
Ayreon - The Two Gates (Into The Electric Castle) 1998 

Arjen Anthony Lucassen
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The Two Gates from Ayreon's 1998 release Into The Electric Castle.
Find all Ayreon releases here: lnk.to/Ayreon
And so it's come to this.
Two Gates - two portals await.
Let your choice be guided by collective wisdom.
Ah, hath the prospect of freedom ever tasted so good?
One gate completes the circle;one step away from your own dimension, your cherished time.
One gate severs all connections: one step away from the dreamworld of everlasting ebony.
You call it Oblivion.
It is a brave soul who makes the first choice.
behold these gates, the first one plain and old
behold these gates, the second forged of gold
the gate of old spells out disgrace and shame
the one of gold cries out my noble name
I challenge death to meet me at this gate
I challenge Odin to pronounce my fate
and if I thrive I've overcome this land
but if I fail I'll die a worthy man
[roman] open the gate, we're now on our own
[all] enter the gate to your destiny
[roman] will it be fortune or fate, the truth shall be known
[all] enter the gate to your destiny
cowards whine beyond the olden gate
Valhalla shines beyond the golden gate
I walk alone so dare not follow me
but choose your own and die in agony
[barbarian (fading into oblivion)]
What evil place might this be?
Why are the heavens so black?
Eternity threatens,
Darkness crashes down upon me, ohh!!
Like a big black bat of death, it smothers my senses,
Makes me lose my sense of time,
This cannot be a dream!
I need to be wide awake, wide awake!
When Valkyries come to take me,
To my place among the warriors,
To my place at Odin's side!
we have been saved, our journey has ended
but tell us why, why this ordeal?
what was your aim, or was it just some game
have we've been humbled, or did we prevail?
we've been enslaved, our wounds have not mended
and who are you, what magicians or gods?
what was your plan, we don't understand
did we pass, or did we fail?
#ayreon #arjenlucassen




22 май 2017




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Комментарии : 47   
@diegosolis9681 Месяц назад
My favorite track of the album. It just kicks so much ass.
@JozefKacala 4 года назад
Electric castle was the first real music I ever listen to.. My son can say the same (well..he cant yet as he is 2yo..but he will get there)... From my point of view this is the best album ever made. I hope oncert will happen also next year and finaly i will have time to go ! Arjen you rock !! love you !
@vyrdera 2 года назад
For over 12 years this has been my favorite ayreon track. I could explain, but I wont. Listen and learn.
@necroplastful 4 года назад
Jay van Feggelen has such an incredible voice. Its a shame he never did anything else than this project. This guy could have gone far in the Prog world I reckon. He fucking steals the show tenfold on this track.
@Wormweed 7 лет назад
This is my favorite album! So good!
@jesmarcastro2734 Месяц назад
Sublime 😭
@sacation6057 5 лет назад
Such an awesome track, like all tracks! I just wanted to tell how much i love the awesome guitar buildup from about 3 minutes and onwards. It just feels so perfect! And remembers me to pink floyd for some reason.
@yellowfellow7246 3 года назад
Ayreon just might be Pink Floyd's rightful heir.
@mayhemmacy1566 Год назад
such a beautiful song
@streetman1871 5 лет назад
i cant stop lissening at this music... i love it... :) Come to sweden.... please ... _)
@mithriltear 7 лет назад
Thanks Arjen!
@bluebead8983 6 лет назад
Super .....kommt immer wieder gut an!!!
@thehumanmachine6121 4 года назад
when you finally graduate high school 4:50
@yellowfellow7246 4 года назад
When you enter college: "What evil place might this be? Why are the heavens so black? Eternity threatens, darkness crashes down upon me, oh, like a big black bat of death, smothers my senses. Makes me lose my sense of time. This cannot be a dream. I need to be wide awake."
@luugo86 11 месяцев назад
Great song
@Beegeezy144 3 года назад
@trzigweid 4 года назад
I think the take-away from this song is the difference between confidence and cockiness.
@goldeneternity1190 7 лет назад
I am of the Stars i am called forever
@hectoryatevale 6 лет назад
opera rock!
