
American reacts to Top 10 Most INTERESTING Facts about GERMANY 

Ryan Wass
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15 сен 2024




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@GettingNervous Год назад
Bread, beer ........, I can't take these stereotypes anymore. Incidentally, Hamburg has the most bridges (2500), not Berlin (960). And by the way: The Germans not only invented the printing press but also the car (Carl Benz), the telephone (Johann Philipp Reis), the computer (Konrad Zuse), the light bulb (Heinrich Göbel), the dynamo (Werner von Siemens) , the motorcycle (Gottlieb Daimler), X-rays (Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen), the MP3 format (Fraunhofer Institute), the motor powered aircraft (Gustav Weißkopf), the washing machine (Louis Krauß), the spark plug (Robert Bosch), the thermos flask (Reinhold Burger), the radar system (Christian Hülsmeyer), the toothpaste (Ottomar von Mayenburg), the jet engine (Hans von Ohain), the helicopter (Henrich Focke), the coffee machine (Gottlob Widmann), the mobile phone network (Deutsche Bundespost) and more much more.
@Dakrahs Год назад
Underrated comment
@lealowenstern Год назад
Thank you! I am german and still forget those some time...... so Thank YOU!
@nelerhabarber5602 Год назад
Berlin has MORE bridges than VENICE, no one said the MOST!
@GettingNervous Год назад
@@nelerhabarber5602 Most cities have more bridges than Venice. Using Berlin as a reference is complete nonsense.
@nelerhabarber5602 Год назад
@@GettingNervous I didn`t understand this as a "reference", only as an example, and Venice is known for his bridges!
@antonk3533 Год назад
I think the density of the Autobahn was referring to the road density (more roads) and not the traffic.
@The_Panther Год назад
Since we have one of the largest Highway systems of the world and still are quite small, the road density has to be quite high. So I think you are right
@jbrittels804 Год назад
But also is it one of the most use highways. Think about all the Trucks. They pass through Germany from the Atlantic ports to east Europe. And our export must find its way out too.
@krankenwagen6042 Год назад
also the isle of man has no speed limit as well
@lphaetaamma291 Год назад
@@krankenwagen6042 do they even have Highways?
@tobyk.4911 Год назад
Yes, it's surely the ratio of km of highway to land area (for example how many km of Autobahn/ freeways are there on average per 1000 square kilometers of the country's area)
@Cau_No Год назад
Yes, the cathedral ("Dom zu Köln" or "Kölner Dom") started construction in 1248, but ran out of money around 1560. (Still 300+ years …) It wasn't until the 19th century the decided to finish it and finally made it in 1880. However, since the industrial revolution the air pollution affects the stones, which should be bright white and rain erodes the intricate sculptures (gargoyles) and other parts. So there is a dedicated mason's guild (Dombauhütte) which takes care of it all the time. When they reach the top, they have to start at the bottom again … There's also the legend of Master Gerhard, first mason of the cathedral allegedly striking a pact with the devil - which he lost. And before falling to his death, he cursed the building to never be finished until the end of the world. That's it, have to go to work now … greetings from Cologne.
@jasperzanovich2504 Год назад
And jsut so it never gets truly finished they keep using sandstone like the original which erodes jsut as well as the replacement before it.
@ExtremeTeddy Год назад
Coole Sache mit dem Fluch, dass wusste ich auch noch nicht :)
@Cau_No Год назад
@@jasperzanovich2504 I'm no expert on this, but I think the density of the used material is an important factor to not add too much weight to the structural integrity. That means it's not that easy to replace. Meanwhile they work with a polymer cover for the stone's surface to try mitigating the pollution effects. There are always documentaries being made about the Dombauhütte, however most of them are in German language.
@jasperzanovich2504 Год назад
@@Cau_No Thanks, I didn't know about the weight issue or that they are actually doing something to make it last longer, then again it's been a few years since I have looked up any new information about it.
@ChRW123 Год назад
In a carless/ electrical car future the restauration process will become much easier.
@m4this Год назад
Fun fact, Hamburg has more bridges than Venice and Amsterdam combined. And of corse a lot more than Berlin.
@Genius_at_Work Год назад
While Berlin is referred to as "Spree-Athen", because of the many pseudo-antique Buildings. Similarly, Dresden is called " Elbe-Florence".
@m4this Год назад
@@Genius_at_Work And Hamburg "Venice of the north"
@Genius_at_Work Год назад
@@m4this Exactly, that's what remembered me of the other two
@ChRW123 Год назад
@@m4this It's like every European city with more than 10 bridges is called "Venice of XXXXXX"
@m4this Год назад
@@ChRW123 might be true but with over 2500 bridges Hamburg has quite a few more than 10 :P And also more than the 920 in Berlin, the 1281 inn Amsterdam or the roughly 400 in Venice. Of corse Hamburg is a way larger city than Venice, but still. I love both and have lived in both.
@RustyITNerd Год назад
Actually, there are more than 3000 registered types/varieties of bread and bread rolls in Germany. As to beer "considered a food" is in regard to regulations, normally prohibiting selling alcohol in the cafeteria. With declaring beer a "food", it is allowed to sell beer in company cafeterias during lunch hours in Bavaria - although it became less common in the past years.
@AlexandraVioletta Год назад
Oh, milks is also a good, not a drink.
