
Battleships Hunting Aircraft Carriers 

Battleship New Jersey
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In this episode we're talking about the time that Admiral Halsey chased after the Japanese aircraft carriers during the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
For our previous videos on the Battle of Leyte Gulf:
• World War II Battles
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@mrackerm5879 Год назад
To quote Sean Connery, "Halsey acted foolishly."
@joeschenk8400 Год назад
@randyogburn2498 Год назад
I thought that was Capt. Ramius.
@shaider1982 Год назад
Yup, in the book: “No Ryan, Halsey acted stupidly”
@hawkeye5955 Год назад
Yesh. The Russian submarine captain speaking in a Scottish accent. 😂
@Custerd1 Год назад
Kurita was just as bad, if not worse.
@baronpen Год назад
Halsey clearly made a mistake by taking Iowa and New Jersey to chase the carriers. He got VERY lucky that Taffy 3 was able to turn Kurita back. But sometimes getting lucky is what decides things.
@galenamall2061 Год назад
ya but sb paid the price
@jameslackiejr5913 Год назад
I think it was Napoleon who said he would rather have lucky generals than skillful generals.
@baronpen Год назад
@@jameslackiejr5913 Hard to disagree with Napoleon on military matters, but everyone’s luck runs out eventually.
@tomhenry897 Год назад
@wierdalien1 Год назад
@@baronpen Ney at Quatre Bras and Waterloo
@Meatwadsan Год назад
I remember reading a biography on Nimitz where they stated that Nimitz appeared to look uncharacteristically worried at the frantic stream of unencrypted messages from Admirals Sprague and Kinkaid pleading for support, which was what prompted Nimitz to send his message. I also remember reading that it's believed that Halsey's radio officer also disagreed with him and thought that Admirals Lee and Bogan were correct that Halsey's carriers were enough to deal with the northern force, so he thought the remark fitting, which is why he removed the padding on the front of the message but not the end. Admiral Kurita also stated after the war during his interrogation for the USNTMJ that he could only act on what he saw with his own eyes, and would have pressed the attack had he known how close he was to destroying the landing forces and that Halsey's forces were not in the vicinity.
@wierdalien1 Год назад
Where is, where is, task 34, the world wonders?
@triandfit1 Год назад
There was absolutely zero need to have battleships in a carrier fight. The cruisers and destroyers would have been plenty enough to protect the carriers. Halsey was in a d*** measuring contest and on an ego trip. He leaves one battleship and Taffy 3 has at least some backbone to help them.
@snagletoothscott3729 Год назад
That could be said about many actions in the Pacific. There were several engagements where, if the Japanese had just pressed on, they would have annihilated the allied forces. Various reason for it though. Sometimes, such as Kurita's case here, it was a matter of poor intel. Other times, it was a matter of concern about resources (is fuel mostly), other times it was simply the political within the Japanese navy at the time bad how taking the initiative beyond their basic orders was frown upon and considered a disgraceful act...especially if that initiative failed. The Japan's navy missed many opportunities from 1941 to 1943. By '44, The situation was beyond the point that they could have done anything to make difference.
@wierdalien1 Год назад
@@snagletoothscott3729 yeah don't disagree
@markmclaughlin2690 Год назад
Thank you for speaking about the Battle of Leyte Gulf. My Father served on the USS Gambier Bay.
@highlanderknight Год назад
Yes Halsey made a mistake, but we can say that with hindsight. Still, leaving the straight unprotected was wrong. The real death blow to the Japanese carriers had already happened at the Marina Turkey Shoot with the loss of so many pilots.
@thedishonoredamerican129 Год назад
That battle was comically one-sided. The Japanese lost about 400 aircraft while the US lost less than 100. It was clear after Midway and Guadalcanal were over which Navy was the superior force.
@highlanderknight Год назад
@@thedishonoredamerican129 Correct, without looking it up, it was very few US aircraft loss yes. Most of those lost had to ditch from running out of fuel and many of those pilots were saved.
@Philistine47 Год назад
Halsey didn't leave the San Bernardino Strait undefended, he left Kincaid to defend it with all of 7th Fleet. Close support of the landing force was, after all, _Kincaid's_ job - Halsey had no way of knowing Kincaid was going to fail in that duty so spectacularly, just as he had no way of knowing that the IJN air forces had been unable to recover from their losses four months earlier at the Philippine Sea.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
@@Philistine47 Wrong. Kincaid's job WAS support of the landing force, but guarding the strait fell into the gap between the two fleets. Another one of Halsey's mistakes during the battle was not informing Kincaid that he was leaving the strait unguarded. If he had so informed Kincaid, then ideally Taffy 3 would not have been surprised like it was.
@Philistine47 Год назад
@@davidbriggs7365 Halsey had no reason to tell Kincaid he wasn't guarding San Bernardino Strait, though, because he'd never told Kincaid that he _was_ - Kincaid _assumed_ that based on intercepted message traffic, which he never confirmed. But Halsey had no way to know, and no reason to assume, that Kincaid had (very improperly) read that message and made plans based on it, so Halsey (quite properly) assumed that Kincaid would secure his own flanks.
@markwheeler202 Год назад
Halsey was extremely lucky (understatement) for the bravery of Taffy 3, which turned around a vastly superior Japanese force that would have destroyed the Leyte invasion fleet. OTOH, Halsey's decision led to the little-known Battle of Cape Engano, which saw the sinking of four Japanese carriers, including Zuikaku, the last surviving carrier that attacked Pearl Harbor.
@timschoenberger242 Год назад
Another problem in the communication flow was that Halsey's Third Fleet reported to Nimitz at Pearl while the the Seventh Fleet reported to MacArthur's headquarters in the Manus Islands.
@nomore9203 Год назад
Hunt for Red October. Captain Ramius:"...Halsey acted stupidly.".
@JohnRodriguesPhotographer Год назад
I love how people with the benefit of hindsight criticize Halsey for going after the carriers. How on Earth would Halsey know how many planes were on those carriers? The only reason we know is we're reading it as historical fact. All he would know is there's a bunch of carriers to the north was the potential if they are loaded of doing a great deal of harm. He has no way of knowing they have no trained pilots on board. They can off but they can't land. How would Admiral Halsey know that?
