
Argentina's radical new president, Javier Milei (Exclusive interview) | GZERO World with Ian Bremmer 

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8 сен 2024




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@NicolasFernandez-tc5xp Месяц назад
I lived under Peronist corruption all my Life, this is the first time in my life i have hopes that i can actually live in my country
@Gary_The_Man76 Месяц назад
Your president talks about Brazil, but our democracy is stronger than yours lol
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
Wohne in Deutschland. Ihr habt mit Mileu und seiner Expertise den weltbesten Reformer mit den besten Rezepten. Ein Glücksfall der menschlichen Geschichte. Wird richtig gut werden.
@Alan2ring Месяц назад
@@Gary_The_Man76 Brazil voted for someone who just got out of jail for money laundering and corruption. A president that maintained close relationships with sentenced Cristina Kirchner, Evo Morales (10 years in prison) and dictator Maduro. Democracy looking strong!
@agme8045 Месяц назад
@@Gary_The_Man76 you are path3tic, LULA was in prison for corruption, and magically all of his charges were dropped. You call that a strong democracy?
@franconasser4708 Месяц назад
Primero que nada Quien habla de Brasil? están hablando de argentina Brasil tiene un socialista Lula y fue a la cárcel de que democracia estás hablando? Si apoya a maduro y está en los brics con todos los países comunistas​ @@Gary_The_Man76
@concernedcitizens4110 Месяц назад
If people thinks that he’s just like Trump or Bolsonaro then people are surely mistaken. First of all unlike Trump, Milei never likes autocrats nor he supports them. In fact he has so much disdain against China, Russia, the Muslim World and all the authoritarian regimes of the World. Secondly he always tries to govern from the center hence there are many from the left that’s also willing to compromise with him on reforms. Thirdly, he and his administration always tell the truth in regards of the hardships that people may face resulted from his reforms. In conclusion it’s a good thing that Argentina has Milei as a leader as now Argentina is safely on the side of Western Liberal Democratic order.
@enkiitu Месяц назад
The worst president ever
@illdieanyway7865 Месяц назад
When he says "liberal", that should get translated to English as "Libertarian", because it can cause confusion in the U.S and other countries, also, how can a Libertarian be "radical"? What's so radical about respecting other's Right to Life, Right to Property and Right to Liberty?
@lorenzooviedo Месяц назад
Its radical because we live in a time of civilization decline. The most basic rules of morality ar broken all the time everywhere. We let our would become a vulgar distopic place, and at this time, the strugle to make it a moral and beautiful place is a radical one. Everything is upside down, time to flip it back the right way. Cultural marxisim has been engrained into our culture and people that are a political dont even see it or understand it. Merit, work culture, family values, loyalty, empathy, fairness, beauty... its all been sacrificed at the altar of equality.
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
@@lorenzooviedo Es ist tatsächlich eine Herrschaft der Idioten entstanden. Über 40 Jahre fiel die westliche Welt einem linken und dann rotlinken Zeitgeist zum Opfer. Es war vor 40 Jahren unvorstellbar das nicht alles besser würde. Aber grüne Ideologen etablierten sich mit Umwelt Themen und schufen einen neuen Glauben. Mit der Wahl Trumps kann mit der neuen Aufklärung wieder aufgebaut werden. In Russland und vielen Orten der Welt sind die Straßen sauber und die Menschen zufrieden. Osteuropa hat nach dem Kommunismus einen erstaunlichen Aufschwung erlebt. Überall haben fleißige Menschen die Nationen wieder tatkräftig aufgebaut. Der beachtliche Wohlstand nach über 30 Jahren Freiheit wurde durch die Abweisung woken Wahns auch erhalten. Orban ist wohl der einzige Präsident der jemals innerhalb einer Woche 4 Kollegen treffen durfte. Die empörte Reaktion der Kriegstreiber war entlarvend. Nutzt alles nichts- wen es gut geht ist der ewige Krieg dann auch 2025 vorbei.
@maxi_rios_ Месяц назад
"Radicals" are a party themselves in Argentina. This can cause confusion too😅
@federicocarnebale Месяц назад
Its logical, but in todays society logic is radical 😂
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
@@federicocarnebale Es ist das genaue Gegenteil von Wokness.
