
Ancient Christian Magic - Protection, Exorcism, and Love Magic from Ancient Coptic Texts 

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While Christianity is often thought of as hostile to any form of magical practice, history reveals that magic has been practiced through all of Christian history. In this episode of Esoterica we explore the earliest Christian magic preserved in Greek and Coptic sources from late-classical Egypt. Here we find a wide range of magical practices from protection, exorcisms, love magic, curses - even a spell for a good singing voice. Studying early Christian magic gives us an important glimpse into a wider range of Christianity than just the world of theologians, monks, and priests.
Recommending Readings:
Meyer and Smith - Ancient Christian Magic - 978-0691004587
Coptic Magical Papyri - www.coptic-magic.phil.uni-wue...
#magic #christian #coptic



12 ноя 2020




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@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
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@donavonneighbors 3 года назад
Have you ever check out unchartedxs content on the pyramids?
@jonathanbulkheed338 2 года назад
@ESOTERICA - I have to know. Where did the scholar(s) of your channel gain their occult sciences education? I ask in an effort to seek out similar training/education. Anything you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
@TheEsotericaChannel 2 года назад
@@jonathanbulkheed338 Regular universities - the folks that wrote these books are specialists in Coptic and Egyptian Christianity.
@keithsweet8840 2 года назад
@@donavonneighbors and electricity
@jacquiej5330 Год назад
The circles and symbols resemble the Kircher Tree of Life.
@andrewrobinson4019 3 года назад
Christian in the streets, Magic in the sheets (papyri).
@joshcruz7912 2 года назад
Good one...
@mirabellaneith7326 2 года назад
I feel like that's what Jesus would want. 👁️
@dawn670 2 года назад
@wendywywrot-astrologyandta8275 2 года назад
@elizabethmakua-travis4009 2 года назад
Good one
@karenburrows9184 Год назад
People forget that Christianity, like most other major religions, has gone through a vast evolution of theological tenets over the ages. There was a time when women were the leaders of Christian ritual; and a long while where priests were not celibate. These are two of many examples of the theological evolution. The New Testament is full of Christian magic. To know one's religion, one must study it from the beginning. Thank you for your guidance in these matters.
@wilkiebunkers1352 2 года назад
I grew up as a Christian, but the orthodoxy of evangelicalism frustrates me often. I love that you're exploring these things. Thanks man!!
I think the word you’re looking for is deadness and lack of belief in the reality of which they speak 🗣
@sgtitters 11 месяцев назад
​@@australopithecusafarensis5386actions and words
@axlefoley6330 9 месяцев назад
Aka hypocrisy. Christianity - bans the use of magic citing it is of the devil. Jesus - …
@onpoint2292 8 месяцев назад
​@@australopithecusafarensis5386Yeah. One of the weirdest dichotomies in Christianity is in 1 breath saying God is all powerful and having an intense, intimate relationship with human life. While when confronted by skeptical atheists or other competing explanations, they deny that miracles, signs and wonders still occur. It is very common to have a Christian claim the Bible is Inerrant, but at some point people and prophets stopped being able to do miracles (through the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ). Pentacostal Christians, people that claim to speak in tongues, etc. are often lampooned in many Christian communities. The denominations that are more open to such mysticism, to my knowledge are Baptists and Pentacostals.
@charlespark490 5 месяцев назад
@@onpoint2292 Paul said there's only one church. you look at it as if to say he's exclusive, or that anyone who reaches out belongs. but for those who want to look at the literally; this is Eph 4:2-7 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit-just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 7 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.
@antemorph66 2 года назад
I grew up Traditional Roman Catholic. The Mass itself is magic ritual, complete with carefully crafted spells read straight out of a ritual book in front of everyone. It is what it is. I started thinking of it that way, to be honest, after hearing the line in the Pink Floyd song "Time" where they reference the lay people gathering to hear the "softely spoken spell" at the call of the bell. The entire religion revolves around mysticism, demonology, superstition, and ritual magic
@babyinvasion 2 года назад
I agree with this, and you articulated it so well.
@babyinvasion 2 года назад
"calls the faithful to their knees-" Catholics get on their knees during mass too
@antemorph66 2 года назад
@@babyinvasion precisely!
@@antemorph66 Life is magical. Secularism is another type of magic again, one you don’t notice because it’s assumed all around you. The choice is to decide what makes a good person motivated by true unselfish love.
@antemorph66 Год назад
@@antinorum9820 I grew up in the SSPX. The Mass is nothing but a magic ritual. Do you not understand what a ritual is or are you just being protective?
@KyleMaxwell Месяц назад
I grew up in a high-control Christian sect that emphasized evangelizing. Now, after a sojourn into strict atheism, I am reconstructing a sort of metaphorical liberal Christianity in my own life. Understanding more of the breadth of this faith tradition is a truly healing and powerful part of my life, and Dr. Sledge has been a key part of that growth. !
