
Anglicanism, Churchmanship and the Eucharist 

Maple Anglican
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@jacobsen976 13 лет назад
Good presentation of the Anglican Church. It is Catholic and Protestant at the same time. Holy Writ is our guidline! It is all about worship and not about singing or witnessing a stage show. Get what I am saying? We live on a flat surface, not trying to climb up a mountain. Mankind is on the same course and we have salvation in love only in and through Jesus Christ our only mediator and advocate! Best shown in the Holy Euchurist!
@brgman7 11 лет назад
I respect them both but warmed more toward Fr. Travis. In our culture we no longer stand in absolute awe and reverence before anyone or anything - not even a hurricane. We bow to no-one, for me that's a problem.
@jasonmullins7115 9 лет назад
I just recently joined an Episcopal parish and with my recent circumstances, I go to a church that is more high church and one that is closer to low church and I really appreciate this video. Despite the difference in the two, I love the Anglican tradition of the liturgy. I grew up as a Methodist preacher's kid, so I have grown accustomed to liturgy. But I saw that faith grow away from liturgy and into something that was far away from something John and Charles Wesley would be comfortable with.
@gnarledrose 11 лет назад
This is the fourth video of yours I've watched today, and I plan on watching more after work. As someone only recently discovering Anglicanism (and "recovering" from Mormonism), thanks for such a large library of thoughtful and well put together videos.
@prayunceasingly2029 2 года назад
How's the recovery going? I was raised in the two by twos group.
@vincentwilliams8685 8 лет назад
I have really enjoyed all of your videos. I have recently started attending an Anglican Church in the Uk coming from a Pentecostal/Calvinistic background so I would be so low church its not even funny; I have found your videos invaluable to my understanding of the Anglican Communion! Thank you, please make some more.....your friend Vincent.
@meinnameistdreck3145 8 лет назад
Your videos are always so informative, Maple Anglican! I prefer high church to low church myself, but to each his own.
@doristheslug9609 5 лет назад
I'm high church and I appreciate you being so reasonable. To each his own indeed.
@michaelking1579 4 года назад
It is one of the wonders of Anglicanism that differences can be accepted and respected. It is a practice the world desperately needs.
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
By the way, I do strongly wish that Reverend Nick, even as a lowchurchman, would study eucharistic Christianity more. In my opinion, the degree of churchmanship ultimately doesn't matter that much as long as the worship is solemn, (I think high church worship works better in large churches and low church better in chapels and small churches) but a Eucharistic orientation versus a "preaching orientation" is what truly allows the congregation to have a direct experience of the Divine.
@TimothyForbesXXI 12 лет назад
And I admire how these gents have respect for each other! This is very welcome!
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
About a week ago I ran into them having a Beer here in Downtown Edmonton. Nick has moved on to a different position and Travis is moving to a different Parish in October.
@Austin8thGenTexan 9 лет назад
A charming video, although both priests tip-toed around the issue of "real presence" in the eucharist. If God can make a flower, He can be mystically present in the elements. Nick is young, and hasn't fully formed into the apostolic role of priest, which will increase his sacramental confidence at the altar as time goes on. Don't worry about Nick! I would feel comfortable with either of these priests as my own. The narrator referred to the cassock as a "Cossack", and the surplice as a "surplus". And I thought having candles on the altar was an issue left far behind us in the late 1970s (?). We've all had to give and hold our tempers over our own proud 'lil personal Episcopalian "things" and preferences. It's a battle against pride and a lesson in how to get along. Some learned, some moved on - some are still having a difficult time as knowledge and the world change. How many Episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb ? THREE. One to make martinis, one to climb the ladder and change the bulb, and one to say " I liked the old one better". Deo Gratias +
@handel1111 Год назад
that low church pastor was just like having a 6 mos crash course of seminary
@geistlingster 11 лет назад
I really liked this. Coming from a pretty steep evangelical background I learned a lot about the Anglican Tradition! please make more videos like this
@Beregond1954 10 лет назад
My natural inclination is always toward high church. I like Nick, but I find his seeming embarrassment by a more formal ritual rather strange. I was amused by the narrator, who mispronounces almost every liturgical term!