@pablojavierdiazcolodrero353 Месяц назад
Argentina a partir de Milei, es el faro del mundo libre.
@jotaqu755 Месяц назад
Excellent video. People laughed at Milei at first. The guy is a brilliant mind, a mathematician of excellence, a Bachelor and Master in Economics, who understands economics like few others. Furthermore, he is a believer, and has a philosophical and moral basis for what he says, hence his conviction. What he says was always the same, the same, the same. Those of us who have read or heard it many years ago when no one knew it, can attest to that. Then, perhaps his effusive way of expressing himself is partly his personality, partly it may have been a strategy to get people to listen to him. Well, as General San Martin said: "One man shouting makes more noise than a hundred thousand who are silent." All the luck and you have to support him. Greetings from Argentina.
@user-bo9nr1ts5s 29 дней назад
9:33 thank you
@Rh22-c9l Месяц назад
He hates maduro with his guts ...like him so much
@emresario001 Месяц назад
you cant create anything positive by promoting hate
@harryx3424 Месяц назад
​@@emresario001You can't love Maduro either with all he has done to Venezuela and its people.
@Herkario Месяц назад
@@emresario001 what should we do then? support maduro and his regimen?
@claudiopiazza3793 Месяц назад
Out Maduro, for a free Venezuela
@user-vx1xn3dd2o 29 дней назад
He didn't say it, but also he hates Putin.
@dadaistaingegniere Месяц назад
The introduction is misguided. UNICEF took for granted past governmental statistics about infancy and poverty, knowing that Kirchner administration lied several times on several records. Argentina was banned from OCDE for altering statistics reports on Kirchner's administrations. Recession did not start with Milei's government, argentinian economic stagnation begins in 2011, but governmental economics' restrictions trend started in 2002. Milei is not applying a "shock therapy", term coined by socialist writer Noemi Klein, he and La Libertad Avanza are representing a willing switch from argentinians voters, he represents a different way in which Argentina thinks and works because Argentina did mild socialism during a whole century, that's why is broken.
@patriciogarcia2088 Месяц назад
La Ocde nunca expulsó a Argentina. Las pruebas Pisa de 2015 se hicieron sobre una muestra reducida del alumnado dado que se implemento una reforma educativa a nivel nacional que redujo la muestra y no permitía compararla con años anteriores. El principal cambio que propone Milei es la destruccion misma del trabajo. El nivel de actividad está roto. Empresas lideres en el mercado detuvieron la producción por 60 días y contando dependiendo el caso. La Sra. Georgieva quizás haga expulsar al Ministro de Economía del mismo modo que ya lo hizo la Sra. Lagarde en 2018, al mismo.
@illdieanyway7865 Месяц назад
I am Argentinian, wouldn't call it mild, its much worse than that, (in my opinion)
@joelrios3704 Месяц назад
The UNICEF doesnt take for granted what countries report, they have to confirm the data.
@dadaistaingegniere Месяц назад
@@joelrios3704 They cut some slack for countries with lefty governments, and then charge all along with correct data when the administation is mostly conservative. UNICEF took for good data from Kirchner's government about child poverty and nutrition when they increasly had malnutrition and lack al least one dice per day since 2003. BS as usual.
@pedrosolermartinez6273 Месяц назад
@@illdieanyway7865much better you meant, what was the alternative?
@estebanpaz4909 Месяц назад
Its exactly what i voted for
@ElBichoAzuloso Месяц назад
@lockecole57 Месяц назад
@wotdafuchs9616 Месяц назад
@destructor418 Месяц назад
@gt63628 Месяц назад
Without a doubt.
@ClaudiaLorenzo-w5x Месяц назад
President Milei is a world leader...He is one of a kind! Excellent economist and best president of Argentina. I'll be voting for him again. Long Live Freedom 🇦🇷💪🏽
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
sieht alles danach aus das wirklich der weltweit beste Mann mit dem weltbesten Rezept ein leuchtendes Beispiel für die ganze Welt wird. Alles Gute für Argentinien❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ClaudiaLorenzo-w5x Месяц назад
@@theoronig6440 Amen 😃🇦🇷👍🏽 Germany and Argentina will be good allies.
