
Are Protestants Afraid that Catholics are Right? 

The Catholic Skeptic with Hugh J Quinn
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@petertherock7340 Год назад
In many ways the Protestant doctrine resembles the Gnostic view of spirituality. Matter is considered evil; only spirit is good. This view is consistent with iconoclasm. Since the sacrament of baptism is the source of biblical regeneration (John 3: 5), Evangelical Protestants have a great difficulty with sacramental theology in general. 😊
@vinb2707 Год назад
This video was perfect for me. I attend a Bible study every Saturday. This past weekend, after Bible study had finished, my good friend who left the Catholic Church about 20 years ago, engaged me on the topic of purgatory. He is now an elder in a Evangelical Free Church. He and the facilitator, who also does not believe in purgatory, referenced to how Matthew 18 was not a reference to purgatory. They stated that when Jesus said that the servant who was thrown into prison and would not get out until he paid his debt, would never get out. They asked me how can one pay off their debt while in prison? Their claim was that Jesus was using hyperbolic language to make a point. I asked, why are individuals placed in prison, aren’t they paying their debt to society for their crime?And once they have paid their debt, aren’t they released? They had to concede that I had a point. What I found interesting was that the debate ended there. My friend realized that, maybe, just maybe what he had learned was wrong?
@timboslice980 Год назад
Excellent work!
@brucewmclaughlin9072 Год назад
You are looking at the current sentiment of the prison system not the times of the romans prison system. Jesus made it clear that the individual was responsible for their actions and settle matters before getting sentenced and the result of not settling matters was a terminal situation. Purgatory denies the complete sacrifice on the cross for complete removal of all sins . Jesus is the one who atoned for all of our sins on the cross 1 Peter 2:24 including nailing to the cross all the punishment for our sins .Coll 2:9-15 Purgatory says you atone for the stain of unrepented sins? CCC 1030-32 points you to a verse out of context 1 Cor 3:15 which by itself would point to punishment and fire and barely escaping into heaven. When you look at 1 Cor 3:10-15 you see that this is the judgement seat of Christ judging us on what we did to build upon the foundation of Christ , not anything to do with sin at all. How could the writers of the CCC be so blatantly wrong? How can you the roman Catholic not be able to see that all of your sins are totally forgiven by Christ's complete sacrifice on the cross? Do you read the scriptures and ignore them to believe what you are taught by a church group that claims to the one and only?
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@@brucewmclaughlin9072 Oh lets see, what about Hebrews 5:9, or Luke 9:23? Or there is Matthew 10:22, or Hebrews 12:14? Or Hebrews 3: 6, 3:14. Or how about Colossians 1:21-23? These are just a few of many scriptures that state clearly that one is not "in for life", because they are "saved". One must obey, endure, live holy, stay faithful to the end. The easy believism nonsense Protestants peddle is ridiculous, unscriptural and sends many to hell. Romans 3:25 states that Christ justifies us for "sins that are past", not past, present and future. Jesus gave His Apostles and therefore their successors the power yo forgive sins. ( John 20:21-23) 1 John 5:16 warns believers there is sin unto death, what we Catholics call Mortal sin. It requires fresh repentance, and fresh forgiveness. Jesus said if we don't forgive others, Our Father will not forgive us! ( Mark 11:25,26) Are there unforgiven people walking around in heaven? Protestants believe in static grace, While the Church Christ founded, The Catholic Church ( Matthew 16:23-19) teaches that Grace is fluid and continuous, and necessary. We agree with Paul, "work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure ". Philippians 2:12-13.The instant Salvation is like a microwave product, tastes good, but lacks Spiritual nutrition. God's destiny for us is to be conformed to the image of His Son , not just get a get-out-of-hell free card, and then live like you want. One cannot separate being a disciple from being saved. We must deny ourselves and take up our cross daily, and FOLLOW Jesus.
@39knights Год назад
@@brucewmclaughlin9072 Actually the debtor's prison idea not only holds up the Catholic idea of Purgatory; but also the idea of prayers for those in Purgatory. When one was thrown in prison for a debt; it was expected that their family and friends would come together with their resources and pay your debt for you (similiar to a modern day 'go-fund-me'). What you argue for is a Roman system for actual crimes, and not the idea of a debtor's prison for paying off a debt which Jesus is specifically speaking about. Now a question for you: If Jesus has indeed paid in full for all our sins (and that is actually a very bad translation which does not mean that btw); then why is there not Universal Salvation for everyone???? So if a person is not saved in the end is it because the work of Jesus was not sufficient enough or is it because their salvation was dependent on something the person had to do but they didn't do it????
@vinb2707 Год назад
@@brucewmclaughlin9072 Maybe what you have learned has been passed on to you by men? Is that possible? Of course it is. The difference is that we as Catholics recognize that and accept the traditions of the Church as past down from generation to generation. We can trace our beliefs back to the Apostles, which means that we can trace them back to our Lord Himself. We understand that we can’t just read the Bible and interpret everything in the scriptures for ourselves. Now, you will take that statement of mine as the equivalent of me saying that we don’t revere the Scriptures as the word of God, but it is quite the opposite. We acknowledge the Scriptures as the word of God, because of the church that Christ himself founded. He first established the church and so it is the church through the guidance of The Holy Spirit that gave us the scriptures. That’s why your not reading the gospel of Thomas. It’s as the scripture says “the Church is the pillar and bulwark of truth.” There is no way around it. I don’t say this to be confrontational. I once believed as you do, and I must admit, now that I’ve come to recognize that the Scriptures are like a double edged, sword able to cut through bone and marrow. They were meant to be read in such a way as to have us, reflect on our lives, and how we are living. I believed that the acceptance of Jesus was a one time event. All of our sins were forgiven and there wasn’t much to worry about. If you have the correct theology, your saved and that’s it, but was I. Maybe at the moment that I first acknowledged Christ as my savior I was saved. I believed that for many years, but looking back, I realize that there were things that I had done that were unacceptable for a follower of Christ. In believing that salvation was a one time event, I believed that I was afforded the freedom to sin more comfortably. I knew that there were certain things that I was doing that weren’t good, but I just said to myself, “that I’m not perfect and there’s no way that I could be, so that’s why I need a savior.” And while that may be absolutely true and critical for every human being who has ever walked the face of the earth, I failed to recognize that the Christian life was one of striding more and more each day to be like our savior. And when we fail, we are called to repentance. Repentance is not just a one time deal. Remember, there is a big difference between someone who excepts Christ into their life at the age of 17 and lives to the age of 97 and the person who comes to accept Christ at the age of 97 and is on their deathbed. Isn’t there something more excepted from the individual who accepts Christ at the age of 17? Now there are many sins that will not eternally separate the believer from God, but they do separate us nonetheless. Those things must be purged from us if we are to be, in the presence of God. It’s because those sins have a greater effect on us and on others then we tend to realize.
@Serquss Год назад
I'm a Catholic revert after spending many years as a Protestant. I deeply loved my Presbyterian church and had no intention of returning to Catholicism, but over time I couldn't get past certain questions that only Catholicism was able to resolve. I was going through a major personal theological crisis; however, I think my reversion was possible because I was familiar with the Catholicism of my youth. Even though it was wishy washy, I knew many of the Protestant objections were not true. However, for people who grew up solidly Protestant, like my wife, I think making the transition is extremely difficult. Catholicism requires a reordering of how one understands reality and it's a significant lifestyle change. I applaud protestant pastors who convert to Catholicism. It take tremendous humility, courage and faith to follow the theological evidence, give up you 'dreams' and livelihood, and to follow Christ as He intended.
@ralf547 Год назад
Not a pastor, but raised Catholic and when I left Catholicism I caused my entire, and I mean entire Catholic family grief. They offered all kinds of "proof" for why I should return. They made many offers. I know they feared for my salvation. Yet, they had no confidence in their own salvation. When asked if they were going to heaven they answered "I hope so." 1 John 5:13
@hcho7776 Год назад
Protestants still believes servant is greater than a master.
@Serquss Год назад
@@ralf547 I'm curious, what proofs of Catholicism did they offer that you did not find convincing?
@For3nity Год назад
@@ralf547 Of course they feared for your salvation, because how could you be saved if you reject Jesus' body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist.
@ralf547 Год назад
@@Serquss That was 35-40 years ago. I don't recall the conversations that well.
@philfrank5601 Год назад
This is just the best thing to listen to, both as a Catholic, and Protestant. Let them listen, and let the Holy Spirit show them the truth of the church that Jesus himself founded. I pray for all Protestant faiths to return to the church that Jesus created and exists to this day. In the name of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@philfrank5601 Amen to that prayer 🙏. God Bless, thanks for the comment.
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
Jesus founded His One True Church and gave it authority Matt 16 18-19 He also desired unity Jn 17:21, not the scandal of Protestantism
@philipmarchalquizar7741 5 месяцев назад
Hands down one of the best Catholic apologist. God bless you Sir
@catholicskeptic 5 месяцев назад
@philipmarchakquizar7741 Thanks for your kind words, whatever good I might do, it is By His Holy grace.
@theien5929 Год назад
I really appreciate this channel.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@theien5929 Thanks, God Bless.
@Terry19330 Год назад
Thank you for posting!🌻
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@Terry19330 Your welcome, by His grace. Keep me in your prayers. God Bless.
@borneandayak6725 Год назад
There is only ONE, HOLY CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC Church ❤
@ralf547 Год назад
Catholic = Universal. I am not Roman Catholic, but I am a member of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
@borneandayak6725 Год назад
@@ralf547 Roman Catholic just one of six rites in the Catholic Church, which follow the Latin Rite, established by Pope St. Peter the Apostle, who are the first Bishop of Rome.
@borneandayak6725 Год назад
@@ralf547 if you are Protestant, you defenitley not part of the Catholic Church😂😂😂
@ralf547 Год назад
@@borneandayak6725 not the Catholic Church. THE Church of Christ, His mystical body.
