
Are Jesus & Satan brothers?  

Living Waters
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27 окт 2024




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@tonyc.8004 6 лет назад
"Are Jesus & Satan brothers?" Let me make a logical observation. Lucifer(Satan) was a "created" archangel which has certain attributes. Christ is God the Son "from the beginning" and He has certain attributes. An archangel and God cannot be brothers because they are separate types of beings with their own individual attributes. It would be the same as saying that a fish and a dog are brothers, which are two separate individual types. Praise The Lord and Godspeed to you all!! Jesus first...
@matthewchunk3689 4 года назад
that's not logical that's a semantic argument. only problem: the old testament is 2700 year old, was passed down orally and thru several languages. were satan and jesus brothers? probably.
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
Fish and dogs are brother according to evolutionist lol just distant brothers.
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
@@matthewchunk3689 So do you think that man has more power than God? If God wants a book to lead his people to him then who has the power, man or God?
@matthewchunk3689 4 года назад
@@dr.zoidberg5096 I don't even understand the premise of your question. Is it that the man-made objects like the bible somehow prove a greater power than themselves?
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
@@matthewchunk3689 If God wants something done than who can stop him, man?
@cjhitz 12 лет назад
Thanks for addressing Mormonism guys. Most of my dad's side of the family is Mormon and I'm viewed as a black sheep since I'm not. The LDS church has covered up error after error and edited the Book of Mormon well over 2,000 times since 1820. African-Americans weren't even allowed into BYU until the 70s
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
I hope you havent given up. Fight the good fight.
@RedlovesThunder 12 лет назад
You Brothers are so AWESOME.....thank-you Jesus for the work You are doing through these loving Children of Yours! ALLELUIA
@duke4eva84 12 лет назад
I cried many tears over my sins with a contrite heart but until I trusted in Jesus to be the CEO of my life I was unwavering. Now I am his.
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
Keep fighting the good fight, never give up.
@GOTTshua 11 лет назад
Jesus is God and has the power to take smoking away from you without cravings or withdrawl. He is that powerful and more. Ask Him to deliver you. He is faithful.
@ReasonableBB 6 лет назад
Truth! Where to find it? For all those who feel like the blacksheep in families of faith, because you don't believe the way they do. Love your family, the time will come that you'll be blessed with understanding, they Love you and aren't sure fully of how to handle a situation where the person they love believes different than they do. So be patient and love them, Love is the cure for all differences. It's hard to conform when you feel different than others. It's a matter of choosing. You start with deciding what you really want in life, and then choosing what's standards will help you reach those goals. Relating to the rebellious? Paying homage to those who either felt they didn't fit their families or that were captive to their carnal mind (the world)? I think Laman probably felt that way in his family. So what's the solution, get your family to lower their standards to yours? I have a brother that mentioned that the church has caused a schism in the family. Or those who feel like their the black sheep because of not measuring up to the expectations or standards of the families heritage or legacy. It really sounds like searching for excuses to blame your families faith. Then feeding your doubts by nibbling at satans cesspool of faith destroying poison(anti mormon propaganda). It's a clear case of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. For example or in other words, straining at how many versions of the first vision there are, instead I knowing that Joseph Smith was visited by God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Also no evidence? Is that what you need to sustain your faith? Last time I looked, faith isn't dependant on tangible evidence. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for? Satans cesspool is very accommodating to all feeders. He a seller of all that's faith eroding, pornography, anti mormon lies and deceit, all addicting drugs etc. And all that feeding comes with his guarentee, he says I guarantee if you feed long enough you will lose the spirit and lose your faith. 28 O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish. 29 But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God. 5 ¶ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7 ¶ Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Humility isn't selective obedience. Humility is knowing God knows best and being fiercely loyal and obedient. God is the giver of all knowledge. Scriptures say Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. And why not lean on our own understanding?Because our understanding is flawed when compared to Gods. He has the truth and facts about all things, we don't. 1nephi9:6 6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen. So trying to understand and get answers when the supplier of the info is man, with their many agendas, just leaves you with questions of how accurate the info is. Your left eternally wanting. Don't miss the forest for the trees! Or strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. Once a person has had the witness of the spirit that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, then why? Why do you need all the answers, if the answers you recieve will potentially separate you from what the spirit has told you to be true? We all have a desire to worship the true and living God. So why not allow that to happen? Without being critical because they believe in different doctrines then you. Teach what you believe instead of mocking others because they believe different then you. Satan is the stirrer of contention. He would have you believe it's a holy cause to stir up contention against anothers belief. When Faith contend satan is getting his way. Satan wants us to fight, his goal isq to turn people from faith in God all together. So if he can convince Faiths to fight and quarrel over doctrine, he knows this will cause people to lose faith in faith. So instead of putting so much time and energy into attacking somebodies faith because of your differences, my council would be to live your faith, so that people may see your good works and be lead to glorify God. Gamaliel gives great advice in Acts5:38-39. He basically says live your faith and not to worry about what another teaches or believes, because it WILL FALL if it's false!