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
@@ClaudiaLorenzo-w5x Du bist lustig. Amen heißt bei uns Rutsch mir den Buckel runter oder noch schlimmeres. Ich weis das es nicht so gemeint war. Ich beneide dich um Deine Zukunft in einer prosperierenden Volkswirtschaft. Präsident Milei ist nicht nur der relevanteste Ökonom aller Zeiten sondern auch in der Tradition Kaiser Augustus. Der Kaiser gilt als der letzte Stoiker und lebte von 31 vor Christi bis 14 nach Christi. und 2000 Jahre später ist Professor Milei mit der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis von Ökonomie wesentlich weiter. Milei ist nicht nur für Argentinien sondern die ganze Welt ein leuchtendes Beispiel und ein unglaublicher Glücksfall in der Geschichte der Menschheit.
@Overpower423 Месяц назад
@@ClaudiaLorenzo-w5x like the good old days 194... i better stop 😅🤣
@danielrodriguez5463 Месяц назад
I believe Argentina will be the best country to invest in the next 6 months.
@andresperezmorelli9909 Месяц назад
Fíjate el valor de la deuda argentina hace 6 meses, crecimiento de las acciones locales. Es probable que empiece a crecer la economía desde este mes y sigue siendo barato para un extranjero (mi sueldo es de 800usd/mes)
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
@@andresperezmorelli9909 Danke für den Typ. Wir überlegen in Argentinien zu investieren. Eure Wirtschaft müsste in den nächsten Jahren explodieren. Singapur ist ab 1959 von Diktator Lee streng kapitalistisch in einen der reichsten Länder der Welt aufgestiegen. Das BIP lag 2024 bei über 80.000$. Hier läge Dein Nettogehalt bei 4000-8000$.im Monat.
@santiagopuentep Месяц назад
@@danielrodriguez5463 en los próximos 10 años. Va camino a ser el país más rico del mundo
@ezequielsaavedra9670 Месяц назад
@@santiagopuentep 35 años es lo que le lleva a cualquier pais normal que aplique las mismas reformas con los mismos problemas o peores que la Argentina. Si Milei lo logra en 10-15 va a ser historico sin antecedentes jamás visto en la humanidad. Y va a ser gracias al marketing que hace en el mundo.
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
@@santiagopuentep Ja so sieht es aus. Singapur ist ab 1960 unter Lee wie eine Rakete aufgestiegen. Das BIS lag 2023 bei 80.000 pro Kopf! Sollte bei euch sogar noch besser laufen da Argentinien etwa 4000 mal größer ist. ❤❤❤❤
@lol_vevo Месяц назад
To all foreigners: whenever you see 3:48 "mass protests" don't be fooled. Argentinians all know this, 90% of these "protestors" are just poor people that are forced to go there by unions funded by Peronists under threat of getting their social aid stolen from them. This is because the previous government made it so people who qualify for social aid must receive it from an intermediary union (which the Kirchnerists all control). This way, even if they are not in power, Kirchnerists can force the people they themselves made poor to mobilize and vote for them.
@k1ler4m 29 дней назад
And the "mass protests" is just the plaza in front of the congress in Buenos Aires city, a miniscule spec in the GIANT country that is Argentina. While that happened the rest of the country continued as normal, and even heard a lot of cheering when the law passed.
@Joaquinho Месяц назад
First time I can say I love my president
@Wanderingsomewhere145 Месяц назад
Thank you. Terrific interview. Very thoughtful leader.
@swordarmstudios6052 Месяц назад
He is a really interesting dude honestly. Extremely right-wing on economic stuff. But he approaches everything else with a degree of restraint and pragmatism that makes him really appealing. He is also staking out strong turf AGAINST right-wing populism. He also isn't right-wing on the economic stuff from an uninformed position - he does understand how money and economic systems work.