@sepperD3 Год назад
Growing up in a Christian household I was always interested in the fringe ,read everything I could find for the past 15 years ,I wish I'd found this channel that long ago
@TheEsotericaChannel Год назад
@bigphil303 2 года назад
I wish I knew a tenth of what you do. I love the study of ancient religions but didn't know how much until I got to be older in life. Thanks for all the book references. Very educational, and your videos are very well done.
@obliqueparalells429 Год назад
These youtube courses are more worth it than those of modern-day universities!
@thebishopelect Год назад
How would it benefit you if you knew what he knows? Would it bring you the salvation of your soul? Would it ensure you escape the judgement? Nope. It wouldn't. Dabbling with demons is very foolish.
@clairebeane3455 Год назад
@@thebishopelect It is not unwise to learn what was taught before you came along. What is “possibly” foolish is putting into practice said knowledge. From what I have seen and heard Dr. Sledge does not do so. It is far more dangerous to judge someone without knowledge than it is to acquire knowledge itself.
@lostmojo Год назад
​@@thebishopelect yep! Knowledge is sooo bad! Do antibiotics save the soul? No. Let's stop their production! Do surgery save the soul? Down with surgery! Do food nourish the soul? No. Let's stop eating!
@realbaresoles2 Год назад
@@thebishopelect it looks like the cage of someone’s dogma has been rattled, and the dogma doesn’t like it one bit 🤔
@mythandmuse 3 года назад
Appreciate exploring the tension between Christian theological views of magic and syncretic individual practices. Bonus points for naming non-consent in "love" magic and the existence of ancient gay Christians!
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
So nice to see you around these parts !
@piperar2014 3 года назад
I think healing spells without consent are as violating as erotic binding spell. Alms for an ex leper? I'm sitting here minding my own business and next thing you know my entire livelihood is gone!
@interqward1 3 года назад
100% there were ancient gay Christians. Timothy was unquestionably gay and hated women, and he was even stoned to death because of that.
@conniestone6251 3 года назад
@@interqward1 What is your evidence for this information?
@interqward1 3 года назад
@@conniestone6251 Listen... Take a look at some of the wording, the language used by Paul himself when he writes to various people about 'Timothy:' '...And do no despise him, when he comes to you, for he is doing the work of the Lord.' 'Despise?' Why 'despise him' AT ALL? What is particularly 'despicable' about him?? As for what he was like (I love how all you people incessantly want 'proof' and 'evidence') - today we have 'Google Search. Go look it up yourself. Did he 'hate women?' Gee, I dunno - anywhere else in the Bible except for this ONE DAMN SILLY 'LETTER' that women are particularly beat up on?? Not to worry though, right - let's all chuck out the Bible and go by 'The Letter of Timothy.' Oh, and hell while we're at it, let's selectively leave out the Book of Judith regularly so that we haven't got any real examples of women priests...
@katdroidd 2 года назад
My Hungarian grandmother was Catholic but she read the bones every morning. Sometimes she would call me to tell me something about what she saw.
@AnIdiotsLantern 2 года назад
I hope you listened to her when she did that - one can never be too careful!
@chimeremnmaozioko17 Год назад
That’s an example of folk Catholicism or folk Christianity (inputting elements of the earlier traditional religion into Christianity) some which might be contradictory to Christianity. I’m Nigerian and we have diviners, people that cast charms and stuff. They still practice and would identify as Christian. Just instead they claim they practice in the name of Jesus.
@katiepg6168 Год назад
My family is Irish Catholic but the women in my family dating back earlier then the 1800s all read tea leaves & did other healing magik. When my dad told me about it, I didn’t understand because we are taught in Catholic school & church that all of those things were evil & devil worship. Now that I’m an adult & have been studying religions, ancient history, secret society’s, etc, I know we have all been brainwashed into thinking “Magik” is evil. Magik has always been used, even by the Christians! I also think my family was into Magik because they were in Ireland. Celtic druids we’re there long before any Christians were. I believe the Irish continued the magik of the druids & ancient knowledge. They did this in secret though because the Catholic Church would have had them all arrested or killed and labeled witches. The true evil is the Catholic Church. I always wondered why the Pope was even still in power in the common day considering the horrible crimes against humanity they have been inflicting on humanity since the beginning. Same goes with the Royal family of England! Why are they still in these huge palaces living off the peoples tax money, yet they “aren’t in charge of anything anymore”. You will learn that anyone who resides in one of these ancient “Roman” structures never leave, keep their secret artifacts in their ancient estates. All have underground tunnels that lead over 50 miles across underground (Vatican secret library), and these monsters continue to live there. Yet we are to believe these people are no longer in charge of anything? I don’t buy it. They are hiding plenty in those buildings! Until the people rise up against their evil & raid their castles, we will remain under this brainwashed state. Good luck on your journey!
