
As A Christian, You Should Be a Catholic 

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On my journey back home to the Catholic Church a year ago, I began to uncover some unsavory realities about the so-called Reformation. Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, et al did not actually reform the one true Catholic Church of Christ. Instead, they created new churches, with new theologies, and embraced new creeds. But since Jesus founded the Catholic Church, a Christian should be Catholic, not Protestant.



28 сен 2024




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@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth 5 месяцев назад
This is particularly interesting to me. I am a former Protestant Christian. The Saints and the history of the Church are a voice I am so encouraged hearing. I knew so little of them, but they are the foundational fathers, who went on to be our guides and inspiration. After 9 years away from my faith ,its them and their lives and words that are drawing me back Subscribed. Thank u for the content.
@susannestorm9705 5 месяцев назад
@NuLeif 3 месяца назад
Reading the Early Church Fathers helped me overcome my obstacles to becoming Catholic. What topics are the hardest for you?
@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth 3 месяца назад
@@NuLeif i am overcoming most issues i had And the ones i dont understand ive committed to accepting Gods wisdom and letting them go. Ive started again at Genesis, listen to Catholic and Orthodox teachers and life gets better and better. Yourself? What do u struggle with?
@wms72 5 месяцев назад
I've been wanting to hear the Church defended this boldly for almost 45 years. Thank you!! God bless, protect and prosper you!!!
@susannestorm9705 5 месяцев назад
@mikerichmond8246 5 месяцев назад
We ought to rid ourselves of the term “reformation.” More accurately, it was “heresy” and “schism.”
@michaelhaywood8262 5 месяцев назад
I find 'revolution' or 'revolt' more apt than 'reformation'. A true reformation came afterwards at the Tridentine Council [1545-63], which reformed the church from within.
@simonewilliams7224 5 месяцев назад
You are most correct!
@JesusCruz-nx9ts 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this wonderful information
@michaelhaywood8262 5 месяцев назад
I joined the Catholic Church in 1978, [towards the end of the Paul VI pontificate] when I was just 19, after having struggled with anglicanism through most of my earlier teen years. I have never looked back. The anglican church claims to have apostolic succession, but does not in fact have it, the succession was broken in the late sixteenth century, it is quite obvious that only the Catholic and Orthodox Churches have a true succession. Pope Leo XIII defined that anglican orders were not valid [Apostolicae Curae, Leo XIII, 1896]. As for the pronunciation of 'schism'. I have heard it pronounced 'sissum', shissum' and 'skissum' but have never been able to find which is right, I have even asked it on a Q&A page, still could not find out.
@rjsledz 5 месяцев назад
👍 ... The only added piece of information I would give is the church is not so much Roman Catholic because it has probably I think if I'm not mistaken 22 rites in the Catholic Church meaning that Eastern churches that are united to the Sea of Peter are basically none other than the same as the Eastern Orthodox only their obedient to Rome and the Eastern Orthodox are not. The Eastern Rite churches basically left Orthodoxy from the 17th century onward and reunited with Rome and every single counterpart of the Eastern Orthodox church today is united with the See of Peter really being a true witness of unity and faith.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
The separatists hate the word "Roman" but rely on the Letter to the Romans. Beam me up, Scotty!
@rjsledz 5 месяцев назад
@@HAL9000-su1mz letter to the Romans is specific to the local church has nothing to do with the worldwide Church
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
@@rjsledz Nonsense.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
@EasternChristian333 "Churches" - Unfortunate phrasing I think. They all agree and are unified on doctrine and hold fast to the ApostolicTradition, the Magisterium and Sacred Scripture.
@DannyLoyd 5 месяцев назад
The Catholic Church is found nowhere in scripture. If I can be a Christian and not be a Catholic, then why be one? Do I have to do something else to become a Catholic? So, in scripture, find Nuns, Pope, Cardinals, Father, Catholic Priest, baptizing babies, worshipping Idols or Mary, Catholic Church and it's teachings......... Romans 16:16 " The Churches of Christ salute you" and Gal 1:22 " Known by sight to the Churches of Christ in Judea".
