
Avars | A history of the Bane of Byzantium. 

Quill & Ink History
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In this video, were going to cover the history of The Avars, their society, rise to power and slow downfall during the middle ages.
The Avar Khaganate was a steppe people that for centuries have been considered irrelevant in the annals of history. Yet the Pannonian Avars were a people who greatly affected the course of medieval history in eastern Europe when they reached the Carpathian Basin. Its the history of a political and military force that ruled the Pannonian plains for a quarter of a millennium.
But who were the Avars, how did they manage to remain as a prominent force in eastern Europe for so long and how were the Avar Khaganate and the Avar society structure?
These are the questions that we will cover in this video and when we're finished you will have a better understanding of Avars history and the Avars impact on European history.
Voices of the pasts video in primary sources on Attila the Hun: • Dinner with Atilla the...
Mr. Laster History,s video on the Magyars arrival: • Early Hungarian History
Whole Playlist: • Project Pannonia
Image credits.
Magnus Manske
Music credits.
Five Armies: Kevin Macleod.
The Pyre: Kevin Macleod.
Lost Frontier: Kevin Macleod.
Note: I try to use copyright-free images and stock footage at all times. However, if I have used any of your artwork or video content then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriate credit.
Mail: inkhistorycontact@gmail.com
The Avars: A Steppe Empire in central Europe(Walter Pohl, 2002).
Byzantium and the Avars 6th - 9th century A.D(Florin Curta and Dušan Zupka, 2018).
#History #middleages #ProjectPannonia



28 сен 2024




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@gemino4910 5 лет назад
Huns 2: Electric Boogaloo
@StefanMilo 5 лет назад
Charlemagne vs the nomads would make a fantastic film. Great vid!
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Many thx Stefan!
@Blindanddumb 5 лет назад
Karl also carried away the legendary Avar treasure, which was the result of centuries of plunder and tribute from Roman lands.
@ebrelus7687 3 года назад
Charlemagne murdered heathens in thousands just because they were of different beliefs and opposed him.
@AncientAccounts 5 лет назад
You merely adopted the basin I was born in it moulded by it...
@benlindsay6012 3 года назад
Never heard of these Avars before, but enjoyed learning about them.
@HistoryTime 5 лет назад
Fascinating video. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more!
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Thx History Time! :)
@gergalyn 4 года назад
When I spoke Hungarian in Venezia, a bearded Lombard man jumped out of the boat. :)
@kingoftheworld22 Год назад
The Avar individuals showed their highest genetic affinity with present-day Mongolic and Tungusic peoples, as well as Nivkhs. A genetic study published in scientific journal Current Biology in May 2022 examined 143 Avar samples from various periods, including elite and commoners.
@petelcek 4 года назад
Very uncommon video is in a topic about Avars. Their presence in ancient Pannonia was nearly 300 years long, which makes it three times longer that Hunnic. But today it is still more talking about the Huns than the Avars. The "darkages blinspot" ???
@numenoreaneternity6682 3 года назад
Firstly, there are no Eastern Roman historians attributing the ease of Slavic settlement to Justinian's plague - which was spread all over Europe (despite its popular name and the worst scenario occurring in densely populated Constantinople) and almost certainly affected Slavs. Further on, based on all archaeological findings of both the Antes and the Sclavenes, we know for a fact that equipment was standardized in a sense that every excavated grave of a Slavic warrior features chainmail and sword (fashioned in East Roman style), an ax, round wooden shield, and a long spear. Some Slavic warriors were wearing belts with buckles adorned with Avar motifs, but they were most likely spoils of war or items of trade. The only group of Slavs that have fought without armor was warbands of young warriors who've fought entirely naked (barring the red paint on their body, hair and face) and in melee (the ones that were described as being red-haired by Procopius), and some groups of Pannonian Wends who were tributaries of the Pannonian Avars, and relying on ambushes was a part of defensive strategies, and only against hosts that were too numerous and too well-armed, like the joint Avar-Roman host that assailed Sclavene territories after Daurentius slew Bayan's envoys and refused to pay tribute to him. Aside from that, both the Antes and the Sclavenes have utilized large breeds of horses for warfare, and matter of fact, an entire host of Antean and Sclavene horsemen was dispatched to evacuate Belisarius from Italy, which proves the aforementioned. Secondly, the Avars have only managed to subjugate the more passive parts of the Dudlebes, as well as parts of the Wends - certainly not the Antes and the Sclavenes, who were noted to have lived only under the reign of their own kings like Muzok and Mezamir (Antes) and chieftains like Radagast and Daurentius, of whom the latter was described as being the supreme chief of all Sclavenes. Procopius' early assessment of Slavic social structure was just that - an early assessment based off of early sightings of Slavic warbands that were initially considered to have been "small tribes governed by "military democracy". As interaction with Slavs intensified, he realized that the Slavs did exhibit organized social structure, albeit admittedly, the Antes were the most centralized body of the Early Slavs, with a hereditary monarchy where one king reigned over all of the Antes, while among the Sclavenes, you've had one known supreme chieftain like the aforementioned Daurentius to whom other chieftains were subordinate, there was also a mention of Sclavene kings, like Perbundos, who led a coalition of Sclavene tribes deep into Greece. Likewise, the Avars were first invited to make a move against the Slavs by the Roman emperor Tiberius, and later on, Emperor Heraclius would invite Serbs and Croats from the distant Slavic northwest to liberate the northern provinces of the Avars and have them settle all those provinces as his vassals which he'd ennoble, which refutes any theory of the Sclavenes and Antes arriving to Southeastern Europe off of the back of the Avars. After all, the earliest Slavic raids deep into the Roman territory were accompanied by the enslavement of an estimated quarter of a million Romans in every province struck by the Slavs and the sacking and besieging of Roman cities, which were recorded as early as the first part of the 6th century - decades before the Avars were contacted by Emperor Tiberius, and before they reached the most distant part of the basin of the Danube. On top of that, the invading Sclavenes have also slain Asbadus/Asbados - the famed Roman/Gepid general, and have also annihilated his elite army, a feat which would've been impossible if the Slavs "only fought from afar", or worse, if they've "made no use of pitched, organized warfare". The usage of poison arrows and guerrilla warfare was deployed only in defensive wars against a martially superior enemy - like against the combined Roman-Avar army during Maurice's campaign which was launched deep into Sclavene territories north of the Danube. In the work of Menander Protector, we find the following excerpt: "This movement of Avars against the Slavs did not only result from Emperor's envoys and the wish of Bayan to return the courtesy unto Romans for all the gestures of friendship and help that he had received from the Emperor, but also because he held great hate for them (the Slavs) out of personal sentiment as well. The Avar leader has, therefore, sent envoys to Daurentius (Δαυρίτας) himself, and to his chieftains, calling on for their submission and enlistment among tribute-payers. Dauritas and the leaders alongside him replied: "Who is, then, the man which basks in sunlight that threatens to conquer our strength? We are used to ruling over others, not to being ruled over - of that we are certain for as long as wars are waged and swords are forged". Since the Slavs acted so haughtily, the Avars were no different in boasting. Then the scolds and insults resulted from that, being that the barbarians are of a narrow and proud mind, and the fight broke out. The Slavs, unable to control the anger, killed the envoys, as Bayan found out from another source. Because of that Bayan has long since raised accusations against the Slavs, fueling a secret hatred against them, mad for they refused him, and angry that from them he received an unforgivable insult, in the same time he thought he would do a favor to Caesar and likewise *find a rich land to plunder, for far too long has the land of Romans been plundered by Slavs, and theirs (Slavic) - never by any of other peoples*." Thirdly, the Early Slavs have seized and inhabited a massive territory that spanned from the east of Germany to the Baltic and the very distant fringes of Eastern Europe. Matter of fact, the bulk of the Sclavenes have lived on the northern shores of the Danube, and were bribed by Roman authorities into maintaining that status quo, at least temporarily. Also, Slavs weren't "monotheistic", they were henotheistic. Even though Perun was their chief god, they've also recognized the existence of other gods as well, hence why the Sclavenes and the Antes have worshipped Perun and Veles - which also reflected their lifestyles, which were very warlike and militarized, and subsided on animal husbandry, fishing, hunting, gathering and the practice of a form of agriculture that required the burning of the soil, so they weren't nomadic, but certainly not entirely sedentary either. It's also important to note that Procopius also states that the Sclavenes and the Antes shared the same customs, beliefs, and institutions. The same goes for the Wends, which is also supported by the homogeneity of early Slavic aDNA, YDNA, and language, although material culture was far more varied (depending on which culture they've defeated and assimilated). Fourthly, the role of the Avars in all of this is overemphasized, and for the following reasons: a) As mentioned before, they were invited by the Romans to defeat and subdue unruly peoples on the Danube, like the Antes (who were Roman allies from time to time as well), and during the next century or so will be the foremost "allies" of the Romans against the Slavs, up until Heraclius invites the Serbs and Croats (Sclavene tribes) to defeat and annihilate them south of the Danube. b) While it's true that the Avar hosts were initially the largest, they were in time overshadowed by the Sclavene hosts, which have, after realizing that the Roman authority on the Danube is no more, begun launching massive invasions that were also preludes to the permanent settling of the lands they've seized and initiated the assimilation of the peoples they've defeated and temporarily subjugated. c) Western historians tend to make the mistake of not distinguishing the Slavs, even though primary sources from that era have noted that the Early Slavs were divided into three groups: the Wends, the Sclavenes, and the Antes, which brings us to the point of the "100 000 Slavs" that were part of the Avar host - most of them were Pannonian Wend tributaries of the Avars, while the rest were Sclavene allies who, thanks to their arrangement with the Avars, were exempt from abiding by Avar-Roman peace treaties, and would continue raiding and marauding as they pleased, which brought great displeasure to Bayan senior and junior, and the Roman emperors as well. d) Slavs would've invaded and permanently settled the lands south of the Danube one way or the other, the involvement of the Avars has only somewhat hastened of process, and by subsequently making sure that the Sclavene tribes would form the overwhelming bulk of those who'd settle and seize the territories in question by waging exhaustive wars with the Antes. At most, the Avars were a strictly Pannonian phenomenon and were never masters of the "Balkans", which is also supported by archaeology and modern genetic studies, and given that you're made a mention of primary Roman/Greek sources, you should also know that there's not a single one of them that claims that the Slavs were migrating with the Avars, but that they were invading Southeastern Europe at the same time. You could potentially make that point for the aforementioned Pannonian Wends, but not for the bulk of the invading Slavs - who were Sclavenes and Antes. e) Sclavenes have besieged Thessalonica five times (in 586 or 597, 604, 615, 617, and 676), and only in two of those sieges were the Slavs assisted by the Avars.