@Misophist Год назад
'food' is kind of a misleading/inprecise translation. The term used in Germany is 'Grundnahrungsmittel' which might be translated into 'basic nutrition'. The reason for this is in the past, and has survived only in Bavaria: One of the main problems before the invention of waste water treatment and canals was, to make and keep water potable over a longer time period, without constantly heating it, which was really expensive. Dysentery was a major cause of death. The solution to this is alcohol, although the exact mechanism wasn't apparent, because nobody knew about microbes, and what alcohol does to them. And since the other option, wine, was to expensive for the poor too, beer was the next best solution. And since it is also high on calories, it was an ideal means to supply day laborers working in the fields, on construction sites, mines and shops. Often, it was considered part of the payment. In that vein, it wasn't considered a optional, recreational drug, but essential in supplying the workforce with the necessary calories, they needed, to be kept from starving.
@m.h.6470 Год назад
@@Misophist but crucially the beer from back than was far less alcoholic than today's beer. which means, you could drink much more before getting drunk.
@simongunkel7457 Год назад
@@Misophist I thought the reference in the video was to the old "Drei Bier sind ein Essen" ("3 beers are a meal"), which came from lent, where some monks would sustain themselves only on Fastenbier, which tended to be extra strong (I got to meet a student of theology in the early 2000s, who had a go at this one year, not the best of ideas...).
@newgamerboy7815 Год назад
Liquid bread
@m.h.6470 Год назад
7:45 "What is this building?" I am pretty sure that is the "Reichstag". The German parliament building. The glass dome on the top is kind of unique.
@ottobalu Год назад
The glass dome was built from the star architect Sir Norman Forster.
@m.h.6470 Год назад
@@ottobalu pretty sure it was built "by" him, as "built from" means, that he was the material... 🤣
@WiesoNurMistnamen Год назад
​@@m.h.6470 I'm pretty sure it was also not built by him but designed by him ^^
@m.h.6470 Год назад
@@WiesoNurMistnamen true. Except if he oversaw the building process (no idea, if he did), then it might be debatable.
@Balleehuuu Год назад
The density for the Autobahn means the distance of highway per area. Germany has also the third largest highwaysystem in total "km" or miles - around 13 thousand kilometers.
@deinauge7894 Год назад
but Germany is only place 16 in km/area. I knew that Belgium must have a higher density. And Netherlands, Japan, Slovenia, Hungary, ... also have more
@lexmole 28 дней назад
@@deinauge7894 The Netherlands are on the top in the EU.
@n0wi153 Год назад
Germany also invented the Computer, the Car, the Space Rocket, the Television, the Bicycle and many more.
@tobyk.4911 Год назад
"Space Rocket"? Do you mean the V2 ballistic missile?
@catmini1 Год назад
mp3 too
@tobyk.4911 Год назад
@otc2020 I'm sure he's international
@JenMaxon Год назад
Computer? I thought that was Charles Babbage. You probably need to specify what sort of computer.
@AleaumeAnders Год назад
@@JenMaxon Charles Babbage did indeed plan the first programmable (mechanical) counting machine (read computer) but Konrad Zuse was the first to build one (electrical), as Babbage couldn't get enough funding for his plans. Modern computers meanwhile are electronic machines, which is the base for other claims of the "first computer".
@larsl.8236 Год назад
If you want to see more of German architecture I recommend watching the video "This is Germany"
@AlexandraVioletta Год назад
I recommend to visit us and stay here for a while. We are staring, and stiff, but at least we can brew, cook, bake bread and play really good soccer 😂⚽🍞🥖
@Peter_Cetera Год назад
Yes, it´s a nice video!
@sisuguillam5109 Год назад
Ot the videos by Lauren in Germany. She does visit smaller places as well and has a good hand catchubg them in their 'bestes Licht'.
@madpat747 Год назад
Gutenberg did not invent the prinitng press, he invented the printing with moving lead letters and on the case of the cathedral in cologne u are right. Someone took some sort of a nap. 😁
@derBruns1 Год назад
the adjustable printing press would be more precise, but it was the first press that couldnt only press that one page
@stefanwendl5969 Год назад
The story behind Fanta actually has some more details to it: The name comes from the German "fantastisch" (fantastic) and at first was a whey based drink, as in germany this was kind of a side product of milk production and as it was during the war no ingredients of higher quality should be used for a beverage. The orange formula for Fanta was introduced by the Italian branch of Coca-Cola in the fifties because oranges make for better soda than whey. A few years back the "original Fanta" was released for a short period of time but I unfortunately didn't buy any as I am usually not a huge Fanta fan. By the way one of the flavourings in Cola syrup is also oranges, but off course not the only one. To fact number ten: the difference between Berlin and Paris is that Berlin also has more inhabitants than the city of Paris: 3.7 million as opposed to 2.1 million. But the actual city of Paris only a fraction what people consider Paris in the larger sense since cities like Versailles just physically merged with Paris, but stayed separately governed. The whole Paris metropolitan area is about 20 times the size of Berlin an has around 12 million inhabitants. So officially yes Paris is smaller than Berlin, technically not so much.
@tigeriussvarne177 Год назад
In the Fanta add it sayed: "Fanta comes from Fantasie", not from fantastisch, but who cares. ;D
@stefanwendl5969 Год назад
@@tigeriussvarne177 Oh my bad I remembered it incorrectly.
