

Amri Yusra
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@sirhanibrahim9631 Год назад
SUBHANALLAH GENIUS Arwah Sheikh Ahmad Deedat fullest GREATEST Informasi Truth ISLAM. Way of Life ' Thank You soo Much. Al Fatihah 4U ALHAMDULILLAH
@khotamkomarita4318 Год назад
Subhanllah ya Allah, Allahu akbar. From Indonesia.
@_TsaniaDzakiyyah_ 7 месяцев назад
Masya Allah Tabaraqallaah Jenius nya Mr. Didat.🎉 Salfok dg pendengar yg anteng mendengar kan.
@RealieC15 4 месяца назад
Bismillah ya allah. Allahuakbar.
@sirhanibrahim9631 Год назад
Hopefully more Kafir find Truely TRUTH ' get Hidayah ALLAH SWT. From Great Speech Arwah Sheikh Ahmad Deedat. In sya ALLAH AAMIIN3
@pituturchannel5020 Год назад
About Mohammaf prophet. Please open and read in Mathew chapter 24 rh verse 11.
@muhd9090 11 лет назад
God Bless Amri Yusra
@t.el.6301 Год назад
May ALLAH give him JENNA
@rizalamir8195 11 лет назад
Saya ikut mendukung
@paulus150 6 лет назад
Mattew 7:15 . Mattew 24:11 1 Jhon 4:1 . Rev 19 :20 Rev 20:10
@baniamon41 Год назад
Bro blg kpd mrk semua.. jikalau a mother fucker ini bilang.. jika Yesus adl nabi... lalu sy sendiri bilang... nabi mana di alam semesta raya ini yg pny kuasa utk ampuni dosa manusia?? Bahkan sklpun malaikat2 tertinggi tak akan mampu mengampuni dosa manusia... nahh makanya hny Yesus yg terbukti 2x ampuni dosa manusia sepanjang tertulis dlm alkitab.. yaitu: yg prtm yesus ampuni dosa seorg wanita yg tertawan bebuat zina.. yg ke 2 Yesus ampuni dosa seorang yg lumpuh dan menyembuhkannya jg.. Lalu mana??? Siapa lg di alam semesta raya.. yg pny kuasa utk ampuni dosa manusia??? Mna??? Siapa??? Sebutkan namanya? Krn yg pny kuasa utk mengampuno dosa manusia adl ya yang menciptakan manusia itu sendiri toh.. yaitu Tuhan sendiri dan tiada yg lain.. makanya bro.. ini kam a mother fucker.. ! Gatau apa2.. cm bs koar2 saja.. tp gbs apa2
@pulaudayakchanel9410 7 лет назад
Wahyu Allah hanya kepada Bani Israel, mulai dr Adam sampai Abraham, Isak, Yacob. Ulangan 18 ayat 15 menubuat Nabi dari tengah Bangsa Israel bukan dari bangsa lain dan dari saudara Lewi yaitu suku Yehuda, bukan saudara Ismail. Israel terdiri dari 12 suku, mereka bersaudara
@davidnovario8121 4 месяца назад
Klo begitu Neraka akan penuh dgn Org Kristen, karena dosa yg tidak termaafkan Adalah dosa Syirik Menyekutukan Allah...
@pemburuhantusesat4107 6 лет назад
Yg di maksud sama seperti musa itu bkn dlm arti yg umum..... Sperti lahir normal ada ibu bapanya..... Tp yg di maksud sama sperti musa itu hal yg brsar..... Seperti waktu bayi musa dan yesus sama2 terjadi pembantaian bayi2...... Tapi keduanya selamat.... Trus sama org yahudi.... Trus sama2 menyelamatkan umat mnusia
@leosby7535 8 лет назад
biarkan saja dedat bantu ceritakan keajaiban isi alkitab, di hari tuanya terkunci di tempat tidur 9th, tidak didengar doanya, terbukti matius 7:23~24 (pada hari terahir banyak yg berseru TUHAN2 , saat itu AKU katakan enyahlah dari hadapanKU, AKU tidak mengenal engkau hai pembuat kejahatan)
@paulus150 6 лет назад
Mattew 7:15 . Mattew 24:11 1 Jhon 4:1 . Rev 19 :20 Rev 20:10
@ainulfaruq1995 Год назад
Itu lah mengapa anda di katakan KAFIR saudara, karena menutup dari kebenaran 😢.
