
Basically a podcast on me criticizing EU4 idea group choices 

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You should do yourself a favor and "watch this" only while multitasking. As the title says, treat it like a podcast, except it's one with far less production value/effort than actual podcasts. It's truly a stream of consciousness style upload.
Alternative title- "why inno is bad and you're bad." But I don't think the amount of effort/depth I put into this really justifies clickbaiting.




21 окт 2022




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@Zquirrelthing Год назад
absolutely useless knowledge that in no way will ever help me in my life. gonna watch all of it 10/10
@Rhand007 Год назад
Interesting video, I agree about the Ideas in Inno being overestimated but some of the Policies are very nice. Like Inno/Off gives 10% Siege Ability and +1 Leader Siege. I know you're a speedrunner so you are probably not often after 1700, but for the more moderate players of us, those modifiers are quite important because after 1700 every country has lvl 8 forts (lvl 9 capital). So it's quite important to stack siege ability as much as possible. You could argue it's more important to prevent other countries from existing before 1700, but that's another discussion ^^
@elvenliberation Год назад
Inno quality used to be +50% infantry combat ability which was insane!
@kubikrubik2215 Год назад
For fast WC these ideas are rally bad :) But Inno+Esp+Offence will give you crazy generals, the cheapest advisors, about +50% siege ability. For most players this is what they need to get their goals :)
@balazsscheier5901 Год назад
Without using gamey mechanics(having your capital in a place others can't see, offering tributaries lands for coalition) I find dealing with coalition have a big oppurtunity cost as usually the nations that go over 50 are are a bit out of your reach. This is why I find ae reduction very useful because with it the only nations being able to join the coalition are the ones you actually border(or close to you) so it's pretty easy to have them truce locked. And a hurr durr math related stuff, but ae reduction is a lot more efficient at conquering dev/time compared to improve relations. When playing a nation that doesn't have a free cb available on anyone(no deus vult / horde) the fabricate cost and spynetwork construction saves you a lot of time on diplomats. And lastly my the biggest reason I enjoy esp early is it's very frontloaded. You only care for the first few as the later ideas are more for roleplay stuff. In the early game diplo mana has the least value so it also feels easy to start with a diplo idea and it's the one that has the most impact on the early game off the available ideas. Also in the latest patch the ae impact you get from the spynetwork got trippled to the point at max network it gives 30%. Ofc it's unreasonable to expect that, but on average you can have arround 10-20% ae- on nation you care about. Even though you are limited by diplomats ae wise you mostly care about the big boys(ottoman, france, gb, spain) being able to join coalitions. So you can always park one spy on the closest one making you take low ae on them. About horde ideas: It's a shit idea military power lvl wise. But you don't rly need army strength as you can just outmanoveur the ai. But it gives some non mil modifier that's pretty hard to get. Those are the ae- and the unrest. You can get -3 unrest which makes you able to be on higher oe. That makes you able to core more land/time. About the tech cost-. I don't rly like that modifier as I find the value it provides pretty meh. The thing that it can be pretty helpful is you being able to take important techs asap. After the early game you rarely struggle with mana but you can't take ideas that would cost more than 1k mana. With idea cost you can gain cruicial techs(+1 idea groups, imperialism, adm eff tech) 1-2 years earlier which can prove a lot of benefit. I don't value diplo ideas as high as other players. It just doesn't give you that relevant bonuses in the earlier stage of the game. The stab impact is irrelevant unless you fish for pu-s as you don't trucebreak in the early game. Because your biggest bottleneck is handling overextension the pws doesn't rly help you with that. Sure pws is a very important thing when you going for pre 1500 wc, but on a more average playthrough needing +1 war isn't the biggest issue in the earlier parts of the game. I also drop espionage idea for diplo in the mid game once I'm strong enough where ae is irrelevant but untill that point I find espionage just a higher impact idea overall.
@TheMelnTeam Год назад
I've been thinking about this again a bit lately. I wonder how extreme the modifiers which you can substitute for using expansion/raw income would need to be, before spending the group slot for them just to scale up more quickly is worth it. For example, if economic's first idea granted + 3000 ducats/mo flat income, it's the top pick, at least for a while, because you really can just slam +5 advisers and 100s of regiments immediately (then drop it once money is trivialized w/o it, coming out ahead in points most likely). Thus, there must be some point between what we have now, and that, where it would be a tough choice, despite the ability to substitute/get much more income than that eventually. I wonder where that point is.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
It's an interesting though experiment, and you can even go further -- if you had extreme enough income/manpower/stab modifiers, you could hypothetically get away without coring anything since rebels don't matter.
@kokoro2426 Год назад
Listening to you while working on uni project was a nice experience after all.