@jorgschimmer8213 Год назад
Alle drei antworten sind so Deutsch.👍🏽😁
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
Interesting fact about Fanta and Italy: It does taste different there. Closer to Fritz Orange, with more orange juice.
@nymanton3223 Год назад
And one more: at the beginning it was made without sugar. They used Sacharin ... Does amyone knows who desined the bottle?
@berndheghmanns1437 Год назад
Btw, Germany has round about 3000 bread and not only one breadmuseum
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
German is also spoken in Belgium. The two big parts people know are the flemish ("dutch") and waloon "french") areas, but there is also a small german part next to the german border. They even have a local parliament (Just like the flemish and waloon region) I also have another interesting fact: The VW plant in Wolfsburg (where the company originates from, or more precisely, the city was made for the plant) produces more sausages than cars.
@anna-ranja4573 Год назад
Yes, the DG (Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft) next to Aachen/ Germany. Hallo aus Oche 😀😀
@Carol_65 Год назад
From what I understand, Fanta in Germany tastes and looks different than in the US. The US version is more “orange“, I guess meaning darker or more red. My daughters were in the US this past summer, bought some Fanta, and quit drinking after a few sips. I don‘t know if it tasted sweeter to them or just “different“.
@inegnu5929 Год назад
I'm living in the US since two years now. Coke and Fanta both taste very different because there is no real sugar in it in the US. They use corn syrup. It helped me quitting soda too. Some other brands use real sugar, like Whole Foods Cola which is pretty good if you like soda. There is also a different color in Fanta. It's not yellow but very orange and even leaves stains in the plastic. Most fun fact: many places sell "Mexican Coca Cola", which is made with real sugar
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
Italian fanta also tastes different.
@Ilogunde Год назад
In the UK they use less sugar and Fanta is actually tastier there than in Germany. Makes you think...
@timofuchs2777 Год назад
The density of the Autobahn is meant with km of autobahn per /km² of land in Germany.
@Che2355 Год назад
Fact 10 -> Dude .. its the Reichstag.
@UliFandoms Год назад
About the population thing: Germany is a quite small country (in size) - but actually has a large population (it's 83 million by now I think) -> So the point is, it is small but with a lot of people. So no vast empty lands as in the US for example.
@zapl80 Год назад
If you count Russia, we're only #2 since they have 142 million, the next biggest are France, UK and Italy with around 60 each. The latest official number for Germany is 84,1 btw
@dirk-oliverschroder2252 Год назад
The Kölner Dom can hold up to 4.000 people (of which approx. 2,800 are standing and 1,200 are seated), not 40.0000. It's not a football/soccer stadium 😀
@stephanweinberger Год назад
#6 German is also spoken (and in many cases recognized as a minority language) in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Uruguay, Vatican City, Venezuela - and The United States (it's the second most spoken language in North Dakota and the third most spoken language in 16 other states - there are several completely different German dialects in North America; some low-german or 'platt' dialects are spoken in the Amish and Mennonite communities, some were influenced by the various dialects of German & Austrian immigrants). #7 it's not uncommon for medieval cathedrals to take hundreds of years to build. E.g. Notre Dame in Paris also took almost 200 years from start to finish, the Ulm Munster's construction lasted for 513 years, ... those were typically projects for multiple generations.
@Microtubui Год назад
lol "what is this building" ?" (berlin clip) THIS is the German parlament^^ like the capitol in D.C. ^^
@m.rubland6737 Год назад
Here in Frankonia there is a saying: "Drei Bier sind auch ein Schnitzel", which means "Three glasses (a 0.5 liters) of beer are equivalent to one Schnitzel. If you count calories, ti may be right.
Drei Bier sind auch ein Schnitzel und dann hast du noch nichts getrunken, ist eine lustige Erweiterung.
@lukas-uq3vy Год назад
at the #10 that was the "Reichstag" it is where the german leader speaks, and where the various parties gather.
@geneticcat909 Год назад
in other words: It houses the Bundestag, the lower house of Germany's parliament
@LunaBianca1805 Год назад
The rafters on the cathedral of Cologne are for ongoing repairs, not for ongoing building :)
@CDP1861 Год назад
By the time they finish their work, it's already time to start over again at the other end. So you could say that building never ends. And there were huge gaps where the cathedral was not being worked on. Wars, politics, out of money - there was really every possible reason that could delay a building's construction.
@xSoulhunterDKx Год назад
@@CDP1861 it’s considered to be bad luck to finish it. Ppl of cologne are saying the world is doomed once they finish it. There is also a myth about the devil being involved.
@CDP1861 Год назад
@@xSoulhunterDKx I know, I'm not from Cologne, but from a smaller town nearby. If there is no flying dutchman on the road, I could get from there to Cologne in about 20 or 30 minutes.
@Cau_No Год назад
@@xSoulhunterDKx That's the legend about Master Gerhard. He cursed it when falling to his death after his pact with the devil.
@xSoulhunterDKx Год назад
@@Cau_No yes
@jirinovotny653 Год назад
From the beerest country (CZ), our st. vitus cathedral took 585 years to finish too. Each couple of generations local ruler was rich enought to build a bit, went broke, then again long time nothing :)
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
So much in common. Cathedrals that take ages to build and good beer.
