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AMX Ghibli In War Thunder : A Basic Review 

Tim's Variety War Thunder
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6 сен 2024




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@randomv3iwer 8 месяцев назад
Libyan War Thunderor here (Living In Tokyo) The Italian name, "Ghibli", is taken from the hot dry wind of the Libyan desert. It is pronounced exactly as Tim said, Ghibli like Get Good, Grind, Gas. And not like the butchered Japanese version of Miyazaki’s studio “Jeb-Lee” 😂 Cheers. Peace be with ya, and happy 2024 in advance. 🐉
@kittycatpilot 8 месяцев назад
Now that you mention it, I don't think I've heard a Japanese person actually say Ghibli. I guess they do pronounce it with the J sound. I love Studio Ghibli films, and I've always pronounced it with the G sound.
@wotwott2319 8 месяцев назад
I've always thought Ghibli was with a G and not a J, honestly surprised some people do pronounce it with a J
@ZigaZagu 8 месяцев назад
How tf didju get to Tokyo
@randomv3iwer 8 месяцев назад
@@ZigaZagu Simple! Got myself a visa and a plane ticket. Longest 26 hours flight I’ve ever been on.
@legate5923 7 месяцев назад
@@randomv3iwer Wish you a happy life in tokyo man well done
@gabrielgalvaodesouza5591 8 месяцев назад
A small correction, as a brazilian. The Brazilian government didn´t want to replace the mb236 with the AMX. The Mb236 which was built under license by embraer and locally called "at26 xavante" was used as a light attack aircraft but primarly as a trainer for newly formed pilots. Both the Mb236 and the AMX were used during the same period, in different roles. For reference, the last 4 Mb236s were retired in April 2013 and the AMX is still in use.
@erikhesjedal3569 8 месяцев назад
I know you want to, go ahead and publish the performance data and manuals ;)
@gabrielgalvaodesouza5591 8 месяцев назад
@@erikhesjedal3569 nah, I will just wait patiently for the Brazilian variant
@kalui96 8 месяцев назад
@@erikhesjedal3569 he's not a true war thunder player lol jk
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
The info I have says they wanted to phase the Mb 236 out of its ground attack role, which was a/the motivation for joining the AMX program. I can't speak to its continued use as a trainer.
@gabrielgalvaodesouza5591 8 месяцев назад
@@TimsVarietyIt does make sense if we consider both are in similar roles (subsonic ground attacker) with the AMX being more capable on the same role. Also could be a missinterpretation of mine since being retired from one role doesn´t stop the aircraft of flying for another role (trainer in this case). The MB 236 was gradually replaced by the A29 super tucanos from the early 2000s onwards too but definitely kept flying for as long as it was possible. At the moment, pilots transition from the t27 tucano at the air force academy to the a29 super tucano and then straight to jets such as the AMX, F5 tiger 2 or Gripen. There was, in the 80s i believe, a project for the "AMX-T" which would be a dedicated unarmed trainer variant that would totally replace the mb 236 in the role but it didn´t move forward.
@randomexcessmemories4452 8 месяцев назад
Despite not being at that high of a rank for aircraft, I really hope we get more of these little attack jets. They're some of my favorite planes, and they're so fun!
@gansior4744 8 месяцев назад
Italy can get like 6 more so no worries
@randomexcessmemories4452 8 месяцев назад
@@gansior4744 Great!
@thatoneguy1741 8 месяцев назад
Yes more aim9l carriers at the 10.0 Br range, rip 9.0 aircraft
@magicmissile7533 8 месяцев назад
Brazilian here, i'm happy to finally see one of our aicraft in game (kinda)! Can't wait to see the brazilian variant in game, maybe as a premium, who knows. I'd love to see our Super Tucano be added as well some day, but i imagine that one would be a disaster to balance
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
I've said for a while that the Super Tucano would be great, but as you mentioned horrible to balance. They'd put it at BR 9 because of its precision guided weapons, and it would be a disaster for everyone.
