
Asmodeus: The Demon of Lust (Angels & Demons Explained) 

The Legends of History
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28 сен 2024




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@jackofallclaws6672 4 года назад
He’s most powerful in November? That’s slightly ironic.
@rheides 4 года назад
He's the reason NoNut became a challenge 😨
@august4476 4 года назад
Probably because of all the repressed sexual urges
@freereign911 4 года назад
Scorpio seduction💦
@bromisovalum8417 4 года назад
No Nut November wasn't chosen by chance
@amourseya4300 4 года назад
Jack of All Claws wow
@weirdone6966 4 года назад
Michael: How did asmodeus escape, I gave you a ring to control demons? Solomon the wise: I unchained him, and gave him my ring. Michael: Bruh
@roy1637 4 года назад
so, this guy did a pretty damn good job at explaining, However, I think it is a pretty hard thing to get the translation if you don't or can't read the text in the language that it was written (in this case Hebrew). & everything is about the translation & about learning the hidden meanings that are so well hidden in the Jewish texts. King Solomon had captured him for one reason only. Because GOD instructed Moses (& later on King Solomon Himself) That no tools of work, or tools of steel should be used in the making of any part of the Temple. (maybe for the fact that those tools could be turned into tools of war), but that includes the cutting of the Huge Stones (which were said to be about 4 times bigger than each stone, at the biggest Pyramid in Egypt, -which was roughly 50 tons, & the ones on The Jewish Temple, weighed about 200 tons a piece). Now the story goes that he needed something that Moses had found but since this was about 400 years (maybe more) after, it has been lost & no one knew where to find this. (This thing was a type of a warm or a snail, that is like a laser-in today's terminology, & had the power to cut things just the way they needed it.) so King Solomon caught some demons & asked them where it was & no one knew it's location- they said the Angel that is In charge of the Water has it, & he gave it to some type of bird to keep watch over it for him, & that only Ashmedai knows where it is. When they Brought Ashmedai to King Solomon, after revealing it's location, some days later ( by what this dude said years later- but it has been a really long time since I myself studied this personally) King Solomon, went outside only dressed in his "simple palace/Maybe bed time clothing) decided to go outside & talk to Ashmedai. (Demons have 3 Characters of Humans, & 3 of Angels of the lord- they eat & drink, They fuck & multiply, & they Die (yes Demons Dies)… They also have Wings & can fly from 1 corner of the earth to the other, They can Take ANY form they wish, & they can know things that will happen in the very near future (when something is decided up in the Heavens they Announce it 30 days before it happens, & demons like Angels- Hear it & know). after talking, Ashmedai told Solomon, I can show you of great creations of GOD that you never knew about. (which in a different story between the 2, Ashmedai Actually does show him). King Solomons, all enticed I guess, said ok show me... Ashmedai replied that he Couldn't Since he is tied in Chains with GOD'S Name Curved On it (that's why he couldn't escape, because that would mean that he would have to brake & destroy the Name of GOD that was Curved into the Chains... There are demons that would, But because of his Position- The Name Ashmedai is not a name, it is a title- the king of the demons- he wouldn't). King Solomon- which was the smartest/Wisest Man that has ever lived, bought it, & unchained him. Then Ashmedai told King Solomon, that the ring that he is wearing is interfering & that he can't while being in its presence of it, & asked King Solomon to remove it from his finger & away from him, & that he would show him. King Solomon Fall For it. as soon as he did, he got bitch-slapped Hundreds of miles away. by the time that king Solomon has returned to Jerusalem, ( I think it took him 2 Years) & for another year he lived as a bagger, & telling people that he was actually King Solomon, But no one believed him. After 3 years of being away from the thrown, and for a year being in Jerusalem Claiming to be The King, One of the people who worked for him walked by (I want to say that it was either the person King Solomon Sent to Capture Ashmedai, or His top General) & king Solomon approached him. called the guy by his name. they turn around & see a dirty man Speaking to them. he tells him, I am King Solomon, & says something to him. The Guy replied, No King Solomon is Sitting up at his thrown at this very moment. Kings Solomon explained that it was actually Ashmedai, Sitting up there & not He!! Then King Solomon, being the Wisest of all Men said to the guy. Have you guys seen his Feet in the last 3 years? the guy replies, no I don't believe I have. King Solomon told him, go up to the Castle, Talked to my wives (King Solomon had 1,000 Wives) & ask them if they have seen The King's-who is sitting up in the castle for the last 3 years- feet while they were with him!! ( the reason he mentioned this, & that's why I Always get a laugh when Christian's see either 3 scratches or things happening in 3's- they claim it is to make fun of the "holly trinity", which im sorry/not sorry is a bunch of bull shit... But All Demons Have Feet that Look Very Very Similar Feet to Chicken Feet...again unlike what they teach in Christianity, or what they show in all movies & shit...) & I guess even after taking the shape or Image of King Solomon, Ashmedai's Feet stayed the feet of a Demon-AKA, Chicken Feet. lol. After Talking to the wives, the person returned & told King Solomon You're right. Not a single person has seen is feet. He always covered them. King Solomon instructed him to go & make him a new Ring, (I never heard the Angel Michael- which is the Angle In charge of the Jews & Israeli People ONLY, gave him the ring), they Put GOD'S Name into it like the one before, & as soon as king Solomon Went into his Palace after 3 years, 3 very rough Years, & with the ring on his Hand Ashmedai Got Scared, like he Truly Feared King Solomon at that moment, & Vanished Back to where he was from... Way Way Up North Into the mountains.....
