
Are Revelation 6 and 7 OUT OF ORDER? | Revelation 7 | Part 2 | Lesson 17 

Torah Class
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Revelation 7, an explanation from a Hebrew-based and Historical perspective. In this episode, Tom Bradford, will be addressing how the events of Revelation chapters 6 and 7, might seem to be out of chronological order for the reader.
Is this so, or is it rather the way, John the Prophet, was meant to explain the development of events according to God's revelation? Find out in this video.
Join us in this Bible Study of Revelation 7.



4 окт 2024




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@StaciRouth 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr. Bradford for so tirelessly speaking the truth to the best of your ability. God woke me up out of the blue to this new understanding of Torah pursuant about 8 years ago. I do so appreciate your diligence. I am still praying for a fellowship to form in my area. Until it does you serve a vital need for the scattered.
@OceanView420 7 месяцев назад
Me too!
@madammim694 7 месяцев назад
theres nothing in my bible that says jesus will come back before the tribulation begins. thank you for teaching truth.
@sisterbecky411 7 месяцев назад
There’s nothing about a secret rapture or Jesus coming back before the tribulation in anyone else’s Bible either!
@MrEmeralddog 7 месяцев назад
Try reading carefully as you missed. It and nobody says it’s secret at all
@luxefound4179 7 месяцев назад
Great teaching. Please keep up the good work. Thanks.
@TheRealSuzeeQ 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Tom, always great to hear you dissect Scripture and explain it perfectly, SHALOM
@DeliciousGold1 2 месяца назад
Excellent discussion
@dawnemile7499 3 месяца назад
"Only the wise will understand but no wicked one will understand". Jesus.
@Lincoln-c4f 7 месяцев назад
Either way , we got to be close to God . Hoseah suggests some tribulation .
@lukewagner8871 7 месяцев назад
How can they be out of order, when the original manuscripts have no chapters or chapter headings?
@tomashernandez5640 7 месяцев назад
Good question....an answer could be that the verbal Scripture is sequential, in that order, since there were no alphanumerics in the Revelation book.
@AlanWolf-d7l 7 месяцев назад
Math 27:52-53.happened 1st Century AD is prior to tribulation of Nero is Rev 7 and Rev 14:4 is day called "First Fruits. Q Thes 4:14 ( note same ##) those "asleep" come with HIM. ( not from some cave but from their 3rd heaven home ) Trying to fit 3 events into one slot doesn't work. There are total of 7 events Enoch in first 1000 JESUS walked with Adam and Eve came as the Lamb and stated "coming again" ( not just 2nd time ) but 3 events on each side of the cross. Dan 9:26-27 in contex is Messiah ( KJV) Passover High Annual Sabbsth ( rest day) and wkly rest day ( Sabbath) not so called good Frid . Again Msth 27:52-53 is pre-trib. Then post- trib ( prewrath just Def) and then also post - trib. Zeck 14 no reserection but rather v 5 saints ( asleep Lazuruis too. Dead and alive , 2 witnesses Lev 11 and those "beheaded" Rev 20 ) from heavenly Marriage Supper some chosen as Ambasdors to reign with HIM
@rocdajacable 7 месяцев назад
It's impossible for anyone to have a higher status period. YHVH isn't a respector of person. 2nd there isn't any Rapture to escape anything, only those in an Harlots religion who say we sit here as queen and well feel no sorrow. Bye Felicia
@TheRealSuzeeQ 7 месяцев назад
ANYTHING is possible with the HEATHENS. A lot of Scripture is out of sorts... Shalom
@thomaskielbania6781 7 месяцев назад
This ministry needs to take a stand on Genesis and the firmament. Either it exists or it doesn’t. No revelation of this private interpretation would be valid if he doesn’t actually believe the scriptures. Is there a firmament or not pastor Bob? Thanks ahead of time for your answer sir.
@OceanView420 7 месяцев назад
So, I realized that chapter 7, verse 15, says, "Day and night they serve Him in his Temple...". If they did and are in heaven, why would it say they serve him day and night, when there's no day or night in heaven?? I would love Mr. Bradford to comment on this. There are a couple other indications like this in these scriptures that could mean they survived, not died.
@kearsedtitan 7 месяцев назад
It means you go through planned things with the understanding that you are in both places at the same time, because he sees you differenly than what you feel. You aren't competeing realaties you just have the choice of what you want to be despite of what you feel through salvation. He uses this to build other things he reveals later on.