@TheLittleTurtle-tu1vy Год назад
Koq mirip ketika yesus disalib "Tuhan-tuhan, mengapa engkau meninggalkan aku" wkwkwkw
@Samuelson8169 6 лет назад
1. At the time when Moses was born, the Egyptians ruled over the Israelites (Exodus 1:8-10). At the time when Jesus was born, the Romans ruled over the Israelites (Luke 2:1-5). Each was born when the Hebrew nation was occupied and at a low point in history. Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew sons to be killed upon birth. When this was not executed by the midwives, Pharaoh then ordered all sons to be killed (Exodus 1:16-22). King Herod ordered all Hebrew sons to be killed upon birth (Matthew 2:16). 2, When Moses was born, his mother hid him for three months in Egypt (Exodus 2:2). Jesus was hid in Egypt for an unspecified amount of time after birth (Matthew 2:13). 3. Moses was named as such because he was drawn out of the water (Exodus 2:10). Jesus went straightway out of the water after being baptized by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:11). Drawing from the well of water is a symbol of salvation (Isaiah 12:3). The name Jesus means salvation. 4. Moses was raised by a man, Pharaoh, who was not his natural father (Exodus 2:9-10). Jesus was raised by a man who was not his natural father (Luke 2:33). In this case, Jesus did not have a natural father. 5. Moses was initially rejected by his people and took a gentile bride, Zipporah (Exodus 2:11-14 and 16-21). Jesus was initially rejected by his people and took a gentile bride, the Church (2 Corinthians 11:2). 6. Moses saw his brethren being treated unfairly by the Egyptians and had compassion on them (Exodus 2:11). Jesus saw his brethren as needing a shepherd and had compassion on them (Mark 6:34). Moses took his flock to the Promised Land and Jesus promised His flock heaven. 7. Moses was at a well and was kind to the daughters of the Midian priests. He watered their flock, which was not a common practice at that time (Exodus 2:17). Jesus was at a well and was kind to a Samaritan woman. He offered her water (John 4:9-11). This practice was also uncommon. The water Jesus offered was the water of salvation. 8. Moses remained in exile in a foreign land until the King of Egypt (Pharaoh) died (Exodus 2:23). Jesus was in exile in a foreign land (Egypt) until King Herod died. (Matthew 2: 19-20) 9. Moses’ ministry started supernaturally with the burning bush and God speaking to Him (Exodus 3: 2-4). Jesus’ ministry started supernaturally when the dove descended on Him and a voice from Heaven spoke (Matthew 3:16-17). It is at this point when each gave Revelation to the people. 10 Moses was sent by God to “come down” and deliver His people to the Promised Land (Exodus 3:8). Jesus was sent by God to “come down” deliver His people to Heaven (Luke 4:18). You can say that Heaven is now the Promised Land. 11. Moses performed many public miracles following God’s direction (Exodus 4:4-9). Jesus performed many public miracles following God’s direction (John 5:19-20). The specific miracles differed but each occurred only due to God’s power. 12. Moses liberated the Hebrews so that they may serve God (Exodus 9:1). Jesus liberated mankind so that mankind may serve God (Hebrews 9:14 and 12:28). 13. Moses used the blood of a lamb to protect the Israelites from death. The blood was also used to free the Israelites from bondage (Exodus 12). Jesus was the Lamb of God who protected mankind from death. The blood was also used to free mankind from the bondage of sin. (John 1:29 and Hebrews 9:11-15) 14. Moses used a covenant meal (Passover) for Israel to remember their Lord’s deliverance (Exodus 12:25-27). Jesus used a covenant meal (Last Supper) for his disciples to remember their Lord’s deliverance (Luke 22:14-20). 15. Moses was used to reveal the healing power of God (Exodus 15:26). Jesus was used to reveal the healing power of God (Matthew 4:23). 16. Moses fed the multitude of Israelites in a supernatural way (Exodus 16:16). Jesus fed a multitude, 5000 people, in a supernatural way (Matthew 14:19-21). 17. Moses gave the Israelites bread from Heaven called Manna for 40 years (Exodus 16:27-36). Jesus said He was the bread from heaven that gives life to the world (John 6:33). 18. Moses instructed his people to gather bread (Manna) daily (Exodus 16:20-21). Jesus instructed His disciples to feed their souls with spiritual bread daily (Matthew 6:11). 19. Moses feared being stoned by the Israelites (Exodus 17:4). The people were ready to stone Jesus (John 10:31). Each was for different reasons but does demonstrate the spiritual condition of the people. 20. Moses received God’s Law on Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:3). Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount with the promise to fulfill God’s Law (Matthew 5:1-17). The mountain Jesus was on is unnamed but the correlation to both Moses and Jesus using a mountain in reveal matters of God’s Law is important. 21. Moses was the judge for Israel an the final authority for decision making (Exodus 18-22). Jesus will return as the judge for mankind (2 Corinthians 5:10 and 2 Timothy 4:1). 