@catonkybord7950 Год назад
Greetings from the second beerest country (AT)! Right now I'm sitting here, watching this video and drinking a Kozel. Na zdraví! 🍻
@weisthor0815 Год назад
i think it´s quite logical. if you have good beer, why would you work all day? :-D
@revo8662 Год назад
It's not North-Italy! It's Südtirol! HUGE diffrence!
@hoodyniszwangsjacke3190 Год назад
You could also name it South-Tyrol in English or Alto Adige in Italian. But for an American better South-Tyrol.
@seke2648 Год назад
German is also an official language in Belgium as far as I know
@sgxbot Год назад
french, german and whatever the guys from the netherlands decided to call their language are the official languages in belgium
@Cau_No Год назад
@@sgxbot You mean … flemish?
@CavHDeu Год назад
Limburgish is also spoken in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany (here it's called south lower Frankonian)
@aglaiacassata8675 Год назад
Hey, a German invented the automobile: Carl Benz in 1886. His wife made the first long car ride in 1888 from Mannheim to Pforzheim, more than 100 km. There were no gas stations, so she had to stop at pharmacies for fuel.
@Zarok_ Год назад
Maybe you could react to "How Do German Schools Teach About WW2?". It's a pretty interesting video
@weilwegenisso79 Год назад
Believe me. They tell us the truth. It's part of education to learn about light and shadows in our history. We visit concentration camps, monuments, learn about the crime caused decades before our birth. WW2 was the biggest crime and we are educated to never make something like this happen again.
@daemonbyte Год назад
@@weilwegenisso79 Unlike Italy which is why Germany is a beacon of western freedom and Italy is electing the grandkids of Mussolini.
@weilwegenisso79 Год назад
@@daemonbyte I didn't know that. But even so, you have a lot more freedom that these guys overseas
@daemonbyte Год назад
@@weilwegenisso79 I read a detailed comparision once and while Germany owned its mistake Italy hid from it. And now Germany is resisting the mistake again whereas Italy has gone and fallen down the exact same hole. And yeh his literal grand and great grand children are mayors, mps and meps.
@SeiichirouUta Год назад
Oh yeah, the country of Span. Such a beautiful place.
@silviamunoz6863 Год назад
🤣🤣🤣Spelling is not the best quality of the video, isn't it?
@everhad1ofthosedayz Год назад
They forgot to mention the car and the bicycle.
@DSP16569 Год назад
Kepler: found the formula to descripe the motion of Planets. Röntgen: "Invented" X-Rays - Not really he only recognized that these waves go through a body and can be used for an X-Ray. Hertz: Wavelength (Hz) Hahn: Theoretically calculated that you can create a nuclear reaction/explosion by putting some Uran in a mold and with some pressure... Lillienthal: First "longer" flights (years before the Wright brothers - they constructed one of the first motorized planes. Benz: First internal combustion engine powered car (Steam or electric powered ones are older). Diesel: First working Petroleum (Diesel) powered self ingnition engine that was relieable and had the power to replace steam engines. Siemens: Electric tram etc.
@excludy145 Год назад
632 years? Pff the new berlin airport will beat that easily
@christianhagen9006 Год назад
German is also a recognized language in Namibia 🇳🇦
@Miristzuheiss Год назад
And Southafrica
@Cau_No Год назад
Probably also Burkina Faso, it was still named "Obervolta" for some time after colonization.
@trythis2006 Год назад
@@Miristzuheiss thats pretty cool
@Miristzuheiss Год назад
@@trythis2006 iam not sure, if its cool. Its about our colonisation a bitter fact
@weisthor0815 Год назад
@@Miristzuheiss i think what he meant was interesting. and on the one hand colonization may be seen as a bad thing, but on the other hand without colonization africa would still be in the stoneage.
@Finsternis.. Год назад
This fact video is... "lacking". It's throwing out random "facts" with no contextual backup showing any significance or assertion of the fact. I can do this as well: Top 10 Facts about Germany 1. They speak German. 2. They are a federalism with 16 states. 3. They like beer. 4. They have an automobile industry. 5. They were the core to the reformation. 6. It used to be bigger. Alot. 7. Germany as a state is only 151 years old. 8. The Kingdom "of" Prussia is actually the Kingdom "in" Prussia 9. The "Prussian virtues" are actually the "Brandenburger virtues". 10. They use the Euro.
@josetlmnts99 Год назад
The first book printed by Gutenberg was a Bible, not a Lutheran Bible. It was printed around 1450, while Martin Luther was born in 1483. As a matter of fact, Gutenberg never printed a Lutheran nor any version of a Protestant Bible, since he died in 1468.
@strangegaybeing Год назад
I actually live in the town where Johannes Gutenberg was from. His actual name was Gensfleisch, the name Gutenberg was given to him as a "reward" for inventing the printing press, along with food supplies. A pretty low reward for revolutionizing the future
@McGhinch Год назад
German is also an official language in Belgium and it is spoken by a minority in Denmark, as well as in other European countries -- the author of that original video should do the homework before uttering incomplete information as a concise fact.
@JohnHazelwood58 Год назад
Add.: German is a official language in 42 different countries. For example: In Namibia are living over 500,000 people who have german as their "Muttersprache" (first language).