@numenoreaneternity6682 3 года назад
Procopius, Book V, XXVII, 134: "(...) This exploit, then, was accomplished by the Goths on the third day after they were repulsed in the assault on the wall. But twenty days after the city and harbor of Portus were captured, Martinus and Valerian arrived, bringing with them sixteen hundred horsemen, the most of whom were Huns and Sclaveni and Antae, who are settled above the Ister River not far from its banks. (...)" Procopius about Slavic invaders capturing and enslaving a lot of Romans: Procopius, Book VII, XIII - describing events in the year 545 AD: "(...) For a great throng of the barbarians, the Sclaveni, had, as it happened, recently crossed the Ister, plundering the adjoining country and enslaved a very great number of Romans. (...)" Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) In Illyria and Thracia, from the Ionian Gulf to Byzantine surrounding cities, where Hellas and Chersonese regions are situated, (...) the Sclavenes and the Antes, penetrating practically every year since Justinian administering the Roman Empire, were inflicting irreversible damage to their inhabitants. In each invasion, I estimate 200,000 Romans were either taken as prisoners or killed (...)" Procopius about Roman attempts to stop the Slavic invasion: "(...) the Empire wasn't able to find just one only man just as brave to undertake this task." Pope Gregory I in a letter to Exarch of Italy from year 599: "(...) It deeply afflicts and disquiets me the Slavic nation that menace us. It afflicts me from what I already suffer from you, it disquiets me because they have already started to penetrate into the Italic peninsula through Istria. (...)" And according to Priscus, in 610 Slavic tribes flooded into Greece. Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) Nay further, they [the Slavs] do not differ at all from one another in appearance. For they are all exceptionally tall and stalwart men, while their bodies and hair are neither very fair nor blond nor indeed do they incline entirely to the dark type (...)". Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) In more or less the same time [549 - 550] a Slavic army (...) gathered itself together and after crossing without encountering any resistance from anyone the river Ister [Danube], and later with similar ease the river Heuros, it divided itself for two parts. (...) Commanders of Roman garrisons in Illyria and Thrace fought against both those parts and even though they had already separated from each other, the Romans suffered - contrary to their expectations - a defeat, and some of them fell dead on the spot, while others found salvation in escaping. (...) After all, garrisons had suffered such defeats at the hands of either one or the other one of barbarian armies, one of the enemy bands fought against troops of Asbadus. He was a member of Emperor Justinian's personal guard (...) and he led a numerous and elite force of cavalry, which had been garrisoned for a long time inside the Thracian stronghold of Tdzurulon. But also, they were forced to retreat by the Slavs and most of them, shamefully escaping, got slaughtered, while Asbadus himself was captured and temporarily left alive, but soon after that the Slavs skinned him alive and threw him into a burning campfire. After that, the Slavs were plundering all neighboring Thracian and Illyrian lands without any obstacles and both of their two units captured many strongholds. (...) And those who had defeated Asbadus, later plundered, in turn, everything up to the sea coast, and captured in an assault the coastal city of Toperus (...) And they slaughtered 25,000 men, plundered everything, and enslaved all the children and all the women. (...)" John of Ephesus: "(...) In the third year after the death of Emperor Justin, during the reign of victorious Tiberius, the damned nation of the Slavs has risen, and marching through entire Hellas, through lands of Thessaly and Thrace, captured many cities and strongholds, plundered, burned, and robbed, seized the land and settled there with full ease, without fear, like in their own land. (...) they were plundering the country, burning it and robbing, as far as the Great Walls [of Constantinople], and this is how they captured many thousands of cattle, as well as many other kinds of booty. (...) Until today, that is until year 584, they still continue to live in peace in lands of the Rhomaioi, without fear and concern, plundering, murdering and burning, getting rich and highjacking gold and silver, capturing horses and plenty of weapons; and they have learned to fight better than the Rhomaioi. (...)" Menander Protector: "(...) About the fourth year of the reign of Caesar Tiberius Constantine, some hundred thousand Slavs broke into Thrace and pillaged that and many other regions. As Greece was being laid waste by the Slavs, with trouble liable to flare up anywhere, and as Tiberius had at his disposal by no means sufficient forces, he sent a delegation to the Khagan of the Avars. (...)" Strategikon of Maurice: "(...) They do not keep prisoners in perpetual slavery-like other peoples, but they demarcate for them a limited period of time, after which they give them a choice: they can return home after purchasing their freedom or stay among them as free people and friends. (...)" “Strategikon of Maurice: "...being freedom-loving, they are in no way inclined to become slaves or to obey, especially in their own land." (Strategikon of Maurice, ed. prep. V. V. Kuchma. SPb., 2004, p. 189)” Jordanes: "(...) These people, as we started to say at the beginning of our account or catalog of nations, though off-shoots from one stock, have now three names, that is, Venedi, Antes, and Sclaveni. (...) they now rage in war far and wide, in punishment for our sins (...) Though their names are now dispersed amid various clans and places, yet they are chiefly called Sclaveni and Antes. (...)" Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) Belisarius was eager to capture alive one of the men of note among the enemy, in order that he might learn what the reason might be why the barbarians were holding out in their desperate situation. And Valerian promised readily to perform such a service for him. For there were some men in his command, he said, from the nation of the Sclaveni, who are accustomed to conceal themselves behind a small rock or any bush which may happen to be near and pounce upon an enemy. In fact, they are constantly practicing this in their native haunts along the river Ister, both on the Romans and on the barbarians as well. (...)" Abraham ben Jacob (a 10th-century Sephardic Jewish traveler from Muslim Spain): "(...) Slavic countries extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the Northern Ocean. (...) Generally speaking, Slavs are warlike and violent, and if not for their internal discord and lack of unity, no other nation would be able to match them in strength. (...)" And about the arrival of the Croats and Serbs (but it was much later - not during the 500’s, but during the 600’s): Constantine Porphyrogennetos, "De Administrando Imperio": "(...) their ancestors were Pagan Croats and Serbs, known also as White [Croats and Serbs]. Great Croatia, called also White [Croatia], until today is still Pagan, just like neighboring [Lusatian / West Slavic] Serbs [Sorbs] (...)" And another excerpt - "De Administrando Imperio": "(...) Therefore everyone, who would like to do research about Dalmatia, can read herein about the way how the Slavic peoples took it. The Croats with their families came to Dalmatia and found the Avars in possession of that land. After fighting against each other for some time, the Croats defeated the Avars, partially murdered them, and partially forced them to submissiveness. Since that moment the country was seized by the Croats. (...)" “Daurentius is the first Slavic chieftain to be recorded by name, by the Byzantine historian Menander Protector, who reported that the Avar khagan Bayan I sent an embassy, asking Daurentius and his Slavs to accept Avar suzerainty and pay tribute because the Avars knew that the Slavs had amassed great wealth after repeatedly plundering the Byzantine Balkan provinces. Daurentius reportedly retorted that "Others do not conquer our land, we conquer theirs [...] so it shall always be for us.” Daurentius (to the Avar envoy): "Who is, then, the man which basks in sunlight that threatens to conquer our strength? We are used to ruling over others, not to being ruled over - of that we are certain for as long as wars are waged and swords are forged". I've extracted the most relevant quotes from the primary sources and DAI, hope it helps.
@numenoreaneternity6682 3 года назад
One last thing, the Franks, Avars, and the Magyars have only influenced the military and administrative history of the Pannonian Wends, and they're the ancestors of the Slavs of Balaton, Nitra, Great Moravia, and Slovakia, and they've never formed the bulk of the Early Slavs, but merely a portion of the Wends (the Early West Slavs). To interpret the history of the rest of the Slavs through their particularity is rather tendentious, and even ignorant of the full extent of the history of the Early Medieval Slavs, whether they're West, East, or South Slavic. Matter of fact, the bulk of the Early Slavs was made of the Sclavenes and the Antes, and the overwhelming majority of primary sources from that era were based on peaceful and hostile interaction with them. Further on, the military and administrative history of the Antes and the Sclavenes was strictly a mixture of Slavic traditions and East Roman/Greek influences, which was reflected in the First Bulgarian Empire as well, where Slavic and Bulgar tribal and administrative traditions were integral parts of the state, yet the latter would be entirely ousted by the Slavo-Roman model as early as during the reign of Boris I.
@mimief7969 3 года назад
Such an amazing people!
@reynaldoevidentejr1749 5 лет назад
If you are playing CK2 as Byzantines. You know how annoying these horse lord pagans in the northern steppes.
@abbyalphonse499 3 года назад
*"Fall of the Avars"*
@maratmagomedov4139 4 года назад
In Dagestan mountain village Kubachi there is аn ancient depiction of Avar warrior horseman. It is known avars came to Europe from Caucasus. See avars' belt, it's similar to those they wear in Caucasus.
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Avars of Dagestan are the same like hunic avars. They are a branch of turkic race. When they assimilated in Dagestan they lost they’re history and created a new Caucasian one. Read this: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khunzakh In the 13th Century khunzakh a avar village in Dagestan was served as capital of avar khaganate, the name khaganate is only used by turkic tribes like the cuman kipchak khagante, khazar khaganate etc. The avars are closely related to people like cumans, chuvas, balkars, kumyks
@maratmagomedov4139 4 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne I know Khunzakh without Wiki.) My native village is not far from it, in one of neighbouring avar districts. Also been there. I don't think Avars were turkic, they are quiet different in nature. Words to name the titles were often borrowed from other languages. The title Hagan was carried even by the Supreme governors of Russia in 9-11 centuries, for example. All turcik words of avars of Dagestan today are taken from kumuks, one of dagestani people. I believe if Pannonian avars spoke turkic it would had left an evident track and there would be no argues. We, avars of Dagestan, have some sounds in our language,very difficult to pronounce, which are unique, and no other nations in the world has, they couldn't be borrowed, they are ours from the very start. I agree that Avars could come to Caucasus from somewhere in ancient times. But since that they view themselves as Caucasus nation.
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Marat Magomedov. Pannonia avars also didnt speak the same turkic like today they had a mongolic turkic mixed language a very old language. But it’s possible when Dagestani avars stayed for many years in Dagestan they’re language changed a bit into the north Caucasian because they live there for a thousand years. If you want to know your ancestors true origins you should go way further back to the hephthalites nation that came somewhere from the altai mountains near Mongolia south into khorasan and Iran. After moved to the Caucasus and many stayed while others left to anatolia and eventually to Europe. Your ancestors the hephthalites when controling northwest Iran where absorbed some neighbouring turkic branch like ogurs (Cousins of oguz) and utigurs to combine a force against the rise of the gokturks. Btw iam not a turk ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JJWddbCUZLQ.html Watch this video
@maratmagomedov4139 4 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne I say once again, all real written and archeological facts about history of avars begin with their arrival to Byzantium from Caucasus for negotiations.. The rest are just assumptions, myths or speculations turned time pased into a false fact. Avars being Turks or mongols was at first someone's suggestion
@maratmagomedov4139 4 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne Nobody know what language they spoke, but you even know their dialect as if you had lived among them.
@Firmus777 5 лет назад
Byzantines: Hey Avars, if you guys could get rid of our threats in the north, that would be great. *Avars come to pose a threat in the west* Byzantines: Oh, God damn it! Hey Croats, if you could take care of the Avar threat in the west, you're allowed to settle the land as long as you promise to protect us. Croats: OK. ... Byzantines: Good, you got rid of the Avars, but why didn't you establish a state so we can form an alliance? Croats: What's a state? Byzantines: Oh, God damn it!
@panagiwtisbekris77 3 года назад
all Slavs were servants of the Avars the Byzantines called them Slavs, ie Slaves of the Avars
@CaomhanOMurchadha 3 года назад
@@panagiwtisbekris77 no. That's not the etymology of Slav. Comes from Slovo, those who speak. They referred to outsiders as mutes or those who don't speak. This is a problem with Indo-European languages. I used to basically think the same, but it isn't true at all. Slavs, especially southern Slavs are to thank for getting rid of the majority of Avars and other invaders.
