
Attract Your Romantic Partner, Soulmate Guided Meditation 

Pura Rasa - Guided Meditations
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14 окт 2024




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@PatriciaLohan 3 года назад
If you are reading this, you are about to manifest exactly the type of reality you’ve always had at the back of your mind, keep your faith at all-time high💙🙏
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
*Hey, do you wish to get your ex back or restore someone you love ? if yes then l'd like to recommend you to a love specialist who brought my ex back..*
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
@ginavenezio3032 3 года назад
Thank you❤️
@shevettejackson8129 2 года назад
@stagbeetle195 2 года назад
Thank you, I hope the same reflects to you!
@ladyyflame 4 года назад
The love of my life finally opened up and told me his true feelings now we are engaged and happy
@tandzilebhembe1255 4 года назад
Congratulations ❤
@topcat2033 4 года назад
@laquithiashontail5721 4 года назад
@ema8909 4 года назад
So happy for you both!
@merlindamejoradabucovlog6705 4 года назад
@@topcat2033 v
@Songsong-vk1sm 4 года назад
He finally opened up..and we're in a relationship now...thank you❤
@haleemahodumade6108 4 года назад
how long did u do it for
@INONKITCHEN 3 года назад
Did you experience butterflies in your tummy throughout the day after listening to this - or leading up to meeting your twin? X
@ruchipandey1791 3 года назад
How long it takes
@eldevonne1065 4 года назад
This meditation for attracting a romantic partner covered everything I needed. Cleaning, forgiveness, self love, undoing former ties, even visualization techniques. Really it's the complete package.
@kheart7260 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this comment!!!!
@Imotalion 2 года назад
Did it work for you?
@shannoncoller 4 года назад
I open my heart to my future husband, I release all blockages now, thank you!!! I am ready for true love now.
@dinoa8090 2 года назад
This has helped me break the cords with an ex girl who lied and emotionally cheated on me and attract a better woman who is more in my vibration and alignment. Thank you, the universe has your back, believe and never give up.
@_Sincerelytiara 4 года назад
I love when she says, “Good”. It really makes me feel like I did a good job loving myself. It really warms my heart! 💕
@jenniferliy1135 4 года назад
Hi I can refer you a powerful spellcaster who can help you restore relationship permanently in less than two day🆗🆗🆗
@jenniferliy1135 4 года назад
Contact him now ✅✅✅
@jenniferliy1135 4 года назад
@teskapt2417 4 года назад
Guy yy8y huh it guv y guy hug guy guy guy guy 8 guy
@teskapt2417 4 года назад
@@jenniferliy1135 ggg guv y guy gy iyc y88y
@beezybrown5425 3 года назад
@ruchipandey1791 3 года назад
Please don't spread rumour
@Brandi.Nicole 3 года назад
Same this stuff is like magic 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
@Dequa21 4 года назад
During this new moon. I meditate for not only a new perspective on life, but a new thinking toward love. I see her and she is wrapping her spiritual fingers interlocked with in my own. She gives me a soft kiss on my cheek and tells me to slow down. Everything is going to be okay...again tears of gold fell down my face with ease. I breath her in through the universe. She says if i dont come looking for you. Please find me. Xo
@doanvy869 4 года назад
That was beautiful!
@jemmawhitehouse1043 3 года назад
I love this, I she doesn't come looking for you....please find me Made my heart jump
@annie947 2 года назад
The last sentence, just beautiful ❤🙏
@stagbeetle195 2 года назад
That is a wonderful sentiment, did she come through yet?
@arkanasays 2 года назад
Nicolas, wow, that was so beautiful. She won't be able to resist you, you will surely or maybe have already found her! Ta
@user-gz4fi1ns7c 6 лет назад
I have listened to quite a lot of ‘attracting love’ meditations, but this one is definitely my favourite. The part when you say “It is safe to love someone and to be loved” 25:30 really hit me deep inside. Thank you so much for this meditation it is helping me feel open again to love, to forgive, to let go, and most importantly to heal my heart.
@Michael-Philip 6 лет назад
seriously you have excellent guided meditations.. I'm very lucky, I've been happily married for 22 years. I see my wife as a person, not a possession... thanks again !!
@nikipap1310 5 лет назад
So wonderful! The part where I forgave myself and where I took all the parts of my soul back... no words! One of the best meditations I've come across. I feel so happy and relieved. Thank you so much for this!
