
Bad Religion Talk Biggest Influences + Past Projects (Part 2 of 2) 

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Bad Religion talk with Graham 'Gruhamed' Hartmann about their biggest musical influences, past musical projects, their trademark vocal harmonies + more! More here: loudwire.com



14 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 14   
@daniel0577 11 лет назад
sorry, the reason why I love Punk/Hardcore whatever you wanne call it is Brian Bakers answer to his "legacy/stardom" being a founding member of Minor Threat. I mean how can you be so fucking cool with combined understatement. haahaha so good .. I was the only guy at my high school with a weird hair cut that wasn't in a band already. Dude you rock!
@MoeJama2015 4 года назад
0:37 “Which will be the title of our next record.” Sadly Brooks wasn’t on the next record😔
@guythompson1616 4 года назад
Legends 🤘
@desecrator09 11 лет назад
that was fucking hilarious
@LSunknownnumber1 11 лет назад
haha oh Jay :)
@KrisMarissens 10 лет назад
I just yawned so loud more than a year later.
@GlenBarrantes 8 лет назад
I'm a llama lmao
@aaronsalmon1376 4 года назад
Malcolm Young!
@jdpg95 11 лет назад
im a llama hahahahhahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahaha
@jasperfleming9318 10 лет назад
I fired myself.
@MrMotherfuck123 11 лет назад
True 03:38 was the funnest. lol
@KrisMarissens 10 лет назад
Now I'm way more focussed.
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