
Altars & Sacrifices Part 1 - Apostle T Mwangi 

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What is an Altar and what's the importance of Altars?
What are offered on altars?
Lets delve into this message and be blessed together!!!



28 сен 2024




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@monicachan9826 2 года назад
Why wouldn't I grow spiritually if this is the man that teaches me the word of God. God bless you pastor T for such great teachings.
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@ephelachero4405 Год назад
​@@nikinai4374 what are you trying to say na
@CynthiaChepkorir-y3e 5 месяцев назад
I agree with u....we should grow together
@bisongarrey3875 8 месяцев назад
I am a Cameroonian watching your video in USA. I can see God has called you to be his teacher to the nations. Your teaching is lighting me up with the spirit of Yahweh. May he continue to guide , bless and direct you as his faithful and trusted servant. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@cathrinegikundi7147 2 года назад
You shall be called blessed for serving God in your youth.
@damarysmbatia6696 4 года назад
God is indeed merciful, He cannot let Kenyans go astray anymore coz of false prophet. You are indeed man of God Apostle T.
@stellahstl4739 3 года назад
The truth shall set us free
@janemwangi6932 Год назад
Which truth? The knowledge of the true word of God. The word is God. He is the way, the truth and life.
@cammyokinda1735 4 года назад
Am glad to come across your video because I have realised I need to study Bible more, your teachings is a blessing where by you are teaching us in a way we understand and when others are busy telling ppl receive you are busy leading ppl into promise land. Be blessed
@jafoo7899 2 года назад
Pass 🙏🙏🙏
@ssam3826 5 лет назад
Powerful message, Apostle. God bless you. Listening from India.
@margretkathambi3792 4 года назад
Ooooh man of God ,am so blessed,pliz open a TV station in Jesus name I pray.
@aliceruturi8644 Год назад
Hallelujah to the word of God. This teaches me to check from which alter I connect myself with the spiritual realm because to Jehovah this matters. Thank you Pastor
@rohi888 5 лет назад
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
@nikinai4374 Год назад
AN ALTAR is a GATE of TRANSACTION between the Physical and SPIRITUAL REAL?! READ Jer 7:22-23 it will tell you in SIMPLE WORDS, NOT THEOLOGICAL TALMUDIC Jargon, that the CREATOR-MÚÚBI NGAI was NEVER interested in SACRIFICES int he FIRST PLACE! therefore ALTARS and SACRIFICES ONLY came into being WHEN MAN SINNED! And only WHEN man SINS! Therefore the IMPORTANT Question to ask is WHAT is A SACRIFICE and what is IT FOR? AN ALTAR was NEVER in the equation either! ALTARS were created by PAGANS to offer DEMONIC sacrifices upon. the MOST HIGH instructed his people NEVER to USE A BURNT BRICK ALTAR- so that theywould NOT EREST PAGAN ALTARS & TEMPLES for His TRUE WORSHIP. Israel FELL into GRIEVOUS SIN when SOLOMON built his TEMPLE & ALTAR UNLIKE the TABERNACLE that MOSES had built or the TABERNACLE at SHILOH. SOLOMONS SIN in this PAGAN TEMPLE is very clearly chronicled in 1 Kings 11, soon AFTER doing a RIGHTEOUS DEDICATION. the RIGHTEOUS were to use TEMPORAL place to PLACE a sacrifice made of natural stones and wood. The INDIANS, AZTEC, MAYA and INCAS all BUILT PERMANENT BURNT BRICK & QUARY STONE ALTARS=ZIGGURATS for SUMERIANS and ASSYRIANS and small PYRAMIDS=MIRS for Egyptians & MEDES. So ALTARS and TEMPLES were NEVER part of the PLAN that THE CREATOR had in mind as a means for COMMUNICATING with HIS PEOPLE nor for the REDEMPTION or man, since MAN was supposed to PURSUE PUIRITY Of CHARACTER through RIGHTEOUNESS, RIGHT DOING< OBEDIENCE to HIS LAW, STATUTES & COMMANDMENTS. These ALTAR stories are DEMONIC FABLES from VODOO CANDOMBLE SANTARIA & KIMBUDU derived from the INDO-AFRICAN Trade or Inter-Racial relations, specifically in LATIN(Francophone) and hISPANIC(Arabic-middle East/Occident) countries who PRACTICE SORCERY MAGIC and NUMEROLOGY as "DIVINE=DIVINING acts of JINI=MAJI-NI=MAMI(mother)-WATA(water)worship found allover CONGO DRC, ANGOLA WEST AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE BRAZIL CUBA and other HISPANIC-LATIN countries! DO NOT try to RATIONALE AN EVIL PAGAN PRACTICE and CAUSE the PEOPLE to enter intot he ABOMINABLE Practices of KING AHAZ, and JEROBOAM! the MOST HIGH CREATOR is NOT MOCKED! You DONT NEED PAUL to tell you that MAJINI=EVIL SPIRITS are not just wind and air, they are REAL PEOPLE just like you and me, also called like we are "SONS OF GOD" in Job, because theyare REAL ANGELS who FELL from their first estate of RIGHTEOUSNESS into this same REBELLION that you are PROPAGATING! and that wil cause YOUR LISTENERS to SIN and BE ETERNALLY DAMNED! So-called "SPIRITS" are WATU KAMA WEWE NA MIMI- wanaitua MALAIKA-ANGLES, so there is NOTHING SUPERSTITIOUS about their EXISTENCE, the only difference between them and us is that they can be INVISIBLE but ONLYto OUR EYES! nothing else! NI WATU WABAYA kama ALL THE HUMAN CRIMINALS that you ALL know about!...so STOP MYTHOLOGISING the REAL! STOP TRYING TO RATIONALILIZE HUMAN-CHILD & DEITY s"SALVATION by 'sacrifice' DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! That is the work of A WICKED COUNSELLOR the DEVIL aND HIS AGENST LIKE CAIAPHAS AND NIKOS BISHOPP OF LAODECEA(NAHUM 1:11,9=JOHN 11:47,49FF; called by John the Revelator, the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of the PAGAN "daily-continual" SACRIFICE of the INNOCENT to JUSTIFY the WICKED or WICKEDNESS of an other (Psalms 94:21=Prov 17:15=Genesis 18:23,25) who will NOT acknowledge his own guilt or sin (Jer 3:13) blaming it on a propensity (Romans 7) of a supposed "ORIGINAL SIN!"-which calls for Slavation thru MURDER-of THE INNOCENT (Please!! do READ the WARNING on "INNOCENT BLOOD" and "JUSTIFYING the WICKED"= :Deut 19:10,13,;21:'9=1 Sam 19:5=Prov 1:11-12; Prov 6:17=Isaiah 59:7; Jewr 19:4=Isaiah 1:21=Jer 4:38; Joel 3:19 SLAY ...WITHOUT CAUSE! Genesis 9:5-6, as Matt 27:4 JUDASES among your people, selling your people to THE DEVIL!) with these "sacrifice" DOCTRINES OF DEVILS(Deut 32:17)!! In Daniel 7:9, 22 there is A JUDGEMENT. In order to PROSECUTE a CASE, the PROSECUTOR needs the PHYSICAL evidence of that CRIME,; if MURDER then the DEAD BODY must be presented int he PROSECUTION of the case. This PHYSICAL evidence of CRIME is called A TESTATOR int he bible=Hebrews 9:16-27) The TESTATOR is the DEAD BODY/or symbol of the BODY of EVIDENCE of CRIME. So The MOST HIGH initiated a COURT SYSTEM of DEALING with SIN, He taught man to BRING HIS "bloody hands'(hands that COMMIT the CRIME) and "blood stained garment"(garment=CHARACTER of evil or righteousness) IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his SIN, and in order to CONFESS GUILT. We see the MOST HIGH applying this PRINCIPLE in the CASE of CAIN versus ABEL whom CAIN MURDERED but REFUSED to CONFESS his WICKEDNESS OR GUILT and preseumed to HIDE HIS SIN. SO the MOST HIGH asked CAIN as He had asked ADAM & EVE, to BRING the DEAD BODY of his brother ABel as TESTATOR EVIDENCE of MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER, or the BODY of evidence of his CRIME, symbolized by the "sacrifice" of AN ANIMAL which symbolized the CRIME COMMITTED against an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD, as the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of CRIME and confessing guilt because THE MOST HIGH, will BY NO MEANS ever ACQUIT the WICKED or GUILTY (Nahm 1:3=Exod 34:7) INDULGENCES INDULGENCES INDULGENCES under a NEW GUISE! The way SACRIFICE is being taught is a RE-INVENTION of the ANCIENT CATHOLIC doctrine of INDULGENCES! HOW BEST to ROB the people of their hard earned money is to make them FEEL GUILTY about SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF or ot make them FEEL SORRY for a STATE that they NEED NOT BE SORRY ABOUT!-which is to COERCE people to GIVE, yet the bible prescribes FREE WILL and NOT an offering BY COERCION from pulpits where THE INQUISITION has FAILED to FORCE people toIMPOVERISH THEMSELVES giving to A ROBBER BANK!! of the WICKED posing as RIGHTEOUS MEN but are HIGH WAY ROBBERS! of their people! CHRISTENDOM is SO SUPER WEALTHY-owning LANDS AND PROPERTIES & SCHOOLS & BANKS in EVERY COUNTRY, but it NEVER EVER gives even cheap housing for its CONVERTS!! THAT should tell you something!! YOU are the PEOPLE SELLING AFRICA down the SLAVERY DARK HOLE of FALSE "SALVATION by 'sacrifice' doctrine that FAILED to work even among CATHOLIC NUNS & MONKS *&*PRIEST" who are LEAVING this SALVATION by SACRIFICE narrative and living their life IN LIBERTY givento ALL HUMANITY and NOT this ENSLAVEMENT to INSTITUTIONS! "How are you EFFECTIVE int he SPIRITUAL? VEERY SIMPLE! GO AND SIN NO MORE and LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY by FAITH and DO NOT BREAK the LAW of the MOST HIGH(1 John 2:4-9=James 1:21) THERE IS NO ALTAR nonsense in dealing with the DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS, no recipe for DEALING with CRIMINALS except being RIGHTEOUS in your LIFE which is the VICTORY Of ALL BELIEVERS-1 Cor 15:53-56 ALY involvement with ALTARS & TEMPLES is involvement with DEMONIC FORCES as arbiters or helpers of mankind BUT ONLY AGAINST the DIRECT COMMANDS of the ALMIGHTY-the SIN of KING SAUL when he VISITED such AN ALTAR of the WITCH Of ENDOR!- When AARON created the GOLDEN CALF, and GIDEON created an EPHOD ALTAR and Solomon built the TEMPLE in Jerusalem(NOT SHiloh TABERNACLE) the ISRAELITES were caught up in DEVIL IDOL(HOsea 4:17=Hosea 13:1-6) WORSHIP, as surely a s if they were in the ALTAR of the ABOMINATION OF JEROBOAM. OFFERING is NOT a SACRIFICE! Those are DISTINCTLY different things! YOU totally MISUNDERSTAND what a SACRIFICE IS! Just read again Genesis 1:21 & Jer 7:22-23,31; MICAH 6:7 which is the SIN that Abraham ALMOST FELL INTO(Genesis 22:1)==2 Chron 28:2=Psalms 106:34,37-38. ANIMAL sacrifice IS NOT as HUMAN-CHILD or DEITY "sacrifice" THESE THREE are AN ABOMINATION to the LORD=Jer 7:31!! PERIOD! These videos will be watched by your POSTERITY and they WILL GO ASTRAY because they will say this is what their ANCESTORS BELIEVED! SO SHAMEFUL and SAD! The DEMONIC WORLD effects criminal activities in the human life to cause them MISERY ENOUGH to DRAW them into his ambit seeking help! But the ONLY REMEDY to DEMONIC activites "spiritual realm, whis is just like any CRIMINAL town or country! if you STOP MYTHOLOGISING and SPIRITUALISING that which is simple REALITY=DEMONS are CRIMINALs and they DO CRIME and the ONLY REMEMDY is to STAY RIGHTEOUS and NOT to CONSULT THEM through ALTARS because you wil be CUT OFF PERMANENTLY like KING SAUL!
