Stethoscopes are the most useful during eye examinations, I'm so glad you came equipped. Here's hoping you don't also take over for the gynecologist. Also, we like you too, you absolute goob.
I think the thing that singles you out from all other ASMRtists is that you clearly enjoy making your videos. Every time you make a video I can tell how much effort you put into actually being the role that you are playing compared to other RU-vidrs. Brilliant 👍
I am 12:46 in...holy shit not only can I not stop laughing, I'm willing to let this *genuinely* not-quite-on-the-up-and-up Dr. Fraud take me out for Italian. This video is supposed to be putting me to sleep (these tingles are off the charts right now), not charming the socks off of me...
Absolutely loving your videos so far! I love the humor mixed with relaxation, you're a master of the two. Can't wait to see what more you come up with!
This and the Cranial Nerve exam video are the best ASMR videos I have stumbled upon for a loooooooooong time. Is it wrong that I find this character absolutely adorable? I need this guy's number! I'll definitely be recommending this channel on my blog.
This character I assume you are playing is done really well. Down to the small facial movements and expressions. Personality wise it sort of reminds me somewhat of a few of Wheatlys lines from Portal 2
Can I suggest a Valentines day related video? Perhaps a date, presents show and tell or a proposal... :) I sleep better since I found your channel, thank you!
i love your videos so much, but i love the light triggers and would love for a longer doctor roleplay with a loooong series of light triggers! see you on our date david
He: So where do you like to go for holiday? Me: to a lonely hut at the fjords of Norway He: a little bit touristy, isn't it Me:..... Yeah right xD Loved it. Great humor!
Can confirm that Canada is full of genuine medical conferences. Famous for them. We're all about maple syrup, hockey and genuine, completely legitimate, totally reputable medical conferences. This story checks out.
You should do an English wine tasting, or a croquet match enthusiast, or a pub meetup with a friend. You need to do another antique roadshow one too. Come on! Puh-leaaazeee
Here i thought jack the ripper was dead... lo and behold this shady son of a bitch.. definetly some skeletons in his closet. Thanks for the tingles though