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
@@swordarmstudios6052 War doch sein Fachgebiet. Kapitalismus in seiner reinsten Form ist das gerechteste Modell für die größtmögliche Freiheit der Menschen. Wen er die reine Lehre durchsetzt wird die Wirtschaft Argentiniens wie eine Rakete in den Himmel schießen. Hier ist der rasante Aufstieg Singapurs ein Beispiel. War für einen Diktator natürlich einfacher umzusetzen. Präsident Milei hat es da schwerer einerseits- Der Professor verfügt 2024 über bessere Rezepte als Lee 1959 in Singapur (BIP/pK über 80.000 $ ).
@nicolasserra8120 Месяц назад
@jps0117 Месяц назад
Milei is correct on the things where he needs to be correct. The eccentricities I can live with.
@kshen7485 Месяц назад
Same as Trump, he knew what are the problems, but when he does it become worse. Western election makes “A giant in words, a dwarf in actions”.
@puertousbmonkey Месяц назад
Those are in his private life
@p.5008 Месяц назад
Do keep in mind the whole dead dog advisor thing is a baseless rumor started by a really insane guy that wrote an unofficial biography of Milei in order to legitimize his conspiracy theories and some monetary influenced local media ran with it then getting pick up by international media in turn further legitimizing it. In hindsight his strategy worked as some of you will assume he does consults his deceased dog. Nuts really.
@mateoicardi6745 Месяц назад
@emresario001 Месяц назад
he talks with his dead dog. there's no punch line.
@LuisDiaz-xv8dc Месяц назад
A president with brain and balls.
@joelrios3704 Месяц назад
he has neither. He is starving his people and has no balls because he backed on his insults on China and Brazil, an actual coward
@PC-tc5je Месяц назад
@joelrios3704 Aww the commies can’t find a real job? I’m shocked
@LuisDiaz-xv8dc Месяц назад
@@joelrios3704 hahaha bro I follow him since years, he's a genius, and you are a leftard.
@agme8045 Месяц назад
@@joelrios3704 los que se cargan de hambre son los mismos que se cagaban de hambre antes de diciembre. La pobreza ya era altísima antes del gobierno de Milei, al menos ahora disminuyó la inflación y los salarios están creciendo
@joelrios3704 Месяц назад
@@LuisDiaz-xv8dc a genius how? He is doing nothing of what he promissed, He said he wouldnt do bussiness with China and months later he went to beg Xi for credit. He said the elites would pay for the adjustment and the elites got richer while poverty increased to 50% of the population. He is starving his people to sustain macroeconomic stats that cannot be sustained. He is a clown.
@UZZZKY Месяц назад
Make Argentina Great Again 🇦🇷🫶🏼
@exanimato6586 Месяц назад
As an Argentine, I can say that Milei is not what I voted for... He ended being way more, wish I could vote for him daily.
@spyrofran Месяц назад
He is saving our country!!
@nadialeiva1064 Месяц назад
@@spyrofran yes!!! ❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷 Viva la Patria y nuestro Presidente Milei!
@leodemardel Месяц назад
@RTC1655 Месяц назад
That's my president !
@VanAlh Месяц назад
Intelligent and brave! Creative and logical. We love him.
@zantanapk Месяц назад
THE BEST RADICAL PRESIDENT. Amo mi presidente ❤❤❤❤
@GeAsita Месяц назад
Thank you Milei, I just have no words to express how happy we all are here in Argentina to have you, to have you save us from the lying crooks that governed us for so many years. Viva milei y viva la libertad!
@sedeslav Месяц назад
Argentina has 80 million cattle! This is already a significant point for economic progress.
@joelrios3704 Месяц назад
No, it is not. Part of its problem is that Argentina only relies on primary activities.
@agme8045 Месяц назад
@@joelrios3704that’s a lie. Primary activities represent barely 6% of the Argentinian gross domestic product, similar to New Zealand. The biggest activity is the service sector, with a similar participation as in Norway or Ireland. Followed by industry with a rate of around 25%, the same as Switzerland and Finland.
@rekagado Месяц назад
@@joelrios3704 shitty industry at astronomical prices.thats the peronian answer.VLLC
@claudiopiazza3793 Месяц назад
​@@joelrios3704 The service sector or tertiary sector is the one with the greatest weight in the Argentine economy, of course agriculture and livestock are very important, as well as industry.
@bakeone296 Месяц назад
Viva la libertad, carajo!!!