@florencewanjiru 3 года назад
This is surely a man of God. We thank God.,. spirit lead
@kennethkaberia6364 Год назад
Second time watching and still sounds so new,, powerful ✅
@joemunyasya7958 3 года назад
Powerful listening in garissa county apostle you are a blessing to me
@waruirutabitha936 4 года назад
You're such a blessing..am always blessed and changed whenever i listen to you
@johnmacere3480 4 года назад
Very competent on the subject. What a great blessing!!!!
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@paulinekibuchi1262 3 года назад
Father pls send us such servants we pray
@Dee-mb9jn 4 года назад
Thank God for such preachers🙏❤️❤️❤️🙌
@denforddivinekashangura6333 5 лет назад
Powerful teaching Man of God
@novicejourneyinlife7111 4 года назад
Wow.. that is quite a powerful and eye opening preaching.
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you....................
@selphersally6714 2 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 Amen stay blessed Man of God and receive double portion of good miracles from our Mighty God , keep gaining energy to out th goespel,am encouraged alot🎈🙏
@oloipala8590 2 года назад
@@selphersally6714 beware of this impostor scammer posing as Pastor T using a Nigerian phone number.
@dopemanjace 2 года назад
Pastor Teeeeeeeeeeeeee I Salute You May JEHOVAH GOD Bless You Big-Time
@lilymbarikiwa7828 4 года назад
Who is the guy Oh my, such a blessing 🙏🙏🙏
@gracewangari5105 3 года назад
Mr. T
@annyiapan6701 3 месяца назад
Pastor y
@annyiapan6701 3 месяца назад
Pastor T mwangi
@homeofgodslove.9620 2 месяца назад
Pastor T mwangi
@Bongo_man1 2 года назад
Thank God I came across your sermons
@kennedymuchape6335 3 года назад
You are mentoring me from afar Sir GOD BLESS
@babamboga 2 года назад
May my spirit rise in the name of Jesus and my body serve the one true God creator of heavens and the earth.
@janemwangi6932 2 года назад
Christ only is the message 1 Corinthians 2:1 And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified..
@angelineomusula3083 2 года назад
Amen. Iam blessed with your teachings.
@patriciakoech3627 2 года назад
Giving is determined to my revelation. Serve Him in my offering
@marencruickshank 3 года назад
3:43 the devil fights alters and not men because if he can destroy the alter he can destroy the men. The alter connects 5:45 there is a difference between a sacrifice and an offering. 15:30 giving is connected to our revelation 19:45 sacrafice
@nikinai4374 Год назад
AN ALTAR is a GATE of TRANSACTION between the Physical and SPIRITUAL REAL?! READ Jer 7:22-23 it will tell you in SIMPLE WORDS, NOT THEOLOGICAL TALMUDIC Jargon, that the CREATOR-MÚÚBI NGAI was NEVER interested in SACRIFICES int he FIRST PLACE! therefore ALTARS and SACRIFICES ONLY came into being WHEN MAN SINNED! And only WHEN man SINS! Therefore the IMPORTANT Question to ask is WHAT is A SACRIFICE and what is IT FOR? AN ALTAR was NEVER in the equation either! ALTARS were created by PAGANS to offer DEMONIC sacrifices upon. the MOST HIGH instructed his people NEVER to USE A BURNT BRICK ALTAR- so that theywould NOT EREST PAGAN ALTARS & TEMPLES for His TRUE WORSHIP. Israel FELL into GRIEVOUS SIN when SOLOMON built his TEMPLE & ALTAR UNLIKE the TABERNACLE that MOSES had built or the TABERNACLE at SHILOH. SOLOMONS SIN in this PAGAN TEMPLE is very clearly chronicled in 1 Kings 11, soon AFTER doing a RIGHTEOUS DEDICATION. the RIGHTEOUS were to use TEMPORAL place to PLACE a sacrifice made of natural stones and wood. The INDIANS, AZTEC, MAYA and INCAS all BUILT PERMANENT BURNT BRICK & QUARY STONE ALTARS=ZIGGURATS for SUMERIANS and ASSYRIANS and small PYRAMIDS=MIRS for Egyptians & MEDES. So ALTARS and TEMPLES were NEVER part of the PLAN that THE CREATOR had in mind as a means for COMMUNICATING with HIS PEOPLE nor for the REDEMPTION or man, since MAN was supposed to PURSUE PUIRITY Of CHARACTER through RIGHTEOUNESS, RIGHT DOING< OBEDIENCE to HIS LAW, STATUTES & COMMANDMENTS. These ALTAR stories are DEMONIC FABLES from VODOO CANDOMBLE SANTARIA & KIMBUDU derived from the INDO-AFRICAN Trade or Inter-Racial relations, specifically in LATIN(Francophone) and hISPANIC(Arabic-middle East/Occident) countries who PRACTICE SORCERY MAGIC and NUMEROLOGY as "DIVINE=DIVINING acts of JINI=MAJI-NI=MAMI(mother)-WATA(water)worship found allover CONGO DRC, ANGOLA WEST AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE BRAZIL CUBA and other HISPANIC-LATIN countries! DO NOT try to RATIONALE AN EVIL PAGAN PRACTICE and CAUSE the PEOPLE to enter intot he ABOMINABLE Practices of KING AHAZ, and JEROBOAM! the MOST HIGH CREATOR is NOT MOCKED! You DONT NEED PAUL to tell you that MAJINI=EVIL SPIRITS are not just wind and air, they are REAL PEOPLE just like you and me, also called like we are "SONS OF GOD" in Job, because theyare REAL ANGELS who FELL from their first estate of RIGHTEOUSNESS into this same REBELLION that you are PROPAGATING! and that wil cause YOUR LISTENERS to SIN and BE ETERNALLY DAMNED! So-called "SPIRITS" are WATU KAMA WEWE NA MIMI- wanaitua MALAIKA-ANGLES, so there is NOTHING SUPERSTITIOUS about their EXISTENCE, the only difference between them and us is that they can be INVISIBLE but ONLYto OUR EYES! nothing else! NI WATU WABAYA kama ALL THE HUMAN CRIMINALS that you ALL know about!...so STOP MYTHOLOGISING the REAL! STOP TRYING TO RATIONALILIZE HUMAN-CHILD & DEITY s"SALVATION by 'sacrifice' DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! That is the work of A WICKED COUNSELLOR the DEVIL aND HIS AGENST LIKE CAIAPHAS AND NIKOS BISHOPP OF LAODECEA(NAHUM 1:11,9=JOHN 11:47,49FF; called by John the Revelator, the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of the PAGAN "daily-continual" SACRIFICE of the INNOCENT to JUSTIFY the WICKED or WICKEDNESS of an other (Psalms 94:21=Prov 17:15=Genesis 18:23,25) who will NOT acknowledge his own guilt or sin (Jer 3:13) blaming it on a propensity (Romans 7) of a supposed "ORIGINAL SIN!"-which calls for Slavation thru MURDER-of THE INNOCENT (Please!! do READ the WARNING on "INNOCENT BLOOD" and "JUSTIFYING the WICKED"= :Deut 19:10,13,;21:'9=1 Sam 19:5=Prov 1:11-12; Prov 6:17=Isaiah 59:7; Jewr 19:4=Isaiah 1:21=Jer 4:38; Joel 3:19 SLAY ...WITHOUT CAUSE! Genesis 9:5-6, as Matt 27:4 JUDASES among your people, selling your people to THE DEVIL!) with these "sacrifice" DOCTRINES OF DEVILS(Deut 32:17)!! In Daniel 7:9, 22 there is A JUDGEMENT. In order to PROSECUTE a CASE, the PROSECUTOR needs the PHYSICAL evidence of that CRIME,; if MURDER then the DEAD BODY must be presented int he PROSECUTION of the case. This PHYSICAL evidence of CRIME is called A TESTATOR int he bible=Hebrews 9:16-27) The TESTATOR is the DEAD BODY/or symbol of the BODY of EVIDENCE of CRIME. So The MOST HIGH initiated a COURT SYSTEM of DEALING with SIN, He taught man to BRING HIS "bloody hands'(hands that COMMIT the CRIME) and "blood stained garment"(garment=CHARACTER of evil or righteousness) IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his SIN, and in order to CONFESS GUILT. We see the MOST HIGH applying this PRINCIPLE in the CASE of CAIN versus ABEL whom CAIN MURDERED but REFUSED to CONFESS his WICKEDNESS OR GUILT and preseumed to HIDE HIS SIN. SO the MOST HIGH asked CAIN as He had asked ADAM & EVE, to BRING the DEAD BODY of his brother ABel as TESTATOR EVIDENCE of MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER, or the BODY of evidence of his CRIME, symbolized by the "sacrifice" of AN ANIMAL which symbolized the CRIME COMMITTED against an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD, as the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of CRIME and confessing guilt because THE MOST HIGH, will BY NO MEANS ever ACQUIT the WICKED or GUILTY (Nahm 1:3=Exod 34:7) INDULGENCES INDULGENCES INDULGENCES under a NEW GUISE! The way SACRIFICE is being taught is a RE-INVENTION of the ANCIENT CATHOLIC doctrine of INDULGENCES! HOW BEST to ROB the people of their hard earned money is to make them FEEL GUILTY about SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF or ot make them FEEL SORRY for a STATE that they NEED NOT BE SORRY ABOUT!-which is to COERCE people to GIVE, yet the bible prescribes FREE WILL and NOT an offering BY COERCION from pulpits where THE INQUISITION has FAILED to FORCE people toIMPOVERISH THEMSELVES giving to A ROBBER BANK!! of the WICKED posing as RIGHTEOUS MEN but are HIGH WAY ROBBERS! of their people! CHRISTENDOM is SO SUPER WEALTHY-owning LANDS AND PROPERTIES & SCHOOLS & BANKS in EVERY COUNTRY, but it NEVER EVER gives even cheap housing for its CONVERTS!! THAT should tell you something!! YOU are the PEOPLE SELLING AFRICA down the SLAVERY DARK HOLE of FALSE "SALVATION by 'sacrifice' doctrine that FAILED to work even among CATHOLIC NUNS & MONKS *&*PRIEST" who are LEAVING this SALVATION by SACRIFICE narrative and living their life IN LIBERTY givento ALL HUMANITY and NOT this ENSLAVEMENT to INSTITUTIONS! "How are you EFFECTIVE int he SPIRITUAL? VEERY SIMPLE! GO AND SIN NO MORE and LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY by FAITH and DO NOT BREAK the LAW of the MOST HIGH(1 John 2:4-9=James 1:21) THERE IS NO ALTAR nonsense in dealing with the DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS, no recipe for DEALING with CRIMINALS except being RIGHTEOUS in your LIFE which is the VICTORY Of ALL BELIEVERS-1 Cor 15:53-56 ALY involvement with ALTARS & TEMPLES is involvement with DEMONIC FORCES as arbiters or helpers of mankind BUT ONLY AGAINST the DIRECT COMMANDS of the ALMIGHTY-the SIN of KING SAUL when he VISITED such AN ALTAR of the WITCH Of ENDOR!