
Ask Doug: Imputation of Christ's Righteousness 

Canon Press
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Question: How would you confront someone who denies the imputation of Christ's righteousness?
Source Link: canonwired.com/featured/imputation-christs-righteousness/



4 окт 2024




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@Ryan_Zell 5 лет назад
Sorry, but Jesus is not stenciled on to you. Its a false doctrine created at the reformation.
@Ryan_Zell 4 года назад
@Veiled Heat Don't be silly. You will not find Imputed Righteousness in scripture and more proof that is is created by Luther, is the very fact that in the 1500 years prior to Luther you will not find it preached, taught or believed. Luther created the doctrine. Protestant False Doctrines - Imputed Righteousness ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-xT4roVI3EFA.html
@Ryan_Zell 4 года назад
@Veiled Heat This term Romanism is incorrect. The Catholic Church is not Romanism. The Catholic Church is universal (Matthew 28:19) and encompasses all the particular churches found in the New Testament. That word Roman in front of the word Church was given it after Henry the VIII went into schism and became the head of the Church found in England. The Latin rite of the Catholic Church can also be called Roman. But that the term has been given it, it has stuck. Blessings and if you want to debate the false and created doctrine of Imputed Rigtheousness, be my guest, but do it at that site I provided.
@Ryan_Zell 4 года назад
@Veiled Heat Lol. Your ignorance is on display. It's always in crisis. And yet it is still here. As long as the Catholic Church lives, you can never claimed to be the church that Christ established. Jesus did say the gates of protestant hell will not Prevail against his church. Heretics have never been able to break the church or the papacy. Satan has been trying to destroy the Catholic church for 2,000 years. Protestants have been trying to destroy the Catholic Church for 500 years. Even united they still cannot destroy the Church Christ found it. You are the unsaved, the unelect, the Heterodox.
@Ryan_Zell 4 года назад
@Veiled Heat how can the true gospel live on if all your doctrines are created in the 16th century? By Luther Zwingli, and Calvin? That is end of discussion because nobody ever heard of these doctrines prior to Luther: Sola Fide Sola Scriptura Double Predestination Imputed Righteousness Total Depravity Perseverance of the Saints Double Imputation Irresistible Grace Once Saved, Always Saved Limited Atonement Monergism Eternal Security Non-trinitarianism Unconditional Election Penal Substitution Nowhere are they found in any writings before the Reformation. SERIOUSLY: CAN FAITH ALONE SAVE YOU?
@markchristian787 4 года назад
Doug's just phenomenal. Hes so good I would recommend any young guy go and study under him at Christ Church/NSA if they want to go into ministry. I just cheered while listening to this. Praise God!
@larrydaniel4568 3 года назад
"We have no righteousness other than the righteousness of Christ"
@jyhoke 7 лет назад
I don't know what to do with this. This is one of the best presentations of the heart of the gospel I have ever heard to the point that it contradicts the clear teaching of many within Federal Vision who teach that only the "passive" obedience of Christ is imputed. This is a direct quote from a CREC "Federal Vision" Church taken from a paper in which they attack the imputation of Christ's Righteousness (both the active & passive obedience). ---QUOTE--- Once we are made righteous through the imputation of His death on the Cross, we are then called to persevere in walking in His ways. If we do not, we will forfeit that righteous standing that we gained by grace and through faith. ---END QUOTE--- Federal Vision like Roman Catholicism teaches that by grace a righteousness is imputed to the believer at baptism. For the Catholic, this is just a gift of righteousness which must be maintained by a life of obedience. For the proponent of Federal Vision, this is not the righteousness of Christ, but rather a righteousness gifted to believers because of Jesus' passive obedience. It is called Jesus' righteousness but it is not to be mistaken for the Righteousness of Jesus. It is not the Righteousness of Jesus (according to FV) it is a gift of righteousness from Jesus which must be maintained by a life of obedience. Notice how they say that the "death on the cross" is imputed. By this, they mean Jesus did not obey the law in our place, we still must do that for ourselves, but Jesus died to win for us a justified status with God which can be lost if we should fail to live lives of covenant faithfulness. This teaching is not merely heterodox error, it is a gospel of works, which denies the work of Jesus on behalf of His people. It teaches a justification which cannot be earned by works but can be lost by works. It is nothing less then damnable heresy. The conundrum I am having is that Doug Wilson is a leader of the CREC and formally called himself part of the FV movement. Yet, in this video, he destroys the heart of FV teaching by declaring that the gospel is the story of 3 imputations, 1. Adam's sin to the world, 2. the sin of the elect to Christ upon the cross and 3. the righteousness of Jesus to the elect upon regeneration evidenced by faith and repentance. YET! Doug Wilson's renunciation