@UnknownShiny Год назад
just recently had a long trip on the autobahn and my father found out that our car stops accelerating at 200kmh(a bit over 124mph)
@stuborn-complaining-german Год назад
You know you are driving a really fast car when you stop accelerating before the car does...;)
@weilwegenisso79 Год назад
My high score war 240kmh on the A3. Amazing experience. But usually I limit myself to 180
@tubekulose Год назад
You didn't know Johannes Gutenberg? In 2000 or so Gutenberg was declared the most influential person of the 2nd millennium AD by several international commitees and public voting.
@tubekulose Год назад
@@Michael_from_EU_Germany Wohl wahr. 😁
@eisikater1584 Год назад
Ah, excuse me, that guy's talking nonsense. I'm Bavarian, and we still consider beer a drink, not a food, although we jokingly sometimes call it "liquid bread". And I'm privileged because I live VERY close to the Czech Republic, who also have delicious beer. Yes, Sir, you are right with your pronunciation of Adidas. I'm always trying to be fair, you know, so I own a pair of Adidas and a pair of Puma sneakers. Never had Nikes. Densest, I think, by means of road network. Yes, German autobahns are pretty well interconnected. You can zigzag across the country without ever leaving the autobahn. Downside is, you won't see much landscape. Johannes Gutenberg wasn't aristocratic, so no "von" in his name. Besides, his real name was Johannes Gensfleisch, which sounds like "goose meat", so for marketing reasons, he found that Gutenberg sounded better. AND he didn't invent the printing press. There were printing presses before, but they needed whole printing plates (one plate per page), and if there was an error on the plate, there was no way to correct it. So what Gutenberg really invented was printing with moveable and replaceable types, and that was sensational, because you couldn't only correct errors, but also set up a page much faster. Yeah, you're absolutely right about the Cologne cathedral, they took several long breaks. Population, well, I think he means that Germany is very densely populated, but why doesn't he look up the numbers? It's 235 inhabitants per km^2. But it's not THE most densely populated country. Small Belgium has 378. So what he tells is basically a useless fact. Bridges: Okay, we have a federal office of statistics (statista.de), so let's look it up: Hamburg 2,500. Vienna 1,716. Amsterdam 1,281. Berlin 960. Venice 400. Yes, he's right. But again, that's a non-information. For comparison purposes, you should tell, for instance, how many bridges per square kilometer each city has. (No, I won't do the math.) For a "facts" video, this one contains too many useless facts, and even some wrong "facts". Not worth watching.
@andreasplata Год назад
Some comments on your questions: In Bavaria, Beer is food, meaning, it has the lower tax and is not considered an alcoholic beverage, but a staple food. I think with Autobahn's road network density, he means most kilometers compared to the area of the country. And the last building was the Reichstag, which holds Germany's parliament. So keep it up, and come visit.
@jensschroder8214 Год назад
German is also spoken in two municipalities in Belgium. Although French is the official language there. These areas became part of Belgium after WW1. In WW2 these were again annexed by Germany but the men were drafted into military service. This also happened in Luxembourg. The residents were not happy about it so that an anti-German mood spread. After WW2 Germany therefore lost the territories again. The Luxembourgers wanted to do their own thing and the German areas in Belgium were happy with a minority status in Belgium. The Dutch weren't happy with the Germans in WW2 either. In Switzerland, anyone who even thought of cooperating with the Germans was considered a traitor. With the recognition of the borders, a good cooperation is possible today.
@sgxbot Год назад
belgium has 3 official languages and german is one of them
@helloweener2007 Год назад
First printing press is not quite right. There were printing presses before but they carved the whole page and used this for printing. Gutenberg came up with the idea of just carving the letters and arrange them in a way that you can print the page. He invinted the moveable-type printing press, which made printing much faster and easier.
@ac1455 Год назад
Not the first to make a movable type printing press. That belongs to the Koreans using their Hangul Alphabet. Gutenberg was the first to do it in Europe.
@helloweener2007 Год назад
@@ac1455 Oh OK. Thx. Yes your are right. But it seemed that it never got this wide spread like in Europa and carved wood pages strayed the main kind of printing. And I think in Europe the method was not known. So Gutenberg invented it a second time and got the fame because this idea spread in Europe.
@beldin2987 Год назад
For the "beer as food" thing, even in northern germany we often call beer "liquid bread" 😄😄
@Meckermaxxe Год назад
Daher ja auch "Das bißchen was ich esse ,kann ich auch trinken"
@DerBomster Год назад
Don't forget the saying "Sieben Bier sind eine Mahlzeit" (Seven beers are a full meal.)
@AMK8864 Год назад
#5 as a daughter of the city of Mainz, yes, I’m very proud of the fact that Johannes Gutenberg was from Mainz. His invention made him got the title of The Man of the Millennium!
@ILoveBees Год назад
The "beer as food" statement refers to tax legislation: In Bavaria, beer has the basic food tax applied to it (like bread, vegetables, etc.) and not the tax for alcoholic beverages (like wine, liquor, etc.)
@sausagefruit7690 Год назад
5:08 The cathedral will never be finished because the ravages of time are constantly gnawing away at trachyte and sandstone with acid rain, air pollution and bird droppings. Accordingly, scaffolding is always hanging somewhere on the Gothic mountains. That's a good thing, because as long as the cathedral is being built, the world won't end. Say the people of Cologne.