@ignaciokairuz Месяц назад
Great Interview. We need people that focuses on cut spending and deregulating. But deregulating and lowering taxes for EVERYONE, not just for friends ( like what usually happens in the US ). Specially on small businesses. And in order to do that we all need lowering government spending and make more efficient the services that are actually important. Everything besides that , considering the problems that many country face and specially Argentina , is just a distraction that politicians use to collect votes. Not that any other problems aren't important but are usually, in general, a consequence of not doing the afore explained tasks.
@az8557 Месяц назад
Best vote of my life, abrazo
@mateocorrales8732 Месяц назад
@k1ler4m 29 дней назад
It is EXACTLY what I voted
@termostato1343 Месяц назад
We LOVE Milei. ❤️ BEST president ever!!!
@k8morgan Месяц назад
#MiPresidente ❤️ And I am not even Argentinian!!! 🥹 Tengo mucho respeto al Presidente Milei, y con toda mi alma quiero que consigue todo que intenta. He may be eccentric, but he is the superhero we all need right now! VLLC!
@claudiovallone9217 Месяц назад
Viva la libertad carajo 💪 💪
@coffeedude Месяц назад
He is more known as Peluca (wig) than El Loco
@diegogerman7210 Месяц назад
Argentina tiene todo para volver al lugar que le corresponde, segun el proyecto madison, en 1896, el pbi percapita Argentino era el mas alto del mundo, 🇦🇷❤️💪🧉
@theoronig6440 Месяц назад
Wird wieder in die Richtung gehen. Milei macht meines Wissens die global beste Wirtschaftspolitik aller Zeiten. AR❤❤
@puertousbmonkey Месяц назад
best president💪🦁🇦🇷 We love him
@leoleo10xd Месяц назад
best president in the world
@silvinamastroiaco7635 Месяц назад
I am Argentine, he is the best president!! This is a heritage and is a classic fit. We support it, 4 years, If reserves begin to increase and the COUNTRY risk decreases by 2027, I will vote for it again! It is the best
@BrianBustamante2048 Месяц назад
Milei will make Argentina great Again, hope is not lost but stronger now
@ivanmontanaro622 Месяц назад
Search better your info... The first part with the dogs and that it's called "el loco" is just cheap gossip.
@matiasmanitto2393 Месяц назад
Nahhh, we like the nick, it reflects the true nature of all Argentines And thank goodness! Cause if he wasn't it would never work
@LuisGonzalez-gb4uh Месяц назад
Argentina has been, for decades, an example of how to do everything wrong. Over and over again. They say you have to hit rock bottom to change. Well, we did it a hundred times... Now that the whole western world is falling to populist woke demagogues, we elected a man who promised cuts, sacrifices and tears. Because we understood that there's no other way around this mess. The measures taken so far are brutal, but Milei keeps his popularity. I have high hopes.
@elgranelectron5387 Месяц назад
I saw Milei in 2014 and i become an instant fan, he said always the same thing, never changed his words and thougths, in 2016 i said to my father "this guy has to be our president, he is the only one who can do it", my father told me i was crazy.... 7 years later my whole family was voting for him. Milei is our new Messi, and he is here to stay. He is a genius, i´m glad that the world get to know him. ¡Viva la libertad carajo!
@maximilianoruiz8985 Месяц назад
El mejor presidente😊
@Mar_FN Месяц назад
Javier Milei Is not radical, its Liberal
@i.s.l.988 Месяц назад
Supongo que se refiere a comparación a los anteriores, peronistas y radicales siendo la norma "conservadores" (mantener las políticas que ya tienen) y siendo milei "radical" (quiere cambiar todo) De lo contrario si se refieren a literalmente el significado de radical en argentina, son pelotudos
@nachorga3377 Месяц назад
Radical in the term of “drastic change”. He is in fact the first Libertarian president in history
@santiagoallende1899 Месяц назад
@eduardoroldan6839 Месяц назад
The Best president💪💪👏👏
@Schopenhauer667 Месяц назад
What a great Man.
