
American Asks Muslim Why He Believes In Prophet Mohammed! - Muhammed Ali 

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23 июл 2024




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@madeehaosama6239 Год назад
This brother needs to have millions of followers on youtube.
@InvisibleGameplay Год назад
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 This verse is within the context of the Tabuk expedition, which was a self-defense mobilization against the Byzantines. This is why context is important. The only kind of legitimate war on which there is unanimity among Muslim scholars is the defensive war when proclaimed by the Imām (country leader) in the event of an attack upon Muslim territory.
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 "If the enemy is inclined towards peace, make peace with them. And put your trust in Allah. Indeed, He ˹alone˺ is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing." [Quran 8:61]
@MrAlibibo 6 месяцев назад
This “brother” told x to take your time and study, and started talking about how he used to push people to accept the message. My problem with that is two things: 1. It is true you can not Force someone to be a muslim because the heart plays a huge role, which means if someone take the shahada and they are still not sure about it in their heart or they dont believe in the statement: I bear witness and so on, then he is not a muslim because Allah knows what we have in our heart. 2. It is absouletly wrong from a islamic point of view to let anyone who is not a muslim go without instructing the person to take the shahada, and you must absouletly not tell them take your time go study and come back to take the shahada! How ever you should make them say it, and if they say no then you did your part and their part is their responsibility.
@tylerdavid2569 Год назад
Islam is the only Abrahamic faith Abraham peace be upon him was neither Jew nor christian he was Muslim
@saadaden7769 Год назад
I was about to replace to you very harsh till I read your comment fully 3:67 Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah ]. And he was not of the polytheists.
@fluhasipi4940 Год назад
I wouldn’t call it Abrahamic faith, Adam PBUH was before all prophets, he ,too submitted his will to Alllah.
@naimaismail4356 Год назад
@@fluhasipi4940Muslims just say that to separate Abraham from Judaism and Christianity. Both faiths didn’t exist during his lifetime. He clearly was a Muslim.
@woulinx Год назад
yes dont say Abrahamic religions etc. to please others there is only one religion in sight of Allah it is Islam and religion is started with prophet Adam aleyhisselam and completed with last and the seal of the prophets prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhu wessallam.
@woulinx Год назад
Torah and Injil was the part of Islam as well but for only certain time and certain people
@Amir_Dawah Год назад
3:43 Prophet Mohammed ﷺ said,.. ."Even if they place Sun in My Right Hand and Moon in My Left Hand, I will never stop defending Islam until either Allah makes it victorious or I die defending Islam."
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy .
@eafesaf6934 Год назад
At one point you will stop spreading that fake news. Please, as Muslims brother we should not lie! :(
@rajaboy2293 Год назад
@@moholah3745 Thats the correct translation for the verse: O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians as guardians-they are guardians of each other.1 Whoever does so will be counted as one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. Context meaning of word "Guardians" is way different than context of "Friends" so please next time if you will mention a verse mention the explanation of it
@neighborhoodcats Год назад
Iam very proud that Muhammad Ali is one of our Muslim community 😍such an Eloquent speaker
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 This is the correct translation of the verse: "O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allāh against yourselves a clear case?" Context meaning of "allies" is way different than "friends". An in either case, Allah tells the believers to treat kindly and fairly those who haven't fought or driven them out of their homes. "Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are fair." [Quran 60:8] "Allah only forbids you from befriending those who have fought you for ˹your˺ faith, driven you out of your homes, and supported ˹others˺ in doing so. And whoever takes them as friends, then it is they who are the ˹true˺ wrongdoers." [Quran 60:9]
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 Verse 2:88 is talking about the Israelites who rejected the Messengers sent to them by Allah. "Indeed, We gave Moses the Book and sent after him successive messengers. And We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the holy spirit. Why is it that every time a messenger comes to you ˹Israelites˺ with something you do not like, you become arrogant, rejecting some and killing others?" [Quran 2:87]