@bobwaughman6259 4 месяца назад
The key to the list and the names included can be seen in the meanings of each name in the order given us. Get a concordance and check it out for yourselves
@suekeith 7 месяцев назад
All the prophets wrote their prophecies out of order. Isaiah is the most glaring example of this. There is no reason for us to consider that the book of Rev is written in order. Certainly, parts of it is, but not all of it. That's how God has chosen to have prophecy written. It's so that we cannot figure it out with our human intellect but through His Holy Spirit providing us understanding. Keep in mind, God is hiding many things from Satan, this is how He does it. Satan cannot piece it together.
@OceanView420 7 месяцев назад
I deleted my previous questions after watching the video again. I see that the crowd could be those that died during the tribulation(s). However, the chapter before, chapter 6, indicates Yahuah's return due to the blood red moon, everyone hiding from Him, etc. I'm really wondering if chapter 7 was inserted to show Him saving his people from his wrath that starts in the next chapter 8? When I say His return, I mean only his coming to remove his people that endured the trib, before His wrath starts. It sure looks possible to me anyway.
@OceanView420 7 месяцев назад
@YeshuaKingMessiah I think because HIS wrath starts at that point, so he gives warning to the world with the dark sun, the blood red moon, etc., plus that could be when He takes his faithful to protect them. In just wondering based on what I'm seeing in chapters 6 and 7.
@OceanView420 7 месяцев назад
@@YeshuaKingMessiah and btw the world knows it Him, and they're afraid.
@lugo2214 7 месяцев назад
Shalom Hope Dr. Bradford is well Have not see him put out new content in a while
@Yaaqov777 7 месяцев назад
Pretrib doesn’t exist in any manuscripts
@WKDMOUSE67 7 месяцев назад
Watch David Carrico you do not need to start saying chapters are not in correct places. My personal feeling is if you start messing with this all then becomes questionable. I do believe we will be saved before the last hour if the end comes while we are alive. May the Heavenly Father open the ears and eyes of all his children. Hallelujah amen.
@violetamariposa2404 7 месяцев назад
Can you please have no commercials on this channel? I just saw something so sinful, I can't imagine if my children were watching.
@michaelsmith9453 7 месяцев назад
Could it be that the reason why John didn't recognize those before the Throne was because they were not Torah observant and thus living outside the protection which comes from living "under" the Covenant? It says that they had to make their robes white implying that they weren't white (i.e. righteous) in the first place and thus it ended up causing them to be martyred. Just a thought...🤔
@christiroseify 7 месяцев назад
"Torah observant"? Just what are you saying with that categorization? Paul said, Colossians 2:16 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:” And who do you think are "righteous"? David tells us in Psalms 14:3 "...there is none who do good" and again in Psalm 53:1, Solomon tells us in Ecc 7:20 none are good, And Paul addresses this again in Romans 3:10 repeating that none are righteous... You're not telling yourself that because you "believe", you are now "righteous" are you? LOL... You still walk in the same corrupt flesh you were born in sir... 1 John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” SO... while you are "just in thought", you might want to think those thoughts through the Word of God...
@RealDefinitionsMatter 7 месяцев назад
Colossians 2 is edifying the gentile believers to not let others judge them FOR keeping God's holy days, dietary instruction, etc. This verse is often used to justify disobedience to God's instruction, but in context it is the other way around.
@RealDefinitionsMatter 7 месяцев назад
I also wanted to point out that the label of Torah observant is just to clarify those that have come to the knowledge and heart for God's instruction and walking in His righteousness, not claiming themselves as sinless entirely. This is the new covenant in scripture; writing the Torah on the heart. Much of mainstream Christianity rejects that God's instruction applies to them and labels it as "for the Jews". This is disobedience scripturally. Sin is transgression of the law. Also, much like the Pharisees in Mark that "lay aside the commandments of God for traditions of men". Keeping commandments and a call to obedience rings throughout Scripture as evidence of the spirit. The law is spirit, in scripture. Additionally, in Revelation it mentions "those that keep the commandments of God AND the testimony of Yeshua". Nobody is without sin, but we should be praying and seeking sanctification and that is found walking as Yeshua did and God commanded. He didn't come to bring new doctrine, but of Him who sent him, Scripture says. I pray this helps with clarity, as this was my intent, not to create strife. Disobedience directly correlates as unbelief according to Hebrews. We all should be praying, searching and laying aside what doesn't align with God.
@christiroseify 7 месяцев назад
@@RealDefinitionsMatter Nope... And I'll bet you are a member of the replacement church... You think that you replace Israel...
@christiroseify 7 месяцев назад
@@RealDefinitionsMatter "I'm special because I'm "Torah Observant"... LOL The Jews have been "Torah Observant" for thousands of years so not thinking you have any place to claim anything but gratitude for your salvation through Christ Jesus the Jewish Messiah... You are nothing more than a branch grafted in that can be just as easily cut down...