@Destruction52 Месяц назад
JAVIER MILEI. VLLC. LONG LIVE FREEDOM!!!!! It's the first time in my life that I can trust a president and the fun fact he is not a politician, he is just himself, I guess that is the key of being good in politics.
@quilmes99 Месяц назад
Vamos Milei!
@derylhenriquez2962 Месяц назад
God bless Milei 🦁🙏🏻
@kshen7485 Месяц назад
Nowadays Argentina actually is a kind of America.
@sakttan Месяц назад
are you being paid by the post?
@kshen7485 Месяц назад
@@sakttanI am working and living in the “democratic”west, paying my tax to our “democratic” country. I guess you have never been in “dictatorship” China, right?
@kshen7485 Месяц назад
@@sakttanSeeing is believing, go to China, then you know why I say so.
@sakttan Месяц назад
@@kshen7485 word salad
@kshen7485 Месяц назад
@@sakttanThe only thing you and your country left might be your beautiful word, like your elected leaders. A giant in words, a dwarf in actions.
@JM-if1mo Месяц назад
Refreshing interview.....100%
@joelrios3704 Месяц назад
He lied 100% of the time. The pensioneers get more money now, but that money is now worth 1/5 of what it used to so basically they can barely afford a living
@PC-tc5je Месяц назад
@joelrios3704 Are you a union worker? You seem very dependent…
@LuisGonzalez-gb4uh Месяц назад
The world is in a very sad state if we deem someone who loves freedom and democracy as a radical. Don't get fooled by his eccentric persona. We needed a madman to fix this mess and we got it.
@craigjordan7835 Месяц назад
Milei is obviously trying to change the game. The standard scare trope labels are being assigned by Peronists and the global Left - Right Wing, Populist, etc.. Argetinians voted the condition of their personal wealth - which is the primary reason Milei has the job. Milei's predecessors were not good enough to retain power - period. Beginning at 18:15, a possible further explanation why Argentina had decided to pull its application from BRICS membership.
@cristobalmartinez7537 Месяц назад
Me encanta como diplomático del idioma en cualquier caso... Ver a los ingleses y hablarles en español da un gusto...
@ElianaLilo 22 дня назад
Cada día más orgulloso de mi presidente. Milei es uno de los próceres más grandes de la historia
@ezeparanoiac1462 Месяц назад
I am one of many Argentine people who had to leave the country years ago, just to have a normal life and because of the sadness of watching our culture being abused and destroyed by Peronist, Feminism,(fake feminism) (the last president is NOW being accused for punching his wife! There are pictures of her! Meanwhile he was “THe ONE WHO HELP FEMINISM in Argentina” Nowadays, after milei, (he is an angel) I feel wish to come back to my country ( I am in Germany now) because I hope culture, security, respect and logical economy, it’s coming back!! I hope he read this, : te amo hermano, lloro seguido al ver tus batallas y tu coraje, fuerza guerrero del arcoíris! Big thanks for the interview, and the respect with our president.
@faviorodriguez4926 Месяц назад
@k1ler4m 29 дней назад
Argentina será prospera y todos los que se fueron podrán volver y disfrutar de nuestro pais siendo una potencia emergente
@lorenzooviedo Месяц назад
The China situation is hard to crack. On one side its true that comerce with them wont only help argentina, but help china to continue growing out of comunism. The eternal comunist regimes are locked down, like north corea and cuba. And this gives a china a big reason not to isolate and have reasons to be hostile. On the other hand you have the simple fact that they are not free, and they have a immoral and absolute regime, and that they compete in the market with unfair advantages like having slave wages and little benifits.
@nachorga3377 Месяц назад
@@lorenzooviedo Milei talks about giving freedom to businesses to enagage in commerce with whoever you want. It’s part of the Libertarian view. As a business owner you will have to decide what do you want to do.