@Jw85-d2y Год назад
I think the concept of substitutability is a useful analytical tool when thinking about idea groups. Like the concept of 'brigeability' in thinking about ideas. Appreciate the sharing of thoughts that contribute to the theorycrafting about this game
@RobsRedHotSpot 28 дней назад
42:44 to be fair, I think spies are often used during sieges. You know, to poison the water supply and find out where the walls are weakest and stuff. Great video though! Love the idea of active and passive modifiers.
@niluscvp Год назад
I still prefer diplomacy/influence a lot more but I do like espionage as the first ideagroup in my shorter games because it works so well with the age of discovery bonus (claims can border claims and -10 AE%) but think its mediocre at best after 1510. And I honestly think espionage should be buffed more on the things its supposed to do like get an extra diplomat or give a big buff to laying claims (give it russia's government ability to lay claims on whole states or give it the claims can border claims ability or it should actually change the lowered cost of claims into the advertised 25% and not the actual -5 spynetwork on every claim it currently has). I dont think its important but something you didnt adress are the policies, those are very neat of espionage (inno policies are suprisingly good too). I especially like offensive and espionage combination for the extra diplomat and +10% spynetwork construction. The big meta changes I see from this update is not ideagroups itself but people using or combining the newly introduced government reforms with monuments and ideagroups. The gov cap exploit from an early goverment reform (2nd tier monarchies?) has allready been nerfed for example, but besides that there are crazy combinations like no stab hits from no cb's by combining a gov reform with diplomatic ideas. You can also get less years of seperatism by combining humanist with a gov reform, you can stack up a lot more missionaries as a theocracy through gov reforms for one faiths. And the crazy one I've spotted is the 9th tier goverment reform for thecracies that gives -50% envoy travel time and if you combine it with petra (25% at tier 3 iirc) and influence (-33%) you got more than -100% envoy travel time and with that you can return your diplomats in 1 day from literally everywhere on the planet, even if its going to capped at around -90% envoy travel time its still extremely useful and quite easy to obtain later in the game. very good podcast/video btw!
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
Thanks. re: policies. I did forget! Oops. Maybe someday. In general, I think people over evaluate the role of policies in the game. Idea groups, at least the first few, should be taken mainly for the sake of the modifiers the idea groups give, not for the policies because as of currently, there aren't any "game breaking" policies in this game on the level of CCR/deus vult. Well, dip/adm's dip annex is quite gamebreaking if you have the setup to stack it. re: stacking modifiers. That is certainly a great point. I alluded to it when I mentioned that religious unity from horde group is "directly substitutable" via monuments. For non reductive modifiers, the more accessible they are, the less value they have, at least from an idea group selection perspective. For reductive modifiers, there is this breaking point where if it's too accessible, you don't really need it from idea groups, but if they are somewhat accessible but not enough for one to "easily" reach the cap, then it greatly enhances the value of certain idea group picks. Envoy travel time stacking is indeed very interesting and was something I used in my recent world conquest. I think there is less value on diplomats on "slow"/non horde runs though -- my understanding is that you will encounter other bottlenecks like monarch points instead of diplomat availability.
@niluscvp Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 great followup kinda funny how much you can say for an hour and still miss a bunch of points without realizing it. I personally just like the shake up of meta in this patch. Playing tall isnt forcing you to pick 2 ideas, playing wide has more options and loads of new modifiers you can combine with the new gov reforms and the strengths of some monuments are overlooked. Though with all that I dont see changes in my usual preferences (prefer picking the ideas diplo, adm, influence early and like religious, humanist, quantity or offensive with them too) but I do see a lot of good alternatives for certain games and playstyles. Maybe im optimistic but I dont think inno, esp, offensive will be as annoying/prevailent as the eco+quantity meta since there is a lot more variety available now.
@kubikrubik2215 Год назад
Also now you can get Divine+Aristocratic+Plutocratic ideas very easy, when you`ll get the possibility to change government. All you need just free ideas slots :) And Divine+Aristocratic is a crazy combo for most people
@chalkchalkson5639 Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 really interesting to hear your optimized single player perspective on policies... in MP policies are one of the biggest reasons to consider for your first two non-mil idea groups ^^ How would you attempt to fix espionage for single player optimized play? split spies and diplomats? split fabrication and claims so that using a spy to fabricate is still useful when you have a permanent claim? more siege ability from spy network?
@combrade-t Год назад
47:47 Totally agree, I think spying kinda needs a rework because it doesnt make the most sense - and the actual spy network construction bonuses from espo isn't enough to overcome the fact you have to wait for the spy network to build and it can then just get found and then you've lost it, no matter how strong the bonuses you can get from espionage - like You can take way less AE both from the direct bonuses and also the fact you get less AE with a country if you have high spy network - but equally the fact you have a spynetwork means it will get found, relations will lower and you could just improve relations if you were trying to micro AE that much, or even better truce timers. If espo gave the russian claim state ability then it could be more worthwhile since that's essentially CCR and a CB. It's fairly telling how the playerbase views espionage and spy networks by how increasing common universal CBs are in mission trees and how a lot of people try to go for them, understandably so. + Personally for my playstyle i quite like inno, but like I use it inefficiently because I don't take it early and don't play to end date often, and usually I'm tempted to later drop it once i conquer the monuments for advisor costs because it becomes mostly useless with them because the monuments give more than enough that even if my eco is crap (such as when I start on later start dates) Great video, like my playstyle differs greatly from what you seem to do but I still find the stuff incredibly interesting.