@CreateYourBestVersion 5 лет назад
Nice video 💕💕
@oscarwilliamson1264 3 года назад
Niki Pap,your innocent smile 😊can make the news!
@mojomichele5492 6 лет назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you Rasa it has been a few months and a month ago i met someone AMAZING and what i love is you teaching us to love ourself
@purarasa 6 лет назад
So happy for you!!
@INONKITCHEN 3 года назад
Did you experience butterflies in your tummy throughout the day after listening to this - or leading up to meeting your twin?
@ruchipandey1791 3 года назад
Please say truth
@mojomichele5492 3 года назад
He's still here and exactly what I asked for
@makkni 2 года назад
I just adore comment section in these kind of videos
@silviacarolinalangowski8442 7 лет назад
this is the best meditation for attracting a romantic partner i have every done...It makes sense, every single part of it!!! THAnk you soooooo MUCH!
@purarasa 7 лет назад
Glad to hear it Silvia, thank you.
@themaybegamingpeople1995 5 лет назад
@themaybegamingpeople1995 5 лет назад
@ntsoakimotapanyane5689 5 лет назад
@@themaybegamingpeople1995 aàaaàaaàààaaààaaaaàààaààaaaaàaàaaàààaààaàaàààààààààaaàaàaààààààaaaaaaààaaàaaaààààaàaààààààaàaààaaaàààaààààààààaààààaaaàààààààaàààaaàààaààààààààaaaàààaàaàààààààààààaàààààaàààààààaàaaàaààààaààààààààààààààààààààaàààààààààààààaààààààààààaaààaààààaàààààààààààààaààààààààààààaààààààààààààaààààaààaààààààaàààaàaàaàààaàaààaààààaààààaàààààààaaààààààààààaààaààààààaàaaaaààaàaaaàaaàààààaaaaaaaaààaàààaaààaààaàààaàaààààààààaaaaaààaàaaààaaààààaààaàaaààaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàààaàààaaaaààààààaàààààaàààaààààààaàaaaaaaaààaaaàaàaaaaàaààaaàaàaàaàaaaaaaaaaaaaààaaaaaaaaaàààaaaaàààààaaaaaàaaaàaàaàaaaààaaaààaaaàaaàaàaaààààaàaaaaaàaaaaaaaaàaàaaaààaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaààaaaaaàaaaaaaaàaààaààaaaaaaaaaaaaààaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaàaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaààaàaaaaaaaaàaàaaaaaaaaaaàaaaàaaaaaàààaaaàaàaaaaaaaaààaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaààaaàaaaàaaaàaaàààaaaaaaaaaàaààaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaàaaàaaàaààaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaààaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaààaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaààaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaàaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@itstiana6757 3 года назад
@moulteriedawn13 5 лет назад
I am experiencing a healthy God giving romantic relationship full with love, laughter and support.
@jamarlawson648 4 года назад
@Kikyolover9 4 года назад
@theLotusB 7 лет назад
This was unexpected bliss. Thank you and the Universe for this message. You don't know how much I needed this. Love and light.
@purarasa 7 лет назад
Glad I could deliver this on time ♥️
@asmrpage9439 5 лет назад
Needed this, my crush snapped me after this and guess who's no longer single bish
@masterpeace7630 4 года назад
Lol 😂✊
@amayageter6973 3 года назад
@Drip_4311 3 года назад
You're single again huh?
@paolarodriguez4678 3 года назад
@aries8920 3 года назад
😂😂😂 bishhhhhhhh not you 😂😂
@1LUVTULIP 4 года назад
The meditation was a breath of fresh air. Just what I need to embark on a new journey of romantic love that is supportive and fulfilling.
@polcat79 4 года назад
I was Listening to another one of your meditations before this one started. I kept my eyes closed and went with it. I had no idea that it was an hour long but in the end it was worth every second. I didn't want to open my eyes after. Probably one of the most relaxing and fulfilling meditations I've done in months. Thankyou rasa. 🙏☯️♥️
@landonmayo5757 4 года назад
I Just Found Out About This. First Time Meditating For Almost An Hour Without Passing Out In The Middle Of It. When I Saw My Soulmate, She Had Her Arms Wide Open Waiting For Me. I Never Had That Kind Of Experience Like That Before Ever. I Just Feel Like Crying. I Want To Thank You For This. I Really Needed This.