@hugsandkisses708 Год назад
My grandmother was a Holiness. She also practiced Ajo, and many forms of magick found and practiced in HooDoo and VooDoo.
@arete7884 Год назад
@@veronica_._._._ Its funny commoners just trying to improve their life with magick not caring about any advanced lore, while schoolars spending years for a random correspondence
@ShadowPa1adin 3 года назад
Some Christian-magic practices exist in modern-day Protestantism, specifically Pentecostalism: "Pleading the Blood," "declaring" things "in the name of Jesus," ect.
@DL-rl9bd 3 года назад
Yes, today’s health & wealth gospel is heavily steeped in magic. What’s funny is christians have no idea, and would deny this fact.
@natureswrath7665 3 года назад
Orthodox practices are just church approved magick.
@gaseredtune5284 3 года назад
@@DL-rl9bd I am a christian and know this, many of us know this. not all of us are the same.
@shenron7 2 года назад
As someone what was apart of a Pentecostal church, invoking the name of Jesus Christ in order to accomplish God’s power isn’t magic. Based on the New Testament scripture Paul teaches and so that the gospel writes emphasize that Jesus Christ is God, so to invoke Christ name is to call on God.
@rickwrites2612 2 года назад
@@shenron7 invocation is magic.
@austinstussy3960 3 года назад
How does this not have more views?? This is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!! I am a well seasoned Hermetist, & this has awakened something very new to me. I've had my personal speculations & opinions of the use of Magick in the Christian church... This has given light to everything. Christians aren't wrong for the disbelief in Magick, but it's in plain sight... ALL OVER.
@cathrynelaine1724 Год назад
Yes!! I have often wondered, only in the last 10 years, if many of the prayers and religious acts (taking communion, use of a rosary, etc.) ARE a form of “magic”, but that most Christians are just blind to it, while they speak against any and all magic. Lol
@campbells657 Год назад
Is is Christian to have sex wit animals to bring indulgences? Seems a little off
@arete7884 Год назад
@@cathrynelaine1724 Exactly , calling angels in ritual setting is well just a better more effective form of prayer really
@hualian5339 Год назад
@@cathrynelaine1724 ohh now that you mentioned it... it really does look like that... I went to a Catholic school in highschool and we always do this praying rosary and saying such as "st. Dominic pray for us" and all the saints... even the tradition practice of praying for the dead after its 49 days it's a bit creepy cause some prayers are in latin... and when we travel there's this also a prayer of asking guidance of safe travels.. I was also thinking for the past 15yrs of what is the significance of all this st. names that you have to call out during prayer cause there's tons of it...
@icedirt9658 Год назад
I’m not going to dislike this comment or anything, but depending on who you are talking about it doesn’t make sense. There are Christians who do essentially believe in magic; they believe it to be evil and say not to practice it. If it isn’t real you can’t practice it. It varies, some say magic doesn’t work, some say it is demons, some say it simply isn’t wholesome because it is offensive to God. No Christian that I have met would call blessings or prayers “magic”, asking a higher power to do something isn’t the same as magic, not to a Christian. If you were to start telling random Christians that they practice magic, it will likely confuse or offend them. The biggest similarity between what Christians do and what any other religion does, or a magic practitioner does, is that it requires faith in something unseen. If that’s all it takes for something to be called magic, then quantum physics is magic. The rest of the world which I have not seen with my own eyes is magic. Such a definition is too broad.
@randallpetroelje3913 3 года назад
Brilliant and beautiful!! I’m glad to see a channel that deals with very difficult/ heavy material. Thanks
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Thank you very much!
@paradoxxaudiovisualproduct9430 2 года назад
Me too . for me its the true and parts of the story that were not told . but its history . not modified history . i enjoy the history portion .
@aeneas237 Год назад
This is easily the most fascinating presentation of pre-Renaissance culture I have ever seen. As a PHD in art history I would LOVE to have had this when I was teaching undergrads.
@taylorst.pierre141 3 года назад
This was one of my favorites. I really look forward to more videos on the subject of Christian Magick -- or as you pointed out -- pretty much the majority of all Modern Magick/Occultism of that lineage so-to-speak. Obviously, ceremonial Magick continues with countless Christians and Judaic invocations of Angels.
@kevintuesday2329 2 года назад
So, Rabbis sumoned the devil?
@mvvx313 Год назад
@@kevintuesday2329 yes
@mvvx313 Год назад
@All Law what’s all this for
@sakuraesther6309 Год назад
@All Law My granny has been doing this for the longest
@damonking76 Год назад
@@kevintuesday2329 RABBI VS LEVITE!!!😜
@austinmiller1427 2 года назад
I was literally just sitting, randomly thinking about Christian mysticism this morning and then stumble upon this interesting piece of work.
@kittycat8222 Год назад
Maybe the phones can read our minds at this point because I was recently pondering this.