@robertf3479 Год назад
Agreed. I worked in Intelligence during my career and have a very good understanding of what is referred to as "The Fog of Battle." Often commanders were and are going to have to make critical decisions based on incomplete or flawed intelligence. Third Fleet was faced by a force that included several carriers but our Navy had NO WAY TO KNOW that those ships were all but unarmed, with only a bare handful of aircraft between them and aircrews with almost no experience. Lacking that information Halsey HAD to take Northern Force's 4 carriers (1 Fleet and 3 Light) at face value and assume that they were loaded out with fully equipped and trained air groups. With 5 Fleet and 5 Light carriers, Halsey didn't really need to keep the fast battleships with Task Force 38 except to use their very heavy anti-aircraft batteries, placed as a screen ahead of his carriers much as Spruance had successfully done earlier at the beginning of the sea fight remembered as the "Marianas Turkey Shoot."
@fathead8933 Год назад
A leader is judged off what his team, or fleet in this case, does or fails to do. That's what leadership is. So leaders will always be judged, after the fact, for their decisions. His whole job was to take the glory or the shame. That message just having to be sent killed him in history.
@jtharp Год назад
This is a very dear video to me, because my grandfather took shrapnel from a torpedo hit on the Princeton in Leyte Gulf, and it just further brings to life the stories he told me about it. He always called it the second battle of Midway, so I had to research to know it was actually Leyte Gulf, but the look of pride in his eyes when, in his 80s (he was 16 at the actual battle), he recalled Halsey addressing the entire fleet there gave me chills. This just adds so much more color to that.
@bobgehrls8538 Год назад
Love your Elmer Fudd impression. War is a 4 d chess game with moving locations. Halsey did his best. The only thing a person can do their best. We WON. Halsey did good enough even though some poor mothers sons died. He did his best, NO malice.
@marybabiec Год назад
My uncle was on the USS Leyte . Mary Babiec
@metaknight115 Год назад
That's so cool
@billkallas1762 Год назад
And then you have Japanese Battleships attacking American Carriers, off Samar. USS White Plains received a near miss from an 18" shell that knocked out an engine, and the USS Katinin Bay was hit by a 14" shell, besides 8" Cruiser shells. Other carriers were hit multiple times by 8" armor piercing shells. (that would pass through the ships before exploding)
@arniestuboud Год назад
These were small ESCORT carriers built on merchant ship hulls; not even somewhat larger LIGHT carriers built on cruiser hulls and capable of much more speed. They were certainly NOT the massive "gold plated" (as Ryan might say) Essex class FLEET carriers that were of much more major importance.
@RickLowrance Год назад
TURKEY TROTS TO WATER Your best videos are the history videos. This was no exception. I’ve always believed that the unwarranted criticism Spruance received after the Battle of the Philippine Sea greatly impacted Halsey’s decision to go north. Thank you for pointing that out. Most don’t. Why is that? THE WORLD WONDERS
@ExUSSailor Год назад
Halsey was also born & raised in NJ. From the same city as a lot of my family, Elizabeth.
@arniestuboud Год назад
Ryan, you emphasized the required radio silence during the Leyte Gulf battles MORE than every other video or description of the overall battle I have encountered. This radio silence is VERY important and has perhaps been way under emphasized in most accounts. Not being able to easily communicate over fairly long distances in a secure undetectable way without disclosing position sheds new light on many of the command decisions made. Thus it seems to me that the engagements actually occurred much like they had to occur, EXCEPT for the fact that while still near enough to communicate safely Halsey should have perhaps been a bit more informative and instructive about his plans. The "the world wonders" phrase will always be a story of a large bruised ego, but should be tempered by the entire communication issue, even in Halsey's mind. Nimitz could not really expect an answer from Halsey while he knew that Halsey really had to maintain radio silence.
@Philistine47 Год назад
If Halsey had known Kincaid had read the message to Lee about forming TF34, and was basing plans on it, he might well have sent a message saying, _"Hey, that's just a contingency we're considering. Don't get too fixated on it."_ But since the original message was never supposed to go to Kincaid, and Kincaid didn't ask Halsey about it (not until after Kurita steamed over the horizon, anyway), Halsey didn't know such a message was needed. As far as Halsey knew, Kincaid was covering the San Bernardino Strait - because that was his job. Instead Kincaid made a bad assumption based on an unverified radio intercept, but then (mostly) succeeded in deflecting the blame when his own mistake bit him on the butt.
@wierdalien1 Год назад
@@Philistine47 No Halsey got lucky that Kurita flinched. Kincad did not have forces to defend the strait if Kurita had used his battle wagons properly.
@Philistine47 Год назад
@@wierdalien1 Kurita had 1 modern battleship, 1 old battleship, and 2 very old battlecruisers. Oldendorf had 6 old battleships, 3 of them heavily rebuilt including the latest and greatest in radar fire control. They absolutely had enough firepower to stop Center Force, especially if they'd moved north aggressively to start the engagement before dawn (instead of hanging off the mouth of Surigao Strait to overkill the remnant of Nishimura's Southern Force). Even _Yamato_ would have had a bad day once the fight went from 2-3 vs. 1 to 4, then 5, then 6 vs. 1. Kurita never would have had a chance if Kincaid had deployed his own forces properly.
@wierdalien1 Год назад
@@Philistine47. . . Right, cos a standard type battleship would have had any hope against the Yamato. Ok then. And you really expect a standard to stand up to the Nagato. Interesting? Your opinions are interestingly dodgy as fuck. But you carry on.
@rogerdittmer5164 Год назад
From what I have read, Kincaid's BBs were low on armor piercing shells. Their ability to take on Kurita would have been hampered in that regard.
@alzinn8231 Год назад
Halsey was aggressive - actually over-agressive, and that attribute served him and the Navy well in the 1942-43 period. However by 1944 the immense complexities of developed fleet operations were beyond him. Spruance and Mitscher were much less impetuous and much more capable at this level. It wasn't a sin that he took the bait and headed north at Leyte Gulf, it was a sin that he ignored Burke, Lee and Mitscher when they had determined that it was a decoy. Extreme stubbornness is never a great attribute in a commander. If he wasn't such a folk hero with the press, he probably would have been relieved. He certainly should have been after the hurricane disasters.
@michaelsommers2356 Год назад
TBS operated in the VHF band, 30-300 MHz. Super High Frequency and Extremely High Frequency are 3-30 GHz and 30-300 GHz respectively. They were not used at all during WWII.