@jadams3427 Год назад
'Best starter album for any prospective Aryeon newbie !
@necroplastful 5 лет назад
Jay van Feggelen is a fucking underrated as shit vocalist. He only played in Arjens previous band and was never to be seen anywhere again. This guy had insane talent.
@tomaszczarkowski3030 7 лет назад
APP (Ayreon Polonisation Project): ,,Do Elektrycznego Zamku'' część 2. 15. ,,Dwie Bramy'' ** *A zatem doszło i do tego.* *Czekają na was dwie Bramy - dwa portale.* *Niech wasz wybór wiedziony będzie przez wspólną mądrość.* *Ach, czy perspektywa wolności kiedykolwiek miała tak słodki smak?* *Jedne wrota zamykają krąg. Jeden krok od waszego wymiaru, waszego ukochanego czasu.* *Jedne wrota odcinają wszystkie połączenia. Jeden krok od sennego świata wiecznego hebanu.* *Zwiecie go Zapomnieniem* *To odważna dusza, która pierwsza dokona wyboru.* Oto wrota, pierwsze bezbarwne i stare Oto wrota, drugie wykute w złocie Wrota starych zaklęć, hańby i wstydu Złote wzywają mego szlachetnego imienia Wyzywam śmierć, by spotkała mnie u tych wrót Wyzywam Odyna, by ogłosił moje przeznaczenie Jeśli zwyciężę, to pokonałem ten kraj Jeśli zawiodę, to zginę jako wartościowy człowiek Otwórzmy wrota, musimy radzić sobie sami Przez wrota, ku przeznaczeniu Fortuna, czy los, prawda się ukaże Przez wrota, ku przeznaczeniu Tchórze jęczą za starymi wrotami Walhalla świeci za złotymi wrotami Chadzam samotnie, nie ważcie się za mną iść Lecz wybierzcie swoje i zgińcie w agonii Otwórzmy wrota, musimy radzić sobie sami Przez wrota, ku przeznaczeniu Fortuna, czy los, prawda się ukaże Przez wrota, ku przeznaczeniu _{Gasnąc w Zapomnieniu}_ Cóż to za złe miejsce? Czemu nieba są tak czarne? Wieczność pełna grozy, Opada mnie ciemność, och! Jak wielki, czarny nietoperz śmierci, dusi moje zmysły, Sprawia, że tracę poczucie czasu, To nie może być sen! Muszę być trzeźwy, czujny! Gdy Walkirie przybędą po mnie, By posadzić mnie między wojownikami, U boku Odyna! Aaaach!!! Zostaliśmy ocaleni, nasza podróż skończona Lecz powiedz nam dlaczego, na co ta próba? Jaki był twój cel, a może to tylko gra Upokorzono nas, czy może zwyciężyliśmy? Zostaliśmy zniewoleni, nie zagoiły się nasze rany I kimże jesteś, jakim magiem, czy bogiem? Jaki był twój plan, nie rozumiemy Czy zdaliśmy, czy też zawiedliśmy? Otwórzmy wrota, musimy radzić sobie sami Przez wrota, ku przeznaczeniu Fortuna, czy los, prawda się ukaże Przez wrota, ku przeznaczeniu
@thenightmare7316 6 лет назад
Dzmi mega!!!!!!!😛🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🎶🎵🐢🐢🐢🎵🐢🐢lubie zuwie 😐😓😏🐢
@GeraldoNunes91 4 года назад
Todo dia eu aprendo músicas novas do Ayreon. Essa "banda" (projeto) é a minha vida, não vive sem ouvir um dia se quer. Estou muito ansioso para um disco novo esse ano, ou ano que vem *_*
@l.raniemusicadesenho5959 4 года назад
Conheci a pouco tempo, gostei demais.
@GeraldoNunes91 4 года назад
@@l.raniemusicadesenho5959 Tem também o SoulsPell metal opera. Eles fez um tribute do álbum The Theory Of Everything. Depois da uma olhada, você vai gostar como gostou de Ayreon 🤘😎😼
@l.raniemusicadesenho5959 4 года назад
@@GeraldoNunes91 Descobri o Ayreon por causa do tributo do soulspell.
