
Are the US and China Decoupling? What are the Consequences for the Global Order? 

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Are the US and China Decoupling? What are the Consequences for the Global Order?
Orville Schell
Director of the Asia Society's Center on US-China Relations
Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley.
Orville Schell is the Director of the Asia Society's Center on US-China Relations in New York City. He leads new programs on the environment, the media and foreign policy in an effort to promote more constructive dialogue between key Chinese and American leaders. He is a Fellow at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University, a Senior Fellow at the Annenberg School of Communications at USC and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the author of fifteen books, ten of them about China.
Co-sponsored by the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
Recorded Wednesday Sept 25, 2019



31 май 2024




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@kuri7154 4 года назад
China is very insecure about America's incentive to crush any challenge to its global dominance, rightfully so based on the US's track record of dealing with the Euro and then Japan's economy. The once-successful model of Chimerica operates under the condition that China doesn't challenge the US economically, and then militarily and finally, geopolitics-wise, and now China has developed to the point where it has to do all that. The differences in modes of governance or ideologies and etc weren't the root cause of the Sino-US incompatibility, (the US and Saudi Arabia are quite compatible despite being nothing alike lol). China and America are not compatible because the Western prosperity comes from the US-led international order, this system cannot operate without 1): Dollar being the world's currency, 2): US having the world's most powerful military and 3): consequently the US having the greatest influence, anywhere, even outside the West. Meanwhile, China's rise cannot be accommodated without breaking all three of those conditions, at least regionally (i.e. in Asia). At the moment this system is applied to the entire globe, reason why less than a quarter of the world's population (the entire West combined) are enjoying more than 3/4 of the world's wealth, and consuming an out-of-proportionally large amount of resources in the process. From China's PoV this system is inherently unjust, having roughly five times the population, they should be at least just-as-powerful as the US, if not much more. Having a long history of being the regional hegemon has only strengthened that belief. The rise of China requires the US to step down as the world's sole superpower, this will inevitably render the current US-led system inoperable (without the technological superiority, military supremacy and financial dominance, resources (natural as well as human resources) will stop flowing to the West from the rest of the world), therefore the US has every incentive to stop that from happening. The world's resources cannot support 1.4 Billion Chinese (nevermind all 7.5 Billion human beings on earth) to live the same luxury life 300 Million Americans are currently living, one has to compromise if the other one wants to be its equal. It's not strictly a zero-sum game but the interest of every Chinese people is directly at odds with the West's, this is beyond ideology and beyond politics.
@peizhou5364 4 года назад
He said engagement is a ‘two-way street’. While he spoke about the challenge from China, he failed to speak about the intervene of China’s internal affairs from the United States, which lead to the insecurity of the CCP. That’s why the CCP tried to build its own order. As he said, ‘two-way street’, this kind of disengagement and distrust comes for decades before Trump that both sides have responsibilities. He also said China should be, if not friend, at least not enemy. That only works when both sides restrained themselves from trying to change other’s system. The US was clearly more guilty on this part, as he said ‘call me arrogant’. He said the problem is that China cannot get rid of the CCP. But look at Russia, they got rid of the Communist, does Putin and Russia become more friendly to the US? Although I spoke a lot against his words, I do respect his great works on Sino-US relationship and I can see his great disappointment on this topic. That kind of sense of failure can only exist from a man that really have love and enthusiasm for his career. I hope he would have a chance to come to Chicago one day to make another speech.
@profriday 4 года назад
Birds of a feather flock together, America was so naive that it believed it could change China's "feather" to be together. However, it's never too late to decouple America from China.
@openlc555 4 года назад
Yifan Tang: Your message forgets one important fact: Chinese people are trying every means possible to enter and stay in US. Chinese women, in particular, have been trying to give birth in US so their children can be US citizens. The police raids these so called "After Birth Facility" run by other Chinese in different US cities, even the US territory in the Pacific, constantly. The Great Chinese Mother Land obviously is not great enough for these Chinese to stay. I've never heard of Americans doing everything trying to stay in China, certainly no "After Birth Facility" for American women found in any Chinese city. This simple fact speaks volume. Don't you agree?
@tanjaden736 4 года назад
There are many western 'China expert' giving inaccurate accounts and interpertation on China. They share the typical perception on China, like it or not, a negative rather than objective one.
@GlobalDrifter1000 4 года назад
Tan Jaden is 50 cents.
@profriday 4 года назад
The best western 'China experts' are those that can make China great again, right?
@GlobalDrifter1000 4 года назад
We like the people. The government is evil.
@kealee6350 4 года назад
The speaker talk as one side view, the facts is China is rising fast and almost wanna to take over the global order and US model is failing. China model work pretty well and moving faster than expected. Both Taiwan and HK are domestic affairs and none of US business.
@profriday 4 года назад
North Korea also believes that South Korea is domestic affairs and none of US business.
@rageburst 4 года назад
The policy of engagement was actually a policy of buckpassing to check the Soviets. Kissinger was a realist and this strategy was not a bad one at the time. Can't say I agree with Kissinger on other things too like Iraq. However, the lecturer did not fully take into account the balance of power as a reason of US-China relations deteriorating. This is the REAL reason why engagement doesn't make sense anymore. The lecturer is using the language of progressive liberals saying China does not embrace democracy and international institutions, but the real reason why America is wary of China is because they were becoming more powerful. It usually boils down to realpolitik in the end. This time around, the liberals are working together with the realists since you can't spread democracy willy nilly when it's a multipolar world. The realists, on the other hand, simply don't want a peer competitor. This is a significant shift in thinking, and it's due to the structure of the world changing. America's goal is to be the only regional hegemon since that's the best way to survive. A multi-polar world is not acceptable since that produces more opportunities of war, and conflicts of interest in each other's side of the world. Now will engagement make sense anymore for USA? If engagement means managing a balancing coalition against China (or buckpassing to the minor powers), then yes, it would make sense. By the way, we can take another example of engagement with South Korea, but here, South Korea does not have the population to become a peer competitor like China. That's when such a policy still makes sense, but its real name is buckpassing.