- When AARON created the GOLDEN CALF, and GIDEON created an EPHOD ALTAR and Solomon built the TEMPLE in Jerusalem(NOT SHiloh TABERNACLE) the ISRAELITES were caught up in DEVIL IDOL(HOsea 4:17=Hosea 13:1-6) WORSHIP, as surely a s if they were in the ALTAR of the ABOMINATION OF JEROBOAM. OFFERING is NOT a SACRIFICE! Those are DISTINCTLY different things! YOU totally MISUNDERSTAND what a SACRIFICE IS! Just read again Genesis 1:21 & Jer 7:22-23,31; MICAH 6:7 which is the SIN that Abraham ALMOST FELL INTO(Genesis 22:1)==2 Chron 28:2=Psalms 106:34,37-38. ANIMAL sacrifice IS NOT as HUMAN-CHILD or DEITY "sacrifice" THESE THREE are AN ABOMINATION to the LORD=Jer 7:31!! PERIOD! These videos will be watched by your POSTERITY and they WILL GO ASTRAY because they will say this is what their ANCESTORS BELIEVED! SO SHAMEFUL and SAD! The DEMONIC WORLD effects criminal activities in the human life to cause them MISERY ENOUGH to DRAW them into his ambit seeking help! But the ONLY REMEDY to DEMONIC activites "spiritual realm, whis is just like any CRIMINAL town or country! if you STOP MYTHOLOGISING and SPIRITUALISING that which is simple REALITY=DEMONS are CRIMINALs and they DO CRIME and the ONLY REMEMDY is to STAY RIGHTEOUS and NOT to CONSULT THEM through ALTARS because you wil be CUT OFF PERMANENTLY like KING SAUL!
@roseotieno831 2 месяца назад
please which book is this
@nebaadeline8574 3 года назад
From 🇱🇧 I'm blessed servant of God
@shadracknakitare9956 2 года назад
Am greatly blessed by this sermon. More grace sir.
@julius7546 3 года назад
But just knew abt this great man the other day from Tuko and he's answering all my questions have been asking myself, wow thank you so much for this
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you..........................
@cathrineheinrichs5328 3 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 No way we know him better than you go and lie to others Pastor T does not even know you stop using his Name he has nothing to do with your foundation in Nigeria and get out of his page scammer
@florencewanjiru 3 года назад
May the consuming fire consume them that tunish the annointed
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@janemwangi6932 Год назад
@@florencewanjiru Every spirit of cursing is from Satan not God.. Every born again person is anointed otherwise the Holy spirit in born again person is the anointing. We're in christ the anointed one and as He's so we're in Him. Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm is verse used by many ignorant believers to manuplate others by selling fear so that they'll not be answerable or questionable. Every person has right to express him or herself and that shows that the commenter is a good student. Whoever does not ask questions is not a good student. Not even teachers know everything. By the verse was God warning the enemies of Israel and their prophets in their days of prophets. The verse is not meant for the church of Christ otherwise every born again believers in Christ are anointed. Our spiritual leaders are also our brothers and sisters in christ and we are all sons of God and heirs of eternal life. So your cursing are without cause and non effective. God is warning you don't touch His children (His anointed.)why cast spell over your sister in christ?, Devil is the accuser of brethrens and he came to steal kill and destroy bt Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance.
@mikemuzezi3117 Год назад
God bless pastor t
@lechemwende2351 2 года назад
I never thought Altars were soo powerful...
@lornalewis4547 5 лет назад
More real than physical world
@jaynenganga9836 4 года назад
Watching this from Saudi Arabia feel touched
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you........................
@cathrineheinrichs5328 3 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 conman
@nikinai4374 Год назад
AN ALTAR is a GATE of TRANSACTION between the Physical and SPIRITUAL REAL?! READ Jer 7:22-23 it will tell you in SIMPLE WORDS, NOT THEOLOGICAL TALMUDIC Jargon, that the CREATOR-MÚÚBI NGAI was NEVER interested in SACRIFICES int he FIRST PLACE! therefore ALTARS and SACRIFICES ONLY came into being WHEN MAN SINNED! And only WHEN man SINS! Therefore the IMPORTANT Question to ask is WHAT is A SACRIFICE and what is IT FOR? AN ALTAR was NEVER in the equation either! ALTARS were created by PAGANS to offer DEMONIC sacrifices upon. the MOST HIGH instructed his people NEVER to USE A BURNT BRICK ALTAR- so that theywould NOT EREST PAGAN ALTARS & TEMPLES for His TRUE WORSHIP. Israel FELL into GRIEVOUS SIN when SOLOMON built his TEMPLE & ALTAR UNLIKE the TABERNACLE that MOSES had built or the TABERNACLE at SHILOH. SOLOMONS SIN in this PAGAN TEMPLE is very clearly chronicled in 1 Kings 11, soon AFTER doing a RIGHTEOUS DEDICATION. the RIGHTEOUS were to use TEMPORAL place to PLACE a sacrifice made of natural stones and wood. The INDIANS, AZTEC, MAYA and INCAS all BUILT PERMANENT BURNT BRICK & QUARY STONE ALTARS=ZIGGURATS for SUMERIANS and ASSYRIANS and small PYRAMIDS=MIRS for Egyptians & MEDES. So ALTARS and TEMPLES were NEVER part of the PLAN that THE CREATOR had in mind as a means for COMMUNICATING with HIS PEOPLE nor for the REDEMPTION or man, since MAN was supposed to PURSUE PUIRITY Of CHARACTER through RIGHTEOUNESS, RIGHT DOING< OBEDIENCE to HIS LAW, STATUTES & COMMANDMENTS. These ALTAR stories are DEMONIC FABLES from VODOO CANDOMBLE SANTARIA & KIMBUDU derived from the INDO-AFRICAN Trade or Inter-Racial relations, specifically in LATIN(Francophone) and hISPANIC(Arabic-middle East/Occident) countries who PRACTICE SORCERY MAGIC and NUMEROLOGY as "DIVINE=DIVINING acts of JINI=MAJI-NI=MAMI(mother)-WATA(water)worship found allover CONGO DRC, ANGOLA WEST AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE BRAZIL CUBA and other HISPANIC-LATIN countries! DO NOT try to RATIONALE AN EVIL PAGAN PRACTICE and CAUSE the PEOPLE to enter intot he ABOMINABLE Practices of KING AHAZ, and JEROBOAM! the MOST HIGH CREATOR is NOT MOCKED! You DONT NEED PAUL to tell you that MAJINI=EVIL SPIRITS are not just wind and air, they are REAL PEOPLE just like you and me, also called like we are "SONS OF GOD" in Job, because theyare REAL ANGELS who FELL from their first estate of RIGHTEOUSNESS into this same REBELLION that you are PROPAGATING! and that wil cause YOUR LISTENERS to SIN and BE ETERNALLY DAMNED! So-called "SPIRITS" are WATU KAMA WEWE NA MIMI- wanaitua MALAIKA-ANGLES, so there is NOTHING SUPERSTITIOUS about their EXISTENCE, the only difference between them and us is that they can be INVISIBLE but ONLYto OUR EYES! nothing else! NI WATU WABAYA kama ALL THE HUMAN CRIMINALS that you ALL know about!...so STOP MYTHOLOGISING the REAL! STOP TRYING TO RATIONALILIZE HUMAN-CHILD & DEITY s"SALVATION by 'sacrifice' DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! That is the work of A WICKED COUNSELLOR the DEVIL aND HIS AGENST LIKE CAIAPHAS AND NIKOS BISHOPP OF LAODECEA(NAHUM 1:11,9=JOHN 11:47,49FF; called by John the Revelator, the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of the PAGAN "daily-continual" SACRIFICE of the INNOCENT to JUSTIFY the WICKED or WICKEDNESS of an other (Psalms 94:21=Prov 17:15=Genesis 18:23,25) who will NOT acknowledge his own guilt or sin (Jer 3:13) blaming it on a propensity (Romans 7) of a supposed "ORIGINAL SIN!"-which calls for Slavation thru MURDER-of THE INNOCENT (Please!! do READ the WARNING on "INNOCENT BLOOD" and "JUSTIFYING the WICKED"= :Deut 19:10,13,;21:'9=1 Sam 19:5=Prov 1:11-12; Prov 6:17=Isaiah 59:7; Jewr 19:4=Isaiah 1:21=Jer 4:38; Joel 3:19 SLAY ...WITHOUT CAUSE! Genesis 9:5-6, as Matt 27:4 JUDASES among your people, selling your people to THE DEVIL!) with these "sacrifice" DOCTRINES OF DEVILS(Deut 32:17)!! In Daniel 7:9, 22 there is A JUDGEMENT. In order to PROSECUTE a CASE, the PROSECUTOR needs the PHYSICAL evidence of that CRIME,; if MURDER then the DEAD BODY must be presented int he PROSECUTION of the case. This PHYSICAL evidence of CRIME is called A TESTATOR int he bible=Hebrews 9:16-27) The TESTATOR is the DEAD BODY/or symbol of the BODY of EVIDENCE of CRIME. So The MOST HIGH initiated a COURT SYSTEM of DEALING with SIN, He taught man to BRING HIS "bloody hands'(hands that COMMIT the CRIME) and "blood stained garment"(garment=CHARACTER of evil or righteousness) IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his SIN, and in order to CONFESS GUILT. We see the MOST HIGH applying this PRINCIPLE in the CASE of CAIN versus ABEL whom CAIN MURDERED but REFUSED to CONFESS his WICKEDNESS OR GUILT and preseumed to HIDE HIS SIN. SO the MOST HIGH asked CAIN as He had asked ADAM & EVE, to BRING the DEAD BODY of his brother ABel as TESTATOR EVIDENCE of MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER, or the BODY of evidence of his CRIME, symbolized by the "sacrifice" of AN ANIMAL which symbolized the CRIME COMMITTED against an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD, as the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of CRIME and confessing guilt because THE MOST HIGH, will BY NO MEANS ever ACQUIT the WICKED or GUILTY (Nahm 1:3=Exod 34:7) INDULGENCES INDULGENCES INDULGENCES under a NEW GUISE! The way SACRIFICE is being taught is a RE-INVENTION of the ANCIENT CATHOLIC doctrine of INDULGENCES! HOW BEST to ROB the people of their hard earned money is to make them FEEL GUILTY about SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF or ot make them FEEL SORRY for a STATE that they NEED NOT BE SORRY ABOUT!