@Knight6831 Год назад
Will the sinking of HMS Glorious, the Courageous Class Aircraft Carrier sunk by the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau be brought up?
@metaknight115 Год назад
Or the sinking of the USS Gambier Bay to the IJN Yamato.
@highlanderknight Год назад
Well the Captain of the HMS Glorious should take some blame there as it was my understanding he was in a rush to get back to port for a court martial hearing and made crucial mistakes.
@streetracer2321 Год назад
@@highlanderknight which is a totally absurd reason for movements of a carrier
@EeeDee1 Год назад
A lot of things could have been done at San Bernardino Strait. If no surface ships were to be left there, they could have at least heavily mined the main channel and stationed submarines to watch for mine detonations as an early detection system of sorts.
@Uncle65788 Год назад
The talk as it were is that the Empire of Japan, their Navy in particular as often was there want made plans that were very intricate, very detailed, and often complicated. This proposed engagement was no exception. A number of our Naval people having Halsey's ear told Halsey that this was a "Red Herring". Halsey did want those carriers, it seems he failed to dispatch what was proposed and thought to have been established prior to Halsey departing . However serious the rebuke of Halsey's efforts by the Nimitz communication it was Halsey's action or as it were in action in a typhoon that caused Halsey to be written up.
@whrilwindroy7302 Год назад
Y'all done said it right!
@shaider1982 Год назад
Drach has an interesting video on how the battle would have been if Halsey stayed with the invasion fleet. The New Jersey suffers lots of damage from Yamato but still is afloat.
@wierdalien1 Год назад
Yamato goes down though in his wargaming
@alanjameson8664 Год назад
The gun range and broadside weights of the two ships are about the same. There are any number of unknowns about what might have happened; trying to predict it is a mug's game IMO.
@mattrowland473 Год назад
Halsey had some admirable guts and fighting spirit, but had some poor command decisions. It was fortunate he was not at Midway
@ph89787 Год назад
I don’t believe for a second he would have performed worse at Midway than Fletcher or Spruance did.
@tomhenry897 Год назад
@ph89787 Год назад
@@tomhenry897 1. How would the Japanese hide 2 Kongo-Class Battlecruisers serving as carrier escorts in broad daylight? 2. Halsey was commander of all the Pacific Fleet Aircraft Carriers. 3. Halsey had 7 years experience with Carrier ops. 4 of which in command of carrier divisions. Also between the Doolittle Raid and Midway. He was the only admiral at that time 4. Nimitz would have shared the same intelligence and principle of minimum risk to Halsey as he did to Fletcher and Spruance. 5. Closer eye on Mitscher and Hornet’s air ops. Especially as Mitscher was an aviator like Halsey (albeit from the start of his career). Rather than a cruiser or “black shoe” officer like Fletcher or Spruance.
@wong90210 Год назад
Thanks for your interpretations of events. Opinions with the benefit of the retrospecto scope and 80+ years are difficult. Should the Admiral have been more aggressive and placed New Jersey more immediately in harms way? Yes is my opinion, with above disclaimer. Your sense of humor is welcome and will have the younger generations wondering what you were talking about. Thanks for your work, visiting all the museum ships I can is definitely on the bucket list.
@usnusmcret Год назад
Cool! I was a Radioman 1971-1980 and a 2304!
@keiranallcott1515 Год назад
I have read storm over Leyte and another book which I cannot remember and they covered the battle of Leyte gulf heavily. Honestly Halsey did a massive mistake , if he had task force 34 at Samar , while getting the rest of the third fleet chasing after Ozawa, he could have wiped out the entire imperial Japanese surface fleet. Also admiral Spruance , being a cautious and safe admiral , and unlike Halsey was not really a carrier admiral was sometimes nicknamed the Spruance nuisance. Also. 1. The Japanese did not overly broadcast there battle plan to stop the invasion of Leyte , also known as the victory one plan. 2. The Japanese did play successfully into the American mindset that the carriers were the biggest threat , keep in mind that Halsey committed himself to sinking every carrier that had participated in the attack on Pearl harbour. 3. Halsey s order of battle was to mainly protect the landings , but with a caveat stating that if an opportunity to destroy a sizeable portion , he can go ahead and do so. 4. Halsey did receive many warnings that the fleet had kuritq had turned around, they went through to New Jersey to his staff who replied “ we have the information “, and also via Marc Mitcher, who didn’t raise the issue higher up the chain of command. 5 and the last misconception is that Halsey’s fleet in Leyte did sink some Japanese ships through surface engagements. They caught one crippled destroyer off Samar as kurita was trying to flee. But before halsey turned his fleet back to leyte after the infamous message , His ships were only 20 miles from the last two imperial Japanese carriers that were still afloat but very much crippled. Which I believe was the chitose and chiyoda. Which was sunk by Halsey’s cruisers.
@michaelcaine8311 Год назад
Loved the Elmer Fudd reference. Aircraft carriers had already proved themselves to be a major threat .
@The_Modeling_Underdog Год назад
One thing that is often not adressed and clearly pointed out in Cutler's book is that Halsey's staff stalled for hours, just acknowledging messages so the admiral could have some much needed sleep. When you have people like Kinkaid and Sprague sending plain language calls for assistance, you know the flaming turd already hit the fan, people are dying in the hundreds and you need to wake up the Boss. Halsey's staff failed to do so. Many tend to hate Halsey. I was one of them. Age gives hindsight. I think the criticism about Spruance, bad coms regarding the availability of TF34 as a supporting force to the landing effort and the ensuing circumstances got the better off of him before and during the run to the North. Something broke as well inside Halsey when the coms officer didn't remove the last padding words from Nimitz message to him, hurting Halsey pretty badly. Halsey was a brilliant yet deeply flawed man who did his utmost at a very difficult time while still craving for his own, personal Decisive Battle. Could things have gone better? Certainly. But, as in every human endeavour, when effups start to pile up that fast, there's no hosing down that can fix it. If only the landing and Halsey's forces would have had a unified command, right? The comments section is worth reading today. Thank you all. Cheers.
@31dknight Год назад
another great video from the battleship. thanks
@petesheppard1709 Год назад
Drachinifel did a video on a 'What If' scenario where the US BBs were detached to cover Samar, and pointed out that Halsey had a number of fast battleships. Another hindsight suggestion would be to keep New Jersey and one other fast BB with the carriers and sent the rest back.