@frenchytinkles 5 месяцев назад
What we're saying is that the catholic church is the same institution as the one from scripture through an unbroken line of apostolic succession. Because we are Christians we should want to be like the ones of scripture therefore be part of the same church instituted by christ. Nuns aren't in scripture but I don't see the problem of women wanting to devote their lives to christ, cardinals are also not in scripture but are a form of practicality not necessity. Peter was the first pope, as the church has grown world wide of course he has seen a higher responsibility. As for priests/bishops read 1,2 Timothy and Titus presbyters are priests. In acts they baptized whole households which included babies. And for thousandth time saying catholics worship idols and Mary is a strawman. I hope this helps you see the catholic view, God bless.
@JWellsUp 5 месяцев назад
Protestants need to defend their Protestant stance or beliefs because their conscience constantly tells them that they are wrong. As a Catholic my conscience doesn’t convict me for me being Catholic so no need for me to defend my Catholic beliefs. But Protestants bring up all kinds of scripture verses to try and justify their heresy. And the arrogance to tell us we need to prove to them Catholicism is right and yet thousands upon thousands of Protestant denominations are all legit? 👍 ok
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
Protestantism is heresy & the first attack on the Catholic Church in 1517, followed by Freemasonry in 1717 & Communism in 1917 Jesus founded His One True Church Mt 16 18-19 that became known as Catholic or Universal in 110 which codified your bible in 382. His Church is the fullness of Truth 1 Tim 3:15 & has existed for 2000 yrs, in spite of sinful men, proof of its divine origin No organisation, such as Protestantism can survive without hierarchy & a unifying authoritative interpreter, the fruits being confusion, division & scandal of 000’s of sects, resulting from personal interpretation, which is not of Jesus who willed unity Jn 17 11-21 No Protestant has ever been able to explain why personal interpretation, if guided by the Holy Spirit has resulted in 000’s sects proving that either the Holy Spirit is wrong or more likely, Protestantism! There are none so blind as those with a darkened intellect which the Holy Spirit obviously isn’t enlightening! Consider the damage caused to society by relativism, caused by there being many “truths” of Protestantism which have resulted in contraception, which until 1930, all denominations prohibited until the Anglican broke away in 1930, abortion, IVF, divorce, SSM, LGBGT, transgenderism etc. Protestantism has a lot to answer for!
@oliverclark5604 5 месяцев назад
One does not be Catholic. Instead, one does Catholic as a procreation gift doing role. Consecrated marriage identity being-role doing, celibate vowed to man in Christ or male female vowed to God, or associating together with consecrated marriage is the yeast for raising the yeast less bread in Eucharist procreation gift role to be and do real presence in keeping in uncertainty of belief the inseparability and qualitative equality of to be and to do.
@tknciliba4743 3 месяца назад
If Catholics preached the message of Jesus & Paul I would agree with you. Where is Mary in the preaching of Jesus? "Woman sit down!" You can't change the gospel! Its Not yours too change. First tell your priests to keep their zips up. If your church can go a 1 year without a sexual abuse case, then we can talk. Get your house in order first!!!
@geoffjs 2 месяца назад
Relatively speaking, the CC is in far better shape than heretical Protestantism!
@tknciliba4743 2 месяца назад
@@geoffjs No1 thinks their church is bad.🙏
@xenoranger79 5 месяцев назад
The RCC Pope created the first schism in 1054. Having died before the delivery of his letter anathamatizing the Eastern Church, he gave no room for repentance nor a proper council. Through that act, the door is made open for every non-Roman Catholic sect claiming to be Christian to also trace their lineage back to Peter and the Apostles.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
Much more complicated than that. Some in the east wanted Rome to move to Constantinople. Great idea, now that it is MUSLIM!!!
