
Argentina's Election Shakes Up the Country's Politics - TLDR News 

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Over the weekend the people of Argentina headed to the polls in their midterm elections. The country is currently living through economic chaos (something that's true a lot of the time in Argentina) as well as major COVID issues. Maybe unsurprisingly then, the electorate decided to punish the ruling Peronists and as we explain in this video it may end up shaking up the whole countries' politics.
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28 сен 2024




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@Bottleofwater-n5y 2 года назад
No One: Me, an italian Who doesn't live in Argentina: oooh, International gossip, nice
@Veriox22 2 года назад
As a greek, Argentina is pretty much an italian colony. More than 65% of argentinians have italian descent so you could say that you care about it.
@riccardo9953 2 года назад
Si, è molto interesante
@loren5432 2 года назад
I'm an argentinian trying to get italian citizenship since 2 years because I'm sick of playing life in hard mode. Send help.
@Bottleofwater-n5y 2 года назад
@@Veriox22 my compatriots have an opportunistic mentality, and this shows How they relate with the EU, so no, i could not care less about unreliable and opportunistic people like them, this Is One of the reasons i want to leave my country
@PASTRAMIKick 2 года назад
Creo que tenemos que formar la Union Pan-Latina para des-joder nuestros paises.
@freakyscottdude 2 года назад
Argentine democracy: Exists Argentine Military: So anyway I started blasting
@Hi_im_metric 2 года назад
Argentine military backed by the US***
@lubu2960 2 года назад
The army is already reduced
@johnmurphy5689 2 года назад
The military is in a sorry state nowadays.
@PanConQueso001 2 года назад
@@johnmurphy5689 that happens when the military acts as an independent class fighting against it’s own compatriots
@PONR2006 2 года назад
This election had literally nothing to do with the military. Like, nothing.
@napoleonibonaparte7198 2 года назад
“Argentina has seen as many coups, as any other country in the world.” Bolivia: 👀
@fletcherrichmond5143 2 года назад
The USA is coming runnnn
@angievlogs3407 2 года назад
Thailand: Really?
@EnhancedSC 2 года назад
@@fletcherrichmond5143 It is said that USA has never had a coup, because there is no American Embassy there :D
@BasicLib 2 года назад
@@fletcherrichmond5143 I mean the US is perhaps the longest running republican state without a coup or any forceful exchange of power US domestic politics are notoriously rather tame compared to their fellow Americans even Canada which could have broken up as recently as the 80s
@dinamosflams 2 года назад
*US (who financied them all) hiding in the corner*
@juanpedrofrereaffanni7151 2 года назад
Great analysis guys! I'd just like to make three comments to expand your very thorough info: 1) Macri's government also faced an important level of opposition from social movements, trade unions and the peronists and socialist parties, especially since 2017. This was mainly due to Macri's attempts to make what were perceived as neoliberal reforms on pensions and retirement funds, the labour market, etc. This came at a great political cost, not just the terrible economic situation 2) We had primary elections in september, which saw a bigger defeat of the ruling Frente de Todos, but they won back a lot of votes, and their defeat was not actually that big (in the lower house). In fact the won back the provintial senate of Buenos Aires,the biggest province 3) The defeat of the government was not really a big victory for Juntos por el Cambio (in fact they didn't win many more votes than in 2019). They won a few seats in the upper house, but in the lower house stayed pretty much the same. The parties that did grow were the Workers Left Front and two libertarian candidates
@facundoposleman1060 2 года назад
Es cierto que Jxc no aumento mucho respecto de las generales de 2019, sin embargo un 40% de los votos garantizados es un buen numero para empezar a construir de cara a las proximas presidenciales. El Fdt puede recuperar una gran cantidad de votos y probablemente asi sea, sin embargo no va a repetir el 48% del 2019, creo que el techo es por debajo del 45% por el desgaste propio de ser gobierno y mas en pandemia y con una economia complicada. 2023 van a ser unas elecciones muy parejas, pero creo que los mas importante es que despues de decadas estamos viendo la consolidacion de un sistema bipartidista en la argentina, que seguramente va a favorecer el centro del espectro politico.
@juanpedrofrereaffanni7151 2 года назад
@@facundoposleman1060 Sí, es verdad lo que decís de los números. Pero no coincido en que sea una consolidación del bicoalicionismo. Más bien me parece que está empezando a mostrar sus fracturas el sistema actual de coaliciones (se ve por ejemplo en las internas que no paran en ambos bloques y que se van a agudizar para 2023), que ya no logran comandar la hegemonía absoluta de otros tiempos. Obvio que habrá que ver qué pasa en la realidad, pero parece más un campo propicio para las terceras fuerzas
@huaweiespionandotudo8637 2 года назад
Macri is weak, they need someone that have guts to speak the truth that 66 was the best year for Argentina.
@huaweiespionandotudo8637 2 года назад
@huaweiespionandotudo8637 2 года назад
@Tardioo 2 года назад
Que emocion boludo ver a TLDR tratar de explicar el peronism
@wolfpytlak2786 2 года назад
Igual re buena la explicacion, no hay ideologia firme mas que cierto nivel de nacionalismo y derechos laborales como bandera, despues, podes ser tan menem o cristina como quieras, no creo que haya mejor TlDR para el peronismo.
@Tardioo 2 года назад
@@wolfpytlak2786 Peronism it can be whatever you want
@pascalausensi9592 2 года назад
@@wolfpytlak2786 Mi TLDR seria "Peronismo es populismo latinoamericano en su forma más pura y perfecta". Claro que entonces habria que explicar que es el populismo latinoamericano...