@lw216316 7 месяцев назад
Darby did not invent it. It is well documented that early church 'Fathers' taught it.
@violetamariposa2404 7 месяцев назад
@lw216316 Where?
@hermanehrentraut4956 7 месяцев назад
Shalom, Darby was a counter reformer who took the teaching of another counter reformer a Jesuit Priest named Ribera who was responsible for what is known as futurist interpretation of Revelation. Counter-reformers were people who sought to undo the Protestant Reformation any way they could, even if it meant creating new false doctrines which they did. What is obvious it is false is despite this being written by a Roman Catholic, futurism is not taught in the Catholic church but Ribera was never excommunicated or chastised by the Catholic church for his writings. There is indeed a pause in Rev 7 to separate events in Rev 6 and Rev 8 only because the events in Rev 8 occur later than those of Rev 6 and Rev 7 is setting up for what is to come in Rev 8 by identifying the next target of Abba's wrath as well as providing a time conversion value that shows when this will happen. It's false teachings like this that the counter-reformers want, saying these events are world wide/global when there is nothing in the text that it is, in fact the text clearly shows the events are not global but are local, because earth while it is now the name of our planet did not become so until over a thousand years later, earth in Rev just means soil/land. There are other words in Rev that are falsely taught to give these events a grander scale then John saw and was told to write. All in Rev is taught to mean every last one, but in Greek the word is pas and means all manner of/every kind of. I cannot have all the pencils in the world but I could have every kind of pencil in the world. If the entire book of Rev is about end times than Yahshua as well as Abbba lied to John, because Yahshua in calling it a revelation in Greek apocalypse does not mean the end of the world but just disclosure and in the Hebrew is ervah which means nakedness/uncleaness so Yahshua told John he is going to disclose the sins of someone/something and as the book unfolds it is the sins of the church he is disclosing so when these events happen those who are his and listen to his instructions will not be deceived and caught in the snares of the church. It is hard to not blaspheme God/YHWH/Abba when the ministers of Satan have declared it is righteous to not keep the Sabbath but instead make Sunday the Sabbath, it is righteous not to celebrate the feast days as commanded in Torah but instead celebrate Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, Christmas, etc. I mean most people known these days are man made but they justify keeping them despite God/YHWH/Abba commanding those who love him to not do that. The book is very concerned about believers all throughout because despite false teachings the rapture as taught in churches today is a false teaching. I mean Rev speaks about the judgments of those who receive the mark of the beast and worship his image which means their are those who are still alive that are not part of these judgments and those would only be the one the keep the commandments of God/YHWH/Abba and have the testimony of Yahshua HaMashiach/Christ. The rapture as taught by the church today can only come about by free association and not the historical, cultural, grammatical context of Rev when it was first written to its original audience. The origins of Replacement theology can be traced back to the 4th Century AD when Nicene Christianity wanted to remove all aspects that made seem as just being a sect of Judaism and would therefore have no special privileges being offered to Christians but not Jews. Indeed history has shown the meaning of the 144,000 "Rev 7:14 ... These are the people who have come out of the great persecution" In the English the verb tense for "come" is past showing "the great persecution" is at this time a past event, however when we examine the Greek the tense is not past but present meaning that at the time John is speaking "the great persecution" is a continuous event. It becomes even more clear that John is talking about his present of 95/96 AD when we remember in Rev 1 John said he is in the tribulation, although most Bibles have "in tribulation" in the Greek an article of "the" is seen and also was understood in the language of KJV in 1611 AD. Because of the modern definition of "nation" we need to remember that "nation" in the Bible also meant people/foreigner/gentile nation G1484 ἔθνος ethnos eth’-nos Probably from G1486; a race (as of the same habit), that is, a tribe; specifically a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually by implication pagan): - Gentile, heathen, nation, people. people G2992 λαός laos lah-os’ Apparently a primary word; a people (in general; thus differing from G1218, which denotes one’s own populace): - people. John in describing the lamb, 4 beasts, one on the throne, white robes etc are all references to astronomical information that in his time was commonly used for astronomical dating, in accordance with the instructions found in Gen 1 how the sun , moon, and stars (comets, planets, stars, asteroids, etc) would be used as sign posts for knowing Abba's will. What this channel and in fact most channels depict as angels winged beings are is not how angels are described anywhere in the Bible this image is actually that of demons specifically Nikes found in Greek Mythology.
@1wencowen 7 месяцев назад
I see lots of layers describing the same events.