@mmtl9203 4 года назад
The history of America is filled with couplings and decouplings and this one is no different than all previous 'decouplings'. Typically, it is due to America no longer getting what it wants out of the relationship. To put the blame on Xi Jin Ping is akin to putting blame on Putin when America 'decoupled' from Russia post-Yeltsin. Or the Ayatollah post-Shah, or even King George at the time of Independence. It is an American trait that the global order has gotten used to.
@harryliu9499 4 года назад
I agree that the two countries are going towards diverged paths, but the speaker made an assumption that only the American way is the correct way, and china is ought to follow the path, that's a big assumption, look what the US had done in Iraq, Afganistan, and Iran. why they still cannot realize that the western political system is not the universal solution for all the countries?
@rodelking3466 4 года назад
The US is a devil. But China is the Satan.
@zqintelecom 4 года назад
Communism leads to poverty, war and disaster. Communism causes countless deaths. Communism is satan. If you love CCP, go back to the notorious communism regime and stay behind that GFW.
@xz3330 4 года назад
@@zqintelecom Communism leads to war. The US leads to war. The US = Communism.
@jojolimareis 4 года назад
The old gringo married the young lady believing it could mold her in a perfect trophy wife ( something he already did before). But it turnout she was a clever gold digger biding her time, saying all the right things but in the shadows taking all his assets. And now she wants the divorce... ---> Be attuned to the next episodes this decade
@RLsoundoost 3 года назад
Dr. Schell‘s marriage to a Chinese woman is his own business. Leave that alone.
@GMATveteran 4 года назад
1:09:35 - "I don't know whether we should forever retire the engagement strategy..." The only thing Americans need to retire is this notion that everyone else must adopt their economic & political system, or become an enemy of the US. This American ideological fanaticism is the biggest threat to world peace.
@profriday 4 года назад
The only thing American shall never retire is this notion that "birds of a feather flock together". China is what it is. You can not change a leopard's spots. China, after all, is a communist regime. USA has no obligation to sponsor or engage a regime that works against American values and interests.
@nayanmalig 4 года назад
@@profriday USA number 1 butcher of unarmed third world peasants in the world - always has been
@GMATveteran 4 года назад
@@profriday I find it hilarious that you people still claim to have any such "values" given how frequently the US support dictatorships & overthrow democracies.
@profriday 4 года назад
@GMATveteran  Thank you for making a point that USA and China should be disengaged and decoupled from each other.
@houndbmurray3943 4 года назад
Yes, i agree with u. China and USA should be disengaged and decoupled. US wants every country on the earth under his rule. If not, there are only two ways to solve this problem: froce them to obey like countires(which u called "birds of a feather") : England, EU, Japan did, or try to destory it. So to other countries who dont want to be ruled by US, the only way is to be disengaged and decoupled from US. BTW, History showed that other countries could survive without US, Can US do the same thing? If yes, then leave other country alone. At least stop steal things from other countries, STOP steal oil from Syrian which is a very poor country. Shame on US.
@siberiantiger3917 4 года назад
You don't go into a marriage believing you can change your partner. To have a successful marriage, you have to respect and accept your partner's values and beliefs. If we were naive in believing that we can change China, it was our own conceit. Unlike South Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, etc., we couldn't change China by imposing our liberal hegemony and affecting a regime change. So, we now seek a nasty divorce by decoupling our economic ties and waging a second cold war. We can blame China for all of our country's ills but if we don't look inwards and engage in genuine reforms, these measures won't prevent China from overtaking us economically.
@henrycunha8379 4 года назад
There's an assumption here that a "democratic" China would not want to establish hegemony over -- at least -- its own region. The US did that with respect to Latin America. Further, it actively worked against the British system of empire preferences. Unfortunately, China is just a normal power.
@trinydex 2 года назад
this is the realist read. it's mentioned in the q and a portion. this guy sort of has a poor theory of how things will be going forward. he assumes that Xi is the one making all the calls when there's a nation of meritocratically promoted people who are all trying to create geopolitics to move china into the lead. what's this Greek tragedy?
@asongslove 4 года назад
When we grown up and step into working place, the very first lesson always include "don't assume", there are ways how things run. Naive will cause you out of the business.
@kangbool 4 года назад
Progress & Success are the Roots of All Hatreds !! NEVER NEVER NEVER DO WELL ... and you will keep friends :)
@Jesus.loves.you.123 4 года назад
It is said that it was America that funded the students in Tiananmen Square through Hong Kong. Nowadays, those students who had once fled to America from Tiananmen Square remain silent about all the riots going on in Hong Kong, because they are mature and rational enough to be able to realize the ulterior motive behind the riots and behind their movement back in Tiananmen square Square 30 years ago.
@DoACarl 4 года назад
if you are not in Love with your partner anymore, then get a divorce. You can always remain friends...
@DoACarl 4 года назад
@潘poon The 🇺🇸 is only responding to your Un Restricted warfare . the West is not your enemy is it the CCP. A Radical Cadre that has put China in this dangerous path! #FreeAllChinesePeople!
@jimflagg4009 3 года назад
When you get a divorce the kid suffer.
@tobyli52 4 года назад
He may know a lot about China and Asia, but he does not bare the Chinese people mentality. He views things from American eyes.
@profriday 4 года назад
No, he does NOT know about China. If he does, he would watch China like a hawk.
@tobyli52 4 года назад
Had me laughing at “elixir of American democracy” hahahah
@linmal2242 4 года назад
Why? Better than any of the past alternatives. Do I have to list them for you?
@waiyuenleong8555 3 года назад
At the initial stage of elevation of Biden Administration, the tone of de-coupling with China was the priority of which EU and the five eyes have come together to group together. European Union chairmanship under Germany decided to move out knowing the fact that its export of automobiles could be affected as the sales volume is extremely big over the years. It is a wise move in view of the fact that free trade can only improve its economy for the country.