@mosaloquendo 2 года назад
Juntous por el cambiou and the justistialist party
@lubu2960 2 года назад
Bastante decente, nada y todo a la vez
@twinsen1949 2 года назад
Welcome to Argentinean politics! If you expect something to change, I got bad news for you. I once read something that ilustrated things perfectly: Stay in Argentina a week, and you'll notice things changing wildly. Stay for a year, and you'll notice nothing ever changing.
@APalebloodSky 2 года назад
When I think of South America, this idea of countries with huge potential but ultimately missing out on it always comes to mind.
@jorgegopp6927 2 года назад
In Argentina, we have the P.A.S.O. elections prior the General election. These means Primaries Open Simultaneously Obligatory, so we had a brief resume of the results in August. In the PASO the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio had won by far to the government coalition Frente de Todos. The Sunday when the results appears the government was celebrating, because they have retain some legislators. Also the difference between the two forces had been reduced. Nowadays there is a debate about who really came out as a winner and who as a looser. In other set of news, the parties in the extremes had recollected very good results. For the far right the Libertarios (a economic liberal and social conservative party) has enter in the parliament. For the far left the Frente de Izquierda (a trosktyist party) has duplicate their seats.
@joseperez1308 2 года назад
>Libertario >Far right Yeah sure, that's what happens when you view politics as a line instead of a compass, it's called LibRight (Libertarian Right)
@nicolasflores8544 2 года назад
@@joseperez1308 To be fair, a lot of their members and voters (most notably Milei) are conservatives. Many of them are against abortion for example. Does that mean they are far right? I wouldn't really say so, as the far right tends to have much more nationalistic tendencies. But just saying that they are "right wing liberals" isn't a fair description.
@wolfpytlak2786 2 года назад
@@nicolasflores8544 yeah, the thing is that it makes sense in the context of argentinian politics, I really dislike the paradigm to call left or right a party, because if you go look what gets called left or right in different places, things don't match at all.
@pascalausensi9592 2 года назад
@@wolfpytlak2786 Left vs right are highly contextual labels, and serve more to describe the relationship between the different political actors than anything else. "X is to the right of Y" or vice versa can quickly get you a feel for the political arena without having to get into the specifics actual policy or ideological differences.
@AgusSimoncelli 2 года назад
@@joseperez1308 that would be accurate but Argentinian "libertarians" are not libertarians at all. Milei's side of the party is just right wing reactionaries and populism. Espert is more libertarian-lite, but it would be more accurate to compare him to centre/center-right european liberal parties like the FDP in Germany, not the libertarian party in the US
@peterhaslund 2 года назад
I travelled Europe in the 80s and met this Argentine guy, carrying American Dollars in his waist pocket and meticulously writing down every spending in minute detail, how he managed to survive I'll never know
@BountyFlamor 2 года назад
Guess that's why he had left Argentina
@salemsaberhagen8926 2 года назад
1880s-1940s: Argentina was as wealthy as Australia or the United States 1950s-1960s: Argentina was as wealthy as Japan 1970s-1980s: Argentina was as wealthy as Spain or Italy 1990s: Argentina was as wealthy as Portugal or Greece 2000s: Argentina was as wealthy as Poland or the Baltics 2010s: Argentina was as wealthy as Chile 2020s: Argentina is as wealthy as Guyana 70 years of decadence, ever since the first military coup in the 1930s and also due to the political strife brought on by peronism and later coups as well, we are a lesson on the importance of the strenght of institutions, the importance of the rule of law, and the harm that big-government populism and extreme protectionism can do to an economy and a country. Hopefully a new political class can emerge from the current strife, one that stops treating politics as a zero sum game and that stops the practice of leaving scorched earth to its succesor. (Something the peronists in particular love to do)
@BountyFlamor 2 года назад
2030s: Argentina is as wealthy as Somalia
@joelezequielmendezmolina2877 2 года назад
Menem and Macri didn't leave scorched earth? Just look at the management of the capital of the country and tell me they really leave any other model possible than the predatory real state they have been running for decades in the case peronism could win the elections there. You call for the end of zero sum game and then get totally biased in your opinion, what we need is a more conscious population that can actually sit down and discuss topics without taking sides and being objective about the serious issues we have as a country, and how they relate to international politics and economics, Argentina, Latin America, or any low income country or continent that has been colony for centuries can't be blamed for their current situation without having a proper historical discussion of how we ended up in the situation we are today, however people are voting for a president that generates discord in public opinion by bringing stupid discussions about how many were really dissapeared in the last dictatorship. The discussions are totally of topic and not touching the real issues of the economic problems as a global issue. There are Wars that never ended, politics that came from the wars that were never stopped, and the FMI is still instituting and prolonging debts that shouldn't exists if you are to expect any real local development... people needs stop looking at the numbers without understanding what they mean, trying to analyze international issues as local issues, and expecting for a "rain of inversions" to save us. That won't happen, yet people voted for it.
@agustinsanchezramos5722 2 года назад
Repeat "70 years of decadence" = I don´t know a f..k of argentine history. "scorched earth to its succesor" was 1982, 1989, 2002 and 2019, not peronism at sight.