@xenoranger79 5 месяцев назад
@HAL9000-su1mz yes, it's more complicated. But, by saying it's complicated, you can't excuse the RCC Pope's skipping biblical procedure. Even Paul withstood Peter when there was a dispute. There was no instant excommunication. There was also restoration. Something Rome did not pursue for centuries.
@robertdolcetti450 5 месяцев назад
Well, no, that simply isn’t true. If the Pope anathematized certain eastern bishops then they had no authority to participate in papal election. The bishops who were not anathematized certainly elected a new Pope.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
@@robertdolcetti450 Have you noted that a tiny minority of Orthodox come across almost exactly as Protestants? I believe it has far less to do with theology, and more to do with attitude and ego.
@xenoranger79 5 месяцев назад
@@robertdolcetti450 Thank you for exposing one of RCC's biggest blind spots. The Pope is the head of the RCC. When the Pope anathamatized the Eastern churches, it was a unilateral decision and not done as laid out by Paul when rebuking a brother in Christ. Look to the Tanakh. Even the tribes would make a joint decision as to how they handled the Benjamites, it was not taken lightly not a choice by a single head over Israel. But what say you of Julius II or Paul III? Is the Pope blameless in all things? Or do you believe the story that the Pope is the only true vicar of Christ based on a story that the RCC says is true, but trust them bro, you don't need to research for yourself?
@nicofash6366 5 месяцев назад
The Orthodox Church is the church established by Christ on Pentecost not the RCC.
@michaelvilleneuve8292 5 месяцев назад
The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church disagrees
@ramuelingibraltar802 5 месяцев назад
Explain the Eucharistic Miracles in the RCC? The Holy Apparitions of Mary: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of Las Lajas. Who owns the Holy Cross, Crown of Thorns,Shroud of Turin, Veil of Veronica, Holy House of Loreto, Santa Anello(Wedding ring of Mary) Who owns relics from Mary and Joseph? RCC. You can't deny us. I know orthodox have Apostolic succession but look at the stats.
@marymargarette4289 5 месяцев назад
But Jesus is the Head of the Catholic church because popes are the successors right from Apostle Peter. And Apostle Peter died there in Rome, so pope build the church there where the Apostle Peter buried there in Rome.
@peterzinya1 5 месяцев назад
battle of the false sick sad religions. i love it.
@Onlyafool172 5 месяцев назад
Litterraly not what orthodox post schims believed as showed by their action, they litterraly validate all Popes before them decided NOOO I WANT MORE POWER! Litterraly go read Iraneaus
@Catholicity-uw2yb 5 месяцев назад
POPE BENEDICT XVI: “People should not fear God, thinking he is always ready to punish, but rather they should love him because he is always ready to forgive. God is not a relentless sovereign who condemns the guilty, but a loving father whom we must love not out of fear of punishment, but because of his goodness. The Lord is a God who is just, but always ready to reveal himself as merciful and compassionate.”
@timothym2241 5 месяцев назад
The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9.
@jackb9095 5 месяцев назад
@@timothym2241 Yes, but only the beginning. ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI: “It is a great mistake to be afraid of God and to act in His presence like a timid and craven slave trembling with fright before his master.”
@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth 5 месяцев назад
@Catholicity-uw2yb 5 месяцев назад
Fear of the Lord is only the BEGINNING of wisdom. 1 JOHN 4:18: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.” @@timothym2241
@jackb9095 5 месяцев назад
@@timothym2241 Yes, but only the BEGINNING! 1 JOHN 4:18: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fear is not yet perfect in love.”
@RedWolf5 5 месяцев назад
Before Martin Luther’s own death there was already about 200 Protestant sects all claiming to be going by the Bible alone but differing on basic matters of salvation. Luther himself said this was not what he envisioned and condemned them.
@BensWorkshop 5 месяцев назад
He sought to replace one Pope but now has given birth to thousands.
@danielcristancho3524 5 месяцев назад
Let's not forget that none of the Reformers were Protestant before separating from the Roman church. They were all deeply devoted, well educated, Catholics who saw something deeply wrong with the doctrines of the Romish church.