@wyodragon8492 4 года назад
There is no doubt that China and USA are moving more and more away from one another and that they will in the near future be decoupling. The most important question that should be addressed is therefore: Which of the two countries, namely, China and USA, is more prepared for the decoupling of their economies? Currently, China is dependent on the US for two things: the US is a major market for Chinese products, and the US is a major supplier of high tech products for China. However, China is now implementing two major projects, namely, the Belt and Road Initiative and the Made in China 2025. With the steady progress of the Belt and Road Initiative, China will be less and less dependent on the US as a market. In three to five years’ time, China will not need the US as a market. As the Made in China 2025 matures, China will not only be self-sufficient in high tech products but will also be a major supplier of high tech products to the World. This means that China will not rely on US high tech products at all. For the US, the matter is different. Currently, China is supplying more than 500 billion dollars of consumer products to the US. Which country or countries will supply the US after the decoupling? Many people have named Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India as major replacing suppliers? But, will they be able to supply 500 billion dollars of products within three to five years’ time? Presently, they are supplying less than 100 billion dollars of goods to the US and they are all participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. Their supply to China and other partners of the Initiative will grow rapidly, fuelled by better connectivity, and by an increase in the purchasing power of China and the other participants of the Initiative. It is most likely that they will not increase significantly their supply to the US. The US will then have to rely on its local production and on Mexico and Canada, its two partners of the USMCA. The US is currently selling more than one hundred billion dollars of goods to China, mostly, agricultural products and high tech products. After the decoupling, where will the US sell its agricultural and high tech products? While China will be purchasing soy beans, corn and wheat from Russia, Brazil and Africa, the US will not be able to sell great quantities of these products to other countries. As for the high tech products, since China will become a major supplier of the same products, the US will have to rely mostly on its own market. All in all, it seems that China is prepared to face the decoupling challenge while the US has no idea what it will be facing after the decoupling.
@thewaterway6347 4 года назад
Wyo Dragon a smart analyst, very precise n logical. 👍👍👍
@Realist-sh3dg 4 года назад
Hard to listen to. The American century is coming to an end and the world is going in a different direction, I think trump is just accelerating the process.
@nayanmalig 4 года назад
You got it - China will rule the world with hi tech and manufacturing ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jumXb5tl0Tg.html
@ndjsj84 4 года назад
Keep dreaming.
@Realist-sh3dg 4 года назад
@Captain Caveman no gods no masters
@harryni2162 4 года назад
I see the decoupling will make enormous opportunities for European companies and Japanese companies, it has already started. China will increasingly open up to the outside world, and who wants to neglect 1.4b market except US? The truth is whichever US company excludes itself from China either Boeing or Apple would never be able to claim to be No.1 company in the world.
@profriday 4 года назад
Then, why does China keep begging America for negotiation again and again?
@harryni2162 4 года назад
@@profriday Which fake news you read from? We see Trump is very eager to push a deal, twittered everyday for a deal. Didn't you check the facts that America trade deficit with China has increased since Trump launched the trade war? By the way only idiot would say China pays for American tariff (import tax), you know which one?
@profriday 4 года назад
@harry ni Of course, China does not pay for American tariff. American consumers do. Trump is just being entertaining. But the days China milks America are numbered cause Trump is die-hard hawkish with China.
@harryni2162 4 года назад
@@profriday United States Secretary of State and former CIA director: "We lied, we cheated, we stole."
@profriday 4 года назад
@harry ni Of course, USA has its own faults. No one is perfect. However, compared to China, USA is a saint.
@longfield8978 4 года назад
Mr.: if you believe what Xi does didn't get a nod from Jiang Zemin, you are so wrong!
@richardnunziata3221 4 года назад
Take a lesson from network theory : A single point of failure (SPOF) is a potential risk posed by a flaw in the design... Don't just move the center get rid of it .... distribute manufacturing across nations not just to the cheapest.
@vencheock4233 4 года назад
World economics groups include Euro-middle Asian, Indo-pacific, BRICS .......
@user-xq8qx6bg2j 4 года назад
One way to kill a conversation is, " you have stolen my property" but not offer any proof of the theft. Worst, when you also have stolen many properties yourself and well documented in history. 😳
@jasonhaley1821 4 года назад
this should have been done in the 90s
@mizhang118 4 года назад
Never too late
@badimpulses17 4 года назад
Meanwhile your buying made in China products.
@henryw.8458 4 года назад
The irony here is that Chinese relationships with most of other countries are pretty good. Go figure.
@travisjohnson6703 4 года назад
Not...particularly. More like most have been bought off, consider it someone else's problem, or are staring at the growing navy and realizing how fucked they are,
@hakunamatata887 4 года назад
Travis Johnson the difference is that China never wanna change other countries, but America just love to change other countries, look at Iraq, what kind of change?
@ksm273 4 года назад
Not true.
@travisjohnson6703 4 года назад
@@hakunamatata887 I point you to North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Three of those have been actively occupied by Chinese troops within the past 70 years. One China has all but promised to invade if they don't knuckle under. The US invasion of Iraq was unjustified and amoral, I don't dispute that. At least the US did it's damndest to create an independent, democratic nation with functioning infrastructure. We shouldn't have gone in, but then, we shouldnt go into Venezuela, or Iran, or Myanmar, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, and we havent. The US is more than capable of placing practicality before ideology-but we at least try and balance the two.
@hakunamatata887 4 года назад
Travis Johnson funny you mentioned those countries, You know trump said Syria 7000miles away from america, people on the same land or neighbor has boarder issues, they should figure out between themselves. Others should butt off. How do America feel when Russia put weapons on Cuba ? BTY, North Korea war, China was invited by North Korea leader. Vietnam defeated the USA n got cocky n bully China and surrendered in 28 days. Taiwan for thousands of years as a part of China, Chinese two major parties fight each other. BTY, capitalist vs. communist, that’s half century ago. Those was a time when most countries all kingdoms, and got invaded by outsider. The royal family out of power, people don’t know how to run a country, and the 1930 America Great Depression scared of people, so that’s why people try another different way. It tried and failed and all changed into capitalism, in order to change peacefully, it’s a step by step change, and now you go visit any of those countries, feel like any capitalist free country, people happy about the step by step change, look at Iraq, that kind of change, if you like, speak for yourself, don’t speak for people who actually live there.
@iayu7918 4 года назад
It seemed like China should challenge US bully all the way no matter the consequences .. Even though Chinese trying to avoid the collision by giving in to the American this time but they will come back and demand for more the next time so no end to it.. There must be a breaking point and it will come sooner or later... Let hope it would not end up in the military conflict but it seems like unavoidable as US keep on playing the dangerous game in South China Sea ...