@joelezequielmendezmolina2877 2 года назад
@@agustinsanchezramos5722 so focused on the short term that you need to insult to make your point? If you believe Peronism is the only and main issue you are clearly biased. You sound like a bot imposing your repeatable phrases. Hope you are not a neolib fan following "influencers" like Millei and Espert that makes politics in base of imposing aggression and ridiculing every dissent to what they are saying with insults, not giving any value to life, manipulating language with phrases similar to "70 years of decadence" According to who does this term you use exist and is accepted to discuss anything on academic terms? What's your point with peronism being the only issue on this country? It sounds like some propaganda you are chewing, with insults, because other wise doesn't make sense and you need to appeal to emotion to say that only peronism bad is what exists for the country, I hope you are not associating the peronism years with the years of labor forces being abused, kidnapped, tortured, and kept in absolute miserable poverty, by the land owners and politics of the years previous to peronism. We could debate the history of the debt of argentina, that makes more sense to me, here, have a link es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_de_la_deuda_externa_argentina You think you could be behind your keyboard insulting for no reason without peronism? What about of centuries of raping and kidnapping indigenous peoples until assimilation and the current accussation of terrorism when you see a mapuche? If all that tilts as much as Peronism, clearly you shouldn't be commenting here, go read some books.
@agustinsanchezramos5722 2 года назад
@@joelezequielmendezmolina2877 Me parece que estamos hablando de lo mismo, pero en distinto idioma. Simplemente oigo o leo "70 años de decadencia" en un país donde venimos de las dos fundaciones de Buenos Aires, las batallas/matanzas contra los nativos Querandíes, Charruas, las invasiones en las colonias y en los territorios de las misiones por parte del Imperio Lusitano, las invasiones Inglesas en el período colonial, las guerras de independencia, 40 años de guerras intestinas desde el fusilamiento de Dorrego hasta la Batalla de Caseros y la victoria final del Centralismo Porteño en Pavón, las expansiones sobre la "frontera del indio", las campañas de lo que quedó desierto, los gobiernos del PAN, la repartija de 26 millones de hecatareas en 1885, con la migración de millones de colonos que hicieron el papel de ciervos hasta el Grito de Alcrota de 1911, El Pánico de 1890, la Revolución del Parque de 1890, la Revolución Radical de 1893, la Batalla Naval del Espinillo, el asedio al Puerto de Rosario con el Acorazado Fluvial ARA Independencia amenazando con desacragar sus cañones sobre la población civil si no se rendían las guarniciones radicales, el Centenario de la Patria bajo Estado de Sitio, la Semana Trágica. Entonces leo semejante gansada como "Argentina: 1890 = good, 1990 = bueh y 2010 = Bad, blame the peronism. Y no me sale siquiera mandarlos al carajo en un idioma, los tengo que mandar en varios.-
@pedroleuenberger4270 2 года назад
I’m from Argentina and I’m aware of how complicated our politics are and you’ve done quite a decent job. But I think you failed to mention other thing the current govermet did that affected their image. Like the wave of authoritarianism during the pandemic of the increase of insecurity. You should also do another video just focusing on our political history as it is also really interesting.
@Omni_Shambles 2 года назад
I doubt that they would ever mention authoritarianism during the pandemic because they are scared of being branded as anti-vax, even when that is obviously not the case.
@pedroleuenberger4270 2 года назад
@@Omni_Shambles maybe, but here in Argentina people literally disappear after the police arrested them for being out of their houses. And in the interior people were arrested for having COVID.
@PhysicistGamer 2 года назад
@@pedroleuenberger4270 Que decís? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJA alto bobo
@nicolasabate7843 2 года назад
​@@pedroleuenberger4270 you know that's a lie; otherwise you'll be posting the source of your statement
@pedroleuenberger4270 2 года назад
@@nicolasabate7843 really? The case of facundo astudillo castro is a lie? The case of solange? The regime un Formosa? You are the liar. Not me
@Ynhockey 2 года назад
I think it's worth noting that despite more liberal economic policies, Macri didn't seriously tackle the biggest problem: ever-increasing public spending. Argentina's public sector is not the largest, but it's severely bloated for a troubled economy.
@Vitorruy1 2 года назад
cannot blame him, removing thousands of public workers to reduce the bleeding will have massive resistence, if it even can be done at all, argentines want to do everything to save the country, except solving the actual problem (deficit spending)
@christopheraleman3507 2 года назад
The biggest sensation were the libertarians. They got 17% in Buenos Aires City and 8% in Buenos Aires province
@nicolaseusebi8424 2 года назад
Yeah, it makes sense but it’s scary seeing those kinds of ideologies growing in out country
@kaparg 2 года назад
@@nicolaseusebi8424 You're scared, i'm hopeful. You may in them find doom, but i find the light at the end of the tunnel, a small, lingering sense of a chance at salvation that i had never felt before
@nicolaseusebi8424 2 года назад
@@kaparg There’s a difference. You look up the wealth of the first world (while ignoring its inequality) and say it was thanks to capitalism without realizing that it was because of imperialism and colonialism. I’m scared because our country is poor and the least we need is a horde of fascist saying we should let poor people starve.
@christopheraleman3507 2 года назад
@@nicolaseusebi8424 milei no es fascista. Y Argentina es pobre por los socialistas chorros que la gobiernan
@surajitgoswami1871 2 года назад
Have been there five times over 1985-2019: Amazing country and amazing people. It is just taking them quite a few generations to adjust to a more competitive world while their Peronist leaders never stop spending. Something the US has to watch out for lest it becomes the Argentina of the 21st Century.