@BensWorkshop 5 месяцев назад
@@danielcristancho3524 No, they could not or did not read the Bible. Martin Luther split, accepting the Roman Catholic cannon. After a few years his various heresies were called out from the Bible, so he added the word "alone" after faith in part of Saint Paul's epistles and tried to remove 4 books from the New Testament and downgraded 7 from the old. Had he read the Bible and didn't have his own issues (being a rabbid anti Semite and hating peasants even more) he would not have left.
@danielcristancho3524 5 месяцев назад
@@BensWorkshop ''No, they could not or did not read the Bible. '' This is ignorance. Are you telling me Wycliffe, Huss, Jerome, Luther, Knox, etc. were just a bunch of uneducated lunatics? You wish. All, and I repeat all were either teachers or priests in the Romish church. And as for scripture, there were stable boys who knew the scriptures better than Bishops. Your church outlawed the scriptures, that's a fact and kept the people in darkness as monks and priests taught them fables. That's why we call the period where the Romish church reigned supreme, the DARK AGES.
@danielcristancho3524 5 месяцев назад
@@BensWorkshop ''Remove 4 books from the New Testament and downgraded 7 from the old.'' Yea, he did have a problem with 4 books in the NT, but in the end, HE DIDN'T REMOVE THEM. THAT'S WHAT COUNTS. As for the books of the Apocrypha, SPARE ME, those books do not agree with any of the 66 ACTUAL CANON BOOKS and they had been recently canonized in the 16th century. Strange they weren't canonized back when the ACTUAL books were compiled. Maybe there was something sinister about them. What say you?
@vintage53-coversandorigina37 4 месяца назад
So glad you returned home brother! Your videos are excellent and even though I know all these doctrines, and quotes from The Father’s, I never tire of hearing it. Truth has that kind of effect!!!
@MrKingsley16 5 месяцев назад
The arrogance of the "reformers" to think and tell Jesus what is best for Him.
@GivingAlms-pz9ds 5 месяцев назад
Wow, this one made me cry. Just the other day I was convicted by what you’re speaking about. Divorce is not an option for Our Lord. Even though I left him in the Eucharist for a counterfeit, he welcomed me back. With open and loving arms. He will not ever leave His bride. No matter how many parts of the body fail him. Thank you for sharing your words.
@NuLeif 5 месяцев назад
I was overwhelmed by the same thought when I watched this video. Christ does not abandon or divorce his bride for a newer/cleaner/younger bride. ❤️
@hopenavajo1391 5 месяцев назад
Then you have lost your salvation of Christ for a mere counterfeit which cannot save you.
@hopenavajo1391 5 месяцев назад
@@NuLeif Christ's bride is clean, virtuous without blemish or a harlot.
@NuLeif 3 месяца назад
@@hopenavajo1391 His bride is beautiful. He didn’t divorce her (schism) in order to marry another (second bride: protestant church options).
@hopenavajo1391 3 месяца назад
@@NuLeif the bride of Christ is pure,which is without any stain or blemish which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.Apostate Protestantism has fallen and followed the apostate church(Revelation 17)
@Catholicity-uw2yb 5 месяцев назад
1 JOHN 4:18: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.”
@Lovecatholicfaith 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing it ! We need more education about the Holy Church 🙏
@ceiciliasura3879 5 месяцев назад
Great explanation, brother 👏
@oneyzuniga6482 3 месяца назад
Finally somebody that provides a pristine clarity to the origin and history of Christianity, the others except our brothers and sisters of the Orthodox tradition are just heretic practices. One church, one founder one tradition.
@tubinho79 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this beautiful explanation. We need people like you in the Church. God bless you.
@garryrecamadas1548 4 месяца назад
Praise the Lord...Amen!!!
@franaldo93 5 месяцев назад
Catholic forever 🔥
@BensWorkshop 5 месяцев назад
Good words.