@IBauer-fm4bw Год назад
@@kittycat8222 ghost in the machine perhaps, alas I have only feeling and no imperial evidence according to out traditional schools of thought. I don't see why technology cannot be a conduit for apparariton.
@IBauer-fm4bw Год назад
Otherwise, algorithm is very very specific like freaky specific, it's def a technology kept secret because it is so influential, powerful, profitable, and probably unethical.
@kittycat8222 Год назад
@@IBauer-fm4bw you may be right “Satan controls the airway”.
@AccentYouLovingheart Год назад
@@kittycat8222I think so too. The AI can read our minds.🤷🏾‍♂️
@theeskimo07 2 года назад
Thank you for providing the historical context! I never knew people didn’t doubt Jesus of Nazareth and his followers had supernatural powers, but that they doubted the origin of those powers. Also, thanks for pointing out what many Christians hope to cover up: the existence of Christian magic, homosexuality, etc. I wish this video existed when I was a kid I would love a modern exploration of Christian magic, described in some of the other comments (and a plethora of other practices), especially because the practitioners don’t view their actions as magic.
@katiepg6168 Год назад
I have been on this learning journey for a while now & the RU-vid channel Minds Unveiled has been mind blowing. It really breaks down the way we have been brainwashed via KJV Bible. There are so many more stories that didn’t make the final cut, due to the magik & other worldly (or dimension) subject matter in these gospels. We have been deceived much more then we think. The whole “accept Jesus Christ as your savior & your saved forever” never sat right with me. It doesn’t make sense to me personally. I was brought up Roman Catholic/Christian and it never felt right. Well once I learned about the Jesuit order along with other secret sects like Freemasons, Odd fellows, the rosecrution order, ect. And how they have manipulated & changed the public view of Christianity to dumb people down & make us stop asking questions. Our history has been altered & we all have been deceived on a grand scale. I hope you check our Minds Unveiled & continue on your spiritual journey! Never stop asking questions & never stop doing research. There is so much more going on then we know🌅💛
@arete7884 Год назад
@@veronica_._._._ Christians dont understand what the word magick even means and label anything outside their culture as magick but anything within is apparently approved by god even tho some of the rites they took from other cultures and put in their own cloths , you see how that doesnt make sense. Can you elaborate on that male rape and power as a compulsion and dynamics of that environment
@jessicao8517 Год назад
The example I'm thinking of is when Jesus qpplies mud to the blind person's eyes
@theeskimo07 Год назад
@@idancewithsaibot This video isn't about whether or not magic is real. This video is a historical account...
@PseudoPseudoDionysius 3 года назад
This video is incredible; the history and the intricacies of the magic is obviously really interesting in and of itself, but what makes it something more is the way the spells here give you such a window into all the everyday fears and hopes and desires and tragedies of people’s lives that you would almost never hear about in such an intimate way.
@J_Z913 Год назад
I just got this channel recommended to me. This is amazing. I had been listening to the Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast and was on the lookout for more content like it. This checks all the boxes! Thank you so much!!
@EmilyCoffeyMusic Год назад
I'm new to your channel, and a big fan of studying ancient and modern religions. The depth of exposition, the valid questions you raise (esp. about "elite" views of Christianity and common practice), and the points you make about the interactions of these ideas have made your channel a go-to resource for me. Keep doing what you're doing! 🙌🙌🙌
@PapaYo4XXX 3 года назад
Excellent presentation as always! Thank You as always Justin
@AI-hx3fx 2 года назад
03:11 - The funny thing about a certain "Mary" cursing a "Martha" is that they are named after the two saintly sisters of Bethany, whose brother was Saint Lazarus. The three were friends of Jesus, and Saint Martha scolded Saint Mary for not helping prepare food when He visited, so this sounds ironically like payback.
@jeffboomhauer2724 Год назад
The Psalms themselves are extremely powerful and potent.
@kittycat8222 Год назад
Please tell me more and why?🙏🏻 if you don’t mind. I want to learn.
@philipbaker2894 Год назад
@@kittycat8222 all of the word of God ‘the Bible’ is powerful through the Holy Spirit but it is not magic that you can control
@Mazoea Год назад
You meant psalms the Bible book
@tusaniabigby9715 11 месяцев назад
Those are prayers
@devinreed5725 3 года назад
I told this to a Christian, that their whole religon is based on Magick and blood rituals, he called me a liar and proceeded to cast spells on me using the bible like a grimoire.
@Theunseenesoteric 3 года назад
This why the East esotericism is a lot better simply Easter esoteric is the path to the creator while the west uses astrology magic and alchemy with out finding the source to the creator
@SlyTF1 2 года назад
The BIBLE itself is a blood ritual. A contract bound in blood.
@emey6504 2 года назад
Ist true cos of the powerfull text in the bible
@AI-hx3fx 2 года назад
Imprecatory Psalms lol
@delosconversos6891 2 года назад
Lol and the gallons of blood spilled on the altar in the temple? Yah is a blood thirsty God perhaps?