@oohforf6375 2 года назад
The issue with the USA is that it decides to spend its vast resources on its military industrial complex rather than on its own working class people.
@autusgo 2 года назад
It's a VERY good video for explaining the election in context in under 10 minutes. One observation is in the last minute where you say the economic has been struggling for 70 years (which is a way for antiperonists to say the problem s started with Perón).
@marzarilarriquetajosetibur1601 2 года назад
You forgot about poverty rates. They skyrocketted with Fernandez
@xavierinthetube 2 года назад
Let me answer that last question for you: Carry on doing as they've always done Both supporters and detractors of Peronism will probably agree with me on this one :D
@EricZucchini 2 года назад
Man, I'd sure love to understand why Argentina is so prone to accepting economic populism. Here in Brazil we constantly have people repeating that same populist discourse they have (from what I gather), but somehow they seem to fall prey to it to a degree that makes our policies seem rational in comparison (which is a pretty big feat). It's not like they don't have good education and things like that, so why do they fail in the same way every time???
@Dario-uj6qo 2 года назад
Because they have had a fascist goverment for lots of years
@EricZucchini 2 года назад
@@Dario-uj6qo so did lots of countries, including other south american countries, depending on your definition of fascist
@Dario-uj6qo 2 года назад
@@EricZucchini for what I know they have been in power for more time
@matilozano96 2 года назад
Our education system has been in decadence since the 90s. Both Schools and Universities. The school curricula heavily favours a positive view of Kirchner's economic policies. We're taught to believe that Protectionism and Mercantilism are the way into economic growth, that Free markets are dangerous, and that the State is vital in generating artificial local demand to boost economic growth (Think Roosevelt/Keynes after the 30's crisis, but long term. That sort of logic). Meanwhile, Inflation is not caused by the government printing money, but rather by greedy corporations and the financial system. The State is here to protect us from their abuse. This all bled into a twisted common perception of how economies should work and what the problems and its causes really are. If prices go up, then we need to control supermarkets and businesses so they don't raise them. If supply contracts as a result, then we need a law to force them to produce. State monopolies are more preferable than international corporations competing (Right now the State holds a monopoly on gas and has been slowly disrupting air traffic in favour of the state owned Air company). Public overspending isn't an issue since it serves to kickstart the economy;. The list goes on and on. Plenty of "given", "accepted" facts about reality and especially the economy that we seldom question. This isn't something only uneducated people believe, mind you. I'd go as far as to say that the more educated you are in Argentina, the more prone you are to hold these beliefs. There's even economists justifying these policies. And here we are.
@EricZucchini 2 года назад
@@matilozano96 a lot of the things you say are actually the same in Brazil (and I think in our whole cursed continent). Especially what you said about the 'intellectual elite' being very economically backwards. Unfortunately most of the relatively rational economic policy here was passed conservative populist politicians who relied on the uneducated voter. When you look at the people in the universities the great bunch of them (especially in non-economics humanities) are completely caught in that "anti imperialismo revolucionario" discourse. What really puzzles me is that because of some really unpleasant experiences with price controls in the 90s, for example, it seems like people "learned" (to some degree) that is something bad and no national government has attempted that kind of thing in a large scale ever since (although there have been some incidents). Meanwhile Argentina seems to keep doing it over and over again for some reason. Maybe the political base for that kind of anti-economic ideology is much broader?
@TobiasTHolmes 2 года назад
As a Nobel Prize of Economics Winner once said: "There are four types of economies in the world: Developed Economies, Undeveloped Economies, Japan, and Argentina" - Simon Kuznets
@juststeve5542 2 года назад
Oh gawd, Argentinian political instability... Someone get the Vulcans airworthy again!
@Monkechnology 2 года назад
"haha let's nuke a country because of an election amirite guyz hahahaha" Sure buddy, an election where peronists lose means an instant war for the South Atlantic
@juststeve5542 2 года назад
@@Monkechnology It was a historical reference joke. 1 - Although the Vulcan was/is a nuclear capable bomber, it was used in the 1982 Falklands conflict for a shock and awe bombing run on Port Stanley's runway with conventional bombs. A mission which made Argentina operate all their aircraft from their mainland, reducing their range severely. They are non operation these days, hence my joke. 2 - Whenever Argentina has a bit of a political wobble, it's traditional for them to distract the masses with nationalism and chants of "Malvinas". 3 - If the UK wants to pop a nuke on somewhere, it would invariably come from a submarine launch. 4 - It would be suicide for Argentina to even try these days. They've blown the element of surprise. The islands now have a substantially increased garrison, air defences, Eurofighters and naval presence.
@Monkechnology 2 года назад
@@juststeve5542 I know the context. Still it's so tiresome to read chauvinists wanting to nuke Argentina every it's mentioned because "muh malvinas" . We get it, you like to do that but have other issues and we frankly don't care about you, only boomers do.
@juststeve5542 2 года назад
​@@Monkechnology I made no mention of nukes, just a reference (in jest!) to defending a British territory from aggression. We get tired of corrupt Argentinian politicians using nationalism to distract the masses from their dirty dealings.
@Monkechnology 2 года назад
@@juststeve5542 As I said before, there's always a brit chauvinist threatening with war every time Argentina is mentioned. It was funny the first billion times but i guess deep down you really want that and the mess you left in the ME wasn't enough for you.