@hcho7776 Год назад
351 God the Father: Call to Catholic Church to accept New Era of Peace on Earth Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 16:42 I Am God the Almighty Father, Creator of all things, God the Most High. My daughter, it is important that those who follow the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church accept the millennium, as promised to all of My children. The Words contained in My Holy Book, the Holy Bible, do not lie. My Promise is contained in the Acts of the Apostles. John the Evangelist was also told about the Glorious Return of My beloved Son, when He will reign in the new Era of Peace for 1,000 years. Why do those who profess to understand My Holy Word refuse to accept part of it, but not the other? To those sacred servants of mine, I say to you now to open the Book of Truth. You have a duty to proclaim the Truth. You must not listen to those, within your ranks, who twist the Truth in relation to the New Era of Peace on Earth. What motivates your brothers, within My Roman Catholic Church, who deny the Truth? You have confused My children. Because of their loyalty to the One True Church, The Roman Catholic Church, you are denying them the chance to prepare their souls for My Son’s Reign in the New Paradise on Earth. Your duty is to inform My children of the Truth. To My children, you must never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, which contains the True Word. You, My children, must accept the Promise made by My Son, after His Glorious Resurrection from the dead. He said that He would come again. This time, for the Second Coming of My Beloved Son on Earth, is drawing close. If you believe in the Promises made by My Son, then you will know that He means what He said. When He comes again, He comes to Rule and take up His Rightful Throne in the New Paradise I have created for you all on Earth. Never doubt the Words from the Divine Lips of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Know that I, your Beloved Father, want you all to join as one family with My Son in Paradise. Accept the Truth. Do not twist it or adjust it to suit your flawed interpretation of the Truth. I Am the Truth. You cannot change Me or Who I Am. The Truth will set you free. Your beloved Father God the Most High
@barborazajacova7633 Год назад
I've been thinking about this and it seems to me that the most scary thing about the Catholic Church is the claim that it is the one true church instituted and guided by Christ Himself, that the Holy Spirit is leading into the full truth. All other things stem from this. It is not as much about particular theological views and teachings, doctrines etc, but this fundamental truth. It is either true or not. And both answers have significant ramifications. (Cradle Catholic, taught this truth since I was little)
@sueseelie 3 месяца назад
Many prefer to live in ignorance
@Insomnolant1335 7 месяцев назад
Not even slightly.
@robertholmes12 Год назад
Right about what exactly? The Papacy? A doctrine that is found nowhere in Scripture for an office found nowhere in Scripture that was inherited from the Roman pagan priesthood. Some of the most ravenous and vicious conquerors in ancient Roman history were ‘Pontifex Maximus’, like Julius Caesar. When David asked God to build a temple for Him, God refused David, told him that he had too much blood on his hands and so gave the Solomon the commission. The subsequent history of the papacy confirms it’s blood-stained and slaving origins. If that wasn’t bad enough, more doctrine was formed on top of the error. Like… Papal infallibility. The purported first Pope, Peter the Apostle, was called “Satan” by Jesus. Peter didn’t believe that Jesus should die on The Cross and atone for the sins for the world. But then when Jesus was about to be tried before the Sanhedrin and Pilate, Peter denied knowing Jesus in His most crucial moment. This is the same Peter who asked to go to Jesus on the water, in a storm and was so faithless in God that he began to sink. And this is your rock? This who you derive your Papacy and infallibility from? The stone that Jesus was referring was the profession of faith that would prevail against the gates of hell. Are Protestants afraid that Catholics are right? Catholics do not understand the Scriptures nor the doctrines therein, so no. I do not fear blind men nor the ditches the lead themselves into.
@robertholmes12 Год назад
Address the arguments about Peter's character, particularly about your 'stone' that fell to the bottom of the Sea of Galilee!! He sank because he didn't believe in Jesus even though he saw all the miracles, he heard the sermons, he ate the last supper and travelled with The Lord. There are some who will be condemned for not believing, some will damned even more harshly for seeing and not believing. Had Peter not believed through the miracle of faith delivered by the Father, he would have died in hell with the worst of sinners.
@ronaldmccutcheon1329 Год назад
This one isn't.
@alvinnlus Год назад
Before 1054 AD there was no such thing as the schematic Roman Catholic Church. Is that truth acceptable to you? Also the council of Rome was not ecumenical. Agreed? Lol
@fantasia55 7 месяцев назад
@alvinnlus 7 месяцев назад
​@@fantasia55the truth is that it was the Latin or Roman church that initiated the split, by insisting that the filioque was correct, against the Nicene Creed. And using that to push the papacy. And using fake documents like the donation of Constantine to support their arguments. And the fact that the Protestants teach ideas that no one dreamed up for 1517 years does not make the Latin church right.
@ralf547 Год назад
Regarding faith alone vs faith + works. Does it matter? Unless the Church can stipulate for us which works and how many and if sincerity in performance is necessary when performing these necessary good works, what does it matter? What are these works? Is it going to mass, confession, pilgrimages, charity? Is performance of the necessary good works to be done with sincere concern for the recipient and with true devotion to the Lord? OR [case 1] are benefits received by just performing the good works. Can you work at a homeless shelter but harbor contempt for the homeless? Can you attend Mass but daydream and simply recite responses from rote memory and still have it credited to you as a good work? Are your sins absolved in the confessional if you don't feel guilty, and you are there simply because the Church requires it ever so often? Lets say [case 2] any good work is only beneficial if performed with love in your heart for the recipients. Lets say attending Mass is only beneficial if you recognize what's going on, believe you receive the true Body and Blood, and you are there because of God's love for you that motivates your desire to be present. Let's say you go to confession because you are contrite and don't want to be at odds with God, but seek His forgiveness. How is case 2 any different than my life of faith and my Church's doctrines? If I could know (like only God does) the true disposition of the person's heart in case 1, I'd know that all the "holy" appearances in the world can't make up for that person's lack of saving faith. That person receives condemnation and not blessings when receiving the Lord's Supper. There is no forgiveness in the absolution proclaimed in a confession that is without contrition. Her/his good works are filthy rags in God's eyes because Scripture tells us that faith is needed in order to please God. The case 1 person's good works are only done for her/his own benefits, not in love for God shown by loving her/his neighbor. There is no substantive difference between case 2 and in the Catholic Church and case 2 in another Christian Church, because the presence of saving faith is the real issue. And Faith is a gift, lest anyone try and boast of earning or deserving it. The works are only there because along with receiving saving faith we have our hearts of stone replaced with hearts of flesh and with saving faith we have love motivated desire to do the good works God has prepared in advance for us to walk in. Ephesians 2:1-10. The works mentioned in James are contradicting what is said in Ephesians 2, unless, the works are the natural, inevitable outgrowth of faith. Realizing this removes any possibility of contradiction between these verses in the Bible. It's a dead faith that produces no good works. But no where does it say you obtain saving faith only after you have done sufficient good works. If that were true, please someone tell me what to do, and how much to do. We love because He first loved us. We do good because we love Him, because we are already saved. Where am I in error here? I'm listening. The God who in the Old Testament did not delight in sacrifices for sacrifices' sake but rather wanted a changed heart, isn't going to be pleased with the case 1 "Christian". The Catholic Church can mandate all the rules it likes and require all the good works it likes. But saving faith alone, as the motivator, the cause of the good works must first be present. The works can't contribute to the earning of a salvation that already exists.
@rhwinner Год назад
We love you no matter what you choose to believe. ❤😊❤
@ralf547 Год назад
@@rhwinner and I you.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@ralf547 You know I have no doubt you are a man of serious conviction, Ralf. I respect you because you hold that conviction very sincerely. I happen to disagree strongly with it. But your argument is based on sola scriptura, which i think is totally false. Once i saw that it was the Church that established the New Testament, and not until over 3 centuries after the time of Christ and the Apostles; and that 90 % illiteracy prevailed for centuries after that. Thus It is , in my opinion, irrational nonsense to believe God established a Book centered manner of saving souls. He established a Church. The very doctrine you discuss in this very comment, is rooted in 16th century arguments, unknown prior to the Reformation . Christ saves us, by His Grace, transmitted primarily through His Church and Sacraments. Now there are many ignorant Catholics who don't know their own faith, there testimonies do not determine any aspect of my beliefs. I had tons of Catholic relatives, only my father's sister and her husband and kids. were strong, solid, on fire Catholics, but i didn't find out until I was an adult, as they live across the country. But God drew me by His grace: I saw it in scripture, history, Saints, and clearer, concise arguments than I have ever heard from any Protestant. So thanks for your arguments. But I still feel ( this just my personal perception) that you just prefer to trust in yourself, and your spin on the Word of God. That was where I was at, but God brought me out of that , home to His Holy Church. God bless you as you serve Him.