-which is to COERCE people to GIVE, yet the bible prescribes FREE WILL and NOT an offering BY COERCION from pulpits where THE INQUISITION has FAILED to FORCE people toIMPOVERISH THEMSELVES giving to A ROBBER BANK!! of the WICKED posing as RIGHTEOUS MEN but are HIGH WAY ROBBERS! of their people! CHRISTENDOM is SO SUPER WEALTHY-owning LANDS AND PROPERTIES & SCHOOLS & BANKS in EVERY COUNTRY, but it NEVER EVER gives even cheap housing for its CONVERTS!! THAT should tell you something!! YOU are the PEOPLE SELLING AFRICA down the SLAVERY DARK HOLE of FALSE "SALVATION by 'sacrifice' doctrine that FAILED to work even among CATHOLIC NUNS & MONKS *&*PRIEST" who are LEAVING this SALVATION by SACRIFICE narrative and living their life IN LIBERTY givento ALL HUMANITY and NOT this ENSLAVEMENT to INSTITUTIONS! "How are you EFFECTIVE int he SPIRITUAL? VEERY SIMPLE! GO AND SIN NO MORE and LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY by FAITH and DO NOT BREAK the LAW of the MOST HIGH(1 John 2:4-9=James 1:21) THERE IS NO ALTAR nonsense in dealing with the DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS, no recipe for DEALING with CRIMINALS except being RIGHTEOUS in your LIFE which is the VICTORY Of ALL BELIEVERS-1 Cor 15:53-56 ALY involvement with ALTARS & TEMPLES is involvement with DEMONIC FORCES as arbiters or helpers of mankind BUT ONLY AGAINST the DIRECT COMMANDS of the ALMIGHTY-the SIN of KING SAUL when he VISITED such AN ALTAR of the WITCH Of ENDOR!- When AARON created the GOLDEN CALF, and GIDEON created an EPHOD ALTAR and Solomon built the TEMPLE in Jerusalem(NOT SHiloh TABERNACLE) the ISRAELITES were caught up in DEVIL IDOL(HOsea 4:17=Hosea 13:1-6) WORSHIP, as surely a s if they were in the ALTAR of the ABOMINATION OF JEROBOAM. OFFERING is NOT a SACRIFICE! Those are DISTINCTLY different things! YOU totally MISUNDERSTAND what a SACRIFICE IS! Just read again Genesis 1:21 & Jer 7:22-23,31; MICAH 6:7 which is the SIN that Abraham ALMOST FELL INTO(Genesis 22:1)==2 Chron 28:2=Psalms 106:34,37-38. ANIMAL sacrifice IS NOT as HUMAN-CHILD or DEITY "sacrifice" THESE THREE are AN ABOMINATION to the LORD=Jer 7:31!! PERIOD! These videos will be watched by your POSTERITY and they WILL GO ASTRAY because they will say this is what their ANCESTORS BELIEVED! SO SHAMEFUL and SAD! The DEMONIC WORLD effects criminal activities in the human life to cause them MISERY ENOUGH to DRAW them into his ambit seeking help! But the ONLY REMEDY to DEMONIC activites "spiritual realm, whis is just like any CRIMINAL town or country! if you STOP MYTHOLOGISING and SPIRITUALISING that which is simple REALITY=DEMONS are CRIMINALs and they DO CRIME and the ONLY REMEMDY is to STAY RIGHTEOUS and NOT to CONSULT THEM through ALTARS because you wil be CUT OFF PERMANENTLY like KING SAUL!
@funnypandy 2 года назад
Am glad I find this mey God bless you mtumishi
@jeanmachilika7993 3 года назад
Thanks to Tuko I found you. Just what I was looking for. To God be the Glory..
@mandhfilmhouse3686 3 года назад
Me too
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@faithannenjogu4217 4 года назад
May the lord bless you for blessing us
@kelvinmusau9389 3 года назад
I'm glad that i watched this. May God increase your Wisdom
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@alajmialajm8794 4 года назад
Am blessed oooh my God...yani hpo pakumalizia is what am going through God have mercy upon me
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you......................
@wairimundichu5973 3 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 conman
@evelynekimundui6223 3 года назад
Waooh very enlightening m blessed God bless you man of God
@marjn1030 4 года назад
Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.
@nikinai4374 Год назад
AN ALTAR is a GATE of TRANSACTION between the Physical and SPIRITUAL REAL?! READ Jer 7:22-23 it will tell you in SIMPLE WORDS, NOT THEOLOGICAL TALMUDIC Jargon, that the CREATOR-MÚÚBI NGAI was NEVER interested in SACRIFICES int he FIRST PLACE! therefore ALTARS and SACRIFICES ONLY came into being WHEN MAN SINNED! And only WHEN man SINS! Therefore the IMPORTANT Question to ask is WHAT is A SACRIFICE and what is IT FOR? AN ALTAR was NEVER in the equation either! ALTARS were created by PAGANS to offer DEMONIC sacrifices upon. the MOST HIGH instructed his people NEVER to USE A BURNT BRICK ALTAR- so that theywould NOT EREST PAGAN ALTARS & TEMPLES for His TRUE WORSHIP. Israel FELL into GRIEVOUS SIN when SOLOMON built his TEMPLE & ALTAR UNLIKE the TABERNACLE that MOSES had built or the TABERNACLE at SHILOH. SOLOMONS SIN in this PAGAN TEMPLE is very clearly chronicled in 1 Kings 11, soon AFTER doing a RIGHTEOUS DEDICATION. the RIGHTEOUS were to use TEMPORAL place to PLACE a sacrifice made of natural stones and wood. The INDIANS, AZTEC, MAYA and INCAS all BUILT PERMANENT BURNT BRICK & QUARY STONE ALTARS=ZIGGURATS for SUMERIANS and ASSYRIANS and small PYRAMIDS=MIRS for Egyptians & MEDES. So ALTARS and TEMPLES were NEVER part of the PLAN that THE CREATOR had in mind as a means for COMMUNICATING with HIS PEOPLE nor for the REDEMPTION or man, since MAN was supposed to PURSUE PUIRITY Of CHARACTER through RIGHTEOUNESS, RIGHT DOING< OBEDIENCE to HIS LAW, STATUTES & COMMANDMENTS. These ALTAR stories are DEMONIC FABLES from VODOO CANDOMBLE SANTARIA & KIMBUDU derived from the INDO-AFRICAN Trade or Inter-Racial relations, specifically in LATIN(Francophone) and hISPANIC(Arabic-middle East/Occident) countries who PRACTICE SORCERY MAGIC and NUMEROLOGY as "DIVINE=DIVINING acts of JINI=MAJI-NI=MAMI(mother)-WATA(water)worship found allover CONGO DRC, ANGOLA WEST AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE BRAZIL CUBA and other HISPANIC-LATIN countries! DO NOT try to RATIONALE AN EVIL PAGAN PRACTICE and CAUSE the PEOPLE to enter intot he ABOMINABLE Practices of KING AHAZ, and JEROBOAM! the MOST HIGH CREATOR is NOT MOCKED! You DONT NEED PAUL to tell you that MAJINI=EVIL SPIRITS are not just wind and air, they are REAL PEOPLE just like you and me, also called like we are "SONS OF GOD" in Job, because theyare REAL ANGELS who FELL from their first estate of RIGHTEOUSNESS into this same REBELLION that you are PROPAGATING! and that wil cause YOUR LISTENERS to SIN and BE ETERNALLY DAMNED! So-called "SPIRITS" are WATU KAMA WEWE NA MIMI- wanaitua MALAIKA-ANGLES, so there is NOTHING SUPERSTITIOUS about their EXISTENCE, the only difference between them and us is that they can be INVISIBLE but ONLYto OUR EYES! nothing else! NI WATU WABAYA kama ALL THE HUMAN CRIMINALS that you ALL know about!...so STOP MYTHOLOGISING the REAL! STOP TRYING TO RATIONALILIZE HUMAN-CHILD & DEITY s"SALVATION by 'sacrifice' DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! That is the work of A WICKED COUNSELLOR the DEVIL aND HIS AGENST LIKE CAIAPHAS AND NIKOS BISHOPP OF LAODECEA(NAHUM 1:11,9=JOHN 11:47,49FF; called by John the Revelator, the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of the PAGAN "daily-continual" SACRIFICE of the INNOCENT to JUSTIFY the WICKED or WICKEDNESS of an other (Psalms 94:21=Prov 17:15=Genesis 18:23,25) who will NOT acknowledge his own guilt or sin (Jer 3:13) blaming it on a propensity (Romans 7) of a supposed "ORIGINAL SIN!"-which calls for Slavation thru MURDER-of THE INNOCENT (Please!! do READ the WARNING on "INNOCENT BLOOD" and "JUSTIFYING the WICKED"= :Deut 19:10,13,;21:'9=1 Sam 19:5=Prov 1:11-12; Prov 6:17=Isaiah 59:7; Jewr 19:4=Isaiah 1:21=Jer 4:38; Joel 3:19 SLAY ...WITHOUT CAUSE! Genesis 9:5-6, as Matt 27:4 JUDASES among your people, selling your people to THE DEVIL!) with these "sacrifice" DOCTRINES OF DEVILS(Deut 32:17)!! In Daniel 7:9, 22 there is A JUDGEMENT. In order to PROSECUTE a CASE, the PROSECUTOR needs the PHYSICAL evidence of that CRIME,; if MURDER then the DEAD BODY must be presented int he PROSECUTION of the case. This PHYSICAL evidence of CRIME is called A TESTATOR int he bible=Hebrews 9:16-27) The TESTATOR is the DEAD BODY/or symbol of the BODY of EVIDENCE of CRIME. So The MOST HIGH initiated a COURT SYSTEM of DEALING with SIN, He taught man to BRING HIS "bloody hands'(hands that COMMIT the CRIME) and "blood stained garment"(garment=CHARACTER of evil or righteousness) IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his SIN, and in order to CONFESS GUILT. We see the MOST HIGH applying this PRINCIPLE in the CASE of CAIN versus ABEL whom CAIN MURDERED but REFUSED to CONFESS his WICKEDNESS OR GUILT and preseumed to HIDE HIS SIN. SO the MOST HIGH asked CAIN as He had asked ADAM & EVE, to BRING the DEAD BODY of his brother ABel as TESTATOR EVIDENCE of MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER, or the BODY of evidence of his CRIME, symbolized by the "sacrifice" of AN ANIMAL which symbolized the CRIME COMMITTED against an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD, as the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of CRIME and confessing guilt because THE MOST HIGH, will BY NO MEANS ever ACQUIT the WICKED or GUILTY (Nahm 1:3=Exod 34:7) INDULGENCES INDULGENCES INDULGENCES under a NEW GUISE! The way SACRIFICE is being taught is a RE-INVENTION of the ANCIENT CATHOLIC doctrine of INDULGENCES! HOW BEST to ROB the people of their hard earned money is to make them FEEL GUILTY about SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF or ot make them FEEL SORRY for a STATE that they NEED NOT BE SORRY ABOUT!