@mannys9130 Год назад
Ryan, a video suggestion: "Why do New Jersey's gun barrels bounce up and down and up and down after she fires the guns?" I know they have to return to level in order to load, but they never just fall straight down to level and then stop. They seem to bounce or oscillate and do a little dance before coming to stop at 0° (or maybe they are elevated 2°-3°degrees for more consistent ramming, idk). Seems to take several seconds to get back to a standstill and then you can see the smoke evacuation system blow out the puff of smoke indicating that the breech was just opened.
@shoominati23 Год назад
That's what movies never get right .. they just show guns staying in the same position firing salvo after salvo, not realising that the breach has to lower to reload and never show the effects of recoil.. Just turn on the smoke generators and run away, don't worry the wind isn't blowing 😂
@adeedaas8966 Год назад
Analog electronics/ controllers that are tuned for a balance between positional accuracy and response time. It’s not a fully damped system if it’s working the way I’m thinking it is
@mannys9130 Год назад
@@shoominati23 Yep, that's true that most guns need to return to nearly level in order to load. I think after posting my OP I heard Ryan say 5° of elevation is what the 16" guns of the fast battleships returned to for loading. The 8" autoloading guns of the Des Moines class however, could load at any elevation and so could the twin 5"/38 dual purpose mounts on many ships in the Navy. 😎 That really contributes to their high rate of fire! As long as the magazine sailors were shoving shells and powder into the hoists and/or breech tray, the guns would stay on target launching steel until they shot their barrels smooth. 😺
@kellyjackson2796 Год назад
I think it was a mistake 5th fleets flag was on a heavy cruiser. I believe 5th fleet was a better commanded and had better flag staff then the 3rd fleet I think numbers and tech had passed up the command structure of the 3rd fleet. Without Halsey the early days would have been different but think he was not flexible enough for the Big Blue Fleet.
@Moredread25 Год назад
Halsey definitely made a huge mistake during the battle by not properly covering his rear. He probably could have caught the Japanese carriers and protected the straight if he had detached some of his forces.
@vixenraider1307 Год назад
Can you guys make a video on what items or parts you got off cruiser des Moines as she was scraped or before she was?
@ramal5708 Год назад
I just wish he just stationed Lee's TF34 off San Bernardino Strait and engage Kurita's force plus station one of the carrier task group to provide air support and air cover after the sun rises. The other 2 or 3 task groups can go after Ozawas carrier and hit them hard. 2 or 3 carrier task groups are more than enough
@mczg4954 Год назад
Can you make video abouth USS Missouri sneaking on carier fleet since you mentioned it in camouflage video
@greggweber9967 Год назад
9:54 Smiling at that.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
I personally think that Halsey's mistake in the battle was much earlier, when he decided to use the New Jersey as his Flagship. If, like Spruance at Philippine Sea, he had chosen the Indianapolis, or her sister the Portland, then he could have taken THAT ship up north after the carriers (which is where he wanted to be), and left the New Jersey and the rest of Admiral Lee's force (Task Force 34?) guarding the strait. Another RU-vidr by the name of Drachinfel (sp?), who has appeared on this channel recently did a What If speculation about what would have happened if Halsey had left Lee and the Battleships behind. His conclusion? While the New Jersey (and the other American Battleships) would have taken some damage, the Japanese would have been beaten, even though they had as many battleships as the American's in that battle, one of which was the Yamato. Incidentally , while yes, the Yamato did have bigger guns than an Iowa, the New Jersey (which would have faced off against the Yamato in the above battle) and the other Iowa's had heavier, and generally more dependable shells, meaning that the Yamato's didn't have the big advantage that simple paper statistics seem to show.
@ryanstuckey8677 Год назад
as soon as she was commissioned halsey always used new jersey for his flagship he was from new jersey
@grahamstrouse1165 Год назад
The Yamato’s broadside was heavier than the Iowas but not THAT much heavier. The super-heavy shells used by the Iowas weighed 2700 lbs each. The Yamato’s weighed 3200 pounds. The big American advantages were their numbers, speed, radar-guided gunnery & of course, aircraft support.
@ph89787 Год назад
Had Drach answer this question in a drydock ages ago. Had TF34 been detached, it’s almost certain that Halsey and his staff would need to jump ship (don’t say it’s impossible, that’s what cables and destroyers are for). First choice would have been for South Dakota or Massachusetts. But if they were to join TF 34 or form another battle line to deal with Ise and Hyuga. Then he would need to go to a carrier. Turns out the only one in Task Force 38 that had the available space was his old flagship Enterprise.
@Siddingsby Год назад
The Battle off Samar was another nail in the coffin of the Battleship. The fact that a powerful surface action group, including Yamato, 3 other Battleships and many Heavy Cruisers couldn't advance in the face of a handful of American Destroyers pretty much speaks for itself.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
That was not the fighting capability of the various ships in the battle, but completely down to the qualities of the Commanding Officers involved. Kurita saw ships ahead of him and rather then methodically sending his ships after the American ships, he basically ordered that every ship fight it's own battle, meaning that he took away from his FLEET the synergy that a group of ships has over an equal sized group of disorganized ships, which is basically what happened.
@keithrosenberg5486 Год назад
Halsey could have sent the other fast BBs that were with 3rd fleet south while keeping New Jersey with the carriers.
@gregorywright4918 Год назад
Or transferred himself and select staff to a carrier.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
@@gregorywright4918 Not really an available option out at sea. That's a procedure which would be best done while in port, such as Pearl Harbor.
@gregorywright4918 Год назад
@@davidbriggs7365 I thought there was a clip in the video of someone being transferred via high-line at sea.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
@@gregorywright4918 That could have been, and was done during World War Two, BUT, that was one individual usually returning back to his assigned ship where all of his things were. However, Third Fleet Headquarters contained dozens of people and tons of supplies and equipment, not something casually done during World War Two, and not lightly done even today with helicopters.
@gregorywright4918 Год назад
@@davidbriggs7365 Agreed the whole show could not have been moved, but 4-6 men could have been high-lined over so that NJ could join the BBs at the strait. Did not have to be for more than a day or two.
@Texas_Red_01 Год назад
Ref 5:10: I like the idea of planting trees, too. Can we, perhaps, find an organization that will plant them in the USA? I'd be inclined to support them, I think... YMMV
@ChurchHatesTucker Год назад
They plant them all over.