@panagiwtisbekris77 3 года назад
@@CaomhanOMurchadha The siege of Constantinople in 626 by the Sassanid Persians and Avars, aided by large numbers of their Slavic allies, resulted in a strategic victory for the Byzantines. The failure of the siege saved the empire from collapse, and, in combination with other victories achieved by Emperor Heraklion (610-641) the previous year and in 627, Byzantium managed to regain its territories and put an end to the destructive Byzantine with the imposition of a favorable treaty and with stable borders.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Constantinople_(626)
@عليياسر-ذ5ب Год назад
​@@numenoreaneternity6682 Aren't they the servants of the wicked Bulgarians?
@papazataklaattiranimam 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@JenniferinIllinois 5 лет назад
Coming in to check our your Project Pannonia video. New subbie.
@arandomwalk 5 лет назад
Nice one man! This channel is going to thrive
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Thx for the nice comment! :)
@rnedlo9909 11 месяцев назад
Thank you. Well done!
@starsantasta4351 4 года назад
Avars are Turkic too
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@starsantasta4351 3 года назад
@@kaldirdimgobegi hahahahh helal nerden buldun bu referansları
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
@@starsantasta4351 her yere yayın
@магӀарулал 2 года назад
Рохун магӀарулал
@justanordinaryfreak 5 месяцев назад
@luna8327 3 года назад
Caucasian Avars and the Avar khaganate is not the same ! Avar khaganate was turkic but today avars are caucasus people
@магӀарулал 2 года назад
Дунгоги вуго магӀарулав вас
@_k.o.t.n_b.o_utelu9152 Год назад
би цо бо цо!
@justanordinaryfreak 5 месяцев назад
@egyutteskalagor420 3 года назад
I am székely (sakay in english reading) from Transilvania . We are descendents of avars. Our ancients was who come to say welcome to Magyar tribal aliance when they come back in Charpathian basin. And this few avar tribes was integrated in Magyar tribal alliance ,and became magyars . That is why ,we , descendents of avars are székelys and magyars( hungarians) in same time.
@Hunfootball 3 года назад
Yeah, seeing this video we Hungarians can say, these people were our ancestrors(and it's fact). I mean 1/2-1/3 of our ancestrors . Hungarians are Avars. But where were the Dacians/Romanians? LOL. Nowhere, they are immigrants from a much later time.
@adammaniac1904 2 года назад
@hoticeparty 2 года назад
@@Hunfootball Hungarians be salty they lost transylvania
@Hunfootball 2 года назад
@@hoticeparty but where are the Romanians? I only see Avars...
@hoticeparty 2 года назад
@@Hunfootball romanians are in transylvania now sorry bud
@tersdomaltpduzsiken1409 4 года назад
Bro they were Turkic,Eastern Europe and Balkans was under rule of nomadic Turks for a long time.Even the word Balkan is from Kipchak Turkic and Hungary is from Ungary and it is from Onoghur Turks.Huns, Bulgars,Khazars,Kabars,Pechenegs,Sabirs,Cumans they're all Turkic.
@vincentcao5111 4 года назад
Yup, they all made their name in Europe.. eastern europe to be exact. They left legacies, culture, languages, genes, and maybe food there.
@nikolavideomaker 4 года назад
Huns are considered to be of mongolic origin.
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
nikola 1809 huns are mixed mongolians with caucasians/slavs, they looked mixed not pure mongolian
@tersdomaltpduzsiken1409 4 года назад
No my friends huns have nothing to do with Mongols except common steppe religion tengrism.They were Turkic
@vincentcao5111 4 года назад
@@tersdomaltpduzsiken1409 They are steppe people related to both Turkic and Mongol people.
@LeeGee Год назад
Well done!
Mongolian scientists discovered, proved that the so-called Turkic runes turned out to be Hunnic and were not called runes, but HҮN. Or else, they turned out to be one of the real varieties, namely, the Mongolian script, readable and fully decrypted, absolutely understood, namely, in the Mongolian language . In modern Mongolian Khalkh dialect, up to 70% is read, in Kazakh up to 30%, in Turkmen 20%, in Turkish only 5% of the text from Stella Bilge Kagan. For example, in Kazakh there are no such words as huul, es, yaam, side, tsereg / law, law, ministry, minister, soldier. They are replaced by Russian and Persian words. A statement is made that it turns out that all texts of the period of the Turkic Haganates are fully read only in the Mongolian language. They cannot be adequately deciphered and read in any of the modern Turkic languages, in view of their severe deformation and pollution by foreign words / Arabic, Persian. It is concluded that the Pratürkic language of the blue Turks was only a dialect of the Mongolian and is not a language separate from the Mongolian language family. This allows us to affirm a thorough linguistic analysis of words and texts constructed, as it turned out, on the logic and laws of word formation of the Mongolian language, which remains unchanged to this day. Scientists of Mongolian linguists apologize to the public for not paying attention to these monuments of the history of writing, considering traditionally, in Soviet times, their monuments of the Turkic, and not the Mongolian language, writing and culture. What, as it turned out, was greatly mistaken. On the basis of the philological faculty of Ulaanbaatar University, the first training courses of the Mongolian written language of KhN are opened. Monuments of this writing are distributed throughout Mongolia on stellas, rocks and in caves. And they are waiting for their true reading. The whole era of the Turkic Kaganates becomes an integral part of the history of the Mongol state, the Mongol people, the Mongol language, the Mongol culture and writing. "
@papazataklaattiranimam 4 года назад
Baatarkhuu Saljuud Imagebooks.google.com.tr › books The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies, Jeffreys-Haldon-Cormack, ... Oxford University Press · 2008 · History ... in their efforts to flee the approaching Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were ... Mongols have no culture fck mongols
@gcrecords1731 4 года назад
@@papazataklaattiranimam you are wrong the mongols is siberyans turkhis iranics scityians saka the mongols is childrens from scityians saka yakuts and kazakstan turkestan and mongolia migrated the mongols is spooke turkhis they have a briliants history or you foghet cenghiz khan or tymur
@reinerelierilke4409 4 года назад
@@papazataklaattiranimam lol so if I use your point of view : turks have no culture because they took it from persians, arabs, and mongols... Lol that's why you are frustrated
@papazataklaattiranimam 4 года назад
@papazataklaattiranimam 4 года назад
Mongols took turk culture
@In-Marty-We-Trust 4 года назад
And now they dominate the UFC
@JM-nm3bg 3 года назад
Moron historians don’t think it’s the same Avars because the ones in Hungary spoke an unknown language historians “think” was similar to common Turkish and “crossed the Volga” coming straight to Hungary, while those ones speak a Caucasian language and came from the Abarshahr (Khorasan) in E. Iran, migrating through the Hyrcanian pass to reach the Caucasus. If you think about it and read the historical records in chronological order, it’s pretty blatantly obvious that they’re the same people and the latter migration South of the Caspian is true while the former migration across the Volga is a preconceived false narrative.
@luvslogistics1725 Месяц назад
Are Romanians nowadays descendants at least in part from Avars? They seemed to have spent longer in modern day Romania than say the Romans
@levzebub7005 4 года назад
Where is Samo?
@DarkImplement 5 лет назад
I live near Sirmium ^^
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Cool! What is the city like today? :)
@DarkImplement 5 лет назад
@@quillinkhistory9539 It's a peaceful town some 50 km west of Belgrade, where I live :) They've got some Roman structure remains in old district
@johnkutnar8501 Год назад
Maybe I missed it , no mention of the Croat dominance over the Avars
@магӀарулал 2 года назад
Я Аварец
@_k.o.t.n_b.o_utelu9152 Год назад
ты авар вацако!
@bigmacedon 5 лет назад
Respect from Bulgaria to all our brothers desendants of the Avars around the World!
@numenoreaneternity6682 3 года назад
Those who attribute the success of the Slavic invasion and colonization of Roman territories to the Avars omit the following: a) Serbs didn't invade in the 6th, but in the mid-7th century, and in toe with the Croats, and were tasked with exterminating all Avars south of the Danube and ruling all the provinces they’d liberate at the request of emperor Heraclius. b) The Slavs who've invaded, conquered, and colonized Southeastern Europe were the Sclavenes and Antes, not the “Avaroslavs”, who were noted to have been Pannonian Wends, and were, aside from the Greeks/Romans themselves, also distinguished from other Slavs on that very basis by Fredegar, and were mentioned only twice in all primary Greek sources, during the Siege of Constantinople in 626, and during one of the many Slavic sieges of Thessaloniki, where Saint Demetrius states they arrived to assist the already present Sclavenes who've besieged the city, lured by promises of the city’s wealth. c) By the time the Avars arrived at the Danubian basin at the invitation of emperor Tiberius, who had invited them for the sole purpose of waging war against the Sclavenes, Antes, and Kutrigurs, the Slavs were already invading and raiding Southeastern Europe for roughly forty years, and as deep as Southern Peloponnesus, Crete and the outer walls of Constantinople. d) All primary sources, like Jordanes, Procopius, Saint Demetrius, John of Ephesus, Theophylact of Simocatta, and Menander Protector state that the Sclavenes and the Antes were under the rule of their rulers like Mezamir, Muzhok, Dervan/Daurentius, and Radogost, and weren't subdued by the Avars, and distinguish them from the aforementioned Avaroslavs (Pannonian Wends). e) Attributing the success of the Slavic invasion and colonization of Southeastern Europe to the Avars is, aside from being contradictory to all primary Roman/Greek sources, since the very purpose of the invitation of the Avars was to wage war against the Slavs and the Kutrigurs, which is exemplified in the joint Avar-Roman invasion of Daurentius' realm, also a textbook example of 19th and 20th-centuries German, Italian, Greek, Hungarian and Austrian anti-Slavism designed to undermine the legitimacy of Slavic history, the geopolitical realities of Slavic territories, and to portray Slavs as a subsidiary mass of naturally subordinate peoples. Sources: Jordanes, Procopius, Saint Demetrius, John of Ephesus, Theophylact of Simocatta, and Menander Protector, De Administrando Imperio, Sima Cirkovic, Tibor Zivkovic, Dimitry Obolensky, and Frederick Hamilton Jackson.