@johndeighan2495 5 месяцев назад
Ooh, that quote from Francis de Sales at the end was something else! Brilliant stuff.
@KingsleyHoward-j3u 5 месяцев назад
What about the Orthodox Church which can trace there beginning back to the beginning
@The_Patriarchy_ 4 месяца назад
Correct. It is the one true church. Not the Catholic Church. Two major heresies: papal supremacy and filioque.
@MrDoyle07 4 месяца назад
In that fact all Christians can find some root in the beginning. The only one that remained true was the Catholic Church in Rome. Same today as it was in the beginning. Just more little popes to deal with.
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
@@The_Patriarchy_Wrong, the Catholic Church is His One True Church Mt 16 18-19
@paulvillarreal4855 5 месяцев назад
Great video and content! Very blessed to have found you.
@johnydevassia 5 месяцев назад
I am valuing your esteemed talk as highly inspiring. Thank you
@michelleburke5674 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for this good and clear explanation.
@kamila3362 5 месяцев назад
You are wonderfully prepared for such video thank you
@rickbaker261 5 месяцев назад
And if it isn’t the church that Christ founded…then this is all nonsense. Christ founded a church. Not a specific denomination
@richardkramer4076 Месяц назад
Christ founded a CHURCH, both visible and invisible, and prayed it stayed one. His truth is absolute, and not what you want it to be. So He gave that church TEACHING AUTHORITY to always speak truth (John 16:13 and Matthew 16:18-19 among other verses). What He definitely DID NOT START were thousands of Protestant DENOMINATIONS that have varying degrees of the truth, but NEVER the full truth found in the church He founded. They were ALL founded by men, plus a woman or two. This is the point you are missing.
@leslierusso4869 5 месяцев назад
Yes! You should be Catholic ❤️🇵🇪🌹
@rexlion4510 4 месяца назад
The RCC is not the church that Jesus Christ founded, and I cannot believe that the bread and wine cease to be bread and wine (but for the accidents) at the consecration, so I am not RC. But I am a part of the catholic church (with a lower-case "c") which is _Jesus' one church._ I know that I have eternal life (1 John 5:13); do you know the same?
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
Beware of the sin of presumption, salvation is not assured, a heresy of Protestantism. Paul says that he works out his salvation with fear & trembling Phil 2:12 To deny His True Real Presence Jn 6:51 is another heresy which is why there is no salvation outside the CC for those who knowingly reject her. Jesus founded His One True Church Mt 16 18-19 that became known as Catholic or Universal in 110 which codified your bible in 382. His Church is the fullness of Truth 1 Tim 3:15 & has existed for 2000 yrs, in spite of sinful men, proof of its divine origin No organisation, such as Protestantism can survive without hierarchy & a unifying authoritative interpreter, the fruits being confusion, division & scandal of 000’s of sects, resulting from personal interpretation, which is not of Jesus who willed unity Jn 17 11-21 No Protestant has ever been able to explain why personal interpretation, if guided by the Holy Spirit has resulted in 000’s sects proving that either the Holy Spirit is wrong or more likely, Protestantism! There are none so blind as those with a darkened intellect which the Holy Spirit obviously isn’t enlightening! Consider the damage caused to society by relativism, caused by there being many “truths” of Protestantism which have resulted in contraception, which until 1930, all denominations prohibited until the Anglican broke away in 1930, abortion, IVF, divorce, SSM, LGBGT, transgenderism etc. Protestantism has a lot to answer for!
@geoffjs 2 месяца назад
Realise that Protestantism is anti sacramental, thus cut off from His Grace, thus becoming secular with darkened intellects.
@rexlion4510 2 месяца назад
@@geoffjs You Catholics treat God like a vending machine; you plug in a Sacrament and expect a little packet of grace to be dispensed. But you always have to return for more and more Sacraments, because you never have enough grace to fully justify you. No matter how many packets of grace you get, you never seem to get rid of that ugly stain of sin. Too bad you don't know that God fully justifies the one who trusts in Jesus Christ as his Redeemer from sin, and that if you would believe in Christ with simple, childlike faith, you would be fully justified by the once-for-all sacrifice of the cross. Sacraments? We don't need no stinking sacraments... not when we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ! (read Ephesians 1).