@Frank-pc2rs 6 месяцев назад
Dude I'm so sick of Brazilians in these videos you'd think they alone made the AMX by the way some of them talk. "It's nice to see one of OUR aircraft" lol. Italian companies held 75% of the company and Brazil 25%. That also means 75% of the design input and manufacturing. Do you think Brazil in the 80's could have built this on their own? The answer is no and that's why they went in on this project with Italy. It's an Italian aircraft with some Brazilian money to help in the financing of the project. Italy said yea let them in on it and take some of the burden off us.
@emilelerate6454 5 месяцев назад
I’m almost certain the premium ghibli will be added. I honestly thought it would have made a no brainer premium for Italy over a year ago, but it took them so long to ad it, it might end up as a event vehicle now.
@johnniemac173 3 месяца назад
Welp. There ya' go. It's in now.
@magicmissile7533 3 месяца назад
@@johnniemac173 Yup, sadly no brazilian is gonna have the money to buy it unfortunately lol
@Eintracht-uy3cz 8 месяцев назад
ah yes, the "Studio Ghibli" plane 😃 I'm genuinely surprised that you can't find any camos like these on live.warthunder yet. looks fun.
@rickdubbink 8 месяцев назад
Got this thing yesterday, it's absolutely broken in ground RB Also, I've never had a problem with ripping, both with just the sidewinders and full GBU loads
@Starwalker-dm4mg 8 месяцев назад
was interested in this jet! Super glad to see such an in depth review speaking of in depth reviews... new radar tutorial time............. thx gaijin -_-
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
Yep. Its on the list.
@superfamilyallosauridae6505 8 месяцев назад
I find the targeting pod EEGS extremely valuable... on the F-16C. It means you can lock and get EEGS on helicopters without their advanced RWRs alerting them to your presence the way a radar lock would (until we get some LPI AESA radar lol. F-16V?) Super valuable. I'll take the F-16C out with just 6 AIM-9M, a drop tank, and the LITENING II and slaughter enemy CAS if I don't have the SP for the mavericks and bombs. Supersonic, they can't hear you. Targeting pod saves you ammunition by providing warning-free EEGS. Supersonic gun kills take more ammo than you'd expect, because the smallest deviations in course will generate shifts in where the rounds go. EEGS prevents that, and turns 520 rounds into 3-4 kills instead of 2.
@xanderwusky3001 8 месяцев назад
Really need to learn how to use the litening pod. I can do everything on the f16. I’m pretty good with the radar and very comfortable with that. Usually use it without constant elivation to get some really long range kills and lock exactly what I want to using a very narrow search. But only know enough about the litening pod to do base bombing and bomb tossing. Which is pretty fun but learning how to use it for mavericks, the gun and ir missiles I don’t know yet. I can get some mavericks off but they often miss the way I do it. Such a capable system though. Really do need to figure that out
@superfamilyallosauridae6505 8 месяцев назад
@@xanderwusky3001 Do you know how to use top tier choppers? It's exactly the same. For mavericks, do you use a button to spool up your heater missiles? Like, activate lock on? I have that (whatever it's called, don't remember right now) bound to Alt, and then I fire using my universal secondary weapon fire key. Using the weapon selector system is essential, I find, to these complicated top tier aircraft. I don't know whether you are. As far as I am aware, you can't use the LITENING II to slave AIM-9s. There's truly only a couple keybinds you need for the LITENING II as I understand it: 1. Enable Sight Stabilization. I have this bound to F, and my flaps are bound to F4 instead. In third person, when you hit this key, it'll try to lock on to the chunk of sky/place on the ground/vehicle you're looking at, but if you use the C key to look around usually it'll be like 5 or more degrees of angle off. But it'll be in the neighborhood, and it'll display the red box, the same way it does when you enable Target Point for CCRP. I don't use the Disable key for this, I just go into the LITENING II view and when you hit it it disables. 2. I would completely disable the Target Point system. Sight Stabilization does the same thing, and enables it, with CCRP, the same way but is basically just more versatile. I've even found this key bind to enable and disable target point on vehicles that ONLY have CCRP and no targeting pod at all. 3. I have enable/disable laser bound to 0. This is for Paveways and Hellfires (on helicopters) 4. Switch NVD mode (I have this bound to N. turns thermals on and off) 5. Tracking Camera Bomb/Torpedo (this lets me see how close my Maverick/AIM9/Paveway is to the enemy) 6. Weapon Lock (Air-Air), Weapon Lock (Air-Ground), Lock Guided Bombs, I have all of these set to the Alt key. When using the LITENING II, Locking an AGM-65/GBU, what I do is I lock onto what