@Deevo037 Год назад
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
@dannypeters9688 Год назад
It is always easy to use hindsight to say Halsey made a mistake. My only problem with Halsey's call was keeping his battleship squadron for his flagship. In my opinion he should have transferred his flag to one of the carriers to go attack the Japanese carriers and sent his battleships back to help protect the landing. It's hard for me to criticize his call considering the lack of intelligence at the time and the fact we didn't know of the lack of effectiveness that the carriers possessed.
@russellhltn1396 Год назад
But how much effort is it to transfer the flag? I suspect it's significant as there's lots of staff involved.
@joesteidl8134 Год назад
Another issue-If he did that he'd lose a sizable portion of his AAA defense.
@ph89787 Год назад
The only carrier available to take him and his staff would have been Enterprise. Not to say that many of the Big E’s crews would have been delighted to have Halsey back aboard her again. But with the larger staff. There would not have been much room for them.
@Philistine47 Год назад
Additionally, all carriers already needed extra communications equipment and personnel just to manage their air groups. They didn't really have the technical capacity to handle the extra load required to run an entire Fleet, even if sufficient extra space could have been found for the required staff to come aboard. Nobody tried to command a numbered Fleet from a CV during WW2, it just wasn't feasible.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
Actually, his mistake in that regard was his choice of Flagship. If he had chosen the Indianapolis, or the Portland, or one of the Carriers, then he could have had his cake (gone after the Japanese carriers), and eat it too (left Lee behind with the Battleships to guard the strait).
@metaknight115 Год назад
Question: What would have happened if new Jersey and Iowa made it to the battle off Samar before the Japanese centerforce retreated, as they were steaming at full speed ahead to make it. My guess is that Iowa and New Jersey would have had to face off against Yamato, Nagato, Kongo, and Haruna. It would have been a 4v2, but Iowa and New Jersey were better than three of the four Japanese capital ships present. Edit: I've seen quite a few people talking about the other battleships present at TF-34. I have clarified in the reply section that Iowa and New Jersey steamed at 30+ knots, to make it leaving the other battleships behind.
@highlanderknight Год назад
Tough one to answer. I'd like to say the US battleships had superior fire control but a few lucky hits either way make it a tough call.
@thedishonoredamerican129 Год назад
Well the Iowas were built in part to counter Kongo and her sister ships. Would have been interesting.
@ExUSSailor Год назад
I think the superiority of U.S. radar, and, fire direction by that point in the war would have ended up coming out on top. Also, the Mk 7 16"/50 guns had a slight advantage over Yamato's 18" guns in armor penetration, and, ballistic capability.
@kellyjackson2796 Год назад
It would have been Admiral Lees task force with the Iowas, South Dakota’s and North Carolina’s the US battleships would have taken damage but the Japanese fleet would have been dead! Air power thrown in the Japanese would have been overwhelmed. In my opinion
@kuroinamida4630 Год назад
well, Drach did a video about what if TF 34 was present at Samar and how/if they'd changed sth a while ago
@KI4HOK Год назад
That opener, I thought my fist was bad at straight key!
@Allthough Год назад
Radio club you say? I'd love to hear more about that :)
@jameslalumandier9797 Год назад
Hindsight is 20/20. Credit to IJN decison to dangle remaining carriers instead of criticizing Halsey is more accurate. It was almost a no brainer with the info he had at the time. Pursuing IJN carries had been the priority for the whole of the war and given the intelligence he had it was clearly the best decision. Had those carriers been stocked with hundreds of planes and then distoyes by Halsey this would be mute point.
@Valorius Год назад
I got the established titles 70% offer with your battleship link a few weeks ago. So that's LORD Freedom to you land lubbers! ;)
@pj_ytmt-123 Год назад
I don't know! But smoking at the quarterdeck is a naval tradition!!
@TacoSallust Год назад
I use "The world wonders" lots for this reason.
@DeVlotenOorlog Год назад
Commodore Arleigh Burke wanted to detach South Dakota and Massachusetts along with a pair of cruisers and a destroyer screen to send them ahead of the carriers to fight a night action with the Northern Force. Halsey intervened before the ships were send. That means that Halsey still could have engaged Kurita with the 4 modern battleships Iowa, New Jersey Washington and Alabama. There was no need for 6 battleships to engage the Northern Force.
@RogerWKnight Год назад
It is easy to criticize Halsey. It is easier to criticize McCain. McCain took his task force, including three full sized Essex class carriers off to Ulithi for a refit. When he heard about Kurita's force leaking out of the San Barnardino Strait, he turned around and ran at flank speed toward the action. It was some of his planes launched at extreme range tossing a few bombs at Kurita's battleships that helps Kurita make his determination that if he stuck around, he'd be in a world of hurt. Could Kurita have done some damage to the invasion beach if he pressed through? Probably, but it would have been the biggest kamikaze mission ever in that all of his ships would have taken damage from all of those American battleships and carriers. Both McCain and Halsey were coming at flank speed.
@jacobhill3302 Год назад
Scharnhorst or her sister did a number on a British carrier off the coast of Norway. With 11 inch guns
@alanrogers7090 Год назад
At this point in time, it's really easy to second guess the Admiral's thoughts and orders. Being the man on the spot at any time is more important than any order that comes from a far-off headquarters, who don't have the local information, (at least not in a timely manner), and the local commander must make use of HIS information sources and his experience. As a minor historian, I've learned to never question the thinking of the man on the spot. Now, if there was a way for ships to talk directly to headquarters WITHOUT INTERCEPTION, but not ship-to-ship, there may be some logic in orders coming from said headquarters, as they would then have a better overall view of the "battleground". But until that is invented, we must trust to the commander on the spot to do his best with his resources.
@davelewandoski4292 Год назад
Halsey made the best decision he could with the information he had
@grahamstrouse1165 Год назад
I believe it was Captain Ramius who said, “Your conclusions were wrong. Halsey acted stupidly.”
@alexwood5425 Год назад
Why tye up such an important ship as an admin block? Why not have a smaller dedicated one?
@bigsarge2085 Год назад
"Halsey acted shtupidly." ~Captain (First Rank) Marko Alexandrovich Ramius
@jaredhildebrandt7210 Год назад
Nothing better than armchair admirals!!
@MattBlank0 Год назад
Do you have much functional radio gear on board? Do you have amateur radio volunteers that operate on HF that I could talk to from the West Coast? Some of our museum ships have amateur radio stations.