@Plus12Critical 12 лет назад
Yes, I feel the same way. Also, I would watch and want the main topic at the beginning of the video. I would click through the episode to find the "interesting part". But now I have found that most of the show is the interesting part not just the controversial topic.
@duke4eva84 12 лет назад
You squeeze a lemon what do you get lemon juice. You squeeze an orange what do you get OJ, squeeze a Christian you get the fruits of the spirit.
@george86103 12 лет назад
Jesus said , I am the way, truth and life and no one come to God but through Me. It means that Jesus is the only bridge between heaven and hell . Others are condemned to hell where fire is raging all the time with no respite. Think this before you depart from this earth .
@TCall126 12 лет назад
I used to not like the show because I thought they joked around too much, but now I think that the joking is one of my favorite aspects!
@Wretched2JZ 5 лет назад
The coin seems like a profit effort. No one needs more physical stuff to clutch onto as you said in the beginning of this video.. the commandments should be written in our hearts and mind alone🙏
@kkdoc7864 5 лет назад
The BOM does not really tell you anything about Jesus being Lucifer’s brother or about man becoming God, or blacks being cursed or spiritual children or God being flesh and bone. Those things are from Doctrine and covenants, the Book of Abraham Pearl of great Price and others. The BOM IS merely a fictional history book. Missionaries give that book to unsuspecting people as a gateway “drug”.
@SimonDaumMusic 11 месяцев назад
LDS theology is that: 1. "God is the Father of all Spirits" (Hebrew 12:9) 2, That there "is a Spirit in every man" (Job 32:8) 3. That all "Angels are Spirit", which includes Lucifer (Hebrews 1:13-14) 4. And that also Jesus had a Spirit "Luke 23:25).. So when LDS use the term of us being „brothers and sisters“, it is meant in that spiritual sense, meaning that we are all spiritually created at some level, but at the same time that the being of all spirits is eternal, meaning that it can neither be created or destroyed. So no, Mormons do not believe that Satan and Jesus are best buddies.
@ReasonableBB 6 лет назад
Define Salvation. This where we differ a little in our understanding. What do we say when someone asks us, “Have you been saved?” This question, so common in the conversation of some Christians, can be puzzling to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because it is not our usual way of speaking. We tend to speak of “saved” or “salvation” as a future event rather than something that has already been realized. Good Christian people sometimes attach different meanings to some key gospel terms like saved or salvation. If we answer according to what our questioner probably means in asking if we have been “saved,” our answer must be “yes.” If we answer according to the various meanings we attach to the terms saved or salvation, our answer will be either “yes” or “yes, but with conditions.” As Latter-day Saints use the words saved and salvation, there are at least six different meanings. According to some of these, our salvation is assured-we are already saved. In others, salvation must be spoken of as a future event (e.g., 1 Cor. 5:5) or as conditioned upon a future event (e.g., Mark 13:13). But in all of these meanings, or kinds of salvation, salvation is in and through Jesus Christ. Your right. The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints doesn't have the market cornered on truth. There is truth in EVERY religion. 21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that "Doeth" the will of my Father which is in heaven. That why the Savior made it clear in Matt 7 that it isn't the amount of truth you have or know, that gets you into heaven. Neither is it the goodness of the people, because there are wonderfully good people in every religion. So the Savior was teaching us a lesson on how to choose His gospel here on the earth. Two key words are found in verses 28&29. The one is "DOCTRINE". The other is "AUTHORITY". The TRUEST church should claim to have "Authority" given them from God. The TRUEST church should have the same "Doctrine" and order as the church our Savior Jesus Christ established when on the earth. Eph2:20 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Another principle taught here that is often times overlooked is the part of the verse where the Savior said "but he that DOETH the will of the Father" What exactly does that mean? Respectfully, this is where many in the world get it Wrong. Many think that ALL you have to do is repent and trust in the Savior Jesus Christ and your saved! My question If works aren't necessary then why Commandments? Final judgement? Why did Jesus say Come Follow Me? Many who believe this way point out scriptures that support that way of thinking while ignoring the 100's that say that works are essential. Many get this confused because of the interpretation of scripture. There