@adriansalazar1195 2 года назад
You should have talked about how the libertarian party grew up so fast in these elections, meaning the 17% of votes in Buenos Aires
@krombopulos_michael 2 года назад
There are 4 types of countries in the world: developed countries, developing countries, Japan, and Argentina - Simon Kuznets
@menice6736 2 года назад
@TheBosss47 2 года назад
Talk about the Bulgarian elections pls
@aaronjones8905 2 года назад
When you learn what percentage of the population is employed by the government you suddenly realize why it's so difficult for them to control their spending.
@macuma5533 2 года назад
Are you telling me that argentinians, actually stop voting for incompetent politicians when they mess up? Man, I wish it worked like that in other countries too.
@OrBerkovich-r4l 2 года назад
insert "well yes but actually no" meme here
@kaparg 2 года назад
Works with us because we're in a deep crisis, but don't think that JxC will make any real changes, the "falcons" (more radically right wing members) of the party are only a part of it, and many in it are still avowed peronists or weak cowards who vote for everything FdT tries to pass. Only real change here are the libertarians, and they've only been gaining significant traction since 2018, 3 years out of a century full of crisis
@matilozano96 2 года назад
We're fast to swing our votes to the other sides if things go south. That doesn't mean we stop voting incompent/corrupt politicians. We just vote those on the other party.
@Sebastianbertolotto1880 2 года назад
As an argrntine, i like your pronunciation, a little funny but very good. With respect to peronismo, people forget that it started with fascism. Perón himself felt inspired by Mussolini and bring many nazis here. So its roots are very dangerous and its only common denominator is the fact that they have a charismatic leader but only that. Its easy to think "oh so its laborism" no its not because one can see that they dont have a ideological consistency, only a lust for power. I know, its seems like i only saying bad things but only if you live here and could understand what they say and do, it horrifying. For that reason many people leave the country.
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
Please stop comparing Peronism to Nazism. The ratlines are far more complicated than you try to make it be. It didn't happen exclusively in Argentina but also in the United States, Brazil, Paraguay and Chile. It was financed by foreign powers, Argentina only turned a blind eye and that is of course horrible. Nazi/German presence in the country (as the powerful country that it was) existed here way before Perón took power. There is no reason to compare him to Hitler or Mussolini because, even though there might be similar aspects of the ideology itself, Peronism never comitted any kind of sistematic crime againts any comunity, in fact it expanded human rights in the country. That is indisputable. Argentina has a huge Jewish community and none of them were ever attacked in any way by our leaders back then. In fact, many of them supported Perón. I guess we could say that they were born similarly, but you cannot say they are comparable.
@Sebastianbertolotto1880 2 года назад
@@renzgonzalez Perón himself said that he was inspired and wanted to follow the style of Mussolini. I didnt say that he was a nazi, only that he bring them. Yes its true that other countries took nazi cientificts BUT no the worst of the WAR CRIMINALS. And in exile Peron went to Franco Spain, which was fascist. You know that Peron gave him money and food that help him to stay in power in Spain, right?
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
@@Sebastianbertolotto1880 He said that in a stupid video. There is no way your analisis is that poor. "Socialismo Nacional" is a term related to Nazism because of the negative cognotition that it has from the horrible genocide, but you cannot use that to confirm such claims. Again, they shared historical periods and there are similarities. You are only repeating propaganda. Fascism was never practised in Argentina and Perón himself said the wasn't "in love" with Mussolini's regime in many letters that he sent from Italy. He had strong ties with the Catholic Church and allowed democratic elections, with of course many federal (not so democratic) interventions also implemented by the UCR. That would have never happened during Fascism. The most similar aspects is Peronist propaganda, but in Argentina we had that kind of fusion between national values and political ones since Rosas.
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
@@Sebastianbertolotto1880 War criminals also entered many countries. Even the Vatican was involved in that obscure plan. Not only Argentina did it, I insist. Many of the criminals crossed borders, incluiding Paraguay and Brazil. Even Western Germany had nazi criminals in front of crucial offices.
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@@Sebastianbertolotto1880 most countries accepted war criminals dude
@sensora194 2 года назад
Well you know what they say: There four types of economies. 1. Developing Countries: Africa, SEA etc. 2. Developed Countries: Europe, USA etc. 3. Japan 4. Argentina
@dragonrykr 2 года назад
Where is the Bulgaria video?
@nurierdogan1245 2 года назад
Argentina was the world's 10th wealthiest state per capita by 1913...
@tst2363 2 года назад
Doesn't mean the people were wealthy tho
@somethinglikethat2176 2 года назад
Amazing what a century of bad economic policy can do.
@fb150185 2 года назад
Great video! As an Argentinian I was hapoy with it and thiught it captured prertu well the general situation and lead up to Sunday's results.
@idraote 2 года назад
The problem with International Monetary Fund is that they only care about ledgers. It doesn't matter if healthcare, education, pensions and everything go to dust, as long as the budget is in control.
@ronaldlee2139 2 года назад
Money needs to come from somewhere, everything go to dust anyway if IMF didn't step in. Increase tax or cut cost, Argentina only had two choices.
@danielwebb8402 2 года назад
Because they aren't the international domestic policies fund. A country could always not use / ask for anything from the IMF
@idraote 2 года назад
@@danielwebb8402 life is always simple, isn't it?
@idraote 2 года назад
@@ronaldlee2139 exactly. The problem is born when everything is about money and not about people.
@somethinglikethat2176 2 года назад
If they can't get their budget under control then it's only a matter of time before they'll be back in the same situation. Yeah it would be great if difficult economic reform didn't have any impact on people in the short-term however it's not always possible.
