah
@AniMimon 6 месяцев назад
I was looking for a channel like this forever. I always had passion for scientific discoveries and wanted to know through my religion islam. Coz i believe in allah and quran. Thanks
@zabirhusain 2 года назад
Watched all 3 parts. AlhamduliLlah. Ma Shaa Allah, carry on with your noble work. May Allah SWT bless you always. Ameen.
@tanouliskitchen5475 Месяц назад
Imagine Allah erases our tablet's bad sectors with just one tear of our repentance ! Subhaan Allah !
@ceti_9998 Месяц назад
SubhanAllah. May Allah Al Malik bless us and forgive us❤❤❤
@fayyazahmed7344 2 года назад
Thank you for the beautiful video and explanation, Allah bless you all the time! Jazakumullahu khairan.
@dhatmohd9222 7 месяцев назад
Subban Allah Allahu Akhbar
@nguyenhong8558 2 года назад
SubhanAllah... JazakumAllah khair. What a spriritual feast!
@ROBINSON-R66 2 года назад
Just Astounding and mind blowing Mashallah Mashallah Mashallah
@zina6633 Год назад
Amazing~ Beautiful ~ God bless you for the great efforts…. Salam upon you all..🙏🏼
@mohammedishaq1085 Год назад
Knowledge and interpretation is beyond comprehension. Jazakallah Khair.
@JamesRichardWiley 2 года назад
In His infinite mercy and unconditional love Allah predetermined that all living things would suffer and die.
@rayanshaikh7271 9 месяцев назад
Do more research in islam, and you’ll find that’s not the case
@YaRabbi-j9r 4 месяца назад
Subhan Allah ♥️ Allahu Akbar ♥️
@quran08987 28 дней назад
May Allah make you more knowledge in pondering upon Quran,Hadith and what Allah given us do understand inshallah
@strangeportals Год назад
To clear the concept of prewritten destiny further, let me give an example. There is a kid (2-3 yrs old) in a room. In that room there are some toys scattered and a hot water bowl. You see that kid and tell your friends that, the kid will touch or put his hand in the water bowl. And after some time, the same thing happens. Now the question is, Was it you who made him do that? The answer is No, exactly! It was his own will. So, he made his choice. And you were knowing his choice because you know it's in their nature to explore the things. So same is the case with Allah. He knows our choices and has already written them. He doesn't made us do that. We are solely responsible for all the actions we commit. May Allah guide us all... And thank you so much for this series. It really boosts the Imaan....
@joel267 2 года назад
I'm starting to love this channel...
@tajislam5643 2 года назад
Surely one of the best explanations
@desipunjaban9197 2 года назад
Subhan'Allah Al'Hamdulillah Allah'u Akbar 🤲 🤲🤲
@KnowledgeFeriwala 2 года назад
Mind blowing. I am watching the videos continuously. So, amazing. Masallah.
@tull1207 2 года назад
I love this channel so much alhumdillah May Allah bless you guys !