@grabbers6520 Год назад
What do you think about the statements that Budgetmonk has made? I feel like he's been quite reasonable while staying saying that espionage is pretty good. He definetely doesn't play optimally, but he''s already playing way more optimally than the average player
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I think siege ability is overrated now. I can't believe I'm saying this because I would say in the past patches, siege ability was _underrated_ (and people didn't value offensive enough compared to other mil groups). My observation has been that the ability to handle overextension is a bigger priority than the ability to win a war quickly, and most nations cannot handle overextension at the rate at which they can win wars. I think if a player is aiming to improve their gameplay, there is a lot to work on in terms of army micro and initial troop placement to make this the case. 20% AE on Espi has a bit more merit though in Europe assuming the goal is to conquer Europe (I would say people in Europe should just ignore Europe and conquer things that are easier on the AE, but I can understand that there can be a desire to focus on European provinces for roleplay/missions/etc.) because of the relatively accessible 20% AE from curia. However, it still misses out on a diplomat and imp. rel on diplo ideas. You can totally improve relations with everyone in Europe with 5 diplomats -- as in you can have ~100 imp. rel on every single catholic nation. That and religious diplomats gives you such a huge buffer in terms of AE you can accrue before getting coalitioned, and that is already _enough_ for me.
@Alkaline997 Год назад
I'll preface this by saying that a.) I'm a pretty garbage EU4 player and b.) I do watch BM frequently, but I think it comes down to playstyles. BM does a lot of VH OPM or challenge runs and further limits himself by refusing to use exploits or alt-f4'ing; as a result, he tends to go for more consistent strats rather than "optimal" ones. Lambda seems to be the kind of player to push EU4 to its absolute limits and optimize every last bit out of the game as possible with heavy micro, exploits and all, often taking more of a speedrunner's approach to the game. This isn't to say one way is better or one of them is more skilled than the other, but I do think they approach the game differently. Again, I'm a filthy casual so take my comment for what it's worth, but just my observation.
@pierreproudhon9008 Год назад
A question, with the recent changes to admin cap, gov reform, etc., is the 25% admin cap from admin ideas still as useful as before?
@LibertyMonk Год назад
There's a "full core everything" phase of the game, and a "territories and trade companies only" phase of the game. It was always useful for the first part, and always useless for the second part. But you don't take Admin ideas for that, you take Admin ideas for Core Creation speed (and cost too). It's useful if you don't plan on taking over multiple superregions directly, so you can stay at 0 average autonomy etc for all the benefits that brings.
@Lollerpwn1337 Год назад
So if the mil groups are kind of subsituting which I think is true, which substitute would you rather get in most situations? Seems to me like Quality is mostly where it's at. Or maybe with optimised play they are all kind of bad, still for my gameplay I usually like getting a mil group at some point because I run out of manpower or mercs or I think with better quality or quantity of troops I could conquer more. Plus with slacken nerfed I feel like I usually have mil points to spend on an idea group for this
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
Here's an interesting view for quantity. This game is, in the end, finite. Even if you play til 1821, you're still playing a country for a finite amount of time. With that mindset along with the idea that idea group slot is in of itself an important "resource," you could say that spamming generals -> slackening serves a similar purpose to quantity in the sense of giving more manpower all while not costing an idea group slot. In 1.33, this style of play for sure worked -- my past gameplay would serve as strong evidence for that. It's unclear for 1.34, and I'm sure I'll get a good feel for that once I play around more. Re: quality. I think quality is just a bad idea group. You can obtain enough army quality in SP to stomp AIs through prestige/power projection/army tradition/good generals, all of which don't require any idea groups. Any differentials in troop lost due to winning battles with more casualties due to not having quality can be substituted by slackening IMO. It admitedly has important policies for stacking army quality modifiers if that is an important objective in your game or appeals to your playstyle though.