@flyboi233 4 года назад
@@roy1637 So why didnät Solomon ask the Angel in charge of the worm about the worms location_ Why did he have to go to Ashmedai. (Is that the same as asmodeus_)
@roy1637 4 года назад
@@flyboi233 good question, When I was Studying the Subject & the Story more in Depth, from the actual Sources, (as well as listened to some of the biggest Rabbis explaining this). 1st of All, the "Ring" That King Solomon Wore, was NOT given to him by the Arch-Angel Michael!! (Even though a lot of Christians believe that the Angel Michael protects them & so on, Each Country in the World Break Down to 70 (original) Nations-& that's not including Israel/The Jews- & Each 1 of those Countries in the world, even though there are more than 192 Countries, in their roots there are 70 Nations (again, not including Israel/ or the Jewish people)... & Each 1 of those nations have their own Angel who is In charge of them up in the Heavens!! The Angel Michael, is in-Charge of Israel & the Jewish people... (& as Far as i know & have learned through all these years, Israel aka the Jewish People, Are the Only People/Nation, who got an "Arch Angel" In-Charge of them up in the Heavens... & Gabriel is also in a way connected to Israel & has helped the Jews Many times, & during the Last war that's on it's way, where GOD HIMSELF will bring the 70 Nations to war on Israel & to try & take Jerusalem from the Jews. (which for the last few years, if you follow what's going on in the UN, & with Many Many countries around the World, you could actually see this already building up for this!!) Gabriel will Aid Michael & come down with him to fight the Massive Army (Coalition) of those same 70 Nations... that Army will be Exactly 2 Billion 600 Million Minus 1 Soldier!! Which is a 1/3 of the Worlds Population!! This war will only last 12 Minutes (there are some that say up to 20 minutes), but it Will be the Angel Michael & Gabriel, who will be sent by GOD, to come down to wage this war... & this is 1 Step before GOD HIMSELF Will come Down, to Fight & Punish those Nations- I don't have to tell you this, there's so so much more behind this, & the reasons for it...) But if an "Angel" would give such a gift to King Solomon, than yes the Angel Michael Would be the one who would make the most sense that will be him to give him this Ring... But besides the guy who did this video, I never heard that the Ring was a Gift from an Angel. & I think that it would have been mentioned if it was. This more of a myth, than the Actual Truth. The Ring was Made for King Solomon by a person, a Holy Person- Because it contained one of GOD'S Actual Names (1 of the more Powerful ones, & someone who was an Extremely Holy Person, 1- would not know the name, & 2- Will never write out such a Holy Name on it!!) Now as to your question, do you remember that I mentioned that the Angel of the Sea or water had this Bird watching over this Worm or Snail? Well when the Bird found out that it's been taken from him the bird Actually committed Suicide (which Animals do not do this types of Acts- Its against their Nature & against the way GOD made them- So kind of, in a way, it's AGAINST the way that they are programmed, if this helps to make sense. Now, As Far as the Angel of the Sea, from a couple of documents that I read, that Angel Was/Is a Hard Ass!! So since Kind Solomon was/ & still is the Wisest of Any Human Being Since Creation- & Until the Messiah will come (during the Last war that I mentioned)- if King Solomon thought that going about this in a way of deceiving, Instead of trying to Appeal to this Angel, than He had a Good reason for it!! I can go deeper into this, but I have already told you guys things that took me years upon years to learn, & I barely Scratched the Surface (but i'm still somewhat young). & Even though certain Jews do posses power over Angels, to pretty much make them do as they wish, like a lot of people throughout history have done with demons, this is not something/ or an approach that is recommanded. Even if you Recieve orders to do something, that comes straight from GOD, which at that point it's easier to make an Angel do something that you either "ASK" or "DEMAND" for!! This Particular Angel, is one of the 1st Angels to be created, & he is very powerful... so again, if King Solomon chose to go about something in a certain way, you best believe that there was a true reason behind it, even if it don't make sense to us little people!! King Solomon Knew what he was doing!!
@roy1637 4 года назад
@@jarlaxledaerthe4045 I know (not think) that you have no Idea what you are talking about... myths is one thing, GOD'S WORD is a whole other thing!! If you are lucky, After you pass from this world, you will then realize that you knew absolutely NOTHING, & then have to suffer for your stupidity!! But you will know "... That the Lord is one, & HIS Name is One..."!! No Jesus, no False gods... Only a Single GOD who Rules over Everyone & Everything!! Sorry to tell you, & this is not a Theory, this is a Fact... Jesus, not just that he is NOT in Heaven, but he was Also Denied Access to Hell... which leaves only 1 place for him to be at!! & that is Purgatory!! & he has been there for 2,000 years!! Can you even comprehend what this means for billions of Christians? Every time you pray & mention Jesus's name, you are actually Worshipping "False gods", & you are Worshipping a Person as a god!! No Heaven for people like that!! Sorry!! How is that for a Myth? Believe in GOD & GOD Alone, & teach your Kids to do the same!! & you will only be rewarded for that!! You have a good day or whatever!! But don't disrespect GOD'S First Chosen Person!! If you don't have the knowledge about things, don't run your mouth!! It's disrespectful!!
@roy1637 4 года назад
@@flyboi233 & yes, from the Name & the Stories, I'm Assuming that Ashmedai is aka "asmodeus"!! Just sound like they took the Hebrew Name, & made it into a Greek Name... & Again, from what I learned, Ashmedai is the Title & not the actual name of this Demon!! The title: the King of the Demons... & he Took/takes his orders from Satan- which in Christianity they turned him into a Demon himself, but he is not. He is still an Angel, & he has 3 Roles... one of which is the Angel of Death!!
@jacopoarmini7889 4 года назад
I always associated Asmodeus to lust, not in the sense of simple uncontrolled sexual desire, but rather as all lowly passions. That's why his name means "angry spirit" he isn't just angry, but completely devoured by cravings and desires, the same flaws that turn humans into savages.
@lauragraves4342 4 года назад
Yeah that's how I see him too.
@josephthibeault9919 4 года назад
I know both Male and females that act like his cult members
@vonscott7683 4 года назад
Savage Mode 2
@roy1637 3 года назад