@GeraldoNunes91 4 года назад
@@l.raniemusicadesenho5959 kkkk eu falei já pensando que você os conhecia.. mas e bom deixar escrito pra outras pessoas conhecer também né . 🤘😎
@Arth1859 4 года назад
Descobri o Ayreon pesquisando os shows antigos das Floor Jansen. O ao vivo de 2003, que inclusive encerra com essa música, é sensacional.
@Leiloca16 6 лет назад
Portuguese lyrics Os Dois Portões [Voz Misteriosa] E então chegou a isso. Dois portões - dois portais aguardam. Deixe sua escolha ser guiada por sabedoria coletiva. Ah, já provaram a perspectiva de liberdade? tão boa. Um portão completa o círculo, a um passo de sua própria dimensão, seu tempo querido. Um portão destrói todas as conexões: a um passo do mundo dos sonhos do ébano eterno. Vocês chamam isso de esquecimento. É uma alma corajosa que faz a primeira escolha. [Bárbaro] Contemple estes portões, o primeiro enferrujado e velho Contemple estes portões, o segundo forjado a ouro O portão velho soletra desgraça e vergonha O de ouro grita meu nome nobre Eu desafio a morte para me encontrar neste portão Eu desafio Odin a pronunciar meu destino e se eu prosperar eu superei esta terra mas se eu falhar vou morrer um homem digno [Romano] abra o portão, agora estamos sozinhos [Todos] entre no portão do seu destino [Romano] será sorte ou destino, a verdade será conhecida [Todos] entre no portão do seu destino [Bárbaro] covardes choramingam além do portão antigo Valhalla brilha além do portão de ouro Eu ando sozinho, então não ousem me seguir mas escolham o seu e morram em agonia [Romano] abra o portão, agora estamos sozinhos [Todos] entre no portão do seu destino [Romano] será sorte ou destino, a verdade será conhecida [Todos] entre no portão do seu destino [Bárbaro] (desaparecendo no esquecimento) Que lugar malvado isso poderia ser? Por que os céus são tão negros? A eternidade ameaça A escuridão cai sobre mim, ohh !! Como um grande morcego preto da morte, isso sufoca meus sentidos, Me faz perder meu senso de tempo, Isso não pode ser um sonho! Eu preciso estar bem acordado, bem acordado! Quando Valquírias vierem me levar Para o meu lugar entre os guerreiros, Para o meu lugar ao lado de Odin! Aaaahh !!! [Cavaleiro] nós fomos salvos, nossa jornada acabou mas nos diga por que, por que esta provação? qual foi o seu objetivo, ou foi apenas algum jogo temos sido humilhados ou prevalecemos? nós fomos escravizados, nossas feridas não foram consertadas e quem são vocês, mágicos ou deuses? qual foi o seu plano, nós não entendemos passamos ou falhamos? [Romano] abra o portão, agora estamos sozinhos [Todos] entre no portão do seu destino [Romano] será sorte ou destino, a verdade será conhecida [Todos] entre no portão do seu destino
@rafaelbarbosacosta9365 5 лет назад
Hey, coloque as traduções no plataforma musical do Musicx Match! Facilitaria muito aos ouvintes
@GeraldoNunes91 4 года назад
@@Guilherme36594 é muito bom mesmo! eu gosto muito de The Theory of Everything e The Soucer
@salamanderavem3782 4 года назад
Was this instrumental off somewhere Sounds familiar
@user-wv3vx2ir5e 2 года назад
!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!
@nboeltjes 3 года назад
They should make a movie from the story of this album, would definately outsell any hobbit or ring story :-P
@porterwake3898 2 года назад
The 2nd half of Electric Castle can just be thrown away.
@LongandWeirdName Год назад
no u
@Floro92 Год назад
Wtf ... Heresy
@andraszodon 2 месяца назад
Bait, don't feed the trolls
@sacation6057 5 лет назад
Such an awesome track, like all tracks! I just wanted to tell how much i love the awesome guitar buildup from about 3 minutes and onwards. It just feels so perfect! And remembers me to pink floyd for some reason.
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