@Lollerpwn1337 Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 Well I give it extremely low probability my play will ever be near as optimised as yours. Of course if your games end with world conquest 1472 no mil idea group is ever going to be worth it over slacken. My fastest world conquest was 1710 non horde so thats about 10 times more in game time. If you consider the game going to say 1750 or even 1821 you have 7 or 8 idea groups it seems like if you optimise for that there's probably not 7 admin and diplo idea groups you'd take over the first military idea group. Since slacken got nerfed 50% to 1 year of manpower it is a considerably worse return on the mil point investment. If we consider the game going long at some point the modifiers like 25% manpower increase and 20% manpower recovery speed should net more than 1 year manpower. The first one also makes every consequtive slacken better so there should be a breaking point where it's more efficient. Ofcourse this is not considering that manpower now is going to be a lot more powerful than manpower over time. Also if you never take a military idea group you never get a military policy of which the first one would be free well except for the idea slot opportunity cost and the cost of the ideas itself. But yea if you consider having 6-7-8 slots at some point the opportunity cost of that shouldnt be that big. I completely agree that policies are probably overrated because they come quite late and at that point might not be super consequential but still. I don't care about mil groups for roleplaying reasons or whatever but I do find at least one of them at some point probably provides more power than completely foregoing them. I enjoy starts as Mzab, Theodoro, Ryuku and if you are super tiny spending like 250 mil points for 3k manpower or so seems worse if you will be blobbed later than say improving your manpower recovery speed which later in the game would still provide you worth. Especially because if you get that little it's probably not going to be the breaking point that allows you to grow stronger much faster. Maybe at that point devving with mil is still better than a mil idea group because you would have more FL allowing you to field more army/mercs before going bankrupt.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
@@Lollerpwn1337 Agreed. I would say that idea group slots are really precious for the first few groups. Beyond that, there is a lot of QoL involved since there aren't many idea groups that serve as cores to a particular play style. For wide, it'll be adm + dip + (rel if non horde) + extra. And at that point, you can take whatever you want without much opportunity cost loss. I can't comment on slackening for the new patch yet since I have little experience. For earlier patches, it was certainly enough without taking quantity.
@Lollerpwn1337 Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 Ah yeah thanks, can highly recommend the new patch AI's are much more competent and the game runs smooth again even on my crappy laptop. Altough for world record WC's or whatever it might be worse for you since the AI is better so this might slow down conquest. Then again from my experience less tags that are bigger might also be benificial.
@kylekelly1167 11 месяцев назад
In my AQ game I switched to Coptic. Coptic can get so much missionary strength and missionaries that I was conventing some lands before coring cause I was low on admin points.
@Nimarioos Год назад
Maybe its a noob way but i always now go inno+ esp. I never focus on WQ and these two offers so much QoL changes and mana savers i just can’t resist Like my Poland, that had 5/5/5 advisor from 1500 i think and i could go goverment reform that add coruption etc. (I love to state most of lands and i kinda RP while playing )
@David-bh7hs Год назад
I will never not take diplo. I NEED diplomat slots.
@endlesswaffles6504 8 часов назад
I'm a relative beginner (~300 hours) but I have my own problems with inno ideas. I feel like the ideas are only decent early game since the inno gain and tech cost are pretty much worthless late game. Despite this, I don't see a reason to take it early game. Admin gives me ccr, gov cap, monthly autonomy reduction, and some other bonuses. Religious helps with significantly better missionaries, more manpower, and the policies are amazing. Humanist can also help with stability. All 3 of these idea groups directly help with early game problems while inno just gives nice to have buffs.
@BryanTerran Год назад
It was a very interesting video. In the future, similar videos could benefit from some editing (there are long pauses and times where you’re trying to find what you want to say that can be cut out for example), but that would of course be more time consuming on your end and I’m not sure if that’s something you’re interested in. Either way, it was nice to have on in the background and with or without editing, I’d be interested in watching more of these types of videos from you in the future.
@Mikore2K Год назад
Are you hiding your older HexaOF vods on twitch? Because when I enter the last streams, I can only see the last 3 vids, and wanted to see how you conquered Eu.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
twitch vods expire in 2 weeks. I do have them backed up in youtube, but I haven't gotten around to making them public yet.
@coyo_geezer Год назад
i actually did use this video to fall asleep thank you haha
@murryno Год назад
what is the max amount of possible policies one can have? how?
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I don't know off the top of my head. 3 each (so 9 total) is the default, but there is a modifier called +X possible policies scattered around such as from gov reforms. There might even be national ideas that give +X possible policies.
@murryno Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 ive managed 5 x3 with scandinavia and king of the people reform. im wondering if theres a way to get 6 with a specific combo.
@kylekelly1167 11 месяцев назад
I always find it weird when I play oirat and ottomans with 100 troops can join the coalition but no one in the world joins.
@JackobusPhantom Год назад
Holy shit Merry Christmas to me! Thank you Santa Lambda
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
One day late, but merry christmas to you. I'm not sure if this is at all a great present, but I'm glad you think so.
@Hazel_Velociraptor Год назад
Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say that basically nobody seems to have their own playstyle? Is it simply that the popular/good/prolific content creators (and the community influenced by those creators) seem to play the same way, with only minor personal deviations?