@geoffjs 2 месяца назад
@@rexlion4510You’re rejecting the Sacraments that He instituted, not very biblical as Protestants claim, like unbiblical sola fide, sola Scriptura, optional baptism, symbolic Eucharist, OSAS etc
@richardkramer4076 Месяц назад
If you understood the original Koine Greek, you would understand that when translated to English, the verb to "know" does NOT mean certainty. Read 2 Peter 3:15-18. You are relying on a poor interpretation of the bible...prevalent among Protestants who try to make salvation so easy. The true message of the bible says it is not easy. . Ask a bible scholar who was a former Protestant who converted to Catholicism, like Scott Hahn, or John Bergsma. Read a detailed explanation of that verse, or John 3:16, or Romans 10:9, from a CATHOLIC perspective, and you will realize you have been misled by false teachers.
@elsamatiwas6731 5 месяцев назад
Priae Lord I was waiting for this teaching about our faith I am happy to say I am Roman Catholic And God bless you and your family please keep teaching us well said 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👏👏👏💒💒💒💒💒✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🕊️🕊️💝🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️
@joolz5747 5 месяцев назад
This is really excellent but please please please get the pronunciation of things correct. Irenaeus doesn’t have a long “I”sound as far as I know.
@midairfortress-revert 5 месяцев назад
If you think that's bad, you should hear me try to say "perspicuity" or "sacrosanctum concillum."
@fantasia55 5 месяцев назад
You have no idea how any language was pronounced in the 2nd century.
@wms72 5 месяцев назад
​@@midairfortress-revert I've never hearr Irenaeus pronounced any other way.
@johndeighan2495 5 месяцев назад
I think you should just relax. It’s no big deal! You knew who he was referring to, right?
@pero33403 5 месяцев назад
You should be Orthodox ☦♥
@fantasia55 5 месяцев назад
It is the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church.
@RedWolf5 5 месяцев назад
The addition of “Roman” is meant as slander and to diminish the church claim of universality. From the beginning the church has been known simply as the Catholic Church which had its “headquarters” in Rome.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
@@RedWolf5 And those who use the curse quote from Romans! BWAAHAAAHAAA!!!
@markhischier2750 5 месяцев назад
Actually, the Catholic Church, one of the 23 rites celebrated within that Church is the Roman Rite. So perhaps Roman Vatholic is a bit specific.
@fantasia55 5 месяцев назад
@@markhischier2750 Actually, it's the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, to be specific.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
@@markhischier2750 Latin rite. Eastern Rite. The two lungs of belief.
@TnrtRW 5 месяцев назад
If you mean small c catholic (not Roman or any other man made dogma ) as your context I agree. Fact however, is I know that isn’t your point. You are trying to convince anyone who will listen that the R catholic is the one true church. Truth is, that’s just false information and teaching/ So many contradictions in what the RChurch teaches 😢and the only source of truth should be, the New Testament. You are willing to accept the facts and fictions of men hundreds of years removed from the actual time of biblical revelation. We all know that the further you get from the original source revelation, the more messed up, distorted,twisted information gets. Look at the papacy and the priesthood/ Peter was married/ celibacy was never a restriction in the NT. Your teaching on Marianism / nowhere is that taught in the NT. Mary was honoured, respected,yes but not ever seen as the intermediary between humanity and God,as some of your saints and colleagues have declared over the centuries. Infant baptism/ another false teaching in RC. It was never practiced in the NT. Baptism was from those who had belief in Christ. The acceptance of the apocryphal books in the RC bible? These were never seen as divinely inspired nor understood in that way and never referred to in the Old or New Testament so why would the RCC include / they have numerous fallacies in teaching within them. Here are a few more / infallibility of the pope , perpetual virginity of Mary/ yes Jesus had siblings. You are also aware that it was Emperor Constantine (306-337)who originally sort of got the Roman Catholic Church ball rolling by using it for his own political purposes and gain. Funny how familiar that sounds when you see it in comparison to current events in the USA. Constantine was also heavily influenced by the surrounding pagan culture and in many ways incorporated those practices.