@kristinastumm2999 Год назад
To answer your question, the building from fact 10 is the ,,Reichstag" and that's where the parlament (Bundestag) comes together.
@holgernelke196 Год назад
German actually is an official language in 7 countries... Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Southern Tyrol (Northern Italy), Belgium and Namibia.
@DSP16569 Год назад
Luxemburg is not in your list. And not official but by history - Elsass-Lotringen (Alsace-Lorraine), some parts of the USA (Amish, Texas German)
@holgernelke196 Год назад
@@DSP16569 I forgot Lëtzebuerg, yes. I guess because when I'm there I speak Lëtzebuergs, not German, automatically. Elsass-Lothringen still speaks German in the older population, but not as an official language. And the 'German' spoken by the Amish or Menonites is more closely related to the old Swiss Romanic German and Pfälzisch then to modern day German. It's difficult to communicate with them as a native German speaker.
@TheTempic Год назад
Having more bridge than Venice isnt hard though. Venice has around 400 bridges, while Berlin has just under 1000. The northern German city of Hamburg has the most bridges of any city in the world, with over 2500.
@uliwehner Год назад
considering that Berlin is landlocked, it is still impressive, though.
@AysKuz Год назад
Yes, they took a break in building the Cologne cathedral. You will always find some rafters on it because there is always something to fix and restore. We have a saying in Cologne: "When the cathedal is finished, the world will end." Our old girl is something else and you always greet it like an old beautiful friend when you see it. Greetings from Cologne
@eyeofthasky Год назад
The *Kölner Dom* indeed had a break in construction: the blueprints got lost, and since the original architect was already dead at this point after 300 !!! years of construction, they "finished" the cathedral in that state to be usable, but it wasnt complete. the wooden construction crane remained all that time and was a symbol of..failure. it took roughly 250 more years until the blueprints were found by mere chance in the attic of the town hall of Darmstadt, a completely different city in another part of germany. first they thought it was an old carpet xD
@jennymaier2538 Год назад
Many cities have more bridges that Venice - Venice does actually not have really many bridges at all - only about 400. Even smaller towns in Bavaria have often more bridges than Venice. Hamburg e.g. has most bridges in Germany or even Europe - about 2.500.
@Gamer-zg2wb Год назад
"Generally no speed limit" is such a misinformation. There are actually a LOT of speed limits on the Autobahn with just a few sections where there's none.
@Huntrs27 Год назад
Germany is a small country but with a big population. When you come to Germany you don't have to drive many miles for the next town or bigger city. Because everything is near-by. Til today the most little towns has supermarkets so you don't have to drive to the next town or city.
@andreasrose2923 Год назад
36.3 inhabitants per square kilometer in the USA. In Germany 233 inhabitants per square kilometer
@Innsifire Год назад
they forgot to mention that German is an official language in Belgium
@sgxbot Год назад
belgiums speak french though? at least every one i know from belgium mainly speaks french
@dutchman7623 Год назад
Correct! Small but official.
@@sgxbot Some people in Belgium speak French ,others Flemish ( similar to Dutch) and a small number German (obviously near the German border....)
@sgxbot Год назад
@@ian.blackwoodgwent.walesgb5668 yeah just looked it up german is in fact an official language in belgium
@th.a Год назад
The construction of the Cologne cathedral started in 1248 and it was finished in 1880. However, work on the building was halted between 1528 and 1823.
@sandilib Год назад
The Reichstag building in Berlin has been the seat of the German Bundestag since 1999.
@teotik8071 Год назад
Top eleven fact: This video was imprecise on certain facts. The cologne cathedral took this long to build because they stopped for several centuries. Germany has the second largest population in Europe after Russia and the largest in the EU now more than 83 millions. Berlin is ten times bigger than Paris if you compare the square kilometer of the city limits. The metro area of Paris is larger. The most bridges you'll find in Hamburg. The incorrect count of bread varieties was already mentioned. And beer is a food all around Germany. 😂
@Kivas_Fajo Год назад
To be precise here. I think it was the ancient Chinese whom belongs this honor. What Johannes Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg invented was ground-braking. He invented a Printing press with single removable and reusable letters made from a metal alloy. That way new texts could be printed quickly instead of waiting for days/week until the mold got carved out. It not only paved the way for books for everyone, but also for the press(Journalism), which is named after this machine.
@andreas_resch Год назад
You should really start some proper German language training. It would be fun to accompany you on that ride. And it will also be really helpful if you should visit Germany one day.
@denisb6718 Год назад
LOL. Der hat auch andere Kanäle wo er sich auf andere Länder bezieht, UK z.B. Schau mal nach "Ryan Wuzer". Der tut hier bloß so als sei er speziell an Deutschland interessiert. Auf den anderen Kanälen macht er es dann genauso. 🙂
@andreas_resch Год назад
@@denisb6718 Ich kenne auch seinen UK-Kanal. Und darüber, was seine Hintergründe sind, will und brauche ich nicht zu spekulieren. Ich finde das, was er macht und wie er es macht unterhaltsam. Und zusätzlich kenne ich die Videos, auf die er reagiert auch meistens nicht. Somit ist es sogar noch interessanter.
@sisuguillam5109 Год назад
@@denisb6718 und die anderen Kanäle würden ihn davon abhalten Deutschland zu besuchen und Deutsch zu lernen?