@numenoreaneternity6682 3 года назад
Modern Western interpretations of medieval sources would indicate the Slavic area as being the main reservoir of slaves in the whole period of the Early Middle Ages, beginning probably in the 6th century, and with a peak around the 10th. This preference for slaves of Slavic origin - so strong as to make Slavs the slaves by antonomasia - has been easily explained: in that period Slavic people were the only ones who were still pagan, and this detail is most important as it explains why, by choosing them, early medieval slave traders - mostly Venetian, Genoese and Jewish - did not violate the new principles of the “Societas Christiana”, introduced by Pope Gregory the Great at the end of the 6th century, according to which baptized people must be excluded from slavery. What should be noted is that aside from this being a mere theory, it is also historically and etymologically inaccurate, and unconvincing. After all, the Medieval Latin words for “Slav” and “Slave” are not etymologically related. The Medieval Latin word for “slave”, and with it, its root as well, predates the first sightings and contact of mainland European civilization with the Slavs. The evolution of the name of Slavs "Sloveni/ Slaveni" comes from PIE *klew (to hear) evolving into proto-Slavic *slovo/ *slava (word/ fame), finally evolving into Sloveni/ Slaveni (those glorious/ those who understand each other). Meanwhile, the English word for "slave" comes from the Latin word "clavis/ clavus" (a key/ nail), which bore the Latin word "inclavare" (to lock in), ultimately giving rise to the word "sclavus" (slave - "a locked one"), which most likely entered the English language, along with a major portion of Romance words, with the Norman invasion. In 1881, a proper etymology was expressed, according to which the Greek word Σκλάβινοι does not stem from the self-name of the Slavs, but from the Greek verb σκυλεύο - "to extract spoils of war", and resonates in the manner in which Slavs and other ethnicities were enslaved - as prisoners of war. The aforementioned etymologies are free of politicization, are accurate, and are firmly rooted in history and linguistics. Based on this, the self-name of the Slavs and their Modern Helleno-Latin name coincided phonetically purely accidentally (F. Kluge, Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache 1881/1989/2002), and the thesis where the modern word for “Slave” is not rooted in the self-name of the Slavs, and is refuted.” (Gerhard Kobler - Deutsches Etymologisches Wörterbuch 1995, Korth Georg - Zur Etymologie des Wortes 'Slavus' (Sklave) 1970, and Daniel Scholten - Deutsch für Dichter und Denker: Unsere Muttersprache in neuem Licht, 2020). The aforementioned theory and etymology are furthered by Korth Georg, Friedrich Kluge, Gerhard Kobler, and Daniel Scholten (and Grimm’s German Dictionary). Further on, the cognate with Sloveni/Slaveni is the word Sclavinii/ Slabini, a Latin that denotes Slavic ethnic groups. From a purely historical perspective, Greece and Gaul were Rome’s main reservoir of slaves for centuries, while the Irish were the main reservoir of slaves for their Normano-English oppressors for more than half a millennium, and before them, to Norsemen as well. Dublin was the largest slave market in Western Europe. Its main sources of supply were the Irish hinterland, Wales and Scotland, while in the Far and the Middle East, the Turkmen tribes would supply the largest portion of Eurasia with innumerable slaves for nearly a millennium. Aside from that, just during the earliest stage of the Slavic invasion of Roman territory south of the Danube (6th century), a fifth of a million Roman citizens (Procopius) were enslaved by the Sclavenes (early South Slavs) in just one Roman province, and just during a single raid, the number of their slaves kept growing as more and more provinces and their capitals fell to the aforementioned Slavs. In reality, the majority of slaves in the 6th and 7th centuries were the Christian Romans, not their Slavic captors. Granted the Slavs didn't enslave their enemies permanently, but they've enslaved them nonetheless, and in numbers that are substantially greater than the number of Slavs who were enslaved by non-Slavs during the entirety of the middle ages, and it renders the aforementioned non-Slavs as being more fitting to have their ethnonyms made “synonymous” with slavery The Western terminology for "slave", to a certain extent, is similar in form to the self-designation of the Slavs ("Sloven", "Slavjan" etc.) Their existence served as the basis for numerous anti-Slavic statements, theories, and consecutive waves of propaganda, which have sometimes acquired the scope of genuine mythologies. Moreover, these ideas were even given an academic platform. As it happened more than once, when “not entirely” adequate premises gained an academic platform and were entrenched there since. The premise of "Slavs" is the root of words for "slaves" found a permanent foothold in Western Academia, giving rise to a series of pseudoscientific, inform, but questionable, in essence, representations and statements. The essence of these premises is that these words are related to the ethnonym of the Slavs, allegedly, "due to the fact that in the Early Middle Ages, the Slavs became objects of the slave trade, which led to the use of their ethnonym as a designation for slaves." Sometimes, it was even argued that Western Europeans, whose languages contain these words, directly, massively, and regularly turned the Slavs into slaves, and in general, other far-reaching conclusions were made, such as that the "Slavs are slaves" and the Western Europeans are "their masters." Moreover, in the 18-19th century in Western European journalism, the idea was persistently exaggerated that even the word "Slav" itself comes from the Latin or Greek word for "slave". This was the “think tank” of an 18th-century French historian and publicist. Polemics regarding this myth and premise are found even in Dostoevsky’s "Diary of a Writer". As for the idea of the origin of the word "Slav" coming from the word for slaves - at the present time, it is not considered scientific and has long been recognized as erroneous, or even deliberately Slavophobic. The birthplace of this terminology is the ERE. In the Early Middle Ages, in the so-called Medieval Greek, the word "σκλάβος" (read as "sklavos" - "slave") appeared. Further - from the ERE and Medieval Greek, this word found its way to Medieval Latin (and from there to Medieval French) - the official, as well as international legal, political, commercial, and scientific language of Western Europe. Moreover, in different languages, it appears in different timelines. In accordance with Webster's Dictionary, the word appears in English only in the 14th century, while Webster gives an etymological origin of the basis of the premise of this stream of Slavic slaves dating back to the 10th century, specifically during the reign of Henry the Fowler and Otto I, therefore moot and chronologically off by several centuries. Thus, the direct appearance of these words in Western European languages, for reasons allegedly of the abundant trade in Slavic slaves, is excluded. Since the word has a clearly traceable and understandable history. And it did not arise in the West, but in ERE. The word for “slave” in Medieval Greek derives from the Greek verb skyleúo - meaning “to get spoils of war”, the first-person singular of which looks like skyláo. This etymology is established thanks to the following sources: F. Kluge, Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. 1881/1989/2002, siehe Sklave: “... zu gr. skyleuein, skylan, V. zu gr. Skylon ", Gerhard Köbler, Deutsches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, 1995, Sektion "Slaven" and Daniel Scholten, Deutsch für Dichter und Denker: Unsere Muttersprache in neuem Licht, Sklave und Slawe “. Thus, it is proven that the Greek word "sklav", "slave" - comes from the abovementioned Med. Greek word, the original meaning of which was "seized in war".This etymology, and Georg Korth’s "Zur Etymologie des Wortes 'Slavus' (Sklave)" refutes the premise that the Med. Greek and modern Western word for “slave” derived from the self-name of the Slavs. This etymology is furthered by Korth Georg, Friedrich Kluge, Gerhard Kobler, and Daniel Scholten (and Grimm’s German Dictionary). Furthermore, it turns out that the "Slavs" and all these numerous Western European "sklavas" are only homonyms. There are innumerable examples of such consonant coincidences (both within the same languages, and between words from different languages). This is a fairly common occurrence, especially among Indo-European languages. Thus, in the ERE, a new word was found and associated with the verb that means "to seize trophies of war", which was from then on used to denote slaves. At the same time, the previous word for slave, which previously meant slaves, was repurposed to denote indentured serfs attached to the land they’ve toiled.
@lorincszabo2452 4 года назад
Avars = Huns
@Hunfootball 3 года назад
Avars=Huns=Hungarians=Scythians=UFO's. :)) Just kidding.
@lorincszabo2452 3 года назад
@@Hunfootball Geographical names specify where they were and were in a position to afford - even today many names remain. Tigris,zab etc. river, Cities:Uruk,Arpad, Hierosolyma /Hero falcon / today it is called Jerusalem, Avaris egypt etc. Mesopotamia ,Russian country etc. - lots of Hungarian names. Szabir, Hun, Scythita, Magyar etc. are many, many names for this people.
@ninoc3101 15 дней назад
02:00 Sirmiums name today is Sremska Mitrovica and you have placed it on the map too far NW.
@ozandemirkan09 Год назад
somebody say me? are avars türk or Mongol ?
@Buydaa.M 3 месяца назад
@devvv4616 4 года назад
they connected to the avars in caucasus? the one khabib belongs to loll
@adamgreen8590 3 года назад
Is khabib an Avar? Are they european white or?
@hawahidayah9688 3 года назад
he is an Avar
@adamgreen8590 3 года назад
@@hawahidayah9688 Are Avar Persian?
@hawahidayah9688 3 года назад
@@adamgreen8590 im not too sure.. but he’s a caucasion avar
@TheStatisfiedOne 3 года назад
@@adamgreen8590 no they are a Turkic but they also absorbed some Persians from khorasan region into they’re khaganate l
@reperreper7005 Год назад
@@adamgreen8590 not
@Hunfootball 4 года назад
This is so funny. Poor Romanians think they are Dacians... It was 5-600 years after the Dacian times when Hungarians arrived and settled down, the whole folk, with 500k people in Transylvania...Before them so did the Avars, the Gepids, the Huns and other nations... There were no Dacians then for sure.
@gokhan2970 Месяц назад
@gotasification 10 месяцев назад
Stingy was their invention
@romaniaplus 5 лет назад
Yeah, sure, no ancestor of Romanians those times. Only Slavic, Avars, Gepids, and so on. What sources did you use to sustain that Avars settled people from Empire in Transylvania? I don't know a single one to state something like this. Thank you!
@svs8328 5 лет назад
There is no source on the ancestors of the romanians. He is not the only one who doesn't mention them, in fact offically there is not even a theory on this. Is not it wierd to you?
@romaniaplus 5 лет назад
@@svs8328 No, it is not weird at all. I will briefly display the Romanian point of view. In 106 aD, after the war between Dacians and the Romans led by Trajan, the area was incorporated in the Empire. A large number of imperial colonists flooded the newly conquered region and intense economic development started under Roman rules and regulations. The province of Dacia was defended by many roman legions. Renamed for his salt and gold mines, for his horses, sheep, and grains, the province prospered. After the 106 war, about 60% of the old Dacian Kingdom was left outside of the Empire (mainly the Moldovian and the eastern part of Wallachia). There were sporadic incursions of the free Dacians inside the province but they ended in defeats. More or less, until around 250 aD, the development continued. Please note that it passed time for almost 7 generations, enough to solidify a social structure and a solid system of taxation. The province had a numerous Latin speaking population. It was this time when goths started their attacks. Their aggressive actions, combined with other military problems of the Empire, led to the abandon of the province Dacia in 271, a decision imposed by the emperor Aurelian to ease the defense on the Danube line. This is the key point. In the documents, it is stated that army, administration, and population was moved south of the Danube river. But the historians agree that the retreat did not imply the movement of the majority of the rural populations. A significant part of the peasants chose to continue in their villages inside the densely forested areas of Transylvania. Those are the descendants of the Dacians who also keep their lands while another part of Dacians retreated north when the war was lost. There are no writing sources about this, it is just common sense. Goths are the new conquerors, then Huns and Avars. All those new rulers were interested in obtaining their tribute as high as it was possible and not to kill or remove the natives. Unfortunately, history did not keep those stories. You see, Greeks disappeared for centuries but nobody can deny the fact that they continue in Greece. Also, the Slavic populations conquered Balkans and imposed their language before melting between the locals. Hungarians did the same in Pannonia. Did you see the pattern? A nation was defined by language and grow in defined territories. It is simply the case of Romanians, too. There were too many migrations and wars in the area who simply did not allow to Romanian's ancestors to build a strong state and army. Probably they were placed in a position of tributary population and that is the reason they were not mentioned in the history of that time. Thank you for your time.