@woody4077 Год назад
yeah he could've left iowa and some ships to gaurd the area
@hattrick8684 Год назад
When judging people of the past… you have to judge them by what they knew and what was apparent to them at the time, not by what we know now. Halsey absolutely made an error, in hindsight and in the period. He shouldn’t have taken the whole force, he should have detached something as a guard. However he made the right call in going after the carriers. Japanese carriers were extremely dangerous and we had no idea how decimated they truly were at the time. They were still seen as a major threat to be dealt with. There were signs they were failing but not that to that degree. Thankfully Kurita also erred in his judgment and withdrew.
@IvorMektin1701 Год назад
Hindsight is always 20/20
@allenkramer2143 Год назад
In my opinion, one of the things that gets lost in this discussion is that carriers are the chosen strike force, at a distance between forces. Admiral Halsey was going to, as the saying goes, "take it to them" in this attitude the Battleship was still the chosen vessel for up close and personal engagement.
@lastrom1307 Год назад
Question. Could the 16 inch guns be fired forward and aft or only broadside?
@BattleshipNewJersey Год назад
Can be fired forward, it isnt really done. But it can be done.
@EeeDee1 Год назад
Spruance flew his flag from a heavy cruiser in part to keep his BB's freely available to Ching Lee at any time.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Год назад
Using battleships as a flag vassal may seem like a waste till you rember castles were the same thing back in the day and even now... Which and admiral would be safer in a battleship from assai nation forces then a carrier because of the armor and guns.
@studinthemaking Год назад
Where they put nj ww2 radio room equipment. That you were able to get it back from?
@BattleshipNewJersey Год назад
Someone took it home when they heard it was being scrapped! They called the museum one day and gave it to us after it sat in their house for many years.
@studinthemaking Год назад
@@BattleshipNewJersey Cool. Who took it home? A shipyard worker, a navy sailor?
@jimsantiago6017 2 месяца назад
Jim Santiago U.S. Navy-Retired/DAV - Weren’t the Japanese Carriers a diversion?
@PSC4.1 Год назад
I mean they can, but getting past that screen of bombers and fighters can be really challenging.
@johnshepherd9676 Год назад
Halsey could have shifted his flag and detached Admiral Lee. Halsey planned on a combined arms attack with the battleships and aircraft striking at the same time. When news of Leyte Gulf arrived he finally detached Lee who arrive off Leyte after the battle is over. In an alternative universe where TF-34 guards the San Bernardino Strait the battleship does not "die." The largest naval battle of WWII gets decided by battleships at Surigao Strait and Leyte Gulf. I think Kentucky and Illinois get finished but nothing else after.
@ph89787 Год назад
Bought this up with Drachinifel earlier in the year. If he needed to shift his flag, then it would be South Dakota or Massachusetts (SoDAk being the first choice as she had the dedicated flag space). But if those two were sent to Task Force 34 or formed a skirmish line for the carriers (likely considering the presence of the Hybrid Battleships Ise and Hyuga). Then Halsey would need to shift to a carrier, and the only one present that wasn't a flagship or an Independence-Class Light Carrier was his old flagship Enterprise.
@terryrogers6232 Год назад
We can't send Eagle Eyed Admiral Lee?
@carisi2k11 Год назад
That AC vs AC thing may happen again however unlike Battleship vs Battleship
@828enigma6 Год назад
Were I guiding a battleship, not sure I'd be too keen about hunting aircraft carriers unless I knew for certain they DID NOT have their compliment of aircraft. Don't know if a flagship should lead in battle. Awfully tempting target. Destroying your enemy's Command and Control Is always a worthwhile endeavor.
@dw-bn5ex Год назад
No matter how many times you have this discussion, you can not change history.
@seantoris1763 Год назад
What did ya just send out?
@kellyjackson2796 Год назад
With the amount of aircraft and guns available to the 3rd fleet it would have been another Turkey shoot he could have defended the invasion fleet with out leaving station. The teaching of decisive battle is what caused this mistake.
@aaronnichols8159 Год назад
Hallsey owes his rep to the Johnston and the destroyers who punched waayy over their weight class
@George_M_ 11 месяцев назад
I think Taffy 3 saved my grandpa, Halsey sure didn't. Bad enough his ship got hit by a kamikaze a day or two later. Getting Yamato'd would've been worse.
@rictusmetallicus Год назад
The only people to adeqquately answer that question are the dead seamen at the bottom of the sea. Instead of asking if Halsey made a mistake, the question should be, why that radio guy didn't remove the code fluff from the message. If he had done his job correctly, things might have gone differently.
@geofftimm2291 Год назад
Where was the UK fleet at this time? Geoff Who is curious.
@Philistine47 Год назад
Ceylon and Alexandria.
@wfoj21 Год назад
Pardon my length. For 6 months from December 1941 to May 1942 Halsey was near continuously at Sea on USS Enterprise- raids - Doolittle Raid & raid on Gilberts and Marshalls. He returns to Pearl Harbor on May 26, 1942, in poor health - with Psoriasis and having lost 20 pounds - he was medically ordered to the hospital in Hawaii and was successfully treated.- otherwise he might have been present at Midway. In the Recent Midway movie - they stated/ speculated he had chicken pox or shingles. Halsey in 1944 had NOT been present at any of the 4 previous major aircraft carrier versus aircraft carrier battles - Coral Sea, Midway, Eastern Solomons or Santa Cruz. A book the Admirals - by Walter Borneman - published in 2013 - covers Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy & King - excellent read- points out the fact - and implies the Battle off Cape Engano is Halsey looking for fame- wanting to be commander in a Carrier versus carrier battle -since not present at the prior such battles mrackerm wrote “ Sean Connery, "Halsey acted foolishly."- he said that in 1990 - I do not recall that line in the book preceding that movie. - Hunt for Red October. Spruance versus Halsey. -I question or wonder if the Battle of Midway might still have been such a great victory if Halsey had been in command. I optimistically think it would have still been a victory - just not as great and longer and more involved before either side “retreated’
@robertf3479 Год назад
At the time of Midway, RADM Fletcher was the senior officer in command of the US carriers, RADM Spruance did not take overall command until Fletcher was forced off the Yorktown. VADM Halsey WOULD have been in command from Enterprise had he not been hospitalized. The initial battleplan was Fletcher's, not Spruance's.