@ralf547 Год назад
​@@catholicskeptic I recognize that you have many demands on your limited time, especially with all the comments your videos generate. I can understand why some of my questions or assertions never get addressed. Like the post you just responded to. Also, Purgatory is a prime example. What happens in Purgatory? What happened in the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ? Was Christ sufficient for the forgiveness of our sins? The doctrine of Purgatory says NO. It's left to us to confess to a priest EVERY SIN WE EVER COMMIT, and then do penance for them because Jesus fell short. Also, since we will never be able to recall every sin, we can't do penance for all of them. Therefore, since Jesus' self sacrifice is insufficient for the forgiveness of sins, we must be punished in Purgatory. You take the word/personal interpretation of a Church with a history of abuses which are ongoing (i.e. sex scandals for decades) over the Scriptural evidence that God alone is savior and that by means of Christ alone. No need for anyone's personal interpretation when Scripture SO VERY CLEARLY and undeniably explains that for us. Except the Catholic Church denies it. Can't get $$$ from indulgences if Christ is truly our savior. Indulgences that continue, as I saw first hand in Rome this past May. There have only been two kinds of religion in the world. The many which are united by the fact that the faithful must earn their salvation in part of whole; OR the one true religion/Church of Christ where Christ is solely the savior. You keep saying I am following my own interpretations. Considering all the reading I've done and do, all the preaching/teaching I've received, and Bible studies I've attended, I can assure you that it's not my personal interpretation. It is the Holy Spirit using God's truth to save and preserve me. I hear the remnants of a better Scriptural understanding in you. I'd agree that God drew you graciously out of the protestant world you were in, if I have a half way decent idea about the church you pastored. You say a lot of Catholics don't really know their faith. From conversing with you, I don't think you have the full formed understanding of Catholicism. How could anyone, unless they have read the Church's Catechism and all of the "infallible" councils multiple times. Have you read through them even once? Who has? As I watch Catholic RU-vidrs it's clear that it takes Catholic Canon Lawyers to decipher it all, and they don't agree because it's their varied personal opinions of Canon law they dispute over. The Church does consider the Mass a sacrificing of Jesus all over again. The Catholic Catechism and Council of Trent have convinced me of that. The references are in another of my comments and that of another commentator. You seem to deny that, using your own interpretation of the Church's documents. You seem much more willing to grant salvation to those outside of the Church, because of your personal interpretation of the Church's documents. I've read the Catechism on invincible ignorance. You are in disagreement with it. Just two examples. You demonstrate an allegiance, somewhat like that of the "rad Trads", to parts of Catholicism that you in your personal preferences find acceptable, to the exclusion of other parts. The doctrine of the Papacy for instance. As this Pope says and does thing, very many Catholics either accuse him of not being the pope, heresy, and not being Catholic. They appeal to various Church Fathers and Church resources. Apparently, throughout Catholic history, there have been those with personal interpretations of Church doctrine. They fail to agree on it. Canon lawyers and Doctors of the Church can't agree. I searched Catholic resources for defenses of the Papacy. Of the several I found, they used Scripture (alone) in making their arguments. I did found in the Catechism the following quote: " 882 The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's successor, "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful."402 "For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered."403 883 "The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peter's successor, as its head." As such, this college has "supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but this power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff."404" So, can the Catechism be trusted in this? If so those Catholics opposing the current Pope are in violation of the Church. Protestants I would say. But if the Pope does hold the authority given him in this quote, He must be obeyed by Catholics no matter what he proclaims. Seems the God ordained apostolic succession concept gives the Pope and Church to power to establish new dogma whether it violates the Bible or not, and that even includes the bishops. But if the Pope and magisterium is forbidden from violating Scripture, what does that say about Scripture? As sides are being taken on the eve of the Synod on Synodality, you will have to decide. You will find that the issues that divide the Church will be based on whether established Church dogma/doctrine are being violated or not. The doctrines related to LGBTQ+, ordaining women, communing those not properly formed, abortion, or turning the Church into a democracy of the people, they are all doctrines based on Scripture. Jesus established Baptism and the Lord's Supper for us. How do we know of them and why do Christians then practice them? The Apostles initially taught each new congregation and Christian and established the proper practices. This was eventually written down. Catholicism says not all of it. So what was being passed along only verbally? If the Church knows, it's because it WAS WRITTEN DOWN AT SOME POINT, or it's still only being taught only verbally. Have you been to one of those sessions where the verbal only teachings is ongoing? I sure haven't seen where any of it is written down for me. When will you be ready to relinquish your false belief that you contribute to your own salvation. If the 10 Commandments must be obeyed, and God says perfectly, when will you accomplish that? Page 502 of part 3, paragraph 2068 of the Catechism says you can't be saved unless you have faith, baptism, AND observe the 10 Commandments. Based on Jesus' explanation of what observance of the commandments involves, you will never have salvation. Back to Purgatory, you still won't ever perfectly observe the commandments even after your death because it's a place of punishment and not an opportunity to perform and achieve perfect obedience. After all, it is for man once to die and then the judgement. Not once to die and then resume your striving to obey. That's a Jehovah's Witness type approach. You end by saying to me, "God bless you as you serve Him." Can I serve him unless I am one of His already? Is that an admitting that I am saved outside of the Catholic Church? If so, it's an admittance that the Catholic Church isn't truly necessary. It's an admittance that my holding to the 5 solas is salvific or at least doesn't disqualify me from salvation. You frighten me. I fear you are depending upon a clearly fallible human organization instead of God. Yes, the organization is used by God. Scripture tells us that God can work all things (imperfect as they may be) for good to those who are called according to His purpose. The Catholic Church is flawed and not His one true Church. Every church is as well. His one true Church, His body of believers are those called according to His purpose. I'd love to see you address these points as well as others I've posed in other posts. But I do understand you don't have limited time. But I do pray you are actually reading them in total. I pray for you daily, haven't stopped and won't anytime soon.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@@ralf547 Forgive me, but your ignorance of actual Catholic teachings is incredibly vast. Like many cradle Catholics/ex Catholics you have grand canyon size gaps. I did a video on Purgatory, suggest you watch it. But I will say this, Purgatory is not about punishment , but about preparation of a saved soul, yes people in Purgatory are saved Christians, it's not an "in between place"! It's a preparation to live in heaven. The Gospel of Christ is more than the forensic part, as in pardon of one's sins , it is also being conformed to the image of His Son. Being made Christ like. Him the potter , us the clay. The abuse reference i have addressed before, but i will try one last time. The abuse of children by priests is statically equal among Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergy! It is also present in sports coaches, scout leaders, and double the amount statistically among school teachers! The singling out of the sins of Catholic priests and the despicable bishops who covered for them has no bearing whatsoever on the truth or falsehood of Catholic claims. It is a pathetic and frankly stupid argument. And beneath you, intellectually. The American media focuses on priests because they are an anomaly in our over sexualized culture. A man under a vow of chastity is incomprehensible to the world today. Must be something seriously wrong with a man who would choose a life without sexual activity. But the Stats prove it's just as frequent a crime amongst clergy of all churches. As far as historical issues, again Protestants have similar issues. The bad examples of members of an organization is not the criterion for the validity of the organization. Again I have videos on Protestant history with more to come. As far as rad trad, I don't indulge in labels, but I am a Traditional Believing Catholic, period. Those labels mean nothing. Many so-called rad trads are not holding to the views of say Marshal or Altman. I say you trust in yourself because you a) hold to sola scriptura, b) you rely on private interpretation. The Catholic Church teaches that the Word of God comes to us in both Sacred Tradition and written form, the Bible, both are equally the Word of God. Thus arguing issues with you in the context of Bible only is a premise i utterly reject. As I write this I noticed the most . sorry but ignorant statement, you make/ "The Catholic Church is flawed, and not His one true Church" . Seriously 😳???? Of course its flawed, it's made up of humans, redeemed rebels, desperately relying on God's grace. If study the lives of the Saints you see remarkable examples of holiness and purity, and they are found in every age of the Church, and during it's many crises. Every church that is not the Catholic church has 5 missing sacraments, many missing doctrines, the Holy Mass, the source and summit of The Faith and True, full Worship. Again, to select the infallible books of the Bible, 3 centuries after the time of Christ, one would need an infallible editor. I have confidence in the written Word of God because Christ, through the vessel of His Church, gave it to me. You have faith in the Word because, because... You apparently trusted the Church then, but after that no longer. But again, sorry for quoting myself, but Jesus never said, on this paper I will write My book, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, He said, on this Rock I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. He gave the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven to Peter, not to pages of a future coming book, that thousands of Christians squabble about. Yes my friend, you trust in yourself and your take on the Bible, like i did. I came out of that frankly foolish notion, I pray someday you do as well.
@christianvance1614 Год назад
Catholic faith contradicts the bible in so many ways its not even funny. Apostasy is what catholic faith is. Yall want forgiveness you better quit using worthless repetition and ask Jesus for forgiveness. You bow before graven images and pray to someone who didnt die on the cross for you. Turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him for forgiveness before its too late.
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
It’s ironic and hypocritical to hear Protestants criticise Catholics iro the bible when it was the CC that codified the bible in 382. Many Protestants don’t know that pope Luther removed 7 books without authority Deut 4:2
@christianvance1614 7 месяцев назад
@@geoffjs no one is condemning roman catholics. Simply telling the truth. Do you even know why the books were taken out? They go against everything scripture teaches. Those extra books add nothing but false doctrine. If you want I can name every inconsistency if you really wanna take the time to understand and realize it. If not I suggest you start doing some research.
@christianvance1614 7 месяцев назад
@@geoffjs matthew 6:7 when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do: for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking.
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
@@christianvance1614I have zero confidence in Luther or his lack of authority Deut 4:2 to remove books from the bible to suit his agenda. Can you imagine the uproar if the CC changed one word such as Luther adding the word ALONE to Rom 3:28 to contradict James 2:24 Am happy to hear your reasons for the removals of the 7 books, but implicitly reject them as they were part of the bible since 382AD and Luther was a heretic
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
@@christianvance1614if you’re referring to the rosary, then you are misinformed about Catholic bible and are offering a typical uniformed Protestant prejudice
@tim_w Год назад
Imagine being raised Protestant, Protestant college, Protestant seminary, all your friends and family are Protestant … your job is Protestant pastor … your whole worldview is framed by Protestantism. There are inherent barriers to encountering Catholicism as true outside of mere intellectual grounds. You have to change much of who and what you are … not easy. Prayers to those encountering this barrier. 🙏🏻
@paulsmallwood1484 Год назад
The same applies when going from Roman Catholic to Protestant. Any change is uncomfortable. It becomes more complicated because Roman Catholics and classic Protestantism agree on 80% of theology.
@megl6148 Год назад
Scott Hahn, this happened to him!
@quite3560 Год назад
Is Catholicism not the same?
@hcho7776 Год назад
How many Protestants and X Catholics still believes servant is greater than a master. Many don’t seems to know they are risking their salvation
@quite3560 Год назад
@@hcho7776 arianism?
@jonw881 Год назад
Brilliantly put. The harsh realizations I came to when, as an evangelical, I realized that the Catholic Faith was true: I've never truly worshipped God. I grew up in a sect, an actual community of heretics (even if not culpably so) My Bible is incomplete. My pastors aren't ordained, they're laypeople like me. My community isn't a church. I knew I had to become Catholic, which is the best thing that has ever happened to me. But it took months for that reality to sink in fully.
@TrueChristianityWithSandra Год назад
How would you, if you weren’t a convert, discuss the stumbling blocks our human frailty devises to keep us from the Fullness of Christ’s Truth (aka Catholic Church). I’ve even offered this, “Let’s both pray that our Lord will lead us to the fullness of His Truth, and promise we’ll follow Him wherever He leads us - no matter what!” The response I got was, “No”. I was dumbfounded. That’s why the title of this video caught my eye: I have come to truly believe many Protestants are AFRAID that they are wrong!
@N1IA-4 6 месяцев назад
@@TrueChristianityWithSandraI think they are as well. How else does one explain all of the anti-Catholic skepticism going on in RU-vid circles and elsewhere? The Catholic Church has always been under attack - either by the state or by heretics. Yet we still stand. That speaks volumes!
@atrifle8364 Год назад
I have never had the experience of having to give up almost everything personally to stay with the complete truth. Y’all have my sympathies there. However, I don’t know how someone stays Protestant forever if they are genuinely trying to get at truth from Scripture. In personal experience now, I will offer Bible discussions or “throw-downs” as I call it to almost anyone online. The Presbyterians mysteriously find other things to do, despite making claims about knowing Scripture. I call it the great disappearing Presbyterian phenomena. Each Protestant sect seems to hold off the truth in it’s different ways. Presbyterian by denial, so an conversation with a Catholic that can operate a Bible is avoided. The Anglicans pretend they already are Catholic, the Lutherans much the same. The evangelicals are a mixed bag, with the Dispensationalists obviously spending a lot of time trying to figure out which convenient section of the Bible is for them.