@gcrecords1731 4 года назад
@@romaniaplus roman empires was destryoed by attila the huns and germans,,,,, is remaine only bizantines in anatolia the avars kazak uyghur is tribe of roma gypsy turkhis iranians farsy and indic roma was mamluk kipcak of iran ghaznavids mix uyghur ghurides in delhy sultanates with punjaby sikh the avar kazak .is fights with bizantine 2 times but theyy was assimilated by other kipcak tribe bolgar kipcak bulaan king. iran is in border with caucasus kazakstan and azery turkhis iranics kazak
@Hunfootball 4 года назад
LOL, because Dacians were nowhere then, for 500 years. Avars, Gepidg, Hun SETTLED down. There were no Dacians. Only in Romanians' mind... Romanian history is a joke.
@ahmetberkayozturk795 5 лет назад
All hail Nomadic and Turkic Tribes from Turkey
@beambooi6431 5 лет назад
They weren't from Turkey. They where from Inner Asia. And they weren't truly Turkic. They where Rouran Xianbei. Turkic people didn't exist back then.
@ahmetberkayozturk795 5 лет назад
@@beambooi6431 Ok then I m from Turkey and ı was said Salute From Turkey
@beambooi6431 5 лет назад
Ahmet Berkay ÖZTÜRK oh ok i thought you where saying they where from turk never mind
@terrificsoprano5025 5 лет назад
@@beambooi6431 lol butthurt, they were turkic speaker. They had run away from Turkic Khagan with knowing themselves relative to Turkic Khagan. Moreover, Rourans destroyed by Gokturks. Bumin and Istemi kicked their asses with the permission of Tengri. Turkic people are in the world since 3000 BC. I'm from Altai Republic. Our brothers who Ottoman Turks fucked Europe for 550 years, that's why you have a butthurt against them. Hail with the power of Tengri, from the mainland of the Turks, Altai.
@maerd2003 4 года назад
Avars were the actual enemy of Turkic Empire back then. Turkey it is taught as Turkic Empires enemy was China but on the contrary, Chinese were quite friendly towards Turks, even during Tang dynasty. Avars and Heptalites, on the other hand, were chased deep into the Europe.
@fawzimahmud8390 2 года назад
@romaniaplus 5 лет назад
Where are my replies to SVS???
@svs8328 5 лет назад
I saw your comment about vlachs: "I will breafly explain..." That was fair enough, and I currently have no counter argument for that, since I am not that informed on vlachs, so I did not reply.
@romaniaplus 5 лет назад
@@svs8328 Thank you for your honest point. I would mention, though, that Vlachs are not the same population with Romanians. Today, in Bulgaria, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece, and Albania there are some compact communities of Vlachs, people who speak a Latin based language, the closest to Romanian but still hard to be understood. I believe that those people can be the descendants of the old Moesia (mainly romanized Thracians or Imperial colonists from the south of the Danube). History tends to define ALL the Latin speakers with the same root. Check this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walhaz. Thank you one more time and have a great day!
@shaldanshimpanze9719 16 дней назад
Avars were proven to be Mongols through DNA studies
@viewerfact6677 4 года назад
Avars are descendants of the nomadic Mongols. they are non-indigenous in the Caucasus. they mingled with the local Caucasian tribes that had already disappeared and changed slightly in appearance. but there are certainly signs of Asians such as Rasul Gamzatov. look at the cheekbones of Khabib Nurmagomedov. they have C in dna
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
@@scourgeofgodattila3827 kopyala yapıştır aktar
@runeterrahikayeleri 2 года назад
@@kaldirdimgobegi ez hahahhs
@dorjbayar1286 2 года назад
You are right.
@timuraktolga5698 5 лет назад
Avars of Panonia were Mongolic people descending from Ruan-Ruan and Xianbei.
@svs8328 5 лет назад
@svs8328 5 лет назад
@Tony Montana no u
@terrificsoprano5025 5 лет назад
Lol not
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@guzelataroach4450 5 лет назад
I hate horse nomads
@svs8328 5 лет назад
Why your name is mongol?
@JM-nm3bg 5 лет назад
@@svs8328 I thin he's being sarcastic, nobody hates horse nomads :P
@bogdanstanescu9990 5 лет назад
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
No, Avars.
@bogdanstanescu9990 5 лет назад
@@quillinkhistory9539 Ooooo! Yes!
@hannibalbarca2928 4 года назад
@@bogdanstanescu9990 Imagebooks.google.com.tr › books The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies, Jeffreys-Haldon-Cormack, ... Oxford University Press · 2008 · History ... in their efforts to flee the approaching Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were ...
@bogdanstanescu9990 4 года назад
@@hannibalbarca2928 I know, it was a joke to my Hungarian friends! :)
@Hunfootball 4 года назад
@@quillinkhistory9539 Romanins think only Hungarians can say that there were no Dacians in Transylvania in that time. Because they really think that Romanians are descendents of Dacians and Romans... (Beacuse they liked each other too.) But it's impossible according to this vid.
@AlptheSpearo Месяц назад
Turkic 🐺
@numenoreaneternity6682 2 года назад
The Avar state has never extended south of the Danube and was limited solely to the Pannonian Basin. Furthermore, the Avars were initially weaponized as Roman allies against the Sclavenes and the Antes during the reign of Tiberius, as Menander Protector states: "(...) About the fourth year of the reign of Caesar Tiberius Constantine, some hundred thousand Slavs broke into Thrace and pillaged that and many other regions. As Greece was being laid waste by the Slavs, with trouble liable to flare up anywhere, and as Tiberius had at his disposal by no means sufficient forces, he sent a delegation to the Khagan of the Avars. (...)". For the first 20 or so years after their arrival to Europe, they were Rome's ally and would betray it only in the 580s.
@عليياسر-ذ5ب Год назад
Damn, how do the Avars control the Slavs, and they are hundreds of thousands, as the Romans say
@numenoreaneternity6682 Год назад
The Avar state has only governed over the Slavs in the Pannonian Basin - the Pannonian Basin, whereas the majority of the Slavs, the Sclavenes, and the Antes, were sovereign entities, based on the Roman primary well of information, the Sclavenes, and the Antes were the Slavs of the Lower Danube, whereas the Pannonian Wends were the Slavs of the Upper Danube.
@BOIOLA08 11 месяцев назад
They controled/governed directly or indirectly much more than the pannonian basin. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pannonian_Avars#/media/File%3AAvar_Khaganate_Map_602.png
@stefanalexandrucojocaru1789 9 месяцев назад
Not Greeks my friend, but Romans and this land at south of Danube are populated by tracians which language was very close with Latin, at this time Easter Roman empire was still latine because the tracians lands was not conquer by slavs, after the lost of the tracians lands
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@beambooi6431 5 лет назад
Thank you for making a video on the subject. The pannonian Avars are an extremely interesting and underrated topic
@veronicalogotheti1162 4 месяца назад
Pannonians are not avars
@saw7191 5 лет назад
Why does this have 500 views? It needs much more!
@SladkaPritomnost 5 лет назад
It's always like this Great warlike folks Settle down, Adopt farming, Failed to other warlike folks... Circle goes on and on...
@paulrevere8335 5 лет назад
It began to change after gunpowder, right?
@SladkaPritomnost 5 лет назад
@@paulrevere8335 good spot
@utvara1 4 года назад
@@paulrevere8335 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-P78Zd8265_k.html this is what changed.
@cra1027 2 года назад
Avars were Turks also
@pavolkrajcovic745 5 лет назад
In my country (Slovakia) are many avar artefacts... Near today Devinska nova ves is large cemetery. Very interesting fact is that they even in some cases (but not many) had elongated skulls,like Huns. Archeologists proved this.
@Simi822 5 лет назад
fun fact, till today not a SINGLE Slav artifact or other thing was found in our bellowed Bratislava...the last found (which Kotlebaris people was awaiting to prove the Slav presence) was a Old Magyar...but fak history is the Slovak thing....ze bratu, inac z dnesneho hladiska pozerat na tuto dobu vyvraca vsetko co nam Komunisti nakrmili
@Ouzconqueror 5 лет назад
@@Simi822 Slav ? There is no nation as slav or rus thats it..They are Turkified Nomads on west europe..They came and merge with Kuman Kypcaks..The real slav nation like neandartels big bone big faced imagine it.. not kidding..They Turkifed with genes and mix..so today they look bit more humanic HAHA..Rus nation maded by % 70 Kumans % 15 mongols % 15 auropen nomad neandartels.
@woptiomko 4 года назад
@@Simi822 What is Devín/Dowina then? :D Máš veľké medzery ale stále si si istý bludami, ktoré šíriš :D
@woptiomko 4 года назад
@@Simi822 S náckami nesympatizujem, ďakujem :) Vidím, že tvoje vyjadrovanie je na úrovni tvojej informovanosti. Skús si niečo naštudovať, prečítať, ísť sa tam pozrieť, lebo tieto výplody čo púšťaš do éteru sú aj na nevzdelaného človeka priveľa :)
@gergalyn 4 года назад
Dear Pavol! I went to many places during the summer and noticed the subtitles were not in Hungarian. This will be misleading for posterity, as 30% of the Hungarian mediation language and vocabulary are still unknown. I see you are thinking logically. The castle of Devin was strategically impregnable.
@gegagegov8715 5 лет назад
Again a brilliant video! This channel deserves to be much more popular!
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Happy to hear that you liked it Gega! :)
@_Jebb_ 4 года назад
I live very near to what used to be Sirmium, you can still visit the old Roman ruins
@multivitamin425 4 года назад
super reklama
@andreiode8712 3 года назад
Fun fact khabib nurmagomedov (UFC champion) is an avar. No wonder why all dagestanians athlete in combat sport are well known for their spirit and bravery. Great vid...thanks sir 👍 Great vid...thanks.
@artur6040 2 года назад
Thanks I too avar
@NubiansNapata 2 года назад
Ancient avars looked nothing like khabib...In order to shed light on the genetic affinity of above groups we have determined Y chromosomal haplogroups and autosomal loci, suitable to predict biogeographic ancestry, from 49 individuals, supposed to represent the power/military elit. Haplogroups from the Hun-age are consistent with Xiongnu ancestry of European Huns. Most of the Avar-age individuals carry east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations and their autosomal loci indicate mostly un-admixed Asian characteristics.