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 Christians are hardly following their own faith. Jesus himself never said to worship him as God, and he will testify against those who perverted his message in the Day of Judgement. Too often is the truth met with denial and mockery. “But We send [Our] messengers only as heralds of glad tidings and as warners - whereas those who are bent on denying the truth contend [against them] with fallacious arguments, so as to render void the truth thereby, and to make My messages and warnings a target of their mockery” [Qur'an 18:56] “O people of the Scripture (Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allaah aught but the truth. The Messiah ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of Allaah and His Word, (‘Be!’ - and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Rooh) created by Him; so believe in Allaah and His Messengers. Say not: ‘Three (trinity)!’ Cease! (it is) better for you. For Allaah is (the only) One Ilaah (God), glory is to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allaah is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs” [Qur'an 4:171] “The Messiah [‘Eesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother [Maryam (Mary)] was a Siddeeqah [i.e. she believed in the Words of Allaah and His Books]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being, while Allaah does not eat). Look how We make the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to them; yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth)” [Qur'an 5:75] “And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allaah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allaah?” He will answer, “Exalted are You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.” [Qur'an 5:116] “And the Jews say: ‘Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allaah, and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of Allaah. That is their saying with their mouths, resembling the saying of those who disbelieved aforetime. Allaah’s Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth!” [Qur'an 9:30]
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 God is One, He is the master of this world, our maker, and there is nothing like Him in all of creation. He is the God who sent Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and all the other messengers to guide the people to the right path. Believing in other gods besides Him is polytheism. There is no one deserving of worship but Him. "The seven heavens, the earth, and all those in them glorify Him. There is not a single thing that does not glorify His praises-but you ˹simply˺ cannot comprehend their glorification. He is indeed Most Forbearing, All-Forgiving." [Qur'an 17:44] "Have you not seen that to Allah prostrate all those in the skies and all those on the earth, and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals and many from mankind? And there are many on whom punishment has become due. And the one whom Allah puts to disgrace, there is none to give him respect. Surely Allah does what He wills." [Qur'an 22:18] "I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me." [Qur'an 51:56] "Worship Allāh and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allāh does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful," [Qur'an 4:36] "They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allāh, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him." [Qur'an 9:31] "We did raise a messenger among every people, with the message: “Worship Allah and stay away from the Rebel (the Satan).” Then, there were some among them whom Allah guided, and there were others against whom deviation (from the right path) was established. So, travel on earth and see how was the fate of those who rejected (the prophets)." [Qur'an 16:36]
@MaskedGuyCh Год назад
@@moholah3745 God challenges those who disbelieve in the Qur'an to produce a holy book like the Qur'an or even a Surah. No one was ever able to do so. "And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah, if what you say is true. But if you are unable to do so-and you will never be able to do so-then fear the Fire fuelled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers." [Qur'an 2:23-2:24] The Qur'an remains the purest word of God, untainted by human hands, cherished and recited by over a billion people every day. Go look at footage of the Holy Masjid in Mecca and be in awe at the beauty of what you see. Millions of people come everyday from all corners of the world to answer the call of their creator and pray in the holiest place on earth. You will never find that in any other religion.
@haroonahmad8661 Год назад
Bro. Muhammad Ali is big inspiration for me.
@saadaden7769 Год назад
@@doomdesire3460 he is talking about the brother in the video not a prophet peace be upon him.
@doomdesire3460 Год назад
@@saadaden7769 Jazakallahu Khair, I thought it said Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalam was a big inspiration
@naimaismail4356 Год назад
He’s close, May Allah open his heart and guide him to the truth.
@mussamsoma4415 Год назад
@HamzaTheLion16 3 месяца назад
@mohammadishaktayoob1143 Год назад
Wonderfully explained brother ❤ Alhamdullilah.
@slimanipdr Год назад
Beautifully explained my brother. May Allah bless you.
@Muslim_Hashira Год назад
Ramadan kareem muhammad! Wallah you are by far one of the best dawa guys we have. May Allah keep you safe my brother ❤
@aishax01 Год назад
I always look forward to this channel's videos. May Allah increase you in knowledge and help your dawah.
@HudapraisesAllah 6 месяцев назад
آمين يا رب العالمين!
@Info.Thought Год назад
He always explain in very simple and calm way and by best examples. It goes straight through mind and heart ❤❤
@organbambi Год назад
I love you brother for the sake ALLAH SWT I have learned so much from you. May ALLAH SWT increase you in knowledge and piety AMEEN.
@wasifquadir Год назад
Masha Allah Br Ali, you're the best, may Allah bless you and us all and may Allah forgive our sins ❤️
@woulinx Год назад
his name is MUHAMMAD Ali. not just Ali. you saying Ali but dont say his first name Muhammad? Our prophet's name? really?