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I'm not sure where you heard that. If you have a timestamp, I can maybe try to recall the context, or maybe I misspoke, esp. given that it was a fairly long impromptu "talk." In terms of playstyle variance, I think a lot of "prolific" people have developed their own playstyle and are not experimenting enough (myself included. This has a bit to do with the fact that EU4 campaigns take a ton of time, so it's not really practical to "try" everything. For example, the person who motivated this video was certainly playing "his way," which is totally acceptable and reasonable, but failed to understand that there are other ways to play the game. Therefore he made claims about certain idea groups being better than others "in the general case" as he claimed.
@Hazel_Velociraptor Год назад
​Thanks for responding, it's at around 17:18 or so. Though listening to it again I realise that I might have misunderstood you. I understood the statement as "nobody else has a unique playstyle" rather than "I seem to be the only one playing like me."
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
@@Hazel_Velociraptor Ah, got it. Yes, the latter was my primary point. To expand on "my playstyle" I mean people like accordion, marcoantonio, gnostek, etc. who all have quit to my knowledge. There are some other active people who play similar to the way I do though.
@g-rexsaurus794 Год назад
What I dislike about espionage ideas is the redundancy, both aggressive expansion reduction and siege ability increase is something you get with spy networks, why not make it so that these bonuses are just doubled instead? You pack this in one idea as well and have 1 extra slot.
@RollingCalf 8 месяцев назад
@storm3311 Год назад
certified lambda classic
@mrmonokel2335 Год назад
...i would have personally preferred a clearer statement on why advisor cost is "bad" instead of a "i can get 3x lvl 5 advisors by 1500". As which nation? A major? An OPM? With the 50% cheaper advisors (which arent guaranteed to get) or normal advisors? Even assuming 3x 50% cheaper advisors - by 1500 they cost around 40 per month (total) on lvl 5. Whilst you could easily get them as certain nations, lots of others would have some trouble supporting them. Not to mention that only getting 1 cheaper advisor instead of 3 makes the price go up to 70-80 (total) Budgetmonk (is he the vaccum cleaner?) makes some fair points on this matter in my opinion, then again im not a super hardcore player myself that speedruns stuff or plays on very hard - and i also dont min max to a point where i can compare inno + espionage to, for example, admin + diplo and just conquering the economy for advisors. (My Point is not to defend inno + espionage, i just want clarification on this matter. I played 4000 hours barely ever picking any of those 2 and started picking them about a month ago)
@rwk219 Год назад
Budgetmonk is not the vacuum player. It's another youtuber/twitch streamer whose name sounds like one of those robot vacuum cleaner brands and is pretty vocal about innovative ideas being good.
@sillyboy9314 Год назад
I really like inno for the pulse events I just think they have the best pulse events but i understand the criticism about it
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I don't really think inno has any pulse events worth noting. It's also a once in a 5 year thing and is quite rare, so I don't think it should really play a huge role in decision making, at least from the perspective of optimization.
@letxgf Год назад
You can actually condense your thoughts because you basically repeated the meta video. Tldw for this vid and the last one the meta vid « it depends on what you’re trying to do » The problem is that instead of telling us specifically what is good for what reasons for which playstyles you spent an incredible amount of time basically saying « ur bad, x is not actually good because it depends on your playstyle and what ur trying to do » with a « i’m very smart » and condescending tone (my impression) which makes it really easy to hate, made worse by the fact that you unironically listen to classical music while playing. Overall i like ur vids keep going but i’d suggest putting more effort into structuring ur stuff and actually bringing something to the table
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I think you missed some important points. In particular, I liked the substitutability formulation I gave. But again, I wouldn't say this video is particularly intended nor geared towards the average audience who most likely have better things to do in their lives. I won't comment on ad homs, and I also don't really care for suggestions from people in these low effort videos I make -- they are primarily a way to force myself to sit down and try to communicate or analyze things that I do subconsciously in EU4, which is a very valuable way to improve my own gameplay. I do appreciate suggestions on videos that I do create for actual "general audience" pleasure though (I think I have 3 right now on my channel) :)
@dwightmayer7848 Год назад
YES 1 hour lambda video lfg
@kubikrubik2215 Год назад
I think if Paradoxes will add an idea for any fort barrage -100% cost, this idea (or policy) will be game breaking :) For now they tried to buff naval with this just for coastal provinces, but its still trash
@kylekelly1167 11 месяцев назад
Great video
@hyteel9262 Год назад
Good video but I have to heavily disagree with you on the advisor cost on inno. If you are playing tall, take for example 2 state Switzerland, you wont be able to have a big enough economy to pay for your advisors. But with inno you can easily have 3 +5s quite early, especially with the discounted advisors you get from innovative events. Also worth mentioning innovative + quality gives +5% discipline which is a huge 2 idea group combo, especially with the war exhaustion reduction. But, if you were to play anything except super tall, I would agree that innovative might not be suitable, but I'll probably take it for the montly war exhaustion either way.
@carlburke1625 Год назад
+5% discipline is eco + quality. inno + quality gives 15% infantry combat. might've been different in earlier patches, I can't keep track.