@sinisterkitty8411 6 лет назад
This was perfect. I love your imagery and insights into what is holding us back. All of them applied to me. I literally reached up into the air to snatch back the pieces of my soul from unworthy exes! Very powerful! Thank you. This was great therapy!
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Thank you for taking time and adding this comment, feedback 🙏🏽💛
@sosokso 3 месяца назад
I did this meditation last night and I had a short dream of the guy that I have been dreaming of for the past few years. I’ve always thought he was my soulmate or future husband but I still haven’t met him I’m real life only in dreams. In the dream he came into my parents house and walked passed me to use the restroom, I was so shocked because I didn’t expect to see him there.
@hellotherealien 5 лет назад
Wow 100% changed my life Sister! Thank you! So very much. You saved me from making huge karmic mistakes! May you be increased by the Divine All One. Much lightlove namaste 🕷🕸🦄❤💛💚💙💜💕💋👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨
@PeelingTheTraumasAway 4 года назад
I created a playlist for my sleep meditation and this was in my play list for the first time last night. I had to check my "history" to see if any video I had listened to while sleeping involved a soul mate and this was the only one out of the 2 that played while sleeping. I distinctly remember dreaming about a man (that I don't know) & I have a full page of notes about what I remember about him and our interaction. Really, it's impressive lol Thank you 🙏 I'll be listening again tonight & excited to see what happens ☺️🌌🕉️☯️🕯️
@sayadgoolfee9277 4 года назад
Dear soulmate, where on earth r u? Time is flying and I'm fading away. We've got one lifetime as assurance, please hurry up. 🌟
@visalakshikaruppiah9918 4 года назад
Did you find your soulmate?????
@arlynsvlog8816 4 года назад
I am here😂
@dacamb 4 года назад
@@visalakshikaruppiah9918 idont think he did.. I too iguess gave up to find him.
@manuh.3546 4 года назад
You are repeating the wrong mantra.
@anjaleenprincy 3 года назад
Right here.... Where are you
@ibamba1003 4 года назад
This is crazy, after listening to this this morning, my ex who had disappeared out of the blue called me asking for forgiveness and wants us to settle down together unfortunately i dont really feel like i want him back. I have set my mind on finding new love. I also had other two guys from my past get in touch after a long time of silence, very funny that they want to reconnect with me and take things seriously. What an experience!!! Now waiting for my soulmate. Thank you Rasa.
@terrijdavis1953 6 лет назад
I am in awe how powerful this meditation is. When I cut thru the chords and visualized them going into the light the relief was huge. I had no idea what energy was still there and now I am truly free. Thank you, thank you, it IS done. Many blessings to you for your work❤️
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Thank you ♥️
@maipo96 7 лет назад
After the part where you had to let go of the old ties, I just couldn't go any further, can't even think about a new partner, stopped the meditation cried myself to sleep while I was letting go of my ex.... it made me realise you need to cleanse your subconscious by all those negative feelings before starting again, because otherwhise you're just putting a beautiful layer on all the garbage in your subconscious, it's still there and much more deeper than that layer of positivity. Can you make a meditation about letting go of people? I love your meditations, they're so thought through.
@claudiacontreras33 7 лет назад
maipo96 I'm glad you posted this...I was about to do it, but I'm in the same boat...still getting over my ex :( I better take it easy :(
@chukabucka 7 лет назад
Perhaps you have to let go to the old thoughts about and ways/habits of being with your ex-partner ... clear those energies, emotional / spiritual blocks etc in order to attract you two back to together. But i acknowledge that what you say could be true as well either way ... you can't be afraid to let go of the "past". But explore what in the past you are letting go of ... maybe hurt, negative circular thoughts, conversations that never happened but you wish you had them, arguments etc (you would know what these items are). And moreover you would know if the work needs to be - clearing or moving on. Either way - your journey would make you stronger - do the work and I wish you strength, peace and love.
@maipo96 7 лет назад
1507Lachlan I did it 2 times. Thank you, I feel much better after doing them.
@maipo96 7 лет назад
chukabucka I know he doesn't love me as much as I do (if he loves me at all) and I know In the future all that awaits us together is pain. I want to let go fully though I love him, so I can meet someone who reciprocates my love. But that's a good advice, I'll try doing an improvised meditation this way. Thank you.
@chukabucka 7 лет назад
good luck!