@silveriorebelo2920 Год назад
Protestants have never cared about biblical teaching - that is made clear by the fact their typical doctrines always contradict plain biblical assertions -- their claim of solely following the Bible has always been used as a propagandist trick
@Simplydarrell Год назад
Funny thing is James 2 makes no sense for a lot of these people, John 6 would be avoided, Luke 1 would be ignoring that they had an hour of prayer during incense also that John the Baptist was not meant to have strong drink or wine as ordered by the angel (this could be helpful to alcoholics same goes for the be of sober mind verses) work out your own salvation with fear and trembling pretty intense if you ignored that with God all things are possible, Romans 1:29-32 wouldn’t make sense, 1 John 3:8 would become a calvinizing text lol, 1 John 1:9 revolutionary, Proverbs 28:13 exceptional Many things make so much sense after learning it. I grew up baptist but left the church because my parents moved INCREDIBLY INCONVENIENT for us to drive 2 hours to go to church because everything depended on the pastor. If we moved to another state that would have made it even more rare to go to church. Everything didn’t depend on Jesus for us but it felt like church attendance depended on the pastor. When I got older I started going to different non denominational churches and there was so much chaos. I just wanted the truth and had a friend say the catholic priests know the Bible better and that he was considering becoming catholic so I went to a Catholic Church and after going on Easter Sunday I had holy water hit me and I was out my wife was out like a light for 2+ hours the minute we got home we laid down. A whole world opened up to me it was rather incredible. Glad I was opened to hearing out the faith because many things made no sense to me about Christianity it made me disregard Christianity for 15 years
@voxangeli9205 Год назад
@@Simplydarrell, I’m happy for you you found the Body of Christ!🎉🎉🎉
@paulvillarreal4855 Год назад
Your are right 👍
@barbwellman6686 Год назад
​​@getrit3007CCC 2057 The Decalogue must first be understood in the context of the Exodus, God's great liberating event at the center of the Old Covenant. Whether formulated as negative commandments, prohibitions, or as positive precepts such as: "Honor your father and mother," the "ten words" point out the conditions of a life freed from the slavery of sin. The Decalogue is a path of life: If you love the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you shall live and multiply. This liberating power of the Decalogue appears, for example, in the commandment about the sabbath rest, directed also to foreigners and slaves: You shall remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out thence with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. 2068 The Council of Trent teaches that the Ten Commandments are obligatory for Christians and that the justified man is still bound to keep them; the Second Vatican Council confirms: "The bishops, successors of the apostles, receive from the Lord . . . the mission of teaching all peoples, and of preaching the Gospel to every creature, so that all men may attain salvation through faith, Baptism and the observance of the Commandments." What is your particular question & what faith traditions do you hold now?
@MrsYasha1984 Год назад
When I reverted from agnostic back to catholic, I originally only did so as a psychological trick. I knew I needed something, and felt 'somehow' called to look into the Church. I had barely wasted a thought on her for 20 long years. Turned away as a know it all 18year old and the rampant scandals in the media back then sealed my uninformed deal. So I went back, just to look, because I knew I needed something mentally. What I was not prepared for, was the amount of peace that flooded my anxious heart. Peace I had searched for and worked for my whole adult life, but never achieved. And it was just... given to me at mass! that peace that convinced me: oh...this might even be real! I had to leave behind my old worldview. It was quite an event. My husband got a bit overwhelmed, because he did not like religion. At all. But we settled that and got the sacrament of marriage sorted out this april, after 18years of legal marriage. Jesus is slowly taking him closer too. 'What if this is true?' Is quite a whammy, I think for most people
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@MrsYasha1984 That is a great testimony to the grace of God. It is amazing to see how God works in drawing someone into His grace and truth, who may have only "returned" initially as a "psychological trick". God Bless you.
@martinmartin1363 Год назад
The Catholic Church is in crises and this has happened many times over 2 thousand years , but has always come back stronger, we are living in great times and through the church’s pain and suffering it will rise stronger than ever and great saints and doctors of the church will revive the church . Don’t worry about bad shepherds in the church keep the faith the sacraments and the catechism and dogmas and doctrines, and you will be strong in faith, everything is happening because God wills it to happen for the greater good of the church.
@hcho7776 Год назад
Peter, on this Rock I will build My Church and gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. Jesus never break his promise.
@petertherock7340 Год назад
Dr. Ralph Martin, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, also takes this position. 😊
@PokerMonkey Год назад
"To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant", Cardinal Newman.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
98rushrules Love that quote, so true.
@MillionthUsername Год назад
@getrit3007 I looked up both paragraphs about the ten commandments but don't know what you are asking.
@philoalethia 7 месяцев назад
... to be yet deeper in history is to no longer be Roman Catholic, either.
@voxangeli9205 7 месяцев назад
​@@philoalethia, and be atheist, I suppose?
@philoalethia 7 месяцев назад
@@voxangeli9205, why do you "suppose" this?
@atrifle8364 Год назад
Great video! So many thoughts. As a revert, the whole Protestant mindset around the Bible is somewhat foreign. I went agnostic/atheist for a long time. Bible preaching was not going to reach me, because the people of the OT were like people from Mars to me. The New Testament is little better, but for sure I didn't "get it". I admit that when I came back there were moments when I wanted to be something way cooler than a Catholic. There’s something about growing up in a culture where you see all it’s derpiness. However, in my online travels I would meet Protestants forever telling people to read their Bible. I assumed that they were all scholars from the way they talked. But I figured if the Catholic Church was correct about her claims, it would be possible to reverse engineer her teachings from Scripture. And it was! It was ridiculously easy even much of the time. The secret really just opening up to the whole chapter and reading the whole thing. That's it. The work of 5 minutes. No school, no years of studying, no complex apologetics. I could do it even with Protestant slanted translations like the NIV. I didn't even realize I could have used the catechism to come up with multiple Scripture references until much later.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@atrifle8364 Great observations! Thanks .
@gnomeresearch1666 Год назад
Just found your channel. Thank you for your excellent content. I am a convert from poorly informed anticatholic nominal protestantism. Pray for protestants. We need all the faithful in full communion and unity. I think of the unity discourse in John 17. Hit me like a ton of bricks.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@gnomeresearch1666 Thanks , and I do pray for all Protestants, including my harshest critics in the comments. Welcome to the Church, God Bless. Please pray for me.
@MrJohnmartin2009 Год назад
My personal experience with Protestant street preachers is yes, they are fearful of anyone exposing their many and varied weaknesses and errors, particularly exposed by a Catholic.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@MrJohnmartin2009 It's interesting that you make that observation, as many of my former church's members were street preaching, and not one of them has ever attempted to even contact me. Ironically, they had no concern for my soul. Seems evidence that they feared conversing with me, despite knowing me for so many years.
@MrJohnmartin2009 Год назад
@@catholicskeptic There are so many problems with Protestant denominations its bemusing to understand how the heresies of private interpretation of the biblical text contrary to church authority and the 5 solas actually continue to attract believers. One possible reason however is the general observation concerning humanity's normative incompetence on all things concerning belief and unbelief. There is so much unbelief in the Western world and so many varieties of beliefs, human nature has a deep wound of ignorance and sadly lacks the strength of reason to discern the true Catholic faith from false beliefs. Some points - Unbelief is in principle always false for unbelief cannot explain anything. False belief is a false explanation of some things and a true explanation of other things. Only the Catholic faith is always true due to the infallibility of the Church and inerrancy of divine revelation.
@davidfabien7220 Год назад
Jesus said "my word is spirit and life" meaning that what he had said was from the Holy Spirit and the Spirit gives life whereas the flesh is nothing. Jesus made it very clear that when he said to eat his flesh and drink his blood he was not speaking in a worldly manner or in an allegoric way, but rather in a literal way.
@davidfabien7220 Год назад
Remember the Israelites ate the "Passover" lamb. Jesus is no liar, he said to eat his flesh and drink his blood to have eternal life and for him to raise us on the last day. The Eucharist is an enactment of the last supper. Just like mana was miraculous food for the Israelites in the wilderness the Eucharist is the miraculous, real presence of Jesus in the host that we feed on, that is his body, blood, soul and divinity. God always performs miracles: Jesus changed water into wine. In John Chapter six Jesus had multiplied the loaves just before he told his disciples to eat his flesh and drink his blood to have eternal life. We must eat the sacrificial lamb of the new Passover from bondage to sin into the liberty of the sons of God.
@davidfabien7220 Год назад
@getrit3007 Be careful not to accuse the Lord Jesus of being a liar.
@davidfabien7220 Год назад
@getrit3007 Be careful not to accuse the Lord Jesus of being an idolater.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@-ready- Haha, and the Dispensational Darbyists think they have a right to break them , in any number, as often as they like, because, well, according to Darby, they are, "saved". 😅😆😂🤣😅The do whatever you want cause you're "saved" club.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@barborazajacov Very insightful point, thanks.
@pete4258 Год назад
Protestants love that love to quote John 3:16 and that is an important one, but boy bring up John 6 on the teaching of the Eucharist and they don't want to believe it. The Eucharist is just a symbol. 😑 Ave Maria...
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
Their lack of sacrificial worship Jn 6 51-58 is a fatal flaw that confirms the fallible nature of man made Protestantism which is not sustainable
@Let_there_be_light22 3 месяца назад
Great video!! Love your content, Brother. I am a Catholic- made a long journey from Hinduism, to Protestant church, to orthodoxy… and finally found truth in Catholicism!!
@kofiadjei-frimpong9279 Год назад
God bless you and your family. Stand firm and continue to speak the truth.
@dr.mofongo9001 Год назад
I’m a cradle Catholic who has been on a year long journey revisiting Catholicism (spent many years as a Protestant) after learning more about church history. I’m at that point many others, including yourself, have come across where my mindset on many things has shifted. I have not made any decisions yet regarding where to take things, but the search for truth is my main goal. Still struggling with a few issues, but currently my focus is on the Papacy, as that seems to be the difference maker, whether you’re talking Catholic vs Protestant or even Catholic vs Orthodox.
