You can’t make humor of other people Standards, sorry. Some people get easily hurt you could just say “sorry, it came to a misunderstanding” , but you didn’t did this too, so idk maybe it’s right that people get offended.
Second degree means that you think the opposite of what you Say so do you really meant that poor people are actually the richest one and the rich IS actually the poor one i dont think you really now basic standard of today and you dont know second degree
Hey guys just remember her first language is not english. In different parts of the world there are different standards and things that are offensive some places, are not offensive in others. It is not fair to judge her for this when it is just a concept
Calm down guys, don’t be offended by this video. It could have been worded cheap vs expensive and ya’ll wouldn’t have had a problem. So just enjoy the video and relax 🙏
Yeah bro it’s just a video, but not everyone can have the best phone or the newest phone. So maybe I understand it when people get offended, because she could give the vid a different name, like your example.
Hello Lola, I hope you are enjoying the weekend 😊💖 Interesting Asmr video, I like the idea and it is also very relaxing, I really love your ideas in your Asmr videos Lola 🥰❤️✨
N'empêche, tu fais partie des rares personnes faisant de l'asmr que je suis depuis la toute première vidéo haha, tu me relaxes toujours autant donc merci
I do not understand why the title is so offensive, yall should keep in mind English is not her first language and it is easy for her to get the words confused, also I am poor and I am not getting offended at all, it is not her fault and I am not going to hate on her because she has more money than me, although this is not the point of the video. Moral of the story: it is no rich person's fault that we are poor so let people enjoy themselves and stop hating on the rich just because you're not one of them
That's a wrong approach on the title of this video. Awsome but though the title... Don't compare poor vs rich... Its not nice for us people that don't have the privilege that you have. Own it 💪💪💪
let's stop comparing the incomes of the poor so as not to upset them. maybe they had already died of hunger there? We do not know. we don’t interfere with them so that the guy in the comments doesn’t unsubscribe from the ASMR video