

First Redeemer Church
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Before I Go, Part 1 - April 11, 2021
Before Sermon:
- LIFE Groups begin this Wednesday
- Ukraine Church?? (If get info from Larry Aultman in time)
Intro: The 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection
Luke 24:13 (NIV2011)
13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.
Explain context.
Luke 24:14-18 (NIV2011)
14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.
15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him. 17 He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast. 18 One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”
Explain: Jesus’ crucifixion was very public
Luke 24:19-24 (NIV2011)
19 “What things?” he asked. “About Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. 20 The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; 21 but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place. 22 In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning 23 but didn’t find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. 24 Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus.”
Why were they sad? Expectations not met.
Luke 24:19 (NIV2011)
…He was a prophet..
Luke 24:25-27 (NIV2011)
25 He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
Trust God’s sovereignty
“Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things…” (Luke 24:26)
All has gone according to God’s plan…even evil.
In His holiness, God cannot cause evil. In His sovereignty, God uses evil.
Romans 8:28 (NIV2011)
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Jesus said something else here:
How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!...And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. (Luke 24:25, 27)
Revere God’s Word
Example: Reading Bible like going through buffet line
Application: Recreating Jesus in OUR image
Application: The need for Bible literacy
Luke 24:28-32 (NIV2011)
28 As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going farther. 29 But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. 30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:25 (NIV2011)
25 He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
Accept Godly rebuke
Example: Gym coach
Question: How do you respond when God’s Word convicts you?
Revelation 3:20 (NIV2011)
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.



21 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 16   
@kimwilliamson5695 3 года назад
Thank you,, DR Jeff Jackson, for preaching the word of God with confidence and conviction. His word is infallible and is designed to convict the heart of man. I appreciate you for staying with that teaching.
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
@ryankmoon 3 года назад
Exceptional message on Jesus’ last 40 days on earth: following His resurrection.
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
thanks for commenting
@livingforjesuschrist7761 3 года назад
Dr. jeff Jackson thanks once again. Your work is amazing. In all honesty I think you were sent by God. Your way of transmitting your messages are unique. I'm from Montreal Canada and once this covid-19 story is behind us all, it will be an honor to pass by your church. And maybe meet you in person. God bless you .
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
thank you so much for such a generous comment.
@viviansmith8207 3 года назад
Love your message .
@patparks9840 3 года назад
Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and bringing such a Godly message. It says part 1. I can’t wait for 2. Gods word is alive and so exciting. Thank you pastor Jeff and thank you Jesus ❤️❤️👍👍❤️
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
really appreciate the comment
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
thank you so much for commenting
@dsiewming 3 года назад
Dr Jeff, God has truly anointed you mightily to interpret Luke 24:13-34 in the way you did. So profound and insightful! Will disseminate to all my friends from Kuala Lumpur where I live. May the Lord bless you mightily!
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
thank you so much for the kind words
@kmajeresbam 3 года назад
Great message Pastor Jeff!
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
appreciate the feedback
@MW-vy6nh 3 года назад
Good message... Greetings from England.
@FirstRedeemerChurch 3 года назад
thanks so much. what part of England?
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