@delaneyjuly 4 года назад
One of THE BEST meditations I have ever done. THANK YOU, Rasa!
@oscarwilliamson1264 4 года назад
delaneyjuly,Love your pretty smile ☺️🌹🌹🌷🌷🥀🥀
@11cabadger 3 года назад
Thank you. I feel a dark heaviness has been released and at the same time I feel like parts of myself have been filled. This session also gave me a positive perspective on what I really want in a romantic relationship that honors the best in me and my partner. Love and Light to you and everyone responsible for creating this video.
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
*Hey, do you wish to get your ex back or restore someone you love ? if yes then l'd like to recommend you to a love specialist who brought my ex back..*
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
@11cabadger 3 года назад
Just reported a troll/spammer. Hate them, in the invasive plants sense.
@gsn1984 6 лет назад
I attract him my blessing into my life!Thank GOD .
@purarasa 6 лет назад
@deimante6413 4 года назад
Aciu tau labai! Tu esi nuostabi ir as dziaugiuos kad tave suradau.🇱🇹 This really works !!! guys if you truly believe and commit, you’ll get everything you desire. Mark my words ! Your mind is extremely powerful; use it to bring you happiness, success and love.❤️
@MoMindSetCrypto 2 года назад
Certainly the best romantic relationship attraction meditation I have ever heard-- with clearing, cleansing as you go. My Intention was connect with a particular person, I know it is done right now... and they have felt it 100 percent-- as it is says on my phone battery.
@breedjack 5 лет назад
You are so good, your kind voice is so southing. The way you pace the meditations really give you time to follow your awareness Thank You!
@oscarwilliamson1264 4 года назад
Jack Breed, you are absolutely gorgeous 🌷🌷 🌹🌹 🌷🌹 🌹
@BrujiStrega 7 лет назад
Wow that was SO powerful. My entire body is vibrating. I LOVE all of your meditations Rasa! I'm SO grateful for you. Namaste.
@purarasa 7 лет назад
Glad you felt it! 🙌🏼 Grateful for you and your LOVE! ♥️
@lexilankow6514 4 года назад
best meditation i have ever listened to. i feel so free from all my attachments and i have full faith the universe will bring me what i desire. have trust!
@mamanicki72 2 года назад
Finally found a meditation video where the voice is soothing ❤️. Ive tried other videos, 2 men in particulars. Whose voices and videos made me have nightmares and wake up screaming
@anjanibelisle8839 2 месяца назад
Been looking for this kind of mediation ..it's truly the best I came across . covered all aspects from forgiving to , cutting cord to manifesting ...I'm doing my work ..I let go and leave the rest to the Divine Perfection of this Blessed Life and feeling much freer.
@kerriefoxylox260 5 лет назад
Thank you Rasa I am so grateful I found you. I listen to you once or twice a day and it has helped me immensely. Your voice is soothing and caring. Thank you and bless you xoxo
@purarasa 5 лет назад
So happy it helps, thank you for the comment 🙏🏽💛
@gwendolynellis3034 4 года назад
Hopefully it’s come to pass true💑humble faithful man, unconditionally, trustworthy, he able meaningful conversation, peaceful person, gives
@genevieverachele6511 5 лет назад
All I want is for him to love me back.
@anjanibelisle8839 2 месяца назад
h avn't found my romantic partner as of yet but finally cut the cords to a dysfunctional partner which had very been difficult to do. (a narcissistic man ) .I continue to feel support every morning listening to this mediation .... I have found. the love within myself ..most important .....powerful mediation ...do you have others...deeply grateful
@theceogoddess 6 лет назад
My heart completely expanded. Thank you so much 🌹❤️ I will continue meditating to this guided journey. Thank you for this exponential gift.
@doortooasis4557 4 года назад
I just had a wonderful time meditating and releasing the resentments and other ties that no longer serves me and I feel that my twinflame will become a renewed person, so as I. Thank You and I will do this again until I met her. Full of ❤️ and Light.
@valeriedhodson3014 6 лет назад
This was very thoughtful and complete. Thank you for being so inclusive to all parts needed to begining a new love. I am trying to believe love is possible for me again and that I do have a soul mate. I am trying to heal my broken believe.
@ellaceline6057 3 года назад
the fact that my crush called me during this>>>>
@wjc3516 4 года назад
As I was releasing the words out from the pyramid, an enormous lightning bolt and thunder clap erupted outside. Absolute magic, I love it. Thank you, thank you. thank you.