@marcebianchi2961 Месяц назад
Inglés: Honestly, Milei’s measurements are obviously very good, but, What can be expected, first in bankruptcy (with 15 of the GDP in negative given the state’s fiscal deficit, that is to say spending more than what is collected, agreements with national and international debtors fallen, with a Central Bank bankrupt, and a Hyperinflation at the exit of the door) and also with 65% of poor that brought us Socialism at the hands of the governments Kirchneristas, Massistas and Fernandez? This year we are in resession, thats true, but fortunately we do not continue to falling down as we have been doing since 2011, but especially since 2002 that returned the radical socialism to power... Those who want to make themselves, as if they were the voice of truth, saying that Milei is guilty, it’s false, to see in what situation he got power, should visualize the last 20 years of Argentina, which were the most disastrous in Argentine history, actually should see the last 100 years, but just exemplifying the last 20 years, you could see, the terrifying and fatal error of having given power to the most radical Socialism in Latin America, socialism that gave the hand to dictators like Maduro or FIdel Castro, to get an idea... Español: Sinceramente, las medidas de Milei evidentemente son muy buenas, pero, ¿que se puede esperar, primeramente en bancarrota (con 15 del PBI en negativo dado el deficit fiscal del estado, es decir gastar mas de lo que se recauda, acuerdos con deudores nacionales e internacionales caidos, con un Banco Central en bancarrota, y una Hiperinflacion en la salida de la puerta) y ademas con 65% de pobres que nos trajo el Socialismo a manos de los gobiernos Kirchneristas, Massistas y Fernandez? Este año es verdad que estamos en resesión, pero por suerte no seguimos cayendo como lo venimos haciendo desde el 2011, pero especialmente desde el 2002 que volvio el socialismo radical al poder... Los que se quieren hacer, como si fueran la voz de la verdad, diciendo que Milei tiene la culpa, es falso, para ver en que situacion obtuvo el poder, deberia de visualizar los ultimos 20 años de la Argentina, que fueron los mas nefastos de la Historia Argentina, en realidad deberia ver los ultimos 100 años, pero con solo ejemplificar los ultimos 20 años, se podría ver, lo aterrador y el fatal error de haberle dado el poder al Socialismo mas radical de America Latina, socialismo que le daba la mano a Dictadores como Maduro o FIdel Castro, para darse una idea... Great for everyone, Saludos para todos! La verdad que Argentina se merece salir adelante de la mano de Milei, porque se está haciendo cargo de la peor herencia y muy bien! The truth is that Argentina deserves to get ahead of Milei’s hand, because he is taking care of the worst inheritance and very well!
@JM-hr6ni Месяц назад
I don't think he is a radical. He is an economist and he believes free market and capitalism
@nachorga3377 Месяц назад
Radical as in “drastic change”
@Liquidcadmus 29 дней назад
what is truly insane is that when a president does his job and is honest and transparent, he is called "Radical" or "extreme right". all presidents should be like Milei and Bukele, they are just doing their job with transparency the way it should always be. Milei is the best president in the history of Argentina and he's only been in office for six months so far.
@claudiovallone9217 Месяц назад
@ferrofilos Месяц назад
5:04 we need a Tshirt with that picture saying "Ther´s No Money" 10:52
@illdieanyway7865 Месяц назад
I have one, and you can get one too :p
@dwmy3825 29 дней назад
We must protect this man at all costs
@YaelBerman Месяц назад
He's not radical. He's a common sense, facts-based guy, with moral principles.
@user-mr2fj3iq3l Месяц назад
Great interview! I wish Ian had pushed back a bit on his claim that China is free-trader, since their government heavily subsidizes Chinese industries But why does the President of Argentina have such a potato camera??
@SiguiendoAcontecimientos Месяц назад
there is no money for cameras
@ignaciokairuz Месяц назад
LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 no money
@claudiovallone9217 Месяц назад
@@user-mr2fj3iq3l like milei says NO MONEY FOR GOVERNAMENT SHIT
@agme8045 Месяц назад
I’m sure he is using a regular web cam, and to that you need to add the downgrade in quality caused by the compression of zoom or whatever other service they used for the video call.
@franconasser4708 Месяц назад
Hay dinero pero bueno capaz que está sucia la cámara o pusieron una sin importancia en lo que se fijan estos seres jajaj ​
@marm317 Месяц назад
The best!!! Milei❤❤❤
@har8397 Месяц назад
You know how this goes: his opponents will let him push through the reforms every one knows are needed but no one wants to own. Then attack him, bring him down, squander the riches, rinse and repeat.