I Totally Agree With Your 1st Sentance!! King Solomon Had Sinned against GOD (3 Sins), & 1 of those Sins were Not to Have too Many Wives!! The King of Israel was Allowed to have Only up to 18 Wives (we know that from what GOD said to King David- King Solomon's Father)!! & King Solomon had 1,000 Wives (he took wives from Many Other Nations, Because his intentions were to bring total Peace to Mankind, & bring us Straight to a world with peace, a fixed world). So GOD Decided to Punish King Solomon, & that's why as Wise as King Solomon was (The Wisest Amongst All Men/People, That has ever Lived, in All Generations) was Tricked By The Demon Ashmedai. GOD Let King Solomon get Tricked by the Demon King, Intentionally, Because of his Sins. The Story Goes, That for the 3 years that Ashmedai was Sitting Upon King's Solomon's Thrown, He had his ways with King Solomon's Wives. At The Very End of the 3 years- right before King Solomon Returned to his Thrown (& By the way, this is what helped King Solomon who was poor at that Point, & people thought he was crazy Because after he returned to Jerusalem, he used to go around telling people that he was in fact King Solomon, but People didn't believe him... Until This happened, & was the reason People at the King's Palace, Those who knew King Solomon, it gave them Enough to go & Check about what this so called poor & crazy man was telling them, & Pretty much was what helped King's Solomon to return to his rightful Place) - Ashmedai Went to one of King's Solomon's Wives & he wanted to have sex with her (this Particular Wife of King Solomon) & wanted to do things with/to her that were Not things that Jews but Especially King Solomon who was a Very Holly Man & had GOD'S Spirit Upon Him, were doing during those days. She Immediately Noticed that Something was Wrong, Denied Him, & Ran To Someone who was Very Close to King Solomon & told him about all this. & She said that he is not acting like himself & it's as if its not the same person!! So they went & Checked, Talked to his other wives & noticed that while Ashmedai (who took the Shape of King Solomon) was sleeping/having sex with his wives, that none of them actually seen him Ever take his Socks off (which Corresponds with what we know About Demons- That They can Take Any Shape of Anything & Anyone & Imitate Anyone's Voice, & they can Also know so much about a Person, that it makes it easy for them to take a person's place if wanted to... However, They Can Change Everything Except for A Single Feature on Them- Their Feet. Which is why No One has Ever seen Him without at the very Least Socks on, Even while sleeping with the Wives!!) & at That Point they realized that it was Ashmedai & They went back to the So called crazy Man who Claimed to be the real king of Israel, & told him that they know for a fact now that it is Ashmedai on the Thrown, & that He was the True King of Israel, & he is who he claims he is!! so they Asked King Solomon What to do? & there's an Entire Section that is not mentioned here- At Least 50% of the Story is not mentioned here, like how King Solomon Ended Up Getting his Ring Back (which he found inside of a fish- after he went fishing, so that he could eat- who had swallowed it, when Ashmedai hit King Solomon & sent him up in the Air Far Far way, & then The Ring was also thrown far into the sea & was Swallowed/Eaten By a Fish) & So on, the rest of the Story is so damn interesting, it's too bad he didn't talk about it on here... Anyways, He asked the same guy who Captured Ashmedai to begin with to take some men, & pretty much ordered Not to Capture Ashmedai, But to Have him KILLED!! The King's Men went in 1st, Followed by King Solomon Himself right after (I Guess he wanted to 1-have Ashmedai See that He Is Back, & 2- He wanted to see Ashmedai Killed for himself) & with the ring back they went in & grabbed Ashmedai & i think they Bound him somehow so that he couldn't Disappear, & King Solomon Went in right as they did... As Soon as They Were ready & about to Kill Ashmedai, There was A Voice Heard from the Sky (in Hebrew it's Called "Bat-Kol" -not Like BAT-Sounds like But... Ba-t Kol). which they Used to Hear When GOD had a Message or a decision HE wanted People to Hear, & it's instead of sending An Angel. Only the People who Were there Involved in this- so the Few Military Guys, Holly Men, & King Solomon Himself- were Able to Hear this. & As they Were About to Kill Him, They Heard it Say Stop, That they Must "Release" Ashmedai, & that he was Allowed/Given Permission to do what he did (by GOD of course) for The Sins that King Solomon Committed against The LORD, & then Ashmedai had Disappeared. & King Solomon After that whole thing, Lived in Fear of Ashmedai Returning. But, Like I said, Ashmedai had his way with At Least Some, A Good Portion of King Solomon's Wives. & I'm thinking that it was a test as well for the wives. King Solomon Married with Women From Probably Every Neighboring Countries, & Even Countries Farther away. Some of the Women The King was Able to Convert into Judaism & these women Actually Kept the Jewish Laws & didn't Worship False gods. Some Most Likely did so called "Convert" but carried on with their Original Ways, & Continued Worshipping False gods. & Of Course That The King Had Many Many Wives from within Israel & The Jewish Religion. now why am I Mentioning this? all demons are sexual Beings, it's their nature. But, I agree with Your First Sentence!! & I Think, That Although he did sleep with some of the kings Wives, I think that there was a reason &/or even a Test Behind it... Or else I don't think GOD would have Given Permission To the King Of ALL Demons to touch Something that is so Sacred in the Jewish Religion (which is a Man's Wife)!! & I Also think (if I'm Remembering Correctly) that the Woman that Denied him, Because He was Being & Probably Wanting to Do some Really Kinky Shit With Her !! Which wasn't the true Jewish way, & not something that A Holly Person Would Act, & Especially Not A Person Who Had The "Spirit Of GOD" (Not to Confuse with the So Called "holly ghost" or "holly Spirit" that is Mentioned in Christianity- as in the "holly trinity", Because Jews Do NOT Believe in that whatsoever) Upon Him (Like King Solomon & King David Before Him, & King Saul (for a time) Before him) Would Ever Do. So the King's Wife that Actually Noticed this, & felt Something was Not Right, was one of The Actual Jewish & Israeli Born of Solomon's Wives. So as An Actual Jew, Who Grew Up Learning the Actual Jewish ways, & Living Them, & Believing In GOD & Being Taught How A True Jewish Woman/Lady Should Carry Herself & how to Act & What's Proper- from GOD'S Point of View- This Wife Of the King, Actually Felt that something was wrong, & as if it wasn't really King Solomon- Although He looked like him...But not Acted!! So All this being said, I think you hit a really Good Point. Because The Stories that Make it into the Books Like The "Torah", "Talmud", "Zohar", & Even the Stories that were Put together by King Solomon Himself, There's a Tradition Of Putting in Only Things/Stories That would Teach People Several Things & Would be still Relevant for All Generations To Come... & 3,000 Years Later, You can Still Learn So Much From King Solomon's Texts, & Stories. (& Ashmedai had a Part in it!! There's more Stories of King Solomon & Ashmedai!! Very Interesting things, All True, & Things That Science Today, Doesn't even Know Anything Close To what King Solomon Did). & Ashmedai Is 1, that No One would want to Tangle With, or even be Anywhere around the Area of where he is!! LMFAO...- & it Left King Solomon Worried for the Rest of his life that he would return for him) .
@crumpwisdom 3 года назад
This explains everything. He showed me lust for power, sexual lust, nearly taught me how to impose my will onto others like puppets. Sure was a damn good sales pitch
@JazzyJ96771 3 года назад
November is the month of Scorpio (mostly) and Scorpio being the sign of sex (among many other things like death, rebirth and transformation) it makes sense that Asmodeus is strongest during November. Also Scorpio’s motto (every star sign has one) is “I lust” and also “I desire”
@erydev5647 3 года назад
Good point 👍
@lordescanor8232 2 года назад
nonutnovembers origin
@vovovkuks8889 2 года назад
Nice thinkwork👍
@AskAKill99 2 года назад
Wow ty I had an ex in HS that was a Scorpio she was a sex desiring girl
@brandonpullen3941 Год назад
November 28th I'm a Sagittarius
@primalmind32574 4 года назад
the secret origins of no nut November you never knew
@SoApStOnEd-fl9se 4 года назад
@braceletboi01 4 года назад
Jason Brandyburg weak as fuck😂🤣
@Missamaraeraeee 4 года назад
Jason Brandyburg 😂😂😂😂
@dylanalceus3019 4 года назад
😂😂mann no wonder
@damionfuller353 4 года назад
Jason Brandyburg, is NoNut November even a real thing? Who came up with that and who practices it?
@darthazgorath9570 3 года назад
A demon of lust that says " I make men lust after the wives of other men and cause them to commit murderous acts." That's what solomon's father david did to have Solomon. That cuts deep
@ErinAsh23 3 года назад
That goes for women listing after married men as well?