of FV was barely a renunciation. He basically apologized that us "bigots" we too dumb to get what he was saying, so in kindness to us bigots, he would drop the term. Worse, the CREC which he is part of still has pastors who are teaching a false dichotomy between the active and passive obedience of Christ so that they can teach a justification which must be maintained by a life of covenant faithfulness. From the above video, I would accuse Doug Wilson of believing and defending the gospel! And yet, why does he not call it heresy when men create a false view of justification which must be maintained by a life of obedience, when he seems to understand according to the above video, that our obedience does not maintain anything, we obey and strive to obey out of love for God as a fruit of regeneration and yes when we fail, it hurts and though we feel it should result in our condemnation, grace hyper abounds. Why would a man proclaim the gospel so plainly, on the one hand, and on the other hand fail to anathematize, as Paul does, those who preach another gospel? If you ever have time to deal with such a questions from a fellow pastor, I would really appreciate an answer. Justin Hoke Pastor, Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church
@stevewhite5560 5 лет назад
You should note that Doug does not argue a positive righteousness. He still maintains that the imputation of righteousness is a status of "fully forgiven". There is no heaven and blessings earned. He does not believe that Christ fulfilled the covenant of works that Adam should have and therefore earned heaven. So if you listen, Doug's 'imputed righteousness" is actually an "imputed innocence", which is what the passive obedience of Christ already accomplishes.
@landonsmith348 4 года назад
m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZWqW41sBdYQ.html He says very plainly in the video above that he believes in the imputation of a positive righteousness.
@lindsay.coggin 2 года назад
You give a quote without any reference. Please provide the church name or a link so we can check the quote ourselves. Thanks.
@kuzivaj.z 3 года назад
That's a great explanation, thank you!
@nestborg 11 лет назад
our righteousness is found in Christ. it is not alien to us but ours in that we are found in Christ. this is the sense in which it can be seen as ours through union with Christ
@Humblestudent04 2 месяца назад
When we come to God by the grace of God through faith he makes us alive spiritually who were once dead in trespasses and sin. God delivers us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of his son. That's just the beginning our conversion, our Ephesians2:8 salvation event. Everyone who has been converted has this salvation event in their past and cannot lose an event. When Jesus returns judgement our resurrection, that's also a salvation event the final salvation event. That's why it not only matters if we believe remain faithful to Christ. It also matters how we live our walk our righteousness now in this lifetime. Has nothing to do with keeping Torah laws or working for salvation. After our conversion salvation event we abide in the doctrine of Christ...and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life. And this life is in his son, he who has the son has life, he who does not have the son of God does not have life.....whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the father and the son....eternal life is in Christ not in ourselves. As long as we abide in the doctrine of Christ we have life in Christ now. When Jesus returns judgement our resurrection final salvation event, that's when we are resurrected unto life and have life in ourselves like Christ.....for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards those who are Christ at his coming......and as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.....many can only see the beginning our conversion salvation event but cannot see the end when Christ returns judgement our resurrection final salvation event....salvation is an event not a possession and eternal life is a possession that we actually receive when we are resurrected unto life to never die again....marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the Graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation.....Jesus said not everyone in his kingdom now will enter the kingdom of God in the end....the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears to hear let him hear.....many cannot hear or understand scriptures pertaining to entering the kingdom of God in the end. They only see our conversion salvation event and believe that's all there is to salvation but that's just the beginning not the end, our final salvation event......
@QuisutDeusmpc 9 лет назад
Justification is not forensic, it is familial. It is not imputed, it is infused. It is not merely a one time event, but also a lifelong process.
@mojo7495 5 лет назад
Oh spare us the "familial" aspect of justification, no where else taught than by rabid Catholic apologist, Scott Hahn. It is a bunch of baloney. Justification is INDEED forensic.
@KnightFel 5 месяцев назад
You can't increase your justification. You can't increase or decrease a non-guilty verdict. No where in the Bible does it mention infused righteousness nor it being a life long process. Rome conflates sanctification and justification and it is error to do so.