-which is to COERCE people to GIVE, yet the bible prescribes FREE WILL and NOT an offering BY COERCION from pulpits where THE INQUISITION has FAILED to FORCE people toIMPOVERISH THEMSELVES giving to A ROBBER BANK!! of the WICKED posing as RIGHTEOUS MEN but are HIGH WAY ROBBERS! of their people! CHRISTENDOM is SO SUPER WEALTHY-owning LANDS AND PROPERTIES & SCHOOLS & BANKS in EVERY COUNTRY, but it NEVER EVER gives even cheap housing for its CONVERTS!! THAT should tell you something!! YOU are the PEOPLE SELLING AFRICA down the SLAVERY DARK HOLE of FALSE "SALVATION by 'sacrifice' doctrine that FAILED to work even among CATHOLIC NUNS & MONKS *&*PRIEST" who are LEAVING this SALVATION by SACRIFICE narrative and living their life IN LIBERTY givento ALL HUMANITY and NOT this ENSLAVEMENT to INSTITUTIONS! "How are you EFFECTIVE int he SPIRITUAL? VEERY SIMPLE! GO AND SIN NO MORE and LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY by FAITH and DO NOT BREAK the LAW of the MOST HIGH(1 John 2:4-9=James 1:21) THERE IS NO ALTAR nonsense in dealing with the DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS, no recipe for DEALING with CRIMINALS except being RIGHTEOUS in your LIFE which is the VICTORY Of ALL BELIEVERS-1 Cor 15:53-56 ALY involvement with ALTARS & TEMPLES is involvement with DEMONIC FORCES as arbiters or helpers of mankind BUT ONLY AGAINST the DIRECT COMMANDS of the ALMIGHTY-the SIN of KING SAUL when he VISITED such AN ALTAR of the WITCH Of ENDOR!- When AARON created the GOLDEN CALF, and GIDEON created an EPHOD ALTAR and Solomon built the TEMPLE in Jerusalem(NOT SHiloh TABERNACLE) the ISRAELITES were caught up in DEVIL IDOL(HOsea 4:17=Hosea 13:1-6) WORSHIP, as surely a s if they were in the ALTAR of the ABOMINATION OF JEROBOAM. OFFERING is NOT a SACRIFICE! Those are DISTINCTLY different things! YOU totally MISUNDERSTAND what a SACRIFICE IS! Just read again Genesis 1:21 & Jer 7:22-23,31; MICAH 6:7 which is the SIN that Abraham ALMOST FELL INTO(Genesis 22:1)==2 Chron 28:2=Psalms 106:34,37-38. ANIMAL sacrifice IS NOT as HUMAN-CHILD or DEITY "sacrifice" THESE THREE are AN ABOMINATION to the LORD=Jer 7:31!! PERIOD! These videos will be watched by your POSTERITY and they WILL GO ASTRAY because they will say this is what their ANCESTORS BELIEVED! SO SHAMEFUL and SAD! The DEMONIC WORLD effects criminal activities in the human life to cause them MISERY ENOUGH to DRAW them into his ambit seeking help! But the ONLY REMEDY to DEMONIC activites "spiritual realm, whis is just like any CRIMINAL town or country! if you STOP MYTHOLOGISING and SPIRITUALISING that which is simple REALITY=DEMONS are CRIMINALs and they DO CRIME and the ONLY REMEMDY is to STAY RIGHTEOUS and NOT to CONSULT THEM through ALTARS because you wil be CUT OFF PERMANENTLY like KING SAUL!
@andrewwanga 3 года назад
This is so deep, Apostle
@charitykimani1001 4 года назад
Ooh my Good God...this man is too deep in true Gospel...😊
@lechemwende2351 2 года назад
Exactly 🙏🏽
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@tbetatbeta5934 3 года назад
Powerful am blessed
@trizzmontella1569 5 лет назад
Powerful teachings
@liberationkingdomchuchprop716 5 лет назад
power and Anoited teaching
@rebeccaomutsi1429 Год назад
Good message how do I get the remaining as this is not complete. Your teachings are really blessings to me and am growing in the word. Be blessed.
@loisenjeri9824 4 года назад
Powerful teaching
@dennismutethia898 5 месяцев назад
@Panchesyamin 2 года назад
very strong sermon
@itscrow3272 3 года назад
Amen, a good sermon
@janekingori3989 4 года назад
A great man of God
@lucynduta7459 3 года назад
What a powerful word...so liberating
@angelangare863 3 года назад
Amen pastor
@beatricechepkemoi3574 3 года назад
Jesus, hallelujah
@lucygikonyo7559 5 лет назад
@djphilemcy 2 года назад
@evanjoki5799 3 года назад
Amazing message
@stellastar2083 3 года назад
Yeah on the sacrifice explanation doesn't add up because the animals had already procreated so then when Noah sacrificed the Bull there was still another bull left.
@sherrietee2021 3 года назад
3years later💪🏽💪🏽still fresh
@leahwambui5608 4 года назад
Naweza pata huyu pastor wapi be blessed
@esthershapara6330 4 года назад
Life church Limuru
@wanjakiguru6370 4 года назад
I just miss gathering of champions
@rosenyamburaandersen1927 4 года назад
Very blessed man of God! Where is your church in kenya??
@beautifulangelsndeiyadance413 4 года назад
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.......................
@naiskaurrai2464 3 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 conman
@goodlightTv10 5 лет назад
Deep revaletion
@martinahalaq2936 2 года назад
@ceciliangugi9512 5 лет назад
Where are you located
@Brulyn235 Год назад
Limuru Town behind naivas
@charlesmuraguri3188 2 года назад
wapi volume please?
@dawoudthiongo1884 Год назад
The New Testament has no teachings about altars, generational curses or our need to break our ancestors deeds. We are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. If anyone thinks the sacrifice of Christ needs to be complimented by human deeds, that's false doctrines. The Gospel of salvation is not complicated. It declares that God is sovereign to a believer who Jesus Christ has called, not the devil. We don't need to pray against the devil. We need to pray to God and not be manipulated by teachings that blaspheme the Holy Spirit
@faridaali3279 Год назад
Ur still a nepus in the things of the spirit.
@wallacewanzare9069 4 года назад
I'd love to visit Apostle T Mwangi's church. Any leads?
@lizkatunge8390 4 года назад
Life church international at Kenya cinema
@mumbakelvin5125 5 лет назад
Amen Sir.
@evesinga2825 Год назад
@marjn1030 4 года назад
Jesus said go in secret and pray in your closet not altar. We have to be careful not to copy the enemy.🙏
@minjirewambugu7905 Год назад
This gospel sounds so convincing,so eye opening- until you look at the new testament ,then you know whose gospel this is.Satan's .Anything deviating from the cross can only be a poisonous concoction from hell.Just ask yourself listener:who gains from it? Who ?
@maryk1575 20 дней назад
True, I don't. I understand when people talk about sacrifices. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. Nothing can beat what Jesus did on the cross. New Testament talks about offering our bodies as a sacrifice . Sacrifices is not just money but even our time
@sarahkaranjajoe 4 года назад
Naskia kuhamia church yako for real.
@janemwangi6932 2 года назад
Jesus offered Himself as living sacrifice on our behalf once and for all. No other sacrifice a human being can offer rather than that Christ gave. The cross where Jesus was offered as a sacrifice was the last alter. No other alter a born again believer should raise that's blasphemy. It's reducing the sacrifice of Christ into nothing. We should give to the ministry as responsibility not conditionally. The church of Christ gives unconditionally according to individual capability and cheerfully. We owe God nothing. Eve when we are yet sinners christ died for us all. Why mix law and grace to enslave children of God?, New and old wine skin mix not. Our now responsibility is to preach christ and the risen christ alone bt not prosperity, motivational, traditional and law Gospel. Let people discover themselves in christ by revealing christ in every scripture. New testament is the old testament revealed..Theology should reveal christiology.
@keziahnduta2740 2 года назад
Ignorance of the highest order
@nikinai4374 Год назад
@@keziahnduta2740 TELL HER! This CRUCIFIXION doctrine of "SALVATION by 'sacrifice'" instead of SALVATION by RIGHTEOUSNESS-OBEDIENCE & HOLINESS. It is the PAGAN NICOLAITAN doctrine that Revelation 2:6-15ff, 20-22 that the MOST HIGH HATES the MOST! CRUCIFIXION is connected to the PAGAN-AZTEC, MAYA, INCA SUMERIAN, ASSYRIAN, EGYPTIAN, -HUMAN-CHILD SACRIFICE doctrine, so they just went a step further and presumed to MURDER their CREATOR (Psalms 94:21=Matthew 21:35,38-39, 41-to be AVENGED!-Matthew 23:31,35) in order to JUSTIFY SATAN and the WICKED(Prov 17:15=Isaiah 5:23 ) as mere VICTIMS of "an ORIGINAL SIN". They accuse the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING SIN! -Nahum 1:11,9 but that the LORD says is the work of A WICKED COUNSELOR! -so FLEE from PAGANISM that is taught in CHRISTENDOM hence Rev 18 the WHOLE WORLD is A PARTAKER of this SIN!