22. Moses was a mouthpiece for God by speaking the Words God gave Him. (Exodus 19:7-8). Jesus was a mouthpiece for God by speaking the Words God gave Him. (John 8:28-29) 23. God came to Moses in a thick cloud (Exodus 19:9 and 24:16). God came to Jesus in a thick cloud (Mark 9:7). 24. Moses sprinkled the blood of the first covenant on the people (Exodus 24:8). Jesus used the blood of the new covenant, His own blood, to sanctify the people (Hebrews 13:12). 25.God gave Moses commandments to teach His people (Exodus 24:12). God gave Jesus commandments to teach His people (John 13:34) 26. Moses interceded with God on behalf of the people of Israel (Exodus 32:11-14). Jesus interceded with God on behalf of mankind, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 53:12 by being the final sacrifice for sin (Matthew 20:28). 27. Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights upon receiving the Torah from God (Exodus 34:28). Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights when He was tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-2). 28. Moses’ face shone with the glory of God (Exodus 34:29). Jesus’ face shone with the glory of God (Matthew 17:1-12). 29. God told Moses how He wanted to be worshipped using the Tabernacle (Exodus 40). God told Jesus how He wanted to be worshipped in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). 30. Moses commanded the children of Israel to keep their lamps burning continuously (Leviticus 24:2). Jesus commanded His children to let their light shine continuously before men (Matthew 5:15-16). 31. Moses’ brethren criticized and challenged Him. (Numbers 12:1-2). Jesus’ brethren criticized and challenged Him. (John 7:5 and Matthew 13:57) 32. Moses asked God to pardon the inequity of His people (Numbers 14:19) and God listened (Numbers 14:20). Jesus asked God to forgive the inequity of those who crucified Him (Luke 23:34) and God listened (John 11:41-42). 33. Moses said the little ones would enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14:31). Jesus said the Kingdom of God belonged to the little ones (Mark 10:14). 34. God showed the Israelites that Moses was sent from Him using signs and wonders (Numbers 16:28). Jesus told the people that His works were to prove the Father was in Him and He was in the Father (John 14:10-11). 35. Moses made a serpent on a pole and the Israelites were healed when they looked upon it (Numbers 21:9). Jesus was lifted on a pole (the cross) and those who looked up on Him by faith were healed (John 3:14-15). 36. Moses chose 12 men to go out and bring fruit (Deuteronomy 1:23). Jesus chose 12 men and sent them out to bear fruit (Matthew 10:1). 37. Moses said that in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses a truth would be established (Deuteronomy 19:15). Jesus said that anywhere 2 or 3 witnesses would gather in His name, He would be in their midst. Jesus is the Truth (Matthew 18:20). 38. Moses reappeared after His death (Matthew 17:3). Jesus reappeared after His resurrection (Acts 1:3). 39. Moses was a shepherd of God’s people (Psalms 77:20). Jesus called Himself the “good shepherd” (John 10: 11-16). None of these of unique characteristics found in Muhammad and that means Muhammad was NOT the one prophesied by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:8 .... The similarities are spiritual not physical , if compared Muhammad with Moses as having human father , married , having children etc , then everybody can become Muhammad in this world as most men has such similarities with Moses ...
@andriekapradita224 6 лет назад
Ulangan 18 : 18 menubuatkan tentang Nabi Muhammad? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EQCUK_nrpvc.html 1. Muslim mengakui Alkitab tetap asli dan tidak berubah, oleh karena itu muslim masih ngotot mencari pembenaran nama Ahmad / Muhamad didalam Alkitab yang tetap asli dan tidak berubah. 2. Jika muslim menuduh Alkitab sudah dipalsukan, berarti tidak ada gunanya muslim mencari pembenaran, hanya orang-orang bodoh, tidak konsisten dan cacat logika yang tetap ngotot mencari pembenaran nama Ahmad / Muhamad didalam Alkitab yang sudah dipalsukan sesuai tuduhan muslim, bukan?
@paulus150 6 лет назад
Mattew 7:15 . Mattew 24:11 1 Jhon 4:1 . Rev 19 :20 Rev 20:10
@leosby7535 8 лет назад
hahaha muhamad,hebat ngibulnya, di arab dulu jailiyah mengawini ibu tiri di larang ngawini bibi sah~sah saja
@yalukmanya 3 месяца назад
itu cerita bapak mu dulu yg ngawini bibi sendiri, lalu lahir kamu.
@Samuelson8169 6 лет назад
Actually nothing , Bible never mentioned Muhammad in any of its verses .... If Moslem believe the Bible is the word of God that prophesied Muhammad in that verse then Moslem must acknowledge that Muhammad is a Jew because it is clearly the verses stated the incoming prophet will be appointed from among the Israelis , not from Arab who has no blood connection with the Jews. Ishmael was never considered the brother of Israel as Israel only consisted of 12 tribes only which recognized by God in the Bible ..
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