@shokhrukhkhaytimov661 5 лет назад
Actually I have date today and listening to this meditation and doing it is a good start of a new relationship, we shall see how it goes! Of course I must to do what I have to do and I did it here so thank you very much!
@esrat2508 2 года назад
so how it went?
@viefdewan4196 4 года назад
I just listen to this meditation and hope to find the pure romantic love off my life
@deniaefflianti5411 4 года назад
@slipknotcoreyno8 4 года назад
This was a beautiful meditation, and you help me sever the ties I’d been trying to let go of for a few years now. Thank you 🙏🏻 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@tehminahyder7570 3 года назад
You are blessed with the most beautiful voice and energy 🙏❤️ thank you so much for your service to humanity. Sending many blessings your way.
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
*Hey, do you wish to get your ex back or restore someone you love ? if yes then l'd like to recommend you to a love specialist who brought my ex back..*
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
@noushadpa4740 6 лет назад
Oh... It was really amazing... I was waiting for this phase in my entire life.... Wishing you happiness always
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Wonderful to hear! Thank you so much, happiness to you too!
@billyelliott9510 4 года назад
She is on her way to me, I can feel her closer everyday.... I will treat her like a princess. Thank you God for bringing us together, I am very blessed and grateful xox 🏳️‍🌈♍🇦🇺
@jacks2222 3 года назад
That's so lovely 😍 I hope you found her and she deeply appreciates being treated like a princess. 😊
@sixtenjohansson5468 4 года назад
So soothing.. I have tried to listen to this a number of times, but I inevitably fall asleep. Every time. Some day I will manage to stay awake to hear the second half..😴😀
@violaevavenczel8378 Год назад
I always fall asleep at the first half of it! 😂 This is fascinating to hear for you it is exactly the other way around... 😮😅 love and light ❤😊
@Queen_Peacful 3 года назад
Just finished this meditation and it is done! I will waiting for my compatible soulmate,👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏾🖤
@Kristie88 5 лет назад
Thank you ❤️ As soon as I opened my eyes and watched the time it's 11:11!!! 🙏
@rinb5183 4 года назад
As i read your comment...and watched the time its 1:11💕
@oscarwilliamson1264 4 года назад
Kristia Dim,you look stunning 🌹 🌹🌷 🌷🌺 🌺🌹 🌹
@cherylcarpenter4723 3 года назад
Thank you for this beautiful meditation. I have faith and trust in the Universe to make this happen.☮️🕉❤️
@08dragonfly 3 года назад
I heard his voice over the phone, he called my name out into the universe. "I don't want to wait in vein for your love" I'm open and ready for my soul mate. We will create beautiful music together...
@nileyfan1998 5 лет назад
During the Blue blanked part I saw in my mind eye what my potential partners may look like. It was really trippy and exciting 💕 Thank you x
@ziziiris 3 года назад
One of the best meditation I’ve listened, I felt in love already, you covered all the beautiful aspects of a good relationship especially when you said you need to divorce to the past which is really true whatever happened in the past stayed in the past . I m wishing for everyone to meet their desired partner in the right time stay safe 💕💎☘️💫🤍🤍
@frankthomas473 3 года назад
+ 1 8 1 8 7 9 8 0 9 0 5√√
@mariferoxas1747 3 года назад
+14 78 24 10 387
@mariferoxas1747 3 года назад
+14 78 24 10 3 87
@hbdesigns 5 лет назад
Thank you Raza! That was beautiful and resonated so well with what I felt I needed to do to feel closer to manifesting my true romantic love and soul mate. Sending you lots of love and light.
@oscarwilliamson1264 4 года назад
H B,you are absolutely stunning 🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🥀
@hbdesigns 4 года назад
@@oscarwilliamson1264 that's sweet of you to say. Thank u :)
@oscarwilliamson1264 4 года назад
@@hbdesigns where are you from?
@dyanna1640 6 лет назад
Well I don't know but I got a message while listening to this from and old crush we had not spoken in a very long time and out of the blue he messages me asking me if I still want to get with him I was so shocked but it's not him I wanted to message me hahaha..