@Rugged-Mongol 4 года назад
1. Most Asian nations and peoples have histories that are at least three thousand years old, and they're typically ethnicity homogeneous. Thus, our cultures are extremely developed and cultivated. 2. The US is a young nation, and it's ethnically diverse. Most US citizens are multi-generational Americans, thus they've lost their cultural roots from the old world. 3. It's tough for Americans to understand Asian politics b/c of the lack of any general cultural understanding. 4. The PRC wants to revert back to the world order where the Middle Kingdom was the only "legitimate" civilization destined to rule earth with all other peoples on the planet having supposed to pay tribute to the Han Chinese civilization. 5. Regardless of the PRC's current political structure, they just want to see the whole world kowtow to Han Chinese people, much how like the Japanese thought they were the "superior" race and civilization during the first half of the 20th Century...
@johnlui9563 2 года назад
Are you sure that it is not the other way around? It is the US who wants everybody to kowtow to their supremacy. Will China do that? Its left to be seen. But US's action has shown that it is a bully and wants its own way all the time. They invade other countries without UN sanction. Its OK because it is for the people's good. Ah! ask Iraqis, Syrians, Afghanis, Libyans, and Vietnamese, what good the US has done for them? History has not shown China to colonise other nations. Admiral Zheng He visited Malacca (a state in Malaysia) with his armada and left it alone. The Portuguese came and annex Malacca as their colony until the British replaced them. It is the so-called western civilised nations that wants to colonise others.
@Gigastorz 4 года назад
on the taiwan issue, i think one of the official comment is taiwan only have to admit they are a self govern state of china, and everything else remains the same. the most likely conflict that might happen between US and china is the south china sea, where china will be touching the global control of US.
@RLsoundoost 3 года назад
Despite his deep and profound study of Chinese history, there is something missing in Dr. Orville Schell’s understanding of China. Which is: China feels she has 5000 years of history. She wants to be rich without adopting America’s democracy. China looks at different America’s attempts to make others like herself like Arab Spring, the Iraqi War, Afghan War, Libyan War, Gorbachev adoption of American democracy -- all colossal tragic failures. China feels we can be friends without your friends adopting your political system.
@RLsoundoost 3 года назад
It is a world tragedy that Orville Schell continues to have a blackhole in his understanding of China.
@yifantang8641 4 года назад
From this old man's speech I can see that he is only capable of seeing things from US perspective, rather than analyze such a complicated topic from both US and China's perspectives. If you can realize that U.S. has been behind almost every conflicts in the world during the past half centry, invading dozens of countries, ruin tens of millions of people's lives in other counties for maintaining US interests, you will understand why China doesn't trust US and the mutual relationship is rapidly getting worse. Btw, US is behind Hongkong riot. The only reason why US is doing that is US is trying to mess up China just like what he has been doing in the rest of the world. US is afraid that China will take its place. This is the only reason and everyone in the world can see except American people, thanks for the U.S. Media and people like this old man who is telling all kinds of lies to fool US people. I have to say that Trump is the greatest US president ever. He make Chinese people eventually give up the finally little fantasy of US. He successfully make the whole world see the true face of US. He is definitely speeding up the fall of US and this is what exactly China would love to see. The funny thing is when US points its fingers to others, he never feels any shame of its double standards. US's falling is inevitable because there are too many people in the U.S. Like this old man.
@profriday 4 года назад
Since USA is so evil as you (and most Chinese?) believe, China should welcome the "decoupling" and get the fuck off USA ASAP.
@yifantang8641 4 года назад
I guess you have never been to China and you have no idea how many American people are in China nowadays. The difference between Chinese and American is I have never heard any Chinese say "American or any people from other countries should leave". Millions of foreigners live in China nowadays and I think majority of them are happy and Chinese people never think it's a problem. American people in America are now really lack of confidence and they have no idea what the world is really like today. I would suggest American people to go aboard more often, rather than live in your own world.
@profriday 4 года назад
@Yifan Tang I say "China (not CHINESE) should welcome the "decoupling" and get the fuck off USA ASAP". Your clearly lack of good understanding of English language. And, please save your suggestion for your people caged in China's Great Firewall.
@brandonstrife9738 4 года назад
@@yifantang8641 What a bullshit liar. Holy fuckin shit you have the balls to actually say that shit. Holy shit there are entire forums and websites to assembly groups doing just that. Lmfao.
@joelnagler5998 4 года назад
Bear in mind, he was the Dean of Berkeley and an educator. Truly horrified.
@henrycunha8379 4 года назад
(3) The irony of the situation is that China's rise, altho very real, is -- like most historical cycles -- temporary. By the end of the 21st Century, the population of North America will equal China's (decreasing) population. So from the point of view of market power, it's a situation which will reverse itself. Further, if they can keep it, the democratic system prevailing in Europe, the Americas, Japan, S Korea, Australia, India will have an insurmountable demographic edge over China. The world isn't going to adopt China's "system". So there can be a policy of restraining, containing, objecting, etc., etc., that constrains, perhaps, some presumed Chinese "arrogance".
@user-sy7pl2fi5v 4 года назад
Do you know how much the population China has? LOL Why do you think the rest world wants to keep do the way like America? Look outside! even in America people already don't trust that crap! Look the Sanders supporter, They far more radicalness then China! LOL End of the 21st century? I don't think America can keep That long! Give you a mandarin advise "The brain is a good thing, but you don't have one!" LOL
@vencheock4233 4 года назад
The current world is not bipolar, but getting a multipolar world.
@seokoking6956 4 года назад
How did he become a professor in such an esteemed University with such a shallow understanding of what is going on. He is just like any ordinary Americans laying the blame at China’s feet for the strained relationship. Did he even reflect on what US did to cause China to change from a benign outlook to one of deep suspicion on the west and especially on US intention? Did he realise the effect of the bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999? Or when Clinton send two aircraft carriers battled groups into the Taiwan straits in 1996 in a show of strength and to humiliate China? Obviously he is only stating the American narrative.
@profriday 4 года назад
Quote from Winston Churchill (Americans will always do the right thing - after exhausting all the alternatives.) This is how USA has been dealing with China. Now China is getting what it deserves, an American President Trump.
@seokoking6956 4 года назад
@@profriday He help China makes some fantastic decisions. Trump might sounds and acts anti China. On he flip side they help accelerate China's economic and technology self-reliance.