@darthazgorath9570 3 года назад
@@ErinAsh23 my dad has a theory about woman and sins of lust, and it's kinda interesting. Woman will not be judged according to sexual sins, the men who are supposed to be leading them , their fathers and their husbands, will be judged for allowing it to happen. So I'm not sure. Not saying this is true, though my dad's biblical resurch is extensive on that matter, it's simply to say, I don't know, you should look into this for yourself
@ErinAsh23 3 года назад
@@darthazgorath9570 where would I begin to research the subject? I only ask because I am curious about it. I would describe myself as a Christian but I want to be more, I want to do more for Jesus, and God but I have these urges sometimes that push me away. It’s mostly lusting after married men, or older men. But I don’t go through with these urges
@darthazgorath9570 3 года назад
@@ErinAsh23 my friend, I would say it's throughout the bible, never once in lavitical law, or any story surounding female sexual sin does the woman ever get punished for her action but the man is exept when it comes to an affair where they are both stoned. This is because the power to say no is on the man's side, he has the strangth to force his will on her or to consent, to lead her to Christ, or to hell. He is the spiritual leader of his home if she sins it is on his shoulders to take the responsibility even if it isn't his fault as Jesus did for us. However, on Earth, I will say she is punished with a lack of joy and heightened depression as seen in most lesbians, prostitutes, stripers etc etc. Also, attraction doesn't equal lust unless you are married. Desire to no longer be alone isn't a bad thing, you simply have to get out their and build the relationship instead of fantisissing in your mind. On that note, do you have discord?
@darthazgorath9570 3 года назад
@TheVisionaryMMATV -Christian Le perhaps, wether it is his plan or not, it's still in his hands regardless.
@Bam_Bizzler 4 года назад
The demon of lust is at his strongest in November? That's why i fail NNN! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW
@krystalgrant9877 4 года назад
I was born in November. uh-oh lol
@Friendship1nmillion 4 года назад
@@krystalgrant9877 My mother was too. 😱 {don't know if this info connecting Asmodious with November has anything to do with all souls day, November 1st?}. 🤔👺💔
@elgringo2897 4 года назад
My wife was born In November. And she's a nympho.... I love it haha
@lauragraves4342 4 года назад
That would explain why scorpios are said to be so lustful, maybe??? Obsessively so.
@angelofmerceyangelofdeath8804 4 года назад
Yes my friend I am a virgo 777 Babylon the great
@KamiTenchi 4 года назад
That explains porn.
@seansswamp 4 года назад
Kami Tenchi oh
@jedennox3015 4 года назад
Damn staright forward
@samanthafreesi471 4 года назад
Most porn is broadcasting sex- trafficked slaves
@user-is3qy4hs5e 4 года назад
I- *w h y*
@drummerboyarnold3174 4 года назад
@samantha yes just actors imao
@mountainking1166 4 года назад
So the lesson from this story is that the Archangel Raphael was the greatest wingman ever...
@ElMCH-vb7xv 3 года назад
He still his ! What chu mean "was" he's in heaven
@mountainking1166 3 года назад
@@ElMCH-vb7xv Haha, fair enough!
@agedee7641 2 года назад
You forgot one thing: his amazing singing ability (Wow this blew up thank you my fellow helluva boss fans!)
2 года назад
and second thing: his "trumpet"
@religiouslyretarded 2 года назад
and his moves 😈
@theouchiha3242 2 года назад
In The house of Asmodeus
@markurbanowicz6619 2 года назад
You sold for a thrust. Now that's the power of lust.
@gravity1804 2 года назад
dont forget his emotional stability clown
@user-pc7ef5sb6x Год назад
Lust doesn't just refer to sexual desire, even though it's used that way in the English language. Lust is not to be confused with Greed or Gluttony. Lust is a infatuation with something. While Greed is the accumulation of something valuable. Lust is the emotion, while Greed is the action that is the result of Lust.
@RasheedGazzi-u5l Год назад
Lust is natural.
@sailorstar3148 3 месяца назад
@@RasheedGazzi-u5l Yeah it’s just one of those human desires, but lust doesn’t have to be like assaulting someone
@JordyAnimations 2 года назад
Who’s here from Helluva Boss. Ozzies song was amazing!
@lorddevilfish5868 2 года назад
I'm surprised they kept the three heads design!
@JordyAnimations 2 года назад
@@lorddevilfish5868 yo same and love how the animation team pulled it off
@gattycroc8073 2 года назад
@@lorddevilfish5868 I hope they do the same with Bael,
@lorddevilfish5868 2 года назад
@@gattycroc8073 I hope Baal makes an appearance especially knowing that he is a God that was demonized!
@Gorexchan 2 года назад
@carrioncrow13 4 года назад
Honestly, Asmodeus destroying everything within reach after getting captured is such a mood. Edit: Whoa, what the hell is going on in my reply section?! I was literally just sympathising with the anger and spite of being captured and not being able to do much about it atm, because that's what I know I'd do in such a situation! I was making a statement about who had the moral high ground or was in the right in this story! I didn't mean to rouse any arguments, so please don't use my comments for your petty arguments!
@sgtsage2 3 года назад
Sounds like a typical marriage
@cherylmarie5477 3 года назад
For real lol everything he did makes him a boss lmao
@daviedood2503 3 года назад
Wtf does "such a mood" even mean? 😂 I've been seeing that phrase quite a bit lately. 😂
@KaguraLioness 3 года назад
Honestly King Solomon was a dick, so he deserved to get YEETED to egypt.
@daviedood2503 3 года назад
@@KaguraLioness aww did u like the little demons as ur wittle "fwends" 😂 They're not there to be ur fn friend man. They're there to corrupt you by ur own greed and desires to ensnare you. They want to point and laugh at you while u think u can "control them" as if they're a pet.. 😂
@VestraPater 4 года назад
I think the three heads thing was meant to say he could appear in multiple forms, and not that he literally had three heads at once. Presumably, he could take any form he wanted, based on how he impersonated the king, then banged his wives and mother. Although, I suppose that would mean he could present with three heads if he wanted.
@otherworldlyhyena6169 3 года назад
like most demons/ daemons he can take any form - not entirely sure as to why he has a three headed one however
@SculptedThoughts 2 года назад
Sounds like Zeus as a donkey
@SculptedThoughts Год назад
@its really complicated being nice to straight men you're thinking of fanfiction. As canon as you get is going to be Sarah. And killing every man who tried to marry her. But oh, definitely. He's so gay.
@savanahdahlsten3149 Год назад
@@otherworldlyhyena6169 one head tells you your past! One tells you your present. One tells you your future? I don't know? Taking a shot in the dark lol!
@monicaant.1422 4 года назад
Currently watching an anime that has the character name Asmodeus and I'm glad this popped out.