@remyaanson5254 5 лет назад
He who does right is righteous ..even if imputed righteousness is true , we are judged based on our deeds in the last day of judgement.Mathew 7: 21 says so. Even Jesus would be amazed at the teachings of Christendom today..
@Humblestudent04 2 года назад
Ezekiel18:20 Jesus isn't our substitute, little children let no man deceive you he that doeth righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous. John5:28-29 we will all face judgement, Jesus said those that do good will be resurrected unto life. So according to Jesus it matters how we live in this lifetime. Those that say we must have imputed righteousness, that no one can be righteous don't understand. Scripture says the unrighteous are not children of God. 1John3:10... Ezekiel18:24......
@KnightFel 5 месяцев назад
@@Humblestudent04 Hopefully you're good enough in your own righteousness to survive the judgment of God, yikes.
@Humblestudent04 5 месяцев назад
@@KnightFel in the beginning we are saved made alive who were once dead in trespasses and sin. God delivers us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of his son. That's just the beginning of our lifelong journey our walk our conversion. We are out of Egypt but not in promise land yet. Jesus said everyone in his kingdom will not enter the kingdom of God in the end....the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears to hear let him hear......for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards those who are Christ at his coming.....and as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.....marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the Graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation.....according to scripture when rightly divided all truth pertaining to salvation there is a difference between being saved made alive our conversion in the beginning and being resurrected unto life when Christ returns judgement our resurrection eternal salvation. That's why it not only matters if we believe remain faithful to Christ. It also matters how we live our walk our righteousness now in this lifetime. Has nothing to do with keeping Torah laws legalism or working for salvation......
@Humblestudent04 5 месяцев назад
@@KnightFel James4:17 is it really so hard to do whatever you know is good everyday?? Is it really so hard to live righteous to please God?? Where in scripture does it say we will be judged by imputed righteousness of Christ?? Where does it say we will be judged by our faith alone?? You're opinion of me doesn't matter and doesn't change truth.....we have to interpret scripture through the doctrine of Christ not through Ephesians2:8-9....whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the father and the son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him, for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds......
@Humblestudent04 5 месяцев назад
@@KnightFel in the beginning we are saved made alive who were once dead in trespasses and sin. God delivers us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of his son. That's just the beginning of our lifelong journey our walk our conversion. We are out of Egypt but not in promise land yet. Jesus said everyone in his kingdom will not enter the kingdom of God in the end.....the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears to hear let him hear.....for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards those who are Christ at his coming.....and as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.....marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the Graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation.....according to scripture when rightly divided all truth pertaining to salvation there is a difference between being saved made alive our conversion in the beginning and being resurrected unto life when Christ returns judgement our resurrection eternal salvation. That's why it not only matters if we believe remain faithful to Christ. It also matters how we live our walk our righteousness now in this lifetime. Has nothing to do with keeping Torah laws or working for salvation......
@stegokitty 11 лет назад
The "alien" righteousness" means that it is from outside us ... and it is. Our righteousness is from Christ. It is not OUR righteousness. Christ's righteousness is imputed to us, just as our sin is imputed to Him. Our righteousness is not our own ... it is an alien (other) righteousness.
@taylorbarrett384 6 лет назад
Depending on what you mean, and as long as you include regeneration, you are basically in agreement with Catholic theology.
@2610paul 5 лет назад
There is no such thing as 'Alien righteousness ' this was invented by the Protestants especially Martin Luther. We are declared and made righteous in Christ so that we can live that righteous life. If we don't we forfeit the righteous standing before the a Lord.. We are like the guy who was given a silver talent and did not make of it to grow. He buried the talent and eventually lost everything. We are told to grow in the Lord and that salvation .
@HalChaffee 3 года назад
Does Doug affirm that Jesus' actual righteousness is imputed to us? That is, does he believe that God sees us according to the works of Jesus, treating us as if we did the works of Jesus and obeyed the law as Jesus; or does he believe that God's declaration of righteousness over us is more in the vein of Abraham, where it seems that God simply counted his faith as righteousness without the idea of it being another persons righteousness being imputed to him?