@nikinai4374 Год назад
AN ALTAR is a GATE of TRANSACTION between the Physical and SPIRITUAL REAL?! READ Jer 7:22-23 it will tell you in SIMPLE WORDS, NOT THEOLOGICAL TALMUDIC Jargon, that the CREATOR-MÚÚBI NGAI was NEVER interested in SACRIFICES int he FIRST PLACE! therefore ALTARS and SACRIFICES ONLY came into being WHEN MAN SINNED! And only WHEN man SINS! Therefore the IMPORTANT Question to ask is WHAT is A SACRIFICE and what is IT FOR? AN ALTAR was NEVER in the equation either! ALTARS were created by PAGANS to offer DEMONIC sacrifices upon. the MOST HIGH instructed his people NEVER to USE A BURNT BRICK ALTAR- so that theywould NOT EREST PAGAN ALTARS & TEMPLES for His TRUE WORSHIP. Israel FELL into GRIEVOUS SIN when SOLOMON built his TEMPLE & ALTAR UNLIKE the TABERNACLE that MOSES had built or the TABERNACLE at SHILOH. SOLOMONS SIN in this PAGAN TEMPLE is very clearly chronicled in 1 Kings 11, soon AFTER doing a RIGHTEOUS DEDICATION. the RIGHTEOUS were to use TEMPORAL place to PLACE a sacrifice made of natural stones and wood. The INDIANS, AZTEC, MAYA and INCAS all BUILT PERMANENT BURNT BRICK & QUARY STONE ALTARS=ZIGGURATS for SUMERIANS and ASSYRIANS and small PYRAMIDS=MIRS for Egyptians & MEDES. So ALTARS and TEMPLES were NEVER part of the PLAN that THE CREATOR had in mind as a means for COMMUNICATING with HIS PEOPLE nor for the REDEMPTION or man, since MAN was supposed to PURSUE PUIRITY Of CHARACTER through RIGHTEOUNESS, RIGHT DOING< OBEDIENCE to HIS LAW, STATUTES & COMMANDMENTS. These ALTAR stories are DEMONIC FABLES from VODOO CANDOMBLE SANTARIA & KIMBUDU derived from the INDO-AFRICAN Trade or Inter-Racial relations, specifically in LATIN(Francophone) and hISPANIC(Arabic-middle East/Occident) countries who PRACTICE SORCERY MAGIC and NUMEROLOGY as "DIVINE=DIVINING acts of JINI=MAJI-NI=MAMI(mother)-WATA(water)worship found allover CONGO DRC, ANGOLA WEST AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE BRAZIL CUBA and other HISPANIC-LATIN countries! DO NOT try to RATIONALE AN EVIL PAGAN PRACTICE and CAUSE the PEOPLE to enter intot he ABOMINABLE Practices of KING AHAZ, and JEROBOAM! the MOST HIGH CREATOR is NOT MOCKED! You DONT NEED PAUL to tell you that MAJINI=EVIL SPIRITS are not just wind and air, they are REAL PEOPLE just like you and me, also called like we are "SONS OF GOD" in Job, because theyare REAL ANGELS who FELL from their first estate of RIGHTEOUSNESS into this same REBELLION that you are PROPAGATING! and that wil cause YOUR LISTENERS to SIN and BE ETERNALLY DAMNED! So-called "SPIRITS" are WATU KAMA WEWE NA MIMI- wanaitua MALAIKA-ANGLES, so there is NOTHING SUPERSTITIOUS about their EXISTENCE, the only difference between them and us is that they can be INVISIBLE but ONLYto OUR EYES! nothing else! NI WATU WABAYA kama ALL THE HUMAN CRIMINALS that you ALL know about!...so STOP MYTHOLOGISING the REAL! STOP TRYING TO RATIONALILIZE HUMAN-CHILD & DEITY s"SALVATION by 'sacrifice' DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! That is the work of A WICKED COUNSELLOR the DEVIL aND HIS AGENST LIKE CAIAPHAS AND NIKOS BISHOPP OF LAODECEA(NAHUM 1:11,9=JOHN 11:47,49FF; called by John the Revelator, the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of the PAGAN "daily-continual" SACRIFICE of the INNOCENT to JUSTIFY the WICKED or WICKEDNESS of an other (Psalms 94:21=Prov 17:15=Genesis 18:23,25) who will NOT acknowledge his own guilt or sin (Jer 3:13) blaming it on a propensity (Romans 7) of a supposed "ORIGINAL SIN!"-which calls for Slavation thru MURDER-of THE INNOCENT (Please!! do READ the WARNING on "INNOCENT BLOOD" and "JUSTIFYING the WICKED"= :Deut 19:10,13,;21:'9=1 Sam 19:5=Prov 1:11-12; Prov 6:17=Isaiah 59:7; Jewr 19:4=Isaiah 1:21=Jer 4:38; Joel 3:19 SLAY ...WITHOUT CAUSE! Genesis 9:5-6, as Matt 27:4 JUDASES among your people, selling your people to THE DEVIL!) with these "sacrifice" DOCTRINES OF DEVILS(Deut 32:17)!! In Daniel 7:9, 22 there is A JUDGEMENT. In order to PROSECUTE a CASE, the PROSECUTOR needs the PHYSICAL evidence of that CRIME,; if MURDER then the DEAD BODY must be presented int he PROSECUTION of the case. This PHYSICAL evidence of CRIME is called A TESTATOR int he bible=Hebrews 9:16-27) The TESTATOR is the DEAD BODY/or symbol of the BODY of EVIDENCE of CRIME. So The MOST HIGH initiated a COURT SYSTEM of DEALING with SIN, He taught man to BRING HIS "bloody hands'(hands that COMMIT the CRIME) and "blood stained garment"(garment=CHARACTER of evil or righteousness) IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his SIN, and in order to CONFESS GUILT. We see the MOST HIGH applying this PRINCIPLE in the CASE of CAIN versus ABEL whom CAIN MURDERED but REFUSED to CONFESS his WICKEDNESS OR GUILT and preseumed to HIDE HIS SIN. SO the MOST HIGH asked CAIN as He had asked ADAM & EVE, to BRING the DEAD BODY of his brother ABel as TESTATOR EVIDENCE of MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER, or the BODY of evidence of his CRIME, symbolized by the "sacrifice" of AN ANIMAL which symbolized the CRIME COMMITTED against an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD, as the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of CRIME and confessing guilt because THE MOST HIGH, will BY NO MEANS ever ACQUIT the WICKED or GUILTY (Nahm 1:3=Exod 34:7) INDULGENCES INDULGENCES INDULGENCES under a NEW GUISE! The way SACRIFICE is being taught is a RE-INVENTION of the ANCIENT CATHOLIC doctrine of INDULGENCES! HOW BEST to ROB the people of their hard earned money is to make them FEEL GUILTY about SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF or ot make them FEEL SORRY for a STATE that they NEED NOT BE SORRY ABOUT!-which is to COERCE people to GIVE, yet the bible prescribes FREE WILL and NOT an offering BY COERCION from pulpits where THE INQUISITION has FAILED to FORCE people toIMPOVERISH THEMSELVES giving to A ROBBER BANK!! of the WICKED posing as RIGHTEOUS MEN but are HIGH WAY ROBBERS! of their people! CHRISTENDOM is SO SUPER WEALTHY-owning LANDS AND PROPERTIES & SCHOOLS & BANKS in EVERY COUNTRY, but it NEVER EVER gives even cheap housing for its CONVERTS!! THAT should tell you something!! YOU are the PEOPLE SELLING AFRICA down the SLAVERY DARK HOLE of FALSE "SALVATION by 'sacrifice' doctrine that FAILED to work even among CATHOLIC NUNS & MONKS *&*PRIEST" who are LEAVING this SALVATION by SACRIFICE narrative and living their life IN LIBERTY givento ALL HUMANITY and NOT this ENSLAVEMENT to INSTITUTIONS! "How are you EFFECTIVE int he SPIRITUAL? VEERY SIMPLE! GO AND SIN NO MORE and LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY by FAITH and DO NOT BREAK the LAW of the MOST HIGH(1 John 2:4-9=James 1:21) THERE IS NO ALTAR nonsense in dealing with the DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS, no recipe for DEALING with CRIMINALS except being RIGHTEOUS in your LIFE which is the VICTORY Of ALL BELIEVERS-1 Cor 15:53-56 ALY involvement with ALTARS & TEMPLES is involvement with DEMONIC FORCES as arbiters or helpers of mankind BUT ONLY AGAINST the DIRECT COMMANDS of the ALMIGHTY-the SIN of KING SAUL when he VISITED such AN ALTAR of the WITCH Of ENDOR!- When AARON created the GOLDEN CALF, and GIDEON created an EPHOD ALTAR and Solomon built the TEMPLE in Jerusalem(NOT SHiloh TABERNACLE) the ISRAELITES were caught up in DEVIL IDOL(HOsea 4:17=Hosea 13:1-6) WORSHIP, as surely a s if they were in the ALTAR of the ABOMINATION OF JEROBOAM. OFFERING is NOT a SACRIFICE! Those are DISTINCTLY different things! YOU totally MISUNDERSTAND what a SACRIFICE IS! Just read again Genesis 1:21 & Jer 7:22-23,31; MICAH 6:7 which is the SIN that Abraham ALMOST FELL INTO(Genesis 22:1)==2 Chron 28:2=Psalms 106:34,37-38. ANIMAL sacrifice IS NOT as HUMAN-CHILD or DEITY "sacrifice" THESE THREE are AN ABOMINATION to the LORD=Jer 7:31!! PERIOD! These videos will be watched by your POSTERITY and they WILL GO ASTRAY because they will say this is what their ANCESTORS BELIEVED! SO SHAMEFUL and SAD! The DEMONIC WORLD effects criminal activities in the human life to cause them MISERY ENOUGH to DRAW them into his ambit seeking help! But the ONLY REMEDY to DEMONIC activites "spiritual realm, whis is just like any CRIMINAL town or country! if you STOP MYTHOLOGISING and SPIRITUALISING that which is simple REALITY=DEMONS are CRIMINALs and they DO CRIME and the ONLY REMEMDY is to STAY RIGHTEOUS and NOT to CONSULT THEM through ALTARS because you wil be CUT OFF PERMANENTLY like KING SAUL!