@marilousueno8789 Год назад
Your Church or religion can not be called christian if it is no Christ centered in the Eucharist, what Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood whoever does not eat my flesh and drink my blood will not have eternal life. And on the last day Jesus will test our faith base on TRUTHS.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@@EPH113Yes, just go by the personal interpretation of John Nelson Darby, who goes the way back to the 19th century, so ancient 😅. Dispensationalism is the stupidest version of Protestant Christianity ever invented, ( and all Protestant versions are invented by men)reducing the Bible to a pamphlet, as far as what's for today,and actually getting seemingly intelligent souls to buy into it.😮. 😵‍💫😱🤪
@atrifle8364 Год назад
Once you work through the Papacy, it all fits together. Just remember that God did not pick leaders because they were perfect or sinless. 🙂
@ralf547 Год назад
dr.mofongo, I thought I had posted this already. Forgive me if I have. But if you are truly searching for a Church that has the best grasp of God's truth/Word, at least give the LCMS version of Lutheranism a try. It doesn't try to explain what God didn't deem necessary to explain in Scripture, and it takes God's Word for what it says. You will find the truths of Catholicism without the errors and unnecessary traditions or semi Pelagianism. For just an introduction, watch some you tube videos of Bryan Wolfmueller, Dr. Jordan Cooper, and Chad Bird.
@ralf547 Год назад
@@_ready__ I am a sinner, unable to contribute anything to my salvation. I was dead in sin until the Holy Spirit using the Word of God created saving faith in me, forgiving my sins and creating in me a new man. All this because Jesus suffered the righteous punishment I deserve, in my place; and He lived the perfect life of obedience that is required of me, for me, so that when I stand before the judgement seat of God I will be clothed in His righteousness and acceptable.
@grandpahand7410 Год назад
Stunned by truth!
@barborazajacova7633 Год назад
I am really looking forward to the video on dispensationalism!
@rhwinner Год назад
Me too!😊
@johnchung6777 4 месяца назад
It’s appalling that Protestants truly believe that all a person needs to be saved is to just believe and love Jesus and that’s all you need to do because of Jesus death on the cross,wow did not Jesus teach numerous things that a true believer and lover in him has to learn and do in order to be saved,I’m at a loss of words to say because people are limiting salvation to just a couple of things that they need to do to be saved?🤔
@phenixorbitall3917 Год назад
After 3 minutes you got a new sub :) 👍
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@phenixorbitall3917 Thanks so much, God Bless.
@timboslice980 Год назад
Yeah i totally agree with the video. I think most protestants want their theology to be true so bad that they will ignore any evidence to the contrary. Most of them dont even care about apologetics, church history, or what any other denominations even teach. Most of them are just comfortable with not testing their faith. The power of tradition is in the trust of the people handing it down. My whole family are methodists, my grandfather had a very very old protestant bible that contained the dueterocanon. They were in the back, i wanted to see what the language of revelation looked like and when i got to the book, theres a bunch of extra books i had never heard about. I asked my grandfather what happened with these books? Why arent they in our current bible? He said they are scripture but dont contain important information about salvation so they lost popularity. I was shocked.... i said how could mere men decide to edit the bible and we go along with it? Could that happen again? He just shrugged. I left the methodist faith and became atheistic for about 10 years after that. It wasnt just that incident that made me lose faith but a serious lack of apologetics in our church overall. I had questions and they didnt have answers... i walked in on a methodist mens meeting this was about 89 or 90. The pastor and a dozen men in suits were all sitting around trying to figure out what an archangel was. I sat in and listened.... they concluded that it was simply an angel that saves. Whereas other angels deliver messages. This was before google so i give them some forgiveness but how they came to the conclusion showed me that they were just guessing through theology. I assumed it was like that in every church... i thought. Nobody understands scripture because it cant be understood. Its a bunch of make belief! 1st century jews, taking what they know about their religion and editing it so gentiles would believe it. It was a decade before i rediscovered my faith. It was another 10 years of honest hard study before i realized the Catholic Church is absolutely the true church. In the 80s and early 90s the lack of apologetics really damaged the church, now with the internet we can all learn so much so fast that its almost inexcusable to not test your faith now. Christ's truth should be something we spend our lives digging for. These days the truth is being proclaimed everywhere and you have to stick your head in the sand to escape it. I think its quite cowardly.
@wesleysimelane3423 Год назад
Problem is, there is hardly any evidence on most catholic doctrines, including this one of purgatory
@timboslice980 Год назад
@wesleysimelane3423 That's a fair point if you're just looking at scripture and not church history and the practices of the early church. Also it depends on what scriptures you're looking at, if you add the dueterocanon, prayers for the dead become part of that evidence. We find historical evidence begins to mount when church history becomes more documented in the 3rd and 4th centuries. There's still very strong evidence, though less of it for the period before those centuries. Modern catholics nor any of the ancient churches hold to sola scriptura, it's a modern invention, doctrine, philosophical frame work that wouldn't even be possible before the printing press. In fact I would argue there's more biblical support for purgatory than for sola scriptura. Paul talks about our good deeds and evil ones being tested through fire at the end of our lives. The Bible talks about cleansing us from our sins or purging them. No unclean thing shall enter heaven so this process happens between physical death and entrance to heaven. Those who are bound for hell do not go through this process so if you find yourself in purgatory, rejoice you have been saved. I will humbly admit that the midevil church struggled to understand the doctrine entirely and some thought purgatory could last for thousands of years. Catholics are much more careful these days about wild ideas like that. We know it's a process, we have no idea how long it takes, praying for them to get through it quicker is not sinful. God won't rush them through and allow there to be sin in heaven so it's not like we're asking God to do something evil. It's akin to asking for God to speed up someone's recovery from illness or injury the orthodox don't use the word purgatory but if you ask them why pray for the dead, they'll give you an almost identical reasoning and all the same evidence for it. The protestants were really the first church to abandon the concept if purgatory but they're left with no choice but to edit the Canon and do some theological acrobatics to understand Paul's analogy of purifying metals.... also explain how all the fathers in all the ancient churches misunderstood st Paul.
@wesleysimelane3423 Год назад
@@timboslice980 I believe Jesus would have at-least hinted on this purgatory, even His apostles, but all are quiet on the matter. Catholics like to quote verses that are miles away from it to prove purgatory, such that if you do not study the bible for yourself, you will be fooled. This is a late invention, just like many catholic doctrines. Very well, it may have been copied from early paganism but its introduction as official doctrine in romanism is quite late. John Knox had a syllogism that says: "Anything invented in the brain of man in the worship of God is idolatry. The mass, Mariology, purgatory, beads, rosary, hail mary prayer, scapulars, veneration of statues and multitude of rcc (T)traditions, catechism and doctrines were invented in the brain of man, Therefore all these are idolatry" Here is a few list of inventions of catholics from brain of men which are anti-biblical.: -- A.D. 300 Prayers for the dead -- A.D. 300 Making the sign of the cross -- A.D. 375 Worship of saints and angels -- A.D. 394 Mass first instituted -- A.D. 431 Worship of Mary begun -- A.D. 500 Priests began dressing differently than laymen -- A.D. 526 Extreme unction -- A.D. 593 Doctrine of purgatory introduced -- A.D. 600 Worship services conducted in Latin -- A.D. 600 Prayers directed to Mary -- Invention of the Rosary 1221 by Saint Dominic, saying Mary showed it to him in an apparent hallucination --Invention of the Scapular - According to RCC tradition, Blessed Mother appeared to St. Simon Stock at Cambridge, England on Sunday, July 16, 1251 and presented him with the brown scapular. From there it spiralled out of control to invent 17 more scapulars. --The invention & use of religious medals as we know them today arose in the sixteenth century. Pope St. Pius V (d. 1572) began the custom of blessing religious medals and attaching an indulgence to them. For example, in 1566 he blessed medals with the image of Jesus and Mary and granted an indulgence to the faithful who wore them. This was actual pagan, but Catholics claim that through their priests, they “baptised” the culture into Christianity
@hcho7776 Год назад
214 Purgatory is not a place you should feel content to enter Friday, October 7th, 2011 @ 21:45 My dearly beloved daughter, the reason I send so many Messages to My children is to help them prepare their souls in a way, which was not possible up to now. Many of My children have not read the Holy Bible, nor are they aware of all My Teachings. More time is spent by My sacred servants focusing on the part of My Teachings where I ask you all to love your neighbour, which is a good thing, no talk is made of the consequences facing mankind should they reject the Father. Why do My sacred servants deny the existence of Hell and why do they paint a rosy picture of Purgatory? My children have been taught many good things through the churches, which proclaim the Glory of God the Almighty Father. Sadly, though, the existence of Purgatory and Hell are played down to such an extent that My children have become complacent about their existence. My children are being misled also about the existence of the evil one. Many of My sacred servants even deny his existence. O how foolish they are to believe that man can strengthen his faith without knowing or understanding the truth of the evil one’s power. This lack of direction on the part of My sacred servants has meant that evil in the world has flourished in a way that could have been prevented through prayer. Satan has been allowed to roam freely on this Earth for some time because of the blindness of My sacred servants. If My children were made properly aware of the havoc caused by Satan, then prayer to mitigate his influence would have been much stronger. The existence of Purgatory The existence of Purgatory is misunderstood. Many believe that it is simply a waiting period of purification before souls can enter Heaven, for those souls who may not have been in a state of grace at the time of death. There are different levels in Purgatory, children, and all souls feel a burning pain of darkness, which intensifies the further down the level. This means that souls who narrowly missed being cast into Hell suffer the pain of burning the most. Although all souls in Purgatory will eventually enter My Father’s Kingdom, it is not a place where My children should feel content to enter. This is why you must fight sin and seek forgiveness as regularly as possible to remain in a state of grace. This is why you must obey the Ten Commandments at all times. This is why you must also pray for those souls who are there, because without your prayers they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven until the final Day of Judgment. It is time now to face the Truth, children. Pray for the graces you need to be free of sin, so that you can enter Heaven. Be ready every day, for you do not know of the plans, which are already in place, which await you. I give you this Message so that the Truth is clear. These important Messages have not been presented to you clearly, children, over the decades. It is important that you are well prepared. By reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day at 3 PM I will intervene at the moment of death on your behalf, no matter how much of a sinner you are and show you My Mercy. I tell you this because I love you, not to frighten you, but to ensure you spread the Truth to your families. My Word today is simply a reminder of the Truth to which you have been denied behind the mask of tolerance. It is a little like the parent of a child whom they spoil because they love the child so much. If the parent over feeds the child then the child’s health will suffer. Yet the parent keeps giving the child the food, which the child has now become used to out of misguided love. This can lead to the child’s deteriorating health. This child, in turn, becomes ignorant as to what healthy foods to eat, because he doesn’t know about them. He has never been told. Go now and tell your brothers and sister the Truth about Hell and Purgatory before it is too late. Because if you don’t no one else will. Your Teacher and Divine Saviour Jesus Christ
@timboslice980 Год назад
@hcho7776 I hope you don't think that I'm promoting sin, denying the attempt at perfection, denying that people that undergo the purge, suffer through this, or that we should all just try to make it to purgatory. Indulgences would count for nothing if this is not true and I don't believe that at all. We should all strive to sin as little as possible, do good works, and keep the faith. If you're jesus, I wouldnt expect you to misunderstand me so poorly. Still you didn't deny my main point and reiterated it. If you make it to purgatory, rejoice for the lord has found you worthy of the process. The pains of purgatory are nothing compared to the pains of hell... which would you fear more?