@denisb6718 Год назад
@@sisuguillam5109 Nicht zwingend, aber da er sowas ja mit verschiedenen Ländern macht und nicht speziell an Deutschland interessiert ist, wie kommt ihr dann darauf dass er ausgerechnet daran interessiert sein könnte, Deutsch zu lernen? 🙂
@denisb6718 Год назад
@@andreas_resch Unterhaltsam ist es, ja. Sonst würde ich es auch nicht schauen. Aber dass er das offenbar mit verschiedenen Ländern macht und dafür unterschiedliche Kanäle nutzt ist halt seltsam. Warum so geheimniskrämerisch? Warum nicht alles vom selben Kanal aus? Wirkt einfach so als würde er jeweils exklusives Interesse an einem Land vortäuschen wollen.
@Lord_Juvens Год назад
As on your pronounciation, I'd say you've passed the American 1 percentile area. Well done! Keep it up!
@wizardm Год назад
The densest Autobahn system means that Germany has the the highest Autobahn coverage.
@jasperzanovich2504 Год назад
1. So many different types of bread but most people only eat a few regularly. 2. People believe germany to be a beer country but water and coffee are consumed a lot more. 4. It's about the road density. While the USA may has more Highway roads it also has a lot more ground to cover. 6. A lot of those countries also have another official language like french. 7. It's an eternal construction site. It is always beeing repaired and maintained since the material used is easily eroded. 8. It just means it has a high population density. I think it's the highest density in europe. Overall this video didn't have a lot to react to since it was mostly jsut quickfire facts without much deep information.
@maxw2974 Год назад
The Building is „Der Reichstag“ it’s the house of Parliament. And btw. we call Beer „liquid Bread“
@bh5037 Год назад
even Hamburg has more Bridges than Venice and the Townhall has more rooms than the Buckingham palace ... so no big deals ..
@Bioshyn Год назад
It's 3000 kinds of bread not 300, reason is, everyone doing their master exam as a baker has to present a unique piece of bakery, which is then registered as their "master piece". And yes Bavaria has beer as a basic right in their constitution together with bread and water. Densest regarding the Autobahn means it has the most road kilometers per square kilometer, the network of Autobahnen is the densest.
@PiratePawsLive Год назад
Hey Ryan, you should try importing a few bottles of German Fanta. They will blow your mind on how different the tastes are versus the US. I drank US Fanta one time on a base in Germany as a Kid (dad worked for the US army as a german for a time). German fanta actually tastes like fruit.
@hansikemmerling4513 Год назад
More cologne cathedral facts: 1) When they continued to build the cathedral in the 19th century they did not have all the original plans and had to remake them. 2) The roof construction was the largest construction made of steel until the Eiffel tower was built. 3) The cathedral was the highest building worldwide until the Washington Monument was finished. 4) The foundation is made of stone. it weights as much as the cathedral itself.
@Razor-fv2tv Год назад
7:51 This Building is the Reichstag. Its kind of the same like the United States Capitol in Washington. You can visit the glass dome. You have a wonderful view over Berlin. You can also look down on the delegates of the Bundestag (it's about the same as the United States Congress).
@WiviraLunastris Год назад
Germany also has the church with the highest tower in the world, the "Ulmer Münster". It is 161.53 meters high and it took 513 years to build it, from 1377 to 1890.
@gerdahessel2268 Год назад
About size and population: Germany is relatively small and has many inhabitants. To compare: take Montana - that's nearly the size of Germany. Then put in the population of Montana, Florida, California and New York and you've got the situation how crowded it is in Germany.
@dutchman7623 Год назад
Move the entire population of the USA to half of California and you get the population density of the Netherlands.
@gerdahessel2268 Год назад
@@dutchman7623 🙂
@jensschroder8214 Год назад
The printing press had a great influence in Germany. Luther had just finished writing his Bible. Or rather translated into the language of the people. In doing so, he created a uniform German script for the first time. Mr. Gutenberg had just invented his printing presses. So what was there to print in larger quantities? Luther's German Bible. It was a status symbol to get a copy. The Bibles before were in Latin and copied by hand. Few knew Latin and those who could often told the people what they wanted. A educated person could read the Lutheran Bible in a language that the people could understand. Children began learning to read the Bible. This influenced the German language, which was further standardized.
@alfredkugler3043 Год назад
You know that Luther was born 15 years after Gutenberg died? He translated the bible into German roughly 80 years after the Gutenberg bible was printed. There is the opinion that the reason why Luther succeeded and no previous reformer was that at that time the printing press as already out.
@lexxon_f1 Год назад
I was actually a bit proud when you corrected the video moderator with Adidas
@larskubach8791 Год назад
Fanta is so different in Germany compared to the US… Real good orange 🍊 flavor
@tanoswolf2294 Год назад
The Building in the end should be the Bundestag ,the German parliament
@itskyansaro Год назад
Most of Germany jokingly refer to Beer as Liquid Bread Xd
@footballinside Год назад
Germany is a little smaller than California but has twice as much inhabitants so I asume that it is true what he said about the Autobahn.
German is an official language in Belgium too...
@Me-tx8yr Год назад
The density of Autobahnen was related to the fact that there is an Autobahn closer to you than in other countries. It was not related to the traffic on the Autobahn, which can be annoying. In average you are stuck in dense traffic (Stau= no movement at all) between 40-50 hours a year. It can be much more or less depending on where and when you are driving somewhere.