@traciroberts4040 5 лет назад
Ijglhk I have to get AGFHJ IN A FEW DAYS TO GET MY 💔 ❤️ OIL AND GET
@traciroberts4040 5 лет назад
@smokeybirdman 4 года назад
Why don't you message him then, why wait??
@dr.nippunbhamrah8187 7 лет назад
You have the most calming voice rasa!! I love listening to you 😊much love & peace
@purarasa 7 лет назад
Ahhh ♥️ Thank you Nippun. Much love & peace to you as well 🙏🏽
@lucymurrell1774 6 лет назад
Beautiful meditation. Many thanks... wondering if it will work... But certainly, just for today- a very beautiful experience which felt healing and left me feeling hopeful, joyful and relaxed. Thank you.
@karenross7391 2 года назад
Soooooooo good Rasa ❤️❤️ You are loved by your biggest fans 🙏❤️
@jdmikels 3 года назад
This is a special meditation that was so relaxing and rejuvenating. Also, by visualising and feeling that a special women will come into my life. I will come back to this meditation to relax and bring certainty in my life. The only thing left is to let nature take it course :)
@graceodobi9256 3 года назад
@latoyagreenwell4280 4 года назад
I have manifested my twin flame & soulmate Mario Mims a k.a Yo Gotti in the 5D and by the end of 9/2020 We will be united in the 3D. Thank you universe for this divine union. In the name of Love Life and Truth! Amen!
@vanniegrace 5 лет назад
Your sharing of your beautiful gift inspires and delights me. I am glowing with love--both giving and receiving . Thank you so much🙏🌺🌼💫✨
@marzcowboyofuranus3937 4 года назад
I'm lost for words. You have my absolute gratitude. Thank you so much. ✨💝
@erenacribb9779 5 лет назад
I love your meditations Rasa....thankyou ...grateful for your good work💕💖💕
@jadari44 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for this it was very needed and I felt it helped me tremendously!!
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Wonderful! 💛
@lakeshaharris1330 3 года назад
I am the one I am special I am attracting the love I desire My twin flame and I are in a serious relationship deeply in love, connected on every level, we are getting married in 2020 💍 ❤️🥳🎉💐🎶🌹
@michaelamonica3140 6 лет назад
this was wonderful...although I fell asleep and had bad dreams..but I believe they are the result of my subconcious, when we meditate like this we release the negativity and fears within us to starr afresh and meke changes in our lives...thank you sooo much for your hard work and the great blessing you are to me and all of us...❤
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Thank you Michaela 💛
@michaelamonica3140 6 лет назад
Meditations with Rasa Lukosiute ❤❤❤
@arthur1028 6 лет назад
You’re an amazing healer Rasa.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@purarasa 6 лет назад
The healer is You! I create the space for you to access that ♥️
@lisaday6201 4 года назад
I receive this message with love. I am open to receive my new soulmate and I have released all blockages. Thank you and Asè. Love and light to you
@sunraddin 2 года назад
I loved this meditation. Thank you. I feel very optimistic about finding someone who is truly compatible with myself after listening to this
@purarasa 2 года назад
I am so happy to hear this Ryan 🙏 You truly deserve it!
@halimayahaya6620 2 года назад
He was the one who helped me in restoring back my ex 3 days ago without delay🌹🌹
@evebeauregard8117 5 лет назад
Dear Ms Rasa, You are the real thing. Growing, evolving. A true professional. Thank you! Ms Eve
@oscarwilliamson1264 3 года назад
eve beauregard,hope you are with a good man!
@kennyknows1730 5 лет назад
Greetings Rasa. I am a believer and a follower of yours. I want to thank you for your content. It has blessed me and so many. I would like to make a request for a video that focuses on sexual confidence. I lack greatly in that area. Looking forward to hearing from you. Namaste!
@mekguevarra5071 6 лет назад
I meditated with this on my current partner and we are complicated now but still i want him to be my present and future partner and start a new fresh relationship that i let go of what arguements we had before i claim it with your help it will work out for us again i love him and i know he loves me rasa 🙂
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Believe and receive ♥️
@aminalaher800 6 лет назад
The way I love this meditation I feel more n more deeply each time. Cnt wait for my manifestation... but right now the self love is growing n my awareness of me is great.. thank u
@chidu8338 4 года назад
Will try this and if I meet the one, will update ya’lll💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@sarvagyajain 4 года назад
@onangelwings462 3 года назад
I love this meditation so much. I am peaceful and calm and then the ad at the end scares me awake 😳
@Brandi.Nicole 3 года назад
I read the comments but was skeptical. I’m a Capricorn 🤷🏻‍♀️ Today I received 3 texts & a phone call. And not from just one person either 🤭🙈🥰 This video will be my new obsession 😂😅
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
*Hey, do you wish to get your ex back or restore someone you love ? if yes then l'd like to recommend you to a love specialist who brought my ex back..*
@tolabola8431 Год назад
This is really amazing meditation! I feel so light and full of love! Thank you for this! Your voice is amazing!