@hyteel9262 Год назад
@@carlburke1625 No you are right, but I still think 15% inf comb is huge
@drillbob1170 11 месяцев назад
Advisor cost doesnt matter, if you have a good economy. especially ig you upgrade your monuments + adm and diplo ideas.
@JonWilde2105 Год назад
So to summarise, the player can achieve any benefit from an idea group from another source and idea groups do not lock out other idea groups?
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
The player can achieve most things that idea groups give through "other means." Thus, it is important to search for ones that cannot be substituted (and are important for your goal), or cannot be substituted efficiently. That would be how I phrase it.
@kubikrubik2215 Год назад
Man, if you are doing WC, one faith and so on, then you have only one setup of ideas - Adm+Religious+Diplo+Influence+Humanist, order is a bit different in various cases. Others just for your choice :)
@classiclife7204 Год назад
@swiftcz5900 Год назад
quantity instead of influence used to be the lazy mans choice, but after the nerfs i dont think they are worth as much
@kubikrubik2215 Год назад
@@swiftcz5900 in the new patch they buffed it a bit again :) Maybe now it will be not so useless
@domstafford1894 Год назад
Just to stick up for inno: inno good because I like the flavour of the events. Also I'm amused you say inno is the worst idea group when naval is a thing
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
Did I actually say it's the worst? If so, I definitely take that back. Can you post a timestamp?
@Mikore2K Год назад
The thing you did not take into account are the policies that certain idea groups give and events correlated with them. Also who were you talking about, as "inno defender" wanted to see his counterpoints, but I guess I m not that deep into eu4 creators. Also great vid, looking for more in the future. And I really like taking inno, when I have a free slot, always like to throw it in, just good quality of life :p I guess i m bad
@Lollerpwn1337 Год назад
I kinda like inno and its policies, but I think you need to take it early to be good. And then I just don't see how you have the admin and you woudn't rather get Admin/Religious/Humanist except maybe for extreme corner cases. If you take it later than the 3rd group I don't see how it's still good enough.
@sidneygray51 Год назад
Espionage gives the womanizer event which is just phenomenal. Even if European nations are close to Malta, which makes diplomatic really good, that single event from espionage is something to think about.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
@@sidneygray51 I don't think any single idea group event is common enough to warrant taking an idea group for. There definitely is something to say about taking espi (and not filling it in) or other idea groups until you have the monarch points to fill in whatever idea group you actually want though. I do that for humanist for the elusive 10% idea cost event (not sure if I've ever gotten in though for tech 5).
@sidneygray51 Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 You're probably right on average, but you know a 6/6/6 bastard can just plain make an uber epic game even if it requires the stars to align just right. The ducat value of all that extra mana is just off the charts compared to anything else. Yes, aiming for epic games is a play style preference.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
@@sidneygray51 Although I fully agree that a good ruler is insanely valuable (and for me, necessary, when I do speedruns or crazy challenges), I would say a good ruler is "substitutable" (with reasonably high probability) through other means. That is, via aggressive disinheriting. To power that, you need to actively obtain prestige through usually wars. It's also worth mentioning that talented and ambitious daughter is surprisingly low MTTH. It's pretty reasonable to get one every generation (look up the event conditions). There are also other tricks to improve the likelihood of heir stats, and of course, the amount of value you place in these things also are affected by your willingness/tolerance to savescum as well. Therefore, I don't value another (low probability) method to obtaining good stat heirs that much.
@sethyboy0 Год назад
A Roomba kek
@lainling Год назад
Man, I really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this sort of thing but it's kind of frustrating that, well, the main perspective you have is... kinda useless for me. This sounds much worse than I mean it to be. But it's like, I fully believe and can see that all your evaluations make total sense and are probably correct for your playstyle but that's a playstyle that's _extremely_ far from what I can and even want to do in my runs. I feel like there's some really broadly-applicable bits in here as well like the opportunity costs of Inno or the whole Religious/Humanist dichotomy, as well as the general framework (and I think your main point of _how_ you analyze modifiers in the context of your own playstyle). Would like to hear what you think could be useful for more "median" players, even if it requires you to take a bit of a guess at exactly how to define that.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I would say the most important point to take away is the notion of "substitutability." If you view idea group slots as precious resources (one way to justify/derive opportunity cost), then you are incentivized to attempt to obtain idea groups that give you things that you both want and cannot obtain easily through non idea group means. I probably didn't emphasize or organize it well enough to make this clear since I was figuring out things on the fly, but if I were to go back and re-make this video into a more succinct form, I would definitely emphasize this paradigm.