I'm trying to kill with the targeting pod, I hit alt, the missile seeks, it locks, and when it does that it tells you by offsetting where you're looking just a little up and to the right of what you were locking. You'll know it when you see it, it's just like what it does in normal Maverick view. Then I fire. It's as shrimple as that. Same for GBU8s if you're on a vehicle lucky enough to have TV/IR guided bombs AND a targeting pod, like the A-7. To get gun lead on any vehicle using the gun pod, just lock onto it with the targeting pod by pressing F on it in third person/first person within the targeting pod if necessary. When you get close enough, as long as the targeting pod has the angle to see it, it'll give you the gun lead indicator. Funnily enough, it'll ALSO give you gun lead against ground vehicles and ships when you lock onto them with the targeting pod even if your gun CCIP is off. Dubiously useful. But this is SUPER useful against aircraft and helicopters, as it's much easier than getting a radar lock with, for me, a completely bugged HMD radar queueing system, AND it doesn't give them a lock warning. I almost never fire heaters at helis, because the gun+LITENING II works so well. They never know what's coming if you're supersonic and they thus can't hear you. Mavericks need speed. I usually launch them from low alt and supersonic. At that speed, you can usually only get one or MAYBE two mavericks off before you're too close and fast for the mavericks to pitch down enough to hit. The only tanks they semi-consistently kill are T-72/64 frame tanks and light vehicles like AA that get overpressured. 2S38s fear AGM-65B. Paveways must be dropped subsonic. They won't release at Mach 1.0. IF YOU STILL HAVE MAVERICKS, and you have dropped your paveway and then go into third person view, DO NOT GO BACK INTO TARGETING POD VIEW UNLESS YOUR NOSE IS STILL POINTED AT THE TARGET. The stupid Maverick view, if it doesn't have the angle to see where you're going, will slave the targeting pod wherever it can see when you cycle through it, and your laser will go to some random place 2km away from where you want to hit, and your bomb will land randomly.
@xanderwusky3001 8 месяцев назад
@@superfamilyallosauridae6505 not really, I’ve used very limited amounts of them. But don’t play ground much, almost only air. The only nations I have enough ground on for heli’s is US and Germany (Germany barely, US upto about 10.3) Air I have entirely unlocked, only f15A now since newly added. Almost same for Germany and a couple other nations. Unfortunately the first heli’s for US are ass (at least ground rb, just dumb rockets and slow heli’s isn’t great. Hue is very cool but it’s not very good. Just got the first atgms on the second one though) Do have squadron apache unlocked but not purchased since just don’t play ground that much. That would be much better I’m sure. I will definitely give it a try, thanks! And thanks for the really elaborate explanation. I do know a lot already, I have nearly 3000 hours in the game but almost all in air RB and you just don’t really need ground ordinance but I would like to learn how to use it. Will help in ground as well as when just feel like having fun (plus hope they will make more missions where it’s actually useful for Air RB too) Lots of keybinds to go through yeah and noticed some kinda do the same thing. Also struggled a bit that if you fire the last maveric sometimes bombs are locked wrong and very annoying to fix (probably if I had the right keybind would be fine). On holiday now anyway so plenty of time to mess around a bit :) thanks!
@superfamilyallosauridae6505 8 месяцев назад
@@xanderwusky3001 Ground is much more fun in certain ways. I'm not really a ground or an air main, but I basically have entirety of Air, Ground, Heli in Japan and USA. I'm at about 5500 hours (since steam, no idea overall). Idk when I linked Steam. I started playing WT in 2017 and I have about 75,000 kills towards God of War but I'm not there yet. Anyways, ground is better because it's a combined arms tactical environment. Do you watch Hunter's, Bruce Leeroy's, or Cavenub's videos? Those really show what I love about it. I would encourage using that squadron AH-64 to grind, as grinding without CCIP is essentially futile. Bind the same Sight Stabilization keys for helis (F). With the Apache, it will literally aim the 30mm cannon for you if in range. You can shoot down aircraft coming at you super easy like that, and it will also aim the cannon for you if you lock onto a tank. I always use Manual Roll Control Mode in helicopters, because by default the roll autopilot is super schizophrenic and majorly correcting for every little roll you make. It makes the Rocket CCIP impact area jump and jitter all over the place, and you fly faster because you aren't losing a ton of energy correcting tiny things too. You also sorta fly like a plane. There's more, but just go watch Bruce Leeroy videos until Morale Improves. Have fun bro!