@merio0269 12 лет назад
For the pentinence of the so beautiful priest Nick: Merci pour ce beau vidéo qui explique en toute simplicité et avec humour les différences entre les 2 grandes tendances de la tradition anglicane. La chandelle brille parmi les ténèbres. La chasuble rendrait encore plus belle ta présidence de l'Eucharistie car la beauté rend gloire au Dieu et Père du Christ Jésus. Thanks to both and big kisses from a RC from QUÉBEC but only ... in french! LOL XOX
@karpov89 12 лет назад
Something I think it strange with Nick's vestments and that he is wearing the stole hanging outside the cincture. In Sweden, if the cincture is used (not always) the stole is inside it and crossed for a priest and hanging for a bishop.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@pw4489 No, they are both very Anglican. I ended leaving the footage out by Nick was actually raised in a High Church Parish while Travis was raised a Roman Catholic. Also, in Canada we really don't have many Methodists anymore.
@reezachity3075 4 года назад
@MapleAnglican 11 лет назад
Actually, Canon Travis did a brief Curacy in two Anglo-Catholic Parishes in Toronto and I have seen him do several ad Orientum services since this. We didn't want to move the Altar and I wanted both Priests to have been in the same spot. Also, the gap between the Altar and Reredos was a little small there.
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
Fair enough. If you really want to go full tilt on high churchmanship, you need to face east, and use an apparatus to hide yourself from the view of the congregation as much as possible, such as a rood screen in the Anglican tradition, or iconostasis, or a retractable curtain (this last approach is used in the Syriac, Armenian and Assyrian churches). The idea is that the liturgical actions of the priests ultimately become a distraction, especially at parts such as the Fraction.
@scotswahae4541 6 лет назад
Best videos on Episcopal Church I've seen, thanks Canuck.
@aaroncarlson1162 6 лет назад
It's interesting that while the entire video cover the liturgical differences between high and low church Anglicans… The theological differences were ignored and glossed over.
@mosesking2923 5 лет назад
Correct. At the end of the video, it’s shocking how you have one priest who views the Eucharist as the literal body of Christ and another who views the Eucharist as a mere symbol of unity. The Anglican Church is not Catholic and Protestant simultaneously. It is a schizophrenic church that does not know what it is.
@karpov89 13 лет назад
Very good and informative video! For me as a Lutheran I think it is strange that not all priests - normally - wear the chasuble during the mass, in Sweden almost all low church priests do, although I am not sure it is a must. Also it is strange that the low church priest has not the same belief in the real presence...is that really allowed?! No or small difference in the Lutheran church. Making the sign of the cross is usually done before the elevation, not after, also a bit strange.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@pw4489 Truthful for filming this I asked Nick to "be as Low Church as you want". I have seen Nick be the Celebrant Priest at a Choral Eucharist at the same altar. While Nick is certainly Low Church and tends to be more Protestant than other Anglicans he is still an Anglican priest.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@brassspitoon To be frank the one scene with them "joshing" was actually done at my request for the purposes of the video. It actually took a lot to convince them to do that scene. Conversely, I don't know if you are insinuation that either Priests are anything but Heterosexual. If you were I will let you know that to the best of my knowledge both are straight and one is happy married.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Thank you for your comments, however, you are the seventh person to point those issues out.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
I know at my Cathedral there is one (with torches) for that leads the procession, one for the clergy and occasionally a third if our Bishop is in attendance at the service. In 2008 at our Bishop's Consecration I lost count of the number of Processional Crosses used, but it would have been on the order of at least 8 or 9.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@ArmoredEpiscopalian All Saints' Cathedral is considered Broad Church. It has been common to have a High and Low Church priest as either the Dean and Curate which ends up balancing things nicely.
@x8lover 8 лет назад
Wish it was as simple as this. Many parishes in the middle use vestments and candles too. According to this video my church should be high church but isn't. The clues to churchmanship is more around what the service is called with high church calling it the mass as well as extra ritual and the use of incense. High church parishes will usually only have the mass as their Sunday service and not offer Evensong. And this does not include those parishes that are so evangelical that they are bordering on Pentecostal who have abandoned vesture and most of the liturgy.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
@kejcolley Here in Anglican Church of Canada, and in the Episcopal Church, the term (Anglo-)Catholic and Evangelical are usually only applied to the those who are "very high" or "very low" in their Churchmanship. For instance, Canon Travis rejects the term for himself why still considering himself "High".