@RollingCalf 8 месяцев назад
Glad someone way better than me agrees with everything . E.g with inno. Many games I don't take it yet I'm still swimming in the stuff
@gothia6515 Год назад
Its completely diferent playstyles which lead to diferent choices. If you bird like mad and always have >15 Mana rulers you dont need much tech/idea cost reduction. And if you bird even more to become curia controller you can conquer Italy super fast which gives you both an economy and the Florence monument for advisors. However. If you play this game normal, some ideas will make your game which will never be optimal more optimal. Sure, when i play the PU/Vassal game alot i mostly take Influence + Admin. But Monks recommended ideas were also nice when i tried them. I used to savescum alot years ago but i found myself bored by this forced perfection and stopped it. But i enjoy your stuff anyways, cause you show distant boundaries of this game which are amazing. Keep it up.
@gabri-immortale Год назад
Because it is no more a spy but more like an intel unit
@DeathsOnTheYAxis 10 месяцев назад
I don't understand why the devs will take a stat that the player is not limited by, and then give a small incremental modifier to it. If you're modifying an irrelevant stat, you should just give the max value.
@stevefrench9861 8 месяцев назад
I think one point you didn't mention about innovativeness is that you're spending 'more valuable' early game mana points to tech up ahead of time just to get a discount on 'less valuable' late game mana points. Maybe 'valuable' is the wrong word here, but its the idea that mana points are more valuable early game because they are more scarce, whereas mana points are less valuable later on since they are more plentiful.
@larrybrowser8286 Год назад
If you are new here and you don't know Lambda, then you are bad(not sarcastic).
@Kazachski-mj7cc 11 месяцев назад
I personally like innovative ideas, but when I firstly heard the statement that inno gives 10% APC, I couldn't resist my laugh
@kolosthedragon Год назад
what drawing app is that?
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
this is onenote
@kolosthedragon Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 thank you i think i will use it to make math videos
@Sokul15 Год назад
I like those deepth videos
@kylekelly1167 11 месяцев назад
Religious ideas very good for Coptic nations but terrible for tengri nations.
@maiku20 Год назад
Not sure why you seem so peeved about people advising inno ideas, even dropping f-bombs over people trying to do the math (as if there were an alternative). But carry on.
@Al-Basha_ Год назад
I understand that you prioritize Ideas modifiers, but aren't some polices worth hunting?
@drillbob1170 11 месяцев назад
@79Timur Год назад
innovative is bad idea isnt it?
@kylekelly1167 11 месяцев назад
Humanist ideas is bad cause it's funny when my rebels enforce demands on Uzbek. Cause my rebels get my mil tech I think.
@aluminiumknight4038 Год назад
I self impose a rule set disallowing the usage of mercs, the administrative idea group has 3 modifiers related to mercs which makes it mediocre at best for me in that case
@flimpeenflarmpoon1353 Год назад
It still has 25 CCR and gov cap, though. No-one cares about the merc bonuses, not even people who use mercs.
@lanelesic Год назад
All your answers for "substitutions" as you call them, boil down to the old Just Blob More. And you mention Arumba but in a philosophical stance towards the game he is a ok, and you are a philosophical equivalent of a brick. You cannot bird that or exploit it away or take imaginary bank loans for it.
@drillbob1170 11 месяцев назад
just blob more is the optimal playstyle tho if you do it the right way
@MSparta-HD Год назад
Argueably, CCR & WS cost reduction is as active as Tech, however, it is more standard to tech up than to get new provinces. A point that needs to be accounted for is that you can actively use passive benefits, for example: I would classify 10% national tax purely as passive, however, it augments the active action of getting more Tax development, either through Dev clicks or conquering provinces
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I would say tech is not as active because there are only 29*3 times that one can tech up (a bit more if native or africa). There are way more provinces/dev to core in the game, and moreover, being in a position to core provinces/demand provinces in war requires more action on the player. Agreed on stuff like tax. I would certainly place it somewhere in between the "pure" cases, and that is an example where the intuition of placing the two at opposite ends of a line breaks down.
@johnconnor8206 11 месяцев назад
But plus 1 free policies does give you a bunch of free modifers you can take
@drillbob1170 11 месяцев назад
still not worth it
@pantheratigristigris3187 Год назад
1 hour omg sry but i dont have time and patience to watch it :D
@FRodrigues42 Год назад
Ok, like and subscribe
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
Ok, like and subscribe
@20985229147 Год назад
So let me get this straight. First you create a completely arbitrary goal for an EU4 compaign("WC as quickly as possible") that is in no way implied by the game itself(i.e. if you go by the original EU4 scoring system, it rewards playing until January 1821 - the literal opposite of a speedrun) Then, based on that goal, you reduce the entire game to ~1% of all countries(because if the goal is WC speedrun no one will bother with anything but the strongest countries to start with) Then, you execute said goal by any means necessary: cheesing by restarting the game over and over until the diplomatic situation RNGs your way, using obvious bugs and exploits, and even outright cheating(yes, savescumming in an Ironman mode is literally cheating) And based on all that, you, playing by your own made up rules, using one of the strongest countries in the game, and cheesing/exploiting/cheating tell other players they're being bad if they don't do what you do. Let me come up with an analogy to show just how arrogant(I guess that's the lightest word I can use) this video is: - The goal of the game is to get all government reforms(because I said so) - Best Idea groups are Court/Plutocratic/Administrative/Aristocratic - If you ever conquer land you are bad at the game
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
>> So let me get this straight Sadly, I think you failed to get anything straight.