@xanderwusky3001 8 месяцев назад
@@superfamilyallosauridae6505 I don’t really agree, air can be really fun as well. Granted though, the game mode needs work to make it more interesting. But I very often switch between ranks too keep it fun. Ground rb you do have a bit more variety I feel. (And less down time while you get to the battled) Pretty good at it too. Obviously not all my planes but the ones I use most almost all over 3.0KD. Highest ones are mig19s, j35D, swift f7, F16, bunch of others. Been playing since like 2012 or so? (Faithful warrior is the oldest title I have, and yeah almost 3000 is just steam for me too. I played on their own launcher a long time. No idea how many hours). Not quite got god of war either, bit further off then you but air goes a bit slower for that too. No I mostly watch air RB players like DEFYN. Could check those you mentioned out some time. Would help with tanks too I’m sure, I’m far from a good tank player. If I use my brain maybe I’m meh at best. When I don’t I’m an idiot with tanks ngl. Yeah figured the squadron heli was the best bet there. Think like halfway towards the next helicopter after the Hue but don’t think that’s necessarily even that good of one? (Don’t remember the one after). Think hue is 8.0 as well and god tanks suck to play at that tier with US at least. And 10.3 no chance with hue. Keybinds kan have a look but might need to mostly keep it at experimenting a bit. I’ll see. Issue is that at boyfriends place for holiday rn. He is Norwegian and he has a wierd keyboard xD. So at home will have to find some new ones. Most the keyboard is already bound to stuff. Just the radar on planes already takes my entire num pad (but probably should have a look at my keybinds and do those properly. I have the ones I use in good spots but stuff like you’re explaining I have bound to not necessarily the best keys) Also have a stream deck XL which I should put a bunch of the less common keybinds on so I can free up some keys. Oh yeah did test fly the appache somewhat. That gun aim is pretty insane haha. Great tip on that roll thing, I’m sure I have it set wrong then. Always thought that was annoying af but learned to fly with it. But no matter how well you try, it’s always gonna slow you down yeah. I’m sure if I change that it would help that at least.
@jonleg12312 8 месяцев назад
oh that implementation of the RWR in the cockpit is beautiful!
@Scarp7141 8 месяцев назад
Great review Tim, finally the AMX is in the game…now time to wait patiently for my other favorite jets like the Eurofighter and Rafale.
@FranchDressing 8 месяцев назад
@gansior4744 8 месяцев назад
Italian mains assemble
@jomni 8 месяцев назад
Wow. Big GBU on a small plane. Looks bad ass. :D
@gansior4744 8 месяцев назад
Been Waiting for this jet since 2017.this was the main jet I was waiting for Italy. When they showed T-90M, I uninstalled WT, but then AMX on patch release date made me come back. Damn was it wortg it. Its a fast subsonic, probably as fast as you can safely go. Very fun to fly in all game modes, especially in Sim. 2x9L's + 6 GBU's + 120 flares? That is just nasty. Vulcan requires a bit of practice since you cant really spray that much. To me, the biggest upside is a targeting radar slaving 9L's.ive been doing almost 70° offbore missile shots with it. Its basically a cheapo HMS. Pretty sure that EEGS should be working with a radar and not targeting pod. This jet overall was very rushed. Canopy sticking out behind the plane, HUD copied from a Harrier early on, bugs with targeting pod and MFD. Also, pretty sure thats not a correct FM. AMX always looked so agile and light, but here even on minimal fuel it feels bit unresponsive. Still, im grateful we got that jet. Only Vehicle Ive been playing right now
@niksonrex88 8 месяцев назад
Why did you delete the game because of the T-90M you sore loser lmao?