are two types of salvation; physical and spiritual. Where much of the world gets it wrong is they interpret salvation with only one aspect to it, that is to return to live with God. The Salvation talked about that doesn't require work is the physical salvation. Members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints believe that this salvation is a free gift to ALL because of the work and grace of our Savior Jesus Christ. The other half of Salvation which is to return and live in heaven, and specifically where God lives. This is where members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints believe that Grace & works, or how you live here determines where you live there. We also believe that most people will make it to heaven. Some may interpret this as the wide road described in Matt 7. But let me clarify, (where God lives), we call the blessing to return to where He lives and have a fullness of His blessings EXALTATION(which is another aspect of salvation). And we believe that the scripture in Matt7:14 is referring to this blessing of EXALTATION. We also believe that ALL will recieve according to how they believe. So how you live and believe will determine where you live in heaven. In John14:2 we read 2 In my Father’s house are Many Mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you We believe as this scripture states, that heaven has multiple places. Rev20:12 reads 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And just as the Savior says in the scripture above about many mansions, so are the works and faithfulness of men varied or different. D&C76:111 reads 111 For they shall be judged according to their works, and every man shall receive according to his own works, his own dominion, in the mansions which are prepared; We also believe that some from ALL Faiths will recieve EXALTATION because they've lived Christ centered lives and when offered the opportunity to accept all of God's laws, commandments and doctrines, it will be an easy choice because they've been living those principles all along. People of ALL Faiths fall away sometimes and for numerous reasons #1They stopped living the teachings of their faith #2They've allowed satan to deceive them #3They've feel they've found more truth Members of the True church believe that the sad reality of members falling away is fulfilling the parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matt13:30 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn thei fulfillment of the separation of the wheat and the tares. That also doesn't mean we give up on those who fall away, we go after all the lost sheep by leaving the ninety and nine and go after the one lost.
@peterplaysbass 12 лет назад
my goodness, no. if you're broken when you sin you have a new relationship with sin, which is evidence of a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you thirst for righteousness and are upset with iniquity (lawlessness), that's a sign that you are a new creation in Christ. The bible says Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. This implies that He is perfecting it still; that it is not perfect YET. Keep going! Rest in His strength! You can kick ciagrettes, but you're saved regardless.
@RebornXSoldier 12 лет назад
Your last question: how does sacrificing yourself to yourself have any meaning? To clarify I will word this more accurately. How does God sacrificing himself to himself have any meaning? It is because of the grace and promises of God that we are offered a chance to return to Him. Cain and Abel were going to do what God said would reconcile them to Him. Sacrifices of clean animals continued. Later, Jesus was the last sacrifice and the only one who could take on the sin of the world and resurrect.
@pkr52180 12 лет назад
To put Lucifer on the same level as Jesus Christ is demonic. You don't suppose Moroni the angel Joseph Smith encountered was fallen. Paul said, if any other gospel is preached, other than the one we preach, let them be accursed.
@ReasonableBB 6 лет назад
Cain and Abel?
@gsmith4212 5 лет назад
Can you explain the many roads that lead to God? For what I have seen in scripture, Jesus Christ is the only way! Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 1 Timothy 2:5 KJV
@barbaramatthews7955 5 лет назад
Jesus is the Only Way, every other way is False and it will put you on the broad road to hell. If anyone tries to teach you anything, including your Pastor/Preacher do not accept it as truth until you check to see if it's in the Bible, ask the Lord, to show you where it's at in Scripture Before you read your Bible everyday Pray and ask The Holy Spirit to help you understand what you're reading. Now it won't come to you all at once, but in God's time He will give you understanding. God Bless
@notaprogrammer7970 4 года назад
I think what he meant was we will all be judged by God, and when Jesus comes back every knee will bow, so all roads lead to God, being death, but some will be in Heaven and others in Hell.