@drillbob1170 11 месяцев назад
this video isnt really about wc speedruns (pre 1500). Because if you woud look at his run down on his world record you would see that he isnt using ideas in a typical fashion like you would do in a normal run
@sasi5841 Год назад
I victorum universalis mod, Paris is divided into 5 provinces, with 4 of those containing monuments. One of those monuments is the note dame cathedral, which gives 30% ae reduction when fully upgraded, anther monument (that can be built/upgraded during 1604 or later) gives upto 30% admin efficiency. England's Stonehenge monuments give up to 15% ae reduction. Combine both of these with espionage ideas and the policy that gives 10% ae reduction. Now Ae will become a non issue for the rest of the game.
@shinydragon69 Год назад
I think you do a lot of contradicting yourself in this video, especially with the topic of "using an idea group slot" and then right after saying that certain ideas of the same point type aren't mutually exclusive. People say that it's either Rel/Hum BECAUSE they both use the same 'idea slot' and it would be a long time inbetween being able to take both (somewhat disregarding the fact that they and can and do serve different purposes, it's just that you are usually taking one or the other in a 100 year time frame, especially when ADM ideas are also required to be taken to more efficiently take the provinces that you want to reduce unrest from so that takes up another adm idea slot). Also, I think that the idea that passive modifiers are for "bad players" is really wrong. I think that that categorization of modifiers is better put onto playstyles than play skill, and that certain playstyles are more similar to the typical "bad player" playstyle than others. Robot Cleaner prioritizes certain passive modifiers because that his how he plays; He is very focused on making what he has as efficient as possible without having to do insanely crazy micro or exploits. Math Symbol, on the other hand, prioritizes getting the absolute most out of everything he has just by using it better; He is very focused on doing the most 'optimal' thing with every resource he has, and if this requires 200+ hours of irl time of incessant birding and exploiting the game mechanics to the maximum, that is what he will do. (It's hard to put it into text, but if you know anything about RTS games Robot Cleaner 'Micros his Macro' while Math Symbol 'Micros his Micro', which are both equally viable ways to be "good" at the game). Clearly players like Robot Cleaner, Math Symbol, Universalis Master, Beloved Multi-Player, etc... are ALL good at the game, they just play in certain ways in which different modifiers benefit them more or less. Anyways, this all goes to say that people should just play the game and find out their own playstyle to figure out which idea groups are best for them and their specific situation, and any notion of superiority about a specific playstyle misdirects arguments in a poor way. I wish that there was an easier way to discuss this stuff than in text, but alas the plights of a commenter.
@Nois-ufnoc Год назад
I want to be gracious about your analysis, but you seem like you're just being a contrarian. You're disputing things with such a narrow view. Aside from explo, expansion, and maybe religious, every idea can only be evaluated comparatively, and relatively. Aside from combat (which is the weakest aspect of EU4 by a long stretch), EU4 is a game of balance... just like life, which I think makes it addictive. You capacity is varying and finite, which is what makes playing EU4 totally situational. I feel like you discussed modifiers l within a bias.
@lordedmundblackadder9321 Год назад
Quantity is a nearly useless idea set, especially compared to quality and offensive. By a certain point, numbers are far and away secondary to discipline, morale, pips, and combat ability. Quantity is pointless.
@connorfinn9457 Год назад
I dont really agree with how you defined active and passive. you were bascially says active is stuff people who are bad at the game dont use. CCR and warscore cost i feel by definition are a passive type of modifiers.
@playrasputin3457 Год назад
Sorry but your voice is too annoying, otherwise I'd like to give this a listen
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
Sorry but your writing is too annoying, otherwise I'd give a well formulated response.
@storm3311 Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 First of all, thank you for your concern about my writing. I'm quite experienced at writing, with over 2.5k hours spent writing utterly worthless and obnoxious comments on youtube complaning about people's voices for no discernible reason, and I think you've let having a nice voice get to your head, resulting in an inflated sense of self importance.
@letxgf Год назад
@playrasputin3457 Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 Big
@ds2sofs Год назад
I'm actually fucking impressed that this dude can write with a fucking mouse and still have a halfway decent and readable handwriting.
@lambdaxx1 Год назад
I use a usb tablet. I definitely cannot write well with a mouse :)
@ds2sofs Год назад
@@lambdaxx1 Goddamn you had me thinking I'm half retarded for not being able to write with my mouse, now I feel full blown stupid for not picking up on the fact you do use a tablet lmao
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