@The_Patriarchy_ 4 месяца назад
Orthodoxy is the true church. Not Catholic.
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
Not true, don’t you know history? Orthodox broke from His One True Church in 1054 rejecting the papacy.
@g.williams2047 5 месяцев назад
If I wanted to be Pagan I would have already joined the Catholic church. Nope! I submit to Christ instead.
@midairfortress-revert 5 месяцев назад
you are not submitted to Christ if you have rejected His bride.
@g.williams2047 5 месяцев назад
@@midairfortress-revert I don't submit to Paganism. Turn from your worship of Tamuz my friend.
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
@@g.williams2047 Jesus founded His One True Church Mt 16 18-19 that became known as Catholic or Universal in 110 which codified your bible in 382. His Church is the fullness of Truth 1 Tim 3:15 & has existed for 2000 yrs, in spite of sinful men, proof of its divine origin No organisation, such as Protestantism can survive without hierarchy & a unifying authoritative interpreter, the fruits being confusion, division & scandal of 000’s of sects, resulting from personal interpretation, which is not of Jesus who willed unity Jn 17 11-21 No Protestant has ever been able to explain why personal interpretation, if guided by the Holy Spirit has resulted in 000’s sects proving that either the Holy Spirit is wrong or more likely, Protestantism! There are none so blind as those with a darkened intellect which the Holy Spirit obviously isn’t enlightening! Consider the damage caused to society by relativism, caused by there being many “truths” of Protestantism which have resulted in contraception, which until 1930, all denominations prohibited until the Anglican broke away in 1930, abortion, IVF, divorce, SSM, LGBGT, transgenderism etc. Protestantism has a lot to answer for!
@daddada2984 5 месяцев назад
Stay away from catholicism. Stay away from idolatry & fanaticism of men. Follow Jesus, become a Christian. Identify yourself with Jesus Christ not with institutions of fallible men.
@markschelm2286 5 месяцев назад
Ok I will stay away from you.dadada.2984
@JesusCruz-nx9ts 5 месяцев назад
You’re lost . Someday you’ll learn. I’ll pray for you.
@Triniforchrist 5 месяцев назад
@verntweld51 5 месяцев назад
RC is the first denomination after the great schism. Orthodox has remained the same from the beginning, yet Christ honors our faith, where we are, regardless of our clarity of vision.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 месяцев назад
Nonsense. The Orthodox are shattered and fighting amongst themselves! Do you need the news stories? Good grief - you sound Protestant.
@robertdolcetti450 5 месяцев назад
Not accurate. You have broken from the seat of Peter.
@Onlyafool172 5 месяцев назад
Orthodox litterraly said all Popes were valid until they contradicted us! you guys are lutherans without the Kabbalah
@dylanarmour6727 5 месяцев назад
St. Peter was patriarch of Antioch before he went to Rome
@Onlyafool172 5 месяцев назад
@@dylanarmour6727 he was of jerusalem first too he just moved his office, doesnt mean he wansant pope btw, iraneus talks a lot about popery, and he was writtong against the first evidences or church splits by the orthodox, but trying ot make the pope not excommunitae them, he was talking to pope Victor
@bobcarabbio4880 5 месяцев назад
Asa a Born Again Christian, I should learn, believe and be obedient to THE BIBLE, and place no belief or faith in the ROman Catholic religious system which is HERETICAL to the core, and teaches AGAINST Biblical SALVATION, replacing it with their own false TRADITION, and discarding the Biblical truth.
@midairfortress-revert 5 месяцев назад
Tell me good sir: Where did you get that Bible? And how do you know with certainty that you have correctly understood its doctrine of salvation?