@IchigosShinraTensei 3 года назад
those are 1 in the same check this John 8:56 'you do not know Him, but I know Him. If I said I did not know Him, I would be a liar like you. But I do know Him, and I keep His word. 56Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see My day. He saw it and was glad.' Abraham faith is imputes Christ Righteous on to him as if Abraham always obeyed the law
@nestborg 11 лет назад
isn't imputation different than justification?
@metalcomposition 3 года назад
This is the most obfuscatious issue in "reformed" theology. The fact of the matter is that we are either righteous or not righteous in Christ. Pick one which is most biblically accurate. Yup. We are righteous.
@metalcomposition 3 года назад
@Eucharist Angel Do you think God would tease or taunt us on such a crippling issue by telling us that we're mystically righteous but not actually righteous? If it's from without, then it's apart from us. But because it's a gift, it's freely ours to claim? So I just feel that of those two options, that either it's not mine or it's mine. Even if it's from without, it's still mine to claim and God still gets the glory when I do. It's an either/or. One is correct. You are either righteous or not. If someone in life gives you a gift, you can either choose to claim it as your own or forever feel like you don't deserve it and don't really want it to be called yours from that point on. Fully own it. It's your righteousness. You did nothing to attain it. But it's yours. Completely. So live as though you are justified and vindicated before God.
@derekh.9133 7 лет назад
First of all I’m no scholar, but i can use a lexicon and I’m pretty sure impute means to credit. Secondly I only see faith being imputed as righteousness, not people. So if you are faithful your faith is considered righteous. Where in the Bible does it state(in black and white) that we are imputed with Christ’s righteousness? Or as it is commonly said,”cloaked in the righteousness of Christ.” In Revelation the bride prepares herself and clothes herself, with the righteous deeds of the Saints. I don’t know about you, but to me that seems a lot like your faithfulness being credited to you as righteousness. On another note since you are a scholar and I am not can you explain to me where in the Bible and offering for sin ever became sinful? On the contrary Christ was a spotless offering without blemish. He was a sin offering, he never became sin. Being that you are a scholar I’m sure you know, that the word for sin in Greek is the same as the word for sin offering, and it depends on the context of the passage. Christ who was without sin or pure just like the offerings that had to be without blemish or pure. Also christ made it very clear that sin is about morality. It’s a matter of the heart. No one else can make your heart bad or evil or wicked. It’s a choice, it your own choice. Sin cannot be handed down to someone else. Sin cannot be imputed, nor is that found anywhere in scripture. We inherited death from Adam, not sin. Because of Adam we lost the ability to eat from the tree of life, therefore we all die in this fleshly body. Just as it is said for the wages of sin is death. Look what the Lord says to Cain. If you do what is right will you not be received and if not sin’s desire is for you you must rule over it. Doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord is living a faithful asinnd obedient life. Stop doing evil, learn to do good. Mr scholar your doctrines deny the truth as do you in your actions, if you sin daily in word thought and deed.
@derekh.9133 7 лет назад
Sorry faithful and obedient life
@tessw9744 6 лет назад
Derek H. You're absolutely right. God would not tell us to "purify ourselves" ..."strive to enter in".....or "wash our robes"....if we automatically were given the righteousness of Christ. Paul writes... * "If you live according to the flesh you shall die. But if YOU, by the Spirit, PUT TO DEATH the deeds of the body you shall live."* There is no magical "cloak of imputed righteousness" that hides our sins from God thus making us unaccountable. Paul wrote to the Christians in Galatia and Corinth WARNING them about the sins that keep us from inheriting the kingdom of God........"but muh imputed righteousness" ??? This false doctrine that we can be saved without obedience and being transformed into the image of Christ is flat out false doctrine. And its sending multitudes to Hell.
@silvertenzin 3 года назад
2 Corinthians 5:21 clearly says he had made “himself Sin” for us....
@JackMitchell-li2iw Год назад
Thank you for your video. However, with respect, you both manage to speak for 9 minutes without mentioning the real disputed issue. Is the "law-keeping" of Jesus counted or reckoned as the righteousness of the believer? Is sin being removed thus distinguishable from righteousness being imputed? ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 does not point to the law keeping of Jesus being counted as that of believers. The first part of the verse results in the second. Christ becomes sin so that we might become righteousness of God in him. II think this parallels with the righteous spotless lamb who dies for sinners and thus they can be reckoned as righteous. Sin is removed and righteousness must be declared. Where do we read explicitly of the law keeping of Jesus being counted "as ours"? .) Why was this point not addressed in the whole 9 minutes? Thank you.