@bradbyers7505 Год назад
I can't express how much I appreciate your presentation. I'm an instant admirer of this channel.
@shannononeill-loyola393 3 года назад
I'm a ceremonial magician and I grew up with 12 years of Catholicism so I'm in love with this video! Thank you for your amazing work!
@nicolerico8511 2 года назад
Whats a year in the life of ceremonial magic
@amandahuber6639 Год назад
I grew Catholic as well and because of that ceremonial magic very appealing. Catholicism translates so well with ritual magic.
@PixelstarWASD Год назад
Same here grew up catholic got into this hermeticism stuff. Reading about it opened my eyes to just how much magic gets used in the church, not just Mass.
@arete7884 Год назад
@@nicolerico8511 wild
@User-435ggrest Год назад
So... what do you do? Conjure ghosts or is it just for peace of mind. Sorry if I come off as offensive. But I'm genuinely curious! ✌️
@demiansolis 3 года назад
I am an admirer and follower your work. This is propably one of the videos produced by you which I have enjoyed the most. I love your sarcasm and subtle sense of humor. Excellent work. Much appreciated.
@timflatus 2 года назад
In British English we reserve the term "sarcasm" for the more caustic form of personal attack; we call what Justin is doing here "irony". Terminology aside, I completely agree. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the front-loaded and sensationalist form-over-content style of presentation found elsewhere
@badluckrabbit 3 года назад
"Mary vs Martha" sounds like some kind of 50s sitcom
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
yep, 50s. not 1950's just 50's
@badluckrabbit 3 года назад
@@TheEsotericaChannel lol NICE! 😂
@BLACKSTAR-xn3vh 2 года назад
This guy is so informative. The things that i questioned or was curious about have been answered in detail. Knowledge is Power. Carry on brother.
@Rose02957 Год назад
This is perhaps one of my favorite videos of yours (although every video is great)! Thank you for this amazing research!
@BridgetteBentley 2 года назад
I love this channel yes! So satisfying to clarify I’m not a negative person because I believe in magick and metaphysical things. My family looks at it so negatively.🤦🏽‍♀️ thank you for the informative videos!
@TheEsotericaChannel 2 года назад
Of course, my job is to present this material with as little bias on my part as possible to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Thanks so much for your kind comments!
@user-pf3kd7er6k 2 года назад
Excellent work. Love the depth of the scholarship, summarizing in a very accessible and useful way.
@lynxoffinland Год назад
I found the second spell interesting , because it is in form very similar to the spells sung by finnic people in the old days. calling out divine powers-asking for their favor on something-adressing the problem directly and taking command over it. The amount of verses for each stage is very similar too. It would be interesting to hear what this casting sounded like, because it seems to use fill-in words, perhaps to reach a certain count or rythm, like finnish magic was based on the count of eight in a verse sung.
@ie8111 Год назад
Thank you for shedding light on the cultural and historical aspects of religion. I enjoy your videos very much. All the best
@generalnewsense5264 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing all your hard work, dedication and research, I truly enjoy your informative videos
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
You are so welcome!
@helios88official Год назад
Thank you for your academic perspective on the occult. It's been very productive to me in my journey so far and I'm sure it will continue to in the future. Just wanted to throw a compliment your way brother.
@sarahab540 Год назад
Fascinating!! I’ve been researching my family’s tradition of pennsylvania dutch folk magic, called brauchari. Very clear where that tradition comes from now. So much of that tradition is present in this video
@juiceytee 2 года назад
I love your channel, Dr. I’d be fascinated to see a breakdown of some of these spells, in particular the language and the names therein. Keep it up brother 💚👍
@sararogers6965 Год назад
I love your bluntness and acceptance of what istruth people need t do this so much more
@Camandtheworld 2 года назад
Undeniably a very pinpoint accurate explanation and video on the subject. I’ve just recently started watching your videos and it couldn’t have happened at a better time. So far in my experience on this earth I’ve always had this feeling of being, well, “different” from everyone else. Very in tune with my intuitive understandings, and I have relatives who practiced many forms of
@Camandtheworld 2 года назад
Healing magic. So thank you good sir, I plan to keep following and learning how I can utilize my natural capabilities.
@IMDbStudio Год назад
Amazing work. Thank you so much for this and your other videos. your time and efforty are greatly appreciated. Blessings and Long life to you and yours
@RolodexEnigma Год назад
I just wanna say that this video was MAGIC. Thank you so much for this. I'm beyond grateful. 💌
@amykortuem5554 Год назад
This was fascinating-thank you! I learned so many things. Didn’t expect the humor, which is wonderful.
@EntitledMillennials 5 месяцев назад
"Don't Cross Jacob of Euphemia" needs to be a t shirt in your shop
@elliotwalton6159 Год назад
This was a helpful video placing a few NT passages in more interesting context. I always appreciate your further reading recommendations at the end of each video. I've purchased a few.