@TimothyForbesXXI 12 лет назад
Thank you for posting this video. Right now, it looks like I am transitioning into the Episcopal Church here in the States, and am attending an Anglo-Catholic parish in Elmira, NY. I am interested in knowing the differences between High Church and Low Church. I added this to a new playlist, Anglican. Again, thank you!
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
I know Travis very well and he would speak in solid support of it. With Nick I would presume so but I have never questioned him thoroughly on the matter.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@frsdonahue No one said they were traditional, in fact how they conduct the Eucharistic prayers is the modern way you would see a High Church and a Low Church priest do it. High Church Priests don't have to face East and Low Church Priests don't have to be at the North end of the Altar. Conversely, when filming both Priests I asked them to "show me *exactly* what you would do on any Sunday".
@enginyldrm7639 7 лет назад
This is a nice surprise to me to find out this video where two of my school mates from Wcyliffe College demonstrate their churchmanship. Of course, in reality the variety of churchmanship in the Anglican tradition is more than two, and there are many different tones as well. However, it is wonderful to acknowledge despite of our differences, the kind of differences which separate churches, we manage to be one church. Well done!
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@frsdonahue The point of the video was *not* to show traditional Anglican liturgy, but the differences that can be found between two Priests using the exact same Prayer Book.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Episcopal is an adjective relating to the office of Bishop, however it can also refer to Anglicanism itself in several parts of the world.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 In the Anglican Church of Canada both Bishops and Priests will wear the alb, stole, chasuble and cope, but will never wear the chasuble and cope together. Only Bishops may wear the Mitre and carry the Crosier. Deacons will wear an Alb with the stole to the side and the Dalmatic instead of a Chasuble. I have a video on deacons actually.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
@AotearoaForever Travis said it was a Surplice and its made from a thin cotton linen so I just called it that. You might be correct about the Surplice, but the sleeves are considerably longer than what Roman Catholic clerics wear here in North America. Truthfully I know of several errors in this video that I leave in much like some authors live with mistakes in their books.
@dariogagliano4218 8 лет назад
Nick: doesn't believe in the real presence. Travis: does. Explains all the differences in their practice. Which is why Nick doesn't seem to care about doing or not doing certain things in the Mass.
@mateoclemente6751 5 лет назад
Nick doesn't belong in the priesthood, he belongs in a baptist congregation.
@alhilford2345 5 лет назад
Dario Gagliano : Apparently they can believe whatever they like. It doesn't matter.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
No. The 1985 Book of Alternative Services, specifically Eucharistic Prayer 1 is being used. It's a similar book.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 If I recall the Church of Norway and Church of Denmark regained Apostolic Succession through the Church of Sweden as well. I can't remember how the Baltic Churches obtained it. I seem to recall that the EKD is not in Provoo as many of the the Bishops in its member Churches don't have Apostolic Succession. The Anglican Communion is also in Full Communion with the Old Catholic Union of Utrecht whose orders Rome Does recognize.
@aaroncarlson1162 6 лет назад
Maple Anglican Baltic Lutherans received apostolic succession jointly through both the Church of England and the Church of Sweden.. … Up until that point, I believe the churches had "bishops", (even sitting in the old episcopal sees) but more bishop in the sense of the Methodist church or the Moravians… Not the historic episcopate.
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
By the way, Deondre, just to clarify a bit more on this point, God created one Church through the action of the divine Logos, his only-begotten son, incarnate as Christ. This church later broke itself apart through a series of schisms over relatively petty theological differences at the Council of Ephesus in 431, the Council of Chalcedon in 453, and finally in the Great Schism of 1054, when the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics parted ways.