@Misan_Trope9009 4 года назад
What is the anime if I may ask?
@monicaant.1422 4 года назад
@@Misan_Trope9009 in japanese it's Mairimashita Iruma kun which translate to English Welcome to Demon school Iruma Kun.
@Misan_Trope9009 4 года назад
@@monicaant.1422 Thank you very much, and thank you for the additional information.
@Lolikuki-g3 3 года назад
Please be careful watching these shows means partaking in the story giving demons the The mission to enter and cause pain and suffering. The Bible tells us resist the devil and he will flea but if we’re giving them permission to be in our lives we are not resisting.
@monicaant.1422 3 года назад
@@Lolikuki-g3 it's a friendly type of show but thanks for giving me info
@harismiah5472 4 года назад
So this was my ex’s real name it all makes sense now
@lvcienes 4 года назад
If this is reddit I would give you the "take my energy" award
@brendanwiley253 2 года назад
There's an interesting parallel between one of those stories and the Arthurian tale of sir Silence i heard a few days ago where merlin went crazy so, as punishment for being falsely accused of rape by the queen, the knight captured merlin by making him so thirsty that he drank himself to sleep and on the way back to the castle he laughs at a poor man who bought an expensive pair of shoes, a beggar, and a father and priest burying his son, after getting to the castle he laughs even louder before explaining the the poor man would be dead before he got home, the beggar was sitting over a great treasure, the one being buried was actually the priest's son not the father's, and that the knight who caught him had been pulling a Mulan while the queen's personal nun was doing the opposite.
@John-fc8ti 4 года назад
You should cover King Paimon! Ever since i saw Hereditary I’ve wanted to know more about him.
@remc0s 4 года назад
Paimon, or Pay Man, is the Jamaican god of money.
@august4476 4 года назад
Ever since I saw hereditary I stay as far away from that name as possible, but you do you I guess
@John-fc8ti 4 года назад
Cat Disc 😂😂😂 i have a strong but distant fascination of the occult and the relativism of cultural theology
@deadlydingus1138 4 года назад
Also the sound of a bell.
@leahf7535 Год назад
@@John-fc8ti Nothing to be afraid as long as you are spiritually just, accept yourself for who you are & are ready to learn. Go for it 😊 Don’t fall into the trap of fear.
@bryanst.martin7134 4 года назад
I knew Deva was in the Bible somewhere. All these female singers are mostly sirens of lore, and when they become powerful are called Devas. Aesma Daeva "spirit of anger". Sounds about right.
@shiitake5860 4 года назад
Nobody: ** searching about asmodeus because of an comment from a random video, saying that Modeus (helltaker) was inspired in this **
@ЖамеркусДжиДжи 3 года назад
There's Beelzebub too
@imWillJ 4 года назад
1 John 4: 2-3 "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
@Anthony-bl5rm 4 года назад
Where is this in the book? Where are u from ?
@Anthony-bl5rm 4 года назад
Where are u from
@Zoalsoul 4 года назад
Amen amen brother. Exactly these beings are demonic in nature. They're either the fallen angels that fell (Lucifer and 1/3 of the angel's fell) or the offspring from the union of fallen angels (watchers, bene ha elohim) and human women. There disembodied spirits are demons as well. So creepy. Thank you Jesus for your precious blood and your sacrifice so we can be free from all these bastards.
@KamiTenchi 4 года назад
@@Zoalsoul Lucifer fel from heaven plus the fallen angels does not add up.
@RhaRha1001 4 года назад
@johnrowan2264 4 года назад
Easy to blame someone/something outside of yourself, harder to accept that it is all happening within you and that you yourself choose your personal reality by what you give your attention to. So within, so without. Easy being asleep ( limited understanding ) and not having to take responsibility for your actions and thoughts which are creating your personal reality, God it wasn't my fault. Stories are great, only if you have reached a stage of awakened ( unlimited understanding ) that your eyes and ears are opened, to understand the message otherwise you are just going to be pulled deeper into the illusion and find it harder to wake up to who you really are and be able start to recreate your reality from Truth and love ( God ). Every person on earth reacts to the outside happenings in the outside world from their limited belief systems held in their subconcious mind. These beliefs are formed through your life from birth till right now, some are false beliefs normally put into you by your parents and society around you as you grow up. Once you realise the Truth of who you really are, you can now dissolve those beliefs and in so change your personal reality. The kingdom of God is within you, that is where all the action happens and unhappens throughout your physical life
@leezylindokuhle5183 4 месяца назад
@mikey_noir 4 года назад
So basically Solomon got Asmodeus drunk as fuck and then used him for his selfishness. Literally he was just chillin and Solomon was like Yo fuck this guy
@mikevaughn7918 3 года назад
You sir are a blessing🤣🤣🤣
@dragonjasper 2 года назад
Bro!! Exactly!! LOL!!!
@DetPersc 5 месяцев назад
Yes, but God gave the ring for a reason. The ones he summoned rebelled against God.
@Q-tube1 2 года назад
The fact that helluva boss made one of the creepiest demons into a strange funny demon
@jessiepayne9217 4 года назад
So asmodeus is the root of the saying... if I can't have you No One Can!!!
@diannahayes8679 2 года назад
The demon of yandere XD
@primuscapere1722 2 года назад
It was stated that King Solomon's sigil could capture the dæmon. It was said that Asmodeus was trapped in a cage & thrown into the ocean & turned into stone.
@onefeather2 4 года назад
Thanks for the videos, you have a great voice for reading/speaking, enjoy much .love mythology and history.
@markGoldfinch1989 4 года назад
what is the demon of jealousy in marriage? what demon makes a spouse to be obsessively jealous of the other spouse?
@OriginalGlorfindel 4 года назад
I've met him....
@ukoey2678 4 года назад
Wow!!! Thx a lot. Very insightful, eye-opening and helpful to keep this demon in check.
@neodonovandragoncareyblade257 2 года назад
🎶Give me a thrust,show me some luuust,from the groin to the bust, in desire we trust in The House of Asmodeuuus🎶
@buenoexcellente5364 2 года назад
What’s this from lol
@Moszan 2 года назад
@@buenoexcellente5364 VivziePop's Helluva Boss
@buenoexcellente5364 2 года назад
@@MoszanOOOH..ooh.. oh ugh. Well I don’t know what I was expecting but uhh that sucks
@KitlynnAsmodayus 2 года назад
awesome! :)!
@elmosbaseman1823 2 года назад
🎺🎶BwabwabwaBaaaa🎶🎺 Trumpet Ha
@alex-sv8ru 4 года назад
Asmodai is said to have been borrowed from Zoroastrian mythology's 'Ashma Daeva'. Daeva means demon. In the vedic religion (what we would call Hinduism today) Daevas are Gods. Zoroastrianism and Hinduism are both descendants of the Indo-Iranian religion, which explains the connection. The Indo-Iranian religion is a descendant of the Indo-European religion which was practiced in Eastern Europe/the steppes. So that means Asmodai is possibly an ancient European/steppe deity.