@abeelvago 2 года назад
Argentina a powerhouse for most of the last century Perón get's elected: let's make a new constitution (1949) and under my personality cult, the sky's the limit Argetina: and it's all downhill from here
@benjaminm5352 2 года назад
As an Argentinian I can confirm that my family talks about this way toooooo much
@PASTRAMIKick 2 года назад
thank you for pronouncing the Spanish words and not doing the typical anglo thing of saying "I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that".
@vinniechan 2 года назад
Personally I think opening up your economy is a good thing only if your institution can keep up which I don't think get talked about
@jackwalters4434 2 года назад
Great timing as I am looking to maybe visit there early next year! Man, for whatever issues they have, they know how to feed somebody! I saw (and bought) good wine that was cheaper than bottled water!
@lubu2960 2 года назад
Calling Juntos por el Cambio center right is kinda wrong, they're to the right of Frente de Todos but they have voted in favor of many of the policies that the Peronistas put in place and one of its main parties, the UCR(Radical Civic Unión) is part of the socialist international.
@GhostieTheML 2 года назад
being part of the socialist international doesn't mean your party is automatically socialist. Many centrist parties are also in the socialist international.
@nicolasflores8544 2 года назад
To be fair, it's easier to explain it that way. In our political system they are the center right, even if they don't completely align with the international sense of center right (a similar thing happens to Democrats when seen by Europeans). Also, while it was part of it, the UCR never saw itself or advertise itself as socialist. And in fact it was kicked out of it for supporting Macri and joining Cambiemos.
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@@GhostieTheML yeah, I'm not saying they're socialist, just that they're really never were really center right (althought that maybe changing now giving how the country is turning right with the influence of the libertarian party)
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@@nicolasflores8544 yeah I wanted to clarify what usually happens with European parties as seen by Americans. As them, most of our political parties and coalitions support a state providing education, health and etc
@kaparg 2 года назад
That's what happens when politics moves so far to the left, but you still have to simplify so that foreigners can understand the situation in a 10 minute explanation
@miguellemir242 2 года назад
You are mistaken about one thing: Peronism is a coherent political ideology. Its coherent in that their sponsors will coherently add or remove whichever elements they deem necessary to perpetuate themselves in power.
@emilianovai 2 года назад
I'm from Argentina and a fellow follower of TLDR News so I REALLY LOVE watching you talking about my country and pronouncing "Frente de Todos" and "Juntos por el Cambio" hahahahah. Lots of love from Argentina!!! 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@emilianovai 2 года назад
Also I'm member of PRO, the main party of Juntos por el Cambio coalition, and THAT Sunday election after knowing the results we have THE FEST of the year. All was celebration and party songs because WE WIIIN and they lose. Argentinian politics are crazy, you will never be bored here lmao
@mattsavigny6084 2 года назад
Would you like some chimichurri with those butchered words?
@loynco9299 2 года назад
Argentina's economy is as stable as a teenager girl basically.
@adeptusvoxradio 2 года назад
They'll just carry on, and I sincerely hope they do since, with the new generations, this will mean the utter death of peronism as a conceivably feasible set of policies
@Thincho1912 2 года назад
I was hoping that you would talk about Milei.
@mfr9699 2 года назад
Im so glad you 've finally made a video about argentina! great stuff
@kiuczu6835 2 года назад
I can't see the bulgaria's election video
@matigamer329 2 года назад
@somedude8468 2 года назад
"me happy because the ancap won 17% of the vote at the capital" :D TLD news telling me that everything is going to hell: D:
@angeimer4276 2 года назад
Wtf are you happy that the Libertarians got 17% in Buenos Aires, and you Need to now that Argentina dont matter the Goverment is going to hell
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@@angeimer4276 because they're moving the other parties to the right which in such a left wing country is good
@kaparg 2 года назад
Everything going to hell is just the usual for us
@somedude8468 2 года назад
@@lubu2960 exactly! the "communist party" (another left wing party that is 10 times more radical that the popular front (frente de todos en español) wants to seize the oil companies, is anty capitalisim and wants to socialize evrything (maybe not actuall comunisim but you get the idea) we already have price limits and regulations, instead of goverment owned stuff we have goverment owned stuff that is more useless than soviet planning (buy votes basically by giving a gov job) aaand more than 100 taxes... so yeah, get out from there would be nice 🤣
@franchisalemme 2 года назад
I've been following thid channel for a while and being from Argentina I really enjoyed seeing this video. Argentine economy is of the weirdest in the world
@mkvenner2 Год назад
How can you collapse a status quo when the status quo is collapse?
@QuizmasterLaw 2 года назад
"So what is Peronism?"< shifty looks to the right and left > Well, it's not Marxism! Don't ask about Grandpa Bruno SStiggletti
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
god shut up for one second i KNEW you would make this kind of stupid jokes
@QuizmasterLaw 2 года назад
@@renzgonzalez this is what happens when a political movement is founded in extremism.
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
@@QuizmasterLaw Extremism? What was "extreme" about it? Stoping slavery in the agricultural sector?
@pascalausensi9592 2 года назад
Q: So what is Peronism? A: It depends, what do you want it to be?
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
@@pascalausensi9592 That is funny
@brp361 2 года назад
Great to see coverage of this, lesser known elections...very interesting.
@oolooo Год назад
1:00 This does not count the 25/5/1810 Coup d'Etat
@johncollins5091 2 года назад
Could we get a video on Honduran elections and general situation?