@Lord_Genghis_Khan 5 месяцев назад
@@NubiansNapata lol siberians and buryats has nothing to do with avars and y haplogroups arent for one ethnicity. Basically avars were absorbed by hungarians who came from magna hungaria ural speaking nomads. Avars were made of 2 groups in Hephalithes when Gokturks destroyed hephalithes aka white huns these 2 tribes had to migrate to west through eurasian steppes. For Gokturks they were pseudo avars which had nothing common with rourans aka juan juans in chinese which their sources doesnt show anything if juan juans had to migrate they had to be assimilated either went to east during Turkic Khaganates. Rourans were early medieval mongols a succesor people of xianbeis who are discussed to be tungusic or mongolian. But xiongnu has devoured donghus who are ancestors of these people aka xianbei during when Han dynasty wasnt published yet. Xiongnus are formed by a wave of scythians migrating to western mongolia mixing with slab grave carrier ancient northeastern people which are proto mongols or tungus. Xiongnu had united rest of the scythians and empire was spreading from manchuria to caspian sea where scythians lived. Scythians werent assimilated because they are whom created Xiongnu people. The people on west after the collapse of empires like xiongnu and xianbei became the huns known by europeans in fact they are scythians who has been under xiongnu rule and thus became known as huns. Huns exactly emerged from around caspian sea not anywhere else who are also huns like xiongnu of east but carrying very little slab grave heredity. those huns were also became hephalithes in time who were pannonian avars or pseudo avars from. Turks called them apars also their khaganate rulers named turkic names like Bayan Kağan. This all makes sense when you acknowledge the fact that cultures like afanesievo, sintastha, andronovo are in fact non indo european and not coming from yamnaya culture or corded ware which is not also yamnaya succesor but pre indo european people of europe. I mean southern italians greeks and iranians carry J2 y-DNA haplogroup can you tell who came from whom? No because its not how you point peoples ethnicity based on this. Turkmens, Yeniseians and Amerindians carry Q haplogroup now Turkmens are common with amerindians? NO. Ydna Haplogroups formed way back when nations ethnicities didnt exist like 27.000 years ago. North Eastern? you mean tungusic or yakut or paleo siberian speaking? Because none are same and has no same haplogroup with steppe people though Yakuts are Turkic people being neo siberians who came much after paleosiberian hunter gatherers. Caucasian avars has also nothing to do with pannonian avars neither rourans.
@NubiansNapata 5 месяцев назад
@@Lord_Genghis_Khan Not only y Haplogroup groups also autosomal, Genome. It's a genetic fact
@mohicantheluststar2550 4 месяца назад
@@Lord_Genghis_Khanavars looked like people from todays mongolia ! Mixed with german and slav tribes later !
@RandomBestEdits 7 месяцев назад
Avars were mongols that they came from rourans who were proto mongols
@SuperGreatSphinx 5 лет назад
That is no country for old men. The young In one another's arms, birds in the trees - Those dying generations - at their song, The salmon‐falls, the mackerel‐crowded seas, Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long Whatever is begotten, born, and dies. Caught in that sensual music all neglect Monuments of unageing intellect. An aged man is but a paltry thing, A tattered coat upon a stick, unless Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing For every tatter in its mortal dress, Nor is there singing school but studying Monuments of its own magnificence; And therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium. O sages standing in God's holy fire As in the gold mosaic of a wall, Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre, And be the singing‐masters of my soul. Consume my heart away; sick with desire And fastened to a dying animal It knows not what it is; and gather me Into the artifice of eternity. Once out of nature I shall never take My bodily form from any natural thing, But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make Of hammered gold and gold enamelling To keep a drowsy Emperor awake; Or set upon a golden bough to sing To lords and ladies of Byzantium Of what is past, or passing, or to come.
@kaloarepo288 5 лет назад
Is this poem by W.B.Yeats?
@SuperGreatSphinx 5 лет назад
@mattmc9812 Год назад
I thought they were all asians like huns mongols and the magyars
@vuhdeem 5 лет назад
Famous Avars, Habib Nurmagomedov
@supergalo4135 4 года назад
habib is turkish ✊👆
@mmaarulav925 4 года назад
@@supergalo4135 i avar , and khabib is not turkic ,he is coucasian avar
@wolk7301 4 года назад
Caucasian Avars are not Mongol Turkish Avars. Different ethnicities.
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Wolf Borz they are the same. They lost they’re history when moved to Dagestan. They only mixed with native caucasians and some iranians. That’s why they are not full mongol anymore and they speak a different language
@wolk7301 4 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne You should check the Avar DNA, which is found only in north-east Caucasus, among other ethnic eastern-caucasians like the Lezgin, Dargwa etc, and the Chechens. It is a DNA that has been for at least 11 thousand years in the Caucasus, with the same DNA found on an old skeleton in modern Georgia. They are typically North-East Caucasians, their language is the product of a slow evolution of a typically North-Eastern Caucasian language, and the name Avar only comes from the Russians.
@pofigpofig4770 4 года назад
Avars came to the lands of the modern Caucasus and today live there, for example, Khabib Nurmagomedov (from the UFC) is also an Avar. But historically, the Avars mixed with the indigenous Caucasian tribes that had already disappeared, and after that the Avars mixed with other indigenous peoples a little changed in appearance. Initially, the Avars looked completely like Mongols. But even nowadays, one can often notice the Mongoloid origin of the Avars who live in Dagestan, for example, Khabib Nurmagomedov, his cheekbones are Asian. Another example, Rasul Gamzatov is also an Avar, but it is difficult to distinguish him from the Mongol.
@user-oz2lecle3b 2 года назад
Khabib is a pur caucasian he have nothing from mongolianl Caucasian characteristic is: Among the features that served to distinguish this Caucasoid anthropological variant: a massive physique, height above average, large dimensions of the length and especially the transverse diameter of the head, a colossal width of the face, a highly developed superciliary, a very strongly developed development of the hairline, development towards depigmentation (primarily, lightening ). eye), a number of signs of the facial
@AlexS-oj8qf Год назад
Sounds like Nazi propaganda lol
@anda134 Год назад
Khabib’s modern Avars and the historical Pannonian Avars are unrelated different groups bearing the same name.
@stefankatsarov5806 Год назад
@@user-oz2lecle3b Avars might not be mongol. Central Asia was home to many diferent groups of people.
@ProfessorOFanthropology979 Год назад
Not the same group, they share the same name through coincidence
@avarinternational6409 Год назад
*Аvars live in the Caucasus mountains!*
@lt419 2 года назад
Avars were Mongols, just like the Huns were Mongols.
@Toktobay987 2 года назад
avars and huns both are turkic
@jvx5321 5 месяцев назад
Mongols don't have balls to mix with cacasoid people nor can survive linguistically and genetically outside their comfort zone, this is not their way and its historical facts and people didnt accept them, only Turkics allowed them to live with them that's why they got assimilated into Turkic population all over the place, no hate to my mongol brothers/sisters
@orhanturkoglu1982 2 года назад
To ho says that avars are not Turkic people look at avars picture and then talk they come from dagestan wich where Azerbeycan speaking and the meaning dagestan is turkic dag mountain and estan is in persian
@stanvanev109 Год назад
Pseudo - Avars, also known in the history as Varchonitai have nothing to do with the Caucasian Maarulali, known as the Caucasian Avars. The Caucasian Avars speak Northeast Caucasian language, not Turkic. Totally different people. Oghuzes and other oghuzic turkic tribes came to the region much much later.
@szilardkatona1090 5 лет назад
Some scientist say, that avar tribes were the first wave of hungarians, but it is just a theory.
@svs8328 5 лет назад
@@szilardkatona1090 Not really. Avar means dried out leaves, the soil of the forest called avar in hungarian, so definetly has nothing to do with steppe.
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Szilárd Katona hungarians today is a slavic nation mostly. The avars got lost when fully assimilated with the many more majority of slavs. The hungarians today have nothing in common with the avars, atleast 90% of them
@mindigboldogorakatmutat2922 4 года назад
Dear Don Jon. what slavs? you're lost. a lot of things you don't know. stupid foreign people rewrite the history. that's a lot of textbook. look after the Hungarian archaeology. Hungarian is a very ancient carpathian pool of language...... Hun(g) arya
@jivanselbi3657 4 года назад
one thing is sure that is both Magyars and Avars long before migrating to Central Europe were living next to each other in Central Asia..with Turkic Kaganates
@combatantezoteric2965 4 года назад
Szekely from Romania may be the descendants of Avars. They have a lot of Asian DNA unlike Romanian and Hungarians.
@ThisisBarris 5 лет назад
Awesome stuff Quill! A great video for a great collab.
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Many Thx Barris! :)
@KimseKimsesiz1948 3 года назад
They were Turkic tribe originally from nowadays Mongolia who have taken the name of a Mongolian tribe in order to have their fame and their aura, the blessing linked to the name but instead of attacking China they've moved to the west until nowadays Central Europe steppe... Khagan is a Turkic title which means the Khan of the khans so in English the king of the kings=>so a Khagan is an İmperor
@adammaniac1904 2 года назад
@Toktobay987 2 года назад
@@adammaniac1904 they are pretty turkic
@adammaniac1904 2 года назад
@@Toktobay987 no
@maksmaksimus4237 2 года назад
@@Toktobay987 тюрки произошли от авар
@dorjbayar1286 2 года назад
They were Rouran people. These Avars are Mongolian Rouran people. A German and a French scientist finally deciphered two Rouran stone writings, and proved Rouran language is closest to modern Khalkha Mongol language. In the writings, Rourans wrote "how they are paying tribute new colonist Turks". After many years drought 1530s, some Rourans fled to Europe. Look at their names: Chagan, Batbayan - even these names are popular these days among Mongolians.
@cold928 Год назад
Greetings to all of you, I am AVAR, if there are descendants of Avar here please write to me!!!!
@justanordinaryfreak 5 месяцев назад
Hello, I'm avar too
@nukhetyavuz 3 месяца назад
i suspect that my moms side goes back (among other turks )to the avars...
@ШершеньЛинолеумный 3 месяца назад
🤣video about the Avars, the ancient Mongolian people, and not about the Avars from Caucasus.
@petmop1309 5 лет назад
they are my cousins,im magyar(hungarian)
@mindigboldogorakatmutat2922 4 года назад
We are Hungarian. We are sabír, massageta, alan, avar, hun, magyar, heftalita
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Amon Ra the avars are originally heptalites people who where turkic Huns. They later absorbed some kutigurs and onogurs into they’re nation to fight against gokturks.
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Mindig boldog órákat mutat today Hungarians are slavic/romans. They have nothing to do with the Avars today.
@mindigboldogorakatmutat2922 4 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne you are idiot.....
@gcrecords1731 4 года назад
@Lethean yes the magyars is kazak tribes arpad turkhis iranics
@ColonelNachos 3 года назад
"bane of Byzantium" also know as literally everyone both in and around Byzantium
@papazataklaattiranimam 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@byambaakay 5 месяцев назад
Do you Turks madly want all Mongolian history? 😂😂
@byambaakay 5 месяцев назад
Recent Analysis of DNA extracted from the remains of 66 Avars found in Hungary has provided evidence that they originated in what is now Mongolia.
@alecpayne18 5 лет назад
Great video, as you the avars even reached spain in their german alliance! Fascinating...
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
What do mean with that the Avars reached Spain?
@alecpayne18 5 лет назад
@@quillinkhistory9539 Oh, I was thinking of the Alans actually.
@elbentos7803 3 года назад
The alans have been romans mercenaires/auxiliarii for quite a long time (even fought against huns at the Catalaunian plains) and have been settled in western Gaul along with sarmatians as "taifals". These taifals survived well into merovingian times as they slowly assimilated in larger gaulish/roman/frankish society.
@antoinelambert938 5 лет назад
The bane of byzantium... that became a nation due to byzantium underdeeds and politics.
@dorjbayar1286 3 года назад
The word Khagan is used the first time by Toba Mongols in the 3-rd century. Before Huns and Xianbei used chanuy to refer their kings. These Avars are Mongolian Rouran people. A German and a French scientist finally deciphered two Rouran stone writings, and proved Rouran language is closest to modern Khalkha Mongol language. In the writings, Rourans wrote "how they are paying tribute new colonist Turks". After losing their motherland, some Rourans fled to Europe. Look at their names: Chagan, Batbayan - even these names are popular these days among Mongolians.