@ijunaidkhan 6 месяцев назад
@allinonemultiverse4024 3 года назад
Jazak-Allahu-Khairan.. May Allah grant both of you in Jannatul Ferdous For Forever ....I think you would deserve this Greatest Rewards , Because such a greatest deeds you're used to do so why not ingsaAllah........please keep it going on..Indeed Our Tremendous All Powerful, All Knower Lord is with you. "and He is With You Wherever You Are" [Al-Quran]
@Trending-313 2 года назад
Well researched and well presented 🎁 thanks for increasing our emaan Allah surely will reward you for your hardworking.. some intellectual and intelligent people want logical talk for emaan increasing so this type of talk see logical and scientifical
@ImranKhan-it6pm 3 года назад
Mashallah great video.. i hope and pray that your channel gets a lot of subscribers and you make many videos like this. May Allah bless us all to the right path... Amen ♥️♥️
@ehmadll8163 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah for the knowledge
@1dzemal 7 месяцев назад
Amazing Alhamdulilah for Islam the Quran and Allah ❤
@sudikaffrowi7512 Год назад
Syukur Syukur Alhamdullilah 💞 Jazakamullah khairan khatira 🌷for sharing such tremendous knowledge. May Allah S.W.T. bless us all with the good in this Duniya & the best in the Akhirah. Āamiīn Ya Robbal Alla'miin. (Sun-29.01.23) 💕🇸🇬
@mashalahmad6845 Год назад
I am just 22 and in college and this is the point where I must make my own fate as decreed by Allah, by choosing what to do for my future
@xubairkhan3863 2 года назад
Love you for the sake of Allah bro nd sis
@sabrsana 2 года назад
Subanallah this channel is truly amazing
@realcrackedgg8995 2 года назад
Mashallah 🤲 good to see there is other brothers and sisters out there that see more than black and white like sheep! Don’t forget most of if not all prophets questioned their forefathers beliefs and way of live’s . They didn’t just listen to someone, they challenged things for the better. So many Muslims out there read the Quran in Arabic and don’t know a word of what that are uttering. Then sit there backbiting the brave and curious, when the Quran blatantly says backbiting is a terrible sin. Humanity has become hypnotised by worldly goods and it’s become a rat race who has more when there is enough for everyone to eat, why should some have more at the expense of others?! The world has become so twisted nowadays, many things that could help us to see the bigger picture are being frowned upon and preventing many from reaching enlightenment. Islam is by far the most informative and positive explanation of our reality and I think there is a lot more to what 99% of Muslims these days are being taught. Saudi has been infiltrated and our leaders have sold out, may Allah SWA guide us to the right and make these trials easier upon us, ameen. Ps I am no scholar, Just an ordinary Muslim that can see the corruption and selfishness in the world. So would like to learn and live justly according to the will of my Lord and creator by finding evidence through science which has been made to look like proof of atheism. When Im fact it’s just a code/laws of the universe that must have been programmed by a creator/programmer. Which will only be obtained by reasoning/understanding and questioning, Allah hu Akbar 🤲
@sash8099 2 года назад
Nothing's going to change until Imam Mahdi appears.
@mijanurrahman-ib2xw 2 года назад
May allah Bless you brother thank u for yr powerful words.I am astonished by your words more brother and sisters should comment.These videos are the most beautiful in this 🌎,They should make more videos.They translate from Quran accurately and sciencetificly.
@mijanurrahman-ib2xw 2 года назад
why should we waite for Imam mahdi we should change now.
@tull1207 2 года назад
I love this channel so much ! Mashallah one of the most mind blowing, understanding channel mashallah is teaching me so much wallah it made me speechless 🥺❤️
@uknown_system Месяц назад
The changer of hearts
@tamim3787 2 года назад
May Allah Almighty reward you for your beautiful work.
@kiransharif9990 2 года назад
Plzz never stop making videos..may Allah bless u ❤️
@sabrhaishukr 4 месяца назад
@sairabano8264 2 года назад
This series is just just mind blowing. May Allah reward immensely behind this ameen summa ameen.
@ayeshakunni6908 Год назад
JazakAllah khair❤
@FaizanAli-yu5eg Год назад
The best Channel I've ever been come across , the research you both fellows did is amazing. The eye to detail is very comprehensive. Keep continue this amazing work guys don't stop.
@jafer_1988 Год назад
The videos from your channel quench my thirst
@saherkochra1423 3 года назад
I love your videos
@IbnuSulong Год назад
Indeed, it is very impactful. Allah is most powerful ❤
@what....1174 2 года назад
سبحان الله العزيز الحكيم
@AbidKhan-oe3jn 2 года назад
Masha Allah Love your work 🇮🇳
@suhailahmad6505 Год назад
Underrated channel for sure
@amjedkhan3513 Год назад
Absolutely amazing series
@ernestgreen254 8 месяцев назад
As Salaam Alaikum Ummah, I agree may this imperative content and endeavors on this channel grow sharing the Authentic Hadith, SUBHANA ALLAH WA TA AALA AMEEN YA RABB
@MohdNazim-ti1fm Год назад
May allah guide others to accept the truth ... through this with scientific facts and quraan
@jsmsekh5900 Год назад
It's a difficult topics but your explain way is so so beautiful 😍,may Allah bless you both ❤
@EnglishPeriod 2 года назад
Your videos take us into another world.