@hugoellis1116 2 года назад
After living in Buenos Aires this past year, this video glossed over one major point about how badly Macri screwed them over: after the 50 billion disappeared (corruption from all levels of Argentine politics), Argentina is now locked out of borrowing more money because they have one of the highest external debts in the world- leaving them with no choice but to print more and more money. Thus the vicious cycle of 53% hyperinflation commences, with no clear way out now.
@AgusSimoncelli 2 года назад
Argentina is not locked out of borrowing tho, and neither does it have the highest debt in the world, either nominal or in respect to it's GDP
@hugoellis1116 2 года назад
@@AgusSimoncelli Pardon me I see you're correct about the debt size, but it was my understanding they couldn't borrow more after defaulting for the second time since 2000?
@mathewkelly9968 2 года назад
Argentina should be spoken of in the same sentence as Australia and Canada economically, but is a basket case
@finalnickadd3141 2 года назад
Juntos por el cambio and todos have socialism politics, one More than the other
@jascrandom9855 2 года назад
Argentina's biggest problem is political and economic populism.
@charlesrichardson8181 2 года назад
7:29 well this aged poorly.
@diegoyuiop 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah! Peronists lost the Senate Majority for the first time in 4 decades
@Ggdivhjkjl 2 года назад
Maybe Argentina should treat its military better.
@laempanadax5553 2 года назад
1:25 el frente de chorros y juntos por el cargo*
@santiagom3744 2 года назад
Never seen someone getting names and words wrong as much as in this video lol
@KhaalixD 2 года назад
Great video!
@juanpabloperelmuter690 2 года назад
Just Imagine how bad the situation is that a libertarian candidate obtained 17% of the votes in the capital city
@Tatincho 2 года назад
What is the problem with that?
@juanpabloperelmuter690 2 года назад
@@Tatincho libertarianism is a joke ideology, just like Anarcho-communism or socialism. People voting this kind of ridiculous ideas speaks volumes about how tired they are about the current politicians and how necessary is a change.
@DoddyIshamel 2 года назад
@@Tatincho Libertarians are like communists, extremist Edge lords living in their parents basements dreaming in discredited 19th century ideologies.
@owenb7911 2 года назад
will you talk about australian politics?
@heroepato 2 года назад
Peronism is not a political movement. It's a feeling.
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
Viva Perón!
@EnhancedSC 2 года назад
@@renzgonzalez carajo!
@kaparg 2 года назад
So a football team?
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
@@kaparg better than a football team.
@edsr164 2 года назад
Who else giggled with his Spanish accent?
@llenth 2 года назад
Historically, high interest rates mean high inflation. An increase in interest rates will be deflationary only in the short run. When long run dynamics are dominating though (high debt for instance or an inflationary spiral) it isn't so clear that higher interest rates will lower inflation even temporarily.
@danieleverywhere132 2 года назад
you need to do more analysis watch bad empanada
@petisorejon 2 года назад
And when you talk about Chile numbers??!! do you even know what happens there?
@ivan_t9n 2 года назад
Overall, an OK video, being it a brief one. It would be proper to add the exchange rate US Dollar / AR Peso through the years too. Some of the pronunciations were barely understandable. Feel free to send me a message and I can send you the phonetic pronunciation of the ones you used here. For example, "peronismo" (Peronism) should be pronounced /pero'nismo/ , the "Partido Justicialista" (Justicialist Party) should be pronounced /hustisia'lista/ , and the political coalition "Juntos por el Cambio" should be /'huntos por el 'kambio/ (pardon the lack of IPA characters here, I'm using the closest ones in a normal keyboard).
@pistolen87 2 года назад
Many countries are envious of Argentina's inflation, because inflation is the only way to handle the current government debt.
@kommy- 2 года назад
btw macri is center left, not right
@davids949 2 года назад
The pironists have always been leftists. And no nationalism is not a sign of the right. (See Stalin and his mother Russia stuff or check out the German national socialist workers party) As you so aptly put the pironists continue to promise popular concepts that are economically childish. As long as the pironists are around Argentina will continue to suffer. The left always does what the left always does. And if the people of Argentina continue to vote for them to some degree the only question left is how long does it take the leftist pironists to create a gulag archipelago or killing Fields.
@Phil_AKA_ThundyUK 2 года назад
It makes me laugh that when, in Europe or NA, an economy grows but like by less than 0.1% as expect and people lose their shit. Then you look at this bag holes being in recession forever and it's fine.
@damianbylightning6823 2 года назад
Argentina's past and present sound like the likely future of the EU.
@caterinalopez4273 2 года назад
Yeah, we're screwed.
@cz2301 2 года назад
Im just so sorry for Argentina and their economic mess. They can be even worse and dramatic than us Brazilians.
@labananacuantica 2 года назад
Oh boy I‘m Argentinean and this is painfully inaccurate. Happy to talk to you guys and correct some basics :)
@shikasta123 2 года назад
Look Mom!! my country is on TV!
@josephosso3101 2 года назад
My guess is that they will just continue carry on doing what they always do. Do they not teach Home Economics there?
@QuizmasterLaw 2 года назад
They haven't had a coup since the end of the cold war. In fa
@sspectre8217 2 года назад
Situación relativamente común en Latinoamérica, GDP (o PIB) negativo no es nada muy raro
@neiloflongbeck5705 2 года назад
Attempted normally feels you've failed to do something. So in the case of Argentina 6 attempted coups and 6 successful ones.