@nikinai4374 Год назад
SO! What is "a sacrifice"? There are two REASONS for "a sacrifice" 1) Leviticus 16-23: The "sacrifice" is THE "TESTATOR" (Hebrews 9:16-27), meaning "the EVIDENCE" of a CRIME COMMITTED, and the one sacrificing is he SINNER-CRIMINAL who committed the CRIMEL The ANIMAL is an INNOCENT BLAMELESS VICTIM of a CRIME, and therefore signifies that a CRIME has been committed AGAINST an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD. The sinner is the CRIMINAL who has SIN TO ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS about, symbolized by the SLAIN (Rev 5:6) ANIMAL. The "LAMB" is the ""blameless victim of the CRIME"-and the "LAMB"=is the BODY of EVIDENCE for the CRIME committed. SO, the CRIMINAL-SINNER presents before A WITNESS(the High Priest=High Court LEGAL officer) his "bloody hands"("hands" that committed the CRIME) and "Blood-stained garment"=("garment" meaning CHARACTER of sin-murder, theft, deceit, lust, etc) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his CRIME. Once FULLY CONFESSED, the SINNER-CRIMINAL gains the RIGHT to SEEK MERCY & FORGIVENESS. The COURT has on its side as security the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of the CRIME acknowledged and confessed, that it can use to PROSECUTE the CRIMINAL if he RETURNS to his CRIMINAL ways. The PROSECUTOR will use this TESTATOR (dead body/body of crime) as EVIDENCE, to PROSECUTE the criminal. That is why in Rev 5:6 the "LAMB=ANIMAL=INNOCENT VICTIM, as it were "SLAIN"(type of crime committed) is placed on THE MERCY SEAT as the JUDGE, the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH'S EVIDENCE of the CRIMES COMMITTED by HUMANITY against the INNOCENTS of ALL AGES (Matthew 23:35), that UPON SATAN & ALL THE WICKED of the earth "...MAY COME ALL the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD" spilt on earth from the beginning of time(Genesis 9:5-6=Rev 6:9-11) so that the MOST HIGH YEHOSHUAH can AVENGE His RIGHTEOUS peoples blood upon the CRIMINALS, even BEASTS that tore the innocent for a MEAL! or for SPORT or for WICKEDNESS!! So, ONLY after CONFESSION of WICKEDNESS & GUILT can one avail himself or herself of the OFFER of MERCY & PARDON (Prov 28:13-14=Genesis 4:8-15=Ezek 18:20,22). If the COURT accepts his plea, and the MOST HIGH ALWAYS accepts the PLEA, otherwise He Himself KILLS YOU INSTANTLY!, then you GO FREE as a "SCAPE GOAT"-the "ANIMAL"=like CAIN, who ESCAPES DEATH though the LAW is upon his HEELS, and he FLEES as A FUGITIVE-VAGABOND from the LAW. The "SCAPE GOAT"-signifies the CRIMINAL who has1) REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT having an ALIBI for his CRIME and therefore the ALIBI needs to be INVESTIGATED-as in the case of CAIN, or as 2) one who REPENTED and is granted PARDON. BOTH are SET FREE on conditions of PAROLE. The REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS SIN (Jer 3:13), because one uses the ALIBI, "how should I know?", "am I my brothers keeper"? OR acknowledgement & CONFESSION of CRIME in order to seek mercy, acts as BAIL, so that now he can go ON PAROLE in the "wilderness of sin". As an ESCAPED GOAT, he returns back into the WORLD as a FUGITIVE from the LAW, a VAGABOND feared by others and hence remains-UNDER the watchful & HEAVY HAND OF THE LAW, where he will still FACE TEMPTATION, but he must remember that, he HID HIS SIN and it may be REVEALED at any point,or he was ONCE FORGIVEN, and must GO AND SIN NO MORE, therefore he cannot afford to REPEAT SIN(2 Pet 2:22) LEST HE DIES in the WILDERNESS, of SINNING AGAIN out of carelessness, need or habit, or in the hands of the PAROLE OFFICER-the LAW of the LAND or the MOST HIGH-(as Phinehas in the matter of ZImri & Cozbi, or Peter to Ananiah & Sapphirah). This is the PRINCIPLE behind the SACRIFICIAL system. BOTH ABRAHAM and DAVID therefore SACRIFICED only AFTER they had ACKNOWLEDGED their WICKEDNESS & therefore SIN. ONCE they REPENTED even in the HEART, then THE DESTROYING ANGEL has to TURN BACK and NOT carry out the punishment because the OFFENDER has, even in the secrecy of their heart acknowledged and confessed their guilt, and REPENTED. The DESTROYING ANGEL=AVENGER OF INNOCENT BLOOD turns BACK and awaits the CRIMINAL to PRESENT the physical EVIDENCE of his CRIME, the TESTATOR, and NOT HIDE IT, as SOME like CAIN REFUSE to PRESENT the EVIDENCE of their CRIME, but HIDE IT IN THE GROUND hoping NO ONE WILL SEE and presents A LIE as an ALIBI, causing the COURT to postpone his punishment. The one who PRESENTS his EVIDENCE OF CRIME and the one who HIDES THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME both remain under the WATCHFUL EYE of the AVENGING ANGEL as the PAROLE OFFICER in their fugitive vagabond ESCAPE from the LAW...The RAM, as one of the specifiied ANIMAL, ONLY like Bullocks, Rams, Goats, Lambs, Pigeons and Turtle doves or else FINE FLOUR and a HINN of OIL and NOTHING ELSE!, are presented as an APPROPRIATE TESTATOR-EVIDENCE Of CRIME-and NOT VEGGIES or HUMANS, or any other type of animal-like vodoo/santaria/candomble kimbundu CHICKEN sacrifices!!THESE are NOT ACCEPTABLE!!. The Christology of Abraham-Isaac=Crucifixion narrative and the MUSLIM EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isaac=??? are FALSE DOCTRINES, of HUMAN-CHILD and even DEITY "sacrifice" based on the equally erroneous doctrine of "ORIGINAL SIN" that accuses the MOST HIGH of ORIGINATING the "GENE of SIN" int he universe despite the bible saying LUCIFER originated sin (John 8:44) and SIN is NOT a "GENE=Jini=uncontrollable propensity" but BREAKING of an ACTUAL KNOWN or UNKNOWN moral, civic or natural LAW (1 John 3:4-9) And the BREAKING of the LAW is A CHOICE one makes whether WILLFULLY or because of their NEED or CIRCUMSTANCE, NOT an UNCONTROLLABLE PROPENSITY driving one unwillingly! 2)The second kind of "sacrifice" is A RANSOM paid to the COURT by the CRIMINAL or a KINSMAN as SECURITY for the [E]-"SCAPED GOAT" to BAIL him/her out. This BAIL is given to the COURT as a RANSOM or as A GIFT(because not all crimes can be restituted in equal measure=stolen goods may be returned but murder and fornication cannot be reinstated) and is used to RESTITUTE to the one OFFENDED, in pursuit of a PEACE, hence its a PEACE OFFERING. 3)EVERY OTHER giving is an OFFERING towards a person or an institution as A FREE WILL OFFERING-which is NOT A SACRIFICE(TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of crime), but a GIFT offered in THANKSGIVING, hence it is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. REMISSION OF SIN by MURDER? NOOO! James 1:21-says LEAVE OFF SURFEITING etc...and RECEIVE the WORD OF TRUTH...that is ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!). So REMISSION of SIN, comes ONLY after the CRIMINAL SINNER has ACKNOWLEDGED his WICKEDNESS & GUILT therefore CONFESSED that he is WRONG, and REPENTED, NOT when BLOOD is SHED!. BLOOD is SHED, NOT "for" sin, BUT BECAUSE of SIN!
@janemwangi6932 Год назад
@@keziahnduta2740 who is ignorant. People perish for the lack of knowledge of the true word of God. No alters in born again believers in Christ period!!! Jesus finished the work of redemption our part now is to spread this good news. He did it once and for all. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UCt3ELwPPEA.html
@victorngao2314 3 года назад
muted Y
@danchiengchiengi8581 3 года назад
Angels can't have babies with humans! This must be wrong interpretation, God help us read and understand scriptures as you intended,in jesus name amen!
@henrymuiruri813 3 года назад
But that happened in the Bible
@janemwangi6932 Год назад
You're right. Waaa.. imagine people shout Amen to anything as far as their spiritual leaders has said. Bt the take verses out the context to mean what they want their followers to hear and believe for self gain. Angels don't marry. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KZ6weiP_xSo.html
@janemwangi6932 Год назад
@Richard Muthii support your argument with scriptures. Never defend what you don't know. St. Matthew 22:24 "Teacher," they said, "Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for him. St. Matthew 22:25 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. St. Matthew 22:26 The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. St. Matthew 22:27 Finally, the woman died. St. Matthew 22:28 Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?" St. Matthew 22:29 Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. St. Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven... SPIRITS DON'T MARRY PERIOD!!!. If only people will renew their minds, they'll not dream such dreams. Shida iko kwa mind. We're are what we listen and watch much.
@allanlawrence 5 лет назад
Powerful message
@lukaskanderewilders6064 4 года назад
"We need revelation in our generation"!!!!
@jacintamwikali9781 5 лет назад
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.......................
@cathrineheinrichs5328 3 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 scammer
@anthonykitela246 4 года назад
Whrere are you located.