@profriday 4 года назад
Yeah, Chairman Mao once championed China's economic and technology self-reliance. His legacy is being touted and gaining momentum in China now. Good luck.
@kitnascimento0 2 года назад
Screw the guy he appears in all kind of china documentaries about tiananmen and you can see his fustration in that they could not bring the government down. He obviously ignores all those events and also ignores the dabacles over the last 20 years in the middle east and acts as if this will not have an effect in all places including asia. Even 10 years ago after the iraq debacle the US position had already deteriorated enormously and 10 years more it has been deteriorating both internationaly and internaly and that changes the calculus with everyone including china.
@jrz8156 4 года назад
awesome talk!
@whitfieldwu1564 4 года назад
Wonderful talk, thanks
@wernerzikeli7606 3 года назад
Very funny to hear what this man proposed in 2019. The US are in a steep decline and China will step ahead - whatever the US is doing. The decoupling means that China is not longer under an economic threat of the US .Tariffs and sanctions will not work any more. Trump is out and Biden has to repair all the broken cooperation not only in ASIA but in EUROPE as well.
@thomasho4825 4 года назад
The most ridiculous question is about the Hong Kong for choir now see you at eight in the British behind the whole damn thing
@billkent6338 4 года назад
Orville Schell claimed the root problem between United States and China is the different political system. United States supposed to be Capitalist, liberal, democratic with rule of law. China criticised as Communist, repressive. Can Orville then explain why United States has counted amongst its friends, Saudi Arabia, a country though not Communist, certainly not liberal and democratic and repression of its citizens common. Further, United State’s recent promotion of friendly relation with Vietnam, a country under communist rule similar to China, certainly add more doubt to Orville’s theory. It is obvious from the above that political system is not the root problem but technological and economical dominance is. As the gap between China and Unites Stated closes, the Americans are not comfortable and start taking action to slow down China. But first, the administration needs to demonise China to mould public opinion. That’s where claims on IP theft, “forced” transfer of technology, trade deficit etc are repeated over and over again so as to subtly instill hatred of China in the minds of the public in America. (Remember Weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq !!)
@profriday 4 года назад
USA is both idealistic and realistic. That's why it accommodates oil rich Saudi Arabia as a friend. As for Vietnam, American generally feel guilty to this country and wants to compensate for the suffering Vietnamese had gone through the war. Besides, Vietnamese hold no animosity to American. China once claimed to rise peacefully, but now is preparing for war and changing the world order. USA has no choice but react to the not so peaceful rise of China accordingly.
@famahyus 4 года назад
The set of friend/ally not get later abandoned or screwed up by the US: {}
@The667251 3 года назад
In China, the most important title is the head of Arm Forces Commission. Deng back then had the title.
@wenling3487 4 года назад
Put in blank language, “US color revolution failed, so let’s get tough.” USA waited for another Gorbachev, but comes another Mao, modernized. Then on opposite side, Trump is here.
@wernerzikeli7606 3 года назад
Very funny to hear what this man proposed in 2019. The US are in a steep decline and China will step ahead - whatever the US is doing. The decoupling means that China is not longer under an economic threat of the US .Tariffs and sanctions will not work any more. Trump is out and Biden has to repair all the broken cooperation not only in ASIA but in EUROPE as well.
@The667251 3 года назад
Xi Jinping is not as colorful as his processors of Mao, Deng and Jiang, and he is simply following Deng's teaching: "Signal left turn right". Talk noble communism but practice capitalism.
@menghuakin8574 4 года назад
China should bar this professor to visit China.
@geomcqueen 4 года назад
37:17 Senkakul Islands, really?
@kenyifrancis3145 4 года назад
Why should the Americans have the thinking that it's civilization is better than the other, the Chinese have there own civilization and that's what makes them Chinese, the U S need to have respect to others. Colonization brought lots suffering to many countries around the world. If we are friends let our friendship be respectful don't do anything that you want me to change my ways of life be who you're and let me be who I'm. You have not talked about the U S economy which is growing at 2% to the Chinese which is at 6% who is doing better and also remember the U S is 23 trillion dollar debt and the manufacturering is already in recession.
@profriday 4 года назад
Quote from Winston Churchill (Americans will always do the right thing - after exhausting all the alternatives.) This is how USA has been dealing with China. Now China is getting what it deserves, an American President Trump.
@leonal522 4 года назад
"Greek tragedy" on the part of the US. It's the Americans who are missing the boat. Of course the Americans won't understand what I am talking about unless they have a chance to peek into the future 50 years down the road. On the other hand, I totally understand professor Orville's nostalgic attachment to a 40+ year relationship that has supplied endless aphrodisiac to the aged life of the American empire. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and even the best of friends must part. Problem with bottom-line style thinking is that it precludes every other individual‘s right to having their own thinking process, ie. you become a passive listener (captive) to his (Mearsheimer's) overwhelming theory. And it is this very Academic Hedgemoney that is trying to distract History from its Right course. Looking back at the history of the West against the backdrop of monotheism, one starts to realize how our world has become what it is today. This will no longer continue b/c we now have China who is a large enough wild card, as you Westerners call it
@michaeltowle8509 4 года назад
Leon Li If you think you can see 50 years into the future, your opinions can’t be worth much.
@leonal522 4 года назад
@@michaeltowle8509 depend on what you want to know
@travisjohnson6703 4 года назад
Lol, I needed a laugh. Thanks for the joke.
@sword7872 4 года назад
Lol, last few questions, she really slowed things down rather than sped it up by having to repeat each question a few times in a more wordy way than the original.
@michaelhayes4231 4 года назад
"China didn't do exactly what we expected or what we wanted, bad, bad China. Naughty China."
@thewaterway6347 4 года назад
Michael Hayes hahaha lol. You are funny
@jrz8156 4 года назад
Nazi Germany didn't do exactly what we expected or what we wanted. Shame that the United State failed to learn how to live peacefully with rising powers as such.
@michaelhayes4231 4 года назад
@@jrz8156 School of The Americas.
@lits1017 4 года назад
The past is nothing .selfishness count
@mikes8556 4 года назад
This smug condescension is a big reason we have our current president
@hakunamatata887 4 года назад
Mike S go watch Gweilo 60, that normal person has more wisdom than this white hair old man.