@ccclll987 8 месяцев назад
Honestly in sim this has the potential to be one ofvthe best ground attack aircraft. Similar to the a6 this has thermal and paveways but differetly from it this thing can also dogfight. Cant wait to unlock it
@braski4real587 8 месяцев назад
Excellent review as always! Thank you for covering it and Happy Holidays Tim!
@teal0161 8 месяцев назад
Snapping the flaps of for the slats to stay out lets you more reliably 1 circile mig21s and f5s
@francescoboselli6033 8 месяцев назад
Nice video! I was waiting for Gaijn to add to this aircraft to give a little bit of flavour to the Italian tech tree. As an Italian I remember that when we start to retire them from service the last year, there was a lot of talk if we should have sent them to Ukraine or not 😅 (the short answer was no from everyone basically 😂)
@justanotherinternetmusicia1248 8 месяцев назад
This thing in Air RB really reminds me of how the A4E feels. Either struggle to get to a target and drop a million bombs or just take the sidewinders and surprise people who don’t expect how nimble you are, either way it’s a fun way to play
@jomni 8 месяцев назад
Does seem to sound like an A-4 situation.
@camilorodriguez5602 6 месяцев назад
A4? nimble?? lmaoo
@sergarlantyrell7847 8 месяцев назад
Was flying a 9.3 (without flares of course) the other day and got surprised by the AIM-9Ls... Yay... Yet another plane I have to ENTIRELY avoid! Most of the A-10s I see (at least in a 9.3-10.3 match) don't actually carry bombs, they're flying out with 9Ls just to seal-club all the 9.3s.
@DieErsteKartoffel 8 месяцев назад
Back on schedule with another banger
@TheMrFailz 8 месяцев назад
The speed w/without payload reminds me of the SU-25. I've been playing a bunch of that in sim battles and you can sit there with a full payload blasting the throttle for 10 minutes but as soon as your pods / munitions / whatever are gone you have to cut to like 70% or you fly your wings off.
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
Yep - similar situation.
@ccclll987 8 месяцев назад
Nice cockpit and bombs, 10/10
@matteo3622 8 месяцев назад
Always love you reviews, keep up the good work! I have this plane in the hangar of my school, so the temptation to grind it is quite high!
@luguicalaca 8 месяцев назад
I was waiting for your review of this plane.
@xXSgtJackXx 8 месяцев назад
As a Brazillian, im so happy to see some Brazillian machinery in war thunder, just like the gripen that Brazil bought
@Frank-pc2rs 6 месяцев назад
You mean Italian machinery with some Brazilian money behind it right?
@potatouno 3 месяца назад
​@@Frank-pc2rsIt's a plane made together
@FirstDagger 8 месяцев назад
Now if Gaijin could give us a good Italian Premium I would actually grind this.
@gansior4744 8 месяцев назад
Brazilian AMX would be a such a easy and quick premium. Would be interesting as well
@LinuxInvictus 8 месяцев назад
​@@gansior4744Could do the Brazilian amx at like 11.0 because it has 40g missiles
@potatouno 3 месяца назад
​@@LinuxInvictusdo you know which missile it uses?
@LinuxInvictus 3 месяца назад
@@potatouno aim 9l
@ericmenk5391 8 месяцев назад
tim the goat
@CaptainGrief66 8 месяцев назад
Kosovo, Libya, Afghanistan, Italy's underappreciated warrior, so glad to see it in game and NOT being butchered by Gaijin, although IRIS-Ts and JDAMs would've been nice to see as well
@brainyskeletonofdoom7824 8 месяцев назад
Maybe an ACOL variant in the future?
@scuttlebucket2723 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for mentioning the eegs its been driving me crazy and this is the first time someone has mentioned it. great info
@Rolzhey 8 месяцев назад
Wonderful video as always Mr. Tim!
