
Basics of Emunah #25 - Does G-d Really Love Me? by Rabbi YY Jacobson 

Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Basics of Emunah #25
Does G-d Really Love Me?
Why Should I Fear G-d? Is G-d Harsh and Wrathful?



12 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 30   
@DeeDee-wx7fi 2 года назад
This man was sent to help heal broken hearted people, people pushed into the corners of society by pain and suffering. I believe
@tallmikbcroft6937 2 года назад
Thank you for this. It's very moving. I'm not Jewish but I still took this to my heart. Thank you for the Light.
@eurostarnamastar3128 2 года назад
This speaker is an Spiritual empowered person.. everyone, both Jews and nonJews will advance by listening to him !!!!!!
@stumpy31952 Год назад
love how you how handle conflict, even though I don't understand Yiddish I saw fire come from explosive to smiles, God bless
@tikipharm5957 2 года назад
I grew up in a small town rabbis home. My father had a Chassidic mother & Litvish father. My mother had Litvish parents on both sides. On search for my place in Orthodox Judaism as an adult I visited both Litvish & Chassidic communities. The Chassidic approach resonated with my positive upbringing. It was always that one can always do better next time. The power of the Chassidic woman prevailed.
@sr3308 2 года назад
You are incredible !!! Listening to u its like we have learned in the past a different Torah Thankyou so much
@jamespetyrycia4214 2 года назад
I look at the Cross and see how much God loving us. God allowed his Beloved Son to be Crucified.
@leeslater8321 2 года назад
Unlike the pagan Gods who consort with human females, the one and only God who is the creator and master of the universe, has never ending interest in his children, but does not consort with them. The notion that God impregnated a woman, and did so with "divine sperm," is a pagan borrowing.
@boruchwolf9494 5 лет назад
What I often say is to see the paradox of God being referred to as one of vengeance but also as one of mercy? because when you view your own mistakes, see God as a God of mercy so you feel inspired to seek redemption/repentance, but when you reflect on other’s sins toward you, see God as one of vengeance, which will free you of the burden of carrying anger, thus freeing your mind up to dwell on the pain and eventually healing, instead of dwelling on [toxic] anger
@applecom1de509 3 года назад
He can show how He loves me by making the question or the inclination to the question obsolete
@Assaf_yosef 2 года назад
@stumpy31952 Год назад
wow, Amen
@Malkiel1968 Год назад
Whats the name of the song in the beginning?
@stumpy31952 Год назад
yep I my son feels dehumanized from having 2 attempted murderers that Maui is sweeping under the rug...help a Jewish boy feel like a prince again
@goondugoondu Год назад
G-d hates me, more than he could, the devil. Therefore, I know he loved me.
@shalomroitenburd2225 4 года назад
It is basics of tanya that first yirat shamayim and only secondly love of god and only two sides of the charachter can develop a healthy human being. Please answer me i dont understand
@applecom1de509 3 года назад
It's time He re-establishes trust how often do I have to say it
@josephgrynberg244 3 года назад
Amazing talk. המבין יבין
@christopherwoods6 2 года назад
@shalomroitenburd2225 4 года назад
You explain the positive side of judiesm very nicely but why you make people feel that fear of the yezer harah is a sin. Sorry to say but it sounds like you are fighting against yirat shamayim. We love our kids but we want them to be very afraid of smoking of alcohol of sins
@kestekrafts1580 3 года назад
the way I see it, you're only emphasising the rabbi's point, do you want your kids to be afraid of smoking and alcohol because dad's gonna beat them? or be afraid because of the truth that you can get lung cancer, chronic cough, asthma, irreparable breathing conditions, alcohol poisoning, liver deficiency, lower life expectancy and hundreds of other effects on your body detrimental to your health? which type of fear do you think will last longer, and which fear will withstand when your kids start their own investigations (which they will)? same with sin, some sins effect your health, (mental, physical or emotional) some effect your relationships with other people and some (maybe all) effect the way you (body or soul) relate to the creator, I don't believe lying is an effective form of education
@Raminakai 2 года назад
@@kestekrafts1580 Yes, it’s due to the Love, care and concern that you make sure they understand what is dangerous and will harm them! When a child runs out in the street- you grab them , Praise G-d , then spank them because you want to traumatize them just a little so they will never do that again. You need to emphasize that lesson- that playing in the street could kill them. All other times, you shower them in positive and delightful displays of affection and interest. Then they won’t misunderstand. If you act hateful all the time, then when you spank them for running in the street, they will interpret it as hate as well. Love ❤️ and Truth 🇻🇦kiss when boundaries are clear- and Love is displayed consistently-so that when the day comes of a hard knocks- that relationship can absorb that bump and interpret it correctly.