@albertwong1919 4 года назад
What a spin! Pls look at China from China's perspective rather than your own upbringing and western ideals! China was poor and weak when Nixon agreed to help open up China as an ally and helped China because of the USSR so u got it partly correct but u didnt want to face the facts that China 30-40 years ago was really a 3rd world country. Now China is moving at a pace so fast that they have overtaken the US in some key technological areas that is the ONLY reason the US is concerned about! Because in the next 5-10 years China will have taken the lead in at least 50% of the technology lead of the world! Go study Chinese history to understand better about how Chinese people was ruled. From China's 4k years history u can see bright spots where good and just rulers that care about the people and takecare of the people have brought great happiness and contentment to the Chinese people, followed by periods of bad rulers and than overthrow of these rulers by the people! Its a cycled repeated over 4k years. China is communist in name and the system now has some similarities to the old imperialistic scholarly system but with significant changes. Basically it is this new systems of how China breed and train and promote their new leader will be how China can survive for the next century. Xi can not rule forever he is also mortal and for China to survive after Xi is the next generation of leaders have to be trained, tested and qualified to takeover the rule of 1.4 billion people. So imho China is now at a critical phase to ensure the survival of China and the CCP. If I am not mistaken, Xi's philosophy is for the CCP's rule as the mandate of the people vs the Old Chinese Emperor's rule under the mandate of heaven. I think mandate of the people will be long lasting as the people will ultimately determine the fate of the CCP!
@profriday 4 года назад
It's 21st century, and China is still trapped in its 4k years of tragic samsara. Looks like China will never reach a nirvana. Pity.
@AlbertSchram 4 года назад
From [46:45] to [52:00] On coming crisis and confrontation. Hong Kong is now a poster child of political opposition. There will be a reaction from Beijing.
@michaelhayes4231 4 года назад
The population of Hong Kong is only 0.5% of the total population of China and contributes only 3% of total GDP. Hong Kong Rioter: If we burn you burn with us China: No, if you burn, YOU burn
@Songa-ge7ij 4 года назад
I think wealth transfer has happened 😏We are now waiting the full repercussion of it. Some of the fallout is homelessness we seeing and it will continue unless Christ come.
@linmal2242 4 года назад
Your 'Christ' aint a'coming back; tis all a fiction to keep you gullible fools in line.
@longfield8978 4 года назад
Even CCP is a party, but just like in US, there are two sides, lift and right. Mao is in the lift while Deng/ and two after him are the right. Maybe cus of three were on the right side, China comes up with one on the lift today. I don't think the game is over.
@jyashin 4 года назад
You're right on the factions, but wrong on the sides. No right-wing leader has ever come to power in China. Mao, Deng, Jiang, Hu, and Xi are all left-wing leaders. Liu Shaoqi and Zhao Ziyang were right-wing leaders who attempted coups on Mao and Deng respectively, but failed. Keep in mind that in China, left wing = conservative, while right wing = liberal.
@tankmissile 4 года назад
why don’t you change your corrupted system.
@janmanchow8488 4 года назад
To many ignorant Americans, engagement between China and the US entails the idea that China must transform its political system ...must become Americanized ..must adopt the messy form of democracy. To most Chinese, engagement means China will be open to doing business with the world (and with the US) under the WTO rules. WTO rules DO NOT stipulate that China MUST become a democracy. Countries with DIFFERENT political systems (including Russia )... ...are WTO members. Americans leaders are WRONG if they expect China to become Americanized. China has the sovereign rights ...to have its own system of governance. ( a better system which made China the second strongest economy in the world.) If the US is adamant on decoupling relationships with China...it is the US prerogative. Decoupling may or may not stop the rise of China...but it will definitely destroy the world economy, including the US economy. US economic experts warned that a US recession is imminent ( if Trump failed to make a deal with China soon.) The speaker demonized Xi and blamed Xi for the actions taken by the US to decouple relationship with China. We know that he was talking nonsense..
@profriday 4 года назад
Better recession than war. China is getting what it wishes for.
@yktang4088 4 года назад
You could not offer any solution because you are not a political leader. The US needs a president who has the courage to act. And that is Trump. He acted well on the trade war to deal with the trade deficit which has been a long term and unsolved problem in the US. He also acted on China's stealing of IP which all other country's leaders have not acted before. I agree with Prof. Lynch, she spoke with logic and highlighted the importance of action than no action at all.
@lzm7862 4 года назад
The funny thing is why should China change its political system which works fine for China and is supported by a vast majority of Chinese, just because it displeases the US. China does not ask the US or any other country to change their system. Who is being arrogant here?
@profriday 4 года назад
Trump can care less about changing China's political system. He is a god send to China (and Chinese troll).
@GaryBernstein 4 года назад
Cowardice and TDS isn’t a strategy either
@GMATveteran 4 года назад
42:45 - "... on the other hand, China could invest anywhere they wanted in the United States..." - this couldn't be further from the truth. The sole practical function of CFIUS is to PREVENT the PRC from investing in areas that the US doesn't want China to advance in - semiconductors for example. The trend of US blocking investments from the PRC began as soon as the PRC began to invest in the US in any meaningful volume, starting with the CNOOC's blocked M&A bid for Unocal. Subsequently, CFIUS wouldn't even let Chinese companies (private or public) invest in mundane sectors like rebar factories. I'm surprised Schell would state such a blatant lie, he is too intelligent & knowledgeable to make such a statement out of ignorance.
@profriday 4 года назад
Yeah, it's like asking for sex without wedding ring. Hugging is OK, kiss is OK, but sex is no No NO until you are willing to make a commitment. China, after all, is a communist country that neither adopts universal values nor respects rule of law.
@profriday 4 года назад
USA has no problem with Taiwan advancing in semiconductor industry cause Taiwan is a shining example of American values.
@Songa-ge7ij 4 года назад
I keep asking myselfwhy we transfered the wealth to China? Was it worth the cost? Can we transfer it back?
@john63ny 4 года назад
It was transfer of technology not stealing of ip. The west wanted to benefit frm the cheap chinese labour in return for their technology. It was a mutual understanding. Just bcos china has grew so fast they see china as a threat. This is the real truth. This asian society is very anti china.
@user-jl9yh1vy7s 4 года назад
What a great actor!big liar!Just teach your kids hatred, but that’ll do nothing better.