@pennyc8572 7 месяцев назад
I do not think that Gregory Beale is a Dispensationalist. He is Reformed Baptist, I believe, and therefore adheres to Covenant theology. And is an amillennialist.
@michaelsmith9453 7 месяцев назад
Gentile: Anyone outside of the Covenantal relationship with YHWH/Yeshua So "Gentile Church" makes perfect sense!
@tomashernandez5640 7 месяцев назад
Watch previous teachings on Genesis 12 and see that the word goyim's meaning has evolved throughout the biblical history. Take a close look to Jacob's blessing to Ephraim and Manasses in the last Genesis chapters, Matthew 15:21-28, and Acts 9:18. You might find connection points about the meaning of gentiles. Another mystery related to "gentiles" is their genetics... how much of Abraham's DNA we carry in our blood and God's promises related to his descendants. I believe that Jesus sent Paul to get the gentiles that became pagans after the 10 tribes were dispersed in Asiria and then throughout the nations, and God wants them back due to the promise He made to Abraham.
@tomashernandez5640 7 месяцев назад
​@YeshuaKingMessiah yes I know that strangers and slaves were grafted during Egypt exodus mainly due to they saw the true God's power and the devastation caused by the 10 plagues... but with the condition that the same Law would be for them all, hebrew and the egiptians that exited with them.. see that I'm not saying anything about jews but hebrews. The name Jew has different meanings as the term evolved, too. So slaves and foreigners don't have the same meaning as in 1st Corinthians, since Paul was talking to people living under a Roman five-class system. Going back to your point, just tell me why in Revelation ch. 21: 9-13 there are 12 Gates with the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel (the whole nation this time) entering into the New Jerusalem. I don't read there's a gate for any christian denomination, just in case, or something alike...or a gate for the gentiles. Is there a John error here? The only answer that comes into my mind is DNA, as little as we could have. I agree with Dr. Bradford's view that todays church is the Constantinian church not Jesus pure, initial congregation that He asked Peter to form. Yet Jesus commanded Paul to seek for the gentiles...maybe dr. Bradford can teach us about these gentiles Jesus referred to.
@paulrosser6249 7 месяцев назад
Berean Standard Bible If the Lord had not cut short those days, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom He has chosen, He has cut them short. All it seems are alive up until the cutting short of those days which includes the elect i.e. those to be taken up. Only our father in heaven knows that hour. I believe the order of 6-7 revelation is correct. 2 peter 1.19 We also have the word of the prophets as confirmed beyond doubt. And you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation. 21For no such prophecy was ever brought forth by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. Rev 11This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass. He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, 2who testifies to everything he saw. This is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Thank you for the video.
@sonofthelivinggod2517 26 дней назад
His Chosen start out as the two witnesses,,, becoming the anointed 144000-firstfruits when they are called up to heaven in Rev11:11-12. Two witnesses are the two nations of Israel and Judah. These are the two sticks of Ezekiel37, that will be joined together to form one nation of Israel.
@sonofthelivinggod2517 26 дней назад
As far as the firstfruits,, one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible is 1Cor15:20-23. If it is understood, then a lot of other verses and passages will make sense. Firstfruits in verse 23 is not speaking of Christ Jesus, but of the 144000-firstfruits, the twelve tribes of Israel. To clarify, Christ Jesus is indeed the firstfruits of those who are dead/ fallen asleep, as verse 20 says,,,, But, verse 23 is referring to those who are to be resurrected in Christ Jesus,,, Christ Jesus is not resurrected within Himself, so that puts to rest that the firstfruits in verse 23 is Christ Jesus. Christ means anointed, the firstfruits of Rev7&14 are anointed. The order of those resurrected in Christ Jesus in 1Cor15:23 are; 144000-firstfruits are first gathered. This is the classic rapture passage of 1Thes4:13-17,,, meeting the Lord in the air in the clouds,,, Meeting the Lord in the air in the clouds is also mentioned in Rev11:12,,, The two witnesses of Rev11 are the two nations of Israel and Judah,,,, the 12 tribes joined, to become the 144000-firstfruits, when they are called up to heaven in the clouds by 'a voice',,,, After they have completed their ministry of 1260 days, the 2nd part of tribulation will start,,,, the great tribulation period,,, During their ministry they are not stopped, but after their designated 1260 day ministry, God allows them to be killed,, this is also shown in Dan11:33-35, the wise ones who instruct the many during the end days are killed,,, The great tribulation period will end when Christ Jesus returns with the chosen 144000-firstfruits as depicted in Jude1:14 ,,, when He comes with His thousands upon thousands of his holy ones (NIV) or ten thousands of His saints (KJV),,, When Christ Jesus returns, 1Cor15:52 will occur fulfilling the 2nd half of 1Cor15:23,, 'when He comes, those who belong to Him.' And yes, the Lord declares Israel and Judah His witnesses,, in Isaiah 43 & 44. And those Christians believing that they are the bride read Isaiah 54:5-7,,, Israel is the bride,,, no replacement theology here,,,
@sbsandberg1 7 месяцев назад
The first vial (wrath of God) is poured out on those who received the mark of the beast. Each vial thereafter is poured out on those who still did not repent. Read the 7 vials again.
