
Basic Fitness Test Using Push Ups Pull Ups and Sit Ups 

Josh Courage
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I’m publicly sharing the “fitness test” we’ll be conducting every Friday as part of our 60 STRONG challenge to begin 2021.
The idea is to hit as many ‘perfect’ push ups, pull ups, and sit ups within their own 2 minute window. Then do at least that many reps of each, for at least 4 days until we test again next Friday. And even if you only get a few, that’s fine. You’ll get more by the end!
Trying to get tons of reps by rushing through the two minutes is NOT the goal. Your goal is to use a strict standard and then build each week so that you beat your own previous score. In the end, keeping a super strict standard will help you improve FAR more than if you just meathead through reps. And allowing yourself proper rest time within the two minutes will better your chances of squeaking out a few more perfect reps in the end.
Forced or cheated reps DO NOT count! Hold the standard.
Watch the video to see my description of each exercise, see modifications for them, and then you can watch me run through the test myself. You can also read the details below.
Push Up:
Touch your chest and thighs to floor without resting and push yourself up until your elbows completely and deliberately lock out.
You can modify by dropping your knees to the ground, or by bringing your hands up on a bench, box, chair, couch, bar, table, whatever. But still touch your chest and lock your elbows.
Pull Up:
From a dead hang, pull yourself up with as little excess movement as possible until your chin passes over the bar. Then lower yourself back down to a dead hang.
You can modify by using a band (same rules apply), doing inverted rows (on rings or a bar, just make sure you pull up to chest in line with what you’re using and then all the way back down). Or grab any weighted object and perform bent over rows (again, pull until it touches your lower chest/upper stomach and lower all the way down)
Sit Ups:
I suggest locking in your feet here. Cross arms in front of chest with your hands touching your shoulders and sit up from your shoulder touching the floor until your elbows can touch your knees.
No modification here, everyone should attempt the same thing.
Have fun!
#livingwithcourage #teamcourage #60strong #challenge #test #fitnesstest #strengthtest #pushups #pullups #situps #60strongchallenge #strong #strength #dadlife #dadstrong #parenting



30 дек 2020




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