@edwardfranks5215 10 лет назад
The Church of England was thus a muddle of Catholic, Protestant beliefs. Cranmer had envisioned the normal Sunday Divine Service to Morning Prayer followed by a Holy Commion like th Orthodox Orthros and Divine Liturgy. Communion was only celebrated on average once a month (Roman Catholics every day but only were required to receive once a year). This was a pastoral problem. Catholics and Reformers wanted weekly communion but people were afraid they would condemn themselves without proper confession. The Church of England was saddled with Prayer Book of magnificent English whose theology was not accepted by everyone and who words could not be changed without government permission. The decisive repudiation of the Settlement of 1559 from a Eucharistic doctrinal viewpoint came in 1789 when the former Church of England became the Protestant Episcopal Church (= means non-Roman Church ruled by bishops). The Scottish Canon was adopted. and these words in caps placed in a fully restored canon of the mass or Eucharistic prayer, "..we thy humble servants to celebrate and make before thy Divine Majesty with these thy Holy Gifts WHICH WE NOW OFFER UNTO THEE, the memorial they Son ha taught us to make." At one stroke the Reformation theology which repudiated the Sacrifice of the Mass within the Prayer of Consecration was undone. Finally the question of free-standing altars. All altars were fee-standing in the Church in the West for 1000 years. Pushing them against the wall is a late development. To this day all altars in Eastern Rite churches are free-standing. It makes no difference to the validity of the Rite whether one celebrates a Pontifical Mass with all the fixins or a simple, informal Eucharist/Mass/Liturgy celebrated at a Holiday camp. The WORDS taken off the page and spoken by us as our Offering/Sacrifice are what's important.
@stpaulphillip 5 лет назад
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
Being Evangelical does not require one to be aliturgical. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchates of Antioch and Alexandria are among the most "Evangelical" Eastern Orthodox Church, in terms of actively seeking out new members, and also wear incredibly formal vestments. The Syriac Orthodox Church, of which I'm a member, and the Assyrian Church of the East, use less formal vestments (especially in the case of the Assyrians) but are also much less evangelical.
@MarineChaps 12 лет назад
I especially liked the Canon's way of complete reverence onto The Christ the Son of the living God.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
It's amazing. You spend 4 hours recording and editing your own voice, follow it up with 35 hours plus of video editing listening to your voice over and over and I still missed the fact I had mispronounced some words. :(
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
PaladinValer: Sadly I am very busy right now. I have one project that was filmed in January and likely won't get started on editing until December. :(
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
The Cathedral has four crosses actually. I would presume that we borrowed processional crosses from other parishes for the Episcopal Consecration in 2008.
@edwardfranks5215 10 лет назад
I have read the comments here and I am astounded by some of the ignorance of church history and doctrine. Also monotheists are always fighting among themselves about matters that cannot be proven, but they do it anyway. I want to address a few matters. It is not necessary to have a doctrine of Christ's presence in the Eucharist to believe in it. The Orthodox prefer to leave it a mystery as do Anglicans. The Orthodox refer to Trans-elementation. They avoid transubstantiation as this smacks of a kind of religious alchemy. The Church did quite well without a definition for a 1000 years. The Church Fathers in the 4th century variously talk about the Real Presence or the Eucharist as a symbol of the Presence. So St. John of Damascus speaks of the bread and wine as visible symbols of a spiritual reality, which approximates the Anglican believe that the bread and wine are the outward symbols of an inner spiritual grace. The Lutherans have sacramental union. Consubstantiation refers to Body and Blood with bread and wine. This is not the theory of the Lutherans although commonly attribute to them. Cranmer was a Clavinist -- he believed Christ was present to the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is called Virtualism. It is not believe of the Anglican Communion which has no definition but believes in the Real Presence as in thw rods of adminstraton, "the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for thee preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life" and " the Body of Christ, the Bread of Heave." et cetera. Hnery the VIII was a rather nasty fellow.in 1530 the Catholic Church was a pretty good shape and people were generally happy with it. It's life revolved around the 4 great monastic orders and 9000 parishes. He seized the church. He dissolved the orders and in 1546 the chantries but allowed no change in religion. Hos son was Protestant. The First Prayer Book Eucharist of 1549 looks like a mass but is missing one vital concept, the offering of a material sacrifice to God. The second removed any idea of sacrifice to a post-communion prayer. The Black Rubric allowed kneeling to receive communion with tghereby implying any essential or