@Angel-fb5ri Год назад
How would it be pre-European if the Fertile Crescent gods are more ancient than the Greek and Balkan gods. That's like saying that Odin came before Osiris or RA
@midagards_wyrd_domain 9 месяцев назад
​@Angel-fb5ri uhhh.. The norse belief did come before Osiris lol
@tauniafemrite2963 4 года назад
Always love your stores!
@frankhernandez1995 4 года назад
This topic possessed me, literally and figuratively
@Gabriela_Tyler 4 года назад
What do you mean? Are you possessed by a demon?
@frankhernandez1995 4 года назад
emerald leaf 🌸 I am only possessed by the demons of life that trouble all of us. Troubled and tormented, yet my faith in God keeps me strong my sister.
@Gabriela_Tyler 4 года назад
@@frankhernandez1995 No demon has power over us unless we allowed it. Whatever it is, fight it. Every single day repeat the words: I'm stronger than "insert your fear here", it'll work in time.
@frankhernandez1995 4 года назад
emerald leaf 🌸 indeed I shall, your concern is admirable, this virtue is needed in this materialistic world.
@Gabriela_Tyler 4 года назад
@@frankhernandez1995 Thanks. I wish you all the best!
@TheDonovanMcCormick 4 года назад
There’s an Arthurian story that’s the same as this story about Solomon. It’s the story of Silence and Merlin and asmodeus is replaced by Merlin. Someone goes to capture Merlin and bring him back and all the same stuff happens on the journey back to the castle with the shoes and the treasure and whatnot. Seems like the exact same story just tweaked a bit with different characters and other details told quite a bit later in Europe.
@juliancruziii4073 3 года назад
I was having the worst time of my life... On that particular night when blessed with his presence I was taken back with joy and honor, for I was sure that he was indeed him... Clouded by the shadows of darkness in the room that night, I can say with All honesty That he looked liked..... JOHN CANDY DRESSED IN DRAG IN ARMED AND DANGEROUS!!! He bestowed upon me the gift of laughter. I forswear.. On this day, I forswear!❣️🌹
@juliancruziii4073 3 года назад
Faith...Not in the fairy tale spin-offs, but in the unwritten truth that of which is from God's inspired word. Respect and worship are two separate displays of belief and faith.
@juliancruziii4073 3 года назад
The spirit of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ lives strong within All I AM... Julian Cruz III JC💋
@lunakitty9942 4 года назад
@samuelvine 4 года назад
Would love to learn more on the demon Thaumiel :)
@rootsrockreggae4192 2 года назад
So Solomon would use demons to his benefit? I wonder if demons were really the evil ones?
@lartts7483 2 года назад
Of course demons were evil, they seducted humans, killed humans, cause wars, make people sin, demons actually use fragile humans for their own benefit
@rootsrockreggae4192 2 года назад
@@lartts7483 but he had a gift from michael to control them
@lartts7483 2 года назад
@@rootsrockreggae4192 Yeah no shit, I don't think using demons as workers is worse than literal genocide, wars, and other evil stuff. Solomon never caused any war or was a murderer, he just used evil demons because they're pretty useful, powerful, and they kinda get karma lmao. Now if I replaced evil demons with innocent humans, Solomon would be one fucked up bitch.
@buenoexcellente5364 2 года назад
@@lartts7483 finally someone that thinks alike at to me. Too many of this thought process hey? Of people trying to justify and sympathise with these demons (note that I do not believe that they are real or of their summoning and of you do or anyone else I regard you as an idiot)
@NIKIPEDIAstarter Год назад
@@lartts7483 How about evil humans?
@danielasturm5878 4 года назад
@reefjack9731 4 года назад
I see where you're getting that but the word Jesus or the name Jesus did not exist during that time frame is a paganistic name let's just call him the holy Messiah
@Fernando-rw6vz 4 года назад
Honestly, the existence of pure evil creatures whose sole purpose and occupation corresponds to sin and torture and just that doesn’t fit in my head, and who created these beings in the first place and allowed their subtle contact with humans? I thought you were supposed to do spells with witchcraft to achieve this, and don’t say Satan is the one who is giving the breath of life to create these beings, who can barely tickle me because they aren’t tempting or influencing every individual, among thousands, otherwise God is playing a practical joke, letting his kicked - out - of - heaven angels do pranks on any human they come across in the physical world, not spiritual, and to exactly know their names, only motive, and appearance as depicted would mean that at some point they somehow met humans, but why not now, why does it require rituals and steps to get in touch with them now? why is their nature like the way it is being told? It’s as if this got mingled with mythology, schizophrenic ideas people of the past had to simply justify why we feel a certain way, or is to uncover something else, because I do believe there is a god, but I get skeptical about the details. And oh, I don’t prefer Christianity
@joemunoz1476 4 года назад
@@reefjack9731 Yahweh Sabaoth
@milajlegrande7858 4 года назад
Aren't you too attractive, to be thinking that way?
@peninamwaniki8279 4 года назад
@jess_the_mess7816 3 года назад
This is a very informative video, However as a Catholic man and a scholar at heart I cringed when you described the book of Tobit as an "apocryphal book" (It's rather misleading). Instead you should consider using the term deuterocanonical. Other than that your analysis was pretty spot on.
@debmaloy2050 4 года назад
The spell is in this story! Thank you
@svagglaorde4387 4 года назад
Me: (watched videos about "women not finding good men in 2020") RU-vid Recommendations: (this video) Hell-Ooo.
@lusverma2136 4 года назад
Solomon: Who art thou? Assmode: wh0 @rt Th0u?
@mancave77 4 года назад
Just like the Predator movie
@nilbogllort6994 4 года назад
Great video man 😎
@oofoof2238 3 года назад
seek truth and find truth stay strong everyone and do not live in fear , that's what misguides us from the truth that has been hidden
@williamperyemaher7531 4 года назад
Pretty good story information. Where do you get all this at?
@dennis4774 4 года назад
So even demons love women
@dennis4774 4 года назад
@The Gray Ghost yes I have, and I married one.
@Shiobana753 4 года назад
That's why Cambions exist.
@dennis4774 4 года назад
@@Shiobana753 please dont bring my father in law into this topic >.
@margaretmcguire3241 4 года назад
@@dennis4774 😂
@dennis4774 4 года назад
@@margaretmcguire3241 I wish I was joking and lying.
@Kolossus_ Год назад
And now he's a funny demon in an animated online cartoon.
@sonicthehedgehog8159 9 месяцев назад
What cartoon?