@sirobellino Месяц назад
We've been hearing thing like this 2 years before he even got elected president.
@LautaroTessi Месяц назад
@@har8397 that’s where the “Cultural battle” (extensively detailed on Agustín Laje’s books) has a main role. See…What the left-wing understood and the right-wing underestimated is that economic welfare is not enough to maintain you or your policies governing -you have to make people understand what, why, under what cost and in spite of your battles are given. Because if you don’t, Chile 2019, that’s what happens. That’s where Milei is winning, that’s why Milei won elections, with all media and political apparatus against him. And him and a lot of streamers are giving the fight here. Mainstream media have, are and will try to silence, underestimate and even take to trial to these people. But here, they seem to be losing the war. That’s perhaps a unique case in the world, but I hope this fight never ends and most people understand how delicate yet important freedom is.
@elpatoempatado2404 Месяц назад
So far, they've done nothing but put as many roadblocks as they could.
@faviorodriguez4926 Месяц назад
@@har8397 no esta vez 💪💪💪💪🙌🙌🙌🙌
@marcellaalexandra1644 28 дней назад
🔥🔥🔥🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🔥🔥🔥Thank’s Milei, For saving us from socialism
@gastongiannoni9066 Месяц назад
Best president in world history
@canoandres Месяц назад
@albertoa8794 Месяц назад
Grande Milei !!! 👊👊👊🦁💥 VLLC !!
@lordjavier9785 25 дней назад
Viva la libertad carajo!!! ⚔️🐍🇦🇷 Viva Milei! 🦁
@lockecole57 Месяц назад
This is the best interview of all time, I'll watch it later
@nico3697 29 дней назад
long live milei and Argentina
@agustinsingler3052 27 дней назад
@@nico3697 licenciado en ingles el loco
@danielfernandez8039 24 дня назад
Viva la libertad carajo!! 🇻🇪 🇦🇷
@elfantasmadelespacio599 29 дней назад
Exactamente lo que voté 🇦🇷🤝🇺🇸
@cherubin7th 24 дня назад
We were in prison so long that freedom looks like insanity. So many still think the government controlling every aspect of your life and stealing all your fruits of labor to funnel it to the corrupt is ethical and necessary.
@pablonavas8808 Месяц назад
Viva La LIBERTAD Carajo!!!!
@jordanlee2645 21 день назад
This man is a HERO! 💪💪💪🙌🙌
@fedealbo_ 28 дней назад
my president 🦁
@agd9699 Месяц назад
Thanks for interview my president.
@theargentino4245 29 дней назад
@Patoringatube Месяц назад
Great man
@facusanx Месяц назад
Vamos Milei 🇦🇷🦁
@roccib22 Месяц назад
Thank you for exceeding your job expectations Milei & Bullrich 🇦🇷
@cooperfield45 Месяц назад
un verdadero LEON
@emanueltvusa Месяц назад
@paulwei6596 Месяц назад
Great interview.
@ap0lmc 29 дней назад
He's an award winning Economist he's more qualified than Justin Trudeau that's for sure
@marcellaalexandra1644 28 дней назад
🔥🔥🔥🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🔥🔥🔥we have hope with him
@zaratustra505 29 дней назад
Viva la libertad, carajo!
@Tails14D Месяц назад
Long live freedom!
@lucastettamanti221 Месяц назад
@cristiangiunta8701 Месяц назад
@streaching6635 Месяц назад
@Diogenesk9 Месяц назад
That was fascinating am I super informative. Thanks Ian
@lorenzmaut3708 Месяц назад
He did say bad things about the pope before he was president, but he doesn't have that opinion any more and he apologized to the pope and they are in not bad terms.
@cacosartto Месяц назад
Milei is fenomenal!
@josechianetta Месяц назад
just a fyi when milei says "liberal" he's saying it in spanish, he doesn't mean the liberal party but he really means libertarianism (I know its well known fact but just for the people that doesn't)
@trotilhe Месяц назад
Vaaaamos Javito todavia, Carajo
@diegorinaudo Месяц назад
Vamos peluca!
@supersixx1 28 дней назад
@aye2830 Месяц назад
El mejor presidente de argentina ❤
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