@amaladnan5522 Год назад
@@woulinx chill out bro you went too far with your conclusions, just basing it by the way he’s calling the brother’s name
@woulinx Год назад
@@amaladnan5522 his name is Muhammad Ali he put his name on video as well. And saying his name on his videos everyone knows his name is Muhammad Ali on this channel. Why he not calling Muhammad and calling only Ali? This is for me is disrespectful sister and i never claim something i just only ask why is he calling him like this.
@wasifquadir Год назад
@@woulinx "TELL ME YOU'RE THE DUMBEST PERSON ALIVE WITHOUT TELLING ME YOU'RE THE DUMBEST PERSON ALIVE" And guess what? Nobody cares about what you think 🥱
@bilolsultonov400 Год назад
May Allah guide this brother. He seems very sincere
@masudwani5547 Год назад
Assalamu alaikum! That was a beautiful interaction. You were the best as usual MASHA ALLAH. But the American friend is also a sincere gentleman. May ALLAH SWT guide him to Islam. Ameen
@Sal_A Год назад
18:26 SubhanAllah the level of sincerity of this young man
@taufiqrl Год назад
MashaAllah, I love when you talk to sincere people
@tylerdavid2569 Год назад
This brother should hit me up I would love to keep the dialogues about Islam he seems very genuine
@aboody1111 Год назад
Shokran akhi
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
During an interview with Angelika Neuwirth, the distinguished Professor of Qur’anic studies, she argued that the Qur’an has never been successfully challenged by anyone, past or present: "No one has succeeded, this is right…I really think that the Qur’an has even brought Western researchers embarrassment, who were not able to clarify how suddenly in an environment where there were not any appreciable written text, appeared the Qur’an with its richness of ideas and its magnificent wordings."
@MoroccanARROWS Год назад
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين Peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad
@gooxjunior8015 11 месяцев назад
Peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad and all of the prophets of Allah
@MohamadAbduAllah Год назад
May Allah guide him and open his heart to Islam
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
Michael H. Hart, in his book, A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, wrote: “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.”
@toncek24 11 месяцев назад
It is highly doubtful that Muhammad would be so well known were it not for the fact that Islam was spread by the sword due to Spoils of War in the Quran
@KindnessInvokingNetwork 6 месяцев назад
Keep writing facts like this ahk ❤
@abdoboukar902 Год назад
صل الله عليه وسلم اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأزواجه وذريته وأصحابه وسلم تسليما كثيرا رمضان مبارك اللهم بارك نحبكم في الله أسأل الله تبارك وتعالى ان يحسن خاتمتنا ❤❤❤
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
In a statement published in Young India, Mahatma Ghandi stated: “I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind…. I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days, in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These, and not the sword, carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume [of a book on the Prophet’s biography], I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life.”
@bazmsc 9 месяцев назад
Congratulations to this sincere guy from usa. May Allah guide this guy to the truth.
@a_w_bukhari7579 Год назад
Searching. This bro is searching that shows he’s blessed InshaAllah.
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
Writer, Stanley Lane-Poole, wrote: "He freely forgave the Koreysh all the years of sorrow and cruel scorn in which they had afflicted him, and gave an amnesty to the whole population of Mekka…It was thus that Mohammad entered again his native city. Through all the annals of conquest there is no triumphant entry comparable to this one.”
@mohammedalshabi4676 Год назад
الله يهديه ويشرح قلبه للإسلام 🤲🤲🤲♥️
@thebesttruth4659 Год назад
May Allah protect our innocent Muslim Sister😔 in Pakistan, Afghanistan, iran and other Muslim countries too
@user-zu4th8nz3d 19 дней назад
This brother needs a super team alongside him to optimise his Dawah and we need to sponsor his platform with regular support and we need to get the best marketers and social media optimisers.
@ImamWalker 25 дней назад
MashaAllah brotha!!! ❤️ wow this was powerful man. May Allah grant you JANNATUL FIRDAUS Ameen
@naeemulhoque1777 Год назад
I love this channel so much!
@vortexvampire Год назад
بارك الله فيكم... اللهم اغفر لوالدينا و ارحمهما و اجمعنا معهما في الفردوس الأعلى مع الأنبياء و الشهداء و الصالحين و جميع موتى المسلمين.. اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين و انصرهم على من عاداهم.. رب إني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين... لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين..... ......