@soyderiverdeliverybeaver8941 2 года назад
Argentinian here. while this is a decent video, I believe it's misleading when it comes to the loans. virtually all loaned capital argentina has taken comes from a goverment with a right wing economical policy. It's not a small detail, debt is a big cause for inflation. last goverment was especially incompetent economy-wise.
@MBP1918 2 года назад
Argentina's number one in terms number of government coup
@frankieseward8667 2 года назад
Peronism is populism and populism is not a sustainable ideology. Left or Right.
@rockingrollin425 2 года назад
Inflation never dissappeared during Macri, when did " consumer prices go down"?
@lubu2960 2 года назад
When he stopped meddling with the central bank and stopped printing money. Inflation was lowered to 21% from the 30% or more of 2015
@rockingrollin425 2 года назад
@@lubu2960 that doesn't mean "consumer prices went down", in fact, it means they went up 21%.
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@@rockingrollin425it went down from 30% or more, what don't you get?
@rockingrollin425 2 года назад
@@lubu2960 I get it perfectly, inflation went down. That doesn't mean consumer prices went down a single peso and saying so is misleading.
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@@rockingrollin425 es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Evoluci%C3%B3n_del_%C3%8Dndice_de_Precios_al_Consumidor_en_Argentina ??? You can clearly the cpi going down before exploding
@damgonzalez0 2 года назад
My time has come.
@manuelcruz836 2 года назад
Peronism is not a political party (that's why you won't get far thinking of it as if it were), it's a movement that aims for national development and social justice at the same time. In the meanwhile, left or right, has no meaning in a country that hasn't developed, hence pragmatism should be the strategy, on one hand. And, secondly, the peronist movement sees constant changes as it is quite reactive to geopolitical changes in International Relations. You are forgetting to mention that between 2003 through 2015, Argentina went from being the most indebted country (in foreign currency) in the world to the least indebted. From 2016 till 2018, Macri indebted the country in over 100 billion dollars... and even so, in the meanwhile, devalued the currency 300%. The country hasn't "been struggling for 70 years". If after the last military coup, between 1975-1990, the country would have kept growing at the same rate it did between 1945-1975... the GDP per capita level the country would be comparable to that of Spain.
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
Viva Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
@Catholic76 2 года назад
Can’t take someone with purple hair seriously, so could we go back to your usual delivery?
@ojoemojo 2 года назад
what on earth is Peronism anyway?
@slowsnail30 2 года назад
I think you mispronounced Perón, it hurts every time you say it😅
@robhughes1296 2 года назад
When you gonna discuss Taiwan 🙄
@MrHmjg 2 года назад
loud incompitent people still clinging to juan and madonna(evita)
@petisorejon 2 года назад
You are missing a lot of why's here... A LOT
@HerralemanZyG 2 года назад
Actually it's the left wing TODOS and the less left wing CAMBIEMOS. Only libertarian parties in CABA and Buenos Aires province are right wing
@renzgonzalez 2 года назад
Juntos por el Cambio is not (socially speaking) left wing. Please. The vast majority of them are againt abortion, gay marriage, etc.
@yikes3013 2 года назад
Right wing and libertarian aren't synonyms
@kaparg 2 года назад
@@yikes3013 I've not yet seen a good explanation of why leftist libertarianism cam even exist, how do you control the economy while granting everyone their god given freedoms? Just seems like sunshine and rainbows
@kaparg 2 года назад
@@renzgonzalez being pro life is not radically right wing but i think most of them are indeed in favor of gay marriage, despite the occasional church member
@YourMomNDad 2 года назад
I’m gonna be so sad for you TLDR Global when you finally touch Philippine elections. It’s nothing short of a mess,
@quintenvanrespaille6733 2 года назад
Never forget that there are only 4 types of economies in the world: 1) developing countries who are catching up with the wealthy ones (eg China) 2) developing countries who are not catching up with the wealthy ones (eg DRC) 3) industrialized countries (eg UK) 4) Argentina (eg Argentina)
@EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 2 года назад
And Japan.
@EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 2 года назад
E.g. Japan.
@joaoomega6627 2 года назад
5. Failed socialist economy like Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina. Get that right mate
@boomstick_ 2 года назад
@@joaoomega6627 dont you mean economies that have been surrounded by hostile states?
@xaviercopeland2789 2 года назад
@@boomstick_ there are other countries surrounded by enemies that aren’t like those mentioned. Enough excuses.
@lilbrit1019 2 года назад
The world in late 1800's: Wow Argentina looks like it could be a great power Argentines: Not if we have anything to do with that
@frankieseward8667 2 года назад
Populism is a serious issue. Argentina is the poster child of that.
@lubu2960 2 года назад
@joaoferreira3007 2 года назад
Brazil and Brazilians: the same irmão.
@Vmac1394 2 года назад
It's sad. In the late 19th century there was an argument about which emerging economy would be better, Japan or Argentina. Now that question seems farcical in retrospect.
@lilbrit1019 2 года назад
@@Vmac1394 i mean japan did succeed. It didnt get all it wanted from ww1 but it still was a great power. Its just the great depression really screwed them due to the USA & UK being their biggest foreign investors and they needed loads of imports what couldnt get replaced. Upsetting that the great depression pushed them into the government what joined the axis. But Argentina had a really good golden age of politicians from what i read then its just been a corrupt hell hole since. Like they were so bad they invaded the sovereign territory of a great power to hide how bad they were
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