real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. After Elizabeth came to throne this was rescinded in 1559 and the words of the Holy Communion clearly indicate believe in the Real Presence to which one could kneel at reception. She tried to enforce the use of traditional vestments, communion tables with candles stick and crucifix against the wall so the service of Holy Communion looked like a mass to placate a population that still majority Catholic and conservative. No formal Protestant theology was adopted. If fact no official doctrinal -sim exists to this day. Anglicanism is a mix of Catholic, some Protestant notions and Orthodoxy. As for the Apostolic Succession. The Papal condemnation of Anglican Orders as null and void rests on defect of from and intent to make catholic bishops. The Anglican retort was that the only common things ordination rites have through the history of the church are prayer and laying on of hands, nothing about sacrificing priests which is late Medieval. Onl one of Mary's 17 bishops would agree to consecrate Mathew Parker as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1559. So 4 men men were selected; 2 had been ordained bishops in the Roman Roman Rite in the 1530 and 2 with the Edwardine Ordinal of 1550. All of them had been ordained Catholic priests before the break with Rome in 1534. The four consecrators themselves had been consecrated by Roman Catholic bishops. So the actual 'manual succession' is not in doubt. As for the Irish Church all but 2 Catholic bishops went over to Henry. Mary restored the faith there 1553-1558. Anglican Orders are also derived from Hugh Curwen, Archbishop of Dublin, consecrated in 1555 with the Roman Pontifical. Rome said the English Ordinal and intent of the government were defective (at the time the English Church and nation was technically still in union with the Papacy as Cardinal Pole in 1555 had absolved them from the actions of Henry and Edward). It wasn't until about 1600 that we can see something called 'Anglicanism' emerge, after 60 years of religious turmoil, as a distinct form of Christianity rooted in sacramentalism, the monastic offices of Morning and Evening Prayer as the standards of daily private and parish worship and reason, with the three ancient orders of bishop, priest and deacon and the reading of the Bible. Regrettably the churches were gutted of most of their best art work unlike in Lutheran countries where the older churches interiors look like Catholic churches in 1500. Finally I want to quote St. Thomas Acquinas who says that "in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist the Presence of Jesus Christ is not to be understood as physical (materialiter) nor as located or trapped in a place (localiter).
@alhilford2345 5 лет назад
Edward Franks : Please publish the source for your quotation from St. Thomas Aquinas. Thank you.
@Tsalagi978 3 года назад
We Orthodox view it as the literal body and blood. We just don’t reduce it to metaphysics like the Latins, but the belief in the result is the same. It’s a bloodless sacrifice and Christ is literally present in the Eucharist.
@Tsalagi978 3 года назад
As to Anglican Orders, we don’t recognize them either. We do to an extent Roman Orders as Priests and Bishops who return to Orthodoxy aren’t ordained anew but rather incardinated. Anglicans are always ordained anew.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Yes, however, the frequency of their use in Liturgy varies greatly with Parish and the importance of the service. For example, as I attend the Cathedral we will use it for Christmas and Easter Eve services as well as Ordinations but it will be rarely seen on a Sunday. I do know of one Parish here in Edmonton that uses incense and a Thurible every Sunday.
@PaladinValer 12 лет назад
No problem. I've accidentally called the paten with an extra "t" several times and have utterly -destroyed- several words at times (like "chimere" as "kim-er-ray" for a while...in front of my bishop no less). BTW, please...more videos! I anxiously await your next installment of your History of Anglicanism series. :)
@PaladinValer 11 лет назад
May I ask a question? How do you respond to our belief in Apostolic Succession, Real Presence, seven Sacraments, ancient three orders of ordained ministry (bishops, priests, and deacons), monasticism, use of Deuterocanonical books in liturgy, and use of vestments? We have the fullness of the Catholicity of the Early Church but embraced the protestant reforms that brought us truer to that Catholicity like vernacular liturgies, fuller lay access to the Bible, and reemphasizing Holy Writ's vitality
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 Very true. While the European Anglican Churches are in Communion with you via the Provoo Communion the remaining members, such as the Anglican Church of Canada, are sadly not. However, we are in Communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. I always find learning about the Church of Sweden to be very fascinating as it seems very unique for a Lutheran Church.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Yeah, When Bishops get ordained the service gets even more ornate. I seem there was one for each of the two choirs, one for the Diocesan clergy, one for the ecumenical guests, one for the Bishops of the Province of Rupert's Land, one each for the two co-consecrating Bishops, one for the Primate and one for the Consecrating Archbishop. There may have been a few more in there.