@silveriorebelo2920 Год назад
loving truth above all is the highest gift of the Holy Spirit - may the Lord bless you plentifully, brother, filling you with great joy and peace...
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@silveriorebelo2920 Thanks for your kind words and prayers, God Bless.
@christinemcguiness9356 Год назад
Thank you Hugh. God bless you🙏
@joea8842 3 месяца назад
When they started with that Paul's gospel dispensationalism garbage I just answer with "okay marcion"
@meaganelli943 Месяц назад
This channel rocks my socks off! Thank you!! I am from Calvary Chapel, Evangelical, Non-denom, charismatic people and many have decided the Catholic church is akin to the devil and im being led astray into darkness and idolatry. But I want to share with them the peace and fulfillment I have found. I am gaining much info from this channel and its helping with my own conversion. THANK YOU!!!
@rbnmnt3341 2 месяца назад
I'm not afraid that they're right. I KNOW they're wrong! All you have to do is compare what they teach to scripture. F it's not there, it's not a biblical doctrine, a false doctrine. No need to get complicated about anything.
@suzannelangdon 2 месяца назад
The sad truth is that the vast majority of protestants live up to their name and they hold on to the protest nearly as dear as they hold on to The Lord. I'm sure that some will argue with Our Lord Himself when they leave this world. I am not saying that it is easy to walk away from all you have ever known and believed but heaven with Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is worth it. I am not letting my Catholic brothers and sisters off the hook, we have been freely given the fullness of truth and some have taken it for granted and that's why weak Catholics become protestants and strong protestants become Catholic 🙏 God bless you and this channel, let us bring these protestant souls to Our Lord in prayer especially through The Holy Rosary and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother 🙏
@alexanderfernandes2146 Год назад
Afraid of the truth???? 2 Tim 1:7 for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.
@gwendolynnorton6329 Год назад
Obviously they are afraid of truth! I was raised this way and arrived at that conclusion before I was 10 years old. They don’t believe there is any way to discern the truth of spiritual matters. They believe you decide what to believe in such matters. If you try to discern that calls into question your faith, if your faith is in question than you can’t really be saved. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@MichaelGlowacki Год назад
Wow. That is such an obvious fallacy, “If you want to discern the truth, your faith is suspect and you’re not really ‘saved,’” that no wonder many people leave these Protestant sects to be atheists. With the powerful lure of the world and the milk toast 1970 Catholic rituals, not to mention the crises we have seen over the past 20, 30, 50 years, it is no surprise that people leave their local Protestant church or their Catholic parish for the lure of self satisfaction and sins as they have more powerful attractions than praying in a church that lacks due reverence for the Holy Trinity, One God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you for sharing your insights, Catholic Skeptic.
@rhwinner Год назад
Some Protestants (not most, some) are like narcissists. You point out the flaws in their logic, and they always come back that YOU are the illogical one. 😅 Lack of insight and sensitivity to criticism are a feature of all narcissists. And some protesters to the Faith. 😊
@pathue1196 5 месяцев назад
On this note, Protestants = Muslims. They both reject logic & he who screams loudest is right.
@alexanderfernandes2146 Год назад
🔝 ❤❤❤❤
@katiehav1209 2 месяца назад
I was just thinking about this the last few days. They are afraid to hear enough to discern what is true. So they adopt ideas of holding all their beliefs in an unchallengable opposition to reason that is needed to discern. It gets shut off Reason becomes their enemy because faith can't be in line with thoughtful reasoning in real discernment of truth. Yet they wiil approve reason when they can argue by using reason, such as proving God exists. It's selective. And it is in opposition to anything that could convince them by logic, and spiritual logic.
@katiehav1209 2 месяца назад
Yep same issue, i use 100 scriptures to their one. I have streams of scripture they have one they use with no ability to use reason in a convinving way.
@katiehav1209 2 месяца назад
And they hate good questions. And only use questions to pigion hole their desired answer without requiring anything deeper than word level answers to conclude only by repeating the same extracted pieces of scripture
@HannahClapham 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, I think to some extent I’m afraid. But it’s not because I think the historical facts are on Rome’s side. I don’t. It’s because if I were convinced that Catholicism was true, I might give up on Christianity altogether. It would seem so incongruent that what feels like a cheap spiritual copy would be elevated above the good and the beautiful.
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
“The CC makes the most sense” Jordan Peterson
@HannahClapham 4 месяца назад
@@geoffjs. Yeah, and Peterson also said that “magic mushrooms are proof of the supernatural.” Canada has a higher percentage of Catholics than the U.S. and a much lower percentage of Evangelicals. The poor guy has probably never met an Evangelical!!
@MB-zn9vg Год назад
God bless you greatly brother
@kolmonio Год назад
I may not agree with you on Catholicism, but I can see your humility.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
kolmonio5307 I am both honored and humbled by such a comment, all by His grace, thank you and God Bless.
@MaxWatson-zw3yk 4 месяца назад
@chickenbonelives Год назад
I asked my cousin yesterday if Christianity was true would you believe it? He said "I would and I would be sad".
@Ettoredipugnar Год назад
Are the Catholics afraid that the Orthodox are right ? They know we are right 😉
@catholicskeptic Год назад
Ettoredipugnar Wouldn't be upset if you are right, love The Orthodox Churches! God Bless.
@Ettoredipugnar Год назад
@@catholicskeptic God bless you.
@Kitiwake Год назад
​@@catholicskepticlove the reply. As to my experience, only the Orthodox question.
@msakat1 Год назад
What are you right about?
@Ettoredipugnar Год назад
@@msakat1 everything .
@KittyM- Год назад
Haters gonna hate. We were given intellect to discern. Keep seeking the truth, sir!
@edithhewson7208 Год назад
If the Catholic traditions are right! And Gnostic book Gospel of Mary Jesus Mother is our Bible is just good work of literature we are most unfortunate people
@edithhewson7208 Год назад
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs read the book Gospel of Mary Jesus Mother. Understand that this is a Gnostic book considered non canonical or not inspired by God. It is a story of family and life of Jesus birth mother. Then take time and look at the slow steady increase in Marian doctrine in church from birth mother to Queen of heaven mother of God then her continued virginity toped by her being raptured in 1950 A.D. or ascension. Where as can't find this story in Bible but the Rome Church follows a false gnostic book when comes to Jesus birth mother like it is the inspired word of God . SAD 😭
@martinlee465 Год назад
God gave us 10 commandments and Jesus told us the greatest of these were Thou shalt love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our minds. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as yourself. These are positive acts of the will, works. A commandment is to do or not to do something, a work of the free will, mentally and physically. Faith alone can not act on the will, acts (works) of faith act on the will.
@martinlee465 Год назад
@getrit3007 the answer to that my friend is, God will act according to His will. A positive action ( work) of which I know not the outcome yet, but my hope and trust is in the Lord.
@jacktracy8356 Год назад
Once upon a time a certain King gave to His chosen servants the free gift of vast riches to each one. In the process of time men under the pretense of being the King's servants rose up and went to the descendants of the chosen servants saying If you desire to be heirs of the free gift of riches you must follow us to earn those riches and do your part. After following those deceivers, the descendants found they had no inheritance of vast riches and even lost everything they seemed to have. They inquired of the King for their riches. The King said Did not I say my riches were a free gift but you did not believe me instead working to earn them. Then the King cast the deceivers and descendants into prison for ever. Ephesians 2:8 KJV "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast."
@barbwellman6686 Год назад
JackTracy, Catholics already know we are saved by the Grace and Sacrifice of Christ thru Baptism and repentance from sin. However, Christ told His Church that He will punish those who refuse to perform works of mercy: "“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Did His Apostolic Church also teach this? Yes. James 2 "14 What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead."
@jacktracy8356 Год назад
@@barbwellman6686 If you died right this second where would you go? As a Catholic you don't know where you would go because you must perform works and add those to GOD's free gift of grace which cannot be done (Romans 11:6 KJV). Therefore, you absolutely deny that Christ died for all sins paying the penalty for all sin which is death for us in our place once on the cross. Christ said repent and believe this good news to have eternal life. Titus 3:4 KJV "But after that the kindness and love of GOD our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration (cleansed by being born again), and renewing (restoring) of the Holy Ghost; 6 which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior; 7 that being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men." Maintaining good works is bearing fruit. They do not save you or merit you before GOD unto salvation. They are evidence of a saving faith.
@barbwellman6686 Год назад
@jacktracy8356 I'll give you St. Paul's answer as to whether or not he thought he was secure in his salvation: "3 I care very little, however, if I am judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who judges me. 5Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God." To knowingly, without repentance, and in free will, believe yourself capable of judging the eternal placement of your soul, is the mortal sin of presumption. That power belongs solely to Christ.
@barbwellman6686 Год назад
@@jacktracy8356 Catholics and Protestant are both required to perform works of mercy. You are not excluded from that duty unless you prefer that Christ cast you in with the unrighteous. .