@Philistine47 Год назад
One thing: at Midway, Mitscher might not have defied Halsey's orders (as he did Spruance's) to send Hornet's air group on the infamous "Flight to Nowhere." And if Ring's 2 squadrons of SBDs with F4F escort had shown up over the Kido Butai at the same time as Waldron's TBDs, there was a very real chance that McCluskey's and Leslie's SBD forces would have finished off the last of Nagumo's carriers before Yamaguchi ever had a chance to launch a counterstrike.
@ericmartin3521 Год назад
Would NJ have been part of task force 34 if it had been detached
@charlesjohnson4933 Год назад
Two mistakes, leaving then turning around. Missed both options. Could have gone on NJ and left a few battleships.
@kakugod7013 Год назад
halsey started his ww2 career at enterprise.. so hes more like a carrier guy than a battleship.... he could just leave some cruiser or battleship in leyte n let other carrier chase the northern decoy
@ryancampbell4119 Год назад
I think Halsey should have not send all his carriers and battleships I mean his job was support. Than again if that happened we might have seen an Iowa engage Yamato.
@CachingCadre Год назад
I always rather wondered why they used such important capitol ships as Flag carriers rather than specifically outfitting less important vessels. Look at Yamato during Midway. Waste of oil and resources. It would have been better utilized in the battle line. Not 100 miles to the rear using up escorts and fuel uselessly.
@johnmcmickle5685 Год назад
Take up a position where you can send your aircraft against either the Japanese battleships or carriers.
@chrisbreneman6605 Год назад
Poor decision or not, it seems like Halsey was fed bad intel at multiple pivotal moments during the war.
@dieselyeti Год назад
The ultimate authority, Captain Ramius, said that Ryan's conclusions were all wrong and Halsey acted stupidly.
@johnfitzpatrick3416 Год назад
Halsey should’ve been Court Martialed!
@Philistine47 Год назад
A couple of things. One, it's less that "Halsey thought" close cover of the landing force was Kincaid's job instead of his own, and more that the orders Halsey & Kincaid received specifically _made_ that Kincaid's job and not Halsey's. Indeed, the divided command arrangements at the Leyte landings make little sense _except_ to give Halsey a hunting license, as it were, leaving him free to maneuver without the requirement to directly protect the landing force. Remember that the consensus opinion in the USN at the time was that Spruance had royally screwed up at the Philippine Sea by sticking close to defend the landing force instead of taking his carriers on the offensive as called for by USN carrier doctrine, an important piece of the context that bears repeating. Two, something Halsey _did_ know was that both the IJN and the USN had been able to reconstitute their carrier air groups multiple times in a row during the battles of 1942, each time with less of an interval than that between the landings in the Marianas and those at Leyte. He had no way of knowing how deep the IJN's air losses at the Philippine Sea had really cut, or that their air crew training system had almost entirely collapsed - and it would have been exceptionally irresponsible of him to gamble that such was the case. Even James Hornfischer, who was very much not fan of Halsey, acknowledged in _The Fleet at Flood Tide_ that there was no way for Halsey to know Ozawa's force was toothless.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
If Halsey had chosen a Cruiser or Carrier as his Flagship, then that would have meant that he could leave much of his battleships behind to guard the strait, and still gone north after the Japanese aircraft carriers. Also, the Japanese Naval Air Force handicapped itself multiple times during World War Two. During the Battle of Coral Sea, the American's badly damaged one Japanese Carrier, but while leaving it's air group basically intact, and heavily attrited the Air Group of another group, though without inflicting much damage to the ship itself, meaning that neither ship participated in the Battle of Midway, where their presence might have been vitally important. At the same time though, the American Yorktown's Air Group had been attrited at Coral Sea, though the Yorktown itself was in fair shape, but at the same time, the Saratoga had to head back to the U.S. for repairs, while it's Air Group was in pretty good shape. As a result, when the Yorktown reached Pearl Harbor, what remained of the Yorktown Air Group was replaced by the Saratoga's Air Group, meaning that the Yorktown participated in the Battle of Midway.
@Philistine47 Год назад
@@davidbriggs7365 The flattops didn't have the equipment or personnel to handle the additional communications load over and above what they already needed to control their own air groups, nor did they have room for the additional personnel of a Fleet command staff. By contrast it was _possible_ to exercise Fleet command from a heavy cruiser, but the greater size of the battleships - especially the _Iowas_ - made them the better choice 99 times out of 100. IIRC even Spruance acknowledged that, after flying his flag in USS _Indianapolis_ for several months. So trying to criticize Halsey for flying his flag in the wrong ship is pretty weird, especially since Halsey himself was an aviator and beyond doubt would rather have made a CV his flagship.
@grahamstrouse1165 Год назад
@@Philistine47 American task force commanders almost chose heavy cruisers over battleships as fleet flagships.
@Philistine47 Год назад
@@grahamstrouse1165 Relatively few US TFs included BBs to make the choice possible, though. In any case, Fleet command was a big step up from TF command in terms of staff and communications requirements. It's telling that even Spruance eventually shifted to fly his flag from a BB, despite showing a clear preference for cruisers into 1945.
@davidbriggs7365 Год назад
@@Philistine47 That may be true, BUT, by choosing New Jersey, he was given the choice of being subordinate to Admiral Lee (Commander of Task Force 34) onboard New Jersey, OR going north after the Japanese Carriers. And if he had done that with just the New Jersey, and had left Lee behind, then he would have left Lee at a disadvantage. On the other hand, if he had used a Cruiser, then he could have easily operated independently of the various task forces assigned to Third Fleet.
@merlinwizard1000 Год назад
3rd, 28 October 2022
@billcattell5520 Год назад
Suppose Halsey and Task Force 34 got damaged by the Japanese force off San Bernardino Strait and the New Jersey and Iowa had to go back to the states for extensive repairs? Would this had impacted on the fleet during the Iwo Jima and Okinawa campaigns, especially with the Kamikazes?