@BlackAfricanBrother 12 лет назад
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17: 22 AMP)
@johngammon6875 3 года назад
@rbwinn3 Год назад
I am a ,member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I do not consider Satan to be my brother because Satan does not have a soul. Doctrine and Covenants 88:15 And the spirit and body are the soul of man. 16 And the resurrection from the dead is the redemption of the soul. Satan does not have a physical body, and he will not be resurrected. So does Jesus agree with me or does he agree with your interpretation of the doctrines of his church? Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Jesus has a body of flesh and bones, and he was resurrected. If you want to follow Satan, you are free to do that, but I am going to follow Jesus Christ. You pray to a god without body, parts, and passions. Satan does not have a body or parts. He does have a passion called hatred. We pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's, the Son also, but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.
@NewlyNappy 12 лет назад
EZ: "Where am I ?" HILARIOUS!!!!
@MsFreedom2fly 12 лет назад
Mark, GREAT scenario!! Love it!!
@MsFreedom2fly 12 лет назад
EZ, actually Joseph Smith ran for president after he was already Prophet of the Mormon Church.
@RebornXSoldier 12 лет назад
Beget 1 to procreate as the father : sire 2 to produce especially as an effect or outgrowth merriam-webster I am saying that Jesus being begotten by God makes him God, and Satan being created by God (Jesus) makes him not God and therefore clearly not Jesus's Brother. In order to put Jesus and Satan as brothers, one must either bring down Jesus or lift up Satan, but the Bible explains the difference. I am not talking about physical bodies. Sharing a common attribute doesn't make them equals
@RebornXSoldier 12 лет назад
Non-atheist is the new theist. I won't speak of what other people argue for Jesus not being Satan's brother, but I would say two things. First, I haven't heard a valid argument supporting a claim that they are. Second, Jesus was begotten, not created as the world, heavens, and beings. Satan was good when created, but he rebelled and took 1/3 of the angels with him, they were also created good. Humans were created good, not sick, then we choose to rebel. He lovingly offers us the redemption.
@guitariscool17 10 лет назад
I hope ShayCarl see's this..
@ImagesByDavid 12 лет назад
Satan wanted to become God and so Mormonism is a result of that.
@JesseSelbert 12 лет назад
I do think it is a joke, I truly do not see the point in using the term non-atheist. For a subject that is already confusing enough, I do not see the point. However, that is just my opinion, new terms and words are created all the time.
@JesseSelbert 12 лет назад
Humans are not created sick? Does that mean you and I were created, perfect (or "good') human beings, equal to angels? You must have then made a conscience decision to rebel, if not, do you still need redemption? If you do not have a choice, then we must not have free will, and therefore our future is not in our hands. If however we are put on earth as imperfect then my reasoning stands. Created imperfect (or bad) and then demanded to be good, (or well) for fear of eternal torture.
@FilmHawks 12 лет назад
It's the symbol for the Freemasons. The square and compass.
@MrSiklon762 12 лет назад
That Mormon video wasn't to bad, had some good effects.
@Jere616 12 лет назад
Mark, suggest you move the mike a little to the right, your breathing is too audible.
@JesseSelbert 12 лет назад
Would then the new term for atheist be Non-non-atheist? Why the new term, seems useless and possibly confusing.
@music4god777 12 лет назад
As to satan being the brother of JESUS, John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. That is simple, just like the satan being the prince or the son of the morning, refers to sungod and sunday worship
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
It also referes to venus, the morning star, the star that competes with the sun. Brilliantly put in Ezekiel.
@music4god777 12 лет назад
1) As to the we are gods quotes, Exodus 20:3-5 3Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
@kkdoc7864 5 лет назад
I cannot find your blog
@barbaramatthews7955 5 лет назад
@kkdoc7864 5 лет назад
Barbara Matthews That was too easy lol. Thank you!
@vanessabraga6970 5 лет назад
Get to the point
@FilmHawks 12 лет назад
I bet you guys already know that Mormonism evolved out of Freemasonry, but direct your attention to the symbol on the space craft of the LDS video. Look familiar? ,':)
@BlackAfricanBrother 12 лет назад
Listen to and check out Dr. Walter Martin and John Ankerberg on RU-vid, they are loaded with vast wealth of knowledge and resources on the cults and the men made religions of the world. You will be lead aright, you will be enligthened and educated, and you'll become more biblicaly literate, as they make plain the truth of the Scriptures with regard to this topic.