@Kolossus_ 9 месяцев назад
@@sonicthehedgehog8159 helluva boss
@sonicthehedgehog8159 9 месяцев назад
@@Kolossus_ Oh makes sense
@ericadraw98 8 месяцев назад
@kool4209 5 месяцев назад
love how "sarah" is the one tormented when 3 dudes literally are dead but yeah only sarah suffers.
@idiotgoddess2114 2 года назад
Meanwhile, I am in the background waiting for fellow Helluva Boss fans to come in the comment section
@timeportal2859 2 года назад
I was here before Helluva Boss.
@ConsuelaAllen923 Год назад
Excellent! Thank you!
@Titan.Uranus 3 года назад
Just a thought: Would Wolfgang "Amadeus" Mozart, the personification of Asmodeus? Hmmm....
@user-Marijuah Месяц назад
Same thought here!
@Anti-B.S. Год назад
I hate to be that guy but can anyone cite any sources to confirm whatever this legend guy is saying is true? In the lines of Asmodeus being seen as the protector of Sarah and the different versions of the Asmodeus story of being a beneficial factor. I read the book of Tobit and it is true that Asmodeus had killed seven of Sarah's husbands but anything else in regards to Asmodeus being a misunderstood protector to Sarah I cannot find as well as his interaction with King Solomon. I hope this guy is not just pulling things out of his ass.
@rootsrockreggae4192 2 года назад
Paranormal activity next of kin brought me here....this sht is wild
@Bless-the-Name 4 года назад
Skyrimesque type quest. Love it.
@whitewaves7788 4 года назад
Wish Christians were fully aware of the Talmud's perspective concerning Christ, laws and gentiles.
@MrGuy-cp1gt 4 года назад
@@elgringo2897 you are correct ! Ashkenazi are not of hebrew stock ,but imposters, and yet churchanty sucks it up ! That is why elijah must come , to sift the tares from the wheat . Those that have a ear , let them hear ! But we know it is not given onto all men , but the ELECT . ALL things shall be fullfilled . The wicked shall do wickedly , but the righteous shall shine as the sun . This being said , satan will now go after the churchanty folk , for he will not give them a time to repent . This is where we are at . He has no power over the man child "ELIJAH " OR THE ELECT , THEY KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD , AND HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST . NO HARM WILL COME TO THEM , for if it was not for these no flesh would survive on earth . Steadfast dude! The POWER AND GLORY IS TO THE LORD OF HOSTS!
@MrGuy-cp1gt 4 года назад
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
@arielriquelme8798 4 года назад
@@MrGuy-cp1gt absolute crazy conspiracy lie
@MrGuy-cp1gt 4 года назад
@arielriquelme8798 4 года назад
@@MrGuy-cp1gt What make you seal up the words? Also, why are you writing in big letters?
@sonicrocks2007 4 года назад
Should do the Aeons of Gnosticism next :)
@garry3294 4 года назад
I am full of lust always will be
@anthonygomez978 4 года назад
Kool flick. Can't wait for the next one.
@heastner 3 года назад
Rule 34 and Hntai probably originated from the depths of hell itself, Asmodeus used those things to corrupt humanity even further for more prisoners of hell.
@lordescanor8232 2 года назад
porn too... but it was all makde by humen not by the demon, but most of people are corrupted by lust... only way to be free is to resist it... my goal is to reject it completly
@anabellec.8919 3 года назад
So he was include in the 7 deadly sins (one is the spirit of lust)
@bobbybanks77 Год назад
Asmodeus also might be a son of lucifer, I read that somewhere before.....
@TheOmegaRain 4 года назад
Asmodeus sounds similar to the Norse god Loki in character.
@spartanjeremiah2176 4 года назад
Check on www.Biblehub.com Whoever said that on Bible books, Do not learn the way of the nation. From Very serious warning on Bible books.. some Nation worshipping seven Prince of idols underworld of the eternal Damnation, eternal punishment.. That what Holy Spirit was trying tell you, DO. NOT. LEARN. THE. Way. Of the nation. Some nation reject the Holy Spirit shall face the Wraths of the heavens.. Whoever Nation reject Jesus shall perish. And the souls already place on the lake of fire.. Be careful what you made a choice..
@אביחלפון-ז9ל 4 года назад
Only without the adultory
@juanversion3922 4 года назад
@@אביחלפון-ז9ל adultery is the perfect tool against us men.. even kings fell..
@stevengilliam9327 4 года назад
They are all the same as far back as the Sumerians only difference is the name and Image cast of the character by the writer of whatever cultures you want to dive into and compare them with. They are all reflections of human traits nothing more nothing less.
@gangstalkingsimulation1319 3 года назад
great video ive learn something new
@Anthony-bl5rm 4 года назад
Links to books where u got this from?
@jayjohns1391 4 года назад
Really? He mentioned several references in the video. Considering you can operate you tube and manage to figure out the comment section, I'm sure you have heard of this thing called Google... Unless of course you can't follow a train of thought long enough to jot down a couple titles to type into a search, in which case you have probably already totally forgotten that you were even interested in the referance texts in the first place
@abrahamalexander4369 4 года назад
Asking for sources is reasonable
@jayjohns1391 4 года назад
@@abrahamalexander4369 agreed. Sources were provided in the video, easy tap and go links were not. Taking the initiative to look up source material a person is interested in is also reasonable
@sushi8176 4 года назад
Jay Johns I’ve never seen someone so angry about asking for sources
@jayjohns1391 4 года назад
@@sushi8176sources were provided, links were the issue at hand. Angry? No, not at all. I just have an expectation of a certain degree of common sense. That being said when you go to a restraunt and order a meal, you don't stare at your plate of food until the waiter cuts it up and spoon-feeds you. If you're hungry, you use the means provided and feed yourself. Perhaps my original reply WAS a bit harsh, but I stand by my overall point
@mbarakamtambo7453 Год назад
Asmodeus? more like Sus-modeus
@Pinkblack-r9g 3 года назад
I have a strong lust everyday.
@poetscotty 4 года назад
So he still have Solomon ring? To be a wise King that's stupid
@Hisunworthyservant 4 года назад
JESUS CHRIST HAS DEFEATED ALL demons!!! If we acknowledge our sins, and give our lives to Him, that means doing His Will ( written in the bible) we will overcome these types of demons and sins! Thank you Lord!!! Help everyone around the would who struggles with this kind of sin to overcome!!!
@melissasl8562 4 года назад
Real demons wrote the bible
@Hisunworthyservant 4 года назад
@@melissasl8562 You are posessed by a demon without knowing it! You better repent of saying such blasphemies against the HOLY SPIRIT! I rebuke you satan in JESUS CHRIST NAME!!!