@barbwellman6686 Год назад
@jacktracy8356 According to Scripture, I have been saved; I will be saved if I continue to cooperate with His Grace and go His Will; and I will be saved if I persevere to the end of my life: Past Event (I have been saved) Rom 8:24; Eph 2:5,8; 2 Tim 1:9; Titus 3:5. Present Process (I am being saved) Phil 2:12; 1 Pet 1:9; Hebrews 4:11 Future Event (I will be saved) Mt 10:22; Mt 24:13, Mk 8:35, Acts 15:11; Rom 5:9-10; Rom 13:11; 1 Cor 3:15; 1 Cor 5.5; Heb 9:28
@toddstevens9667 5 месяцев назад
Well I’m certainly not afraid that the Catholic faith is right, true, or faithful. But if it rolls your socks up and down … none of my business. You’re going to stand before God and be accountable for what you believe and teach … just like I will. I’m perfectly comfortable being held accountable by God for my belief in biblical Protestantism. Guess we’ll see soon …
@catholicskeptic 5 месяцев назад
@toddstevens9667 Yes we will, I want to say "good luck trusting in the opinions of a few rebels who go back a whole 500 years", but there is no such thing as luck. Plus that's based on my position, which is itself based upon the Bible, history, logic and facts. I've discovered none of these ever mean a thing to most Evangelical Protestants. Even the Bible is merely a few passages, by themselves , set aside to back the ideas of Luther, Calvin. Swingli and good ole Henry VIII and his desperate desire for a divorce. All this combined with an utter refusal to remotely consider all the scriptures I bring to all my videos. What I find in Protestantism is an utter trust in one's heart, i. e. , one's feelings. I lived in that insane self-centered world for 30 years, and found it to be incoherent madness. I am so grateful Jesus delivered me from that insanity, and brought me home to His Church that has been here since He ascended into Heaven. I shall pray for you. 🙏
@toddstevens9667 5 месяцев назад
@@catholicskeptic A few points: 1) You act like 30 years is a long time. That’s silly. I have shoes that I bought new, and still wear, that are decades older than that. 2) I’m not trusting in “the opinions of a few rebels who go back a whole 500 years.” I have no idea where that came from. I’m not trusting Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, or Henry VIII. It’s the Catholics that put their trust (and pray to, and venerate) a whole bunch of dead human beings. As an historian, I am definitely familiar with their works. And I wouldn’t give you a plug nickel for most of them (but I have to admit that for decades I did indeed assign undergraduates to read Luther’s Bondage of the Will because he has such an amazing way of expressing himself in that little book). 3) I have read the Bible cover-to-cover over 75 times. I’m quite familiar with it. And as a professional historian (for considerably longer than 30 years, I might add), history and logic and facts mean a great deal to me. And I suspect I’m considerably more familiar with each of them than you are, if your videos are any indication. And 4) my comment simply stated that if Roman Catholic doctrine blew your skirt up, it wasn’t any of my business. And that I’m completely satisfied that each of us will stand in judgment, and that I have no problem standing on the scriptures at my judgment. But you respond with all this nonsense that had nothing to do with my comment. You complain in several of your videos that Protestants just want to argue with you. Have you thought that maybe you’re looking for a fight? Maybe you’re the problem. What is the point of your channel anyway? As far as I can tell, it’s just to start fights with Protestants. What a silly hobby.
@catholicskeptic 5 месяцев назад
@@toddstevens9667 Well thanks for the resume of your accomplishments, and for sharing all about you. For the sake of any readers of this comment of yours, notice how Todd here, knows so much more than I do about these subjects; that he is apparently so very old, that 30 years is nothing, and he actually has shoes he still wears that are so many decades older! So I guess he must be around 140 or more years old? I did not notice any actual argument, rebuttal or anything, mostly boasting about himself, and I guess insulting me? Well ad hominem is so familiar in comments from some Protestants, it is quite useless. I ask all my Catholic brothers and sisters on here to pray for him. And Todd, thanks for the comment, as everyone helps grow the channel and spread the Truth of Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
@toddstevens9667 5 месяцев назад
@@catholicskepticI’m 90 years old. And you’re a silly little man. And I’ve made many arguments on your channel that you haven’t bothered to answer. The last one was on your nonsensical argument about John 6. I guess you didn’t respond because you had no answer. And a couple things interest me about this response here 1) You love to trumpet your resume, but love to get sarcastic when someone else does the same to you (that’s commonly called hypocrisy), and 2) you complaining about someone insulting you is the pot calling the kettle black. All I did was say that I was perfectly fine letting you alone to be judged, just like I would be. No insult, at all. And you responded with a long paragraph of sarcasm and invective against me. I repeat, you’re just a silly little man playing silly little games. Grow up. And by the way, those are a pair of shark skin shoes I bought in Berlin in the early 1960s. They’re pretty sharp and still look like new, in case you were wondering (which I know you weren’t.)
@toddstevens9667 5 месяцев назад
@@catholicskepticYou know, you remind me a lot of Martin Luther. Very similar writing style with similar sarcasm and invective. Interesting, huh?
@AgnelloAffonso-xp5gm Год назад
@FAMA-18 Год назад
Welcome home.
@MrJoebrooklyn1969 Год назад
@LaVerite-Gaming Год назад
Growing up in a Catholic children's choir, a Lutheran service environment, an evangelical youth group, and a Moravian baptism and family background, I came to the conclusion that there is no one right church on paper, there is only "the Church" comprised by the faithful followers of Jesus in every denomination. I'm like a wild card, too Catholic for the Protestants, too Protestant for the Catholics, being simoultaneously misunderstood and welcomed by all of them. An utter (here comes the heretical word) ecumenicist at heart, I am strongly convinced that we will see the spiritual reunification of the Church beginning to take shape over the next 100 years. It won't be visible at first, it won't be official, but it will come silently and from the hearts of those willing to listen. I used to think that maybe I was just imagining this, but I start to see it more now: Prejudices among Christians are falling, idolized reformers are being humanized again. Protestants are starting to read the Church Fathers, Catholics are starting to read the reformers, and they're all beginning to understand that in the end, the reformation will just have been a stumbling stone that the Church had to go through at a particular time. And that the body most likely cannot be and never has been divided. But when the Lord comes back, will He ask us "Which organisation has your name been filed under?" Or will it be about our names being filed in the Book of Life? That's the question I always come back to in the end.
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
Jesus founded His One True Church Matt 16 18-19 which codified the Bible in 382 from which pope Luther removed 7 books without authority Deut 4:2. Protestantism has no sacrificial worship as commanded by Jesus Jn 6 51-58, so no proper worship, no church
@joelslack2138 Год назад
I only fear the Living God, not any denomination. As a long-time Baptist, it never once occurred to me that Catholicism might be the true church. I know too much about it’s history. Revering human tradition as being on par with scripture never sat well with me. So no, i don’t spend any time wondering about this question, and i also have major irreconcilable differences with the non-catholic denominations. Only the Most High is right. His word is right, his true word. I don’t see every “canonical” work as being of him, and worthy of inclusion into the book. Generally, i’m on the outs with organized religious institutions, so i’m a heretic by that standard. I strive to be a true child of God, through Jesus Christ the Lord. If that’s not okay with man, i’m fine with it. “Church” is a human development, irrespective of the claims of the Roman establishment. The Word contains everything a man needs to have a relationship with the heavenly Father, in Jesus. Be catholic, be protestant, there’s no compulsion to be one or the other. But i see both as having major issues, and am beholden to neither. Great that you can laugh in the face of protestants, after having been one for so long. To be such a mocker of that which you embraced so fervently. Well played, sir. PS, the word “church” is not a scriptural term. Ekklesia is the word, congregation, assembly. Not church, which is a human tradition. I find your demeanor unloving and demeaning to those you formerly LOVED as brothers. You are unkind.
@Valentix4God33 Год назад
"PS, the word “church” is not a scriptural term. Ekklesia is the word, congregation, assembly. Not church, which is a human tradition" Mmmm...so you better teach Jesus how to re-phrase His Word: Matthew 16 18."And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The word “church” is not a scriptural term enough?
@joelslack2138 Год назад
@@Valentix4God33 It’s not an accurate translation from the Greek, is all i was saying. God bless.
@joelslack2138 Год назад
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs I questioned my foundation, too. 👍. Not part of that anymore.
@stephenp9899 Год назад
We as Christians are only afraid for your salvation.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@stephenp9899 Your concept of salvation was invented by disgruntled Catholics beginning in the 16th century. So persons living a millennium and a half after the time of Christ and the Apostles, decided to start privately interpreting the scriptures, the books( of the New Testament)selected and chosen by the Pope and Bishops of the Church in 382 AD, now consisting of 35000 plus different churches that all teach hundreds of variations of "salvation ", such as "accepting Christ as one's personal savior ", or repenting and then "accepting Christ ", or "God sovereignly choosing those who will be saved and letting the rest be damned", or "you have to have fruit or your not really saved", or is it, "only Paul has the gospel and o ly his writings are for us today", or "Just believe in Christ and your in, no matter what you say or do, you're saved, period."I wonder which version of "Christian " you might be?
@ryanotten3587 Год назад
@@catholicskepticRome backed Luther in a corner and therefore Rome created the Protestant Church. Luther could only go to the Bible to respond to Rome. For the truth shall set you free of Rome and the burdens of Legalism that Rome creates.
@TheEdzy25 Год назад
​@@ryanotten3587ahhh the crazy theories and theology out of the prots...😂😂
@michaelcunis8329 Год назад
Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you. So that means Protestants are damned. Yet according to Vatican two we are separated brethren. That’s the result of taking that passage literally. It’s why for centuries the church believed there was no salvation outside the church. I would have more respect for Catholics if they believe this. Now, according to Francis, you don’t even have to believe in God to go to heaven. The death penalty was once believed in and taught by the church, now it’s a sin according to this pope. What you believe now as a Catholic will change say one hundred years from now. The word of God will never change.
@atrifle8364 Год назад
We were always separated brethren. To believe that Vatican II is a break of continuity also makes a Protestant. Pope Francis has been the subject of a media smear campaign for a decade. He's a Catholic.
@ralf547 Год назад
Be thankful for the contentious comments. They help with the algorithm, don't they? Regarding who has God's truth. Truth is paramount. But is God's truth only found in the Catholic Church? Even a Non-denominational Church that gets both Baptism and the Eucharist wrong still has some of God's truth when it correctly believes, teaches, and confesses that God is triune. Many Churches believe, teach, and confess a lot of God's truth that the Catholic Church also holds. In your pastoring days, were any of your congregation saved? There are plenty of errors held by Christian Churches. The Catholic Church attaches labels to certain proclamations indicating that they are infallibly given and are binding on the faithful. But it also makes lots of non-infallible proclamations which aren't binding and in error. Not everything pronounced by popes and magisterium are true. Every other Christian Church does the same, though without labeling as infallible those doctrines they consider true and essential, but they still have doctrines considered infallible. The Trinity, the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, Christ's perfectly lived life, Christ's suffering and death for the forgiveness of our sins, and others. The discussion becomes one of identifying the truths from the errors held by any particular Church body, and whether or not the truths held are actually true and essential for salvation. In the Catholic Church, who decides what is true and what is error? The Pope and Magisterium I presume. Do they ever contradict each other or contradict past Popes and Magisterium? What of the people in the pews. Do they have any responsibility and power to correct a pope or teaching of the magisterium?