@derf5045 8 месяцев назад
the name "Ghibli" is pretty cute, and so is the jet, perfect combo
@ODST_Parker 8 месяцев назад
I've been waiting for this jet for a long time, and I'm so glad its finally in the game. A bit sad that it got absolutely no mention or fanfare before the update though, but it was a nice surprise on release day. I also fully expect a Brazilian premium version to show up at some point, and I'd love to see it. Also, I really wish Gaijin would start using the actual service designations for Italian jets, like A-11 for this one. I haven't researched it yet, because I've been way too busy with work, but I'm gonna start taking the F-16A out soon to make up for lost time. Hopefully, I'll be able to spade it and have some fun before Gaijin inevitably raises the battle rating to a point where it'll be worse in Air RB and have absolutely no Ground RB lineup.
@ja37d-34 8 месяцев назад
You should have mentioned SAAB´s contributiion. The groundwork made for the B3LA..
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
That was mentioned in my sources, obviously, but I try to limit the historical intro to about 2 minutes (even THAT might be too long, as the meme kids close out my vids after 45 seconds...) and adding the saab chapter would have been at least another 30 seconds or more, so I simplified and fast-forwarded a bit by just mentioning they based it on "previous work".
@ja37d-34 8 месяцев назад
@@TimsVariety Fair enough dude. But for me, just hearing SAAB would have been enough. They deserve that credit. Sorry to hear that about your vids.I am pretty sick of the behaviour of kids so.. Not surprised and it adds to my loathing of, not all, but alot of stupid ass kids these days..
@parabelluminvicta8380 8 месяцев назад
@@ja37d-34 like I said to the other clown bellow this comment: the design of those plane are different and the saab never got past the drawing board. So there is no contribution by the swedish. The Aermacchi 339mb first flight in 1974 is the same as the saab38 never got past the drawing board in 1979 5 YEARS LATER.
@ja37d-34 8 месяцев назад
@@parabelluminvicta8380 That´s bullshit dude.And it is not how it works. ALOT of work is done at the that stage and there is more than "ddrawing board" stage. There was even a wooden mock-up so there you fucked up. Clown.
@TheDECKFISH 8 месяцев назад
Love ya work Tim!
@wing_sweep 8 месяцев назад
I love your work :) Hope you have a good day.
@jamesdap2793 8 месяцев назад
Another awesome video by war thunder's most informative content creator. Always a good day when I see a new one of these videos. Hope the new year goes well for you Tim and that you finally get recognised for your efforts by the Snail.
@ninjamice7319 8 месяцев назад
another exampe of diffrent br for ground and air should be around 11.0 for ground RB and stay at its current br for air
@farmcat9873 8 месяцев назад
Looks like it could use a little more countermeasures specially if its got to stay at them low speeds and at that BR range. How about the target pod locking onto an enemy and when it gets next to another one of their teammates it unlocks and doesn't know which one it should lock onto and then it just doesn't and you end up with nothing? But this plane looks like a mix between a Jaguar and a F11F-1 crossbred 😁
@lucasalves2846 8 месяцев назад
Hey, Brazilian Here, P-95 Pilot and war thunder Player 😂, our AMX has 2 DEFA 30mm cannons
@pierrematthieupaglia3707 8 месяцев назад
Hi Tim, hope your are doing well😊
@sergarlantyrell7847 8 месяцев назад
War thunder's wing rip mechanics really need some work! I've been flying the Buccaneer a lot recently, and if you have bombs on the wings, they're prone to ripping at even moderate Gs, but as soon as you dump those, even with bombs in the bomb bay, you can pull as hard as you like and its fine. This makes no sense! In a hard turn, the force is being directly applied to the wings so from a structural perspective, you can load those things up and pull Gs and in no way will it make the wing root more likely to break. The wing would only snap off because the inertia of the fuselage which doesn't (usually) produce a notable amount of lift itself. So a heavily loaded fuselage would act to stress the wing connection, not heavily loaded wings. Unless it's the F-111, irl with real life physics, wings rarely break off... Sure they can bend and twist (the spitfire was infamous for aeleron reversal from wing twist at high speed, and even permanent deformation of the wing spars from high speed dives), but even that is pretty rare for perminant deformation to happen. You would just put extra fatigue into the airframe which would cause it to shorten its lifespan or require extra maintenance. But humans struggle to put enough force into the controls to break a wing off entirely.
@splatterberrystudios8392 8 месяцев назад
Could you go over the J9 early? It’s somewhat of an oddity for its br, and has rather odd flight characteristics.