@hamzaalmdghri8741 3 года назад
Chanyou Chinese title, but they used the title Khan
@user-gy5er6wh2j 3 года назад
I wouldn't say "Mongol" the Mongols where created by uniting different ethnic groups into a single entity, after Chigis Khan's time. You can never really pinpoint a nomadic society to a specific ethnic group. Most of the Steppe nomadic societies where a multiethnic confederation, and this applys for the Avars as well. The elites and early Avars are genetically related to Buryats, and Yenisei people rather than proto-mongols, but they where a part of the early Avars as a minority group not as the primary influence.
@hamzaalmdghri8741 3 года назад
@@user-gy5er6wh2j Indian American are proto mongol
@user-gy5er6wh2j 3 года назад
@@hamzaalmdghri8741 they're related but, developed earlier and are a separate group. They are Yeniseian.
@kaldirdimgobegi 3 года назад
the nomadic group under whose influence the slavs fell were the avars,one of the fiercest of the turkic peoples to emerge from the asian steppes,who had left a trail of destruction from as far afield as books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=UmsbAAAAYAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Turkic (Harvard University Press) ‘In the third century A.D., Asiatic Huns replaced the Goths and were in turn conquered by Turkic Avars in the sixth century.’ www.lexico.com/definition/avar Turkic-Avar pieces www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gepids other option to discuss is a historical and cultural - but not linguistic - continuity; this would imply a language shift from the Mongolic-speaking Rourans to the Turkic-speaking Avars at some point of their history. In parallel, both disciplines suggest that at least some of the European Avars were of Eastern Asian ancestry, but neither linguistic nor genetic evidence provides sufficient support for a specific connection between the Avars and the Asian Rourans. www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4CBA0E2CB74C8093EC1CA38C95067D55/S2513843X20000183a_hi.pdf/_div_class__title__Early_nomads_of_the_Eastern_Steppe_and_their_tentative_connections_in_the_West__div_.pdf You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.] I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_Correspondence#King_Joseph's_reply Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples (Avars, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs) arrived. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Exile The Avars, a Turkic people from Central Asia, entered. link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-137-04817-2_8.pdf Avars, a Turkic nomadic power which, like the Huns two centuries earlier, were in the process of establishing a vast steppe empire. books.google.com.tr/books?id=liFKua_cWL8C&pg=PA254&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGpdv9joTrAhVspYsKHUdAAwUQ6AEIODAC (Oxford University Press) Avars (known as Obri in Rus’chronicles and Abaroi or Varchonitai in Byzantine sources). A large union of Turkic tribes. www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CV%5CAvars.htm The extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghurbranch of the Turkic language family. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Avar UAR (redirected from Turkish Avars) www.thefreedictionary.com/Turkish+Avars the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars, probably belonging to the Oghur branch of the Turkic language family www.yourdictionary.com/avar as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russian_Federation#Pre-Slavic_inhabitants books.google.com.tr/books?id=Y4ntDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg8s3Kj4TrAhULAxAIHX4ECecQ6AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=&f=false (California University Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=wEF5oN5erE0C&pg=PA27&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATABegQIARAI#v=onepage&q=&f=false (University of Michigan Press) books.google.com.tr/books?id=LACpYP-g1y8C&pg=PA1&dq=&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JqBkITrAhXVBhAIHYIRAr44ChDoATAJegQIARA9#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Rutgers University Press) *Danube used by a large number of Turkic peoples - including Huns, Avars,Bulgars,Cumans.[9] *9-The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelth Century(University of Michigan Press)-Page 25 the Turkic Avars (6th cent.) www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/places/baltic-cis/countries/russia/history The Avars were probably Turkic www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks Avars a large tribal alliance in which Turkic-speaking tribes played a major role. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Avars The Avars were probably Turkic; they and the Magyars certainly had adopted the Turkic tribal organization when they appeared in www.factmonster.com/encyclopedia/social-science/cultures/other/turks It is relevant to note that none of the Hungarian medieval sources know about Avars, presumably because they were not distinguished from the Huns [2], as many foreign medieval sources also identified Avars with the Huns [3]. Subsequent East-West migrations are connected to Göktürk, Kipchak and Mongolian groups, but these could have insignificant effect on the Conquerors as mostly arrived after the 10th century, moreover most Turkic loanwords in Hungarian originate from West Old Turkic [79], the Oghur Turkic branch associated with previous Turkic speaking groups as Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars and maybe the Avars. www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/250688v1.full.pdf Turkic Avars (VIth cent.). www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/r/russia_6.shtml The Avars and Bulgarians were both Turkic peoples at first. kids.kiddle.co/Byzantine_Empire Christianity spread from the Germanic west and began to take roots in the region soon after the defeat of the Turkish avars (796). www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/czech-republic-catholic-church Turkic Avars (6th cent.). www.encyclopedia.com/places/commonwealth-independent-states-and-baltic-nations/cis-and-baltic-political-geography/agin various groups of Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes: first the Avars www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mongols-conquer-empire-opening-trade-and-communication-between-east-and-west Their organization was of the Turkictype, and they are probably of Turkic ( possibly Avar) stock. www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/szekely when the Turkic Avars passed through northern Caucasia. www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/anthropology-and-archaeology/people/avars Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, and Oghuz www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/turks The 6th century historian Menandros Protektor states that the language spoken by the Avars is the same as that of the Huns. Assuming that language is one of the factors determining the origin, it can be argued that the Avars were a part of the Oghur Turks. [36]
@RPM1776 5 лет назад
You need a lot of subscriber
@mzp75 4 года назад
I just found this series about pannonia and find it really interesting! However, the painting used at 7:05 onwards is Munkacsi Mihaly's "Honfoglalás", which depicts the "Taking of the land" by Árpád, the leader of the united Magyar tribes, not Attila or any other Hun. Just mentioning.
@thetruechaby 3 года назад
Also, the painting shown between 6:39 and 6:44 depicts Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers (Tours), all the while talking about Charlemagne.
@Ouzconqueror 5 лет назад
Avars are mixed Nomad warriors Under Turkic kağans and commanders lead..% 95 of Turkic folkloric and cultured kingdoom..But they are fully united mix warriors..Just Elites mostly Turk..Army-battlefield tactics..wepons culture = Turkic..On ancient or passt you cannot find any kingdoom which not effected by Turkic goverment army systems
@Ouzconqueror 5 лет назад
@Tony Montana Fake Turks from Turkey ? Ok listen carefully then seacrh it.. Anatolian Turks = One of the Turkic and islam country/Kingdoom..NOT even lose their Freedom 1 second versus any invader or imperials..They end their OWN kingdoom themself and rebuilt one..Seljuks to Ottoman Ottoman To Turkey..Bla bla to Bla bla..The asian Turks or African islam countrys whatever you cound..EVERY single of them..Ruled by China-Russia or other imperials like 100 year to 500 year..Most of them even got their freedom after 1990 ish..So fake TUrks ? Turkey Turks one of the best Geneom as TURKS..Every Turkic Tribes mix in our wings..They fleed mongols come to us..fleed china come to us..Fleed russia come to us..Yes we are mixed but with REST of Turkic ppls..= We still Rock you are still SUCK..
@terrificsoprano5025 5 лет назад
@Tony Montana Where are you from? If you are not blonde, you are not real European. You need to meet with Yamnaya genetic firstly.
@Dravidian93gangster 4 года назад
Avars are dagestani like khabib they have haplogroup j1
@gcrecords1731 4 года назад
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
G&C RECORDS avars are turkic onoguric chuvash people
@gcrecords1731 4 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne mix yes in hun empires they asimilated all caucas in one army huns kazak kipcak the bolgars was kipcak the same volga bolgar
@stanvanev109 Год назад
I do not know from where did you get the sources for the story of the avars, but you made a few historical and chronological mistakes in this video. So it is good for you to learn something from the history of the Bulgarians. 1 mistake - in 6:09 you say in the video that : " In 635 AD the avars were defeated by the newly upcoming Bulgars" Bulgars, dear friend, inhabited the lands between the Carpathian Mountains and the river Silys ( presend day Don river ) long before the arrival of the Avars from the land above Varazud( the land which the Romans called Transoxiana). So your statement about " newly upcoming Bulgars is absolutely wrong. Probably you are from Western Europe and you are missing a lot of historical facts about this region. Therefore may be you have never heard about the Bulgar wars with the Goths in Thrace. Since 472 AD Emperor Zeno had great troubles after the revolt of Theodoric Strabo, the leader of the thracian goths. Around 480 AD Theodoric Strabo and Theodoric the Great united their forces against the Eastern Roman empire and Emperor Zeno was in big trouble. in 480 AD he asked for help for first time the Bulgars to fight against Theodoric Strabo. Bulgars were defeated by Theodoric Strabo in 481 AD, but his army was not enough to besiege Constantinople, because of the heavy losses in his 30 000 men army. On his retreat to Greece, he fell from the horse and died. Another source from 507 AD is the Panegyric for Theodoric the Great written by Magnus Felix Enodius. There you can read about a battle which was around 486 AD: " But what I am to do, overwhelmed by the fecund fruits of your achievements, when in trying to choose I am overpowered by them all. I do not know which crop to carry into silos, which to leave behind. The leader of the Bulgars appeared before my eyes. He is lying stretched out, while your right hand strech liberty; not dead, lest he be lost from our recollection, not whole lest he live boastingly, tamed amongst an untameable race, condemmed to live as a withness to your strenght. Had he recieved the death blow, you would conquer only him! This is the ethnos that before your arrival achieved all that it wanted; in which he who secured his rank by slaughtering his enemies gained honours; the battlefield establishes their birthright, because he whose weapon turns bloodier in combat is undoubtedly regarded more hightly. Before this nation fought against you, for a long time it conducted its battles with single skirmish and had never known anyone to resist it. No massive mountains, no rivers, no need for self-deniednourishment, no law of necessity contained these people within a narrow space, as long as they believe it to be a sufficient delicacy to drink the milk of their mares...." PANEGYRICUS REGI THEODERICO by Magnus Felix Enodius written in 507 AD I can give you a lot of more sources to prove you that there is no " newly upcoming Bulgars in 635 AD 😄😄😄 but I think it is enough for the moment. So historically the Avars conquered Bulgarian lands. The avars were not attacked by " newly upcoming Bulgars! 2 mistake - In 635 Kubrat revolted against the Avars in 635 AD and he united all tribes in the region , which were under Avar yoke in one state called by the Romans - Old Great Bulgaria 3 mistake - The final blow of the Avar state came from Kanasubigi Krum, ruler of Bulgaria, when in 805 AD he defeated the remains of the Avars. At that time Frankia and Bulgaria had a common border. 4 mistake - The Magyars came 100 years after the destruction of the Avars and conquered lands in Pannonia from Bulgaria. I hope that next time you will check the sources more carefully. And it is not good to display Bulgarian armies in the Medieval pictures in the video and talking about Avars! in 4:26 this is bulgarian army! It is written above the army Βούλ in greek, short form for Βούλγαροι (VULGARI) which means Bulgarians in Greek and Latin 😆
@stanvanev109 Год назад
@SabinaDaitbeghanova Какое отношение эта хронология имеет к болгарам и их войне с готами в 480 году?