@williamlee1674 3 года назад
Just impeccable, as always 🙏🏻
@luisfelipegomes3087 2 года назад
I've been learning quite a lot! Thank you so much.
@mwbgallery 3 года назад
Thank you very much for sharing your work. Your video presentations are excellent. Wishing you and yours wellness and all the best.
@lotuslicciardi5872 Год назад
Im learning so much watching you videos. I absolutely love the jokes and the content is superb. You really take you time studying ancient religions and how all these different beliefs came about.
@PapaYo4XXX 3 года назад
Loved your distinction between "love magic" and Erotic Binding Magic!
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Yeah, pretty key - that whole 'consent' stuff, really, really important.
@PapaYo4XXX 3 года назад
@@TheEsotericaChannel exactly!!!!
@paradoxxaudiovisualproduct9430 2 года назад
Yep . the Daughters of Lot in the bible did not need it just get him drunk . lol
@jamesm.clemmons5520 2 года назад
Mr. Sledge your brilliant! I don't care what anyone else says..lol. I love listening to your lessons. I always learn something new. Thank you!
@patrickcollins1855 2 года назад
I been practicing Christian Magic my whole life and didn't know it.
@therealjoeirox4052 2 года назад
Same lol
@HuzaBird0.2 Год назад
I was christan kinda but i not practice christan magich i pratic my own magich...
@billylyons7212 Год назад
I remember doing reiki and using the gospel of Thomas prayer method on my sick grandma. She got better rather quickly and I put up with what docs put up with. She thanked god not me for all the research I did and the fact I hid mystical techniques under her nose is the only thing that made things better. I tried to explained praying through the heart and she accused me of falling from grace. She always wanted me to be a healer in her church but as soon as I made it suddenly I'm the bad guy. Sorry for the rant
@ThatWitchesRealm 2 года назад
Yes...Love it...I was raised Christian and I practice healing magic. I often get called a satan worshipper particularly by older aged Christians😔 Thank you for the video🖤💫🤍
@itsmike9227 2 года назад
It does not matter how you where raised, who does your heart belong too?
@victoriarooks784 2 года назад
Cool do you own crystals and do smudging as well? I'm trying some things out right now to know right from wrong so no one can tell me otherwise!
@ThatWitchesRealm 2 года назад
@@victoriarooks784 yes I love using crystals and smudging...I just started harvesting my own herbs and making my own smudge sticks
@livingwordzion7910 Год назад
Sorcerers, and the necromancers will all be sent to hell, may the truth set you free. Magic is supernatural power that comes from the devil it is not Godly.
@Spiritual.prynce Год назад
@@livingwordzion7910 healing magic isn't necromancy and it's not sorcery 💀😂
@tylertriezenberg1399 Год назад
I like what you bring up about how horrified the Romans would be that someone they executed in the most humiliating way would be deified. We often hear about how Christians wouldn't make tribute to the Greco-Roman gods including former emperors, but I don't hear that talked about enough
@Doctor_Fate5 Год назад
And who were early Christians what was their ethnicity
@Takuta_Kina Год назад
Yes! Absolutely brilliant insight and delivery of this truth!
@user-ku6ex3ke8p 9 месяцев назад
It’s a syncretistic Caesar cult to integrate the Levant into the Empire under the Pax Romana
@SuperOtter13 5 месяцев назад
So happy I found your channel. Can't wait to dig into these subjects when I have time. Will probably have to bingewatch through the weekend
@mikeeslami1746 Год назад
Thank you, Sir, for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us.
@jessicaleonard-sandino5414 3 года назад
I am such a fan of this channel!!!! Justin, you are providing such a valuable gift to all of us and to the topic of Esotericism which desperately needs this kind of scholarly dissemination. This is the type of effort that makes sense to support.
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Thanks so saying so. I really feel that if I have this education and can share it then I have a duty to do so - and it's a lot of fun! Thanks for considering support the channel and welcome aboard!
@zarac58 Год назад
check out Odinani (Igbo Spirituality) on themedicineshell on RU-vid
@zarac58 Год назад
@@TheEsotericaChannel hey check out Odinani (Igbo Spirituality) on themedicineshell on RU-vid
@lizjo7213 Год назад
Outstanding!!! Thank You 😊 🙏....I adore this, so clear and concise, much appreciated....
@goddessofpraiel5650 2 года назад
Growing up with a conservative christian family, its fascinating to see all these aspects of christianity that have been whitewashed out of what's taught in Sunday school.
@StarDreamMemories Год назад
Read the book You'll find all types of suggestions and allusions (to magik). I find it quite amusing how church leaders interpret some verses. They are a bit off.
@seanpatrick4155 Год назад
I love your You Tube posts, especially the ones concerning the first two hundred years of Christianity and all Agrippa, Kabbalah and wizard Grimoire stuff. ;)
@lauriewinstead 3 года назад
Such an interesting subject matter, and you explain it very richly. I really enjoyed it, thank you very much.