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
Probably not, I try to cover all the new vehicles but that one may have to wait. I'm just swamped, and it'll only get 1/5th the views of my usual vids, so its hard to justify the time investment.
@splatterberrystudios8392 8 месяцев назад
It’s no biggie, thanks for the quick response!
@Schavshva Месяц назад
it was just retired this year, after this video came out
@ChrisVesgo 8 месяцев назад
With AMX and Gripen, I can smell the smoking snakes close by
@janusz4156 8 месяцев назад
40 years of AMX in 2024
@chillypenguin4449 8 месяцев назад
Hi tim. Just wondering when we will get an updated vid on tech tree grind… im getting into grinding us air and i hope to see what tips u got for us.
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
Im working on it today, actually.
@charleston-re3dw 8 месяцев назад
It would be nice if there were arrestor cables on each end of the runway
@wrongoloid4749 8 месяцев назад
For the algorithm!!!!!!!
@ZeSgtSchultz 8 месяцев назад
Finally, my favorite Anime studio made a military jet.
@RobloxianFourth 8 месяцев назад
Wait ok I have a question. I know probably no one will see this but dose anyone know if France operates Ghibils?
@jakobc.2558 8 месяцев назад
Are you going to review the J9 Early? I have been having alot of fun with it in sim and it's got cool history with it being the first all metal mono plane fighter and stuff.
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
Probably not, I try to cover all the new vehicles but that one may have to wait. Just swamped, and it'll only get 1/5th the views of my usual vids, so its hard to justify the time investment.
@benthunderyt 8 месяцев назад
That thing looks like a harrier XD
@RyenLeverett 8 месяцев назад
W vid
@edisontrent5244 8 месяцев назад
How does it compare to a F-5?
@SwedeFreaaK 8 месяцев назад
Dont want to be that guy but the design came first from SAAB and Aeromachii collab before Brazil came into the picture, google SAAB 38 :D
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
You're not that guy. That was mentioned in my sources, obviously, but I try to limit the historical intro to about 2 minutes and adding the saab chapter would have been at least another 30 seconds or more, so I just simplified and fast-forwarded a bit by just mentioning they based it on "previous work".
@parabelluminvicta8380 8 месяцев назад
@@TimsVariety those 2 planes are not the same not even close to be fair. Those swedish clowns forgot there is the aermacchi mb 339 which is basicaly the same and it came out in 1974 so italy tried to sell to the sweden a copy paste of the mb339...
@parabelluminvicta8380 8 месяцев назад
@SwedeFreaaK youre drunk and pretty badly the design of those plane are different and the saab never got past the drawing board. So your logic make no sense. The Aermacchi 339mb first flight in 1974 is the same as the saab38 never got past the drawing board in 1979 5 YEARS LATER. again your logic make no sense and you spread stupid misinformation to pump your genitals up.
@SwedeFreaaK 8 месяцев назад
Lol someone got personally hurt i can see, and quote me where im wrong? Aermacchi 339mb is not the aircraft we are talking about so what are you offended ass on about? SAAB and Aeromachii collabed on project B3LA which they only drew up a design for, and then SAAB pulled out to focus on the JAS39 and Aeromachii then brough in the brazilian company to expand on the base design for it and that became the AMX, i never said they were identical but if you dont have shit for brains and actually use your eyes you can clearly see the design of the AMX being based on what SAAB and Aeromachii drew up. take your salty tears somewhere else and start talking about the correct aircraft.. @@parabelluminvicta8380
@Sappyyy0_0 8 месяцев назад
I have aermacchi Close to home haha....
@urbancoyote4840 8 месяцев назад
New vehicles is cool, but the topic should be more game modes.. Vehicles have no meaning if one gets tired of the same two boring game modes..
@TimsVariety 8 месяцев назад
I drop a new vehicle review just about every Wednesday. Vids with other topics usually drop at other times.
@UnPokemon 8 месяцев назад
Lmao, I got a CrunchyRoll add
@Belenor 8 месяцев назад
Codename Totoro
@MichelleJones-z7b 9 дней назад
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@rottengreenOnion 8 месяцев назад
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