@hyeminkwun9523 5 месяцев назад
On separated churches and true Christians, Our Lord says (excerpts from Maria Valtorta's Notebooks 1945-1950, pp. 579 and 581): "Separated churches gave themselves a human constitution, preserving as regards the True Church only what they liked to preserve to call themselves 'Christian.' But to be Christians does not mean just to pray to Christ and preach Him in some way or other; it does not mean to be even more rigorist than true Catholics in certain matters. Yet that did not make them -- aside from rare exceptions -- 'Christians' but, on the contrary, made them 'Anti-Christians.' To be Christians means to form part of the Mystical Body (Eph 5:23) by belonging to the Church of Rome as Catholics and belonging to Christ by truly living as He taught and commanded to live (Matt 28:20). Otherwise, one is not a Christian in reality, not even if one is Catholic. Otherwise, people will be called Christians, but not be shoots nourished by Him (John 15:1-5). They will be detached shoots (John 15:6) which, even if they are not completely dry because a natural tendency towards Goodness make them act as just ones, are nevertheless branches that have replanted themselves on their own, in a PROUD way, and have produced a plant standing apart which yields fox-grapes and not good ones. To bear abundant and holy fruit, they must be grafted onto the True Vine. This is valid for both the individual shoots and those forming a life apart, the separated churches which have given their own constitution, conceived by their founder -- a man and not the God-Man -- cannot have that totality of spiritual life which only belonging to the Mystical Body maintains and protects against ever-greater separations, not only from the Body itself, but from the Truth and Light which render secure the way leading from the earthly Church to the Heavenly One." Why Our Lord said "Anti-Christians"? Our Lord said, "Whoever listens to you listens to Me. Whoever rejects you rejects Me and rejects the One who sent Me (Luke 10:16, John 13:20, Matt 10:40), and Whoever is not with Me, is against Me (Matt 12:30)." Our Lord is the Head of His Church, Mystical Body (Col 1:18, Eph 5:23). Therefore, whoever rejects the Catholic Church rejects Our Lord and becomes an Anti-Christian, rebelling against His Will that all, who believe in Him, be One (John 17:20-23) and follow His teachings which are taught by His Church integrally (Matt 28:20). Our Lord's words in Matt 7:21-23 -- "I never knew you. Depart from Me you evil doers" -- apply to whoever rejects His Church. Schism is not God's Will. Protestant churches did not even exist until Luther founded his in AD 1524, after rebelling against the Catholic Church and Our Lord, and separated themselves in a PROUD way against Our Lord, as the spirit of their master, the father of lies (John 8:44), leads them, the source of Pride and Deceit. How shall they preach unless they be sent (Rom 10:15)?
@srich7503 5 месяцев назад
@@hyeminkwun9523 History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time, growing in numbers of hundreds of “inspired” NT writings. So, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved it by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us, show us, who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
@hyeminkwun9523 5 месяцев назад
@@srich7503 I'm not sure what your point is. The books in the Bible were determined by Council of Hippo in AD 393, later confirmed by Council of Carthage in AD 397, and used as a part of Church teachings together with the sacred oral traditions (2Thes 2:15) handed down from the Apostles. If one believes and trust in God, then there is no need to worry. For Our Lord and the Holy Spirit always remain with the Church and guide Her (John 14:16-17, 16:12),
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
I’m embarrassed for your ignorance & bigotry!
@bddogcatball 5 месяцев назад
The original church that was founded was the Orthodox Christian Church, not the Roman Catholic Church.
@srich7503 5 месяцев назад
Since all Orthodox are not in communion with each other, one must ask, which Orthodox?
@Triniforchrist 5 месяцев назад
Orthodox church came to be in Constantinople in the four century, the chair of st Peter is in Rome, that goes back to Apostles Peter in Rome
@iggyantioch 5 месяцев назад
Nice list. Thanks for the homework. I'll check back later. Peace
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