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Thanks so much for saying - hope you check out my other content!
@Sonic_sorceress 3 года назад
this is badass, thanks for sharing!
@artwitch1362 Год назад
That's a really good video, I appreciate your work so much
@glamourcoven1398 Год назад
@GaryBearTexanUSA Год назад
Thanks! ...for your passion for history of religious practices.
@dangelamarx80 3 года назад
King David being a man after Gods own heart... took one look at Jonathan, Saul’s son and loved him with his whole heart.... I chose to read between the lines and say David fell in love at first sight with Saul’s son but married his sister and we know how that lack luster marriage turned out.
@theprinceofdarkness4679 3 года назад
It's actually a bit more complicated David ended up marrying several women. Jonathan died in battle and David becoming king needed an heir. He also stole someone else's wife and made sure that man was killed. Maybe he swung both ways
@dangelamarx80 3 года назад
@@theprinceofdarkness4679 I think he did. I never said I thought he was gay. Just thought he loved Jonathan too. One thing for sure is that he Loved God and God apparently loved him.
@delosconversos6891 2 года назад
You can imply anything to your own personal feelings.
@susanutterback300 2 года назад
@@theprinceofdarkness4679 Yes..Bethsheba
@johnnewton8017 3 года назад
I am really enjoying the videos on this channel!
@chris7777 Год назад
I have always appreciated your intellect and desire to share your knowledge.
@ikengaspirit3063 3 года назад
Can you do an episode on the relationship between the Churches, particularly the Catholic one with Natural magic?
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Great topic - will certainly do some things on natural magic for sure!
@userPs91victory 3 года назад
Join you on this one.
@brooklyn7722 3 года назад
Natural magicka...... That's what I do
@tweetthechicken3870 3 года назад
@@brooklyn7722 if you know magic can you please help me learn I am serious please
@thatdarlin 3 года назад
Yes please
@theprinceofdarkness4679 3 года назад
I remember reading in one of Josephus' many writings that within Judaism there were certain practitioners of what seems to be a kind of healing magic. The earliest writing on kabbalah is from the 3rd or 4th century. Since there are so many recorded instances of miracles all the way back to Moses historical or not historical, there probably were Jewish magical schools going back to the foundations of Judaism or perhaps to pre-Judaic religion. It stands to reason that the Jesus of Christianity and his followers were practitioners of some sort of Jewish magic that was also reflected in the Dead Sea scrolls. Interesting video By the way Thanks
@rachaelkennedy3071 Год назад
Very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to share this information.
@lovesings2us 3 года назад
I relish your youtube videos, especially this one! Thank you for your courage in searching for truth and presenting it here, to give us a wider, deeper understanding of Christianity than official, elite narratives sometimes disclose. I am happy to hear how real people really felt and acted. At the same time, my particular understanding of the Jesus's politics of compassion inclines me to think he probably wouldn't participate in a curse of one human intending revenge on another, though he would definitely understand the way deep hurt can elicit fury. I think he would answer a request for his aid in such a case, in some other way, (not vengeful harm) which would also be powerful. That's just my take on Jesus, who I believe was tortured and murdered by the corrupt powers, but who still lives, in some way, and still helps any who sincerely ask for his help in healing and/or creating a more equitable, peaceful social order.
@AccentYouLovingheart Год назад
Really? Jesus, if it was real, did say SUFFER the little children to come into me. SUFFER??? And the children have been and still are suffering🙄
@veenorbury1429 3 года назад
This was very interesting! I really appreciate the scholarly perspective :)
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@ninamartin1084 Год назад
This is so great. I love how, as you say, we are all people, across races, cultures, religions, nationalities, sexual orientations and TIME. Seems like social media 'shading', death threats etc. is just the modern incarnation of written spellwork. As a Catholic/Umbandista we were always very discreet about protection and attraction rituals as many people condemn esoteric practices (although not so much in Brazil). Now I live in the West and am just beginning to 'own' my tradition, like I just started putting it in the religion box in surveys. You sir are a Fountain of Knowledge! Thank you for sharing your calm informed wisdom.
@arete7884 Год назад
Theres no 'sorcerer' or 'appropriating praxis of several cultures' check boxes tho so might as well put drunk Christian
@zarac58 Год назад
check out Odinani (Igbo Spirituality) on themedicineshell on RU-vid
@barbarajenkins6065 Год назад
I love your broadcast so much.
@traviswadezinn 3 года назад
good talk, I like the distinctions you've made
@annforster733 2 года назад
"well, chistians are nor supposed to be gay. Well, sorry, they are." as a queer chistian that made my day
@magicianman1345 10 месяцев назад
Consider reading the Bible first, and learn of your mistake
@kedaamono 3 года назад
It's so interesting to see how some of these ideas still exist to today in similar forms :0 !