@grannilovesanime 7 месяцев назад
Levi is on the list, Ephraim is not, Dan is not, Manasseh is on the list.
@roywhite8504 7 месяцев назад
It’s not a chronological book. The tribulation was in 70 AD.
@markhauserbible7168 7 месяцев назад
I would love to teach a class specifically for people that believe in a pre-trib and pre-mil eschatology. Brother Tom, have you ever considered when we are resurrected in a TWINKLING of an eye. And during that SAME TWINKLING, look back at earth and see born-again believers magically still on earth. Is that what JESUS taught? Of course, NOT. Lu 17:28-30 The SAME DAY Lot (Represents believers) went OUT of the city (Represents rapture) God destroyed THEM ALL. THE SAME DAY. How hard is this simple verse to understand? This is what JESUS teaches over and over. NO one left behind! PERIOD! Until pastors and teachers understand what Jesus taught on the end times. You will never understand the book of revelation. To prove this, I will show WITH scripture who the 144000 are. And not just ramble on with opinions, and NO scriptures. Let's start with Rev7:6. Who is Manasses? He was the oldest son of Joseph in Egypt. His mother was Egyptian, making him HALF Jew. This is just the start of understand the 144000. Not only that, but Manasses DID NOT receive the blessing. Remember when Jacob crossed his hands, and Joseph tried to stop him. Gen48:13-17 So, if Ephraim got the blessing, why is he NOT mentioned in the 12 tribes. Also, where is Dan. He was one of the original 12 tribes but is NOT mentioned in Rev7. These are all SIGNS that the 144000 are NOT literal Jews. (Israel of the flesh) Now for the BIBLICAL proof, who they are. Rev14:1 And I saw a Lamb STAND on MOUNT ZION, and with him a 144000. So, is this a literal number, and literal Jews, or ALL THE SAINTS. Now read Zech 14:4-5. And his feet shall stand in that day on the MOUNT of OLIVES (Mt. Zion) and ALL the SAINTS with him. (NOT 144000) 1Thes 3:13 At the COMING of our Lord, with ALL the SAINTS. Also, 1Thes2:19/ 4:14, and Col 3:4. This is how God tells us to study his word. Isa 28:10. If people would only study what JESUS taught FIRST. Then and only then will they understand prophecy. NO pre-trib rapture and NO literal 1000 year kingdom in our future!!! To God be the Glory.
@tarmojarvinen5161 3 месяца назад
Sorry, but Ephraim is on the list. Then problem is comrehend from, where is? So. Could you think, the list again and please, stop the name of Yosef... Avraham, Isak, Yaakov and Yosef. All Blessed by God! Bless contiuned: Ephraim son of Yosef. We have a list (Rev. 7:8), whitsh we read name Yousef not Ephraim. Why..? Bless my fiend, Bless! Please read first Jeremiah 31: 18, 20, 27, 31; and Jer.50: 4-5, 19-20. Jer. 51: 5. Ezek.11: 14-17. And then Ezek. 37:11, And this is very important... Verse 19! Josef-->Eprahim ... glue❤ Latter days all can reavill exatly, than our Bible told before happpened. God only knows, all right💯
@sonofthelivinggod2517 26 дней назад
Only those in the tribes of Benjamin and Judah are Jews. First mentioned in the Bible of Jews is when Nehemiah went to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem,,,, those who were from the nation of Judah.
@markhauserbible7168 25 дней назад
@@tarmojarvinen5161 Ok, teacher from the KJV bible where do you see Ephraim listed in Rev 7? Chapter and verse. Will you ADD TO and CHANGE Gods word?
@markhauserbible7168 25 дней назад
@@sonofthelivinggod2517 Where are your SCRIPTURES to prove YOUR opinion? Anyone that teaches Gods word should use scripture. If not, then RED flags should go up!!!
@tarmojarvinen5161 25 дней назад
@@markhauserbible7168 Rev 7. Who are.. from The Tribe of Joseph?
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