@ShadowWebDev Год назад
Mashallah the best video i saw the first part then second now the third it is really deeply affecting me i even shared to my friends
@sow1827 2 года назад
May Allah reward you for your efforts..
@bilalmirza7397 Год назад
Your work is a treasure! 😭❤️ May God bless you oh son & daughter of Adam & Eve. 🤲 Amen
@chefboyrdee1 Год назад
This is interesting. Fate is like. it is what it is. Don't need God to know this; but, freedom allows people to choose. Peace 4 all. Freedom to live. Not freedom to remove freedom. Agree ?
@zainulqamar5297 2 года назад
I got goosebumps 😬😬😬😬
@Consciousbeing693 2 года назад
Brilliance! Details! Thank u soo much 🙏🏻🤍
@mashalahmad6845 Год назад
السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته
@o_o-037 Год назад
Oh Allah, forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
@baiya7685 Год назад
All the Creations started in Six Days begining SATURDAY and the Era we are now is THURSDAY. When is the 7th Day? The 7th Day which is the FINAL DAY will Be on FRIDAY, thats why Every FRIDAY is Counted FROM THE DAY of Prophet Muhammad's SAW Night Journey...
@irwanagussiswanto9470 2 года назад
May Allah Reward your channel,and blessing you all.Jazakallah and Salam from Indonesia
@shahaa1725 2 года назад
Masha Allah
@marvinbruce2241 2 года назад
Please make more videos 🙏 you are doing one of the BEST jobs o my ALLAH bless the person made these videos with your highest MERCY
@mashalahmad6845 Год назад
السلام عليكم ورحمة الًّّٰله وبركاته
@LateralRaheem Год назад
Greatest series
@DannyBeydoun 2 года назад
Hamdillah SabhanAllah This is a beautiful compilation series this all is thank you for sharing it with us all by Gods grace and mercy.
@nadeemmalik157 2 года назад
It's really really mind blowing and hear touching . May Allah Mighty Lord give you best rewards Ameen 🤲
@huzaifakhan-dz5dz 3 месяца назад
In this video i got the answer to my only question which stuck in my mind from very long, about our will. But Still when i was involved in this question i said to Allah that he beter knows and leave on him. Guys its not imp that every single point is clear in our mind if so then what is iman. Iman is that what didnt see, hear but still we believe that there is a power Allah who do everything.
@mugoyahamis4281 2 года назад
Allahu Akbar!
@YasminBegum-m4c 2 месяца назад
Subhanallah 🪻
@steveadams9289 Год назад
The words are wonderful God Allah beyond any word He is beyond human understanding To believe in him and to worship and do the right actions Which he has told us to do May we be blessed With his blessings His forgiveness Ameen
@asmaashraf63 2 года назад
Masha'Allah.... Jazak'Allah khair. May Allah reward you in the best of manner. Ameen That's all I can say.
@silverbrite1 2 года назад
Masha Allah very nice
@Monkey.d.luffy7860 6 месяцев назад
This channel is so underrated
@dailyupdatesyt5945 Год назад
Thanks for making such informative videos
@АфлатунРзаев-ф4з 11 месяцев назад
Massive thanks to the videomakers! It was really worth watching. I have discovered so many incredible things about us- human beings. Keep the qreat work up! And I have one request- could you make a video about the Barzakh world. Unfortunately, there isn't much knowledge about it in the videos I have watched so far
@ayeshafatima4001 Год назад
Subhan Allah
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