@southafricandominion 3 года назад
Patent: "a government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention. "he took out a patent for an improved steam hammer" A Paten a plate, typically made of gold or silver, used for holding the bread during the Eucharist and sometimes as a cover for the chalice.
@DannyEastVillage 12 лет назад
that is the old Medieval usage. Bishops, priests and deacons could be identified by how they wore the stole. However, like many medievalisms, that manner of making the distinction has become increasingly obsolete.
@karpov89 13 лет назад
@MapleAnglican It is really interesting to see that the differences seem to be greater within the Anglican communion than in the Church of Sweden which is in communion with the Anglican communion. Here the is no issue about memoralism in the eucharist even within the low church, broad church, old church (orthodox lutherans) and high church.
@karpov89 13 лет назад
@MapleAnglican Yes that is correct, not the chasuble and the stole at the same time, of course. The Swedish deacons are properly ordained unlike most Lutheran churches and they wear the alb and stole like the Anglican church. The Dalmatic is very rare in Sweden, you can see it in one of my videos (mass in Helga trefaldighets kyrka , but actually it is a concelebrating priest wearing it.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
It would depend on the Parish but there is no special service mandated by the Anglican Church of Canada, not that I am aware of.
@thedoctorplusone 11 лет назад
this was useful thank you :) In Australia, most "low-church" anglicans are also Evangelicals and therefore wouldn't even wear what Nick was wearing!
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
I will say that that also makes a lot of sense. I suppose for a video comparing High Church and Low Church practices, it makes more sense that the viewer can clearly see what the priests are doing. Also I should add, in the ancient Divine Liturgy of St. James (from where we get the hymn "Let all mortal flesh keep silent"), the priests celebrate at an altar facing the congregation, rather than ad Orientum, usually placed in front of the iconostasis in a Byzantine Rite church.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 Personally since my conversion to Anglicanism I've never had issues with the validity of women in ministry. After 14 years I would say about a third of the Priests in my Diocese were ordained by our present Bishop (Jane Alexander) or her predecessor (Victoria Matthews). At the same time it's important to remember that just because a Priest or Bishop is a woman doesn't necessary make her a Liberal as is evident in our last Bishop.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
@kejcolley We don't have a lot of Methodists left here in Canada since the 1920s when the Methodist Church of Canada united with (most of) the Presbyterian Church in Canada and formed the United Church. The only Methodists remaining are the Free Methodists that are the result of missionary work from the US since the 1960s.
@kejcolley 12 лет назад
A very interesting video, which shows up too some of the differences between the churches in the USA & here in England. Here (within the church) we rarely would use the 'high' 'low' definition - it would more-likely be 'Catholic' 'Broad' or 'Evangelical'. Also, the references to Methodists - here almost all Methodist Ministers if robed-up would wear Cassock, black preaching gown and hood (maybe preaching bands too) and only occasionally (usually at ecumenical services) would they wear an alb.
@adamATOM3 12 лет назад
You should do a history of the BCP, also a video on the BCP v.s the BAS would be interesting.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 for the Norwegian and Danish Churches I can tell you that we Anglicans do not accept Full Communion with *any* other Church unless she is in Apostolic Succession. I can only then conclude that both Churches had recovered it as that is the only logical answer. I know that the EKD is a "mixed" Church with Lutheran and Reformed Churches within one umbrella. I seem to recall that at least some of the member Churches *might* have Apostolic Succession but I can't recall which ones.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 The point of this video was to talk two priests of different Churchmanship and highlight the differences that can be seen within Anglican through the Eucharist. Canon Travis and Rev. Nick both graciously agreed to do so, however, Canon Travis is not representative of all High Church Priests and Rev. Nick is not representative of all Low Church Priests. I had some excellent unused video of Rev. Nick explaining his own upbringing in High Church Anglicanism.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Canon Travis very much takes a High Church view. However, that doesn't mean he's any more or less religious than Nick.