@RustyDust101 Год назад
The Kölner Kathedrale/ Cologne cathedral is similar to the Golden Gate Bridge. It is constantly being maintained by a huge crew of craftsmen. Hamburg just grins at Berlin when it comes to bridges. Hamburg has over 4000 bridges but roughly 1/4 of the land area of Berlin.
@th.a Год назад
He wanted to say 'in Bavaria beer is considered a staple food' and this is correct.
@roaditr Год назад
Fanta was an Apple based Drink initially in Germany. The orange version was invented elsewhere. And yes, they needed an alternative softdrink. Doesn’t need to taste similar to cover that.
@pergustavsson2424 Год назад
Yup! When Coca-Cola Deutschland couldn't get the coke syrup from the US because of the war, they came up with an alternative soft drink to keep the factory running and called it "Fantastisch".
@xSoulhunterDKx Год назад
The orange one is from Italy
@t.l.c7481 Год назад
The Gutenberg press changed the course of history. It made reading accessible to many.
@Pattosch Год назад
Beer is considered a food because it is very nutritious and was used by the monks as a substitute food during Lent. 7:45 This building is the Reichstag building, the seat of the German federal government
@aphextwin5712 Год назад
I think you meant to say, the German Federal Parliament.
@Pattosch Год назад
@@aphextwin5712 Ah yes, the opposition is also based there...So seat of the German Bundestag
@animalchin5082 Год назад
The first moveable type printing press was actually invented 500 years earlier in China, but Gutenberg's invention was the first in the western world and obviously a big revolution enabling press, high rates of literacy etc.
@erxy6646 Год назад
I like your Videos, they are fun. And your Comment section is more German than my home, and we live in western Germany and have the fricken flag on our porch
@Ghostmaxi1337 Год назад
5:05 They are allready repearing it, because its made out of sandstone, which washes away (especally in more sour rain)
@LexusLFA554 Год назад
The Building with the Horses is called "Brandenburger Tor".
@uliwehner Год назад
@Ryan, germany has the 2nd largest population behind russia. Russia has 145 million. The point that wasn't made is just how much larger russia is. or the US for that matter. germany has almost 7 times the population density of the US. germany is the size of Montana, which in turn only has a population of 1 million or so. by comparison: the octoberfest in Munich has 6 million visitors every year. All of Montana could go to the Octoberfest and no one would notice....
@tonir299 Год назад
I agree with you, these were just random facts. I recommend a video about german inventions. You'll be surprised.
@DaxRaider Год назад
the density of the Autobahn was referring to the road density and not the traffic.
@kingfish1287 Год назад
Almost always is Traffic in Germany there is to 100% somewhere a massive trafficjam
@DKC0994 Год назад
Most Bavarian Companies classify Beer as Staaple Food and sometimes even offer it in their canteens for consuption during breaks
@biloaffe 10 месяцев назад
At the end of 2022, around 84.36 million people lived in Germany. // As of June 30, 2023, 84,482,000 people already lived in Germany.
@kellerkindzuhause3009 20 дней назад
Strictly speaking, Luxembourg is a Grand Duchy and Lichtenstein is a Principality.
@hypatian9093 Год назад
The building at the end of "more bridges than Venice", where you asked about it, is the Reichstags building - the Bundestag, the federal parliament of Germany, is meeting there. Tourists can visit the top of it with the glass dome, where you can look down on all the politicians (pun intended).
@classicrockdefender Год назад
To the Cologne Cathedral: You are right, there has been a "break" in building this monument from 1528-1823. Construction began in 1248 and stopped in 1528 (280 years later). The build was financed by pilgrims. Because of the reformation by Martin Luther in 1516 many people mistrusted the Catholic Church, converted to the protestant church and the pilgrims stayed away. The builders simply ran out of money.Decades passed. In the 19th century the construction was continued. The Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm had been convinced to finance the build, which was finalized in 1900. The building is in permanent maintenance, that's why you will always see framework all around the cathedral. It was built of sandstone, which nowadays is affected by exhaust fumes, poor air quality and simply by rain. Since 1994 the Cologne Cathedral is a UNESCO world heritage. And it's worth a visit.
@Noez_Musik Год назад
On number 2 when they say Bavarians call beer an food, there are some variables, you can also say: "3 bier sind auch ein Schnitzel" what means "3 Beers are an Schnitzel too" maybe cause we drink so much of it here, or cause an German monk Tradition when they Was fasting. At this time monks drank beer to gather the daily needed calories, they recognized the So called "Bock bier" made them feel less Hungry, cause the malt in it is on an high concentration. Nice Video like allways, greetings from Bavaria. Keep up that good work :)
@Lord_Juvens Год назад
Das hat vor allem was mit dem Rechtlichen zu tun, dass es als Essen deklariert wird.
@Miristzuheiss Год назад
No, monks brewed beer for the days they are not allowed to eat. For this comes this: what i can eat, i can better drink
@AlexandraVioletta Год назад
Wow. I'm eastern German and my parents told me "SEVEN beer are one meal. Order eight, you need something to drink, too"
@swanpride Год назад
Cologne Cathedral (like pretty much all old churches of similiar seize) is under constant renovation. Basically once they finished, they have to start again, because it is just so big and it is quite difficult to mantain.
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