@purarasa Год назад
You're so welcome! And thank you ! 🥰🫶🙏❤️
@danielagurule2879 2 года назад
This is the most beautiful and powerful meditation!!💖🙏💫🦋🥰Thank you Rasa you are such a blessing in my life!🙌😇🦋 love and blessings to you🥰
@purarasa 2 года назад
Awww thank you Daniela 🥰🌈♥️🌸🌼
@myriamlaflamme2787 Год назад
I love it thanks so much ❤ actually I love all you guided meditation, they are so powerful and beautiful 🎉 it helps me create the life of my dreams !
@almassyfern5454 6 лет назад
Thank you ever so much. I truly believe my the manifestation to my soulmate is surely on its way and I'll comment again to show some proof. Namaste my friend....
@almassyfern5454 6 лет назад
Also I will add I felt a sharp pain in the small of my back. Like old times being cut. Allowing an opening for love and light.
@09BiggB Год назад
It worked for me!
@martindepo7132 7 дней назад
Excellent meditation. Thank you❤️
@valeriemcqueen5922 3 года назад
This is absolutely beautiful, l listened and participated while taking a spiritual bath and OMG.....l feel great and inspired!
@annaramos7950 5 лет назад
can you please do a guided meditation for a happy loving marriage with a specific person living the wish fulfilled? I can't find a good one on youtube
@cardingsungkit5149 5 лет назад
Now im begining to understand
@bethanyharrington1747 5 лет назад
Anna Ramos why not just pray and ask God? Then trust him❤️
@Maicurls 5 лет назад
@@bethanyharrington1747 because she requested what SHE wants
@bethanyharrington1747 5 лет назад
Maicurls do you not understand that God is power... he is all that ever was and all that ever will be. So if she is asking... why not ask him?
@Maicurls 5 лет назад
Bethany Harrington how do you know she is or isn’t asking God for that already? She is just making a video request for a meditation on a YT channel geared towards meditation videos....if she wants this AS WELL she gets to ask for it. But ok
@TaylorSwiftGleek 4 года назад
These comments are so inspiring I'm so excited x
@danielahurtado4988 Год назад
Thank you so much,beautiful and wise spiritual meditation,i will continue hearing it
@kimberliecerda4552 3 года назад
Thank you BeautifulSoul. This is one of the most complete SelfSourceBeLoved Meditations I have felt. I am being/doing this daily. Namaste.
@BettybooTeg 6 лет назад
The only one I can meditate with Rasa lovely angel on earth foreal my God bless you more my dear ur blessed already 💐💫💕
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Wow so sweet Betty - thank you! May God bless you and your loved ones 🙏🏽💛
@BettybooTeg 6 лет назад
Meditations with Rasa Lukosiute Thank you Rasa💕
@trishataylor2488 Год назад
Love all your vids! We Also have to let any anger go towards exes in order to be with someone else because it keeps us attached to them.
@TheStarPriestessTarot 5 лет назад
You have an Ability! You are MAGIC! Love your meditations 💖
@purarasa 5 лет назад
Thank you so much! ❤️
@traciroberts4040 5 лет назад
@za7898 3 года назад
Super powerful. Thank you so much, Rasa. And so it is.... ♥️
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
*Hey, do you wish to get your ex back or restore someone you love ? if yes then l'd like to recommend you to a love specialist who brought my ex back..*
@wildcardtarot4895 3 года назад
@DamaristheMuse 6 лет назад
AMAZINGLY POWERFUL ♡ Thank you so much, I was in tears for most of it, felt the energy coming through very intensely and a deep healing and connection to the Universe, Light and Love that is here to serve us all. You are a beautiful conduit and channel and I appreciate you sharing your gifts with us all. I found this at the perfect mOMent ॐ
@purarasa 6 лет назад
Thank you so much 💛🙏🏽