@barbaralockhart8669 7 лет назад
I would love to have one of those coins,on a chain.
@TCall126 12 лет назад
Ya I know what you mean, that's what I do when I don't have time
@TheMaverickChristian 11 лет назад
I tried still waiting, although I can say when i was in jail, knowing that I cant smoke there i had no cravings
@duke4eva84 12 лет назад
Right on.
@fairwhether1 12 лет назад
This episode doesn't seem so bad. I find the joking around to be extremely grating (sorry, that's my opinion!) I don't watch every episode (mostly because of that) but if an episode title catches my attention I'll skip to the part I want to see. I've recently had some mormons come into my life so I wanted to hear what they had to say on this subject!
@WilliamTarbush 12 лет назад
I don't see why we shouldn't pray about the Book of Mormon. If there is a false conversion, we need to pray about the Bible as well. There are apologetics that prove the Bible (and Book of Mormon) and proofs that have not been seen yet. One problem with the Bible is Herod's mass execution of the Jewish children. This gives some problem to the Bible as there is little proof of this and there would be many more writings of it if it happened as parents would have hated this.
@Bloodstryke 12 лет назад
what is the symbol? I saw it but don't recognize it.
@RebornXSoldier 12 лет назад
Well I didn't say you. You are human and part of the creation and so it is reflected in your offspring as being human. Whereas God's "offspring" which isn't created from nothing and is God, just how your child wouldn't be created from nothing and is Human. Certainly us being created means the offspring is "a human", but God above creation doesn't beget "a god". That's the difference between God begetting and Humans "begetting". John: our unity is like God's, but different because we're created.
@TCall126 12 лет назад
@xtah6518 3 года назад
@JesseSelbert 12 лет назад
Non-atheist... Is this the new term for theist? Second, it seemed like the only argument against Jesus and Satan being called brothers is that they have different goals and personalities. They both have the same creator (or father), correct? If not and Jesus is God, that means Jesus is responsible for creating us sick and then demanding us to be well, very un-loving. Last, how does sacrificing yourself to yourself have any meaning?
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
In Eden God had created an area where none of the sickness was around but we chose to go out. God doesnt command us to not get cancer, its a byproduct of this fallin world. He sacrificed himself for us. Not for himself, he needed an ultimate perfect sacrifice, whats better than the perfect person who was all man and all God who was willing to do what needed to be done even though He was innocent.
@JesseSelbert 4 года назад
@@dr.zoidberg5096 I don't remember making the choice to leave do you?
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
@@JesseSelbert the point of that text is that if humans were face-to-face with God in the garden and they still chose to deny him then being away from him and not seeing would only lead to the same conclusion. God knows man better than anyone and Adam is no different than you or i.
@JesseSelbert 12 лет назад
Second, "begotten - (of offspring) generated by procreation; naturally begotten child, biological - of parents and children; related by blood; "biological child" This seems to imply that Jesus is Gods son (or creation) Are you possibly saying that since Satan has not had a physical body that he is not Jesus brother? They both have free will correct? Therefore if Jesus wanted to, he could choose to do evil, just like Satan did. Or since Jesus is God, anything he did would be good by default.
@JesseSelbert 12 лет назад
If I procreate, sire, or produce an outgrowth, how do you then jump to that new separate thing as being me? What exactly is the difference between creating a conscience being and begetting it? John 17:22 speaks of humans also being one with God just as Jesus, however you are not God (as far as I know) I admit this is a difficult christian concept for me to grasp.
@dr.zoidberg5096 4 года назад
Its like grafting a tree. Grafting tree is when you cut the tree, like one that doesnt bear fruit and then you "glue" the branch that does bear fruit on it. Youre still the tree but God has made you something new with the new branches. Same tree, new fruit. Hope this helped.
@WatchM3Struggle 12 лет назад
having a problem with lust and fornification.. God help me
@adelalax3553 5 лет назад
Andy hello, Andy how are you doing with this problem? Have you gotten married? Because that would be a healthy way to deal with it I pray on your behalf for Jesus Christ to have taken it away from you by now 🙏🏼 and give you anew life amen
@RebornXSoldier 12 лет назад
If you're trying to be equally humorous and not take the whole concept too seriously to make a joke, sure.
@targetisfun 12 лет назад
@Spookz47 I will pray for you...I think we all have that problem at least the lust part to some degree which is Still sin...God will help if you if you sincerely ask Him.
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