@floridaman318 Год назад
Bro get a headset. Your audio is just all over the place. I'm trying to listen, not be a DJ.
@martafeliciano1753 Год назад
@ralf547 Год назад
Regarding the Bible. I've already said that the Church which codified the contents of the Bible is my Church as much as it is your Church. During those early centuries when Paul's and Peter's letters were being carried around and read to congregations, they were considered God's truth without having been brought together and bound into one document. And what was being taught without an entire bible was saving truth. One of Peter's epistles says that Paul's writings were Scripture, though difficult to follow at times. Paul says he was teaching that which he received from the Lord. I agree with you that the Church (my ancestral Church as well as yours) under the influence of the Holy Spirit did end any controversy over which books/letters should be excluded and which included. But the Church's declaration didn't make them true. They were already God's truth and therefore included. Regarding the apocrypha. I haven't checked, but have never heard it mentioned that Jesus or the Apostles quoted in the New Testament any of the apocryphal books. I'm not offering that as a reason to exclude them. I have no issue with including them. I have read a couple, many years ago. I have little remembrance of what they contained. Have you found them essential to salvation? I have also wondered if a group of people with only the New Testament, or only Luke's Gospel and the Psalms, or the entire bible less those you like to say Luther had doubts about (but later in life did fully accept as Scripture), would have enough of God's Word to be saved? I think so. I think a church full of illiterates who correctly understood God's character, their sinfulness, their need for a savior, and the Gospel of Christ can be saved without even owning a Bible. That's likely close to what many of the earliest congregations were. So, is everyone who doesn't accept any Church Councils or ex cathedra infallible Papal proclamations after the Council of Nicea damned? Didn't the Christians who lived at the time of the Nicene Council have sufficient truth to be saved? I'm not advocating for a "least common denominator" approach like that of many non-denominational churches. That's foolish and Joel Osteen is the result. But is the Catholic Church really necessary for salvation to the exclusion of all others? I've watched your video on that subject. Still not certain what your answer is.
@catholicskeptic Год назад
@ralf547 I always appreciate your input, and yes Confessional Lutherans certainly adhere to the principle of the Church decision regarding which books are included. But you know very well the "Protestants" to whom this is addressed, as stated at the opening of the video are the very loud criers against the Church. Oh and unless you have memory issues, you know darn well I already answered the question more than once that God judges us with the obvious understanding that some have invincible ignorance. But the reality is, you choose to trust in yourself, and your take on the scriptures, your "private interpretation ", so have at it. I trust that Christ founded the Church; The Church in turn, by Supernatural infallibility, chose the correct books that make up the written word of God; and that the Word of God is also contained in the Sacred Tradition of Christ's Church. I also believe the doctrine of sola scriptura is irrational nonsense, and it is further irrational to think God left His eternal plan of Salvation in the hands of individuals to somehow figure out what is or is not true in regard to the revelation of God to man, by private study of a book compiled by a Church. Jesus founded a Church , and promised the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. It is the divine authority of that Church that gave us the Book, and that Church is the interpreter of it.
@ralf547 Год назад
@@catholicskeptic As to whether or not I am invincibly ignorant, I recall you discussing it. I don't recall feeling confident that you are actually in agreement with the Church. I do believe based on reading the Catechism that the Church thinks me damned despite my faith in the true Christ as my Lord and Savior. And because I have been schooled adequately in Catholicism and have denied parts of it and separated from it. Who has more authority here, the Holy Spirit who alone is responsible for my ability to say "Jesus is Lord", or the Catholic Church which really doesn't care if I say it or believe it or not?
@ralf547 Год назад
@@catholicskeptic You say I choose to trust in my private interpretation. Why can anyone say "Jesus is Lord", including a Pope? Only because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3) working through His Word creating and strengthening faith. That which I believe in agreement with Catholicism, can't be denied me by the Catholic Church because I am not in compliance with ALL that it claims is essential for salvation. Or do you believe it can? Even the non-denom folks agree with the Catholic Church on some essentials. Why, because the Catholic Church taught them? Who taught the Catholic Church? One Holy Spirit is responsible for the salvation of every Christian, from that one person alive whose faith is weakest and most fragile, to the one person whose grasp of God's truth is the fullest and whose faith is stronger than anyone else's. But the Catholic Church presumes to be Christ's only authority on Earth when it's actually Christ and His Spirit. After all, just like the list of protestants you criticize, there is the list of Catholic Popes and Catholic Church actions that are just as scandalous. Christ's Church isn't a protestant Church, Lutheran Church, or Catholic Church. Those are just fallible human conventions serving the needs of people who share faith in a Savior, who are that Savior's mystical body which is His one true Church. Clearly, Pope and Magisterium can clearly lead into errors while at the same time still proclaim God's truth, just as is the case in other Churches.
@ralf547 Год назад
@@catholicskeptic You say it's "irrational to think God left His eternal plan of Salvation in the hands of individuals to somehow figure out what is or is not true in regard to the revelation of God to man, by private study of a book compiled by a Church." That is a description of the Pope. Indeed, Jesus founded a Church and Hell's gates can't hold it back. The Holy Spirit did indeed act to identify His Word so as to preserve it for us who came after the Council of Nicea. And prior to that Council, all the material that would formally become our bible was already God's Word for Christians. Quoted and used by Church Fathers and in the local congregations. The Council didn't write any of the Bible at the Council or in preparation for it. And the Bible is the sacred treasured possession of every Christian. I'm still waiting for the infallible Catholic commentary on the Bible providing us all with the one true understanding of each verse.
@ralf547 Год назад
@@catholicskeptic You enjoy repeating the fact that faith alone is found only once in scripture. It's like not finding the word trinity in the Bible. Would you like me to put together a biblical argument for faith alone? Not cherry picking verses, but showing from the whole of scripture? After all, the Catholic Church has confirmed that Scripture is infallible and inerrant and should be authoritative if it makes any point on any subject. OR, can the Catholic Church trump the Scriptures?
@ralf547 Год назад
Regarding the Eucharist as a sacrifice performed in every Catholic Mass. I went looking to understand the Catholic doctrine since I agree with it in part but not in whole. I asked Catholic Answers if the Mass is a sacrifice of Christ. They answered: Why is the Mass called the "unbloody" sacrifice of our Lord on his cross? It’s quite simple, really. The Mass is called an unbloody sacrifice to clarify the fact that we do not behold the Lord’s bloody body as it was seen on Calvary. Instead his body and blood are under the appearances of bread and wine. BUT IT IS THE SAME SACRIFICE. I then found in the Catholic Encyclopedia the following: Of these the most important is that the Church intends the Mass to be regarded as a “TRUE AND PROPER SACRIFICE”, and will not tolerate the idea that the sacrifice is identical with Holy Communion. That is the sense of a clause from the Council of Trent (Sess. XXII, can. i): “If any one saith that in the Mass a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God; or, that to be offered is nothing else but that Christ is given us to eat; let him be anathema” (Denzinger, “Enchir.”, 10th ed., 1908, n. 948). When Leo XIII in the dogmatic Bull “Apostolicae Curse” of September 13, 1896, based the invalidity of the Anglican form of consecration on the fact among others, that in the consecrating formula of Edward VI (that is, since 1549) there is no-where an unambiguous declaration regarding the Sacrifice of the Mass, The Catholic Encyclopedia spent a gallon of ink on the subject. At times it appeared to be in agreement with Lutheran doctrine, but then would reassert that it is a sacrifice in the truest sense. I can't tell if what you say about the Eucharist being a sacrifice is actually more in agreement with the Lutheran, or is an accurate depiction of the Roman Catholic. But isn't the final document of the Council of Trent infallible and binding? If so, I again quote it "“If any one saith that in the Mass a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God; or, that to be offered is nothing else but that Christ is given us to eat; let him be anathema” (Sess. XXII, can. i)
@ralf547 Год назад
@@EPH113 I think there are 3 editions of their catechism.
@ralf547 Год назад
@@EPH113 is the 1367 a page # or paragraph #, or what?
@ralf547 Год назад
@@EPH113 I found the paragraph. It's pretty clear. It says it's as much a sacrifice as the cross.
@ralf547 Год назад
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs in order to see it as God does, we must refrain from putting words in God's mouth and binding our consciences to practices and doctrines He didn't establish. It's the Catholic Church which complicates the issue. Simplify it by just reading and following what Scripture says. He didn't tell us to parade around the neighborhood with the Eucharist elements. He didn't say adore the host. He said take and eat, and that's what benefits us.
@ralf547 Год назад
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs just reading Catholic material. You can read it too. See if your understanding (Holy Spirit) is mentioned. Catholicism says it only appears to be bread but is truly flesh, which is why they point to "miracles" where a host might bleed or turn into human muscle. So if it's truly flesh and offered as a sacrifice, it's a resacrifice of Christ as Trent and the catechism plainly state.
@theien5929 Год назад
This all makes sense until I start looking at what Francis and many of the prelates and priests are actually doing.
@atrifle8364 Год назад
Pope Francis has been living with a smear campaign in the media since the very start of his papacy. It's hitting some heights recently. Jesus does not fail in His promises.
@PumaPete Год назад
Not to mention this evil, globalist pope!
@christianvance1614 Год назад
What kinda question isthat. Of course not. We know Jesus Christ is the way truth and life. The bible tells us not to pray with useless repetition as the catholics do. We pray to Jesus Christ who is the son of God. Mary aint gonna answer prayers, only Jesus. Id be scaredif I was catholic considering they do tons of things the bible and Jesus is clearly opposed to.
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
Importantly, Protestantism has no sacrificial worship as commanded by Jesus Matt 16 18-19. No proper worship, no church. Mal 1:11
@christianvance1614 7 месяцев назад
@@geoffjs Of course it does. You sacrifice what you want for who God makes you to be. You obviously dont even know what protestantism is all about.
@christianvance1614 7 месяцев назад
@@geoffjs importantly. In Roman Catholicism, how do you address the priest? Father right?
@christianvance1614 7 месяцев назад
@@geoffjs Matthew 23:9 and call no man your Father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
@geoffjs 7 месяцев назад
I know that Protestantism is false & heretical esp as you disobey Jesus Jn 6 51-58. You have no sacrificial worship so are not church. Mal 1:11​@@christianvance1614
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