@m.padlan3925 Год назад
Masyaallah akhi allat swt love you akhi amin ya rabb
@hamidhamza3163 Год назад
بارك الله فيك أخونا محمد علي و جزاك عنا خير الجزاء
@vengyfries6934 Год назад
“Whoever recites surah ikhlas ‘He is Allah, the One’ Allah, the Eternal Refuge...{Qul Huwo Allohu Ahad, Allohus Samad...} 10 times, Allah will build a palace for him in Paradise.” Musnad Ahmad Also reciting the same surah is equivalent of 1/3 of Quran recitation
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
"Muhammad has always been standing higher than the Christianity. He does not consider god as a human being and never makes himself equal to God. Muslims worship nothing except God and Muhammad is his Messenger. There is no any mystery and secret in it. After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” Leo Tolstoy. Russian author.
@theone1656 Год назад
Great conversation wish it was longer 😁
@a_w_bukhari7579 Год назад
@bensaid5807 Год назад
Reverend Bosworth Smith (1794-1884), American bishop and scholar: “Head of the State as well as the Church, he was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without the Pope’s pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue. If ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports. He cared not for all the dressings of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life.”
@abihasami7287 3 месяца назад
Ma sha Allah keep it up, May God reward you here and hereafter for the good work.
@ahmadgazbeh8070 10 месяцев назад
نسأل الله أن يهدي الأخ x يبدو حقا على وشك الإسلام جزاك الله خيرا أخ محمد علي وجميع الدعاة
@ayanokojisenpaionce3092 Год назад
جزاك الله خيرًا 😊
@drenodrenodreno Год назад
may allah guide him to islam
@samone5618 Год назад
Ma Sha Allah, May Allah guide our brother. ❤
@3556mak Год назад
Allahu akbar - excellent discussion brother - may Allah aza wajal accept your efforts
@an0n7m0us2 9 месяцев назад
SubhanAllah, what a beautiful video among so many beautiful videos by Muhammed
@ismailal-khatib1922 Год назад
That was a very nice conversation.
@putnicesaquranom Год назад
بارك الله فيك
@CTNug Год назад
Masha Allah bro Muhammad Ali for the Dawah you are my best and number one inspiration in my Deen of Islam
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
Annie Besant wrote in the book, The Life and Teachings of Muhammad: “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.” Annie Besant. The Life and Teachings of Muhammad. Theosophical Publishing House., India. p. 4 (1932).
@fahad055 Год назад
Jazak Allah khair brother Muhammad.
@ay_yowtf Год назад
بارك الله فيكم
@fardosaabdi1960 Год назад
May Allah guide him i.a❤❤
Jazaakallaahu khayran
@HudapraisesAllah 6 месяцев назад
Always the best explanation Akhi! May Allah swt protect and preserve you! And guide this man, he seems genuinely trying to find the truth.
@ZetuGeneralissimus Год назад
Assalamu alaikum first🎉
@kamola5570 Год назад
Alhamdullilah for Islam!!❤
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
Professor Hurgronje: "The league of nations founded by the Prophet of Islam put the principle of international unity and human brotherhood on such universal foundations as to show candle to other nations.The fact is that no nation of the world can show a parallel to what Islam has done towards the realization of the idea of the League of Nations."
@ilyaswarsame3502 4 месяца назад
ماشاء الله ❤
@osamak123 Год назад
JazakAllahu khairan
@MahbubAlam-gt1iv 3 месяца назад
There is a translation named "The message of the Quran by Muhammad Asad"
@rasheedolamilekan7328 Год назад
SubhanAllah Alhamdullilahi Allahu Akbar
@ChristIsMuslim Год назад
@mohammedalshabi4676 Год назад
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له واشهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله ☝️عليها نحيا وعليها نموت وعليها نبعث تاره أخرى إن شاء الله تعالى 🤲🤲🤲🤲♥️اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول الله ♥️
@kittycaMAL Год назад
This is so brilliant.
@maryammanfiyan5902 Год назад
Masha Allah ❤
@user-in9ic9kl6z Год назад
جزاك الله خيرا
@romaissaromi896 Месяц назад
بارك الله فيك اخ محمد
@sajjadmehmood2943 Год назад
وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ ۚ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ ٱللَّهُ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَٰكِرِينَ And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved & plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.