@stanvanev109 Год назад
@SabinaDaitbeghanova "Болгары это народ обьеденненый из Хуннских родоплеменн Кутриогуров Оногуры Утригуров с Аварского дословно обозначает слово бол как объедение также общий обозначает"' 🤣🤣🤣 Это не так :) У болгар, гуннов, аваров, кутригуров, оногуров нет ничего общего. Это отдельные племена. Кутригуры и оногуры присоединились к Старой Великой Булгарии, но авары были нашими врагами. И есть всякие интерпретации названия Булгари, но интерпретация чем-то отличается от истории :). А Старая Великая Болгария - это не Волга Болгарию. Старая великая Болгария была на территории сегодняшней Украины.
@stanvanev109 Год назад
@SabinaDaitbeghanova Я не полностью согласен с тем, что вы говорите. Валамирские готы также входили в состав гуннов. Но балкарцы, или как их называют Малкаарлыла, не имеют ничего общего с болгарами. Малкаарлыла говорят на кыпчатском языке и значительно позже поселились на Кавказе. В 14 веке. И кавказские авары не имеют ничего общего с паннонскими аварами. И титул Кубрата был никогда не ханом, а патрицием. Это можно прочитать на кольце, найденном среди других предметов XOBPATOY PATPIKIOY. И помните: RU-vid видео не является первоисточником ;)
@stanvanev109 Год назад
@SabinaDaitbeghanova " они заключили политический союз с булгарами-кутригурами " В 558 году 🤣🤣🤣 Вы явно отказываетесь понимать, что болгары и кутригуры - это два разных племени... Болгар - кутригуров не было до 635 года, когда была создана Старая Великая България. До этого были Българы, Кутригури, Оногури, Утигури, Савири, Авари, Анти. Ты понимаешь это? Кутригуры и Онугуры присоединились к Старой Великой Болгарии в 635 году. Ты понимаешь это?😆Вы читали Getica "De origine actibusque Getarum" ?
@stanvanev109 Год назад
@SabinaDaitbeghanova " но ты понимаешь ведь что Болгар небыло пока все три Гуннские родоплемена Кутригуров Оногуры Утригуров не воссоединились" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 это неправда :) Вы не читали ни один из первоисточников. Ваше историческое образование явно взято из видеороликов на RU-vid. Впервые булгары упоминаются в латинском анонимном хронографе в 354 годе: Ziezi ex quo Vulgares 481 год - война Българьi с Теодорихом Страбоном 🤣🤣🤣 486 год - война Българьi с Теодорихом Великим переведите это с английского: Another source from 507 AD is the Panegyric for Theodoric the Great written by Magnus Felix Enodius. There you can read about a battle which was around 486 AD: " But what I am to do, overwhelmed by the fecund fruits of your achievements, when in trying to choose I am overpowered by them all. I do not know which crop to carry into silos, which to leave behind. The leader of the Bulgars appeared before my eyes. He is lying stretched out, while your right hand strech liberty; not dead, lest he be lost from our recollection, not whole lest he live boastingly, tamed amongst an untameable race, condemmed to live as a withness to your strenght. Had he recieved the death blow, you would conquer only him! This is the ethnos that before your arrival achieved all that it wanted; in which he who secured his rank by slaughtering his enemies gained honours; the battlefield establishes their birthright, because he whose weapon turns bloodier in combat is undoubtedly regarded more hightly. Before this nation fought against you, for a long time it conducted its battles with single skirmish and had never known anyone to resist it. No massive mountains, no rivers, no need for self-deniednourishment, no law of necessity contained these people within a narrow space, as long as they believe it to be a sufficient delicacy to drink the milk of their mares...." PANEGYRICUS REGI THEODERICO by Magnus Felix Enodius written in 507 AD Где вы изучали историю? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@orphydianhistory7822 5 лет назад
While the info is rich the actual video is full of unrelated images so it gets tedious to keep someone attention.
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
I apologize, I'm mainly trying to use public domain images and there were very little available when making the video.
@meshaktidancharan Год назад
Sir, What's the meaning of the word Avar.? Did any branch of these people come to India.?
@stanvanev109 Год назад
Yes, Mihirakula, the leader of the Alchon Huns invaded the Indian Gupta empire.
@ШершеньЛинолеумный 3 месяца назад
@@stanvanev109 These were the Chionites, Iranian nomads, they have nothing in common with the Huns.
@stanvanev109 2 месяца назад
@@ШершеньЛинолеумный Do you have any idea that the Pseudo-avars were called also Uarkhon and Varchonites?
@ZS-rw4qq 11 месяцев назад
Would love to hear someone make an in-depth analysis of Slavic-Avar relations
@aokiaoki4238 5 лет назад
Avars are between the today Bulgarians
@aokiaoki4238 5 лет назад
@@yagmuralksal4762 They we're Bulgars, Cumams, Avars, Tattars, Mongols etc
@TheStatisfiedOne 4 года назад
Mike Tyson there was once a turkic nation called the bulgars, the same as chuvash, kipchak, cumans, khazars. The Name bulgar derrived from them
@dorjbayar1286 2 года назад
I always thought Avars migrated to the west because of Turk invasion like this content creator. But It is WRONG. Recently, I saw a scientific video which claims there was very bad drought years during 1530s. This drought caused Avar migration. But some Avars stayed in homeland Mongolia. When Turks met Visantynes, they never claimed these Avars are runaways from our invasion. Turks recognized them that they are same Avars who are in Mongolia, that is why they said they were supposed to be our slaves, but Turks never claimed European Avars are runaways. It proves these Avars left Mongolia before Turkic rebellion.
@rapax0413 5 лет назад
In according with some byzantine sources Avars spoke Slavic language due to intermarriages with Slavs. They didn't disappear. They are assimilated into south Slavic people of Balkans.
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Hi! I thought I made it very clear that they were assimilated into other cultural identities after the Khaganate had fallen.
@hectorvega621 5 лет назад
@Tony Montana Will find it one day, just have to wait, until then deal with their claims.
@supergalo4135 4 года назад
Actually Russians are Turkic people too because their first state was Russian Khaganate. Russian language is half turkish and thats the reason why other slavs dont understand russian. All Hail Turkic people! Great people great culture! Vladimir (Balamir in Turkish) Putin is Turkic too that's why Russia always with Turkey ✊😎 USSR was created by Turkic man Lenin (he looks Turanian and has turkic ancestors), USSR helped Turkey in 1917-1920 and removed self promoted dynasty of Romanov's!
@streunerthelinguisticlearn5506 2 года назад
@@supergalo4135 Really, really terrible linguistics I have ever read in my life.
@maximus3160 11 месяцев назад
@@supergalo4135 Nonsense!
@00MSG 5 лет назад
Very good narrating and interesting topic, the pictures however should be better researched, too many of them do not fit and are unrelated!
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Thx for the comment :) I know that several of the images used in the videos are not about the Avars but I had to use them to due to there not existing any public domain pictures on the topic.
@AwesomeSauce696969 5 лет назад
I agree. If you cant find relevant pictures just have a still image. It's too confusing
@degabreta 7 месяцев назад
The Avars (mongols group?) mixed with other peoples, especially with the Slavs. Why Slavs, e.g. Czechs hav't any trace of Asian Dna.
@GBatya 3 месяца назад
Romanians were not here. Sorry... Just, huns, avars , magyars and german tribes. evidence is DNS from graves
@d74rjm 4 года назад
Friend, you speak here of the "Carpathian basin" but you always show the Panonian territory. Attention, it's not the same thing. The picture lacks the Western Carpathians, which limits the Carpathian basin to the west. More accuracy, please.
@gcrecords1731 4 года назад
@antonbadea1447 4 года назад
No respect for accuracy of facts or places. I know time is money but then you could do what you are better prepared for. History is not a easy subject. A lot of old documents and materials have to be properly studied from various places for the best final result. Informative!
@kevthekunt5701 3 года назад
Avars live in northern west Azerbaijan now,they came from frontline korea,Jujanian people, turkic origin.i am half avar.Amazing video,thanks)
@TheStatisfiedOne 3 года назад
The avars of Dagestan are a mix of the ancient Mongolian/Turkic avars, Iranians and Caucasian Albanians. When the avars(heptalites) moved from Central Asia to khorasan they absored the Iranians into they’re khagante and then they moved northwest of Iran and absorbed Caucasian Albanians and became the avars of today.
@egyutteskalagor420 3 года назад
Hi bro' ! I am székely (sakay in english reading) from Transilvania . We are descendents of avars to. Greetings from Székely land.
@TheStatisfiedOne 3 года назад
@@egyutteskalagor420 Hungarians are Slavs mostly. Barely any Avar in today’s Hungary m
@egyutteskalagor420 3 года назад
@@TheStatisfiedOne It is a big fake! We , hungarians have nothing to do with the slavs. You make me laugh ! :) It's a biggest hair-raising theory what I've ever heard. You are from one of slavic countrys around Hungary? Where based on this theory, the state, in a past or in a prezent, try to make a massive " re-slavization" of hungarian speaking people who live there? Suspect!
@egyutteskalagor420 3 года назад
But is true , the hungarians , like other nations from Central Europe are mixed people . From the start , the Magyar tribal alliance contained different tribes with different languges ,religions ,most of them was turkic .In Charpatian basin ,other tribes, must of them remnats of Avar Kaganate( same multiethnic alliance) joined the Magyar tribal alliance . Because this tribes were waiting for them . According to some sources , (the chronicles for example) the magyar chieftains was invited by this tribes in Charpatian basin , to make a new state togheder. The sources say , from these nations who live here, the Székely people kept it the must avar elements. Of course we have also Jazig(Alan) , Cuman, Uz , Pecheneg elements to . Ok. I accept , later maybe some slav and saxon to :) .But is a later effect, and not specific.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy 2 года назад
Why do you put a photo of a Turk? The Avars are not racially Turkic. The Avars, Chechens and other Caucasians (not Armenians) are really the same peoples only split to tribes. The name Tavilins of the Avars and Georgia's capital Tbilisi represent the original Biblical name of Caucasians - TUBAL
@MrManifolder 5 лет назад
Some Avars still live on. A group of Avars settled in modern day Dagestan and are one of the ethnicities of that region. Most famously, mma fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov is of Avar descent.
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Thx for the info, I didnt know that :)
@RPM1776 5 лет назад
@mahakalabhairava9950 5 лет назад
No that is a different ethnic group.
@JM-nm3bg 5 лет назад
Mahakala Bhairava NO, the Avars came from the area of Iran called Abarshahr and settled in the Caucasus. Here they became the dominant group and built a modest empire. When the Gokturks threatened them, the Avar elites took a bunch of subject tribes such as Kutigurs and Sabirs and moved to the Carpathian Basin building a new Khaganate but they left the Avar commoners behind on their previous tribal lands in the Caucasus where they still reside today.
@mahakalabhairava9950 5 лет назад
It is a well known fact that they are a different ethnic group.
@магӀарулал 2 года назад
Bende bir Avar'rım
@thegroovee 5 лет назад
why showing 16 and 15th century iconography when you are talking about 7th century?!?!?! WTF
@quillinkhistory9539 5 лет назад
Due to there being a great lack of public domain images avaliable.
@thegroovee 5 лет назад
@@quillinkhistory9539 Oh i see. That is unfortunate, because this takes away from the immersion experience
@kkaixer Год назад
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