@kestekrafts1580 2 года назад
@@Raminakai much appreciated and as you described you introduce fear as a form of education which is fine but I was arguing against educating to fear bad things for the wrong reason
@Raminakai 2 года назад
@@kestekrafts1580 Appreciated your comments- and agreed that lying is not a good way to teach Truth. It’s hypocritical. Shalom
@tikipharm5957 2 года назад
We can always overcome our yetzer harah. No need to fear alcohol. It's not sinful. It is a mind altering addicting drug (genetically determined) and is the gateway drug to further drug use. It's ok in small amounts. Smoking we all know is harmful. It is a mitzvah to be healthy.
@hamarosylvano9500 2 года назад
The fear of the Lord God is good . This is what I believe. I am neither Judaism nor Muslim. I am a Christian but a ' strange ' one. I read the bible, the Quran and been looking up Judaism literature. Trust me, you are on the right track...
@leeslater8321 2 года назад
Sounds like YOU are on the right track :)
@stumpy31952 Год назад
my son asked me at age 4-5 years, if grandma was going to burn in the lake of fire and be. erased in the book of life? I was blown away at that moment, wow, God was a scary old guy with a beard who destroys you if you're a sinner, we even believed in Yehoshua, Yeshshua, Jezues...but the church we grew up in was the worldwide church of God founded in 1947. by Herbert W. Armstrong, he was all about the Kingdom and we were all princes and princesses who would rule over our own world one day once we make through the gauntlet of do this but don't eat that, and don't fart at the dinner table....lol...sorry Rabbi, they loved me at the church a teacher then I became a master of education, then this piece of shite, came, looked like Hitler with glasses and an autistic son....they made me a deacon after so many years, not sure when it happened but oh I gave my son hell for reminding me of his sermonette on LOVE, he quoted Love, faith, hope and charity and asked what was the greatest ? Love I said and my son when he had had enough fear and some worm came in not as a pastor but between a pastor and a deacon...OK Rabbi YY sorry I can't type on my phone anymore I am the son and I survived 2 attempted murders over 1st being a Jew as I rebelled and tattooed my flesh with Naive American art from the NW as I was a Portland, Trailblazer and a star tetrahedron, a giant 3d star of David, my last name in Hebrew and in Egyptian with the sign of what I later found out was a medicine class in Egypt but it was a goat with an ankh around it's neck, I'm a Capricorn, you know the goat with the fish tail or sometimes a sea serpent's tail but this one had the Alaskan Mt. Goat with a Salmons tail, and a small Egyptian one on my left middle finger that looks like 2 people with pharaoh hats I believe and holding hands with them held up to the sky, all during my 5 year heroin run. Anyways sorry don't know if anyone ever even reads these, TBI's tend to make you type a lot I reckon!...lol and repeat myself often, all apologies. Anyways my dads dad was a cowboy who moved to the city because the family had a 3800 acre ranch that we he had over a hundred years, high desert side of Oregon close to the big gold area's in Central eastern Oregon, at one time we had 20 miles going miles up both sides of the John Day Valley but uncle Jud Pope was a whiskey drinking, womanizin' poker players and gambled away at least a hundred thousand acres cause everyone else wanted to see and settle the lush Willamette river Valley that runs South to North also, where the biggest Douglas fir ever felled was only 50feet shorter than the biggest redwood ever felled...Oregon goes from the coast to the coastal range on down both sides of the valley and East to the Cascades that run from way up in British Columbia where the Columbia river comes from then takes a 90 and heads west through the desert and some of the richest wheat growing soil in the world from the ice age floods and the Columbia river to water everything, I went NE from Portland to Rock Island Washington to see my grandpa, the ol' pot smoking beer drinkin' cowboy hat wearing drunk son of a gun, till his second wife son could pick you up with one hand by the head at 15 years of age and that daughter selling son of bitch, forgive me and him, but that good boy when Ezra was beating her bad as he often did sometimes with a piece of wood from the stack so great step uncle picked up a piece of wood off the pile and gave him a beaten' so bad he never touched grandma again! The Columbia river divides Oregon and Washington and I think part of it borders Oregon and Idaho, some of Idaho and Washington, if the US stopped paying farmers not to grow food or buy huge crops of beautiful fruit and dump it in the ocean to keep the prices high, just like petrol, which we in fact we need very little petroleum , Henry Ford, who was unfortunately a Nazi lover built a car completely from hemp, the glass, tires, body, fuel, lubricants most likely oil for the motor, so sustainable and Tesla we all would be protected