@kuvanrekani2504 Год назад
MashaAllah Brother 🤍
@abdulwadud6683 Год назад
Wonderful explanation, may Allaha grant you paradise.
@mohammedtambadou8215 Год назад
Fact bro 💯😢
@mussamsoma4415 Год назад
May Allah guide this caller to the right path.
@tasnimmohamed8670 Год назад
May Allah bless you more brother Muhammad
@Smearfact Год назад
Assalamualikum brother. I have request, please make a video about prophecies that yet to come. Sorry for my bad English
@DrHazemAbbas 7 месяцев назад
May Allah bless you my brother
@beega100 6 месяцев назад
Allah may bless upon you. Plz arrange subtitle in Urdu for our understanding
@thekinghash 10 месяцев назад
M.A was passionate talking about Prophet (saw) MashaAllah keep doing good work brother
@alitahir6638 2 месяца назад
Muhammad Ali I love you brother ....
@Mm.s.h 11 месяцев назад
@shiyasmcc5885 Год назад
@firdyk Месяц назад
@Issa2860 Год назад
Barak Allahu feekum
@osamaabid8663 Год назад
Ma sha Allah brothers can you please make a video on the topic is shirk and its types many of muslims are doing it without knowing
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
Elon Musk gave brief remarks, praising Islam at the 2023 World Government Summit Musk explained, "While Rome was falling, Islam was rising, so you had a caliphate doing well while Rome was doing terribly. And that ended up being a source of preservation of knowledge and many scientific advancements." "So I think we need to be a little conscious of being too much of a single civilization because if we are too much of a single civilization, then the whole thing may collapse," he continued.
@mhmdnazel1 6 месяцев назад
I hope Ustaz Muhammed Ali can put out a special video on which translations of the Quran are recommended and those which should be avoided..Where to get the online authentic version of the Quran and Hadiths and those that should be avoided. Thanks .. Wassalam
@saadaden7769 Год назад
Quran 3:67 Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah ]. And he was not of the polytheists.
@pseudonym9215 Год назад
@JesusisaMuslim Год назад
In The Outline of History, professor H.G. Wells wrote regarding a major proof of the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad “Because those who knew Muhammad best believed in him the most… Muhammad was no impostor at any rate…there can be no denying that Islam possesses many fine and noble attributes… They created a society more free from widespread cruelty and social oppression than any society had ever been in the world before.”
@nahla2532 Год назад
19:35 I'm curious about what happened that made him retract this act?
@Halal_Dan Год назад
He probably learned that it's not correct
@ahmedadawy1238 Год назад
Allah akbar
@aboeAimen Год назад
Tabarak Allah. You smashed it in the beginning. It's know that most want to reject the truth but thye don't cal him a liar. Thye say young wife warlord bla bla bla. Peace and blessings op on him.
@Anonymous-co3jv Год назад
can you please suggest quran translation versions that you find best? I really thought that you are going to mention it during the live chat 💔
@SG333_ Год назад
Al salamu alaikum - can you kindly share English translations of the Quran that you recommend to gift family/friends? Is the Oxford translation by Muhammad A. S. Abdel Haleem not good? I read he was an Egyptian Islamic studies scholar, memorised the Quran and studied at Al-Azhar University so thought this would make the translation trustworthy/acceptable? Very happy to be corrected and jazzak Allah khair in advance.🤲🏼
@nlneth9 Год назад
Sahee international is good choice
@redvoice896 Год назад
La ilaha illallah ☝🏻
@aymanbahi6398 Год назад
Hello brothers, can someone tell me where i can watch his lives? I don't know which app or page is it, would appreciate.
@Halal_Dan Год назад
It's here on RU-vid
@dad8102 Год назад
14:55 you should’ve said god didn’t take the responsibility of preserving their teaching he gave the burden of preserving to the people of their time but for Islam he said in the quran I will preserve the quran and the and Allah keeps his promises
@carliemorales204 Год назад
Make your own channel and do it yourself.
Atheist Questions Muslim About The Quran! Muhammed Ali
Why Does God Not Communicate With Humans? Muhammed Ali
Aggressive Ashari Interrogates Muhammed Ali On Stream!
@TheMuslimLantern's Muhammed Ali Joins Jesse! (Ep. 332)