@robertf3479 Год назад
TF-34 would have had at least four modern 16" armed battleships (Iowa, New Jersey, Washington and Alabama,) five modern cruisers and 14 destroyers versus 18.1" armed Yamato, 16" armed Nagato, 14" armed Kongo and 14" armed Haruna, 6 heavy and 2 light cruisers plus 11 destroyers. I suspect that while the Japanese Kongo and Haruna would have been knocked out or even sunk early on, Yamato and Nagato (to a lesser extent) would have crippled at least one US battleship or maybe sunk (one of the Iowa class, maybe both.) Battleship Washington had the lightest armor among the US ships (armored against 14") with Alabama marginally better protected than even the Iowa class (smaller in size but with comparable armor to them.) I think Lee would have placed the two Iowa class in the front of his battleline, then Washington (his flagship) with Alabama in the "sweep up" position. Any US battleship taking part in this seafight and surviving would probably have had major battle damage, both from heavy guns but also Japanese "Long Lance" torpedoes the cruisers and destroyers mounted. One hit could ruin the day of any US battleship or END the day of most US cruisers and destroyers. I think that survivors with the amount of damage Yamato could hand out would be out of the war for months, maybe even a year or more.
@grahamstrouse1165 Год назад
@@robertf3479 Japanese fire control was significantly was than American fire control. Nagato could do about 25-26 knots at this point & Yamato could manage 27. The Iowas could all do 33 & the Treaty-era battleships were good for 28. Also, even if they had engaged in a gun duel the US would have had aerial support. I doubt very much that Lee would have close to brawling range given the conditions. More likely he would have saturated the Japanese with plunging fire at range while the US strike aircraft went to work. The advantage the fast American BBs gained with their radar-directed gunnery systems & superior speed really can’t be overstated. two light Japanese battleships could have closed the distance on the North Carolinas & South Dakotas but they would have gotten mauled. The four Kongos were the most active & in many ways the most useful Japanese BBs during the war but much like Admiral Akbar’s cruisers at the Battle of Endor, they could not repel firepower of that magnitude. Nagato had a lot of guns but her 10 410 mm guns were much less accurate than the American 16”/45s & 50s & her low speed & rather archaic armor scheme left her vulnerable. Yamato, of course, could both dish it out & take it & her speed was comparable to the slower American battleships but all she had was surface search radar. She could identify the the US ships but couldn’t use her radar for anything save for getting a rough range. Yamato DID have a lot of armor, of course & both she & her sister ship proved they could take a a lot of punches. It seems unlikely to me that a battleship captain as gifted as Lee would indulge the Japanese by fighting at close range during a daylight action. Also keep in mind that Lee would almost certainly still have had access to carrier & land-based strike aircraft in this scenario. Kurita’s force would have been left dodging American dive bombers while the battleships worked them over at a distance with super-heavy 16” plunging fire.
@ronmaximilian6953 Год назад
By going radio dark, Admiral Halsey was derelict in his duty as commanding officer of the fleet.. he also forgot his primary mission, which was to protect the landing, not sync the Japanese fleet. Halsey should have faced a court martial. The idea that a battleship or battle cruiser admiral could act without telling other admirals should have been proven incorrect at Jutland.
@russellhltn1396 Год назад
But if the carriers had airplanes (which Halsey couldn't know), wouldn't they be a serious threat to the landing?
@ronmaximilian6953 Год назад
@@russellhltn1396 And that's what the American aircraft carriers were for. They should have gone after the Japanese carriers. We knew about the Japanese Center Force.
@jimcronin2043 Год назад
A big factor in the conduct of the battle was the state of intelligence gathering and how the admirals chose to use that which was available. The results of the Battle of Philippine Sea should have made it clear that Japan was lacking air crews so that the carriers dispatched from Taiwan were useless. But this was not clearly apparent to Halsey and whatever he had he chose to ignore. If the Japanese carriers had had full complements they would have been a large threat but the data indicating they did not was not properly assembled and/or disseminated. And in the preliminary battle of the San Bernardino Straits the amount of Japanese damage was vastly overstated by American pilots which gave Halsey the wrong perception of the situation and induced him to believe that he was clear to pursue the Japanese carriers in the north. This was another failure of intelligence and both of these enabled the battle to develop as it did.
@kenmazoch8499 Год назад
while a bad mistake, one should think about halsey's state of mind here. first and foremost, he was a carrier admiral, and wanted to engage them badly, but had missed every single carrier battle of the war by being on the beach for one reason or another. so when he was given word of japanese carriers were coming. it was like waving a steak in front of a starving pit bull. also, the flu had been running through his staff, including halsey, leaving him not at his best. does this mean this was not a huge mistake, of course not, but these are things most poeple don't think about. also, halsey could have stayed with the carriers and left lee with 5 battleships off san bernadino strait, which would still have out-gunned kurita, especially since his ships were damaged and crews exhausted, as shown by the mistakes and generally bad showing they made off samar, and, like any good admiral would have, lee would have positioned his ships to cross the T, especially since kurita had to pass through the strait in single file. frankly, halsey missed the chance, like jellicoe in ww1, to have an incredibly crushing victory, because as great a victory as it was, leyte gulf would have been far greater had tf 34 been left to intercept kurita.
@joesteidl8134 Год назад
I don't think Halsey made a mistake, given the info he had. He did not know the Japanese carrier were toothless. Then, there was the fact that in entire Pacific War the primary targets were the carriers.. Then there was the fact that the carriers had hit the Center Force hard the day before, turning it back. We know now it turned back east, but a question could be raised to just how combat effective they were. Look how timid and disorganized their performance off Samar was. Then there's the fact that sending off the BB's significantly lessens Halsey AAA defense of the carriers. It's easy to say now Halsey was wrong. But, if I had been on that Flag Bridge and had the same info, it would have been hard to not "get the carriers"
@johnnash5118 Год назад
Car 34 where arrrre youuuu!?
@mattheww2797 Год назад
He should have moved his flag and left the Battleships and Heavy cruisers to guard the landing forces, if not for sheer luck in Kurita running because the tin can sailors doing extraordinarily brave things the landing forces would have been destroyed and Halsey would have gone down in history as the admiral who screwed up the entire Philippines campaign
@MrGigaHurtz Год назад
We're Iowa class BB's really best used as an Admrial's office space? Seems like a Heavy Cruiser could be gutted to provide the same capability without wasting the best ship in the fleet
@ph89787 Год назад
I remember reading in both his memoirs and biography. That when he assumed command of 3rd fleet. He initially wanted an aircraft carrier for his flagship. Given the timing, he could have gotten his old flagship Enterprise as she was back in Pearl Harbour for yard work and a new air group. But given their vulnerability to damage. Plus encouraged from his Chief of Staff Robert Carney to take a more active role in commanding the fleet. Which meant more staff. He had to shift to New Jersey for the above reason.
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