@joelnagler5998 4 года назад
He was an educator as a Dean of Berkeley, Ca. Can't imagine how he twisted his student's mind around.
@shiqiji9219 4 года назад
I think reform in China will continue, but may be not follow U.S. expectation because all the transformation pushed by U.S. in other countries becomes a disaster (Soviet Union, Middle east) and there is not a good example. During this procedure, I feel the concern outside is a good thing for China and we should be more resilient for different opinions, but so is western.
@profriday 4 года назад
Yeah, Japan, Taiwan and S.Korea (and Germany) are also disasters pushed by USA. There is not a good example. How insightful.
@shiqiji9219 4 года назад
​@@profridaySorry for late. I feel these countries still have their problems and they still need a long time to address their issues. But my point is not this. To pursue a better life is a common thing for people everywhere, no matter in developed or developing countries. However, the way doable for one country may not work for others. I am happy to learn more about Western knowledge, as well as other nations, to understand the diversity of this world.
@thewaterway6347 4 года назад
You need to accept changes, Donal trump changes a lot, every minutes he changes, he say something this minute, he will change his tone next minute. Between human relations, the hardest thing is to try to change someone, people can only change themselves. This is same on the country to country, why America try to change China political system? Why not just embrace the change happen in China? The problem is that America always blame on others instead of looking into themselves. That is the biggest problem, Chinese is never be arrogant, not in the pass nor in the future, not even now. Hong Kong n Taiwan, it is not of business of America, it is China’s internal issue, America is in between n stirrings up.
@jrz8156 4 года назад
Are you asking the Chinese to accept that XI could change the constitution, abolishing the time limit on his office and becoming effectively a new dictator just like Yuan Shikai in history? Are you asking the world to succumb to a totalitarian regime, which has no problem at all in persecuting its own people, including harvesting organs from them ALIVE --- the kind of atrocities that Nazi Germany did to the Jews? Whoever is willing to brace the changes made by such a regime, must be short-sighted, if not blind.
@thewaterway6347 4 года назад
JR Z how much do you know about China? Chinese government? I say not much at all, you are ignorant, the truth is, non of the government in this planet is perfect, they all make mistakes, but with Chinese government, they are willing to make changes n improve, that is reform, they are getting better n better, overall, Chinese people are happy under the current government, their life getting better n better, they’ve got a lot of freedom, that, you don’t know, either you have not been to China or it is just in your blood that you are just like some of other westerners don’t like to see China raise again. Too bad, you will just have to deal with it. President Xi said, it can not be stopped, not one can n nothing can.
@billthebuilder1579 4 года назад
"US and China are the two most important countries in the world." Actually India is quite important. If the US can put a stop to the unfettered unilateral trade relationship favorable only to China, China will fade out as no other country will be willing to allow China such generous trade terms. Surely China saw this coming. We don't need China as bad as China need the US. Trump doesn't have to be very shrewd to figure out that all he needs to do is give the Chinese non negotiable terms.
@dmethil 4 года назад
America is a paper tiger, they used to say. Very interesting and informative thank you
@wandererli 4 года назад
It's not about losing face. It's about what you proposing won't work for us! Jeez, what an arrogance.
@carbonfibercrypto2919 4 года назад
The Chinese lack of self-awareness is staggering.
@TheTonyP4 4 года назад
China does not practice communism which does not allow its citizens to set up shop. Check out my book "Can China Say No?"
@ericchen4549 4 года назад
John Mearsheimer need a serious talk with this old man
@arjunchatterjee875 3 года назад
Sir, it was a good presentation. It really put things into perspective about the conflict between US and China. I sort of had a hunch coming in to this about the the fact that the US-China relationship is central to the global world order, and your analogy about "keystones in the arch" put things into better perspective. As this escalates by the day, I think a lot of countries are trying to figure out where they're going to stand in case of an all-out conflict between China and the United States. I don't think China did themselves a favour by unprovoked aggression towards India in the Ladakh. Or towards their pretty relentless efforts to rally all of India's neighbours (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal) towards itself. It certainly has pushed India towards a much more negative view on China, and there were still a lot of people even before this whole mess who would have supported the prosperity and strength of China as a counterbalance towards the towering United States. I think a lot of people are now, seeing the dangers of accepting China as a global power, and its economic might, untempered by any sort of consideration towards their partners continues to deal damage towards every country who commits the unfortunate mistake of dealing with China. I think the case of Australia was really eye opening for me personally; in which we saw Chinese economic and political retaliation against Australia; a sort of "forced decoupling" by cutting key imports/exports coupled with a lot of bad blood created in the process. I think if the United States is considering to seriously decouple itself from China economically, this would be a really painful process both for the United States and for China. Let's be absolutely clear, Sir, people who amassed wealth by reselling wholesale Chinese goods in developed economies are probably not well disposed to find alternatives to China (economically). Or in the Europe, Africa, South America, the Middle East; for example, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, it was China who earned massive dollars by selling masks and other medical equipment all over the world. Being the manufacturing backbone of the world, gives it a certain advantage that'll be hard to take way... The way out, I suppose could be realised by seeing that China is completely replaceable economically speaking, they don't sell or create anything that others don't already have or could make easily. Proceeding on this basis I'm not so sure that they're a "keystone" in the Arch, I think the keystone still remains the United States and the EU, as much as it would prejudice the position of an Asian country, India to say that, I have no real qualms in admitting it. -AC
@emilyblade9676 2 года назад
I don't think he understands China as much as he thinks.
@user-hi8qy6hp8j 4 года назад
@ForeverEveresT 4 года назад
An old American kid !!!
@pcsing2006 4 года назад
Orville is losing his marbles, why should any country be more like US? Other countries with different political system can get along so what's wrong to have different systems? Disappointing that Orville plays the same blame game.
@profriday 4 года назад
Friends are those who shares the same values. Those who are not friends should not treated with favor and trust. China is not America's friend.
@pcsing2006 4 года назад
@@profriday Countries have no friends, only allies or non-allies. China trades with the world and still to their own, it does not seek US friendship. US hubris, as admitted by Orville, is the seed that breeds antagonism. China do not preach their political system. US evangelizes democracy to mask hegemony. Play the blame game by all means, today's world is different. How far did US got with Huawei?