@TinaAlderson 4 года назад
Yahweh, the God you do monthly or weekly blood rituals to, the was god of the Jews along with the gods EL,asherah and baal, they just streamed it down to yahweh becuase of an incident involving a satute of El being toppled over by a statue of Yahweh causing he statues head to come off. Anyways to the point, What do you think Baptism and all the invocation of the "holy spirt" is exactly? it's possession on purpse with very heavy regulations. to chose him above all other things forever and ever sounds like a tyrant to me. If you think about it really heard, all the wars that the have been wagged by the followers of the diffret abrahmic cults, of course Yahweh is a god of war. I cannot seem to recall any crusades being wagged in the name of Pan, or anyother naturally formed practices rooted in ethicos or the Gentiles.
@bosertheropode5443 4 года назад
@@Hisunworthyservant There is no proof for god and jesus as his son. Enjoy your life, its not so long as you think
@melissasl8562 4 года назад
You are full of anxiety. And that was their goal all along, to spread fear and enslave. They succeeded quit wel, and for a long time. But their time is up, and they know it.
@mathieuleader8601 4 года назад
if the previous video is to believed and the fallen angel Samael is indeed the biological father of cain Asmodeus therefore is Cain's half-brother
@Dessz 4 года назад
@riahernando9577 4 года назад
king solomon the true lord of the ring he can control angels and demons
@DjShepard 4 года назад
Took Soloman 3 years to travel 400 miles? And 400 miles away people didn’t recognize him as a king? Noob.
@elMore1107 4 года назад
So much for a King right !!
@chirusworld6745 4 года назад
@ameliadiaz8040 4 года назад
How about the devil of wrath called Amon for a big change?
@deathray2659 3 года назад
Flynn: *Hama* *Miss* Flynn: *Hama* *Miss* Flynn: *Hama* *Hit* Asmodeus: *Dies*
@etn2dkaos742 3 года назад
Thank you for the wisdom kind sir, you humble amnesia ✊🏼❤️
@bryangaldamez790 Год назад
i wonder how many women he's rapped in hell.🤔
@martinkaradjov6153 Год назад
There is no hell or heaven, when u die you die 😂
@bryangaldamez790 Год назад
@@martinkaradjov6153 let's say you're correct, then nothing happens. right? but if im correct and there's a hell you will realize how foolish you were in life, and missed the chance to go to heaven and now you're in hell and it'll be too late for you.
@martinkaradjov6153 Год назад
I dont think i will go to hell unless i deserve it by killing someone or making a lot of bad deeds, u shouldnt go to hell just because u dont believe thoose things exist xDD@@bryangaldamez790
@alejandromolina5645 7 месяцев назад
There is a hell and heaven period. If you believe in demons, spirits and God, then the next rational understanding is that hell and other realms are an absolute reality.
@oopsy444 4 года назад
Do a video on Ose! I wanna learn more about him
@Saints_ravenfortheRainbow 3 месяца назад
In persia he sounds like a combination of the daevas and the shining ones
@AphroditeThePriestess Месяц назад
Who are the Persian shining ones "
@jonathanben1282 4 года назад
Good morning Where did you get your own story from? I mean from which Bible, I don't believe this is just nonsense
@trishahunter5 4 года назад
I think he gets this from the "Apocrypha Books." These are books that are mentioned in the Bible but are not apart of the canon. Like the book of "Jasher." Even Jesus speaks about them in the Gospels. I ordered the "Apocrypha" myself to get more of an understanding of these fallen Angels and more.
@karlavalenzuela6213 4 года назад
I like your videos thank you for making them
@iKatOverLord 4 года назад
Ok 🙂
@asmodeuscheats6306 4 года назад
Yes i'm
@soul77125 4 года назад
Awesome can you make a video about Bael. And maybe more about angel lore? Please
@miguelb2421 2 года назад
I was curious what texts tell the stories of Asmodeus fleeing from battle and hiding behind the women he possessed?
@martinsandoval3326 4 года назад
Awesome story thank you
@uwushootme 4 года назад
deadass i seen a video earlier with this demon in it and i’ve been super drawn to him like i keep going back to the video just to look at the demon
@3_14i59 3 года назад
I wanted to search for asmo from obey me-
@3_14i59 3 года назад
@Su Gis what ?
@tyrantsaint.2452 2 года назад
One thing tho... these deitys or demons have lived longer than our life span and will still be here after we're long gone... so much has happened and storys change overtime however ASMODEUS protecting a love of his doesn't seem that evil too me such as hades and persephone or aphrodite forgot which one lol. so answer this who are we the kingdom of man get to decide whats evil and whats not? We know nothing compared too what has been happening nooo cap!
@user-Marijuah Месяц назад
Does anyone understand how Song of Songs 3:7-8 is actually about Asmodeus..??
@richcampus 4 года назад
The Demon and The Domed Daemon Tobias of Asmodeus ~
@TheSmurfPenis69 3 года назад
I appreciate your studies, very wide info and I can see you’re doing your research with love. I wish you’d do the same with another interesting character which is related to Ashmedai- Agrat bat Mahlat, or Naamah, Eishet Zenunim.
@denisetheanointedonecrawfo8377 3 года назад
Wow no joke this is giving me revelation
@GrowingintomyGoddessStatusEver 4 года назад
@stephenmueller1308 4 года назад
This is not how Asmodeus truly is he is a wonderful teacher
@okariblackpaw7869 3 года назад
@martinheidegger1125 4 года назад
@spartanjeremiah2176 4 года назад
That seven Prince of idols underworld can make me a disbelief, slow learning, my own personal as Failure career. My own lifetime paths is straight to lake of fire, the eternal punishment..
@nayomikabe339 Год назад
asmodeus was held in a stone brought by stone idol maker called the Hajar Aswad because of that asmodeus existed during the islamic religious civilization.
@WhatIsMisophonia 3 года назад
I suspect Asmodeus causing the most disgrace to Solomon is a prelude to his eventual fall via lust for a woman. But really, you gotta have some respect for a demon who screws a guy's mother after the guy tortures him just because he can, even if Asmodeus is pretty awful because he's, you know, a demon.
@WhatIsMisophonia 2 года назад
@علي ياسر There are many creatures by many names in many religions; I will never understand the supreme arrogance of religious people who believe the whole rest of the world's religions are made up except for their own
@WhatIsMisophonia 2 года назад
@علي ياسر My understanding is that it's supposed to be a sort of conduit for the deity; the deity isn't there per se, but can communicate through the statue and may receive worship through the statue.
@WhatIsMisophonia Год назад
@nightwingdefeatingbadguys wouldn't exactly surprise me. The apocrypha are sometimes like Greek tragedies.
@AzureVtubers 3 года назад
King Solomon is blasted by the wings 400 miles? *Damn... Is this anime?*
@RandolphTheWhite1 3 года назад
It's bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S! A few times I've been around that track So it's not just gonna happen like that 'Cause I ain't no hollaback girl I ain't no hollaback girl. 💩
@arctic_shadow578 2 года назад
Still prefer stolas
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