@brandontylerburt Год назад
A fascinating and eye-opening episode!
@dibaduba9896 3 года назад
Great video, I love this man
@Looshfarmer Год назад
I do remember reading about how in U.K. where I am, early Christians built churches on top of Pictish/Celtic worship sites and incorporated celebrating around pagan equinoxes and solstices to make it easier to transition from one to the other. I would suppose it’s just natural rituals and worship left over, would still occur in more isolated areas where it’s particular to a certain area and their culture.
@uuncoolguy6 2 года назад
so strange how modern all these rituals sound. very interesting. very eye opening. im a chaos wizard through chirst but now go by freelance ritual expert. but these are almost exactly how i would go about these rituals but with different compents
@rosegoldocean 6 месяцев назад
Just saw the singing spell irl at the NYC Met for their Africa & Byzantine exhibit! It made my heart pitter-patter connecting the dots. Thank you!!
@dougprishpreed919 3 года назад
So glad i found your channel!
@lorenzoc.b.9809 3 года назад
I agree this is a very interesting matter of study for early Christianity, but definitively trying to submit others sexually or inducing them tumors is not very Christian.
@TheEsotericaChannel 3 года назад
Yeah, seems mean.
@jc2475 2 года назад
I love your work and presentation, Dr Sledge. I was wondering though, if you could recommend where someone could learn these ancient languages or perhaps you have a site yourself? I just think it would be nice to be able to read along the symbols you are presenting and also understand how these symbols came to be.
@theGothicTopic 3 года назад
Very happy I found ur channel.. amazing info
@cirodimarzio9725 2 года назад
This channel is gold
@samuelll3166 3 года назад
Do you upload your content to any audio streaming services? I love watching your content and want to take it with me on my commute. Informative and well executed content as always :)
@donaldgrove2249 Год назад
Ha. 😂 As the son of an archeologist, I can confirm that archeologist do indeed love trash! They get very hot and bothered over remains on any kind, and have highly developed analytical processed for trash, remains of latrines, etc. Ancient residue of any kind, really. And for exactly the reason Dr Sledge says: it tells you lots!
@rubenangeliqueholguinlopez5819 2 года назад
This channel is awesome I'm subscribing now!!!!
@travelchannel304 2 года назад
Yay! So glad to see this addressed. Look at any altar..regardless..a chalice a cup bread or food, for starters.
@LuxPerp 3 года назад
Thanks for another fascinating and enlightening talk. In light of your earlier presentation on the evolution of magical alphabets, seeing these papyri is particularly interesting. Is it your impression that there was a sort of performative element to the presentation of these elements for the magician's client? If so, the way this magic is being used seems related to the workings of chaos magic by contemporary practitioners: it doesn't really matter if these are hieroglyphs or not, as long as they provide a belief in something magical and a device that can be charged...
@arete7884 Год назад
I thought early in journey the same but exploring and learning of traditional practices some of them kemetic, certain symbols just inherently carry power whether one believes or not .
@IntuitiveWellnessAdelaide 3 года назад
These videos Are great! Thank you And you are funnnny don’t let any one tell u otherwise! Lol btw I’m Greek and love all the shared scriptures love reading Ancient Greek - tried buying the papyrus in Greek and I couldn’t find it -
@eeva1475 Год назад
Omg that curse summoning Jesus Christ! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. 😭😂 Clearly Maria had a very different concept of JC than "the big softie that loves everyone" that is taught here where I live! 😂
@skoomakitty786 3 года назад
I respect how you said history just is. Furthermore I also respect your legitimate suggestion for donations for studying material I wish that I were more financially stable in order to contribute to support your cause
@henrycarippa4860 2 года назад
What brought this topic into my included studies is- The Bruce Codecs. Found buried in the sands of Egypt. Proportedly, Magicka of Jesus handed down to the disciples and intiates alike ♾️💓♾️🦉♾️⚛️✨
@hayley4415 2 года назад
you see, I don't understand when people say magic isn't real or it's the "devil", all you have to do is look around you, being a part of this creation, being part of the creator, is more then enough proof in my opinion! Also, I feel the elites who want to control and make others have the exact same beliefs or say one isn't "christian" bc they think outside the box or have different views on spirituality , are not being very Christian themselves bc to me control and judgement are far from Christian and To me have no right to do any of that! Who's to tell one that their beliefs are wrong and there's only one way...🤔 But again that's just my opinion. However I'm ecstatic I found your channel! TY!!! blessings to ALL
@ShamikaCrouch Год назад
The Elites are using the magic and kept the knowledge. They gave us the version they wanted us to have. This is why the gap continues to widen.
@arete7884 Год назад
Completely agreed, its like medival version of CCP china , they wouldnt want plebbians to have any kind of power or knowledge since it would threaten systems of control
@jasminephillips7574 Год назад
Wow. Thank you so much for this