with his "Iron dome" he came up with almost or more than a hundred years ago, he had a black box and and old car he had put an electric engine in, it went 90 miles an hour I believe, our cars, planes, boat, trucks all could run on free energy that is everywhere always, the Holy spirt constantly in motion, even in the densest of things has enough energy, had enough fear since the last of the wagon trains to Oregon we rodeo in at the end just as the railroads were driving the golden spike, and shortly later the Army Corps of Engineers built Highway 26, we all went to Sam Barlow high school named after the greedy, horrible man that lead people the worst way you could go so they would loose everything and when tragedy struck as it ofter did at Laurel hill which is basically a cliff and when the rawhide ropes would break as the wagons and supplies and usually the man who stayed with the wagon would all end up broken of dead or lost in the rocks, 100 to 150 yards away there was a perfectly safe place, but everybody had told them stay on the path or the injuns or highwaymen will get ya, a rarity this far west as they had heard of yellow beards fierce and terrible ways, and many a white man didn't even consider them human, called em prairie n I g g E r S, excuse the profanity but thats what they said, surely Sam spread the rumors so he could sell his wares at 2-4x the price or more, up on the W. side of Mt. Hood the Portlands areas beautiful mountain view,,good ol' murderous, lying cheating son of a motherless goat! lol.....Sam Barlow high School open in 1968 my parents were the 1st graduating class in 1970 as Gresham was growing and Sandy was half way up to the mountain, so we Bruins had the honor of being called cow pie high, full of rednecks at least through the 90's was this high school was maybe still is as Gresham used to be predominantly white now they have segregated the whites, blacks and latino's or asians, when I went to Barlow I had come from a rough little neighborhood where oh boy my sister loved the black boys, so I tried to fit in anywhere but the WWCG cause, I didn't understand why we had to leave our house with a big field with horses and black berries and all my friends, well we had to save a tithe for Sukkoth, a tithe for the WorldWide Church of God and a tithe for the poor now my father didn't write any of it off in taxes and every 7th year a 3rd tithe for the poor,,; I said dad we are poor why are you giving them money and not writing it off, the Government taxes our land and so many other things I don't think they'll miss a few buck like ol' Dick Cheney or whoever it was that came out and said the defense dept. were loosingTRILLIONS of $'s every quarter.....I've gone on enough, thank you for lifting my spirits Rabbi I didn't get birthdays or Chanukah I was born the 28th of December......so I felt like after losing ;my mind on what my friends called 4 way window Paine or whatever kind of LSD was on there I saw posters turn from black and white to bight brilliant colors and I was freaked out but in the morning after I puked up what looked like pepperoni pizza which I was not accustomed to eating I saw all this beauty in Creation and was like why did they tell me the world was a wicked and evil place, well as my brainwashing was being removed and racist jerks who derogatorily called me the Mexican Jew, but like as a slander for being Italian cause "Italy looks like Mexico" "and the Romans took all those Jews; (now we were people who believed in a Hebrew God) and destroyed their stupid temple and killed em, raped em like we should do to the earth"......these guys scared me away from a beautiful mulato girl who took me to the Snowball dance, I didn't even kiss her, I'm such a fool for being scared of those rich boys who lived on giant tree nursery's and drank beer and played poker at lunch I kicked the 1st one of em who said "you know what they call you when your not around? like I said above the Mexican Jew and not in a nice way but with heavy tones of hatred and bigotry, and he went to our Sabbath keeping feast keeping cult H.W.W. Armstrong and they were devout republicans but only liked Southern democrats who fought for southern independence and to carry on a horrible way of treating a slave or servant or stranger....sorry for carrying on if someone would read one of these maybe someone there knows how to files torts against the state of hawaii from a Tort attorney who is willing to take on a client, a fellow Jew, and at least 3 or 4 tribes maybe more, since grandma, dad's mom is where we get our Jewish blood from her Dad Sigfried Roth along with a splash of African blood from the whole continent but a darker shade around the coast and lighter in the middle of the entire continent.....hundredths or thousandths, not sure, her mama was from NE of Napoli or Naples.....on and on sorry for my life story intro....I'm searching for a tzitzit to grab hold of and am yearning for Torah, Talmud, Mishna, I want to know my Jewish brothers and sisters
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