@profriday 4 года назад
@P Chong OK, let me rephrase..... Allies are those who share the same values (and objectives/interests). Those who are not allies should not be treated with favor and trust. China is not America's ally (and can NOT be trusted and should NOT receive favorable treatments). Happy with the semantics now?
@profriday 4 года назад
China is not a country of rule of law. Even Chinese do not trust Chinese. For example, Chinese don't want to buy Chinese milk (contaminated). Chinese prefer to pay a premium price to buy foreign milk.
@profriday 4 года назад
@P Chong China does not seek US friendship? Yeah, all the Chinese PR are fake.
@hannibal8314 4 года назад
no offend but aren't you american attitudes on other countries only base on their power? Just look how your treat weak powered countries like Philippine, Venezuela or even much more developed countries like Japan and Germnay. Now you are talking abouot arrogant China because they refused to be reformed by the US? How arrogant!
@hhandrewchen 4 года назад
I thought this guy was a smart man so I listened. But does he know what he is talking about? He is contradicting himself all the time...
@wernerzikeli7606 3 года назад
Very funny to hear what this man proposed in 2019. The US are in a steep decline and China will step ahead - whatever the US is doing. The decoupling means that China is not longer under an economic threat of the US .Tariffs and sanctions will not work any more. Trump is out and Biden has to repair all the broken cooperation not only in ASIA but in EUROPE as well.
@longfield8978 4 года назад
Final word: China, your fault!
@wujianzhu7881 4 года назад
Since when did the USA keep there shit at home they olways dump there blames on other countrys
@joelnagler5998 4 года назад
US favor sport "Masturbation" is China's fault.
@jameszhou162 4 года назад
Please hit home about the notion of China surpasses US economically predicted by IMF and other agencies. That is what happened for the divergence when the economy of China was 10% of the US. It was the "convergence" talk... Don't believe it is about idealogical difference, etc.. It is all about who is the No 1 in 20-50 years.
@profriday 4 года назад
Soviet Union was once about to be the No 1 in 20-50 years, then it went busted. Japan (after WWII) was once about to be the No 1 in 20-50 years, then it went busted, too. Now it's China's turn.
@matubalfaisal2600 2 года назад
God bless China 🇨🇳✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊
@JohnQ-xh7fg 4 года назад
Lots of pro-PLA shillary going on in here. Give it up now; you will be changing no one's mind (but you'll still get your RMB cookies for your shill post).
@z3020979 4 года назад
Anybody that is pro China is getting RMB? I don’t know why do you even believes this. You must match too much fake news from the west.
@JohnQ-xh7fg 4 года назад
@@z3020979 More pro-PLA pollution. Thanks for reinforcing my point.
@joelnagler5998 4 года назад
@@JohnQ-xh7fg Beating China only shows your coward, self-doubt and inferiority complex that permeated in the West Landscaping. China's mighty power not you, not your idiot president or any of you barbarian could have stopped. Just laid it off. You are wasted your time and effort. Wild dog per international recognized names to be called of the Wests.
@weichengcn 4 года назад
This guy didn't have any substance on HK and blaming everything on Beijing. Discredited
@joelhansen8649 4 года назад
Because it is ALL Beijing's fault
@weichengcn 4 года назад
@@joelhansen8649 There you go another one without substance
@sunshine7453 2 года назад
The tittle is misleading it should be "Is the US decoupling China? It is the US that started! Nixon went to China accepting the idea that we have 2 different systems and desired that we could live together. It worked wonderfully for 30 years! China open up and the world prospered ever than before. It it amazing to hear you say that China is heading toward Lenin Stalinist direction to the dark age is absurd! China is a lot freer than ever before. Its citizen can travel anywhere in the world freely. How many foreigners are living freely and travel freely in China now? Most Chinese are happy of government and more proud of its country. You praised Trump who is openly racist and insult China every possible way. Like Trump you continue blaming China. You describe Xi like a monster and Trump like a very careful and sensible person and blame Xi that failed this relationship. Xi has a strange smile? Are you still talking diplomacy? The US even start to ban Chinese student because they may learn to much democracy? The US cannot stand to see a non white China powerful economically and tries every dirty way to destroy it and destabilizing it using Hong Kong and Taiwan. This is not new. Remember the treatment of Japan it the 80's? The US stated the tariffs and sanctions that forces China to react! This world for the worst is formed totally by a new US vision.
@bobbinsthethird 2 года назад
That's not true. There's been continually crackdowns from Beijings. Their authoritarian control of information turned the Corona virus from a China problem to a global problem. They shut down internal flights because of covid, but kept open flights to other countries, so they wouldn't suffer alone. If you want to see China without the destruction of its history look at Taiwan. China already broke their word when it came to Hong Kong
@user-jl9yh1vy7s 4 года назад
The evilest thing is that the scholars teach kids wrong things intentionally.
@bdayspec373 4 года назад
but not understanding that " engagement , was a two-way street" lol. is this old fool for real? he talking about amerikkkans? or "communism" red chyna?
@wsdigest 4 года назад
Orville Schell is too bookish to understand Trump, Trump is a great leader and much smarter than most people.
@AbdulDean448 4 года назад
So many 50cent army trolls here. Go home to your mummy
@angryburgerking8534 4 года назад
That is your freedom of speech. Don't ever criticize China built a firewall against you then. Actually China helped you avoid getting a melancholia.
@AbdulDean448 4 года назад
@@angryburgerking8534 I don't live in China I can criticise whatever I want. I have 4 Chinese dish washers in my shop, I yell at them everyday. They are so slow and stupid
@yktang4088 4 года назад
The speaker seemed to be able to analyse the decoupling situation and was quick to point out the faults of both leaders. To me, Trump has done well and did a lot of good for many countries who have been blinded by the economic power of China and frightened to voice their discontent against China's bully. The world needs a new order which is going to happen, one way or the other. No, I believe the past political leaders of the US and so were leaders of other OECD and G20 countries were naive to think China would change. China definitely wants to rule the world, both economically and militarily. The world can work with such an authoritarian country and we must all realise this.
@JeepCherokeeful 4 года назад
Obama gave
@sword7872 4 года назад
Obama's pivot to asia challenge caused china to work on BRI.
@HandpickedTruth 3 года назад
He only speak of China failed to change it system... very one-sided. He has no ability to see both sides.
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