@dmustakasjr 8 лет назад
Imputation is legal forensic justification as understood by the reformation fathers (first outlined by Martin Luther, though perhaps not completely). Regeneration and the following Sanctification (with the Holy Spirit) are the "born again" experience and nature change that occurs in an instant as well as gradually over a persons lifetime.... do I have that right?
@taylorbarrett384 6 лет назад
Not quite. Lutherans believe Baptism is the moment you are born again.
@cue_khb 4 года назад
The only issue I have is with the terms legal and forensic. Our righteousness is not of the Law and legal literally means of the Law. Our righteousness is relational. It is God accepting us for life by coming into right relation with Him through the atonement. I reject legal imputation. Its relational, in my humble understanding.
@stevewhite5560 5 лет назад
Doug's error is in his covenant theology. His view of imputed righteousness is an "imputation of not guilty". He only deals with negative guilt, not positive righteousness. Since he is a monocovenantalist, he has no covenant of works category that Adam should have fulfilled to merit life, he does not see Christ as having fulfilled the covenant of works and to have merited life, that heaven must be earned, and that Christ did earn it,. So Doug's idea of "imputed righteousness" is "forensic declaration of not guilty". Not forensic declaration that it is as if we have loved God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves, that eternal life and the blessings of God has been secured by Christ. He does not agree with Ch 7 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. He does not see the promise of life, that you can "do this and you will live", and so he does not see Christ as our federal head as having fulfilled that for us. That "covenant faithfulness" he leaves for us to fulfill in the Christian life.
@CanonPress 5 лет назад
No, Doug agrees with the WCF. Part of being "not guilty" would include doing what you're supposed to do, not just doing what you are forbidden.
@taylorbarrett384 6 лет назад
Actually the declaration of matrimony does infuse graces. The two become one flesh. God gives graces, and transforms the man and wife ontologically, uniting them together.
@CanonPress 6 лет назад
Your language of "infusing grace" sounds suspiciously sacramental. Here where we are, there are only two sacraments: Eucharist and Baptism.
@taylorbarrett384 6 лет назад
@@CanonPress however you want to define it, the marriage bond is an ontological union.
@CanonPress 6 лет назад
Infusing grace is different than the "two become one flesh" (Eph. 5:31). What do you mean by describing it as ontological? Just that something changes at the level of their nature? I'd agree we have scriptural support for that.
@taylorbarrett384 6 лет назад
@@CanonPress Ontological in the sense that there is a real, metaphysical change in the soul. This is what the infusion of grace does. Without grace, the soul cannot be changed. And true Mar produces an actual (ontological/metaphysical) change in the souls of the husband and wife, uniting them together.
@CanonPress 6 лет назад
In the context of a video on the imputation of righteousness, you're getting way off base the minute you add "grace" back in there. Get that sacramental language back where it belongs!
@billjohnson3702 9 лет назад
Virtue is NEVER transferred in the text. That was invented by Thomas Aquinas...Abraham's FAITH was imputed/reckoned righteous by the DEEDS he did in faith from a heart of sincerity that that worketh love. (faith proven by deeds) ...The biblical definition of "faith" is faithfulness to God from a heart that has NO GUILE (Obedience from the heart)....there is NO VERSE that says "Christ's righteousness" is imputed to anyone.. That myth came from the minds of religious lawyers. However faithfulness to God is imputed as righteousness.........."Let no man deceive you, he that DOES righteousness is righteous, and he that sins is of the devil", 1 John....Christ's righteousness IS NOT accounted/imputed/reckoned to anyone. Righteousness is something that YOU DO through the dispensation and empowerment of the Holy Spirit , (Grace), Titus 2:11-14.............. ALL else is works salvation invented by men who have made Jesus a minister of sin...There is no salvation by religious works and inventions of carnal-men (this, this, this, and this) saves no one. We are workers together with God, love cannot be attained by any other means. One who follows not Christ's examples has not the love of God in Him....Jesus is not and idol but rather and example. to be followed. Steadfast faith and fidelity to God is imputed righteous.
@bobpolo2964 7 лет назад
And the free gift is not like the result of that one man's sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. 17 For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17
@stegokitty 11 лет назад
Imputation is HOW we are justified. Imputation means that we are declared to be just by God, when in our experience we are not. We will BE justified only upon death and/or on the Last Day.