@karpov89 12 лет назад
How is it in the Anglican Church of Canada: may a person who do not accept that woman can be priest be ordanied as deacons and priests? If you already are ordained, can you be elected and ordanied as bishop?
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@beswanky Not all High Church Anglicans genuflect, including at the consecration of the elements. If I recall correctly the Sarum Use only had the priest bow after their consecration. As well, in Orthodox Churches the priest will only bow reverently.
@DannyEastVillage 12 лет назад
btw...I wouldn't lean too heavily into citing the actions of the Council of Florence. It was far from being a Shining Hour in the history of the Roman church. In fact, Florence sought to LIMIT the power of the papacy--among other things. It's actions culminated in election of three popes simultaneously in the different locations the council met.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Mr. Powell, you seem like the fellow who wants to always have the last word. The Sarum Rite was/is about as Roman as The Gallic Rite or the Nidaros Rite. Some major differences between it and the Roman Rite include the Collect for Purity, the form of the Confiteor and the lack of a "Last Gospel" at the Altar being just three off the top of my head. This is my channel, so I get the last word, not you. It's my channel so I get the last word because I run the place :D
@karpov89 13 лет назад
@MapleAnglican Right now we have three bishops who are female, out of 13 dioceses. What is very bad is that one of them is gay without living in celibacy and furthermore liberal. She is bishop of the diocese of Stockholm, where I think the situation is worst in all Sweden. The problem is that if you are unsure about the validity of woman priests, if there is a female bishop ordaining a male priest - is this ordination really valid?
@frogleg10 4 года назад
no, it isnt
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
Due to the present emergency in Syria, there is a great desire for assistance in both the US and Canada in serving the influx of Syriac and Antiochian Orthodox refugees, and this would provide a great opportunity for Rev. Nick to emerse himself in the eucharistic experience, by serving a number of Divine Liturgies without even giving a sermon; if he would be interested in that, send me a message and I'll contact the Toronto Syriac and Antiochian prelates and put in a good word for him.
@PaladinValer 12 лет назад
Have you checked out canon XV of Constantinople I? Seems like there are women deacons; the Greek used here is cheirotonia, which is a formal ordination to the sacred major orders, not cheirothesia, which is given to subdeacons and minor orders. And in the West, it is the same Sacrament of Holy Orders for deacons, priests, and bishops, so if you can be a deacon, then logically, also then, if God calls and wills, a priest or even a bishop. This is Holy Tradition, and I am comforted by it.
@karpov89 13 лет назад
@MapleAnglican Norwegian priests and bishops wear alb, stole and chasuble (but not when preaching!), Bishops may wear a cope (but priests are not allowed!) but not the mitre and crosier. At the ordination of the bishop of Stavanger an Anglican bishop did take part but it has not happened since then as far as I know.
@karpov89 12 лет назад
In Church of Sweden you can't be ordained but until 1982 you it was a clause of conciousness which meant that priests could be ordained with another view of woman priests.
@karpov89 13 лет назад
@MapleAnglican As you can see in my videos bishops from Church of England comes to Sweden sometimes to take part in Christian conferences and similar..and as you can see in my videos then can be very different, in one video there is a very low church evangelical bishop who during the mass is dressed only in alb and stole..that would not a Swedish lutheran bishop do at such a festive occasion.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Thank you for your comments. Best Wishes. MA+
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Hypothetically any Ordinand or Candidate for Bishop would have to outright lie during their Ordination service as they solemnly promise to "conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Anglican Church of Canada." This doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for those opposing women's ordination.
@episcopalcatholic 11 лет назад
Great video , I am so High Church .
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 Rev. Nick has made some comments that he wished to clarified his position a little better, however, has never asked me to remove or re-edit this video. Conversely, the Anglican position on the Real Presence is fairly vague which is why you may run into some who believe in Memorialism and others in Transubstantiation.
@Александр-н5з5ъ 6 лет назад
Convert. For the good of your souls.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@karpov89 In the Anglican Church of Canada we do have a small minority that do not support the Ordination of women, however, holding that position can be impractical as we do have Women Bishops now (as does the Church of Sweden if I recall). For example my own Diocese is presently on our Second Bishop that is a Woman. However, I would have to say the Dioceses in the ACC that have had Women Bishops haven't really had more strife than those with only men as Bishops.