@joylinecherono9858 4 года назад
Powerful message
@nikinai4374 Год назад
AN ALTAR is a GATE of TRANSACTION between the Physical and SPIRITUAL REAL?! READ Jer 7:22-23 it will tell you in SIMPLE WORDS, NOT THEOLOGICAL TALMUDIC Jargon, that the CREATOR-MÚÚBI NGAI was NEVER interested in SACRIFICES int he FIRST PLACE! therefore ALTARS and SACRIFICES ONLY came into being WHEN MAN SINNED! And only WHEN man SINS! Therefore the IMPORTANT Question to ask is WHAT is A SACRIFICE and what is IT FOR? AN ALTAR was NEVER in the equation either! ALTARS were created by PAGANS to offer DEMONIC sacrifices upon. the MOST HIGH instructed his people NEVER to USE A BURNT BRICK ALTAR- so that theywould NOT EREST PAGAN ALTARS & TEMPLES for His TRUE WORSHIP. Israel FELL into GRIEVOUS SIN when SOLOMON built his TEMPLE & ALTAR UNLIKE the TABERNACLE that MOSES had built or the TABERNACLE at SHILOH. SOLOMONS SIN in this PAGAN TEMPLE is very clearly chronicled in 1 Kings 11, soon AFTER doing a RIGHTEOUS DEDICATION. the RIGHTEOUS were to use TEMPORAL place to PLACE a sacrifice made of natural stones and wood. The INDIANS, AZTEC, MAYA and INCAS all BUILT PERMANENT BURNT BRICK & QUARY STONE ALTARS=ZIGGURATS for SUMERIANS and ASSYRIANS and small PYRAMIDS=MIRS for Egyptians & MEDES. So ALTARS and TEMPLES were NEVER part of the PLAN that THE CREATOR had in mind as a means for COMMUNICATING with HIS PEOPLE nor for the REDEMPTION or man, since MAN was supposed to PURSUE PUIRITY Of CHARACTER through RIGHTEOUNESS, RIGHT DOING< OBEDIENCE to HIS LAW, STATUTES & COMMANDMENTS. These ALTAR stories are DEMONIC FABLES from VODOO CANDOMBLE SANTARIA & KIMBUDU derived from the INDO-AFRICAN Trade or Inter-Racial relations, specifically in LATIN(Francophone) and hISPANIC(Arabic-middle East/Occident) countries who PRACTICE SORCERY MAGIC and NUMEROLOGY as "DIVINE=DIVINING acts of JINI=MAJI-NI=MAMI(mother)-WATA(water)worship found allover CONGO DRC, ANGOLA WEST AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE BRAZIL CUBA and other HISPANIC-LATIN countries! DO NOT try to RATIONALE AN EVIL PAGAN PRACTICE and CAUSE the PEOPLE to enter intot he ABOMINABLE Practices of KING AHAZ, and JEROBOAM! the MOST HIGH CREATOR is NOT MOCKED! You DONT NEED PAUL to tell you that MAJINI=EVIL SPIRITS are not just wind and air, they are REAL PEOPLE just like you and me, also called like we are "SONS OF GOD" in Job, because theyare REAL ANGELS who FELL from their first estate of RIGHTEOUSNESS into this same REBELLION that you are PROPAGATING! and that wil cause YOUR LISTENERS to SIN and BE ETERNALLY DAMNED! So-called "SPIRITS" are WATU KAMA WEWE NA MIMI- wanaitua MALAIKA-ANGLES, so there is NOTHING SUPERSTITIOUS about their EXISTENCE, the only difference between them and us is that they can be INVISIBLE but ONLYto OUR EYES! nothing else! NI WATU WABAYA kama ALL THE HUMAN CRIMINALS that you ALL know about!...so STOP MYTHOLOGISING the REAL! STOP TRYING TO RATIONALILIZE HUMAN-CHILD & DEITY s"SALVATION by 'sacrifice' DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! That is the work of A WICKED COUNSELLOR the DEVIL aND HIS AGENST LIKE CAIAPHAS AND NIKOS BISHOPP OF LAODECEA(NAHUM 1:11,9=JOHN 11:47,49FF; called by John the Revelator, the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of the PAGAN "daily-continual" SACRIFICE of the INNOCENT to JUSTIFY the WICKED or WICKEDNESS of an other (Psalms 94:21=Prov 17:15=Genesis 18:23,25) who will NOT acknowledge his own guilt or sin (Jer 3:13) blaming it on a propensity (Romans 7) of a supposed "ORIGINAL SIN!"-which calls for Slavation thru MURDER-of THE INNOCENT (Please!! do READ the WARNING on "INNOCENT BLOOD" and "JUSTIFYING the WICKED"= :Deut 19:10,13,;21:'9=1 Sam 19:5=Prov 1:11-12; Prov 6:17=Isaiah 59:7; Jewr 19:4=Isaiah 1:21=Jer 4:38; Joel 3:19 SLAY ...WITHOUT CAUSE! Genesis 9:5-6, as Matt 27:4 JUDASES among your people, selling your people to THE DEVIL!) with these "sacrifice" DOCTRINES OF DEVILS(Deut 32:17)!! In Daniel 7:9, 22 there is A JUDGEMENT. In order to PROSECUTE a CASE, the PROSECUTOR needs the PHYSICAL evidence of that CRIME,; if MURDER then the DEAD BODY must be presented int he PROSECUTION of the case. This PHYSICAL evidence of CRIME is called A TESTATOR int he bible=Hebrews 9:16-27) The TESTATOR is the DEAD BODY/or symbol of the BODY of EVIDENCE of CRIME. So The MOST HIGH initiated a COURT SYSTEM of DEALING with SIN, He taught man to BRING HIS "bloody hands'(hands that COMMIT the CRIME) and "blood stained garment"(garment=CHARACTER of evil or righteousness) IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of his SIN, and in order to CONFESS GUILT. We see the MOST HIGH applying this PRINCIPLE in the CASE of CAIN versus ABEL whom CAIN MURDERED but REFUSED to CONFESS his WICKEDNESS OR GUILT and preseumed to HIDE HIS SIN. SO the MOST HIGH asked CAIN as He had asked ADAM & EVE, to BRING the DEAD BODY of his brother ABel as TESTATOR EVIDENCE of MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER, or the BODY of evidence of his CRIME, symbolized by the "sacrifice" of AN ANIMAL which symbolized the CRIME COMMITTED against an INNOCENT PERSON-hence INNOCENT BLOOD, as the TESTATOR=EVIDENCE of CRIME and confessing guilt because THE MOST HIGH, will BY NO MEANS ever ACQUIT the WICKED or GUILTY (Nahm 1:3=Exod 34:7) INDULGENCES INDULGENCES INDULGENCES under a NEW GUISE! The way SACRIFICE is being taught is a RE-INVENTION of the ANCIENT CATHOLIC doctrine of INDULGENCES! HOW BEST to ROB the people of their hard earned money is to make them FEEL GUILTY about SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF or ot make them FEEL SORRY for a STATE that they NEED NOT BE SORRY ABOUT!-which is to COERCE people to GIVE, yet the bible prescribes FREE WILL and NOT an offering BY COERCION from pulpits where THE INQUISITION has FAILED to FORCE people toIMPOVERISH THEMSELVES giving to A ROBBER BANK!! of the WICKED posing as RIGHTEOUS MEN but are HIGH WAY ROBBERS! of their people! CHRISTENDOM is SO SUPER WEALTHY-owning LANDS AND PROPERTIES & SCHOOLS & BANKS in EVERY COUNTRY, but it NEVER EVER gives even cheap housing for its CONVERTS!! THAT should tell you something!! YOU are the PEOPLE SELLING AFRICA down the SLAVERY DARK HOLE of FALSE "SALVATION by 'sacrifice' doctrine that FAILED to work even among CATHOLIC NUNS & MONKS *&*PRIEST" who are LEAVING this SALVATION by SACRIFICE narrative and living their life IN LIBERTY givento ALL HUMANITY and NOT this ENSLAVEMENT to INSTITUTIONS! "How are you EFFECTIVE int he SPIRITUAL? VEERY SIMPLE! GO AND SIN NO MORE and LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY by FAITH and DO NOT BREAK the LAW of the MOST HIGH(1 John 2:4-9=James 1:21) THERE IS NO ALTAR nonsense in dealing with the DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS, no recipe for DEALING with CRIMINALS except being RIGHTEOUS in your LIFE which is the VICTORY Of ALL BELIEVERS-1 Cor 15:53-56 ALY involvement with ALTARS & TEMPLES is involvement with DEMONIC FORCES as arbiters or helpers of mankind BUT ONLY AGAINST the DIRECT COMMANDS of the ALMIGHTY-the SIN of KING SAUL when he VISITED such AN ALTAR of the WITCH Of ENDOR!- When AARON created the GOLDEN CALF, and GIDEON created an EPHOD ALTAR and Solomon built the TEMPLE in Jerusalem(NOT SHiloh TABERNACLE) the ISRAELITES were caught up in DEVIL IDOL(HOsea 4:17=Hosea 13:1-6) WORSHIP, as surely a s if they were in the ALTAR of the ABOMINATION OF JEROBOAM. OFFERING is NOT a SACRIFICE! Those are DISTINCTLY different things! YOU totally MISUNDERSTAND what a SACRIFICE IS! Just read again Genesis 1:21 & Jer 7:22-23,31; MICAH 6:7 which is the SIN that Abraham ALMOST FELL INTO(Genesis 22:1)==2 Chron 28:2=Psalms 106:34,37-38. ANIMAL sacrifice IS NOT as HUMAN-CHILD or DEITY "sacrifice" THESE THREE are AN ABOMINATION to the LORD=Jer 7:31!! PERIOD! These videos will be watched by your POSTERITY and they WILL GO ASTRAY because they will say this is what their ANCESTORS BELIEVED! SO SHAMEFUL and SAD! The DEMONIC WORLD effects criminal activities in the human life to cause them MISERY ENOUGH to DRAW them into his ambit seeking help! But the ONLY REMEDY to DEMONIC activites "spiritual realm, whis is just like any CRIMINAL town or country! if you STOP MYTHOLOGISING and SPIRITUALISING that which is simple REALITY=DEMONS are CRIMINALs and they DO CRIME and the ONLY REMEMDY is to STAY RIGHTEOUS and NOT to CONSULT THEM through ALTARS because you wil be CUT OFF PERMANENTLY like KING SAUL!
@ceciliangugi9512 5 лет назад
Powerful message
@lizvingori9795 Год назад
Very powerful teachings of God. May God bless me through the word spoken. I carry a powerful seed of generations which comes as me being a descendant of my Father Abraham.
@dorcasndungu6670 5 лет назад
First time to watch u man of God. Powerful message keep it up God bless u & ur family, ministry & everything that u do for lord Amen
@georgenganga755 4 года назад
Faith TV
@davekennedy6567 4 года назад
@mirabellenah5068 5 лет назад
Thanks for the teachings servant of God
@cathrineheinrichs5328 3 года назад
This scammers telling people to send money in Nigera they should stop this Pastor Tee dies not borrow money on behalf on Nigerian foundations in any case he is a Kenyan please stop this nonsence you are already cursed unless you repent
@julius7546 3 года назад
Imagine have been googling the difference btn offering and sacrifice wow thank you Jesus
@tommiano9377 6 лет назад
@apostletmwangi3302 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (EKPOBA MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058629827) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you......................
@cathrineheinrichs5328 3 года назад
@@apostletmwangi3302 Shindwe pepo
@graciekarina 27 дней назад
Should sacrifice be inform of money? Should pastor tell you the amount to put in the envelope? Eg, 5000 for rest etc
@Princess7619 3 года назад
This was a profound message!
@charre1133 3 года назад
Powerful message,, mtu ata hasinzii akikuskiliza, may God bless you,, what's the paybill please
@janeferwanjiru6593 4 года назад
Am blessed and I surrender know
@gilbertzimba8882 5 лет назад
Powerful teaching
@JohnAllen407 3 года назад
Thank you for this message what an eye-opener I pray one day we meet in Jesus name amen!!
@rizikimichieka7664 2 года назад
You're anointed!
@KgarebeMathangwane 9 месяцев назад
From Botswana, you are a true teacher of the word of God
@Bongo_man1 2 года назад
Glory!!! What a message
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