@berglen100 2 года назад
Be careful how you say or think I AM, Your funny, classic first Adam. God and his name is I AM! When you point to another as an authority in your world, you are transferring the power that belongs to God to an idol. Now, if you call for anything with the name of God, and his name is I AM, and you say I AM . . are you not your own maker? God is, for I AM! I kill and I make alive, I wound and I heal. I create the light and I form the darkness and besides me there is no other God. Whatever I want, I must assume the full responsibility for it. If I want to conjure health and the doctors tell me I cannot overcome my illness and I believe them, I have made my choice and must accept the responsibility for it. But if I dare to assume health, God is proclaiming it, for he has no name other than I AM! This is the grand revelation found in the third chapter, the 14th verse, of Exodus. “Go and tell them `I AM has sent me to you.’ “Whatever you declare, is; for God’s name is any form of the verb to be, whether it is I AM, I was, or I will be.
@WeAreBullets 5 лет назад
i thot imputation was protestant
@declanmcleod9025 5 лет назад
Would have simply been better to address the simple doctrine of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ from the beginning of the video!....this just sounded like legal gobbledygook!
@weobeyjesus4565 5 лет назад
Christians are justified by forgiveness not by having someone else's righteousness accounted to them.
@CanonPress 5 лет назад
Imputation is part of forgiveness. Read 2 Cor 5:21 -- imputation is a technical theological term explaining how Paul means that we "become the righteousness of God."
@dh1335 4 года назад
He’s parroting John MacArthur’s nonsense with the term forensic, and the analogy of the relationship of before an after marriage
@ParaSniper2504 6 лет назад
Hey Doug God did not come up with some solution after the fact. Some of your language needs to be more careful.
@Rabbitburnx 5 лет назад
Listening to this makes me puke. The Gospel is Remittance of past sins and release from bondage to sin. Our faith that PRODUCES obedience is imputed as righteousness. Virtue can not be transferred from one person to another. He who sins is of the devil, those in Christ sin not, 1st John. I'd love to debate this man. God will put him to open shame.
@jasont5300 3 года назад
Interesting that Christ imputation of His righteousness to us makes you wanna puke. Maybe you shoulda told Saint Paul this too. Romans 7 shows his struggle with sin on how he didn’t want to do the very things he did and the things he wanted to do, he didn’t do. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” 1 John‬ ‭1:8-10‬ ‭ Guess you just made Jesus a liar.
@KnightFel 5 месяцев назад
So you were in the future and he died for your future sins, just only the sins you did before you believed, anything after that, nope, you have to be perfect. Your position is terribly awful.
@lansan3430 2 года назад
This doctrine opens a door to lawlessness!
@douglasmcnay644 2 года назад
The hypothetical scenario you present is not real. A man who has been regenerated by God will not desire to remain in sin, but will continue to fall into it because they are not perfected in their sanctification.
@froyvm7868 Год назад
Read Romans 6 bro... you will understand that imputation is necessary to explain what Paul says in Romans 6
@lansan3430 Год назад
@@froyvm7868 I have a brotherly advise... follow YHWH Elohim! That is the same instruction commanded by our Lord Jesus! You were deceived by many Pastors teaching against God using twisted verses of the New Testament!
@froyvm7868 Год назад
@@lansan3430 Yeah I follow YHWH as well, because Jesus is YHWH in the flesh
@lansan3430 Год назад
@@froyvm7868 And Jesus will never contradict His Father's Doctrine! For the Doctrine of Jesus is not His own, but His Father's! The same goes to Paul and others...
@dh1335 4 года назад
If you go with this guy’s reasoning , we would be as perfect as Jesus in the eyes of God the father, and Jesus would a wretched sinner, who in their right mind would believe such nonsense. Plus he’s using poor analogies that don’t square up, just another way to comfort the sinner. Doctrines of demons!
@kronos01ful 3 года назад
What does the bible say about who we are in christ. In Christ we believers are priests, how can he call us hes priest if he really didn't cleanse us. ?
@aafisanableistcult6236 5 лет назад
There is no such thing as "Imputed Righteousness". Either you do righteous or you are not righteous at all.
@KnightFel 5 месяцев назад
Paul literally uses the word imputation. Your righteousness is on the basis of the works of Christ, i.e., the fulfilling of the law. Without that you have no hope.
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