@trilobright 12 лет назад
Funny, at the Catholic church where I grew up (Holy Family in Duxbury, MA) it felt a lot more like the ones you identified as more Protestant. It was a big, airy, very modern church, and the altar was a stark, modernist table rather than a proper, ornate altar. No chanting or organ, but rather a surprisingly tasteful and competent folk-ish band (acoustic guitar, banjo, dulcimer, accordion, etc). I think that there are merits to both traditions, whether you're Roman Catholic or Anglican .
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Please see the response Saepius Officio by the Archbishops of Canterbury and your, and the book "A Review of Anglican Orders: The Problem and the Solution" by Father George H. Tavard AA on the matter in which the claims of Apostolicae Curae are made extremely questionable. Fr. Tavard, by the way, was a Roman Catholic Theologian and not an Anglican.
@Londonfogey 9 лет назад
Interesting film. I have a couple of questions though. 1. No mention was made about variations of liturgy. The two priests seemed to be reciting different prayers. I don't know about the USA but in England they tend to use either Common Worship rite or the Book of Common Prayer rite - but here they seemed to be using some other modern rite I haven't heard before. 2. The cassock and sur-plus (sic) was described as 'low church' but in some English anglican churches of the very low, evangelical variety, the priest wears jeans, a fleece and not even a dog collar, so how can a cassock and surplice be 'low' church? I'd say it was 'middle of the road' or 'broad church' myself.
@MapleAnglican 9 лет назад
Londonfogey As stated in the video they are using the same Eucharistic Prayer, specifically Eucharistic Prayer 1 from the Book of Alternative Services.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@jacobsen976 Thank you very much for your comments and God Bless.
@theleastofpilgrims3379 11 лет назад
By the way Maple, I want to thank you for making an outstanding documentary. However, I would propose that Travis is at best "Middle Church." If he were truly high church,he would face away from the congregation during the anaphora, make even more prostrations, and be flanked by deacons. Christ only appears when the priest disappears. Consider the old Tridentine Mass, or the even more elaborate Divine Liturgy of St. James takes four hours to complete and requires 12 priests and one bishop.
@DannyEastVillage 12 лет назад
Yes, I'm aware that the Swedish church has maintained certain usages, and I certainly don't find fault with that.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
Since you both know them so well perhaps you can tell us exactly what they have abandoned. I mean, you *must* know both of them better than I if you know what they have abandoned.
@karpov89 13 лет назад
@MapleAnglican I think it is. Sadly it is political influence in the church which has lead to that the church officially is liberal like the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, but on the other hand there is still conservative groups within the church, and there are still priests who do not accept woman priests. Today you can not be ordained with that position and can't have a new position as a vicar of a parish (only parish priest)or ordained as a Bishop.
@ernestbowen4054 5 лет назад
I tend to high church but would prefer to attend the Eucharist lead by Nick, simply because I like him better. I love his smile.
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
nope. I own the domain mapleanglican[dot]com. I can't put email addressees or websites in comments unfortunately. I did send you a personal message with my info as well.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
@Henouk Unfortunately no one realized my pronunciation error until a few weeks after I released this video and you are the fifth person to point this obvious and very stupid mistake of mine.
@karpov89 12 лет назад
Well the church has retained the practice of the Catholic church before the Vatican II, like also using the color black on Good Friday, instead of red.
@MapleAnglican 11 лет назад
Thank you very much and God Bless.
@MapleAnglican 13 лет назад
Sorry, which words did I mispronounce?
@kejcolley 12 лет назад
Second Part!! I should also say that the Methodist Minister would also wear a black preaching scarf, but usually he or she would be in a clerical collar and their normal clothing. I am, by-the-way, an Anglican - from the Evangelical end :-)
@karpov89 12 лет назад
Ok in which perspective are you saying that; in the perspective of the Anglican communion?
@MapleAnglican 12 лет назад
No. While the Archbishop of Canterbury is the Spiritual Head of the Church of England and is counted as "First amongst Equals" of the Bishops of the Anglican Communion he does not have any overall authority such that the Roman Pontiff claims.
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